â€" or â€" we will buy your fur- niture for our trade-in depart- ment. Free estimates â€" no obligation. Call Powell Furni- ture. 85 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2922. ‘ _ V‘ . _ _ . u A uALulC for new, with hiéhest allowance SPRING filled mattresses. Double bed size. Brand new, $15, cash and carry. Perfect for cottage. North Park Furniture, 8368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. 1:ch TRADE IN your old furniture ‘__ ... m0] SINGER SEWING MACHINES Repossessed. take over pay- ments, $5 per month. Washers. dryers, vacuum cleaners, polish- ers and typewriters. Terms. TU. +2931. 18A Yonge St. N.,1 Richmond Hill. mamJ thermo an?! pipes, coniplflertévï¬Ã©lconditidï¬. SEEDS-{fenuxv AV. 5-5009. c1w13|2323. c2 “w†MARKET GARDENERS DESK. four drawer, Brand new. MODEL "G" Allis-Chalmers Unpalnted $19.50 cash and tractor with mower, plow and carry. North Park Furniture.cultivators; excellent condition. 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto, HU.l884-4302. clw13 5.1911. thPB‘iï¬Iï¬G 1103M suitï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬? PACE heater with two 45-gal- dale. walnut. 2 buffets, one lon tanks, $45; floor furnace’china cabinet, table, 6 chairs. with ZOO-gallon tank, with oilEMadf? be MCLagan- Excellent ME'FRo wiï¬cï¬ï¬b CEDAR AVENUE, RICHMOND HILL New & Used Materials Plumbing - Doors - Pipe Clearing NEW Glazed Sash 50c and Up OPEN DAILY UNTIL 8 pm. SATURDAY UNTIL 5 pm. 34 Mile East of Yonge South 0! Markham Road AV. 5-3942 FREE DELIVERY DESK, four drawer, Brand new. Unpainted $19.50 cash and carry. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. &'.'911. mg APPLES, lst quality Macs, $2 bushel. Call evenings or Satur- day. Bob Campbell’s Farm, Bay- vlew Ave., TU. +3042. GIRLS’ winter coat and cloth- ing, size 7-8; also boys’ clothing, size 3; all good condition. 884- 2721. c1w13 GOOD used furniture for sale. Cali Frank's Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 DINING room suite, walnut, 9 pieces, $100; 1 pair end tables, walnut, $10 pair; 1 boy’s bicy- cle, $15. AV. 5-1576. c1w13 NEED A NEW STOVE 0R ’FRIDGE? TWO shigle foldaway beds, $10 each; 1 washing machine, $10; 1 bicycle, $15. TU. 4-1933. Doors. windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514 tf036 LARGEisVlizve crib; mattreSS and crib like new. TU. 4-7896. OIL furnhie, gravity type, 200 gallon tank, electrical acces- sories. AV. 5-4338. c1w13 Oven ready, $3.25. Stouffville. 640-2780. tfc12 BOY SCOUT uniform to fit 13 to 14-year-old. AV. 5-3378. POLAROID Camera, complete with flash. 884-1583. c1w13 BUY‘ EM WITH A low-0051'. LIFE-INSURED THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA X‘xx xxx 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, 0nt., Thursday, September 26th, 1963 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 am. on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 and you will receive invoice. CASH RATES, lst Insertion So each word, min. charge . . . . . . . . 75c. Second and subsequent insertions if wording . . . . . . . . unchanged, 5c per word. min. charge 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word; min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, per insertion . . . . . . . h . . . . . . . . . . , . V . . n . . 1.00 XXXXXXXX ’XXXXXXXX ‘XXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX ARTICLES FOR SALE LOAN ALUMINUIW PHEASAN TS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES tfc48 *1w13 c4w12 tfc48 tfc2 c1w13 c1w13 TYPEWRITERS quality, ADDING MACHINES with rot Sales Service Rentals Cedar f¢ Authorized Dealer Rookery All popular makes for sale inâ€" C. L I eluding new and rebuilt stand-,884-3089‘ ard portable and electric mod-[ els. Special rental rates avail- lable to students. I L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. RELIAR' Richmond Hill lamp and chair, porthole mir- ror. pictures, bedspread. rug and drapes. Good condition. Complete $150.00. TU. 4-1349. ings for boy's bedroom, ageâ€; ELGIN MILLS tgï¬m and songc 15; red maple in nautical motif. , . Co' '. 