Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Oct 1963, p. 6

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for the oven, 5-4184. hotgun with poly choke. Phone 84-2391. c1w15 ’PHEASANTS, BABY BUTLER, as new, cost ILSON washing machine, in ood condition. TU. 4-1604: ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514 tfc36 $48, sell for $18. TU. 4-7716. I c1w15 HOfiSEfiOTD furnishings, on rmew at 9212 Yonge Street, Richvale. Collins Hardware. TWO single toldaw5y’bédsfsfi TWO 670x15 used snow tires reasonable. TU. 4-5309. each; 1 washing machine,'$10; ‘1_b1cycle, $15. TU. 4-1933. A.1 s6i1. 884-2538. tfc50 IZ-GAUGE Bifowirfinrgi auto load \GOOD use‘d'fumiture for sa e. Call Frank's Moveis and St r- age. 28 Industrial Rd..-'?1‘U. 4- 2813. tfca SINGER SEWING MACHINES Repossessed, take over pay- ments, $5 per month. Washers, dryers, vacuum cleaners, polish- ers and typewriters. Terms. TU. 4-2931. 18A Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. tfc48 BABY'S 'PLAYPEN, woodEH, brand new, Gendron. $8.00 cash and. carry. North Park Furni- ture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc9 APPLES Buy direct from Orchard. Crisp fresh picked graded apples. Gormarkay orchard, Armitage. Yonge St. Two miles north of Aurora. c5w14 BEAUTYREST. Marshall, Sim- mons. Serta. Heely and. other pring mattresses repaired, re- urned just like new, medium “In, extra firm. Two-day ser- ce. Elderdowns recovered. On- nrlo Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 VACTRIC sewing machine, a1- ost new. buttonhole, zig-zag IÂ¥Echments, $75. TU. 4-4239. c1w15 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. October 10th, 1963 SPRING filled mattresses. PROPANE GAS & Double bed size. Brand new, APPLIANCES $15. cash and carry. Perfect for SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. cottage. North Park Furniture. MAPLE Yonge St.. TorontO. HU. The only AUTOMATIC Propane 7911. tfc9 Gas Service from New Bruns- mld fumfiuTe wick to Manitoba. For informa- for new, with highest allowance tiOn. 0311 AV- 5-1145- “€29 TRADE IN your old furniture for new, with highest allowance â€" or â€"â€" we will buy your fur- niture for our trade-in depart- ment. Free estimatES â€" no obligation. Call Powell Furni- ture, 85 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2922. TORONTO CUT STONE SUPPLY HAS firewood, loam. compost. manure, top soil, rockery stone. patio flag. sand, gravel and crushed lime stone. natural and pre-cast stone and steps 01 all sizes, etc. No. 7 and Bathurst St., 884-1571. :r; hear the amazing built-in Optional” Rhythm King. Also I 8 our display of fine low pric- pianos and all other musical iglstruments â€" chimes and ALL ms of music. c2w14 PONTING’S MUSIC CENTRE Du Don Mills Road at the " Newmarket Cut-off if Phone 895-6311 To add to our Lowrey Organ line we are pleased to'announce thevfranchise of the all Cana- dian ELECTROHOME OR- GANS â€" drop out for a dem- onstration day or evening â€"~ see _how easily anyone can play pan‘s car coat. size 44. TU. 4- »635. c1w15 UL, Marconi 17". private, top rendition. $25. TU. 4-5791. )ven ready, $3.25. Stouffville. 340-2780. tfc12 METRO WRECKING CEDAR AVENUE, RICHMOND IIILL New & Used Materials Plumbing - Doors - Pipe Clearing NEW Glazed Sash 500 and Up OPEN DAILY UNTIL 8 p.m SATURDAY UNTIL 5 p.m. 1/2 Mile East of Yonge South Of Markham Road AV. 5-3942 FREE DELIVERY IUSKRAT coat. size 16-18; new CASH RATES, lst insertion So each word, min. charge . . . . . . . . 