-Rover Leader Fred Lynn is now In charge of the Iroquois Scout Troop which meets Tuesday evenings. New appointments have been made among leaders of Scout and Cub groups now meeting each week at All Saints’ Angl- iean Church. er. George Knight is the new Scoutmaster for the Hur- on, who meet at the church Wednesday evenings. Mr. Knight was an assistant Scout- master last season. From “A†Pack. Philip Lacey and Bruce Ferguson and a new resident. Bob Brodeur from Midland, were welcomed as new Hurons. Scouting Organized ,' Mr. Bert Agnew continues to lead "A" Cub Pack Thursdays, aided by Mrs. Judy Payne and 1'. Charles Ormsby. Mm Bamford also “took up†Cubs Bobby Roots, Douglas Anderson and Glen Orser as the Huron Troop welcomed the new Scouts in a “going up" ceremony at All Saints‘ Church. Akela Mr. Bert Agnew train- ed "A" Pack Cubs John Glass, Vincent Alaggla and Danny Ward, who joined the Iroquois Troop. ‘ Mr. A. E. Hinton, who gained experience as assistant, is the newly-appointed Akela of See- onee Cub Pack during Thurs- day evening sessions. Carolyn Lynn and Wayne Riddick are assistants. .I Mr. William Loxig of King City, who has been helping ,TVTROUBLE? CALL BA. I - 0485 ‘ AN R.E.,T.A. MEMBER BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE During a "going up" cerem- ony held by Iroquois Troop. reâ€" tiring Akela Mrs. Arnold Bam- ford led Cubs graduating from Seeonee Pack, Jeff Poulln. Bruce McPhee, Bruce O’Brien, Gary Walker, Keith Glass, Michael James and Craig Hon- ey. King lnter- High Talent Festival friday, Top Prize $100, Dance Mrs. Hinton has been Akela of King City’s Seeonee Pack for the past 5 years. Previous- ly she was assistant cubmaster in Richmond Hill for one year. Become Scouts Several local lads became Scouts in the past few days. Her new assignment will mean visiting about a dozen packs to make sure they are operating correctly, and to org- anize training sessions for new leaders. Meetings are being resumedlEvening Branch WA. the first Thursday evening Rev. E. H. Costigan gave an each month at All Saints’ Ang- informal talk on the Anglican lican Church. Mr. S. Allen World Congress at the opening Cooke has been chairman for meeting of the evening branch the past year. W.A. at All Saints’ Church. He New post For Axe], spoke hopefully of the trend Mm Arnold E. Bamford of toward the uniting of Christian King City has been appointedifalths- district cubmaster for Thorn- MFS- George W- O'Hara pres- hill Area of York Summit Dist- ided temporarily, succeeding rict, after several years' exper- Mrs- William 3- 000‘“ Who ience in leading Cub packs. [moved 1“ “137 ItOA Wesmn' ,. unwinhna ...... A an \n uh"! Inu- King City area Scouts, is con- Group Committee job of district Nominations are now being tinuing his received by the First King scoutmaster, . Scout Troop Group Committee Latest word is the boys’ before the executive is elected groups are “all filled up". Cub packs still have a waiting list. for the coming year. Mnntings are being resumed Evening Branch WA. Mrs. D. J. Bremner, L.R.A.M., London, Eng- land, Mr. Iltyd Harris, Aurora choral director, and Mr. L. G. Queen, assistant music director for Ont- ario, will judge the entries. Talented pupils from high schools and public schools in the district are being invited to partici- pate in the inter-high school festival of talent October 4th in King City High School auditorium. Following musical offerings of the young per- formers, a dance will be held, with several spot prizes. Auditions are in charge of Mrs. James B. Houston, Martin Street. Treasurer is Mrs. David Mr. John W. Whal-ley will act as chairman for presentation of talent, which will mark the opening of the second concert artists’ series. ' All accepted entries will receive gifts from Toronto merchants. The school receiving the high- est number of points will earn $100 to be used at the discretion of the school principal]. MAPLE â€" RICHMOND HILL CARS 8. TRUCKS FOR RENT REXDALE CAR 8. TRUCK RENTALS LTD. RR. 1 MAPLE (Lippay Motors