Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Oct 1963, p. 18

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18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 17th, 1963 RD.Little & Son Limited - Yonge Street. Richmond Hill o 285-1105 The members of the com? munity club are extremely busy these days preparing for their bazaar on November 9, which is being convened by Mrs. Jane Williams and Mrs. Louise Ruston. A toy table will be an added attraction this year. Don- ations of new toys and used toys (which will be renovated) would be greatly appreciated. Anyone having spare toys around can have them picked- up by contacting Mrs. Phil Mil- ler, or Mrs. Vera Dockman, Jefferson Community Club AIS-0231 Woodbridge A'I'.8-I361 SEPTIC TANK SERVICE BRAND NEW ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON For months. the area around the zoo at Chester. England, has been plagued by a rash of wrong numbers, and telephone employees thought they were slowly losing their minds. Every time the repairmen went out to try and track down the culprits. they came back empty handed. But one day the light dawned, and a telephone pole at the we was raised about four feet: the culprit they were looking for happened to be George, a giraffe. George, 18 feet tall and all of it apparently playful, liked to grab the telephone wires with his tongue and let them twang back. The wires would get tangled up and cause telephones to ring all over the place. They stopped when the wires unwound. Ever answer the phone only to find no one on the other end of the line? Downriglit irritating, isn‘t it? Usually when this happens, the calling party has sud- denly realized that he has the wrong number, and simply hangs up. Elementary politeness would require that he excuse himself for bothering others needlessly, but he prefers to hide in the shade of anonymity and compound his fault. A simple, “I'm sorry, I've got the wrong num- ber,“ may not quite make up for the mistake, but it certainly indicates a sense of social responsibility and, as often as not, is all that’s needed to bring a sympa- thetic or even humorous reply from the “wounded” party. Of course, no one in his right mind would ever purposely call a wrong number, butâ€"despite all our emphasis on looking the number up and jotting it down, etc.â€"-mistakes do happen. When they do, it‘s good to remember that two wrongs can never make a right. Incidentally, wall phones are available in white, ivory. grey. beige, yellow, pink, red, and green. White seems to be the most popularâ€"probably because the wall phone is especially. ideal for the kitchen (where it’s close It hand, yet out of the way). and white matches the stove and fridge. FULL .___ DOWN PAYMENT - - by Bill Barnes your telephone manager BELL LINES LEAVE YOU HOLDING THE BAG? FALCONS â€" FAIRLANES â€" GALAXIES Since 1961 we have offered this exclusive low payment plan that has meant new car ownership to hundreds who otherwise would have had to consider a used car. We are still the only dealer in Ontario that can deliver a new car on this plan WITHOUT CHATTELS 0R ENDORSERS. The interest rate on the balance is a low 51125}, i.e., $55.00 per $1,000.00 per year. So compare the total cost before you buy. Check with our competition and you will see why more and more people every week are finding we sell o ..AND THEN THERE'S GEORGE Evening Branch St. John'l Anglican Church TU. 4-3008 Monthly Payments Start The Most Affordable Fords In Ontario Hang on. there, we wouldn't do a thing like that! No siree. a wall phone is a wall phone is a wall phone, and there's no need to drag over a table or whatever to rest the receiver on if you want to leave your caller for a moment. No need, either. to try a “test drop" to the floor to see if it's safe to just let go (puhleezc don’t do this), or worry about the receiver dangling there against the wall. As is seen here. the handset hangs quite snugly on the notch on the top. TWO WRONGS The community club is very active in the district and the Jefferson School is one of its main interests. Special projects for this year are the lighting of the school yard area and the planting of trees around the school. Jefferson School News On October 7 forty-five ex- cited passengers boarded a bus to the O‘Keefe Centre, Toronto. both on Gamble Road; Mrs. Myrna MacGregor br Mrs. Pat Schenk. both on Stancroft Drive. As Low As $69 An open meeting of the group‘ committee will be held at the home of Mr. Ted Lavender, E1- gin Mills Sideroad West, on October 20, from 2 pm. to 4i pm. All the fathers