75c. Second and subsequent insertions if wording . . . . . . . . unchanged, 5c per word, min. charge 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word; min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 am. on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE PHEASANTS per insertion CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES dressed, ready $2.50 each. AV. c1w15 en“ en, .__'..v._u.u "\aâ€"ly- .2922_ A11 popular makes for sale 111. is need free. well rotted and t£c48 eluding new and rebuilt Stand- odourless fig‘ ard portable and electric modâ€" FOR els. Special rental rates avail- GOOD SERVICE compost, able to students. GOOD ADVICE rry stone‘ L. H. SIMS GOOD PRICES wel and 88 Baker Ave. CALL natural Richmond Hill TU. 4-1745 C. L. KNAPPETT 11d step5__â€"___‘fc_49 Loam, Trggjsolégndscaping 7 and ONE 3_-piece Chesterfield suite, DON’T WAIT - DO IT NOW gem g2?» "1 SOOd condition, onlyI th14 _ GENERE CONTINENTAL bed. Golden! c1w15 c1w15 clw15 c1w15 c4w12 “10 Quilt by Beverley, like new; paid $130, only $55. rgan EIGHT-piece dining room suite. extensmn table; in good condi- unce - . {amp tlon, only $60. OR_ QNE 3-p1ece bedroom suite. 16m. triple dresser. chest and book- , _ case bed; paid $380. only 3160. ’play Call Powell Furniture, 85 Yonge utdn Street North, Richmond Hill, Mm TU. 4-2922. c1w15 tfc2 or peat loam. $5 and $7 loads. 225-2781. tfc13 suitable for barn flooring. 886- 5216. clw15 excellent condition. Phone AV. 5-2451. *1w15 each; electric train, Marklin 25. TU. 4-5791. c1w15 ketch and 23’ sloop; $50. TU. 4-5791. c1w15 BEATTY bull pen, welded steel. 886-5216. c1w15 BOY’S bicycle, suit 8-11 $18. TU. 4-1359. 3,000 B.F. full 2-inch plank, ONE PAIR snow tires, 900x14 COFFIELD washing ’xfi’achine like new, $50. AV. 5-3754. BUNK bedsf'ni’ét’a'lfitfi, $3 50,000 foreign stamps, sorted, in envelopes, $50. TU. 4-5791 SAILBOAT plans; $33"a'nd 3'4" SINGLE bed, spring and mat- tress; baby bed (up to five years); sell cheap. AV. 5-3970. c1w15 BOOKCASE, unpainted. brand new, $7 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tch KITCHEN suite, 5-piece, new condition. 884-1271. c1w15 WELL ROTTED cow manure BABY carriage, converts to car bed or stroller. $20; good con- dition. TU. 4-7830. clw15 500 SHEETS heavy galvanized roofing, lengths to 10 feet; like new; half new price. 886-5216. e1w15 ELECTROHOME portable ste- reo, 4-speed, auto changer; as new, $40. AV. 5-7226. CHEST of drawers, four draw- er. Unpainted. Brand new, $15. cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Tor- onto, HU. 8-7911. tfc9 SNOW FENCE $9 per 50 ft. roll. Steel posts 90c each. 8 line farm fence $1.30 per rod. Apply Norman Bone, TU. 4-1443. tfc14 TRICYCLE, girl's winter coat, 2 piece suit size 8. complete Brownie uniform. cotton and nylon dresses, good condition. reasonable. AV. 5-3712. c1w15 8 DRAWER dresser, brand new, unpainted, sell for $18 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc9 MAN’S debenture for Richmond Hill Curling Club for sale: cash or terms. with discount, or make offer. Box 11, “The Lib- eral". c1w15 Portable (stove oil). no pipes, no smoke. no odour. From 6.000 - 12.000 BTU. See them at Carl Walker Sales. Don Mills Road. Victoria Square. Phone 886-5413. tfcll ROLLAWAY BED. Aluminum. Spring filled mattress. worth $35 00. Brand New, $20.00 cash and carry. North Park Furniâ€" ture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc9 Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale inâ€" cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. BALL OF FIRE HEATERS “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS Phone TU. 4-1105 08. AV. 5-3316. CURLERS, ATTENTION! TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES FOR SALE (Continued) 1.00 years, *1w15 c1w15 c1w15 c1w15 GIRL GUIDE uniform, as new. Size 14, $5. 