Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Oct 1963, p. 6

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6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October PHEASANTS Oven ready, $3.25. Stouffyille. 640-2780. tfcl2 50 ROWS of good silo’corn. 50 rods long. 884~2590. c1w1§ DEEP WELL pumpiand pyes- Qure tank, Mcbouéall. 1/5 h.p. motor, $65. AV. 5-2191. clwlfi ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514 tfc36 GOOD used fumfia for sale‘ Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4~ 2613. tics A.1 BLACK top soil. 884-2538. tfc50 1 BROWNIE unifbrm and tam, size 8. Phone 886-5421 evenings only. *1w15 TRAIN. eléétric, HO, Marklin, $25. Track, power, engine, etc. 62 Cartier Cr. c1w16 BOAT ’P’L’ANS, 34' ketch and 23’ sloop Cartier Cres. LIKE NEW Hudson Seal fur coat, black, size 40-42. Suitable for older lady. Cost $600, asking $250. AL. 7-2604. c1w16 guide uniform $7. Brownie un- iform $5. 884-3462. c1w16 WELL ROTTED manure deliv- ered in small loads for lawns, gardens and flower beds. TU. 4-2236, AV. 5-2236. c4w16 FRIGIDAIRE $60. Complete 16 FT. Chris-Craft cabin cruis- er. sleeps two, immaculate con- dition. $850 or with 35 Evin- rude electric $1,095. TE. 3- 6335. c1w16 1 ROLLAWAY bed with new mattress. 1 twin size bed, wood- en. 1 ladies‘ bicycle, good con- dition. Reasonable. AV. 5-1923. (:1le SINGER SEWING MACHINES Repossessed, take over pay- ments, $5 per month. Washers, dryers, vacuum cleaners, polish- ers and typewriters. Terms. TU. 4-2931. 18A Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. tfc48 2 COATS, flt girls 12-16, borg lined, with hoods, excellent condition. Also figure skates. size 6. 884-5226. (:1le Wars PLAYPEN, wooden, brand new, Gendron. $8.00 cash and carry. North Park Furni- ture, 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto. BU. 8-7911. tch ARMCHAIR, dresser, chairs, kitchen table, wood stove. hand washing machine, rangette, el- ectric stove, vacuum cleaner. TU. 4-1858. *1w16 APPLES Buy direct from Orchard. Crisp fresh picked graded apples. Gormarkay orchard. Armitage,‘ Yonge St. Two miles north of Aurora. c5w14 GENUINE beaver coat and mat- ching hat. Size 14-16. $100. Al- so walnut bedroom suite. After 5 pm. phone PR. 3-5066. BEAUTYREST, Marshall, Sim- mons. Serta, Heely and other spring mattresses repaired, re- turned just like new. medium Fm. extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. - tic“ SPRING filled mattresses. Double bed size. Brand new, $15, cash and carry. Perfect for cottage. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto, HU.‘ 8-7911. tfc9j TRADE IN your old furniture for new, with highest allowance ‘â€" or â€" we will buy your fur- niture for our trade-in depart- ment. Free estimates â€" no obligation. Call Powell Furni- ture, 85 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2922. TORONTO CUT STONE . SUPPLY HAS firewood, loam, compost, manure, top soil, rockery stone. patio flag, sand, gravel and crushed lime stone, natural and pre-cast stone and steps of all sizes, etc. No. 7 and pathurst St. 884-1571. OPEN DAILY UNTIL 8 p.m SATURDAY UNTIL 5 p.m. V2 Mile East of Yonge South Of Markham Road AV. 5-3942 FREE DELIVERY METRO WRECKING CEDAR AVENUE, RICHMOND HILL New 8; Used Materials Plumbing - Doors - Pipe Clearing NEW Glazed Sash 500 and Up CASH RATES, lst insertion So each word. min. charge . . . . . . . . 75c. Second and subsequent insertions if wording . . . . . . . . unchanged, 50 per word. min. charge 650 FOR. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE; 5c per word: min. charge 750 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, per insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 mm. on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES and 38' $50. 