Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Oct 1963, p. 11

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24 Elizabeth St. N. 2 Carlton St Richmond Hill Toronto . III-III...- WIGHT'S PHARMACY OCTOBER 17 To OCTOBER ‘26 New pledges for the Delta Lambda Richmond Hill Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi are pictured at the recent fall rushing party held at the home .of Mrs. Stephanie Barnes, Tampico Road, recently. Seated front row are from left, Mrs. Anne McGilI and Mrs. Annette Wintjes and standing from left are Mrs. Alice Cameron, Mrs. Helen Foord and Mrs. Sandra Eveleigh. Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave., Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘Wight's Pharmacy’ ‘ ' All popular makes on hand Day 0" Evenings- TU- 4'1745 Special Students’ Rates SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Single Programmes 75c Season Tickets $2.00 On sale at October 18 showing only, or before from Library Club members Pather Panchali (India) Feb. 14, 1964-Seriochka (U.S.S.R.) May 15, 1964- Last Year at Marienbad (France) AND SHORT SUBJECTS AT THE Oct. 18, 1963 - The Red Shoes (Eng.) Jan. 10, 1964- We can obtain supplies for most crafts arid hobbies; such as Copper Tooling, Aluminium, Leather. Mosaics, Carving, Candle Making etc. 72 YONGE ST. S. TUmer 4-3980 Canadian Made Gifts Many of our items are hand-craftedlocally, and can be made to order. CraftfiSupplies NOTE: Oct. 18 showing starts at 7:45 p.m. 28 Yonge St. S. RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1312 RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Sorority Pledges "Rushed" L. H. SIMS AL STEEL'S GIFT 8: CRAFT SHOP MORTGAGE SERVICE PROGRAMMES ARRANGED BY THE LIBRARY CLUB OF RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL FIFTH SEASON FILMS OF NOTE HERBERT R. BUTT DEPENDABLE A”! FRMCI . S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1521 AND TORONTO, ONT. EMpire 2-3456 Twenty-four members of the Friendship Circle of The Church of St. Gabriel .were present at their last meeting on October 11th. Many attractive novelties are being made for their forth- coming bazaar on November 2nd at the church. Mr. Atkinson, a nephew of Mr. Trench is at Richmond Hill old-boy. recently retired after many years in the teaching profession. He is a former prin- cipal of Glebe Collegiate. Ot- tawa. The group are also participat- ing this Sunday in the third “Interest Sunda-y” - when mem- bers will talk on their aims and projects for the year, The con- gregation will also see displays of their work during the past year. Louise Morrison and Joan Hill will take over the side- mens duties for the day. and Vi Lomax and Agnes Bregg are to receive the congregation. Rita Boyle is in charge of the display in the Fellowship Room. The engagement is announ- ced of Gail Dianne Kingsley, daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. Wilfred J. Kingsley to Don- ald Hugh Vallance, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Vallance. Rich- mond Hill. The marriage will take place Friday, November 8. at 8 pm. in the Richmond Hill United Church Chapel. "lw16 A party for the Little Help- ers is to take place this Friday (October 18th) at the church. At the close of the meeting coffee was served by Rita Bo!- le and Linda Brillert. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES Another year of “successful activity and projects" is out- lined in the annual report of the Senior Cltlzens' Club of Richmond Hill. Some of the highlights: Mrs. F. Jackson welcomed new director Mrs. Mona Robert- son at a monthly meeting Sep- tember 12, 1962. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Steventon of Richmond Hill wish to an- nounce the marriage of their eldest daughter Ann Marie, to Douglas Nelson Bice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Bice of Maple. The wedding will take place in Maple ‘United Church at 3 pm. Saturday. October 19. ‘til she . ‘death. A and c010 ‘ fin fhl Mr. 'and Mrs. W.D.T. Atkin- son. Ottawa, were here for the funeral of the late W. W. A. Trench. The new club room was open- ed September 18 for craft work, quiltwork. and games such as AND BURNER SERVICE .TU.4-436| RICHMOND HILL 0... Mrs. Matthews will give a talk with commentary and slides. on her trip to Enssia. Mr. W. J. “Tom” Taylor, North Yonge Street, is recuper- ating in Toronto Western Hosp- ital following surgery. 'For the present the order is “no visit- ors". Mr. Taylor is a former reeve of Richmond Hill, an ex-warden of the county and now is a member of the Toronto and York Roads Commission. Richmond Hill Senior Citizens Enjoyed A Year Full 0i Activity 1963 Mrs. Dora Matthews. fashion co-ordinator for Eatons, will be the gues_t speaker at the regul- ar Curtain Club meeting, to be held next Monday (Octobex; 21) in the theatre. 