884-4903. c1w15 JUDSON Volkswagen super- charger, $60. TU. 4-5113, after 6 pm. clw14 krat. Good condition. Size AL. 7-2620. c1 McNeil Antiques. 9251 Yonge St.. Richvale. 285-6916. *2w15 OWNER moving. must' sell household furniture and appli- ances. TU. 4-1858. *1w15 21-INCH Motorola T.V. for sale, good condition. $75 or best offer. TU. 4-2870 or TU. 4-5616. c1w15 DINING ROOM table and four KITCHEN SUITE, arborite, brand new, 5 pieces, $29.50 cash and carry. North Park Furni- ture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc9 10â€"SECOND Polaroid land cam- era, model 150, with light meter. AV. 5-2436. c1w15 LADY'S fur jacket, beige mus- ANTIQUES bought and sold CARROTS, small beets, red cabbage and brussel sprouts. 285-4405. c1w15 chairs $10. Bookcase $8. 834- 3616. c1w15 GIRL'S skating outfit, size 6X, black velvet. trim white imita- tion fur, $7. 884-3616. c1w15 DEBENTURE $400 ‘â€" in the Richmond Curling Club; best offer. 4-7917. c 4â€"BURNER electric stove, $85; two-piece Chesterfield, brown, $125; practically new. 773-5386. c1w15 NIGHT TABLES, unpainted, brand new $5 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. \ tch OIL drums for sale, very good condition. 884â€"2546. c1w15 as desk. Black velvet coat tall. TU. 4-4883. c1 SETTEE, newly upholstered, reasonable. Box stove. Walnut tea wagon. Chair, matching stool. TU. 4-1383, TU. 4-3917. WALNUT vanity - can be used BUNK BEDS, red maple. Brand new. 36" size Spring filled mattresses. $49.50 delivered. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Torénto, HU. 8-7911. tfc9 PORTABLE Twin laundry tub with table top. I wooden bed, twin size, 1 roll-away bed with new mattress, 1 lady’s bicycle, reasonable. A11 in good condi- tion. AV. 5-1923. c1w15 FIRST Quality Imperial Flo- Glaze Paint $5.95 per gal. - $1.75 per quart. Interior Fin- ishing White - Semi-gloss - Flat or Latex. May be tinted to pastel shades. The Sheppard & Gill Lumber Co., Limited, 71 Centre St. E.. Richmond Hill. Three lines to serve you: 884- 1361, 285-2267, 285-4909. c1w15 ONE or 2 large unfurnished rooms. with board. required by gentleman: all replies acknowl- edged. Write Box No. 10, “The Liberal". I"1w15 CURLING SWEATERS made to order from $25.98, includes wool, any design. Wool laid away for our knitting custom- ers. APPLES, Macintosh, Spartan, Red Delicious, Linda, bece, Greening, Spy, Wealthy. Pears, Bosc, Anjou, Sheldon, Honey. Free delivery. Drop by or phone after 4 pm. and all day Saturday. Manning and Sons Orchards, Dufferin Street, one mile south of Maple Side- road, Maple. AL. 7-8972. tfc15 ATTENTION HOM‘E OWNERS Its Time To make that new garden or flower bed youv’e been think- ing of. ITS TIME To top dress your lawn to im- prove it for next year. We recommend For All These Jobs Loam & Mushroom Compost Mixed ROOM and board for one. TU. 4â€"3844. c1w15 ROOM AND BOARD available for one gentleman. Close to Yonge. TU. 4-4392. c1w15 TWO rooms. board optional, close to Yonge; gentlemen pre- ferred. 