THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thurs ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON Represents York: York County's entrant in this week's World Ploughing Match. "Queen of the Furrow" con- test is a November bride-elect. who plows a mean furrow her- self. . Chosen to represent the ,county at yesterday's beauty and day. October 10th. 1963 13 NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Correspondent: Ed. Baker 67 Weldrick Rd.. TU. 4-0016 . .,»»,,,,g,.,,.._.--.. M“ v->~'r"r-‘s~',.:~ns<e--~ ,2, \"y’h‘Aï¬w-rï¬-m ex. A». wearava "' “‘r' Evening Branch St. John‘s Anglican Church Tl‘. 4-3008 hook Southern many of the branches have ilst Jefferson Cubs and Scouts I The Cubs met for (he first time this season on Thursday “Christian Issues in Asia" w h i c h Twelve happy boys attendedlSchool. the NHL. All Star - Leafifavour o The score was 2-0 in f Ross Doan. The next last in St. John‘s Parish Hall. chosen to study this year. ability judging in connection game at Maple Leaf Gardens. game played was against the They were pleased to welcome A student from Nigeria, at- with the matches being held They were the Pee Wee 50ft- new Roselawn public School Kelvin Mabec as a new mcmâ€" tending Trinity College. this week at Caledon was Elis- ball champions in Richmond and once again the score was Iber of their pack, Toronto. spoke on the ed- abeth Barker, daughter of Mr. Hill this year. Accompanying 1-0 for Ross Doan, ' The Cubs and Scouts are go» ucational. religious and ec- and Mrs. George Barker. RR. them were Mr. Jack Holtze and ,ing on a conducted tour of onomic conditions in his 2, Gormley. coaches Ralph Davis and Jack Ithe Dunlap Observatory on country. It was interesting As the only women entrant Duncan. ;Oct0ber 12th. They will meet to note that seventy-five ‘last week. she placed third at Ratepayers Meetan 5 1at St. John's Church at 7:30 percent of the education the South Ontario County On October 2. 30 ratepayers} ‘p.m. Their parents are also there is provided by mis- ploughing matches and has attendEd a meeung at ROSS invited to participate in this Sion SChOOIs. After the shown her skill in county mat- D08“ SChOOl- Members were in- .outing, The October general Close of the meeting a ches and junior farmer comp-form“ 0f Progress with the . . . turn ‘meeting of the mother's aux. social half hour and re- (muons new industrial water area and iliary will be held at the home freshmcnts were enjoyed. In 1962, she and three other how it would affect taxes. l ‘of Mrs. A, McFee on October Those attending from St. idelegates spent 10 weeks in TOWnShip meetings will be 16th. at, 8:30 p.m. John's W. A. were Mrs. Britain and Ireland represent. attended in the future by woodlot . Terry and Mrs. Gould. ‘jng Ontario on a Junior various members to bring the .‘Jefferson Community Club A meeting of the convcnors for the bazaar to be held on November 9th. was held at the home of Mrs. Morris last week. association up to date on any- thing that would concern re-. sidents of this area. ‘ An inquiry will be made re-t Farmers Travelling Scholarship. On Wednesday contestants were judged on their plough- ing. their appearance. person- into a proï¬table lmttnununmttitttnuuutnmltinittmtnituMinimumtttï¬l Bingo Games . ality and deportment and on a Sarding Ponce DatI'OIS and1 ‘ Please keep this date marked on Every Wednesday questionaire. First prize was speed limits in the area. 'YOUF calemar- ; $75. School Soccer 1mm] days I interesting bingo games Miss Barker who is living In their first game or the harvest! are planned for Our Lady Queen of the World Hall, east side of Bayview at Crosby Avenue. every Wed- nesday evening. The first game of bingo is scheduled for October 23 at 8 p.m. Twenty-five regular games will be held with special games featur- ing share the wealth, jack- pot. chop suey and lollipop. Those who attend are as- sured of an evening of fun and entertainment as well season Ross Doan boys soccer team played Charles Howitt x wth her parents in Gormley told “The Liberal" she has been busy practicing