VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE W.&P. SERVICE WQ personally handle I" nle i bills and advertislnx PHONE . LicenSed Auctioneer YQIk & Ontario Counties ‘ 36 Years Experience All electrical repairs & wiring T.V. - Antenna Repairs 8: New Installations - Refrigeration Appliance Servicing ALL MAKES Au'tomatic Washers Dryers Polishers Vacuums Irons I78 YONGE ST. N. Richmond Hill LEONARD R, RObENBERG B. Com. Ba‘nk of Nova Scotia Building _: Aurora Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 ‘173 Yonge Street North (Opposite R. D. Little 8: Son) Free Estimates for Repairs to All Makes of Cars GUARANTEED WORK DAVE HAY TU. 4-4745 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Douglas Allen Ikrchitect 884-7322 79 YONGE ST. SOUTH '3 RICHMOND HILL Town Auto Body 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, RELIABLE SERVICE APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE AV. 5 - 3591 F.I.A. ‘ PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 54531/2 YONGE STREET BA. 5.4701 : SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK, ‘ FURNITURE AND ‘ IMPLEMENTS Alvin S. Farmer EMERSON T.V. HOOVER VAC. Free Pick-up 85 Delivery Telephone TU. 4-2283 Evenings TU. 4-3392 20A Yonge Street S. Richmond Hill, Ontario Work Guaranteed Licensed Electrician British & Foreign Cars Auto Body Work PHONE ROY THOMPSON NE 886-5311 GORMLEY. ONT. Accountants Auctioneer Appliances PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORYI TU. 4-3417 Architect’ L. E. Clark Toasters Sump Pumps I Chiropractic H. D. Melsness, D.C'. X-RAY cor. Windhurst Gale & Bayview (1 block south Bayview Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 SYLVIA GARSON DANCE STUDIOS All phases of the dance. Tiny lots to adults I Building Trades THORNHILL AV. 5-1413 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Repairs & Alterations Drain and Concrete Work FARM vâ€"v HOME PUMP AND WELL REPAIRS R. F. Challoner WELL DRILLING MYERS WATER SYSTEMS ’1’.Le0nardPinnegar Lumber - Trim - Panelling Paint - Hardware 465 MARAMAK RD. RICHMOND HILL opp. Bayview Sec. School By appointment 191 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill SPECIALISTS IN Motors, Tuneoups, Ignition Service. Voltage Regulators, Generators. Starters. I Auto Electric Limited Cinsses or Private Physical Culture Ind Folk Dance Groups being formed 428 S. Fernleigh Circle Richmond Hill Arthur G. Broad 22 INDUSTRIAL RD., RICHMOND HILL BUTLER 8. BAIRD [UMBER lTD. STREET BROS. AUTO ELECTRIC PLASTERING Deciantis-Rice Repairs -â€" Houses COMMERCIAL AND D. Alexander INDUSTRlAL Quick, Clean Service Tulloch CHIROPRACTOR 10 Lorne Avenue By Appointment PHONE 884 - 5167 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-4251 Phones TU. 4-1125 AV. 5-3506 Phone TU. 4-5368 K. KRUTZLER AV. 5-2666 Dance Instructor By Appointment By Appointment Building Suppï¬es 884-367 5 AV. 5-5881 Thursday, October; 10th, 1953 H x l i I GardenSupplies 114 CROSBY 884-3933 GROWER -- FLORIST Since 1880 The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. PHONE ALpine 7-1471 or AL. 7-1363 Keele Street Maple, Ont. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE “Flowers For All Occasions†Phones TU. 4-1812 AV. 5-1812 AT ALL HOURS We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding Districts Retail Division Flowers for all over the world Roses cut fresh daily Weddings - Funerals Corsages Experienced designers HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT Helen Simpson Flowers ‘ METRO WIDE DELIVERY AV. 5-4865 â€" WA. 5-0532 I Engineering Member - Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association H. J. MILLS LTD. ’IDriving Schools City WA. 5-4126 ROBERT’S DRIVING SCHOOL Head omce: 632 Yonge St. ‘ Dr. M. J. Richie AND Dr. S. Talsky DENTIST 22 KEELE ST. 5. KING OPEN EVENINGS TE. 3-6351 City Of Glass Garden Centre B. W. MILLER Ph. HU. 5-1145 Dr. J. Perdicaris Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evenings Gas Extractions 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12, ONT. SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS MEDICAL-DENTAL Sprays and Materials Shrubs â€"- Trees Garden Tools CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE OFFICE TU. 4-357 1 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1974 STEAMFITTING WELDING Leno’s Machine Shop Modern Cars INSECTICIDES RICE’S FLOWERS 78 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL ACROSS TOWN Flowers TUrner 4-1462 Dental Phone: Thornhill 285-6432 Thornhill BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass Automobile Financing etc. Telephones PArkview 7-9488-9 TU. 4-1219 BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES PUBLIC Floyd E. Corner. Q.C. Elaine Knight Bernard R. Fox-gang 47 Yonge Street South Aurora. Ontario Suite 2, Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1551 113 King St. Ernie Brock 