Bridal Shower ‘ On Friday evening, neigh-J hours and friends gathered at‘ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Mortson to hold a miscel- laneous bridal shower in hon- our of Miss Dolores DeLaBar- re and Mr. Neil Pickering, who are being married on October The bride and groom elect were assisted with the opening of their gifts by his sister, Mrs. Earl Kydd. They received many beautiful and useful gifts (or which they thanked every- one. Refreshments were served. Hobby Show The United Church Women held a very successful hobby show in the community hall Saturday afternoon and even- lug. --..,. There wege Christmas dec-‘ orations. mlllinery. rugs. weav- ing. petlt point, sewing. knitt- ing, smacking, embroidering. on display also quilts. The west side of the hall was taken up with antique and heirloom art- lcles. Tliere was also I bake sale. vegetable and iplan‘t sale. _ ' 'Efr’é. 7 Allan drr demonstrated the making of chocolates. Tea was also served, and everyone enjoyed themselves very much. Anniversary Services There was no church service at Victoria Square on Sunday morning hecause of the anniv- ersary services being held in the Headford United Church. At the 11 am. service, Rev.Robert J. B. McNaught of Queensvllle United Church was guest speaker. Special music was given by the Headford choir. At 7:30 pm. the guest speaker was Pastor William Vanderbent o! the Helse Hill Brethren In Christ Church. Special music was by the Jos- eph family. Sunday morning Dr. Bluning- ton was the guest anniversary speaker at the Sharon United Church. Promotion Service During the Sunday school‘ service on Sunday morning,‘ the promotion service was held: As each child was promotecfl they walked through a gate and were greeted. on the other side by their new teacher. It was also birthday Sunday. Please remember that Sun- day school meets eVery Sun- day morning at 10 am. and if there are any newcomers to our community who would like to join in the service they.are very welcome to do so. Euchre The first euchre of the fall season will be held in the community hall October 4, at 8:15 pm. Would the ladies Buick for 1964 emphasizes the wider, lower look with distinctive grille treatment for each series. The Wildcat Sport Coupe shown here features a new broad, die-cast molding which extends from the wheel opening to the rear bumper. Ventiports are now stacked, three high, just ahead of the front door. Three new engines have been added to the Buick lineup for 1964 to include extra economy in one series and flasher perform- ance in another. ' For 1964, Buick takes a giant step forward in the evolu- tion of torque converter-type transmission with the Super Turbine “300", a two-speed unit and the Super Turbine “400†which is a three- speed unit designed to handle the greater power of the 401 and 425 cubic inch engines and the additional vehicle weight of the luxury series cars. n- [Hui-do" +nmm~mw at Skvline Pontiac-Buick Ltdc, Richmond Hill. IVA. nub-u-.. ____ V On display tomorrow at Skyline If' you prefer Qlfltylrx WIMB mas cum LT 1mm; VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLI R. R. 2 Gormley -- Telephone 886-5421 please provide refreshments Everyone welcome. r Leader: Workshop A workshop for the Explorer and Messenger leaders will be held In the Victoria Square Un- ited Church October 5, from 9:30 am. to 3 pm. It ls spons- ored by the York Presbytery and is under the leadership of Mrs. P. Bennett. Please bring sandwiches, dessert and tea will be served by the Christian Ed- ucation Women. Women’s Institute The October meeting of the Women's Institute will be held October 8 at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Garnet Francy, with Mrs. Carl Walker as convenor. There is to be a demonstration of table setting. Committee is Mrs. L. Hart and Mrs. F. Don- nelly. All ladies welcome. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday greetings to Jim Boynton. October 4; Wayne Cowle, eight years Ocï¬ober ' MrIand'Mré. A. Kugler wel- comed another son last week: The community was shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden death of the Markham Township Reeve Wilfred Dean. Our sympathy goes out to his wife and family. Miss Wendy Hart suffered a painful injury last week when she was badly scratched by a neighbour’s dog, She had to have ï¬ve stitches on her ear and two on her neck. A speedy recovery 15 wished for her. Miss Dorothy Oliver of High- land Creek is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Don. Pickering and family. A épeedy recovery is wished for Miss Mary Muirhead who is In the Newmarket Hospital. Mr. Davld Boynton flew by‘ TCA jet to England last week where he will be spending the next month touring England and the continent. Hospital Auxlllu'y Gormley - Headford - Vict- oria Square Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. John Mc- Cague Monday evening of last Week, when a business meeting was held. Plans were made for a prog- ressive euchre and bridge party in the Victoria Square Com- munity Hall October 28. Mrs. G. W. Finlay of King is collecting articles for the gift shop of the hospital and would like volunteers to help wrap and price these articles. Mr. and Mrs. 201! Berta, Gordon and Elizabeth attended the Nagy-Serenci wedding held in the St. Gregory's Catholic Church, Oshawa, and the re- ception which followed in the Hungarian Culture Club, Osho awn on Saturday. Gordon Berta was one of the ushers. 