'd‘ - ~ , I‘op Sail, Loam, Cultivated Peat Bed With ships wheel head, 1 t ‘chest of drawers, night table L‘Aam' ‘Sandy Lgam'. W91 30‘; .â€" with lamp, bookcase, desk with “3 Manure' penal Ml“ â€" lam n 1 ~ , th 1 i _'Loam, Field Sod, Cultivated romp Dicgurfaflrhpgggrng: “3.; Seeded Sod. Nursnrv gnr‘c PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. l MAPLE The only AUTOMATIC Propane Gas Service from New Bruns- wick to Manitoba. For informa- tion, call AV. 5-1145. tfc29 MOVING. Complete furni‘sF1 ings for boy’s bedroom, age 3-‘ 15; red maple in nautical motif. Bed ShiD’S whan hand F CRAFT SUPPLIES ‘Groups and individuals can “7.7,, now obtain supplies for a wide LAR variety of crafts, locally, at :rhor city 'prices, from Al Steel's IngS. Gift .3; Craft Shop. 72 Yongelents. St. South. TU. 4~3980 c1w121509 ( 7 - ' mg ROLLAWAY BED, Aluminum.!e n Spring filled mattress. worth- - $35 00. Brand New, $20.00 cash and carry. North Park Furni-_ ture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tch BALL OF FIRE HEATERS Portable (stove oil). no pipes, no smoke, no odour. From 6,000 - 12000 BTU. See them at Carl Walker Sales. Don Mills Road, Victoria Square. Phone 886-5413. “'01 1 8 DRAWER dresser, brand new, unpainted, sell for $18 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tch FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator with ice box, net capacity 13 cu. ft.‘ approx; cereal and biscuit crisper below; unit in excellent condition. Apply 30 Wright St., or TU. 4-1683. c1w13 TWO girls’ winter coats, brown, fit 10-14 years; boys’ sports jacket, size 8. TU. 4-2168. BOYS’ jnnior shoulder and knee pads; excellent condition; hock- ey or football. AV. 5-3555. KITCHEN SUITE, arborite, brand new, 5 pieces, $29.50 cash and carry. North Park Furni- ture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc9 CHEST of drawers, four draw- er. Unpainted. Brand new, $15. cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Tor- onto, HU. 8-7911. tfc9 lBOOKCASE, unpainted, brand new, $7 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto, HU. '8-7911. tfc9 DESK, filing cabinet, adding machine, baby carriage, Dodge truck motor, V8 Studebaker motor, arc welder 180 amps.‘ 884-5965. c1w13 yards,. $10, delivered. "AXâ€"'3: grit). *2w13 WHEAT straw, either loose or baled in the field. Contact B. Payne, AV. 5-5302, after 6 pm. WELL-rotted_cqw manure, 2172 couch; good condition. TU. 4: 5257. c1w13 SMALL '2 - seater gold - colored BROWNIE Tmform, comï¬t‘e’ with accessories, size 10, $6. TU. 4-5359. c1w13 STOVE iénï¬dTl-ig†$40 mm? good condition. AV. 5-3416. EVANS ’space heater. 257-2335 gfter 4.30 pm. c1w13 CUB outfit, size 9. TU. 4-I§38_4. *1w13 BOY’S shoes, sizes 7 & 8, good condition. TU. 4-7169. *1w13 A.1 BLACK top soil. 884-2538. tfc50 FOR SALE (Continued) -'e. RELIABLE middle-aged TU. 4-1745 sitter available; days or tfc49 ings. AV. 5-5576. c1w13 j CEDWDGES c1w13 c1w13 tfcll cZwlZ *1w13 clw13 ft. cedars for hedging. Top quality, sandy loam enriched with rotted manure. Cedar fence rails. Rockery Stones. etc. A-l black top soil loam and manure for lawns and flower beds. We deliver. For sodding, grading and paving your drive- way. Free estimates. TU. 4- 2538. than Loam, Field 8ch1, Culti Seeded Sod, Nursery Sods‘ AV. 5-1514 BAYVIEWTKEDEN SUPPLY LARGE public hall, Yonge St, Thornhill suitable for meet- ings, dances, special ev- ents, spacious, with parking for 500 cars. Available days or ev- enings. For full particulars ap- _1._ A ply to B. G. Paixï¬ier. R. Rfr3 King, phone 773-5102. c4w11 1 large tea table, rosewood with inlay, 43" square (antique), 1 ‘walnut coffee table with glass top. 1 walnut vanity dresser, 1 dressing table with flounce. 