Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Sep 1963, p. 16

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16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday. September 26th, 1963 Automation Threat To Our Employment A Problem For All Richmond Hill's Public School Superintendent Gordon McIn- tyre reminded local school trustees Monday night of their responsibility in the age of automation-employment. _ Immediately after the said Just mentioned date. the assets 'Df the said estate will be dis- fh‘lbuted amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard “only to claims or which the undersigned shall then have -notice. - Dated at Richmond Hill this '13th day of September. 1963. ,Canada Permanent Toronto General Trust Company Execu- ‘tors of the Estate of William Ferguson :by their Solicitor Joseph Rablnowltch. Barrister, &c.. 65 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill. Ontario. BRITISH MORTGAGE 8TR115L. SINCE 1877 This fellow’s a little too young to be asked such a serious question. Though it won’t be long before he starts to think ahead, and make plans for the years to come. When you’re young is the time to planâ€"when you have your first job, perhaps. Enquire about the Retirement Savings Plan at British Mortgage which has many advan- tages for you. With the British Mortgage Plan you contribute whatever amounts are convenient. You have a wide choice of investments for your funds; and you choose your type of annuity when you retire. Will you have sufficient income when you retire? Your contributions (up ‘to 10% of your earned income) are tax exempt, so you save on your in- come taxes at the same time you are saving for the future. Enquire at BRITISH MORTGAGE. Phone 884-1107, or come in to see Mr. Holmes, manager. R. A. Holmes, Manager‘ Richmond H111 53 Yonge Street 5‘ Anne. Louise White, daugh- White gladioli decorated the ter of “Mr. and Mrs. Alan chancel in a candlelight serv- White. Richmond Hill. became ice, Mrs. Margaret Rumney was the bride of Burton 1“. G. Win- soloist. singing the Wedding stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bur- Hymn and the Lord’s Prayer. ton Winstone of Richmond Given in marriage by her Hill; on Saturday. August 24. father. the bride Was lovely at 7 pm. in St. Mary's Angli- in a full length sheath dress of can Church. Rev. James O'Neil de-lustreq satin with overskirt ,1 n,,,,,,.. 4_41_ ML- L‘A:‘- Lovely Wedding For Anne Louise White The Sheath dress and over- ‘skirt theme wa.c carried out by |the lovely bridesmaids. who were in turquoise brocade with matching headbands and tulle veil. Given in marriage by her father. the bride was lovely in a full length sheath dress of de-lustred satin with overskirt and flowing train. The bodice and sleeves of the gown were of French lace and the train was appliqued with lace. Her matching headdress of white flowers and sequins held a full veil, she carried a white bible trimmed with an orchid and trailing white ribbons and pink rosebuds. Miss Karen Clarke of Rich- mond Hill was maid of honour. Miss Diane Winstone, sister of the groom and Miss Christine TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corpora- tion of the Township of Vaughan has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of its Restricted Area Bylaw 2857 pas- sed on the 29th day of July, 1963, a full text of which is given hereunder, and a copy of the Explanatory Note. Any person interested may, within 14 days after the date of this Notice, file with the Clerk of the Township of Vaughan notice of his objection to approval of the said Bylaw, together with a state- ment of the grounds of such objection. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said bylaw but befOre doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to the Bylaw will be considered. DATED at Toronto this 26th day of September, 1963. ship of Vaughan ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Bylaw Number 2523, as amended, be and is hereby further amended by adding the words “a school" to Section 7 (2) (b) READ 3 FIRST and SECOND time this 29th day of July, 1963. J. A. Bryson, Deputy-Reeve. F. G. Jackman, Deputy-Clerk. READ a. THIRD time and finally passed this 29th day of July, 1963. Bylaw 2857 will permit the construction of a school in a Suburban Residential (RS) Zone in the Township of Vaughan whereas up till now the only institutional uses permitted in such a zone were a church, community centre, nursing home, public library, public or private hospital according to Bylaw 2523. R. Scott, Acting Secretary. The Corporation of the Township of Vaughan NOTICE UNDER SECTION 30 OF THE PLANNING ACT BYLAW NUMBER 2857 A Bylaw to amend Bylaw Number 2523 The Council of the Corporation of the Town- 6NTAR10 MUNICIPAL BOARD EXPLANATORY NOTE Hall, cousin of the bride and‘ Miss Mary White, sister of the bride, were bridesmaids. They carried white carnations with trailing white ribbons and pink rosebuds. The bride's cousin, Brian White of Fergus and Paul Brent of Richmond Hill wene ushers. Mr. Glen Gandy pf Richmond Hill was best man. The wedding reception . was held at Summit View Gardens, Richmond Hill. The bride’s mother received in a green silk shantung dress and jacket with matching accessories, and cor- sage of coral rosebuds. The groom’s mother chose agown of beige lace with matching ac- cessories and wore a corsage of pink rosebuds. For a honeymoon trip to northern Ontario the bride donned a wheat colour two- piece linen dress with match- ing accessories. “firl'léncrouple will reside in Richmond Hill. J. A. Bryson, Deputy-Reeve. F. G. Jackman, Deputy-Clerk. As a guide to future school building in Richmond Hill. principals and teachers here may be asked for their com- ments on good and bad feat- ures of present schools. Some of the comments might not be flattering, public school board trustees agreed Monday night at their meeting but would be useful when building committee members sit dOWn with architects to plan for new developments. Board members heard reports from Business Administrator Kenneth