1964 BUICK Hornby, and Miss U. Christen- sen on Saturday started the guiders six week training course being held in the Rich- mond H111 United Church. Friends were sorry to hear' that Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nich- ols and family were, in a motor car accident in the States which demolished their car. Frank and the children escap- ed with minor _ injuries, but Mrs. Nichols suffered head in- juries which required hospital- ization for three days but she is able to be home now. NEWMARKET : A request for' Town Council to approve ex-I penditure of about $145,000 for public school building pur- poses aroused concern over‘ responsibilities of municipal! councils as related to educat- ional costs. Councillors Tom Taylor and Roy Keffer objected to council being asked to ap- prove=a heavy expenditure of taxpayers money without know-3 ing how it was to be allocated. The request was deferred for ,the world, the Bible society is . further study. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Meed and family have moved to Detroit, where Desmond is as- sistant pastor at a church there. Mrs. Walker and David. Miss Sharon Walker and Mr. Donnie Nichols attended a wedding at Sault St. Marie this past week- end. A number of ladies from here attended the trousseau tea in honour of Miss Dolores DeLaBam'e at Richmond Hill Saturday. Mrs. N. Johnston, Mrs TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corpora- tion of the Township of Vaughan has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of its Restricted Area Bylaw 2857 pas- sed on the 29th day of July, 1963, a full text of which is given hereunder, and a copy of the Explanatory Note. Any person interested may, within 14 days after the date of this Notice, ï¬le with the Clerk of the Township of Vaughan notice of his objection to approval of the said Bylaw, together with a state- ment of the grounds of such objection. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said bylaw but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to the Bylaw will be considered. . IIDA'é‘ED at Toronto this 26th day of September, 96 . A Bylaw to amend Bylaw Number 2523 The Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Vaughan ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: ‘ Bylaw Number 2523, as amended, be and is hereby further amended by adding the words “a school" to Section 7 (2) (b) READ 9. FIRST and SECOND time this 29th day of July, 1963. J. A. Bryson, Deputy-Reeve‘ ' F. G. Jackman, Deputy-Clerk. READ a THIRD time and ï¬nally passed this 29th day of July, 1963. Bylaw 2857 will permit the construction of a school in a Suburban Residential (RS) Zone in the Township of Vaughan whereas up till now the only institutional uses permitted in such a zone were a church, community centre, nursing home, public library, public or private hospital according to Bylaw 2523. R. Scott, Acting Secretary. ' The Corporation of the Township of Vaughan NOTICE UNDER SECTION 30 OF THE PLANNING ACT ONTARIO MWICIPAL BOARD BYLAW NUMBER 2857 EXPLANATORY NOTE a . .v aEmeralds Fame On The Upbeat Ever heard of the Emeralds?’ Chances are that it you are in' the teen town age group most‘ anywhere in Ontario you've not only heard of them but danced to their particular brand of music. For those who haven‘t yet heard of or heard the Em- eralds don’t despair, you're des- ltined to become aware of them in the very near future. ‘ The Emeralds are a musical ‘group made up of five young men from Richmond Hill. For? five years they have been play-a ing school dance dates in this area and have played at a good many teen town dances in vari- ous Ontario centres. They are a rhythm and blues group and have entertained several times at the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home. At this moment their fame is rather local but they hope that re- cording will catapult them into ii ï¬brirgrvcareer in _ the world music. Leader and vocalist of the quintet is Ron White with John Hayman playing lead guitar. Ross Sully is the talented sax- aphonist, Paul Wright is the pianist while Earl Newhall han- dles the “papa†or bass guitar. This new record, called "Make Believe†was composed and arranged by members of the group. They feel that it is a record with universal appeal and a really smooth, danceable number that can be appreciat- ed by all age levels. The record will be heard on CKEY and on WKWB. If it should catch on with the disc jockeys and the public as they hope it will the Emeralds should be off and running toward the recognit- ion they are seeking. Hill .lr. Chamberil Plans Radio Sale For November 29 Richmond Hill Junior Cham- ber of Commerce members are planning their fourth annual radio auction November 29. The auction, which offers about 225 separate merchandise items to be bid for by telephone will be the Jaycees’ major fund raising project this year and ‘ proceeds are returned to the community through the group’s various promotions such as get‘ out the vote in the civic elect- ions, a safety traffic course and Ladministration and leadership tcourses for Jaycees. Bids will be received by a bank of telephones to be set up at St. Mary’s Anglican Church and broadcast over the air. Auction Chairman Allan Smythe said merchants’ gifts are not really outright dona- tions_in that they received pub- licity» before and“: during the auction for their stores. wllfdre details and a list of bid items will be published closer to the auction date. J. A. Bryson, Deputyâ€"Reeve. F. G. J ackman, Deputy-Clerk. Cleaning CALL ‘ j R ‘ ‘ 6 . 4 ' ' AV. 5-1180 to come and see fhe You are cordially ALL NEW RAMBLER models invited For prestige, the Ambassador 990 Station Wagon The all new American for '64 9144 YONGE STREET - RICHVALE, ONT. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ont, Thursday, October 3rd, 1963 New for ’64, Classic Hard Top, 6 cylinder, V-8 3-4- 1964 RCA VICTOR PORTABLE TELEVISION Draw is available to every person unending throughout the showing of the New 1964 Rambler. The Winning ticket to be drawn, by "Mr. Rambler" Earl Camiron. Suppl!“ by Richmond "III IV. AV. 5-1189