for the contest and making her own wedding dress. All boys on the birthday list‘ this week. Greetings and best‘ wishes to Dennis Gamble on‘ October 12th, and to Henry‘ (Hank) Gibson. Brad Rushlow and Arthur McCrimmon who all celebrate on October 14th. Neighbourhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Stan Leno ac-i companied by Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ferguson of Aurora at- tended the baseball game in St. Catharines on Saturday, There was much to cheer about Pictured at the Canadian Civil Defence College, Arnprior, are (from the left) Acting Reeve C. H. Hooper of Markham Township; E. F. BeVls, Emergency Measures Organization Ontario Director. of Toronto; Reeve R. C. Bulloch of Bolton; Ontario Fire Marshall Martin S. Hurst; and Reeve (Mrs.) Alma Walker of Markham Village. They were attending a four-day orientation course and are shown inspecting instruments for detecting radioactivity being purchased in bulk by the federal government on behalf of those provinces who wish to purchase them. Cost will be shared ‘by federal and provincial governments. These instruments Will enable _munic1- palities to detect radiation hazards during a war emergency. MunlCipalitles Radiuiion Detection Equipment yous PAINLESSLY DESTROYED (by approved S.P.C.A. method) will. be responsible for recrmting and training personnel to handle the when the Dynes ngench de_ as profit. M, No COST To YOU equipment - featefi St- Catharines Chiefs inmutmttumunutttunntummunutnnnmuminimumlittlqu Is â€" to Win the O.A.S.A. Southern TROYER NATURAL ‘ Ontario Championship. The SCIENCE SERVICE F S t Jewellers will travel to Elliot YONGE ST. - OAK RIDGES Lake for their next conquest. . . g Spending Sunday with Mrs. Choice Household Furniture PR 3-5071 G. Kerswill were Mr. and Mrs.‘ Piano‘ DiShes' Utensils’ ‘ p.41-o.o.o.o.o.o-n-q“ ‘ ' ' ' , the Range. $15 from Cook's R M f T t . 1 h Antiques Richmond Hill sawed off .22 calibre 11er entered three times . um e 0 (mm 0' a so er with: next Thursday will with a barrel of less than third through the freshly- and 20 packages of cigar- granddaughter. Jam-S Holmes Carpenteï¬antd Gafden Tools ‘ face sentence in magi» 20 inches. puttied WlntiOW its owner ettes. and Janis' liftetime friend, Property gaging to the HIGH SCHOOL place rate’s court after convic- Entered as exhibits dur- kept replacing after each Constable Harry Cold_ Mary Come“ of Falconbridge‘ Estate of the Late incident, court was told. At JOSEPH E. TEESON ing last Thursday’s trial ron said the knife found who is in training at Western. tion October 3 on joint STUDENTS -' . . ‘ School. the Hospital. . ' char es of theft and dam- were a large. eight "1011 St Maer _ near where the arrest was N _ 9 M K D age Tiere and in Markham curved blade knife and a teaching staffs symbol of made had been used as a .Tony Cappy has returned to Scot? Subdisicsiozy M33316 RENTAL TYPEWRITERS $165.00 Township home-made gun, disc1pline, a black strap. jimmy_ his classes at Sir George Wil- ’ AVAILABLE NOW Just West of Yonge Street SATURDAY. OCT. 19. 1963 Household Goulay upright piano and stool 8-piece dinette suite in blonde maple. with green-seated chairs was cut up in pieces and with 12†attachments placed on a desk. Approximately $175 in cash was taken from the school, about $115 from a cash register and cash box removed from Joe’s Serv- Damage included break- age of glasses at the Rich- mond Hill Curling Club, windows in several service stations and equipment in the interiors of St. Mary Immaculate School and liams University in Montreal; Frank Pridham is also a stud- ent at the same university. Mrs. John Nelson. formerly Florine Pridham. and her hus- band are now living in Mich- awaka. Indiana, where her Special Student Rates Blank Keys If Desired LH. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. - Richmond Hill Wayne Toole. Alsace Rd.. and Joseph Raymond Fran- cis Deschambeault. Yonge Street South. pleaded guil- ty as each of the 15 charg- es were read. . A charge of possessmn The gun was found in a search of Deschambeault’s lodgings the next day, Const. Coldron told court. He said both had been very co-operative with r .