Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Oct 1963, p. 8

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8 THE LIBERAL Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 17th, 1963 ' ___________’_____’_,_â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Oral French Being Taught Oral French is being taught in Langstaff School Vaughan Township School Area Board learned Thurs- day night. Classes sponsored by the French committee of the Langstan Home and School Association were granted use of a classroom from 3.30 to 4.10 pm. on Wed- nesday and Fridays each ‘ . I \.\\\\ \‘ , week. Thirty grade 7 and 8 -- ~ ' " H \mmmsfisms .\ « \\ \ \ pupils are benefitting from “ The ONLY Cooling System the instruction. Protection that is recommended for use every day, 12 months in the year You’ve never used anything like ALL - YEAR THROUGH "PERMA- FILL" . . . and you’ll never use anything but PERMA-FILL, once you’ve tried it. Mr. Elie Souchc. princi- Dal’s assistant at that school. who was hired by the board when it was thought that Oral French would become. a part of the curriculum of all schools in the townships. is the in- structor. It was reported that the classes are well underway. More applications had been received than could be ac- commodated, it was claim- ed. It was also reported that some parents who had In another year, no doubt, other products will try to match the exclusive quali- ties at PERMA-FILL â€" This year, if you want these signed the petition against PERMAâ€"FILL features you’ll the teaching of Oral French have to fill U with PéRMA_ were paying,r the $10 tuition FILL (N p H . ‘ fee to have their children - - ~ GIUFO V II’ gives receive this instruction. absolute protection against freeze-ups, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO 62° BE- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiTm:iiiiiiiiimnnummunmiiumuum LOW ZERO _ WONTT BOIL AWAY at 330° . o L T above.) Plus these BONUS EXTRAS:- Kinsmen GET CITO *STIC LESSONS 3'99 “mm” - - Am 0. m. mun. . . pertormonca in a similar manner to tho . . heavy duty, severe service _ . . i O L b t r Last Thursday, Richmond Hill Kinsmen were hosts at a huge regional dinner held at the ngfzehrmi'm motor oil in the engine. Tam 0’ Shanter Golf Club when local members dressed in Chinese costume presided at an w , G snug?! and last :Ioldsnforeign silibstanc're'u: . _ . . i y ‘ "SP8 SIOI" â€" cap: 0 Oriental banquet. From left is Dick Griffin, deputy governor of Zone E which Includes Richmond S . Safe“ for an engine. “Mam new“. clean and Hill, Richmond Hill Kinsmen president in costume Ole Swanson, John Kinney. general secretary A total of 45 members and including “.6 lam. :oilyl engined fiohiho blot-:- of the Association of Kinsmen 'Clubs in Canada and R. 1. “Jake” Brown, governor of District E. guests attended the October _10 models ma e ecis o t e coo an . , _ . _ meeting of the Richmond Hill Before the dinner, the men practiced their chopstick prowess on a bowl of sugar cubes. womenvs Institute in the lib. _ rary auditorium. President Mrs. J. Dewsbury opened the meeting with a LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS. â€" GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-II05 $333113; 2285;353:533?” Convenor Mrs. J. Stephenson introduced Miss E. Izzard who . ~ ‘ . .. ‘ spoke on the subject of “Our ' . ‘ ‘ . - _ t? . talents are not full grown at ‘ birth but must be developed." _ (ETHYLENEGLYWL) Mrs. F. Lander entertained ANTI - NATURAL GAS Only 13 Days Left! There is still time to buy and save! Consumers’ Gas have notified us that certain promotion allowances will be discontinued! Without this support we are forced to discontinue Our package deal as of October 31st. NATURAL GAS with a solo. 53.3 was accompan- ied at the piano by Mrs. E. Burnie. Plans were laid for the an- ‘ nual bridge and euchre night to be held October 30 at 1:30 pm. in the library auditorium. ' - I > - I » . Proceeds Will go to the SPeClal 97.5% Ethylene Glycol â€" gives the. positive anti-freeze protection of : hOSPital fund- the highest priced brands â€" AT EXTRA SAVINGS! 