Disagree About Who Responsible for Road Repair 1'. For paving on the 7th Con- »cession Road from Highway 7 :10 Hayhoe Avenue, K. J. Beam- Jsh Construction Co. Ltd.’s ten- fler price of $12,789.50 was ac- :bepted. This was the lowest of eight bids received. The other ‘ Council membeqs said they reported the damage as soon .as they became aware of it. ' It was a case of “you do it Jiecause I don’t want‘to" Mon- -day when Markham Township pouncil met with a subdivision developer official with regard to responsibility for repairing Idamages to Highland Park --Boulevard resulting from a Water-main break. ‘ I Gist of the problem revolves around the council’s feeling {the developer should bear the icosts because it was his sub- contractors that were doing the 'work at the time of the water- .main break. The developer argued in turn that repairs were done to the water main at the time and da- jmage to the road was not re- .ported to them uxltil after their "uh-contractors “were off the ‘hook." Council passed a resolution Zplacing responsibility on the developer to pay for the cost got the repairs. It was stressed by both part- ies throughout the meeting that relations between them had always been very good and “that this was only a relatively .minor disagreement. . Cost of repairs was estimated at about $2,500. “ Monday evening. Markham hownship Council awarded "three construction contracts. Vaughan Twp. Awards Contracts For Three Construction Projects â€"- The proposed sewer will be constructed to the south-west corner of the jail farm as de- fined in July 1963 which is the north-east corner of Yonge Street and proposed Highway 307. -â€" If the city desires to con- struct its portion of the sewer ï¬nder the “Winter Works P )gram†the township will not object as long as such con- 'structlon meets its approval. k 7â€" The city's share of the cost fto construct the sewer from the north limit of the Thorn- hill Development properties to the south limit of the jail farm will not exceed $150,000. .’_ï¬â€" Markham will acquire all easements necessary for con- struction of the sewer upon re- huest of the city. _ Some of the suggestions of the agreement tentatively ap- proved by council included: Preliminary steps in a pro- ,posed agreement with the City of Toronto in connection with sewer service to the former Langstaff jail farm for indust- dial development were approv: ed in principle by Markham Township Council Monday. Approval came via a two- to-one majority recorded vote with Councillors Al- lan Sumner and Stewart Rumble for and Councillor Charles Hoover against. Absent were Reeve Wilf- red Dean, due to illness, and Deputy-reeve Charles ( Hooper. ‘The drafting of the actual agreement will not be made for several weeks. 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, September 26th, 1963 Preliminary Takeanabies Prevalent In Area In Jail Farm Agreement "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS Phone TU. 4-1105 WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT I964 RAMBLER CAR SHQWING A'I' PURDY'S RAMBLER SALES & SERVICE PHONE 773-5481 OAK RIDGES Charged in a Toronto court with the $2,000 theft from the home of Donald Beaumont, 332 Richmond Street, was James Edward MacKinnon, 33, Lans- downe Ave.. Toronto, sentenced to two years for breaking, entry and theft and two years con- current for possession of stol- en goods September 17. Douglas Irving Glass, 39, Glouchesber Street, Toronto appeared in Toronto court this past Tuesday on a charge of possession of stolen goods. They were charged by Metro police‘s pawn squad. Councillor Hoover continued his opposition at Monday‘s council to accepting the sugg- estions as put out to date in talks between Markham and the City of Toronto. About three quarters of the loot stolen September 8 from a Pleasantville home, includ- ing an $1,100 mink stole has been recovered, Police Chief R. P. Robbins said. Recovered was the stole, some of the missing jewellery, a camera, a .22 calibre rifle, a watch and luggage. Mink, And Goods Recovered After Hill House Theft Con-Drain Co. Ltd. was the. successful tenderer at $188,- 470.89 for installation of water- mains along Highway 7 and in the Concord subdivision at Duf- f-erin Street. Six other tenders ranged from $193,015.75 to $228,690. seven ranged from $16,102 to $34,417.50. The tender of Del Brocco Construction Co. Ltd. in the amount of $130,027.50 was ac- cepted for construction of watermains along Highway 7 and in the Elmwood Acres sub- division at Keele Street. Again this was the low tender, five others ranging from $132,104.