2 bedroom slipper chairs, 1 occasional chair, 4 walnut din- ing chairs (antique), 1 walnut silver cabinet with 3 drawers, 4 pine kitchen chairs (need to be stripped of paint). AV. 5- ’ONE ï¬ble top table (antiquei 4 pine kitchen chairs be stripped of paint) 1762. FRESH FRUIT APPLES, Wealthy and Macin-‘ tosh, all grades, other varietiesl later; also Bartlett pears, and honey. Order your apples for ffall and winter now, by the ‘basket or bushel; cold storage. facilities; free delivery. Dropl by or phone after 4 pm. and! all day Saturday. Manning andl Sons Orchards, Dufferin St"! one mile south of Maple Side-l road, Maple. AL. 7-8972. J'CHUVE ‘BUNK BEDS, red maple. Brandlmoms new. 36†size Spring filled smalL mattresses. $49.50 delivered. AV. 5. North Park Furniture, 3368] Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. .n,- TWO PIECE modern chester- field, made by Sklar, worth $140, only $65. Powell Furni- ture, 85 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2922. PIANO, upright, good condi- tion; also 1956 Plymouth, excel- lent condition; private sale; best offer on both. TU. 4-2492. c1w13 GENERAL Electric stove 24". Dresser, brown metal; ward- robe, 4 stacked chairs. Very reasonable. TU. 4-4883. PUBLIC HALLS PAIR rare budgies, breeding cages; dining room suite; kit- chen cabinet; telephone table and chair; continental single bed. TU. 4-1065. c1w13 Delge tapestry, floral motif, $60. TU. 4-1383. c1w13 17" T.V., Northern Electric console model, new picture tube and 80% new components; $65, or reasonable offer. TU. 4â€"5747. clw13 Long, slim lines,rrirï¬;l:t;gany- framed settee. Upholstered beige tapestry, floral motif, $60. TU. 4-1383. c1w12 NIGHT TABLES, unpainted, brand new $5 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. GARAGE door and hardware; also girl’s winter coat, size 12; and Gendron baby carriage. 884-1627. *1w13 PLAYPEN and large quantitg' of baby clothes. Good condi- tion. AV. 5-5989. c1w13 or peat loam. $5 and $7 10565: 225-2781. c1w13 furniture and apï¬lianéég 15321: 7526. ¢1w13 WELL ROTTED cow ma'nure gEAYINGi country; househola OIL burner with controls, rea: sonable. AL. 7-1061. c1w13 UPRIGHT Piano, good con‘dï¬ gm. TU. 4-2537. c1w13 FREE 7 “ FREE 183 Yonge St. North RICHMOND HILL STORE ONLY MOST HOMES ARE LISTED WITH DAVID McLEAN LTD DAIRY QUEEN FALL SALE Buy one 35c Sundae Get One FREE 7 Stones. etc. Knappett. Landscaping, 9~ tfc9 GARDEN SUPPLIES VICTORIAN SETâ€"TEE FOR SALE (Continued) I J: UJALVan .1231]: emiChed, Richmond nice 3 to 4 VG COMFORTABLE room for '__lteacher. business or older wo- baby-éman. Home privileges, meals even-‘and garage optional. TU. 4- c1w13 I 1450. e3w12 tfc40 c1w13 tfc50 c1w13 tfcl3 c1w13 c1wl3 Ram ROTOVKTING condi- f Lawns and gardens. Phone c1w13 Ir 884-7573. tfc3 tfc9 ‘ Richmond Hill, garage avail- able, board optional. TU. 4- 1880. - tfcl3 tfc28 5368; HOMEOWNERS ‘911-1For Eavestroughing and Repairs @iCall 884-5660. c2w12 ROOM and board for two girls. Twin bed home conveniences. Call evenings or weekends. 884-7114. c1w13 ROOM and bdard available, gentleman. TU. 4-1673. FURNISHED room, central Call anytime. TU. 4-4813‘ rééi'é dence, business, AV. 5-5345. UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. ROOM and BOARDEE‘OKE FLOOR COVERINGS All types tiles and sheet vinyl for rec. rooms. kitchens. entries, baths, etc. Also ceramic wall tiles. Free estimates. Reid and Sons, Flooring Contractors, AV.