25 Yonge Street North. The Green Room Party fol- lowing the final curtain of “Angels in Love" on Saturday next. will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John 'l‘idswell, 35 Yonge Street South. All members and prospective members are cordially invited. ed to ‘ Street 1 overseas Engagements TV 1 AN R.E.T.A. MEMBER - BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE Green Room Party fol- the final curtain of Julia her after Healy home pleasant 1' R O U B l. E"? CALL BA. I - 0485 has vs, fashion 1s, will be the regul- return- Oxford EditorMargot Crack I*1w16 trip A cup of tea and a social time were enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crowder in Richmond Hill. Mrs. Crowder is Mr. Eade’s daughter. During the evening, the honoured guest told some of his experiences while work- ing on the railroad. . The annual garden party was held June 12 in the auditorium of the Christian Education Building of the United Church. A crowd of thirty-nine relat- ives and friends greeted Mr. Ernie Eade at Richmond Hill C.N.R. station last Friday as he completed thirty-nine years of service with the railway. In- cluded in the group were Mr. Eade’s Sunday school class andi their wives from Gormley. West Indies Night The young people of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will sponsor a West Indies Night on Sunday next beginning with Evensong at 7 pm. The preacher will be a young West Indies priest, Rev. Keith Young, B.A.. assistant at St. Bartholomew’s. Toronto. The service will be conducted by Mr. Winslow Case, a layreader from the Diocese of Trinidad, now resident in the parish. Afterwards Mr. Case will pre- sent a programme in the parish hall illustrating life in the West Indies. cribbage and euchre. Rent of the clubroom is paid by town council. It's open five after- noons a Week. The annual bazaar was held December 5 and was described as successful,‘with a portion of the money received spent on chairs for the clubroom and on buses to take members on out- ings. There was a bake sale in May to help with expenses. Senior Citizens’ Week was an activity-full one with church service at St. Mary's Anglican Church, June 2; a bingo at Lion’s Hall. qpen houses, and entertainment. Annual picnic was held in Stratfond‘. June 26. where local members were met by the Golden Age Club of Stratford. who served tea. All Young People Of The Parish Invited. Santa Claus paid his annual visit in December. bringing with him socksâ€"full of gifts, cake and other Yuletide goodies. Euchre is held once a month in the clubroom. Admissiqn is 35 cents and is for members only. Proceeds are for the new hospital in Richmond Hill. Members of the Bible class decorated Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Sunday School for the Thanksgiving service. All children brought thankoffer- ing gifts of fruit or vegetables which were arranged as pre- sented into the display of fall leaves and corn shocks. A film with a thanksgiving theme was shown. which stressed that the true meaning of the day is more than turkey and the trimmings. The fruit and veg- etables will be distributed where there is .need in the congregation. Actlvmes slated for senior citizens include once - a - week bowling free of charge at the Allencourt Bowling Alley Jehovah’s Witnesses in Rich- mond Hill will hold a,three- day assembly tomorrow. Satur- day and Sunday at North View Heights Collegiate in North York Township. ’ Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bayley from London, Ont., visited Mr. and Mrs. J.‘ Bayley. Sr.. at their Yonge Street home for Thanksgiving. Mrs. Ethel Thompson. Rich- mond Street. who recently suf- fered a heart attack. is now progressing favourably in Tor- onto General Hospital. Hans Anderson of the girl who donned a pair of magic shoas and _could not stop dancing un- til she had danced herself to death. Acting. montage. music » land color are-all excellent I On the same programme will be “Lonely Boy". It is one of a series of sociological studies made by the National Film Beard. They are usually lively A and controversial. Funds are. being raised by the Rangers to finance their camping trip to Banff. Alberta, and to pay postage on textbooks to schools in Uganda, Africa. Sponsored by the lst York Central Rangers â€" a “Washa- rama" will be conducted at Dan's Esso service station, Bay- view and Maralim, Saturday, October 19th., from 9 am. to 4 pm. â€" for just $1.00. The annual Little Helper’s get-to-gether and party for those on the cradle roll of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will be held next Sunday, in Wrixon Hall October 20th from 3 to 4:30 pm. At this time the children present their 'mite’ boxes which support a project of the church’s m i s sion elsewhere, and the parents are addressed by Mrs. F. Hayashi of the Jap- anese congregation in Toronto. The first film to be pre- sented in the fifth season of "Films of Note” programmes arranged by the Library Club of Richmond Hill High School will be "The Red Shoes" on October 18. Each programme will be shown for one night on- ly, a Friday. in