8. Son Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto, Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363 TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 John S. Walkington Formerly Bloor & Yonge Sts. Individual Attention Hair Styling Permanent Waving Air Conditioned Dryers 80 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill TU. 4-2321 Maple Plaza AL. 7-2590 Savage Insurance Services H errington Insurance Agency GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY Office 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg., Aurora, Ontario COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bu». ALplne 7-2621 Res. ALplne 7-1224 J. Rabinowitch, 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 Plaxton, Deane & Drew Barrister, Solicitor, etc‘ RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL GENERAL INSURANCE Floyd E. Corner Sellwood Salon Corner Agency Limited Hair Styling 8: Beauty Salons 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 Richmond Hill Oï¬lce 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. Complete Insurance Service Roy V. Bic/c A. Burnett General Insurance Thomhill Ofï¬ce AV. 5-1197 Insurance TE. 3-5283 Legal Richmond Hill King City 363-3959 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL TU. (-4231 285-5729 Rentals, sales. service of office machines. Business supplies and social stationery IOffice Supplies I Monuments K. M. R. Silver, Q.C. Joseph Vale, Q.C. J. M. Pepplatt, B.A. William Errington, B. Com. 195A MAIN ST. Ph. TW. 5-4571 Newmarket AV. 5-1477 Stiver, Vale, Peppiatt, Errington Toronto Oflice - 7 Queen St. E.. Suite 151 Phone EM. 3-5877 BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Suite 2, Lowrle Building 15 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill Every Thursday Afternoon TUmer 4-1551 Lawlor & LeClaire BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill, Ontario TU. 4-4413 17 Queen Street E., Suite 544 Toronto 1, Ontario EMpire 6-2363 Parker & Pearson King City James H. Timmins Gariepy and Mann BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. N OTARIES T. C. Newman, Q.C. Wardell York Memorial Donald M. Findlay 4956 YONGE ST.. WILLOWDALE Monuments and Markers of Granite, Bronze and Marble Cemetery Lettering Phone BA. 1-9777 Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public TE. 3-6684 96A Yonge St. 8., Aurora PA. 7-9272 STUART P. PARKER Q. C JAMES H. PEARSON Norman A. Todd 6197 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 Kenneth A. Garlepy BA. 5-1557 W. E. Nell Mum TU. 4-4618 B.A.. LLB. Barrister. Solicitor and Notary Public 15 Yongc St. North Richmond Hill, Ontario. TU. 4-7891 220 Bay Street. Suite 701 Toronto 1. Ontario. EM. 6-9411 Residence TUrner 4-1863 By Appointment Edward D. Hill Barristers and Solicitors 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill. Ontario Ofï¬ce TUrner 4-1780 YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT Barristcr, Solicitor. Notary Public RICHMOND HILL 7 Bufferin St. Barrister, Soflcltor. N otar! THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 (Continued) Legal TE. 3-5451 TU. 4-1543 I Sporting Goods Ontario Land Surveyors 53 Bedford Park Avenue Dr- W- Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2941 VETERU 105 Wfllowdale Ave.. Willowdale' DBL, 221-3485 Telephone Bel. Georze T. Yntes. 0.1.5. TU. 4-1432 BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill TU. 4-1213 Ruth Garson A.D.C.M. CONCERT ARTIST PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION Grades 1 to 10 Piano, Voice, Theory Studio: 428 S. Femlelgh Circle Markham - Bayview Area Richmond mu J. C. Harvat,B.A., 0.1). OPTOMETRIST O EYES EXAMINED O PRES‘CRIPTIONS FILLED 0 CONTACT LENSES GLASSES MADE & REPAIRED IN OUR OWN LABORATORY By Appointment 15 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL A. W. Kirchen, 0.0. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED REPAIRS 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TU. 4-3962 Air Condition, Room TV and Telephone 7 Crown Motel C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycle; Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods Marguerite Boyle WINTER GARDEN Elocutlon, Public Speaking Platform Deportment Dramatic Art "HOMEWOOD HALL" Thomhlll AV. 5 - 1059 INTERIORS LTD. Discount On All Maple Marine Al’s Cycle and Sports Shop 9114 Yonge St. Richvale aint-Wallpapel Yates & Yates DIAL 257-1381 scon‘ - McCULLOCH Outboard & Chain Snw Sales and Service FREE DELIVERY PHONE 884 - 4491 383 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Optometry Surveyors Marine TU. 4-4641 Motels Musical Office Telephone 147 Yonge St: Dr. W. Allan Ripley' VETERINARY SURGEON Globe Travel Service Illll“111mlll“lllllllll1ll“lllllllullllllllllIll“1lllll\l1“\lllllllllllllllmlll‘ I Transportation A feature of the evening will be presentation of dress regalia of a Grand Steward to Secretary V. W. Bro. Harry Sayers. llllllllllllllll\\\llllllllllllllllulll“llllllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllml\l