62 c1w16 c1w16 tfc15 tfc48 tfc2 u. u, for Sales Service Rentals me Authorized Dealer HU: All popular makes for sale in- ficg eluding new and rebuilt stand- â€" ard portable and electric mod- ture els. Special rental rates avail- ‘Efe able to students. BABY’S auto bed. and walker, like new. (TU. 4-4547. c1w16 WELL ROTTED cow manure or peat loam. $5 and $7 loads. 225-2781. tfc13 tion. Call after 5 pm. AL. 7- 2393. c1w16 BOY'S sis'P'EEn BICYCLE. TU. 4-7425. c1w16 ifi’ilGI-IT PIANO, good condi- 8 PIECES of eavestroughing, 10 feet long and vacuum clean- er. TU. 4-1858. c1w16 COFFIELD washing machine like new, $50. AV. 5-3754. BOOKCASE. unpainted, brand new, $7 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tfc9 APPLIANCES: Easy washer, RCA range, Norge fridge, $150 if you take all three. BA. 5- 7245. c1w16 BOILER, cast iron, hot water or steam, rate at 4,000‘ radia- tion. Excellent condition. TU. 4-2340. c1w16 TELEVISION R.C.A. 21". Con- sole good condition. New pict- ure tube. $75. Tel. 884-7298 after 6 pm QUANTITYTaf’V’eBetian blinds striped awning 7’, 2 pine tables Suitable cottage, 884-7160. CHEST of drawers, four draw- er. Unpainted. Brand new, $15. cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Tor- onto. HU. 8-7911. tch 8 DRAWER dresser, brand new, unpainted, sell for $18 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tch POTTERY and gift ware, pre- inventory sale. Must be cleared by end of month. 374 Enford Road, Richmond Hill. G.E. WRINGER-washer, 4 years old. Excellent condition, $60. Three burner H.D. Moffat stove $20. Maple Area. 257-2437. INGLIS automatic washer, ex- cellent condition, 4 drawer filing cabinet, fire extinguish- er for store or warehouse. 285- 5633. *1w16 NIGHT TABLES, unpainted, brand new $5 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. th9 BALL or mm HEATERSâ€" Portable (stove oil). no pipes. no smoke, no odour. From 6,000 - 12,000 BTU. See them at Carl Walker Sales. Don Mills Road, Victoria Square. Phone ‘886-5413. tfcll Pianos, all makes and sizes. Bargains. Frank Movers and Storage Warehouse, 28 Indust- rial Road, Richmond Hill. Spring filled mattress. worth $35 00,. Brand New, $20.00 cash and carry. North Park Furni- ture. 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc9 ROLLAWAY BED. Aluminum PROPANE GAS 8c APPLIANCES SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. ‘ MAPLE The only AUTOMATIC Propane Gas Service from New Brunsâ€" wick to Manitoba. For informa- tion. call AV. 5-1145. tfc29 FULL size crib with four pos- ition postum board, electric bottle sterilizer. training seat.‘ car seat, automobile bottle warmer $25 the works. also five piece yellow chrome set $25. TU. 4-2824. c1w16 Richmond Hill MAKE your pennies work for you. TWO of any item listed in our new FALL REXALL 1c SALE Advertisement for the price of one, plus 1 penny. THURSDAY, October 17 to SATURDAY, October 26. More than 350 bargains'to choose from. Wight’s Pharmacy. The Rexall Drug Store, 28 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1521. clwlfi FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES PIANO SPECIALS (Continued) L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. 'I'ELI. I'I" TO THE WORLD WI'I'I-l' TU. 4-1745 tfc49 1.00 *1w16 c1w16 c1w16 c1w16 c1w16 c1w16 ANTIQUES bought and sold. McNeil Antiques, 9251 Yonge St., Richvale. 285-6916. *2w15 BUNK BEDS, red maple. Brand new. 36" size Spring filled mattresses. $49.50 delivered. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tch RICHMOND HILL7CURLING DEBENTURE. TU. 4-7425. SHOTGUN, Winchester. pump 12 gauge, excellent condition, $75. 