LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TUA-IIO5 The number and variety of ac- ï¬vltles which the people of Thornhlll engage in is always a constant source of amazement to me‘ For Instance, there is an‘ enthusiastic group which calls itself the Village Folk DancerS‘ who meet at Woodland Public‘ As of last week, {he “Cam- eos" were the top team. with the “Exports†coming up be- hind. High single last week was Phyl Stockart who bowled 256 flat. Folk Dancing Bowling League Thornhiil Ladies Bowling League is off to a good start with 27 members. The league is divided into teams with six members in each and with an~ other five or six players, an-‘ other team couid be formed.‘ Three games are bowled each‘ week at the North Yonge Bowm just north at“ Finch Avenue on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 3:30. This is a “just-for-fun league" and you don‘t have to be an expert, so if you feel you‘d like to bowl Tuesday afternoons. give the president. Mrs. Anita Clark a ring at 285-3803. 14- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 17th, 1963 // 11% \ Community Happenings In Thornhill PHONE AV. 5-1215 7719 Yonge St. T SHIRLAN HAIR STYLIST GUARANTY TRUST Thornhill and District News CANADA'S lAIGEST INDEPENDEN‘! TRUST COMPANY Featuring â€"-â€" Cushion-Cut Interest from date of deposit Free Chequing Privilege- Depoaita by Mail postage paid envelopes provided free Hours~9 to 5 Fridaysâ€"9 to 9 Saturdaysâ€"9 to 1 CUSTOMER PARKING AT THE REAR OF THE OFFICE TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 MR. D. PERRY ON SAVINGS RICHMOND HILL (Pox! Oflkc Comer} 884-4415 First meeting of the Ross Doan Home and School Assoc- iation was held October 7 with Mrs. F. Bulfon chairing the meeting. Business portion saw the mat- ters of membership fees discus- sed, question of a smaller ex- ecutive and voting privileges. Ross Doan Home And School Has; Its First Meeting? i Miss McLal‘en. librarian at the Thornhill Public Library ltElls me that she' has just been on a happy buying spree, pur- chasing new books for the liba rary. She didn't have a list of‘ titles when I was talking to herl and the books haven’t been de-‘ livered yet, but when they have‘ I will have some more informa-‘ tion about them. ; She Is at present busy In her yearly routine of going from school to school talking to the children of each grade about Following the general meet- ing each grade was opened to the parents where teachers out- lined work to be taught this year. Coffee was served later. Library New: This group is happy to per- form at any local function and frequently appear at schools. ‘churches, etc. Four or six coup- iles often go about and give idemonstrations to any interest- ted gatherings, both performing and teaching. They wear very colourful costumes, based on original Danish costumes, the men in stockings and knee bree-i ches‘ etc. If you would like‘ any information on this ener-i getic group, you could call Missi Jane McLaren at 285-2746, as‘ she has been a member for sev- eral years. 'School each Wednesday at 8.30 pm. for an evening of folk 1dancing. Nucleus of the organ~ ization is a group of six or ‘eight couples, but they quite frequently have as many as 25 turn up of an evening. They do‘ mostly Scandanavian folk dan-‘ ces but also do other national} dances and some square dan- cing. They also enjoy a coffee break and social half hour each evening. Wishes to Announce the A ppointment to our Staff of Thornhill “The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in me Thornhill area. Our representatiye in Thornhill is Mrs. Margaret McLean, who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. Bayview Avenue October a to congratulate them on the occas- ion of the 25th wedding anniv- ersary. With a sparkling day outside and a house banked with flowers inside. it was a gay ga- thgring of friends, old and new. Thornhill Couple Mark 25 Years Mr. Muir joined the bank at Gerrard and Woodbine branch, in 1948. After training in sev- eral Toronto branches, he held the post of accountant at Queen and River and Spadina and Du~ pont branches and was credit officer at Yonge and Dundas. He is married to the former Jessie Irene Heathcote and the Mutrs have a son. Peter. 