‘ 5-1960. tfc32 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions. and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. TU. 4-2838. sired A. "SEER Upï¬ilstegj phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 DUi’LICATING Letters. office forms. bulletins, ‘etc. Black, white, colours. Prompt service. Richmond Hill Answering Service, 884-3800, AV. 5-2798. ‘ tfc13 CHESTERFIELD suites, and chrome chairs recovered and rebuilt, at a reasonable price. No job too small. Free estim- ates. Murray Upholstery. AV. 5-4767. tfc51 MATURE lady to share good home with business mother and school-age daughter. on main bus line. 884-3051 after 4 pm. YOUNG congenial business wo- lman wishes to share her small Ibungalow with same, close to transportation, reasonable. AV. 5-4445. clw12 2 ROOMED flat, bed-sitting- room, kitchen with stove, fridge and sink. Parking. Adults.‘ South of Sayvette Store. HU.) 9-3463. c1w13| 1 SPECIAL Chesterï¬eld sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith, Upholstery, phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 I CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. {Free estimates. Expert work- (manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 CALL 115 for your sand, gravel. ï¬ll, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 }KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192, King City. Phone King TE.‘ 3-6321. tfc13; renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile flooré. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 CARPENTRY WORK, additions E. w. PAiNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATE/S tfc31‘ MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill; phone TU. 4- 5688. tfc2£ RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc3l Custom building additions, repairs, renovations. J. W. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. tfc50 CONCRETE and carpentry work, recreation rooms, floors and walls tiled. at reasonable prices. TU. 4-5482. tf033 JESSIE’S CLEANING SERVICE Floors, walls, windows, paint- ing, janitor service, etc. Rea- sonable. 257-8969. tfc46; CARPENTRY & CONCRiaï¬a' PAINTING. paperhanging. Free estimates. Colour samples. A Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. tfc15 SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. CHIMNEYS Repaired and rebuilt. Call Gor- don Jubb, BA. 1-6688. tfcl3 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service. WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richn SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean modern service. MISCELLANEOUS PAINi‘ING & PAPERâ€" HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798 PLUMBIm A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 tf. Richmond Hill tfc40 I‘m“ FULLY furnished, heated, Ences' ground floor apartment, Bay- ends' view Ave., Richmond Hill area, Clwm Oct. lst to June lst: 2 bed- for;rooms, bathroom, sitting room ‘1' wo-jwith fireplace, large kitchen meals‘twith breakfast area. Private ‘U. 4-ientrance. References required. e3w12‘TU. 4-2474. clw12 particulars. 4-RO0M apartment, u; c1w13 bedroom§ and garage; ilable, tfc44 tfc45 tfc23 tfc43 tfc4 tfc8 bedrooms and garage; pleasant surroundings; suitable for two adults; available Oct. lst. Fur- ther details at 120 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. $85 month- ly. TU. 4-5668. - tfc13 192 BAYVIEW AVENUE RICHMOND HILL .LARGE 3-bedroom apartment, fully equipped, balcony, close ‘to all conveniences. Call AV. '5-1472 or TU. 4-7755. tfch 5-ROOM house available Oct. ilst, heated. washer and dryer Iin kitchen; business couple or older folk: abstainers, no pets. Close to town park. 884-5835. after 6 pm. clw13‘ WENMAR APARTMENTS , IN RICHMOND HILL COLBOURNE AVE. ‘1 and 2 bedroom apartments â€" pool elevators, FM music, large balconies, intercom, parking, TV outlet. AV. 5-2303. th3 $40; furnished cottage, 4 rooms, near Yonge and Richmond Hill. Suit elderly couple; parkingr outside conveniences; abstain: ers. Phone CL. 9-9924, or writei BED-SITTING, kitchen, dining room, sundeck, 2 light house- keeping rooms; private en- trance, share bath. TU. 4-1204. TWO ROOMS. equipped for light housekeeping, furnished and heated. Available October lst. Adults only, 884-2196. FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment with balcony, also fur- nished one bedroom apartment. Apply 62 Hunt Avenue. c1w13 AURORA - bright furnished apartment, equipped kitchen, separate entrance, parking. One or two business adults, $85 monthly. 