Limited) KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-L Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspond in King City in Mrs. William J. Houston, telephi TEmpie 3-5457. and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thurgday, October 3rd, 1963 ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS King City Notes Mrs. O’Hara and Neil spent a week with friends in Devon and Cornwall, then seven weeks in Ireland, where they were joined by Mr. O’Hara. Mrs. O’Hara was born in Ire- land and her English-born husband spent several years there. Plan Classes When the King City United Church Sunday school is set- tled in the new church an en- rolment of 345 children will be fitting into the new routine. Scheduled for 11 am., a kind- ergarten class for foul and five year-olds will be part of the regular Sunday school, accom- modated in a separate class- room. _The primary department will have lessons in separate quarters. The juniors and intermediat- es wlll be meeting as a group the first part of the period, be- fore dividing into classes. During regular church serv- ice, starting at 10 a.m., younger children will be looked after in another part of the building. For the entire service, mothers will take turns assisting in the nursery for babies up to three- year-olds. Mr. and Mrs. George W. 0'- Kara and their three-year-old son, Neil, of Clearview Heights are planning to move this fall to Dublin, where they holidayo ed this summer. Mrs. George W. O'Hara pres- ided temporarily, succeeding Mrs. William B. Cook, who moved in July to Weston. Elections were scheduled for the November meeting. Meetings will be held the third Wednesday evening each month. Return To Ireland Assisting the superintendent in the Sunday school Is Mr. Jack Parsons. Mrs. Verdun Gordon is secretary-treasurer. Members agreed they would accept Mrs. Cook's invitation to meet in her new home next month. The junior congregation of four to seven-year-olds may re- main with parents until it is time for the sermon. Badminton Starting Teen-agers and adults are invited to join King Badminton Club, launched another season October 2 at King City Composite School. Rev, E. H. Costigan gave an informal talk on the Anglican World Congress at the opening meeting of the evening branch The club had “a [006 financial year last yearâ€, ALpine 7-1461 AVenue 5-5501 CHerry 1-2811 Robbie Tetley was re-elected president, Diane Glass is vice- president; John Tetley, treas- urer, and Allison Fraser. sec- retary. Several changes in the oper- ation of Kingcrafts were in- troduced at the 13th birthday meeting held at “Kingswoldâ€, home of the founder, 'Lady Flavelle. A new departure will be the opening of Klngcrafts House every Friday between 11 am. and four for the demonstration and sale of different crafts. Groups will alternate in taking charge of the centre after it opens to the public October 11. Mr. John Jenkins is vice- presldent of the club, Mrs. Arnold Blmlord, sec- retary and Mrs. John Jen- kins, treasurer. A.Y.P.A. Elections An increase in membership was noted when All Saints’ Church Anglican Young Peopl- es’ Association started the season's activities with elect- ions. Young people in the district are invited to meetings plan- ned for every second Sunday evening at All Saints’ Church. Mrs. Gamble Kingcrafts Head, Membership I90 Eighty members turning out for the meeting learned the ex- tension to Kingcrafts House should be completed by Octob- er 15, allowing more space for group meetings and storage. Proceeds from the large spring sale are making possible the addition and cost of expert in- struction. Silk-Screen Class A new group is being started this fall. Mr. Allen Sneath, who recently moved from King City to Aurora, will be instructing in silk screening. Mrs. Robert 'Rowland pres- ented a resume of the annual reports. Mrs. Gerald Gamble was el- ected president. to head the organization for the next two years. Executive includes hon- orary President Lady Flavelle; Immediate Past President Mrs. Gage Love; First Vice-Presid- ent Mrs. Ian Gilchrist; Second Vice-President Mrs. Arnold Peter; Recording Secretary