884â€"2689. c1w15 ROOM and BOARD OUR MUSHROOM MANURE OUR LOAM IS SCREENED You get no junk or wood or stones in it. WYN-DOT THE LADIES’ SHOP RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2214 FOR SALE FRESH FRUIT (Continued) ze 16. clw15 c1w15 c1w15 at, 16 c1w15 c1w15 'ed by CLIENTS' funds to purchase mowlâ€" lst and 2nd mortgages. D. Mc- ,“The Leap, AV. 5-1176. David Mc- *1w15 Lean Ltd. tfc15 Hill TU. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean modern service. C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richmond Hill tfc40 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc31 \CARPENTRY WORK, additions, innovation-s, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tchB SEPTIC Faiks pumped. 24 hour service. c. Burns. PR. 3-5085. PAINTING. paperhanging. Free EXPERT chimney repairs new and old. Reasonable rates. 884- 7728. c1w14 PAINTING 8: PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. CARPENTRY & CONCRETE Custom building additions, repairs, renovations. J. W. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. tfc50 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4- 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tf031 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service. estimates Rollinson‘ CONCRETE and carpentry work, recreation rooms. floors and walls tiled, at reasonable prices. TU. 4-5482. tfc33 5688 E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. ROTOVATING Lawns and gardens. Phone 884-7573. tfc3 CO. LTD. Pump equipmem installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192, King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 MISCELLAN EOUS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workâ€" manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if deâ€" sired A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 DUPLICATING Letters. office forms. bulletins, etc. Black, white, colours. Prompt service. Richmond Hill Answering Service, 884-3800, AV. 5-2798. tfc13 CHESTERFIELD suites, and chrome chairs recovered and rebuilt, at a reasonable price. No job too small. Free estim- ates. Murray Upholstery. AV. 5-4767. tfc51 GORDON JUBB GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR Concrete and masonry repairs. BA. 1-6688. tfc14 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. TU. 4-2838. tfc45 FLOOR COVERINGS All types tiles and sheet vinyl for rec. rooms, kitchens, entries. baths, etc. Also ceramic wall tiles. Free estimates. Reid and Sons. Flooring Contractors, AV. 5-1960. tfc32 Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4â€"4813 resi- dence, business, AV. 5-5345. RELIABLE babysitter wanted. Glencrest Subdivision, Bayview- Steeles; two small boys; even- ings, AV. 5-6633. c1w15 MOTHER’S HELPER SERVICE EXPERIENCED baby - sitters. homemaker's service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. tfc15 BABY SITTING WAL'KER' & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS 85 SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 tf MORTGAGES UPHOLS‘I‘ERY CHiMNEYs Colour samples. A TE. 3-6671. t.fc15 tfc43 tfc23 Lfc44 tfc8 tfc4 tfc LARGE 1 bedroom apartment. TU. 4-3982 01' BA. 5-6429. c3w13 SMALL 3 room apart‘menwt. 884- 2465 after 6. c1w15 STORAGE space available, storage of any kind. Phone any time, 884-3931. c2w15 GARAGE for rent. 34 Roséview Ave., Richmond Hill. TU. 4- SIX-roomfi bungalow in Richâ€" mond Hill, per Nov. lst, $125 monthly. TU. 4-5791. c1w15 FURNISHED one bedroom ap- artment. hydro and water. AV. 5-1234. tfc14 OAK RIDGES, 1 bedroom cot- tage, oil, furnished. Large lot. 773-5194. c1w15 TWO-bedroom apartment. Ap- ply Collins Hardware, 9212 Yonge Street, Richvale. 