727-5597. tfc13 TWO apartments; 1 six-room, 1 four-room; private entrances; adults preferred. Summit View Gardens, Yonge S., TU. 4-1370. Furnished room in quiet adult home. Parking. $8 weekly. TU. 4-3801. . *lwll ONE-bedroom apartment, sec- ond floor, private bathroom, completely furnished. AL. 7- 2070. tfclz EEAVERTONâ€"Cfï¬'i‘kla ARES FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment, suit one or two business gentlemen. AV. 5-3993, or, after 5.00 p.m., AV. 5-4373. tfcll 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartments TU. 4-5693, 451 Elmwood Ave., 1 block south of Markham Road. FOUR ROSMS‘in private hdIFe, not self-contained. Suit quiet couple. AV. 5-4590 after 7 pm. tfc10 BUSINESS lady will share quiet home or rent bedroom to businesswoman. Call evening or weekend. TUrner 4-5600. FURNISHED room, close to Yonge St., private bathroom, gentleman preferred. 285-4409. c1wl3 CHRISTIAN home. Housekeep- ing room, close to Yonge. Share fridge, grill, parking. Non- smokers. TU. 4-1777. c1w12 HOUSE, $85 monthly, 17 Yonge- hurst Rd.. Stop 24, Yonge St. Enquire at 56 Hillsview Drive. c1w13 BED-SITTING ROOM and kit- chen, suit two people. 16 Lorne. lst house east of Clarke‘s Drug Store at Yonge. *2w12 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, parking, 16 Lorne, lst‘ house east of Clarke‘s Drug Store at Yonge. *3w11‘ $70 monthly; 1-bedroom apart-l ment. Mr. Crowther, AV. 5- 1164. David McLean Ltd., Real- tors. c1w13 LARGE 1 bedroom apartment. TU. 4-3982 or BA. 5-6429. c3w13 CEMENT MIXER, 31/2 cubic ft., electric. Will deliver. Also wheelbarrow. AL. 7-8872. tfcll THREE-redroom modern brick bungalow, $125 monthly. 884- 3030, any time. c1w12 APARTMENT,Tbedroom, saf- contained, close to Yonge. 884- 2721. clwl APARTMENT. 3 rooms aha bath, frig. and stove, central location. TU. 4-3294. c1w13 SMALL cottage, Richvale, rea- sonable; suitable one or two. BAldwin 1-8551. tfc13 ___. -u :RELIABLE man for yard work and truck driving; steady em- 'ployment. TU. 4-1313. c2w12 fï¬EhAB‘TERTISEETzFï¬I, thanks all applicants. The post ,has been filled. clw13: iTEFlgTS addressing at homeii must pick up and deliver. Tel. 884-3839. c1w13 RELIABLE cleaning woman,] Yonge - Steeles area. BA. 2-! 1654. c1w13} MECHANIC for Maple Vang; wagen dealership; must have Class A license. Call Ken Gib- son, AV. 5-5501. clwl | apartment, upstairs; 2 my. The Liberalâ€, givinglthe s. *1w13 I (hi1 W tfcll clw13 c2w12 'SUPPLY teachers required for' the schools of Vaughan Town- ship School Area. The Board of Vaughan T.S.A. invites qualified teachers liv- ‘ing in the township or nearby ‘areas to register for supply| work in the schools of the area." Salary $16.00 per day, Apply! stating qualifications, experi- ence, grades preferred. and other details, to: J. A. Gibson. Superintendent of Schools.} Municipal Offices, Maple, Ont; REAL ESTATE SALESMAN - SALESLADY DAVID McLean Ltd. has an immediate opening for one} salesman at their Richmond Hill office. This busy location offers the opportunity for a permanent. better-than-average income to an acceptable appli- cant. Please call Mr. Shields, AV. 5-1164 or TU. 4-3805. c1w12 PLEASANT girl or woman. home electrically equipped, 2 school children, no cooking. ex- cellent wages, char kept. Fur- ther particulars, Mrs. Flatt. ME. 6-4796. c1w13 ATTENTION, WOMEN WITHOUT any experience you can earn money for your Christmas shopping by selling Avon Cosmetics and toiletries in