the auditorium of Richmond Hill High School. “The Red Shoes" is one r two coloured musical films fl which Michael Powell and En eric Pressburger are famou The story is about a ballerir from the time she is discovere by a famous impresario. Sh falls in love with the comp05( of a ballet written specially to her and is caught between lov for her husband and for hex art. This ballet. "Red Shoes" is based on the folk story b5 Hans Anderson of the girl who donned a pair of magic shoas The Richmond Hill Sympho- ny Orchestra urgently require string bass players â€" would in- terested musicians please con- tact Arthur Burgin at TU. 4â€" 4596. ' Back. from .a visit with the Indians -- The Donellys, Lou, Mary and Jane, spent the Thanksgiving weekend at ,the Ojibwa Indian Reserve at Curve Lake. Lou, who is making a study of the Canadian Indian, his habits and customs, brought back a large number of authen- tic crafts and gift items. These, and many other Canadian crafts are to be prseented for sale in the Donnelly’s gift shop “Cana- diana". ‘ Accompanied by Mr. Hans Hofmann, the well known con- tinental beautician, the trip was made even more pleasant by the opportunity the Donnel- lys had of meeting the son of the Chief, and being a guest in his lodge. A great deal was learnt, pictures were taken. and plans were discussed between Lou and the Chief. for a “Pow Wow“ of Indians to take place in Richmond Hill at some future date. Mr: Eric Clarke, chairman of the “Light Bulb Campaign Committee" stated that the Ja'ycees gives the young men of our community the opport- unity to do notable community building work, while campaigns such as this, gives the rest of the community the opportunity to do their part by supporting such a worthwhile organization. On Monday next (October 21st) at 8:30 p.m.. a teen years film "Who Is Sylvia" is being presented in the auditorium of the Richmond Hill Public Lib- rary. “Calling all motorists’.’ . . . Have your car washed, and, at the same time contribute to a worthy muse. All children baptized at St. Mary’s five years and under are included in the invitation. Anyone interested in the Ca- nadian Indian, his customs and culture, should contact Lou at TU. 4-5067. ' The local unit will be out in full ‘forOe to brighten up Richmond Hill through the sale of quality light bulbs. at a reasonable price, to house- holders. Help Wanted! Hang Hofmann. hair stylist. The October meeting of the were expmssed to the inter. will be opening a beauty salon Inner Wheel of the Rotary Club mediate and senior Sunday in the Hill. on or before Nov- was held at the home of the school pupils who under the ember lst. For information president. Mrs. Ralph Butler, guidance of Superintendent cell TU. 4-5892. on October 8th. Bud Renshaw very kindly did I! t e a: \ Plans. were finalized .foxl' the decorating Miss Barbara Southwell, ar- rived home on Sunday from McMaster University. Hamil- ton. to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Southwell, Church Street South. Attention Parents! Guest speaker G. C. V. Hewson Light Bulbs'Anyone? The Richmond Hill Junior Chamber of Commerce has an- nounced this Saturday, Octob- er 19th, for their annual “Light Bulb Blitz". will be Mrs Their visit resulted in the admission of the Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra to memb- ership in the Ontario Federa- tion of Symphony Orchestras, which, together with the dis- cussions and arrangements en- tered into by these two gentle- men, should prove of inestim- able value to the progress of this popular and ambitious loc- al symphony organization. Mrs. Douglas McIntyre, John McIntyre and Brian Tinker, motored to Montreal over the Thanksgiving holiday, spend- ing the weekend with Mr. Mc- Intyre, at the home of his sist- er and brother-in-law, Dr. R.C. Hamilton and Mrs. Hamilton. Also visiting was Mr. McInty- re‘s brother, Mr. Malcolm Mc- Intyre from Vancouver. Plans~ were finalized for their fall fund raising project and programmes discussed for the winter months. At a recent meeting of the Richmond 11 i I l Presbyterian Church W.A., following a short business session, Mrs. C. R. Tilt organized work groups to make nylon Christmas trees. These and many other hand made articles will be on sale at the annual bazaar to be held on November 23rd. On invitation, â€" Mr. Arthur Burgin. conductor of Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra, and Mr. Ray Stephens. business manager of this local organiz- ation â€"â€" attended the semi an- nual meeting of the Ontario Federation of Symphony Orch- estras in Kitchener on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phelps of 243 Baker Ave. were given a farewell party by friends and neighbours on the occasion of their leaving Richmond Hill to take up residence in Port Colbourne. John and Brian, ski-ing en- thusiasts, met up with friends and made a trip to the Lauren- tians, where they made tenta- tive plans for their Christmas holidays. Among the