of the Cubs and Scouts are very wel- come and asked to attend if at all pOSSible. Elgin Mills - Jefferson Hospital Auxiliary i A meeting of the hospital auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. Marg Waters on Wenesday morning, October 23, at 10 am. All members are especially requested to attend if possible. If anyone needs transportation, please contact Mrs. Waters, TU. 4-3375, and it will be provided. Track Meet Twenty-six persons â€"â€" Cubs and parents. two Scouts and a scoutmaster â€" formed the group that toured the Dunlap Observatory last Saturday night. The night was too cloudy to enable them to stargaze through the telescope. Instead they enjoyed a very entertain- ing film of the Universe â€" this film was shown on TV a few weeks ago â€"â€" and both children and adults were in- tensely interested. Their ca.)- able guide was Mr. Percy from the University of Toronto and after the film showing he took them to the dome to show the group how the telescope oper- ated and all it’s various move- ments. Mr. and Mrs. Fulman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Andrews and family, Mrs. Ma~ bee and new cub member Kle- vin, were among those enjoying the evening. Apple Day -â€" This Sat- urday, October 19, is Boy Scout. apple day and the Cubs and Scouts will be calling on the homes in the district. Also on Fri- day night several Scouts will be stationed around the district (at stores, serv- ice stations, etc.) to get the apple day drive off to an early start. This is the main annual fund raising campaign of the organiz- ation. â€" Let’s all give gen- erously and make it a real success. in order to attend a perform- ‘ance of “Hansel and Gretel" by the Canadian Opera Company. .The children were mostly from ,grades four to eight accompan- ‘ied by four teachers and two parents, Mrs. Black and Mrs. Fulman. Needless to say. it was an enthusiastic audience. some of the children being surprised to learn that the entire present- ation was sung â€" and every- one (adults and children) being witch. The bus was supplied by courtesy of the Jefferson Com- munity Club who made this memorable aftern00n possible. Parents‘ day at the school was on Thursday afternoon, .October 10th. The procedure was somewhat changed this year. talking individually with the teachers â€" the teachers of each room addressed the parents and explained what they were try- ing to achieve â€"- not only to teach the three “R‘s” but also to help the children in the ad- justment of getting along with other children. It was also stressed that parents should express their appreciation of their children’s efforts and give a word of praise when their children bring their work home to show them. There was and inter-.with his family enjoyed thei their cottage at Junior (under 1.5) mediate and senior teams from weekend at the high schools of Aurora, Crystal Lake. Richmond Hill and Huronl Mr. and Mrs. F. Powell and Heights participated. A tough family spent the Weekend at two and one-half mile course their cottage at Chandos Lake. was laid out by John Passmore They noticed several persons and proved a real test for the‘water skiing which would be an speed and stamina of the con-lunusual sight for this time off delighted by the antics of the‘ Instead of the parents, testants. Aurora won the event.lyear. l Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore accompanied by Dinny‘s par- 1ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Butlin.; had an enjoyable weekend at the Passmore cottage, Chandos with Bayview coming a close second. Neighbourhood Notes Many happy returns to Mary Lou Evison on October 21, and a very happy birthday to Stev- en Diceman on October 22. Mr. and Mrs. L. Boyle, Col- leen and Gary, enjoyed Thanks- giving day at the home of Mrs. Boyle‘s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Meyers of Edgely. Mrs. Dorothy Cracknell and Walter attended the marriage of Dorothy’s cousin, Robert Golden, to Joan Spencer in Trinity Church, Galt, on Satur- day. Accompanying them was Dorothy’s aunt, Mrs. Petsura of Gravenhurst. who returned with the Cracknell's for the weekend. Spending the holiday week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gamble and family, Naughtbn Drive. were Kay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spain of Port Dover. The Monday Niters enjoyed Lake. (Maybe they were the water skiers). ; Church News â€" St. John’s This Sunday. October 20. Willi be Layman‘s Sunday. Don't forget the turkey sup- per ! the parish hall on Nov- ember 6. Admittance by ticket only and tickets may be obtain- ed from members of woman’s auxiliary. Cancer Society Will Hold Big Conference Woodbridge Oct. 30 A "share your ideas and ex- periences” program will highâ€" On Wednesday, October 9, a track meet was held at the Passmore property, Yonge St. a very gratifying number of parents in attendance and the afternoon ended with tea and refreshments served by the social convenors of the com- munity club. lst Jefferson Cubs and Scouts FINANCE CHARGES The pleasant weather on the holiday weekend gave many families a last chance to make one more trip to their cottages. A few who did \so are â€" Mr. and Mrs. Terry and family were at their cottage at Thorah Beach. Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hall and their son Bill Junior (under 1.5) and inter-‘with his family enjoyed their mediate and senior teams from weekend at their cottage atll the high schools of Aurora, Crystal Lake. I Richmond Hill and Huron Mr. and Mrs. F. Powell and Heights participated. A tough family spent the weekend at. two and one-half mile course their cottage at Chandos Lake. was laid out by John Passmore They noticed several persons and proved a real test for the water skiing which would be an speed and stamina of the con- unusual sight for this time of!. testants. Aurora won the event. year. with Bayview coming a close‘ Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore'l second. ‘accompanied by Dinny's par- Neighbourhood Notes lents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Butlin.: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waters and family, accompanied by Doug Gregg, left last Thursday on a hunting trip to their cotâ€" tage at Munroe Lake, Timmins.1 They returned Tuesday morn- ing and reported that the weather was perfect and the‘ partridge hunting excellent. Mrs. W. R. Capel] has return- ed to her home in Toronto after visiting a few days with her daughter, Mrs. C. Gould. and family. Gamble and family, Naughtbn Drive, were Kay’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spain of Port Dover. Mrs. Dorothy Cracknell and Walter attended the marriage of Dorothy’s cousin, Robert Golden, to Joan Spencer in Trinity Church, Galt, on Satur- day. Accompanying them was The Monday Niters enjoyed their first euchre of the season at the home of Mrs. Vi Gamble on October 14. The prize win- ners were Mrs. Erma Léno, Mrs. Marg Browne, Mrs. Ruth Goulding and Mrs. Vi Gamble. lst publication this 17th day of October 2nd publication this 24th day of October A KRESGE FEATURE The estimated cost per assessable foot front- age is $21.19. The special assessment for the work is to be paid in fifteen equal annual instal- ments and with interest of 6% the estimated annual cost is $2.18 and for storm sewer con- nections approximately $10.60. Application will be made by the Corporatlon to the Ontario Municipal Board for its aDDI‘OVaI of the undertaking of the work and any _0WI}eT may within 21 days after the first pubhcatlon of this notice file with the Clerk his objection to the work being undertaken. The Board may approve of the work being undertaken, but before doing so it may apDOlnt a time and place when any objections to the work will be considered. Dated at the Township of Markham, this 15th day of October, 1963. to install a 10-inch diameter ductile iron mechani- cal-joint watermain. complete with valves, hy- drants, fittings and private service connections on Meadowview Avenue from E.S.L. Yonge St. to E.S.L. Dudley Avenue and to install a 10-inch ductile iron mechanical-joint watermain, complete with valves, hydrants and fittings on Doncaster Avenue from N.S.L. Meadowview Avenue to W.S.L. Henderson Street. The following is the proportion in which the estimated cost should be borne as between land directly abutting and the Corporation Land direqtly abutting $124,073. TAKE NOTICE THAT (1) The Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Markham intends to construct as a local improvement 50 foot wide paved roadways com- plete with curbs, catchbasins, driveway entrances, special intersections and boulevard seeding and sodding on the following streets. Meadowview Avenueâ€"from E.S.L. Yonge Street to E.S.L. Dudley Avenue Doncaster Avenueâ€"from N.S.L. Meadow- view to W.S.L. Henderson Street Henderson Streetâ€"from N.S.L. Dalmeny Road to 340 north more or less Recommended and used daily by Veterinarians and leading professional dog breeders. A Six Transistor Radio (Regular $15.95 value) Ask cashier for entry form when you purchase ROMAR DOG OR CAT FOOD Featured at Kresge’s in