1880‘ MODERN 3 bedroom bungalow for rent. $125. TU. 4-4788. CHRISTIAN home. Housekeep- ing room, close to Yonge. Share fridge, grill, parking. Non- smokers. TU. 4-1777. c1w12 FOUR ROOMS in private home, not self-contained. Suit quiet couple. AV. 5-4590 after 7 pm. $85 FOUR bedroom two storey house available in Westview Golf Course area. $130 three bedroom bungalow, attached garage, oil heat. Call TU. 4-3647. c1w15 WENMAR APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL COLBOURNE AVE. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments -â€" \pool elevators, FM music, large balconies, intercom, parking, TV outlet. AV. 5-2303. tfc3 UPPER DUPLEX. front and rear entrance, 7 rooms, living room, den with fireplace, large kitchen with pantry, bath, 3 .bedrooms. garage, spacious 'grounds, November 1. 148 Yonge Street South, TU. 4â€"1504. *lw14 tfc14 HOUSE, 2 bedrooms. all con- veniences, garage, good loca- tion, reasonable. 884-5678. COMFORTABLE room, all home privileges for middle- aged woman or pensioner. Call 727-9867. clw15 $65.00â€"SMALL frame house on Bayview, south of Richmond Hill; space heater; immediate possession. AV. 5-3785. c1w15 BED-SITTING ROOM and kit- chen, suit tw0 people, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke's Drug Store at Yonge. *2w14 FURNISHED room with private bathroom, close to Yonge St. Gentleman preferred. 285-4409. clw15 f 'BEDROOM apartment. 90 Crosby Avenue. Call TU. 4- 1013. thI4 $70 MONTHLY â€"â€" 2 bedroom house or 1 bedroom apartment. R. Crowth‘er, AV. 5-1164. David McLean Ltd. clw15 lFOUR-plex. 2-bedroom upper. $115; 2-bedroom lower. $110; ideal location for children. quiet crescent; special conces- sion for~one-year lease. Call The Canada Trust Company. EM. 2-6161. tfc15 FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment, suit one or two business gentlemen. AV. 5-3993, or, after 5.00 p.m., AV. 5-4373. tfcll FURNISHED room in quiet adult home for one lady. Cook- ing facilities, garage. 884â€"4646. c1w14 BEAVERTON-CENTRE AREA Furnished room in quiet adult home. Parking. $8 weekly. TU. 4-3801. . '*1w11 4 ROOM apartment, stove and fridge, private 3-piece bath- room, child welcome, parking facilities. 45 Dufferin Lane, Richmond Hill. c1w15 FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment with balcony. One block from Yonge St. and shopping centre. Apply 62 Hunt Ave. FIVE ROOM, 2 bedroom bun- galow. Located near Keele St. and No. 7 Highway. Available October 16th. $115 monthly. AV. 5-2349. c1w15 AURORA - bright furnished apartment, equipped kitchen, separate entrance. parking. One or two business adults, $85 monthly. 727-5597. tfcl3 WOMAN will d6 men-ding, darning, etc.. in own home. Can pick up. 773-5746. c1w15 GARDEN Consultant, retired; nurseryman, gardens designed,. plants and shrubs supplied} Plans and estimates very rea- sonable. 884-7953. c4w14 YOUNG MENT 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you helb us: Call Salva- tion Army. 285-4869. U052 BABY SITTING or will help serve for Thanksgiving, any day, or cleaning. TU. 4-1768. EMPLOYMENT WANTED RICHMOND HILL ELMDALE COURT TO RENT *2w14 c1w15 c1w14 c1w15 tfc14 c1w15 tfc10 ° WOMAN for counter work at Dad’s Drive In, excellent work- ing conditions, permanent pos- S â€"- ition, references required. Ap- irge ply after 6 pm. to Mrs. Cover- Tvlette, at restaurant at 255 Yonge tfc3‘St. 5.. Richmond Hill. c1w14 and FARM SALESMAN WANTED “Hg Energetic man with knowledge "ge of farms to specialize in farm " 3 sales and small acreages. Call rous Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176. David "1%? McLean Ltd., Realtors. c1w15 ICLEANING women. day or Ievening work. Call after 6 p.m.. TU. 4-2651. Nursing Home. Yonge and Elmwood. tfcll DRUG CLERK, female, full time, experience preferred but not essential. Apply in person. 