884-5221. *1W16 MUSKR’AT STOLE, worn twice, sacrifice. TU. 4-2641. clw16 APPLES, Macintosh, Spartan, Red Delicious, Linda, Joyce, Greening, Spy, Wealthy. Pears, Bose, Anjou, Sheldon, Honey. Free delivery. Drop by or phone after 4 pm. and all day Saturday. Manning and Sons Orchards, Dufferin Street, one mile south of Maple Side- road, Maple. AL. 7-8972. tfc15 Westinghouse 24" electric 4- burner stove. Westinghouse rev frigerator, apartment size, per-1 feet operating condition. Gas‘ stov-e, 20”, 4-burner. Round walnut extension dining table and six chairs. Oak buffet, with drawers and mirror. Continen- tal bed. Double bed and Eaton- ia mattress. Steel pullout bed and new mattness. Modern 60" pink Kenmore bath, never us- ed. Antique hallstand with mirror. Until Saturday only. TU. 4-2180. nc1w16 ATTENTION HOME OWNERS Its Time To make that new garden or flower bed youv’e been think- ing of. ’ ITS TIME To top dress your lawn to im- prove it for next year. We recommend For All These Jobs Loam & Mushroom Compost Mixed 1954 HALF TON pickup. Best offer. AV. 5-2376. (:1le eal second car. New motor. 884- 7560. clw15 condition. Owner leaving count~ ry. 257-1301. c1w16 1957 DEfUXE Volkswagen, id- $960 HILLMAN, 4-door, one owner. Excellent shape. AV. 5- 4257. c1w16 will 1960 fiL’EY"; door sedan, 24,- 000 miles, one owner. TU. 4-14- 27. c1w16 1962 MG. midgét, excellent good condition. Best cash offer. TU. 4-2410. c2w15 OUR MUSHROOM MANURE PRIVATE 1960 Volkswagen standard, 33,000 miles. $750 cash. TU. 4-7527. \ c1w16 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, 1955 2-DOOR Chevrolet V8. Good body, motor, new tires. Private. $250. 884-7760. c1w16 1960 VAUXHALL, 26,000 miles. First owner. $600. BA. 5-7245. c1w16 mechanically good 884-4996 after 5 p. 1953 FORD, body excellent 1954 tires 1960 PONTIAC 9 passenger wagon, automatic, radio. white- walls. Will accept trade. 884- 5131. nc16 OUR LOAM IS SCREENED You get no junk or wood or stones in it. is weed free, well rotted and odourless FOR GOOD SERVICE GOOD ADVICE GOOD PRICES CALL C. L. KNAPPETT Loam, Trees, Landscaping 884-3089 DON’T WAIT - DO IT NOW tfc14 TYPING to do at home. PR 5972. ch HANDYMAN will do any kind of work, maintenance, etc. AV. 5-6944. c1w16 WOMAN would do plain iron- ing in your home. Call Marie. AV. 5-2326. c1w16 YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 285-486S. tf052 GARDEN Consultant, retiredE nurseryman, gardens designed. COINS â€" STAMPS Plants and ShWbS supplied. Collections and individual coins Plans and estimates very rea- _ tokens _ large coppers â€" sonable. 884â€"7953. c4w14 silver dollars .â€" all gold coins. m Old stamps on original envel- like to look after books and ac- opes. (Top premium prices for counts. for small- business or fine condition). Reginald professional person. in her own James, 51 McKee Avenue. W11~ home. Has own typewriter and lowdale. BA. 1-2304. ‘car. AV. 5-3060. c1w16 '4w16 EMPLOYMENT WANTED USED CARS FOR SALE BUY cars for cash or we sell yours on consignment. 4-4372. tch FOR QUICK SALE PLYMOUTH with new Make offer. TU. 4-3289. *1w16 FRESH FRUIT 17th, 1963 (Cuntinueo) Best offer. 1. c1w16 c1w16 clw16 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 Tileâ€"beds cleaned. Fast, clean modem service. C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richn CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alteratlons & repairs. prompt, service. BiéCKib}iékwork and carpen- ter work by hour or contract. TU. 4-4208. c1w16 SE_PTICâ€"â€"7tankspi1mped 24 hour service. C. Bums. PR. 3-5085. MISCELLANEOUS ROTOVATING Lawns and gardens. Phone 884-7573. tfc3 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. CONCRETE and carpentry work, recreation rooms, floors and walls tiled, at reasonable prices. TU. 4-5482. tfc33 CARPENTRY 8; CONCRETE Custom building additions, repairs, renovations. J. W. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. tfc50 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4- 5688 Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 CARPENTRY WORK. additions, renovations, garages, recreation irooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. \Av. 5-3653. . tf028 Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 KING CITY WELL miiiLING CO. LTD. Pumrp equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192, King City. Phone Kin-g TE. 3-6321. tfcla CALL 115 for your sand, gravel. ‘fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable Irates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple. \Amee 7-8876. tfc7 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith, Upholstery, phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 DUPLICATING Letters. office forms. bulletins, etc. Black, white, colours. Prompt service. Richmond Hill Answering Service, 884-3800, AV. 5-2798. tfc13 CHESTERFIELD suites, and chrome chairs recovered and rebuilt, at a reasonable price. No job too small. Free estim- ates. .Murray Upholstery. AVA 5-4767. tfc51 GORDON JUBB GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR Concrete and masonry repairs. BA. 1-6688. tfc14 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. TU. +2838. tfc45 FLOOR. COVERINGS All types tiles and sheet vinyl for rec. rooms. kitchens, entries, baths, etc. Also ceramic wall tiles. Free estimates. Reid and Sons, Flooring Contractors, AV. 5-1960. tfc32 Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates.- Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- dence. business, AV. 5-5345. WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid Call Frank's Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc7 HAY wanted, about 200 bales with no alfalfa in it. AV. 5- 5323. clw16 WALKER}; MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 PL USED FURNITURE E. W. PAYNE WANTED UPHOLSTERY ciITMNEYs Richmond Hill tfc40 tfc23 tfc8 tfc4 tic“ tfc STORAGE space available storage of any kind. Phone any time, 884-3931. c2w15 FURNISHEB one bedroom ap- artment, hydro and water. AV. 5-1234. tfc14 FOR RENT 6 room bungalow, $125 monthly per November 1. 62 Cartier Crescent. c1w16 CHRISTIAN home. Housekeep- ing room, close to Yonge. Share fridge, grill, parking. Non- smokers. TU. 4-1777. c1w12 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, parking, 16 Lorne. 1st house east of Clarke's Drug Store at Yonge. *2w16 HOU§E, 2 bedrooms, all con- veniences, garage, good loca- tion, reasonable. 884-5678. MODERN, six room bungalow, completely finished recreation room, $125 a month. TU. 4â€"7962. c1w16 6 ROOM modern bungalow, El- gin Mills. Walking distance to Yonge. Call TU. 4â€"2613. FOUR ROOMS in private home,‘ not self-contained. Suit quiet couple. AV. 5-4590 after 7 pm. tfclO MODERN, three-bedroom bun- galow, near Yonge Street and King Sideroad. Oak Ridges, $954 PA. 7-9488, PA. 7-5046. tfc16 NOW available, 5 room house, abstainers, business c_ouple, 6-9 evenings, 30 Church St. 8.. Richmond Hill. c1w16 FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment, suit one or two business gentlemen. AV. 5-3993, or, after 5.00 p.m., AV. 5-4373. tfcll BED-sitting room, kitchenette with dining area, sun deck, parking, senior adults. 884-1204. *2w16 BEAVERTON-CENTRE AREA Furnished room in quiet adult home. Parking. $8 weekly. TU. 4-3801. . *1w11 2 ROOM cottage, suit couple, fridge and stove, oil heated, chemical toilet. AV. 5-3681. 4 ROOM apartment, stove and fridge, private 3-piece bath- room, child welcome, parking facilities. 45 Dufferin Lane, $110 MONTHLY 3 year old, two bedroom home on 9% acre land, one year lease. Richmond Hill Call ’Larry Neil'l, H. Keith Ltd., AV. 5-1156. c1w16 AURORA - bright furnished apartment, equipped kitchen, separate entrance, parking. One or two business adults, $85 monthly. 727â€"5597. tfc13 5 ROOM, 2 bedroom bungalow, located near Keele St. and No. 7 Highway, available October 16. $115 monthly. 222-7907. STORE and stockroom, approx. 