your vicinity. Write Miss Zeigler, Box 141, Guelph, Ont. ‘o‘nhiï¬fho'ï¬SEwoï¬K.l CONGENIAL HOME PARTS MAN YOUNG man to assist in GM. parts department, high school education, some experience pre- ferred. Apply in person, Parts Manager, Leslie Motors Prod- ucts Ltd., Chev., Olds., King City. cZw13 MAN or woman to supply es- tablished customers with fam- pus nationally advertised Wat- kins Products. No investment. Earnings of $75.00 and up week- I,V possible. Full or part-time. Write to J. Gathier, 350 St} Roch Street, Montreal 15, Que. c4w10I ‘LADY for counter sales in mod- ern dry cleaning plant. Year- round employment. Apply in person only, 8 to 10 am. or 4 to 6 pm. Barth's Cleaners, cor- ner Yonge and Levendale. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED FOR ROUGH PLUCKING October 2-4 inclusive HARVEST MOON TURKEYS NO. 7 HIGHWAY AT DUFFERIN AV. 5-2626 NURSING ASSISTANT 0R CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT FOR surgical floor duties, days (7 a.m.-3 p.m.), 40-hour week. Shouldice Surgery, AV. 5-1125. SANTA CLAUS: Applications now being received for Santa Claus to be at shopping centre for three weeks in December. Write Box 218 “The Liberalâ€. c3w12 MECHANIC WANTED Man with Class “A†licence for a growing business. Must be ex- perienced to work on all makes of cars. 773-5481. c1w13 f SALESMAN WANTED zMan with good car sales exper- ‘ience. A chance for the right man to make a good future in a growing car business. PR. 3- 5481. c1w13 LADIES interested in-part or full time business, try the Beauty Counselor way - earn while you learn. Full training programme. Call TU. 4-4856†jMECHANlC, licensed, G.M. ex-l Iperience preferred. Apply Ser-; vice Manager, Wilson-Niblett Motors, AV. 5-5435, PA. 7-9453. ' c1w13 EXPERIENCED man for clean- ing and polishing new cars for GM. dealership. Apply Service Manager, AV. 5-5435 or PA. 7-" 9453. c1w13 EXPERIENCED help for serv- ice station and restaurant. Sta- ' tion attendant, waitress, and milk. Full or part time. 886- 5411. c1w13 SALESMAN for well-establish- ed bread route. Phone AX., 3- 3241; after 7 phone 884-3456. SECRETARY wanted typing, billing and general office work experienced. Write Box 2, “The Liberal". c1w13 RELIABIE cleaxiiz‘fgâ€"~ womirT, Yonge - Steeles area. BA. 2- 1654. c1w13 MECHANIC for Maple Volks- wagen dealership; must have Class A license. Call Ken Gib- son, AV. 5-5501. c1w13 , fl. _,._ :1ku has been fillâ€"e21. clw13 TYPISTS adHEessing at hem; must pick up and deliver. Tel. 884-3839. clw13 “THE LIBERAL" WANT ADS PHONE TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 WANTED, HELP WANTED an for yard workh (Contmued) v I _ H“, "H", bvvu uy- UL all Klnfls. Tu: ,1313. czwlzfportunxty for advancement. Ap- antiques. Bonne {Fiï¬â€"1337217 - ply Thofnhill I.G.A. c1w13 5-2176. Bants_ The post’ECOUNTER girl for dry clean- ‘ clw13 ing plant in Thornhill. 285- ~ . ~ ~_â€".6911. c1w13 asmg at home. ‘d deliven Tel. RELIABLE woman for counter GREY_ go‘cal‘ty c1w13 work at Dad’s Drive-In, 255 Of Palmer CPeSC Emil-l? wonEnâ€"iYonge St. South. Permanent Q89- _ : area BA 2_’iposition fqr right applicant. OST; student’s ' cl'wlaiApply evenlngs after 6 pm. to black and blue _ .zMrs. Couvrette. c1w13 vicinitv nf vnm c1w13 c1w13 c2w12 c1w13 ‘ W‘__ urnuLSl‘L‘RING em-lJUNIOR grocery clerk, good 013- of all kinds. Tuftil wlzfportunity for advancement. Ap- antiques. Bonnell 2171- ;ply Thornhill I.G.A. c1w13 5-2176. post‘COUNTER girl for dry clear?- ‘ W13:ing plant in Thornhill. 285- 1 me; 6911. clwl3 Tel, RELIABLE womag _for counter go‘cal‘ty in ..... I. -4 “ LOCAL Ford Dealer requires; stock control clerk; experience! not necessary; male or female. Ideal opportunity for the right person. Full employee benefits. Apply in person. John Buchan- an, R. D. Little and Son Ltd.,! Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. I TECHNICAL ASSISTANT University Fisheries Research Unit located at Maple, 0nt., re- quires young man to rear and maintain fish, take X-rays, maintain equipment. Grade 10 minimum, preferably Grade 12. 928-2111. c1w13 CLEAN-CUT young man, 30-40. with some experience. for small food store; able to drive; willing to do all jobs; 5-day week; good wages, with chance of advance- ment. King, 833-5173 or, after ‘7, AV. 5-3814. c1w13 ceivable and cash book; one capable of operating Burroughs Sensimatic machine. Perman-l ent position, with usual com-l pany benefits. Write Box No.1 7, “The Liberal". c1w13? I LICENCED MECHANIC {ONE tune up man with GM ‘experience. straight hourly rate plus bonus. Group insur-| ance and other benefits. Apply! to Bill Benfield. McPherson] Motors, Aurora. c2w12! ‘HANDYMAN for machine shop [to learn operations on various machines. Richmond Hill loca- ‘tion. Phone AV. 5-1021 for in- ‘terview. c2w12 CAPABLE woman for general housework; all modern electriq cal appliances; live in, attrac-‘ tive bedroom with private bath- room. Telephone AV. 5-3162. c1w13 ENERGETIC young man to learn printing trade; good fu- ture. Apply in person to W. S. Cook, “The Liberalâ€, 63 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill, TU. 4- 1105. nclw13 CLEANING women. day or evening work. Call after 6 p.m., TU. 4-2651. Nursing Home. IYonge and Elmwood. tfcll YOUNG man wanted for spray painting, experience unneces: sary. Apply H. F. Collard, R.R. T2. Gormley, 886-5528. c1w13 EXPERIE-NHCEIS all round waif- ress wanted for part time em- ployment. Top wages to right party. Apply Maple Grill. AL. 17-0003. c1w13; > D ) NIGHT fireman, general workâ€"- er; year-round work; 2-room cottage for rent on premises. Joy Valley Greenhouses, Pine Grove, AT. 8-0432. *2w13 MAN with some experience re- pairing furniture. Good wood worker or cabinet maker. Bon- nell Antiques. AV. 5-2176. NOW ON DISPLAY AT LAURIA Come in today and see the many new features of the 1964 Plymouth by Chrysler Canada Ltd. Continued quality engineering. safety, (:0me and convenience. Chrysler â€" flymouth â€" Valiant 'o.7HIGHWAY AT DUFFERIN ST. ‘ PHON APPRENTICE THE ALL NEW I964 PLYMOUTH clw13 c1w13 $49.95 919 SIMPSDN’S DRYGOODS 12 Yonge St. S. ,fl ._ clung-3‘10, Ann: “I black Iand iblue case, in the vicinity of Yonge St. and Gar- den Ave. rReward, AV. 5-1304. UPHOLSTERING on of all kinds. Tufting. antiques. Bonnell ant‘ 5-2176. Ladies Winter Dress Coats Fur trimmed and untrimmed Chamois lined EPI'WERING Phone For Free Efmates TORONTO WINDOW MFG. CO. lTD. 165 CENTRE ST. RICHMOND HILL All Materials & Workmanship Fully Guaranteed ALUMINUM Windows 6'1 Doors Awnings & Siding Closed In Patios Quality Products At Manufacturers Prices _.. u... uuuuy 'alisér Cré'scent South. 884- . c1w13 rT; studenf’s glasses, blue in ALL MAKES OF WINDOWS REGLAZED 8. REPAIRED $17.95 COATS LOST on furniture ng. skilled on antiques. AV. clw13 the Tgicinity MORTGAGES PURCHASED CLIENTS" funds immediately available to purchase first and second mortgages. D. McLean, AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. n1 “,1 '2 MONEY available for good ï¬rst and second mortgages. reason- able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and Le Claire. TU‘ 4-4413. Lfc2 WANTED $7,250.00. 1st mo'rE gage money. 3,4 acre land, 2 bedroom house, TU. 4-5778 or TU. 4-3671. clwls WANTED $2,000. second mort- gage money, 3/4; acre land. Phone TU. 4-5778 or TU. 4-36- 71_ n1“.19 LOANS $50 - $5000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. 31 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill 884-4458 - 285-5562 Mgr. Dennis Hughes Do you have a drinking prob- lem? If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. tfc45 PHONE 285-4858 Richmond Hill MORTGAGES PERSONAL 285-1471 884-2873 clw13 . 4-36- c1w13 tfc32