‘ symbol at O I O O O O O O O O O O 0 C O 0 I O O C O O ‘0 O O O O O O O chain saw .1 inaliti . . . . . . 2-piece modern French design - of stolen goods laid against Cook’s B.P. Station. The ice Station August 18._ab- DOllce- _ hUSba“d_ 15 3'19?de 335.11 001' Chesterfield suite. in green Rallable Mower and Alvin Glenfield of the charges arose after the out $17 from Gabriel’s Magistrate 0. S. Hollin- lege While WOI‘klng 0" hIS B-A~ Red upholstered platform E . C t as Descham- pair were arrested at the SerVice Station, a wrist rake ordered apretsentence "1 mUSIC- I rocker artifltaiigesviithdrawn. curling club September 19 watch from the Canadian report on the pair. Toole Mr- and Mrs- Jim Graham Upholstered parlor arm chair qUIPment en l’e Deschambeault also plea- and date back to mid- Spawn and Supply Comp- was represented by Joseph Of Ado“ Spent sunday With (antique) Richmond Hill. Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dibb. Recent news from the Pass- more family in Germany is that they are comfortably settled in their apartment in Zweibru- Chen. Jack is very busy taking up his duties as principal of the senior school, which Margie atâ€" tends. Margie has already made the volley ball team and re- cently travelled to Brotinquine to take part in a game. Rabinowitch and Descham- beault by John Lawlor. any. golf equipment from the North Yonge Driving August. Cook’s B. P. Station was Easy electric washing machine Sni-Dar portable electric record player, with records Violin and case Square top extension table 21-Inch television set with cab- inet stand 6 high back dining room chairs Full set china dishes (Bridal Rose design) consisting of approximately 100 pieces Several antique kitchen chairs ded guilty to possession of an offensive weapon and a BANKRUPT Phone TU. 4-1124 North York Mower and Marine limited 228 Steeles Ave. W.. Willowdale. Ontario. Phone 285-1672 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLI R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Telephone 886-5421 WORKS DEPARTMENT Tender for the Supply and Delivery of Winter Sand Requirements it aghl. ! i . s CHILDREN'S Packard ° Reg. 4.95 Now 3.77 Reg 5-95 Now 4.47 Reg. 6.95 Now Reg- 9.95 Now 6.97 We have a large selection of :â€" BOOTS - ORTHOPEDIC FITTINGS l/2 Gracia Reg. 7.95 Now Reg. 8.95 Now Reg. 7-95 Now 5.97 Reg. 9.95 Now Reg. 8.95 Now 647 Reg. 12.95 Now Reg- “~95 Now 10.97 Reg. 5.95 Reg. 6.95 Reg. 6.95 Reg. 7.95 Reg. 8.95 MEN'S SHOES Reg. to 23.50 MEN’S SHOES ASSORTED BRANDS 5.97 6.97 7.47 9.77 MANY SMART STYLES FOR CHOICE Now 4.47 Now 4.97 BRANDED LINES Now 4.87 Now 5.47 Now 5.97 BOWSER'S SHOE SALON 12 YON GE ST. STOCK LIQUIDATION BY LIGHTMAN’S LTD. 8., AURORA of Agriculture held at the Mar- kham Fair Friday afternoon. Prize winners were: (1) Wal- lace MacDonald of 5.5. No. 4, ,were the judges. Mrs. Britnell Ton behalf of the Federation of Agriculture presented the prizes of $25; $15; and $10 to the win- ners. Congratulations! Rangers The Second York Central Rangers were visitors of the First York Central Rangers at the meeting last Wednesday evening along with Rangers from Aurora. The girls enjoyed an evening of folk dancing with cocoa and cookies as refresh- ments. IEuchre There were sixteen and a lhalf tables of euchne players lat the first euchre of the sea- son Friday evening of last week ,in the community hall. Prize winners were: Ladies 1(1) Mrs. Gordon Draper: (2) .Mrs. R. Frazer; Consolation: ‘Miss Olive Glover. Most Lone Lucky draw on a box of groc- eries was won by Fraser Gee. Another euchre party which will be the beginning of a ser- ics will be held in the commun- Octobcr 13 at 11:30 am. Dr. Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings Harold Hill. October 9; Louis to Mrs. Morison. 10 years October 11;Ivited to attend. I 10; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Can- ning will celebrate their 9th wedding anniversary October 16. day before their departure for India October 15. Rev. Fitz- patrick was the student min- ister here last year. Mr. Jim Gladding had Sun- day dinner with Mr. Rolph Boynton. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boyn- ton and Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Don Boynton called on Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Boynton at Port Perry Sunday afternoon. Friends are pleased to hear that Mr. Wesley Boynton is able to be home from the hospital .following his recent operation. ‘ Mr. Harry Forester, former [resident ovaictoria Square but now of Richmond Hill spent Wednesday of last week with Mr. Rolph Boynton and called (on other friends in the neigh- ‘borhood. ‘ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pickering (nee Dol- lwished for him. 1 COngratulations to everyonei who won prizes at the Markâ€"‘l ham Fair last week, especial-‘ .ald Orr. of a supper meeting October 16, at 6:30 pm. at the home1of Mrs. Harry Barker. All lad-1 ies in the community are in-‘ OOOOOOOOOOOOOO TU. 4- 4361 ooooooooooooo AND BURNER SERVICE RICHMOND HILL 0 service at St. John's Church last Sunday was conducted by the rector, Rev. T. Robinson. assisted by Mr. Lomas. The contributed their time and a share of their harvest to beau- tify the church for this special thanksgiving service. At the service on Sunday ev- ening, the rector began his series of talks on “Christian Sectsâ€. The first of the series dealt with the “Background tol the Sects“ and next Sunday evening the subject of the sec- ond of the series is to be “Jeh- ovah’s Witnessesâ€. The teen-age Bible class, commenced on Sunday morning at 10 pm. under the direction of Mr. Ron Neun. An invitation is extended to all young teen- agers in the district who would be interested in attending these weekly classes. 1 The evening. branch of thei woman's auxiliary met at the parish hall on October 3rd. The main topic of business was the woman‘s auxiliary will meet on» the fourth Wednesday this month. October 23rd. instead. of the usual third Wednesdayl The Sunday school teach ward to hearing her again soon. held in St. Mary’s Parish Hall. on October 2nd, with representatives from many of the branches in attend- ance. This meeting was described as an education- “The Kingdom. Power alid Glory“ and “Christian is- sues in Southern Asia". She also mentioned sever- al other informative books. copies of which were on display. The guest speaker was .‘lrs. Patterson. wife of the rector of the Church of the Epiphany. She gave a summary of the ers(Western rotary power lawn Several cushions and pillows Paintings, Pictures, Mantel clock Glass front book case with full-length mirror (new) Modern writing desk (new) Full-size bed with box spring mattress Roll-away single bed Bridge table Ladies’ dresser, with round bevelled-edge mirror and chair Kerosene lamps and lantern 2 green verandah rocking chairs (antiques) Dresser and chest of drawers 2 green, small, square top tables Ironing board, Electric kettle Towel and clothes racks Pine dough box, with lid (antique) Large cellar bench table (pine); Step stool; Large flour bin Quantity of bedding, linens. o-dd carpets. etc. Meat grinder: Dishes Glassware; Utensils Waterloo. Model 20. garden tractor. complete with disc (near new and good) Checker players’ table and set '1 and cultivator attachments ‘ ' sisting of saws. planes, Pails: HOes: Garden rakes. etc. Stirrup pump: Pair of trestles Barrel bird house: 2 wash tubs Lawn mower Length of garden hose Extension tree pruners James Smith. Clerk. KEN and CLARKE PRENTICE. Auctioneers Markham, Ont ;» Phones: 294-3161 or 640-3686 NOTE: Estate or Auctioneers ‘will not be responsible for any .Public Liability. Property Dam- aze or Injury to the Public in connection vith this Auction [Sale partment of Highwa D. .I Open ‘ r . Friends and neighbours are Square top small table and SEALED tenders properly marked as to d‘ -V Spelling Match thelth Rumney. 7 years, Oct- sgrrydto hear that Chris Rat- stools contents Will be received by the undersigned until to 6 Thurs. and ‘ Pupils In grades 7 and 3 fmm‘ober 12; Percy Bennett, 00t' C. 0‘" 15 m .St- M‘Chaels “05' TEIePhone table and "Cks 5:00 pm. Monday, October let, 1963, at the the schools m Markham Town- 01,61. 