1150 square feet, with large high basement. Also five rooms on second floor. Pine Street, Woodbridge. AV. 5-5577. BAYVIEW MANOR APARTMENTS 2 bedroom apartments. TU. 4- 5693, 451 Elmwood Ave, 1 block south of Markham Road GENTLEMAN wishes to share bungalow with one or two sing- le gentlemen or younger couple. Centre of Richmond Hill, in good residential area. Call TU. 4-5892. c1w16 WENMAR APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND mu. COLBOURNE AVE. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments â€"1 pool elevators, FM music, large balconies. intercom, parking, TV outlet. AV. 5-2303. tfc3 RICHMOND HILL TV 28 LEVENDALE RD. TU. 4-7456 AV. 5-3756 c1w16 RICHMOND HILL ELMDALE COURT FOUR-plex, 2-bedroom upper, $115; 2-bedroom lower, $110; ideal location for children, quiet crescent; special conces- sion for one-year lease. Call The Canada Trust Company, EM. 2-6161. tfc15 KING Township, loo-acres all under cultivation, barn. Call Mr. Jackson, King City, TE. 3- 5076. UPPER DUPLEX Front and rear entrance, seven rooms, living room, den with fireplace, large kitchen with pantry. bath, 3 bedrooms, gar- age, spacious grounds, Novem- ber 1. 148 Yonge Street South. TU. 4â€"1504. tfc15 MODERN BACHELOR APARTMENT New, unfurnished. in Richmond Hill. Ideal also for young coup- le, $75 monthly, including hot water, hydro, heat and parking, fully equipped, close to shop- ping, schools, churches and transportation. private entrance. Call TU. 4-7755. AV. 5-1266. RENT A TELEVISION 19" portable, day, week or month TO RENT T. L. FRASER LTD REAL ESTATE RU. 3-9425 c1w14 c1w16 c1w15 c1w16 tfch c1w16 c1w16 tfc16 ATTENTION North Toronto, .nond Willowdale, Thornhill and coup- Richmond Hill. We require ; hot services of experienced stem)- king, grapher, shorthand and dicta- ShOP- Phone experience. Permanent and position. C om pany located ‘ance. Thornhill area. Usual company 16. benefits. Write Box No. 14. tfclfi “The Liberal". clw16 3 BEDROOM bungalow antville, garage, near Treed, fenced yard. TU. GATEHOUSE at The Creek. RR. 1 Unionville. Responsible couple, middle aged preferred. No children. For appointment phone Gormley 886-5583. LADY for office cleaning, one day weekly. AV. 5-4939. c1w16 HELP with harvesting cauli- flowers. 886â€"5463. c1w16 CARETAKERS â€" full & part- time. Modern building. AV. 5- 2303. . tfc14 EXPERIENCED dump truck driver. minimum age 26. AV. 5-3612. c1w16 EOUSEKEEPER, live in. For teacher in Thornhill. 285â€"5789. clw16 HOUSEKEEPER - baby sitter. Live in. Two pre-schoolers. Ideal position for widow. Child welcome, TU. 4-7962. clw16 CLEANING women, day or evening work. Call after 6 p.m., TU. 4-2651. Nursing Home, Yonge and Elmwood. tfcll MAN, preferably over 21, for spot welding. Will train. Bene- fits. Apply Goldfish Supply Co.. 39 Albert St., Stouffville. c1w16 WOMAN to (lb general house work and help care for 2 small children, weekly. AV. 5-2788. c1w15 EXPERIENCED finishing car- penter or cabinet maker, must have references. Phone TU. 4- 1212 after 6.30 pm. c1w16 TRUCK DRIVERS wanted for route work in Richmond Hill, Aurora area. Write Box 8 The Liberal. c4w14 UPHOLSTERER. Experienced. Full or part-time. 884-5127. Richmond Upholstery, 44 Lev- endale Rd. > c1w16 CASHIER - must have food supermarket experience. Best working conditions. 884-720}. A PRACTICAL nurse wanted two days weekly, 8.30 am. to 4.30 pm. or 4.30 pm. to 10 p.m., TU. 4-1620. c1w16 MAN, with some experience re- pairing furniture, good wood- worker or cabinet maker. Bon- nell Antiques, AV. 5-2176. CLEANING WOMAN, part time Apply Canadian Tire Store, 70 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill. c1w16 HOUSEKEEPER, live-in pre- ferred, to look after 3 children, one school age. King City. Call 7 am. - 5 pm. AV. 5-4471. RICHMOND HILIT'reaI estate salesman wanted. Call Mr. Shields, TU. 43805. David McLean Ltd. Realtbrs. c1w16 EXPERIENCED hairdresser. Apply Chez Pauline, 24 Yonge St. North. 