1 Special speaker was a well ‘ _ _ _ _ ‘2 known Richmond Hill resident, There s no skimpmg on the quality of Polar , ‘_ iiiTiiii‘liiiolis- : R. D. Little, who showed color Brand Permanent Type Anti-Freeze â€" full ,7- Slides 0f flowers and Other strength protects down to 62° below zero; I Show taken on his recent special inhibitors resist rust and corrosion; 3 European trip. ._, v V A social half hour followed no foam or bOil away. .................................... I ' POLAR BRAND is so powerfully strong that you can safely dilute 1t E IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII , . . g ' ' ‘ -. _ _ for extra economy â€" Actually 11.4 gal. in a lZ-qt. cooling system ” cannnmn TIRE C Legion protects down to 15° below zero. Reliable protection for every vehicle ' at Canadian Tire savings. -~ - .. To Town ' A new flag will make its ' .~ I " ._ . g a -\-’ -' . h 3' I. Z " I ‘ appearance in Richmond .1 I I J. - - : i” u ‘ L ,‘ '> v. . - I. l I , i Hill on November 4. Rich- ~ ] '_' . -, ‘ ' I “ mond Hill Branch 375 Can- _ _ *“ I' v . "” ’ ~- c ‘ ' .; ' adian Legion, under the -‘ 5-31 4 . ‘ - -. . r . - I " f I v leadership of President Frank Barrett, will present \s‘ a flag of remembrance to § WATER the Town of Richmond Hill s .~ PUMP at the regular meeting of ‘\ Exchange Performance and vacuum- 1; e s t e d to new-car spe- cifications. I I I g: town council that evening. 1 The flag which has just I I I I been issued by the Domin- ion Command of the Royal Canadian Legions bears a \tit°°'-|No svsI'E" ;C9NDIT10NERE ’r/////////////// MERCHANDISE SALES ground, and the inscription ’ m â€" mm _ ;Il;estf}Ve Forgiet"bin black. Bellows or Pellei Type Cooling System 8 ag is o e flown pURGE " . during Remembrance Week : . I I _ d THERMQSTA'S CONDITIONER I November 4-11 each year conga? [on r: mm“ M fir‘g‘pné‘,‘ [2%ubpnmfd‘d works 5 ways to prpvem ‘\ “ \ ‘\ "‘\ \\\\"‘\\\\‘" L . ’ 1 . e m o v e s y, F1 ' v Ten: \i§‘\\9\‘x$\§$‘\\\3\ ' \ ii“ I as a reminder of those who :ounst onsecra , E, perature control. "‘05; com”??? :1‘“ ‘ 0' CHOKE t. " {nade the supreme sacrifice sludge . cleans $22122 per. s\i/orks Converter W Y i in two world wars to en- entire cooling formance. I with any anti 7 Makes auto- I sure peace and freedom for system Ca“ Ms ‘ “0m ' freeze ' - ' IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE = * I . . a, _ manual. " ‘MINNINIINIIIllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI Rad'am" .Flush Rad'afl" solder .Enlgm-Emwiiigs In ,NEWMÂ¥ARKET * _ 7]) ~~~ r i [m p w v es circulation. P e r m a n e n t I y seals Secure y W 5 ~ ‘ . ecember 7 radiator cifi 9 leaks Liquid. 600""! “5‘9"” I was set as the date for thei “lencyr IO'OZ- C3" '4 10‘“ “a” ' ' 20"” can " i . - * at at 3 STAR RATE REDUCTION it at at Ta miftii‘gpa‘ the canadian Leg'l RADIATOR HOSE TER HOSE _ l ‘ ' ion a . aracle route will lead‘ HEA (For N011 GdS U59re on“) v ‘from the P1323 to Lohiaws‘ Resists anti-freeze. etc ,parking lot. A dance will be: Moulded. held at the Canadian Legion As low as ---------------- I59 chall November 22 to help raise ifunds for the project. i I FAN BELTS IGNITION SPRAY Prevent overheating, Stops common ignition Resists corrosion, ammreeze 1055, failures, etc. Per ft. from n11 From .90 6-02. ...................... .79 _“ , Shorgus Brings YOU a package deal and Saves YOU $289.00 DEPARTiIENT OF HEALTH I ‘ TOWNSHI OF NORTH YORK, ’. Ever-Changing Values ‘ .‘ H e a l t h and . happiness cannot be absolute and permanent values. how- ever c arer 1 the social * Forced-Air Furnace f iiicii‘fiéE-s‘iii"?222333: ‘ Sate Carsâ€"Save Lives (Includes 5 Hots, 2 Cold-Airs) (AND nimiisiifimim ALL _ * Rental Water Heater FOR * Your Choice of a GAS DRYER OR GAS RANGE PLUS benefit by additional savings of $I0.00 annually on ~the 3 Star Rate ‘ ONLY $2.95 WEEKLY ~ PAYABLE ON YOUR GAS BILL NO DOWN PAYMENT â€" FIRST PAYMENT APRIL. 1961 of fitness, and fitness re- quires never-ending efforts 1 f3... So Take Advantage of These Safety Specials lMNi-iiiilllilii i? W” \ â€" INSTALL SEAT BELTS â€" BRAKE ADJUSTMENT . Inspect Lining, Re-Pack Front Bearings /l/' s ./ LET US GET AT THE CAUSE AND CORRECT IT COOK'S BP Auto Service Complete Service to All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS ; TU. 4-II96 - AV. 5-IIOI Tr. 4-3151 â€".... gang, No Obligation For Further Information Call N0 Obligation Richmond Hill Richmond Hill 46 Levendale Rd. 46 Levendale Rd. 285-2634 0 Shit-711%

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