well wishers were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Page, Rita and Frank Shorter, Bill and Orpha Stone, Rex and Betty Edwards, Ken and Mary Flynn and Fred and Thelma Evans. The laymen of the Anglican Church of St. Gabriel. very ab- ly conducted the 11 am. serv- ice last Sunday. This was the 2nd of a series of “Interest Sundays" and the men, in conjunction with “Lay- mans Sunday”, put before the congregation the aims and ob- jects of the service in the church. This Sunday the 3rd “Inter- est Sunday” will show the work which is undertaken by the women of the parish. “Bert and Charlie" will cert- ainly be missed in the com- munity and their many friends wish them well in their new home. Phone 285-1073 I U1! U (1 Free Delivery 53.004633” Tu, 4.5155 Hours 9 am. to 11 p.m. 7 Days A Week THIS WEEKS SPECIALS York Ice Cream, Brick . . . . . . . . 29c Bacon, Lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59c Towels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each 29c Ladies Seamless Nylons Pr. (. . . 49c ELGIN MILLS GENERAL STORE YONGE ST. NORTH AT ELGIN MILLS Established 1878 1‘ 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill: On Orders Mr. and Mrs. Ray Charles and family of London. Ont. spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Mr- and Mrs. William Charles. Bedford Park. Mr. Dawson Lang. Lynett Crescent. has recently been transferred to Winnipeg, where he is associated with the Day- mond Aluminum Company. Mrs. Lang and family expect to join him in December. The sanctuary of SI. Matth- ew's United Church was taste- fully decorated in a Thanks- giving theme for the morning service last Sunday. Thanks It’s bazaar time again and Richmond Hill United Church Women extend a cordial invit- ation to one and all to visit the Christian Education Building on November 2nd for their an- nual bazaar. Mrs. Helen Goodman will discuss “Beautifying Ourselves For Women's Changing Roles" at tonight's (Thursday) meeting of the Beverley Acres - Walter Scott Y.W.C.A. at Beverley Acres School at 8:15 pm. The first monthly meeting for Sunday school teachers at St. Matthew's United Church is being held this evening (Thursday) at the church. All present staff members plus any new teachers are urged to at- tend this important meeting. The physical education prog- ram with Mrs. Marilyn Leteher will precede the speaker and later coffee will be served. The U.C.W. of St. Matthew’s Church will hold their fall thankoffering service next Sun- day evening at 7:30 pm. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Charles Kitney who is home on furlough from Trinidad. Sydney Sturgess, wife of actor Barry Morse, was among the many guests attending the cocktail party given by Curtain Club President Dennis Stainer and Mrs. Stainer. prior to the opening performance of “Ang- els in Love" on Wednesday last. Mrs. R. Pimm from Cornwall, arrived on Sunday to spend a few days with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert lem, Kerrybrook Dr. Deputy-reeve Stanley Tinker and Mn. Tinker, Richmond Street. 5 p e n t Thanksgiving Sunday with Mr and Mn. Fred Tinker at their home in Willow- dale. The ‘Tea Room’ will be open as usual, and along with the aprons, miscellaneous items, plants and flowers, candy and bake table, the members are having a delicatessen counter. After visiting the Provincial Institute of Mines at Hailey- bury, the group examined the effects of glaciation on the Pre cambrian rock structure in the vicinity of Cobalt. The second day was spent examining the shore lines of former glacial lakes and the effects of rock structure on river courses in the Lake Nipissing and Wauba- shene areas. There will be a fish pond for the children and inee nursery care provided for the little ones. Remember the date â€" November 2nd. N. Roy Clifton of the Rich- mond Hill High School staff, spent the weekend with other members of the Canadian Geo- graphers Association on a field trip in Northern Ontario. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 17th, 19637 13 SHIELDS Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Clayton are pictured on their way to a reception at the Summit View Gardens following their recent wedding in Richmond Hill United Church. The bride is the former Arlene Ethel Bone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bone; the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Clayton. Following a honeymoon in New Brunswick, the couple are residing in Richmond Hill. ‘ (Photo By R. CorneS) Richmond helghts Centre South Block 85 Largest selling brand of fine footwazr in-the world Wieners lb. 33¢ . 3 lbs 89¢ Pork Shoulders lb. 39¢ Pork loin - lb. 55¢ BAYVIEW PLAZA FRESH LEAN TENDERLOIN END SIRLOIN WING mm C. NELS GAGE fl/Imamfiflfl m film/WV @MQMQW FASHION FUNDAMENTAL DISTINCT LY DIFFERENT Make Home In‘ Hill Sleuks lb. 65¢ You'll know 31:3 dance that {his in the TU. 4-7691 884-5341 LT D

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