SOMETHING WANTED TRY A “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIED TU. 4-1105 RUMBLE TRANSPORT 63 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. TRAVEL AGENCY Reservations For Every Phase of Travel Without Charge 7728 Yonge St., Thornhill 285-4807 - 285-4808 Call Any Time - Free Estimates Antenna Installations and Kits Repairs to Electrical Appliances - Car Radios - Coaches for all Occasions Jack Seaton REAL ESTATE BROKER Math’s TV - Radio Service & Parts Local Bus Service Dally Richmond Hill- Toronto Service Chartered Coaches Information: 285-3642 Reservations for Sea-Air Tours and Cruises Langdon's Coach Lines Ltd. DAILY SERVICE. RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling P.C.V. Class A. C, and H Trailways Of Canada Ltd. FOR INFORMATION Phone: 884-7851 or 285-5782 NO BOOKING FEE N0 SERVICE CHARGE Sales . Rentals - Leases Residential - Commercial TU. 4-7903 MATH. M. ERKELBACH 125 Pemherton Rd., Richmond Hill l5 Yonge Street North PHONE 285-1472 MARIA'S Veterinary Real Estate Television TU 4-1013 EM 4-2625 Trucking Telephone TE. 3-5351 Travel nmhniomi mu. They recently “adopted†a 10-year-old Italian girl. Cater~ ina Neri who lives on the out- skirts of Reggio Calabria. Caterina who was adopted under the Foster Parents Plan in Montneal is the Littles‘ fourth experience as long dis- tance parents. In 1945, they ï¬rst adopted a little French boy who later en- tered the priesthood, a Lith- uanlan girl who eventually was brought to the US. and later a Greek girl who is now work- ing at a sewing trade. Mrs. Little said gifts are also sent on birthdays and special events like Christmas. She has also encouraged her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Little to become foster parents which they did with the adoption of a little Phillipine girl last spring. Under the plan, the foster parents contribute $16 a month for the child’s support for at least a year. In the Littles’ case, they have continued with support until the children came of age. Monthly letters are exchang- ed in original and translated form in which the youngster tells his Canadian foster par- ents of his progress at school and how it feels to have shoes on his feet and a full stomach. Letters from foster parents are treasured. Adoption through the plan is financial, not legal; of the $16 monthly, $8 goes as a cash grant to the child, the rest for food and clothing. medical care, school fees and equip- ment. The plan's purpose is to guide a foster child toward ec- onomic independence and to responsibility for his family and service to his country. The Canadian help is a stepping stone to self help according to the Foster Parents’ Plan. i Mrs. Little urged that any- one interested in the plan shgyld investigate it. (Continued from Page 2) and happy ministry, developing the new parish with the help of the church extension board, particularly Bishop Snell and Mr. Arthur Hand who have wide experience and sympathetic understanding of the problems and privileges of newly created parishes. While at Emmanuel, Mr. Jackson and his panishioners maintained a close fellowship with Holy Trinity. And now . . . the culmination of his splendid life of service to his fellow men is his appointment as assistant minister of Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Thorn- hill. There is no doubt that his wide experience in living and dealing with people will not only be ex- perienced in the parish of Holy Trinity but will reach into the community as well. And as the good minister has already said, “We live in a world of ‘interdepen- dence’." (In a. later column, Mr. Jackson will tell about his observations and impressions of the Canadian Arctic which he came to know so well.) Rambling Around CUSTOMER PARKING AT THE REAR OF THE OFFICE BUARANTY TRUST 0N TERM DEPOSITS COMPANY OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL [Post O'Ha- Com") 884-4415 1% The Littles’ child comes from a family of two other children. Their father was suddenly and tragically killed when he was injured by burns from an over- turned cauldron in 1955 and their mother. granted a pension of $31 a month. is in poor health although she works as farm hand when she can for about $5 a month. The family have a cow whose milk brings in another $15 a month. The eldest daughter, Carm- ela, 15. as an apprentice In the dressmaking trade earns no pay and Maria. 13, is in the first year of medium school (equivalent junior high school). With the Littles’ aid, thl family will now have additional blankets. bedding and clothlnl at their two room rustle house. The girl, called “Tita†at home. is in fourth grade primary school and hopes to become a school teacher. Mrs. Little said she fell Tita's case was a very deserv‘ 111g one. Other sources of income are a $20 "family bonus" from a maternal uncle and the sale for about $57 of the annual spring calf. LITTLES' "TITA"