Richmond Heights Centre CANNED CAT 8. DOG FOOD ROMAR ALL (90) BEEF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Total 5orporatidn TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM ENTER THE FREE DRAW and Clerk-Treasui'er. Township of Markham Workshop programs will be" held dealing with campaigns, education, extension, medical‘ advisory. publicity, 'treasure‘ and women‘s services. ' The ten units and 32 branch- es in the district are invited to have as many of their workers atend as possible. Members of local units and branches are invited to attend the conference which will have Mrs. H. Krug, of Kitchener, chairman of Women’s Services. for the Ontario Division. as guest speaker. A "share your ideas and ex- periences" program will high- light a workshop conference by District Council 12 of the Can- adian Cancer Society October 30 at Christ Church Anglican Hall in Woodbridge. Purpose of the workshop is to bring up-to-date information to volunteer workers, exchange ideas, and study the changing pattern of the various services. Don‘t forget the turkey sup- per t the parish hall on Nov- ember 6. Admittance by ticket only and tickets may be obtain- ed from members of woman’s auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore‘. accompanied by Dinny's par-‘ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Butlin.’ had an enjoyable weekend atl Han Dnanmnvn nnffnfln (‘kanrlne Gormley $165,000 I'lS 40,927 1963 1963 Ontario Specia| $1.19 I BABY GREEN TURTLES Special 39c Each ' TURTLE BOWL, whit ‘1 I LL LL IL I FOOD 8. TURTLE W I Complete with palm tree and adorable baby 1 green turtle and turtle food. :RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTREâ€"OPEN EVERY DAY 'TIL 6, THURS. & FRI; 'TIL 9: ! KRESGE'S PET CIRCUS SALEâ€"Special Prices October 17, 18,19 I HARTZ MOUNTAIN Master Canary Seed HARTZ MOUNTAIN Budgie Seed . . . . . . . Size 16 x 9 x 12”. Modern Chrome Cages with Glass Seed Guards. Special 44c to 66¢ Each ASSORTED CATNIP TOYS only $3.99 ea. MATCHING (AGE _( HARTZ MOUNTAIN Plastic Cage Cover .. 79c each 8, SEED GUARD ( EIABTZ_MOUN'I_‘A:IN Plastic Segd Guard .. 79c each Vigorous and healthy Male birds guaranteed to sing. These are ideal for pets and they brighten your day with songs. SPECIAL $4.99 each, with the purchase of any price cage. KITTY LITTER COME! SEE! BLACKIE, OUR TALKING MYNAH BRD Young Male Canaries Special 97c complete KING SIZE TURTLE BOWL A sanitary filler for your pet cat’s tray. 10 lb. bag SPECIAL $5.99 RAWHIDE DOG FREE KITTY LITTER TRAY for 3 days only BUY ROMAR DOG or CAT FOOD AND BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE FREE DRAWâ€"A 31x TRANSISTOR RADIO ROUND LOOP Attractive Black Base enamel Straight stand. SPECIAL STRAIGHT STAND $4.77 For good grooming give your dog that smoother look. Special 49c Here is something more attractive for your dog. Double plastic and Glass dog diners. Special $1.49 WICKER BASKETS Assorted sizes of: 141/3 14” x 18H, x 19" BUY A CAGE AND SAVE $1.00 Special $2.69 per bed TOYS Assorted new toys SPECIAL 39c to 67: CHAIN DOG LEADS SPECIAL 29c SMOOTHIE BRUSH Budgie Toys and Cage Accessories DOG DINERS for Budgies and Canaries. Sizes 16X9X121/2". Perches and glass seed guards and pull-out tray included. PULVEX FLEA COLLARS SPECIAL $1.29 for dogs and cats Special 49c SPECIAL $5.99 Beautiful Aviary Run Budgies with gay colourful plumage. Delightful pets to have around the home. , Unsexed. With the purchase of {m i any price cage. ' ' ONLY $1.99 Ea? BUY A CAGE AND SAVE $1.00 BU S_pecia| $2.99ea. ‘9} 39c pkg. HARTZ MOUNTAIN Master Canary Gravel 20c pkg.‘ 35c pkg. HARTZ MOUNTAIN Budgie Gravel . . . . . . 20c pkg. n X 161/én’ , 161/3" X 20" CHROME TRIPOD STAND ‘About 5’5” high stand. Special $2.77 BLACK TRIPOD STAND This stand will suit any livingroom. Special $2.77 (98c value) with the purchase of the following:â€" W. B. Hamster Cage, Hartz Mountain Starter Kit, Hamster Litter, Hamster and Pet Books. Special $4.99 HAMSTER STARTER KIT F R E E H A M S T E R A big tank holds up to 10 gallons. Size 20 x 10 x 12”. An assortment of 10 beautiful Tropical Fish for your selection. Egg Layers and Live Bearers available. Every kiddy 10ves a goldfish. BUY ONE GOLDFISH SpeciaI 10c Each GET ONE FREE! TROPICAL FISH TANK CSA APPROVED VIBRATOR PUMP SPECIAL $3.98 Special 2 for 97¢ TROPICAL FISH Approx. size, 19 x 13% x13”. Attractive designed cage with glass seed guards. pull-out tray. perches and inside cups. Special $7.77 SPECIAL $7.77 GOLDFISH CHROME one unfi 190 to 490

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