10. and two daughters, Patricia, six: and Nancy Marie, a year Muir Succeeds Jamieson At BN’S Succeeding Mr. Jamleson is Archie Mulr, a Toronto man of Scottish descent, who was for- merly manager of the bank's Markham and Lawrence branch. Mrs. Gage received in a pink brocade dress with a lace inset in the front of the bodice. With this she wore a white orchid corsage. While the bulk of the guests came from the Taronto and Scarborough area. guests also came from Peterborough. Osh. awa. Guelph. Arthur. Lindsay and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Gage who have lived in the Tharnhfll area for many years wish to express their thanks to the many friends whose presence made the day such a happy occasion. Donald Jamieson, manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia in Thornhill and Mrs. Jamieson were guests of honour at sever- al sacial gatherings before leav- ing for his new post at Ban- croft. old One hundred and fifty guests gathered at the home of 1311-. a_nd Mrs. C. Nels Gage. 7490 Pouring tea at the attractive- ly decorated table was the bridesmaid of 25 years ago, Mrs. G. C. Ashton who had tra- velled from Guelph for the ac- casion. Also pouring tea were Mr. Gage‘s sister, Mrs. G. Cox of Markham and Mrs. Gage’s two sisters. Mrs. R. Crawford of Scarborough and Mrs. R. Lake of Toronto. Miss Mary Gage and her friend Miss Sharon Stur- georl assisted in serving. A warm Welcome was extend- ed to the following persons who joined the church through pro- fession of faith: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crisp of 191 Henderson Avenue, Mr. William Doherty of 77 Riverside Blvd., Mr. Doug- las Fierheller and Misses Jane and Diane Fierheller of R. R. No. 1 Maple. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Higgins 01‘ 111 Arnold Avenue. A warm welcome was also extended to the/following who joined by certificate of transfer from other churches: Mr. and The sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper was observéd at Thom- Hfll United Church October 6. Soloist at the 11 am. service was Mrs. G. Taylor who sang the Twenty-third Psalm. I The many friends she made \during her years of residence in Thornhill will be glad to hear that MrS. A. Galbraith is making a good recovery from a broken hip. She is now at St. John’s Convalescent Hospital in Willowdale, able to get about a little on crutches and would no doubt be happy to welcome any of her Thornhill friends there. Mrs. Galbraith lived on Arnold Avenue for many years until she moved to North Toronto to live with her daughter last year. United Church News books and inviting them to join the library â€" any library. She takesialong a supply of books suitable for the particular grade she is visiting, shows the books to the children and usually reads a story and a poem. Miss McLaren ï¬nds this work par- ticularly gratifying especially when, as happened last week, 24 children came in one after- noon to join the library after‘ she had spoken at Henderson Avenue School in the morning} The various units of the U. C.W. are well into their fall activities. Unit 1 met at the home of Mrs. R. Whatley, 59 £11an St., October 8'. Unit 3 met October 10 at the home of Mrs. A. G. ScuIthorpe. 168 Grand- view Avenue at 8:30 pm; Unit The Young People’s Union held their ï¬rst meeting of the season October 6 at 7:30 pm. Students from grade 12 up to 25 years are invited to attend this group. Anyone who would like to act as a spare on the church bowl- ing league is asked to call Mrs. A. London at 444-7567. The league bewls at North Yonge bowling alley every Wednesday evening from 7 to 9 pm. Anyone wishing to join with the Couples Club in their first meeting of the year, a bowling party, is invited to call 285- 2569 so arrangements can be made for them to bowl. On September 30, the sacra- ment of baptism was adminis- tered to David Paul Gibson. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Gibson, Colleen Dawn Faragher, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Far- agher, Carol Elizabeth Jen- nings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Jennings and Donald George Lorimer, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lorimer. Mrs. Ralph Blackborow. Miss Susanne and Mr. Brian Black- borow, Mr. John D. Carter. :Mrs. Carol Carter. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Gerald Colson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Churchill. Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Edy munds. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Ferguson, Mr and Mrs. Eldon Fierheller. Mr. and Mrs. Gor-‘ don Hill. Mr. and Mrs. George‘ Hobson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Le- mire. Mr. Lloyd Morton, Mr“ and Mrs. Malcolm B. NasmithJ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton, ML} and Mrs. Russ Oliver. Mrs. A.‘ D. Rogers, Mrs. Leslie Sinko and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Valliant. ’Mrs. Gordon Blacklock, Mr. and "Hieland Willi." 4 DOOR McINTBSH MERBURY FROM 7120 YONGE STREET AUTOMATIC Two guests wlll be welcomed to the pulpit on October 20. At the morning service, Rev. Hugh Davidson, D1). of the Board of Stewards, will preach and at the evening service the congre~ gation will hear Rev. W. Armâ€" strong or Great Brltaln. This This was followed by a most interesting description by Mr. Spurgeon of his trip to India to visit his daughter, Rev. Mur- iel Spurgeon Carder, and her husband, both of whom have been doing missionary work there for some years. His col- oure-d slides portrayed very viv- idly life in India and on the mission field. A brief period of intercession for the missionaries followed and Dr. Johnston closed the meeting with the Coventry form of benediction. Presbyterian Church New: The next Sunday set aside for the sacrament of baptism at Thornhill Presbyterian Church is November 3 and anyone de- sirous of having their child bap- tized is asked to call Rev. Evans in good time. After a short business meet- ing under the direction of the president. Mrs. M. C. Johnston, there was a period of devotion led by Mrs. W. D. McGowan and excerpts read from Dr. Daniel’s new book describing rural and city life in India. Theme of the evening was "India" and it was appropriate- ly introduced by a hot chicken curry dinner. Baskets of fruit and beautiful flower arrange- ments enhanced the tasteful ar- rangements of the tables. As usual, a warm fellowship per- vaded the entire group. Dr. M. C. Johnston and Mr. Carey Spurgeon were welcome guests. Under the direction of Mrs. R. G. Goadsby, a very attractive welcome was presented to the ladies of the Anna Buck Mission Circle in the Thornhill Baptist Church parlours October 2. Through their lhankoffering, the congregation are helping to support two children in Hong Kong. Their names are Lam Chun Fay, 7 years old, and Hui Wai Yu. age 8. Baptist Church News New leaders are required to help with the C.G.I.T. and any- one wishing to help is asked to call Miss Marion Davis at 285- 1879. met in the church October 10 At the evening service Octo. at 1:30 pm. ber 27. members of the Pres- The first regular meeting of byteens will be reporting on the Explorers was held October the Thanksgiving weekend con. 9 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. ierence they attended at Peter- New leaders are required to borough. 5 met at the church October 8 at 1.30 p.m.; and units 5 and 7 met in the church October 10 at 1:30 pm. O HIELAND WILUFS PUUBY is always ‘fpenny- pinching prices†but he’s really FLIPPED HIS KILT! on ALL 1963’s â€" NEW AND DEMONSTRATORS! Fourth Thornhill Scout Troop for boys from 12 to 15 years of age meets at the church Tues» day evenings from 7:30 to 9 pm. The Scout troop, with 10‘ active scouts, in addition to their regular program, plan a‘ father and son banquet this year. as well as several outings to such interesting places as: the Dunlap Observatory. i Scoutmaster John Banks at ILA. 1-2426 and Assistant Sco- utmaster John Kerr at BA. 5- 9028 would be glad to give any‘ further information about the Scout troop. ‘ November 3 the Women's Missionary Society will conduct the service with Rev. Earl Rob- erts of Nigeria as the speaker. The music that evening will be supplied by the Knox College choir, St. Luke's C.W.L. The October meeting of the St‘ Luke‘s Catholic Women‘s League was held in St. Luke’s school auditorium October' 7 with the following newly-elect- ed executive in charge: Presi- dent Mrs. V. DeMarco. lst Vice- President Mrs. J. Mallon, 2nd in the tyke league. Any boys between the ages of six and 13 who are inter- ested in playing hockey may phone the church office from 9 am. to 12 noon, Monday to Friday. Miss Nancy Rowland. organ- ist. would