Turton and Trustee David Stephenson on the recent provincially-sponsored confer- ence on school design. Plan Now “Plan now. for later is too late.” was one of Mr. Stephen- son’s comments on the confer- ence. Teaching Staff Asked To CommentI Vaughan Briefs On Good Or Bad Feature Schools;32%:5&3‘31§§§§:§§5’5§2‘f§§;§§3§§¥§Efi§é§f 533$ \ n a . u A . . . n . n L ¢ o I . n o . . . n I r n n n a a ~ w n n n n c + v . . n o . n y a n f n v Reasons for not using stand- ard plans in school design were listed as indicating no two sites were the same, com- petition (among architects) is creative and makes each project a little better, the Department of Education would need a sep- arate architectural branch and there would be too much gov- ernment control if plans were standard. The conference stressed the importance of, hiring a good architect familiar with the standards and requirements whose selection should depend September. "I suggested that new rooms could be designed with one row of windows. which would still give as much actual out- side visibility as at present, and could provide even more ventilation than we now have. but at the same time would greatly reduce the other pro- blems and also the high main- tenance costs. “Mr. Chatterton mentioned that department regulations still call for at least 20% of floor area to be in windows, but they are allowing boards on are I: new ‘ kinds of Bhevmlet !. his qualifications and not‘to experiment ’64 CHEW II wth a lively new More than ever, this low-cost family car looks and goes as if it were anything else but that. Three lively, economical Chevy II engines: 90-hp Super-Thrift 4; 120-bp Hi-Thrift 6; and a new extra-cost 195-hp Turbo- Fire V8. Lots of things make for lower upkeep â€"â€" and make Chevy II tops in value. See five entirely different lines of cars at your Chevroletdealer’s New pep and new comfon '64 GORVAIR! Big new air-cooled 6 goes into every ’64 Corvair. It’s still at the rear, of course, for better traction and easy handling. 1 Major suspension refinements make Corvette ride more smoothly. New transmissions go with the four big V83. '64 CORVETTE! A General Motors Value Be sureto CHEVROLET - CORVAIR â€" OLDSMOBILE DEALER 355 YONGE ST. N. (Just north of Richmond Heights Centre) AV.5-5435 -PA.7-9453 WILSON - NiBlE'fl' MOTORS lIMI'I'ED see B011ng on the CBC-TV network each SundayyCheck your local listing for channel and time. ment of Education. [WHITCHURCH TWP. : The Window Space Experiment jEOWDShiP has been awarded a “I explained to him the type‘JUdgment in the amount of of windows we have in most $233633 against a resident for of our buildings: two rows of “"1915 mEdiCal services, drugs, blue glass and one row clear. hospital. and nursing care. It and very little opening area; WK“? discovered that the re- the heat loss in winter and the cipicnt of welfare had failed to overheating in May, June and (11501059 that She had consider- September. filiafisets and was able to pay. on whether he is local. The board’s building committee under Chairman Jack Knott has interviewed three or four architects for the building of the Bever- ley Acres school addition. A further meeting will be held tonight (Thursday) and the trustees will meet again October 3 for the specific purpose of hiring an architect. Mr. Turton said he had dis- cussed the addition with Gord- on Chatterton of the Depart- ment of Education. be in windows, allowing boards and have accept- New Cheveil:Malibu Super Sport Coupe ‘64 Corvair Monza Club Coupe ’64 Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan â€" oge of 15 Jet-smooth luxury Chevrolets. ed plans where the window area has been only 15% of floor area. “He further stated that, if our board and architect can agree on a design with reduced window area. he is quite sure that it will receive favourable consideration as an experiment, providing the lighting and vent- ilation is adequate. He ment- ioned figures as low as 12% or even 10% of floor area," Mr. Turton told the board. Finest Chesterfield Recovering AT NO EXTRA COST so WHY BE SATISFIED WITH LESS Two generations of experience as your guarantee Budget Terms Available FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ROBERT ARONS UPHOLSTERING 252 SOUTH TAYLOR MILLSâ€"884-2230 The Gay Gordon Society of [Woodbridge was granted per- The finance and general pur-tproceed at such time as th. pose committee reported toland acquisition is completed. Vaughan Township Councililt will facilitate 'the proposed Monday night that welfare as- reconstruction of Dufferin sistance in the township dur-PStreet from Highway 7 to the ing August was slightly higher Langstaff Sideroad. than a year ago. The same number of persons. 80. received assistance. Cost of this assist- ance in 1963 was $1,993.35 as compared to $1,898.76 for the said period last year. Applica- tion has been made to the De- partment of Public Welfare fort the statutory grant. 1 .1 3' a K 3 5 I. ‘ .ission to hold a turkey shoot on the George Timmins farm on October 5. It was decided that the next meeting of council be held on October 7 at 8 pm. An estimate of $2,515 for re- location of hydro poles and equipment on Dufferin Street was approved. The work will .. _ Take your first look at the first ‘64 Corvette Sting Ray Sport Coupe a 6 and six V85 ranging up to 425 hp (optional at extra cost) With new quieter trans- missions to match. Plus, of course, the great readability of J et-smooth ride. Of course, you’d expect more than luxury from Chevrolet. And you get it. There’s a choice of 14 power teams â€" Not just a new model, but a Wholly new and different line of cars. A foot shorter than the big cars; yet still very roomy. The ride is surprising- ly smooth With a rugged coi? spring at all four Wheels. And you can get anything from an economical 120-bp 6 to a 4- barrel-carbureted dual-ex- haust 220-bp V8 (optional at extra cost) â€"10 engine-trans- mission choices in all. Big luxuly, big style. "big room in the most luxurious CHEVROlETever! THERE'S 5 IN

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