- 50 to $149,840. The latter two tenders were accepted subject to acceptance as part of the winter works programme. Councillors Hoover and Rum- ble were opposed to resident- lal development at that time until the jail farm had become the centre of an industrial de- velopment. â€"- The. township will in no v.ay object to the manner in which the farm is sold provid- ed such sale meets with the township's official plan. In a vote taken at noun- cil at that time Deputy- reeve Charles Hooper and Councillor Allan Sumner voted for the approval with Councillors Stewart Rumble and Charles l-loov- er against it. Reeve Wilf- red Dean reversed an ear- lier decision to cast his vote in favor of releasing the development. Reeve Dean stated his rever- sal resulted from talks with Metro which had indicated its villingness to co-operate in the development of the jail farm for industrial purposes. The general area has been the subject of much discussion in the past with the most re- cent being the announcement in July that Markham had de- cided to allow its planning board to release stage 2 of the development area north of Thornhill and south of the pri- son farm for residential deve- lopment. Canine Control Officer Warns Of Danger Canine Control Officer James Ryan again cautions the public against handling strange animals because of the high degree of rabies prevalent in this area. It is reported that incidence of this disease has risen 80 per cent in Ontario during the past year, so residents should exercise more than the usual amount of care. Mr. Ryan was prompted to issue the warning by two recent incidents. In Rich- mond Hill a three year old PHONE AV. 1 1/4x4x7 1/4x4x8 3/8x4x8 1/2x4x8 5/8x4x8 3/4x4x8 STANDARD SHEATHING 5/16X4x8 , . . . . . . . . . $2.77 per 3/8X4X8 . . . . . . . . . . 3.21 per 1/2x4x8 . . . . . . . . . . 4.49pm 5/8X4X8 . . . . . . . . . . 5.43 per 3/4x4x8 . . . . . . . . . . 6.72 per SELECT UNDERLAY 5/16x4x8 . . . . . . . . K . 3/8x4x8 . . . . . . . . . . l/2x4x8 . . . . . . . . . . 5/8x4x8 . . . . . . . . . . 3/4x4x8 . . . . . . . . . . 11/16 Formply 25 Piece Minimum â€" 13/3 Thick-Hollow Core Construction FOR STAIN, YARNISH OR PAINT FINISH 1- 0X6-6 .. $3.52 2- 2x6-6 .. $5.12 1- 6x6-6 .. 4.28 2- 4116-6 .. 5.29 1- 8x6-6 .. 4.47 2- 6X6-6 . . 5.46 1-10X6-6 .. 4.69 2- 8X6-6 .. 5.68 2- 0x6-6 .. 4.97 2-10x6-6 .. 5.98 THESE ARE TOP QUALITY DOORS Bundled in 7' & 8‘ lengths SUMMER’S GONE! HOME IMPROVEMENT TIME IS HERE . . . SEE LOVE FOR LOVELY LUMBER AT CASH & CARRY PRICES MAHOGANY DOORS FIR PLYWOOD x 4 x 6 $2.86 per sheet KNOTTY PINE PANELLING LOVE'S LOVELY SANDED NO. 1 INTERIOR SLAB $1.99 QUART 6†and 8†REE," 7.99 gal Add 20c For Smaller Lots RANDOM VEED lOVE'S boy received serious injury when he was bitten by a Shetland pony. The control officer advises that Shet- lands are prone to nip play- fully. and that children should not be allowed to pet strange ponies. The second case involved 3 Maple resident, who found a baby squirrel on her lawn. Believing that it had fallen from its nest and was injur- ed, she kind-heartedly took it into the house, where it revived and rapidly became 14¢ sq. ft. In Bundles of 9 Pcs $3.41 per 3.84 per 5.59 per 6.08 per 7.26 per $3.10 per 3.55 per 5.00 per 6.17 per 7.22 per 8.44 per 7.83 per SHEATHING LOVELY VELY UNFINISHED MAHAGONY sheet sheet sheet sheet sheet sheet sheet sheet sheet sheet sheet sheet sheet sheet Sheet sheet sheet Per Carton REGULAR PATTERNâ€"Butt Joints RANDOM PATTERNâ€"Butt Joints TONGUE AND GROOVE JOINT Per Carton ............ SKYLARK PATTERN-T & G Joint SPUNGOLD-T & G Joint Per Carton ................................................ “1-â€: 64 Sq. Ft. Per Carton â€" Carton Lots Only l/z†SUPER COATâ€" A)" FISSURTONE T & G EXCEL BOARD Residents of the area are requested to phone the can- ine control kennels at AL. 7-1081 if any animal which a family pet. Becoming alarmed when it began to act peculiarly she called the canine control officer who removed it. The next day he removed two more squirrels and a day later a fourth from the same lawn. The first and fourth squirrel died, and both have been sent for tests. The result is not yet known. EXCEL BOARD â€" FLAME RESISTANT 12xI2 CEILING TILE *1 If) /4 , WEISER LOCK‘ SETS KEY IN KNOB ...................... 5 5 Using the following materials â€"4 x 7 preï¬nished random V Mahoganyâ€"9 x 9 Vinyl Asbestos floor tile. Choice of colours. Cement and spreader â€"â€" strap- pings for walls and ceilingâ€" nailsâ€"staplesâ€"foil insulationâ€" 12 x 12 ceiling tile (accoustic) ceiling cove and quarter round. â€" SEE LOVE â€" son A lOVElY REC Room 12 x 20 ROOM PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES UP OR DOWN 0R DO IT YOURSELF AT THE LOW LOW COST OF CARDINAL TUBULAR PASSAGE SETS m? $1.69 4 x 8 PRE FINISHED MAHOGANY R COATâ€" RTONE T & G )ARD ACOUSTIC TILE PREHUNG ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOOR wk 3 SIZES â€" 2-8 x 6-8 â€" 2-10 x 6-10 â€" 3-0 x 7-0 1HICK * HEAVY EXTRUSIONS * SELF : INCLUDES HANDLE, LATCH. 4 CLOSER AND CHECK CHAIN . Rabies is an infectious disease which may affect any warm blooded animal including humans, warns Mr. Ryan. It is spread from one animal to another through the saliva. The virus may be present in other tissues but can be transmitted ONLY through broken skin, hence appears injured or ill is found. Trained personnel will quickly pick up the animal, and the finder will not run the risk of being exposed to rabies. Minimum 25 Sheets Per Carton per carton per carton 9.22 9.41 9.4] 10.18 GREEN LANE GREEN LANE GREEN LANE $4.48| ; $24.85 II 16 Gauge 99¢ per tile DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE AT NOMINAL RATES $3.49 1.99 per carton Antique Pine Pa‘nelling Floor Tile 45 sq. ft the danger from animal bites. The incubation period varies from two to three weeks to longer than six months. The period in which the virus may be spread by saliva may last from four or five days before the symptoms of rabies appear until the death of the ani- mal. If a person is bitten or scratched by, or comes into contact with the saliva of a suspected rabid animal. Mr. * SELF STORING 1/4X4x8 per carton SHEET Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 8 am. to 6 pm. Thursday and Friday from Dawn to Darkâ€"Saturday 4 p.m. 1 x 2 Strapping 1 x 3 Strappgng 1 x 4 Strappmg 1x 5D4S 1x 6D4S 2x 2D4S 2x 4D4S 2x 5D4S 2x 6D4S 2x 8D4S 2x10D4S 2x12D4S 1x 8 1x10 1x12 1x2 1x3 NO. 1 PINE 1x4 T & G Flooring .... 60 lin. ft. 1x6 Shiplap Log Siding 9c lin. ft. 1x8 Bevel Siding . . . . . . 12c lin. ft. Ryan continued, the affected parts should be thoroughly washed with soap and water immediately. A physician must be consulted so that if treatment is necessary, it may be begun without delay. This may be lifesaving. If anti-rabies vaccine is need- ed it will be provided to physicians without charge by the Ontario Department of Health. Mr. Ryan emphasized that to avoid the serious dangers of rabies, parents should PRE-FINISHED TAHITI RANDOM VEED PLYWOOD Minimum 25 Sheets Add 20c per sheet for smaller lots WHITE PINE SHELVING SMALL LOTS . . .08c 1/ f . ...10c1/f. ...12c l/f. WE’RE OPEN SPRUCE THORNHILL UTILITY GRADE 3.. 31/2c1/f..$80. 3..41/2c1/f.. 88. 3.. 31/2c1/f.. 85. 3.. 5%c1/f.. 82. 3.. 8c l/f.. 92. 3.. 8%cl/f.. 86. 3..13%cl/f.. 98. 3..17c l/f.. 98. 3..20c 1/15 98. 8 - 16 FT. LENGTHS ECONOMY PINE STEELES NO. 1 & 2 COMMON ...5c 1x 6. .. 7c 1X 8. ...6c 1x10. ,x12 . . . . . . . . 20c JOHN STREET D48 HWY. 7 teach children to observe wild life at a safe distance and to stay away from an unusually tame wild animal. Do not coax, play with or handle any strange animal, wild or domestic, he caut- ions, or touch any animal found dead. Have family pets vaccinated against ra- bies, and remember to be on the alert for possible in- fected animals, he conclud- ed. 11/2c per lin. ft. 21/2c per lin. ft. 31/4c per lin. ft. PER SHEET Minimum 25 Pieces LOVE'S GREEN LANE 1000b/f 1000 b/f 1000 b/f 1000 b/f 1000 b/f 1000 b/f 1000 b/f 1000 b/f 1000 b/«f Per 1000 Bd.FL 15c