15. pital. Best Wishes for a speedy Large oval mirror Munici an Ofï¬ce 56 Yo St t N rth R- h Cl sed Fri. lship participated in the spell- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pick- recovery. ChFIS- 2 square top centre room tables p, ’ nge We 0 » 1c _‘ o Iing match sponsored by the ering will celebrate their 27th Church News Square top table stand mond H111 for the supply and_dehvery 9f approm‘ Wednesday Nights to 9 Markham Township Federation wedding anniversary October The harvest thanksgiving Tri-light f1001‘ lamp "lately 3,000 tons 0f sand 1n StOCkplIeS at the Municipal Yard, Pugsley Avenue. panied by a De- ys certiï¬cation of approval All tenders shall be accom Works Committee HARVEST . Area 3; (2) Joan Charters of Mr. and Mrs. Idris Hamid church was decorated with Number Of gOOd library bOOkS conformmg to the" spwlï¬catlons' _ and Mlsses Shoes McHale ' 5.5. No. 16; and (3) Judy welcomed another daughter re- fruits, vegetables and flowers 2 fullâ€"size matching beds, with The IOWBSt 01‘ any tender, not necessarily S P E CIA I. ' s Marks. of T.S.A. No. 2. cently. of all kinds, preceding the Of- box spring mattresses accepted, ""5 COUPON Is worm Savage 0 . Mr Lloyd Abernathy of Mark- Rev. and Mrs. G. Fitzpatrick fertory the choir sang “Song 3 full-SIZE Sprlng mattresses F R Perkins O s Whalen sw‘oo “me puma†of“, Z._ Hartt . ham gave out the words. Mrs. and baby daughter called on of Thanksgiving". A word of BedSIde table and lamp Gil -' ’ C - ~ ' I ' new Pioneer chain :ow from R. Britnell and Mr. A. Bourne friends in the community Sun- appreciation to all those who Large dOUble mOdem dresser, alman’ ommlssmner 0f works- WHILE THEY LAST ONE DURABLE, STURDY PLASTIC SCOOP WITH EVERY ’ , c_ g g ‘ores DcLaBarre) who were mar- turkey dinner to take place oniKitchen wares: cuuery STRAPS OVFORDS (1)1“:ei‘t CNic‘liblllll-Steiizti “Cd 0" Friday “Tiling. Friends November 6Ԡat “‘9 Paris“ creeks; ,Sealers ' l . ‘ ‘ BRANDED LINES Charii'e Attridde, Conso‘l‘ation. were sorry to hear that Neil hall. Further information and Along “1th Other Odd househ‘fld . A SLIP ONS - FANCY Earl Empringhtain- Most Loneâ€lad the miSfortune to bpeak tifkas may be obtained from effecvltiacmr Tools and - - ‘ ‘l \"ll' ' . 0“? Of his legs on Tuesday ev-t 8 members. _ . STYLES _ INFANTS Reg 495 NOW ‘Handsi B†‘1 “ms lemng. A Speedy recovery is The afternoon branch of the M‘sceuaneous HALF GALLON OR O‘NE QUART OF . . ly to Ronald Orr for Winning itv hall October 18, at 8.15 . . , . l . . . . we}. )- ‘ ‘ first prize for his calf. and firsttSPent an mtelesunfl evenln“ m0 . Reg. 7.95 Now 0'97 pm. v for Showmanship in the junior3IaSt ThurSda-V When MI‘S- K3“: 39-foot emcnsmn ladder- Churcli News > calf dull also ï¬rst prize forneen Slade†instructed them on Work shop bench and vise Mrs. Idris lianlld. student his cob of com in the c0rn§Sunday school teaching and the L- C- Smith. 12-gaug€~ hammer‘ I J minister. was in charge of the‘clmJ ,basic method of telling a Bible less shotgun f C t . church service on Sunday Dénald Orr of Kin St v H t 1k \. t h 1 _ Large number 0 arpen er's . g s em the; or,. er a \as mos ep‘ V V and or ets mOI‘mnS- ,weekend with his cousin Ronyful and they are looking for- and handymans “3015' con‘ CREAM White pro“ a1 rally and Mrs. Priest- ‘L‘pright steel supply tank ‘ †_ _9' T i .‘ man. educational convenor. INumerous other articles. 1 PRICE Reg 9 0 ho“, 6'37 i noted the three study ‘Sale at 1:00 pm. Terms: cash. books suggested for this Ion day of sale. Property sold, year - "Cities Glorious". consequently no reserve. .0115 ms (31.1.15- A. F. Binnington will be in. Y Y ' chisels, hammers. etc. .d b . charge of the church SQI‘VICGLL'CJL _ ; The fa“ meeting 0f the Carpenter‘s tool kit box and \aturahzei Reg. 5-95 NOW when holv communion will be The OCtObcr meetmg 0f thei York Deanery 0f the , trunk \ ~ ‘held. - U‘C-W' “m be I“ the form Woman's AUXiliaFy was Hewing adze: Axe: Shovels