be happy to hear from anyone willing to serve in the church choir. Experien- ced or trained singers are not required: just those who enjoy Singing and are willing to spend a few hours a week serving the church in this way. A Cub pack consisting of 25 boys is well under way at the church, under the direction of Don Willison. To be in the Cubs, boys must be between the ages of 8 and 11. For fur- ther information, call Mr. Will- ison at HU. 3-7846. evening will be highlighting the wqu of the bible society. The church is again par- ticipating in the Thornhill Church Hockey League. Forty boys are already reg- istered but there is room for several more. The com- mittee in charge expects to have one team each in the atom and bantam divisions and two in the pee-wee div- ision. They also hope to have a team participating "YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED MERCURY - METEOR - COMET - DEALER†2 DOOR AUTOMATIC Two meetings will be held at the church under the chairman- ship of the rector October 23 and October 38 at 8 pm. The entire congregation will be in- vited to attend, including rep- resentatives from all sections of the parish â€"â€" youth, men’s and women's groups, Scouts, Guides. etc. At these meetings, the rector will present a vision of the work to be done and opportunities to be taken up both in the parish and outside. Ample chance for discussion will be made avail- able and encouraged. Some of the significant targets and themes of the Anglican Con- gress will be developed. A sense of stewardship will be encour- aged, both of time and talents. Parishioners are being encour: aged and expected to attend‘ Vice-President Mrs. H. Norrish. Secretary Mrs. M. Yee. Treas- urer Mrs. L. Loughran. Spirit- ual Convenor Mrs. H. Potvin. Social Action and Immigration Convenor Mrs. F. Martyniuk, Radio, TV, Films and Education Convener Mrs. G. Cheseldine and Catering Convener Mrs. T. Brunott. The meeting voted to donate $150 to Father Quinn to assist him in his work in the Domini- ican Republic. Father Quinn served St. Luke’s parish during Father Crossland’s vacation. He told of the great poverty of the people of the Dominican Repub- lic and of his plans to help them by starting an agricultur‘ al college. General chairman of the stewardship program is Mr. R. C. Napier with Mr. A. Hunter, assistant. Chairman and assist- ants of the contact committee are Mr. J. Barraclough, Mr. I. Brown and Mr. D. Hambleton. Mr. R. Byford will chair the publicity committee and the co- chairmen of the special events committee are Mr. R. Tyson and Mrs. R. Byford. Holy Trinity News Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill. is in full swing with its fall stewardship education program. the theme of which is "Partnership in the Gospelâ€. The phrase comes from St. Paul and suggests that it is a high privilege to be workers together with God in the spread of the gospel at home and abroad. LOCATED 1 BLOCK NORTH OF STEELE: AVENUE both meetings which promise to be the largest meetings held in the parish hall. A congregational dinner will} be held November 14 at 7 pm. at the church, with the program‘ designed around fellowship and stewardship. Further develop- ment of the central themes of the Anglican Congress will be featured. Nursery School . . most proï¬table farm tool I own! . . . The chain saw that turns your woodlot into a profit. table yearly harvest, eases the normal work load on farm maintenance and construction, cuts firewood, fence posts or clears [and â€"- makes all woodcutting chores o breezel cpmplete with two 16†chains 3238.00.19" trade Phone TU. 4-1124 NORTH YORK MOWER AND MARINE LIMITED RELIABLE MOWER AND EQUIPMENT CENTRE 4 noon FROM Richmond Hill, Ontario. 228 Steeles Ave. W.. Willowdale, Ontario Phone 285-1672 Wmml! 7A 700 I N! _'Z SALES l.'l'D. BA. 5-8857 Parents of children atteudâ€" ing the Thornblll Co-operative Nursery School are reminded of the first parents' meeting of the season, October 21, at the home of Mrs. B. Carruthers, 22 Uplands Ave. Speaker for the evening will be Mrs. Keith Barber. Mrs. Barber’s topic will be “Music for the Pre-Sehool- ‘er", a subject which should be iof great interest to all parents of young children. complete with 12†a‘itachments 81 65.00, less trade-in LINE OF CHAIN SAWS symbol a! chain saw nuahly