9014 Yonge Street. c1w15 WOMAN to do general house work and help care for 2 small children, weekly. AV. 5-2788. c1w15 4 BEDROOMS ! BUNGALOW. with garage,i “Pleasantville” area of Rich-L mond Hill; 2 fireplaces. finishedi recreation room; possession! could be Nov. lst. AV. 5-1905. 1 6-ROOM 2-storey home west of ALTERATIONS. fittings, cut- Yonge. Immediate possession ifgting to patterns. Work carried necessary. AV. 5-1905. aout by expert dressmaker. Lon- ydon haute couture training. J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, parking. 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke’s Drug Store at Yonge. *2w14 4 ROOM furnished cottage near Yonge. Very reasonable. Prefer elderly couple, abstainers or self contained apartment in bungalow or single housekeep- ing room. TU. 4-2868. RELIABLE housekeeper, sleep in if necessary, for approxim- ately one week. 884-7472. clw15 WOMAN wanted, part-time, ex- perienced; variety store. TU. 4-0040. c1w15 RELIABLE cleaninz lady, Fri- MEN wanted for wood factory. Apply in person on 19th Ave- nue, between 5th and 6th Con- cessions of Markham. c1w15 SALESMAN for established bread route. AX. 3-3241, 884- 3456 after 6 pm. c2w14 WOMAN, part time, for Thorn- hill‘ I.G.A. Apply Thornhill I.G.A. c1w15 days p r e f e r a b 1 y, Bayview- Steeles, 9-4. AV. 5-6633. CARETAKERS â€"â€" full & part- time. Modern building. AV. 5- 2303. tfc14 WAITRESS full or part-time over 21. Apply chief steward, Thornhill Golf Club. c2w14 TRUCK DRIVERS wanted for route work in Richmond Hill, Aurora area. Write Box 8 The Liberal. c4w14 DISHWASHER, male, experi- enced. Apply in person, Rich- mond Heights Restaurant. TRUCK driver and warehouse- man, permanent employment, usual company benefits. 285‘ 1138, Mr. Patterson. c1w15 WOMAN or young girl to help look after children, and general housework. for a few weeks. AV. 5-5889. c1w15 PART-time office help required for Victorian Order of Nurses, Richmond Hill. Some typing preferred. 884-4101 for more information. c1w15 WOMEN â€" Christmas selling starts early with Avon Cos- meticsâ€"part or full timeâ€"valu- able sales territory now avail- able. Write Miss Ziegler, Box 141, Guelph, Ont. c1w15 PLEASANT person, preferably a retired man, to sit with eld- erly gentleman occasionally. Central Thornhill. References exchanged. AV. 5-1571. APPRENTICE to mechanic. reg- istered in second or third year of mechanics course. Opportun- ity for ambitious young man. Apply Cadillac Lumber, Maple, or phone John Miller. 285-4975. FREE rent for couple with child in large self-contained apart- ment, Yonge. south of Thorn- hill. in exchange for part-time household services. LE. 2-4683. c1w15 MAN or woman to supply est- ablished customers with fam: ous nationally advertised Wat-‘ kins Products. No investment. Earnings of $75.00 and 111? weekly possible. Full or part- time. Write to J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal 15. Que. c4w14 FIRESTONE STORES RICHMOND HILL requires a young man with a desire to sell, must be a self starter with a desire for rapid advancement. Grade 12 educa- tion is required. We offer an excellent starting salary with company paid benefits. Apply to Mr. Miller, 884-4401. HELP WANTED T0 RENT (Continued) *1w15 c1w15i c1w15 c1w15 c1w15 c1w15 will sell yours on consignment. TU. 4-4372. tch 1960 Messersmidt red convertiâ€" ble, for quick sale, $250. TU. 4-5113. c1w15 WEWBUY cars for cash or we 1956 Wikswagen, good condi- tion, $250. Phone 884-4765. cellent condition. I TU. 4-4788. *1w15 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, good condition. Best cash offer. TU. 4-2410. c2w15 1957 DELUXE Volkswagen, id; eal second car. New motor. 