884-2726. HANDY man, part time, to clean floors and offices and do odd building maintenance jobs. D. McLean, AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. WOMAN for counter work at Dad’s Drive In, excellent work- ing conditions, permanent pos- ition, references required. Ap- ply after 6 pm. to Mrs. Cover- ette, at restaurant at 255 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. c1w14 BEAUTY COUNSELORS need women to show and sell their Christmas packages and regular line of merchandise. Call Mrs. Roy, AV. 5-2806. HELP WANTEA; Energetic man with knowledge of farms to specialize in farm sales and small acreages. Call Mr. Carlisle. AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. c1w15 CHRISTMAS is giving time. Avon Cosmetics appeals to ev- ery member of the family. Show these Quality Products and cash in on this great de. mand. Write Miss Ziegler. Box 141. Guelph. c1w16 ASSISTANT bookkeeper and typist for general office duties required for established firm in Richmond Hill. Reply stat- ing age, marital status. Exper- ience and salary expected write Box 13, “The Liberal". MAN or woman to supply est- ablished customers with fam- ous nationally advertised Wat- kins Products. No investment. Earnings of $75.00 and up" weekly possible. Full or part-time. Write to J. GauthierJ 350 St. Roch St., Montreal 15. Que. c4w14 FARM SKEESMAN WANTED T0 RENT (Continued) school 4â€"3414 Pleas- c1w16 c1w16 c1w16 c1w16 clw16 clw16 c1w16 c2w16 clw16 CLEANING ladyir’e'Eu 1 r e (1. Bedford Park Avenue area. 884-2667. c1w16 FULL time or part time office‘ help, female, must be perfect in figures and typing. Apply 190 Keele St. at 10 am. Fri- day. c1w16 YOUNG man to learn forestry trade. Chauffeurs licence es- sential by appointment only. Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Company. 884-7774. LADIES part time for pleas- ant telvephone work in our Richmond Hill office. Hours 9 to 1 â€" 1 to 5. Salary. Apply Mrs. Nelson. AV. 5-5401. RICHMOND Hill Public School Board â€" Applications in writ- ing will be received by the un- dersigned up to 5 p.m., Friday. October 25, 1963, for the posi- tion of School Secretary. Em- ployment will be for the school year plus the last week prior to school opening in September. Duties will commence with half days until Christmas, and full time starting January 6, 1964. Salary schedule in effect. State previous experience. Kenneth U. Turton, Business Administrator, Richmond Hill Public School Board, 62 Yonge Street 8., Richmond Hill LARGE ROOM or small suite, furnished or unfurnished with board, by single gent by Octo- ber 24. Phone 884-7292 or AV. 54174. *1w16 FOR Nov. lst, a 2-3 bedroomed house within 20 miles of 401 and Yonge. Careful tenants, willing to lease. Mr. H. Pear- son, 20 Bales Ave. Willowdale. *4w14 GOVERNMENT employee re- quires modern 3 bedroom home in Richmond Hill, near high and public schools. W. J. Ham- ilton, 203 Holland Ave., Ottawa. c1w16 5 or 6 ROOM house, garage and oil. Thornhill, Keele and High- way 7, or Maple. 884-5775. HELP WANTED WIRE HAIRED terrier puppies, little beauties. Mrs. Cole, 297- 1393. c2w15 WIRE HAIRED terrier puppies, little beauties. Mrs. Cole 297- 1393. c1w15 BEAUTIFUL iéhocolate brown‘ miniature poodles, registered stock. 884-4179. c3w15 SILVER POODLES. Guaran- teed. Good pedigree. 773-4115. c1w16 REGISTERED BEAGLE pup- pies. good hunting strain. Bob Caesar. 884-1982. clw16 PETS FOR SALE WANTED for lady Richmond Hill to Yonge and Dundas area Arriving 8 a.m., leaving 4:30 pm. TU. 4-5600, evenings. WILL tutor gra’a’él; to 8 in all subjects, and grade 9, 10 and 11 French. TU. 4-5079. ART LESSONS. Adults Tues- days, children Thursdays after school. Contact Mrs. «Howarth. 