nm1mnummumumlmmummmnun“mun“unmnumumnw “MW!WNWMIN“l\\llll\\\\1\\\“\“mull“\lllllllMul“ STOUFFVILLE : Council was advised that 1,300 feet of side- walk had been rebuilt this fall. Deputy-reeve Ken Laushway, chairman of the Stouffville council's roads and walks com- mittee, said there were con- siderable more walks to do but due to frost damage it was not expected work would be ex- tended past the present month. Need Piano(s) For Sunday School At King Church tocordlnt to President Jack Hamilton. Fifty were paid-up members. It was decided to dis- continue the practice of having associate members. Current membership was reported as 138 active members and 52 life mem- bers. A large number of play- ers on be accommodated in the gymnasium during Monday and Wednesday evening games. ‘The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent in King City in Mrs. William J. Houston, telephone TEmple 3-5457. and in 01k Ridges-Lake Wilcox..ln. Llllian Atcheson. Wildwoo‘d Ave., PR. 3-5479 The Sunday school staff of King City United Church has already been making plans to move into larger quarters when the new church is opened in mid-October. Now that classes will be able to meet in separate room, an absolute need is at least two pianos. We could use three. Superin- tendent Mr. Glen Fergus- on told “The Liberal.†Mr. Jnck Hamilton, lead- er of the Bible class, which will be resuming shortly, suggested an ap- peal be made in King City area for pianos, since a similar call in Newmarket some time ago resulted in I church being well sup- plied. TURKEY SHOOT Sponsored By Oak Ridges Lions Club South Of Bond Lake 0n Yonge St. SAT., OCT. 5,1963, at 2 PM. PAX'I'ON'S FARM Finance committe; Mrs; E. B. Phair, Mrs. Ian Baxter. Mrs. Matthew Heron and Mrs. D. Stephens; membership, Mrs. Emerson Wallace; publicity and archives. Mrs. Robert J. Row- land. Mrs. M. Jeanneret; Correspond- lng Secretary Mrs. David Lakle of Newmarket. House committee, Mrs. John Herring, Mrs. Walter Jenkins, Mrs. Nelson Thompson and Mrs. James Williamson. Forming the advisory board are Past Presidents Lady Flav- elle. Mrs. B. 0. Partridge, Mrs. James Baxter, Mrs. Ronald Fraser and Mrs. Gage Love. The new president is an 11-year member. Starting in the weaving group. Mrs. Gamble is presently active in hooking, ceramics and quilting. She plans to join the silk screening class. For years her indiv- idual felt work has been an attraction at Kingcraft sales, but to date it is not a regular Klngcraft activ- ity. \Illlllll“llll\\l\l\\ll\ll\l\ll\lllllllllllllllll\llllllll“llll\\l1lll\\ll\lllll\\llll HOW MUCH YOU MAY SAVE ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE WITH STATE FARM! State Farm Mutual Insurance Companies Fm run Some of the teenagers in the area are themselves trying very hard to get these dances organized. as there are very few recrea- tional facilities for them during the winter months. Anyone interested in helping, may call 773-5479. To be or not to be, that is the question the teenag- ers of the Lake Wilcox - Oak Ridges community would like to know. A committee has been formed to attempt to hold a series of dances for the teenagers and the pre- teens of the area. I! the school board approves holding the dances at the school. there will be an urgent need for sponsors and chaperones. Are there to be dance: this winter? L. Wilcox Teens Try Organizing Winter Dances 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ontario TU. 4-1529 James Grainger Canadian Head Office. Toronto, Ont. , , "ï¬g- Fifteen children received lstiheld starting in October and year pins for one year’s perfect will be held at the home of attendance; 15 received gold‘Mrs. Findlay, King City, from wreaths for two year's perfectflo am. to 3 pm. on the first attendance, seven received 3rd‘-Monday. the second Tuesday, year bars for three years' perf- third Wednesday ,and fourth ect attendance; six received 4- Thursday. Volunteers are need- th year bars for four years‘ ed to sew on labels, package perfect attendance; 20 received articles and price them, and 5 year bars for five years' perf- I’m