884- 7560. c1w15 1959 CHRYSLER Windsor, ex- 1954 3620 1953 CHEVROLET, recondition- ed motor, good tires, radio, leaving country. 257-0040. *1w15 1953 ning 1955 PONTIAC sedan, good motor. Phone before 1, or after 5:30 pm. AV. 5-1382. 1956 DODGE, excellent tion, snows, anti-freeze, washers, etc. $250 full AV. 5-5808. AUSTIN Healey Sprite parts for sale or will take $350 cash. L. Sheffield, Ontario Sand, Maple, 257-1090. c1w15 1962 VOLVO-SPORT, family sports car, red with whitewall tires, bucket seats. TU. 4-2165. *1w15 1962 Volkswagen, like new, $1,200 cash, or terms, $50 per month, no down payment. Phone 884-5931 or, after 6, 884- 4460. c1w15 1957 CHRYSLER “Windsor” in A-l condition; power steering, brakes and windows; V-8 auto- matic; radio, 2-tone, white- walls. AV. 5-2436. clw15 1955 VANGUARD, 4 door, radio, 36,700 miles, one driver. Since new. Good condition. ex- cellent motor and body. New battery and tines. Must sell. Private, $265. 231 Lucas. 884- 5107. c1w15 DRESWAKING \ Transportation IN LOVE WITH A CERTAIN NEW CAR? USED CARS XXX X X X X XXX“ BUY IT NOW WITH A LOW-COST, LlFE-INSUREL CHEVROLET, good run- condition, $85. AV. 5-1643. c1w15 AUSTIN Sedan, $50. 884- c1w15 No. 7 HIGHWAY AT DUFFERIN ST. DRESSMAKING DESIGNING ALTERATIONS TU. 4-4670. LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA iixx SEE - THE - NEW 64' CHRYSLER Chrysler â€" Plymouth â€" Valiant condi- radio, price. c1w15 *2W14lRIDE wanted from Naughton ‘Drive-Yonge Street to King Street, arriving approximately a. 8:30 a.m., leaving approx. 4:30 pm. TU. 4-3441. c1w15 c1w15 c1w15 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-JVI_05_ SIMPSUN’S DRYGODDS 12 Yonge St. S. Ladies First Quality Seamless Nylon Hose Phone For Free Estimates TORONTO WINDOW MFG. CO. LTD. ALUMINUM Windows 6': Doors Awnings 5: Siding Closed In Patios Quality Products At Manufacturers Prices All Materials & Workmanship Fully Guaranteed 165 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL ALI. MAKES 0F WINDOWS REGLAZED & REPAIRED Boys Knitted Shirts long sleeve Mens Corduroy Shirts, long sleeve Mens Knitted Shirts, long sleeve, trimmed Mens Wool Hunting Jackets $8.95 E you have a drinhmr/Z‘ lem? If 59 AA can help. me Box 84. Richmond Hill.‘ 'uc‘és LOANS $50 - $5000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FNANCE Corporation Ltd, 31 Yonge St. N.. Richnond Hill 884-4458 1285-5352 /, WANTED all kinds of dead m_ imals. For fast service call “L 4-2538 or ZEnith 32800. License No. 204-62. tch] USED FURNITURE WANTED â€"â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid Can Frank’s Movers and Storage. TU, 4-2613. AV. 5-5101 m7 CHILD'S trampoline. TU, 4.‘ 3513. c1w15 /4â€"â€"â€"â€"~ HIGH CHAIR, prefer folding type. 884-2667. clw15 m quantity of bale] straw required. 294â€"2620, befone SMALL garden tractor witfi attachments. 285â€"4405. DEAD STOCK Mgr. Dennis Hugiés PERSONAL $2.98 $2.98 $3.98 PHONE 285-4858 Richmond Hill WANTED 285-1471 884-2873 Pair tfc32 clw15 c1w15

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