884-4568. *1w15 MONEY TO LOAN DRESSMAKING Sixx xx'x' XXX Transportation PAY ‘EM ALL OFF WITH ONE LOW-COST. LIFE-INSURED XXXX Xxxx' WANT TO SWEEP DEBTS CLEAN? WANTED TO RENT THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA XXX 'x'xx TUITION DRESSMAKING DESIGNING ALTERATIONS TU. 4-4670. (Continued) ixxx IIIH‘IHH "Hm, LOAN c1w16 c1w16 c1w16 c1w16 c1w16 tfc35 CEMENT MIXER, 3% cubic ft.. electric. Will deliver. Also wheelbarrow. AL. 7-8872. tfcll TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc21 TOOLS T0 RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns, roto- tillers, rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental & Sales. 6026 Yonge St.. BA. 1- 1711._ t£c12 SEMI PRIVATE and private rooms available. Whitfield Nur- sing Home, 646 Davis Drive, Newmarket. 895-5921. c4w14 NURSING HOMES NURSING HOME ACCOM- MODATION AVAILABLE KINDLY care in Newmarket's oldest licensed nursing home. 24-hour attention under the supervision of a registered nurse. Hospital beds, hospital signal system, special diets. Visitors welcome any time. Rates $5.50 per day. 266 Prospect St.. Newmarket. 895-9453. c2w15 MONEY available for good first and second mortgages. reasonâ€" able ratesl Medcof, Lawlor and Le Claire. TU, 4-4413. tfc2 CLIENTS‘ funds to purchase lst and 2nd mortgages. D. Mc- Lean, AV. 5-1176. David Mc- Lean Ltd. tfc15 MOTHER’S HELPER SERVICE EXPERIENCED baby - sitters, homemaker’s service and day work. Call day or night, TU. 4-7253. tfc15 BABY SITTING EQUIPMENT RENTALS SIMPSON’SDRYGUODS 12 Yonge St. S. MORTGAGES 23 Men’s 36” Wool Suburban Coats, Pile Lined $19.95 each Men’s Red Wool Hunting Coats, Regular $8.95 Weekend Special $5.95 ALUMINUM Windows 6': Doors Awnings 6's Siding Closed In Patios , Quality Products At Manufacturers Prices Phone For Free Estimates TORONTO WINDOW MFG. CO. LTD. All Materials & Workmanship Fully Guaranteed MARTIN MANOR 165 CENTRE ST. RICHMOND HILL ALL MAKES 0F WINDOWS REGLAZED 8. REPAIRED SQUALL JACKETS . . . . Water Repellent, 100% Dupont Nylon 5 -_.J HYDRO PARKAS . . . of Heavy Duck, Do yoinfllrave a drinking prob- lem? If so AA can help Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. tfc45 HANS HOFMANN wishes to announce to his many friends and clients that on or before November 1, he will be open- ing a beauty salon at 13 Yonge Street South. next to Wool. worth’s. For information call TU. 4-5892. c1w16 LOANS $50 - $5000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. 31 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill 884â€"4458 - 285-5562 Mgr. Dennis Hughes WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call TU. 4-2538 or ZEnith 32800. License No 204-62‘ «c3! BAYVIEW GARDEN SUPPLY A-l black top soil loam and manure for lawns and flower beds. We deliver. For sodding. grading and paving your drive- way. Free estimates. TU. 4c 2538. tfc50 ELGIN MILLS LbLM and son co. LTD. Top Soil. Loam, Cultivated Peat Loam, Sandy Loam, Well Rot- ted Manure, Special Mixed Loam, Field Sod, Cultivated Seeded Sod. Nursery Sods. AV. 5-1514 CEDAR HEDGES, nice 3 to 4 ft. cedars for hedging. Top quality, sandy loam enriched with rotted manure. Cedar fence rails. Rookery Stones. etc. C. L.'Knappett. Landscaping, 834â€"3089. t£c9 ROOM & BOKRD available for respectable man. 884-2758. ROOM and Boafd available for two, twin beds, clean home, home comforts. 884-3602. c1w16 ROOM and BOARD ROOM and board for business lady. Close to Yonge. TU. 4‘ 3487. clw16 ROOM and board for young man. Preferably 17 to 21. New- kirk and Elgin Mills district. 884-3977. c1w16 BOATS & MOTORS 1961 EVINRUDE 18 h.p., ex- cellent condition, less than 150 hours. TU. 4-4081. c1w16 DEAD STOCK PERSONAL "' GARDEN SUPPLIES Richmond Hill 285-1471 884-2873 each each each tfc33 tfc40

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