sure many other things ect attendance, will need doing before the op- Promotion Sunday is Sept, ening of the hospital. If you ember 29. and I understand attend any of the work ses- some of the children will be re- sums, wouw Y0“ please “Pke caving their pins on that day. along a lunch if you are gomg St. Paul’s UCW will hold a to Stay 90‘“ ten ‘0 three- The annual UCW bazaar will' 0“ ocwber 28’ 29' and 30 be held November 2’ and this there is to be a convention at year will be called the “Christ the Royal York Hotel in Toron- mas Carol Bazaar... to, to familiarize all auxiliary Hospital Meeting ‘members in their duties, sug- A meeting was held at the gestions and ideas for the gift home of Mrs_ Lena woolley‘ shop, and the many other South M, with nine of the 15 Phases 0f “059ml “’0â€- members of the Oak Ridges- Local Girl Performs In Dress- Lake Wilcox branch of the age Yoin Central Hospital Auxiliaa Miss Christalot Hanson. TY- 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. At the meeting last Tuesday, discussions were held on the uniforms for auxiliary memb- ers. which will be coral. on the gift shop and carts, on the work About 60 children received pins for perfect attendance at St. Paul's United Church Sun- day school September 22, when rally day was held. St. Paul's UCW will hold a rummage sale October 5 in the c h u r c h basement, 1:30-3:30, with lots 01' good, clean used clothing. being put up for sale. Most of the clothes will be for the winter, and they are all clean, and mended if needed. Tea will be available for the shoppers. The annual UCW bazaar will be held November 2, and this year will be called the “Christ- mas Carol Bazaar.†Hoppltal Meeting Promotion Sunday is Sept- ember 29, and I understand some of the children will be re- ceiving their pins on that day. St. Paul's United Church f/Irifl‘e new ï¬mensien...beaufye new shape! Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox E 9612 YONGE ST. SKYLINE PONTIAC - BUICK LTD. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. On display at your Acadian, Pontiac, Buick dealer's Today Work meetings are to be held starting in October and will be held at the home of Mrs. Findlay, King City, from 10 am. to 3 pm. on the first Monday. the second Tuesday, third Wednesday ,and fourth Thursday. Volunteers are need- A meeting of our local branch will take place at Mrs. Wooleys’ home on November 4, for making scrap books, which is a project for this branch. More registered nurses and nurses assistants are needed for the hospital which is being built in Richmond Hill. which will be done by auxiliary members before the hospital opens as well as after the open- ing scheduled for the ï¬rst of De_cember. Miss Christalot Hanson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Hanson. South Road. has been named as one of the members of Canada’s equestrian team for the coming season and will Dramatic compete at the end of the year for the possible aw- ard of North American dressage champion and with an eye at the future. eventually to the 1964 Olympics to be held' in Tokyo. we will feel con- fident that this young lady. by past performanc- es, will bring Canada a gold medal in the future. In the near futune, Christalot will be perform- ing in dressage at the Royal Winter Fair. as well as representing Canada in Washington. Guide News First Lake Wilcox Guides held a corn roast recently and during the evening they pres- ented their lieutenant, Mrs. Viola Windsor with a crib quilt which they had embroid- ered during the summer. Each of the girls sewed a square on Birthday wishes are extended'° to Cindy Lou Lavlgne, six years old last week. Richard Orton, 14 years old September 26 and to Richard Kennedy, six years old September 30, Wayne Forster, thirteen on September 23 and to both Mr. and Mrs. Barry Willis, Rosemary Avenue who celebrate their birthday together September 28. Dawn Willis and Jade Seager both voted for this first time in the recent elections. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scappatello, (nee Linda Kerr) who were married September 21. Mr. Scappatello, ‘formerly of Port Colborne. and his bride who lived with her parents on the South Rd., will reside locally. - The community extends sym pathy to the many bereaved families who have suffered the loss of loved ones recently. ,Deceased are Mr. Charles the evening. I Those attending were Carol ,Nicliolls. Linda Nicholls, Mike Munroe. Pat Cook. Nancy Hitchcock, Pat Talbot, Bob Atcheson. Bob Murray, Barbara Talbot, John King. Kathy ENeedham, Sandy Watts, Fred ‘Robinson, Bob Littlejohn, Fred Rawding, Jurgen Luebke, Gary Greavette, Mike Huska. Barb Heron, Barb Thomas, Danny. and Darlene Traynor, Ron Neil, Steve Emoff, Bill Llnsay, Fred Skuta, Clayton Needham, Ethel Ford. Jimmy Mortimer, Bill NeWStead. Al Arnold, Carol Annette, Bill Arnold, Marlene Annette, Dave Phillips, Lyle Cunningham. Three special guests were Johnny. Gall and Douglas Nicholls. Mr. and Mrs. C. Blnning and Norma. Toronto visited the Orton family for Sunday dinner and the day. In the near futune, Christalot will be perlonn- ing in dressage at the Royal Winter Fair. as well as representing Canada in Washington. Euide News First Lake Wilcox Guides At the eastern Canadian horse trials which were held recently at the Eld- erberry Farm, Aurora, with approximateLv 1,500 people watching from the natural amphitheatre, Miss Han- son performed over a course identical to that used at the Olympic games and was named eastern Canadian dressage champ- ion. perform in dressage in Washington. During the summer, Christalot has competed in Detroit in the junior and open class and was awarded a silver medal, which will entitle her to compete at the end of the year for the possible aw- ard of North American dressage champion and with an eye at the future. eventually to the 1964 Olympics to be held‘ in Tokyo. we will feel con- fident that this young lady. by past performanc- es, will bring Canada a gold medal in the future. new beauty from General Motors IN TRUDUCINli-the completely new ’64 ACADIAN BEAUMONI Both groups will be holding fly-ups. so please give me a call. About People their own and then it was put'Bennett. North Road: 301!“ together. . William Holman, infant son of .At Monday night‘s meeting Mr. and Mrs. John Holman. Dianne Kirst and Ruth Dukeâ€" Lakeland Ave.; Mr. Sam Ra- low were welcomed to the phael, South Road; Mr. Murray group. Duncan. brother of Robert First Oak Ridges Guides will Duncan, South Road, who died be enjoying a hike on October very suddently as the result of 5, meeting at 10 am. at St. a heart attack. Paul's United Church, South{ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warden. Road. Mrs. Lloyd Anderson is‘Aubrey Ave. attended the fun- 4 insisting with Guides and oral of George H. Thomas. Brownies. {WesthilL husbeng of Ward- A stork shower was held at the home of Mrs. Anne Col- lins. Moray Ave, September 23, with Mrs. Viola Windsor assist- ing. Guest of honor was Mrs. Margaret Ferris, end the 12 attending showered her with gifts for the new arrival. The most exciting car of the new car year is here 9 Set on a new 115†wheelbase, the Acadian Beaumont is lean, clean and elegant to look at. Thrilling and thrifty to drive with V8 or 6 cylindel power. Inside, 6 adults enjoy an abundance of relaxing space. Smooth full coil suspension adds to passengers' peace of mind: And the low price is as welcome as a windfall. See 10 models in 3 series at your Acadian dealer's nowl 285 - 5445 hi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warden, [slAubrey Ava. attended the funâ€" d‘eral of George H. Thomas, 1Westhill. husband of Mr. Ward- g3en's only sister, Dorothy. whose a death occurred recently as the result of an accident at Delaw- are. near London‘ A large group of boys and girls got together last week, and enjoyed a corn and welner roast in the backyard of the Nicholls family, Bayvlew Ave. The kids danced to records and sang and of course ate during the evening. 727 - 9381 Com Roast Mr. and Mrs. C. Binnlng and Norma, Toronto visited the Orton family for Sunday dinner and the day. Beaumont Sport Deluxe Span Con†AX‘164D W