8 THE LIBERAL Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 17th, 1963 ' ___________’_____’_,_â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Oral French Being Taught Oral French is being taught in Langstaff School Vaughan Township School Area Board learned Thurs- day night. Classes sponsored by the French committee of the Langstan Home and School Association were granted use of a classroom from 3.30 to 4.10 pm. on Wed- nesday and Fridays each ‘ . I \.\\\\ \‘ , week. Thirty grade 7 and 8 -- ~ ' " H \mmmsï¬sms .\ « \\ \ \ pupils are benefitting from “ The ONLY Cooling System the instruction. Protection that is recommended for use every day, 12 months in the year You’ve never used anything like ALL - YEAR THROUGH "PERMA- FILL" . . . and you’ll never use anything but PERMA-FILL, once you’ve tried it. Mr. Elie Souchc. princi- Dal’s assistant at that school. who was hired by the board when it was thought that Oral French would become. a part of the curriculum of all schools in the townships. is the in- structor. It was reported that the classes are well underway. More applications had been received than could be ac- commodated, it was claim- ed. It was also reported that some parents who had In another year, no doubt, other products will try to match the exclusive quali- ties at PERMA-FILL â€" This year, if you want these signed the petition against PERMAâ€"FILL features you’ll the teaching of Oral French have to ï¬ll U with PéRMA_ were paying,r the $10 tuition FILL (N p H . ‘ fee to have their children - - ~ GIUFO V II’ gives receive this instruction. absolute protection against freeze-ups, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO 62° BE- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiTm:iiiiiiiiimnnummunmiiumuum LOW ZERO _ WONTT BOIL AWAY at 330° . o L T above.) Plus these BONUS EXTRAS:- Kinsmen GET CITO *STIC LESSONS 3'99 “mm†- - Am 0. m. mun. . . pertormonca in a similar manner to tho . . heavy duty, severe service _ . . i O L b t r Last Thursday, Richmond Hill Kinsmen were hosts at a huge regional dinner held at the ngfzehrmi'm motor oil in the engine. Tam 0’ Shanter Golf Club when local members dressed in Chinese costume presided at an w , G snug?! and last :Ioldsnforeign silibstanc're'u: . _ . . i y ‘ "SP8 SIOI" â€" cap: 0 Oriental banquet. From left is Dick Grifï¬n, deputy governor of Zone E which Includes Richmond S . Safe“ for an engine. “Mam new“. clean and Hill, Richmond Hill Kinsmen president in costume Ole Swanson, John Kinney. general secretary A total of 45 members and including “.6 lam. :oilyl engined fiohiho blot-:- of the Association of Kinsmen 'Clubs in Canada and R. 1. “Jake†Brown, governor of District E. guests attended the October _10 models ma e ecis o t e coo an . , _ . _ meeting of the Richmond Hill Before the dinner, the men practiced their chopstick prowess on a bowl of sugar cubes. womenvs Institute in the lib. _ rary auditorium. President Mrs. J. Dewsbury opened the meeting with a LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS. â€" GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-II05 $333113; 2285;353:533?†Convenor Mrs. J. Stephenson introduced Miss E. Izzard who . ~ ‘ . .. ‘ spoke on the subject of “Our ' . ‘ ‘ . - _ t? . talents are not full grown at ‘ birth but must be developed." _ (ETHYLENEGLYWL) Mrs. F. Lander entertained ANTI - NATURAL GAS Only 13 Days Left! There is still time to buy and save! Consumers’ Gas have notiï¬ed us that certain promotion allowances will be discontinued! Without this support we are forced to discontinue Our package deal as of October 31st. NATURAL GAS with a solo. 53.3 was accompan- ied at the piano by Mrs. E. Burnie. Plans were laid for the an- ‘ nual bridge and euchre night to be held October 30 at 1:30 pm. in the library auditorium. ' - I > - I » . Proceeds Will go to the SPeClal 97.5% Ethylene Glycol â€" gives the. positive anti-freeze protection of : hOSPital fund- the highest priced brands â€" AT EXTRA SAVINGS! 1 Special speaker was a well ‘ _ _ _ _ ‘2 known Richmond Hill resident, There s no skimpmg on the quality of Polar , ‘_ iiiTiiii‘liiiolis- : R. D. Little, who showed color Brand Permanent Type Anti-Freeze â€" full ,7- Slides 0f flowers and Other strength protects down to 62° below zero; I Show taken on his recent special inhibitors resist rust and corrosion; 3 European trip. ._, v V A social half hour followed no foam or bOil away. .................................... I ' POLAR BRAND is so powerfully strong that you can safely dilute 1t E IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII , . . g ' ' ‘ -. _ _ for extra economy â€" Actually 11.4 gal. in a lZ-qt. cooling system †cannnmn TIRE C Legion protects down to 15° below zero. Reliable protection for every vehicle ' at Canadian Tire savings. -~ - .. To Town ' A new flag will make its ' .~ I " ._ . g a -\-’ -' . h 3' I. Z " I ‘ appearance in Richmond .1 I I J. - - : i†u ‘ L ,‘ '> v. . - I. l I , i Hill on November 4. Rich- ~ ] '_' . -, ‘ ' I “ mond Hill Branch 375 Can- _ _ *“ I' v . "†’ ~- c ‘ ' .; ' adian Legion, under the -‘ 5-31 4 . ‘ - -. . r . - I " f I v leadership of President Frank Barrett, will present \s‘ a flag of remembrance to § WATER the Town of Richmond Hill s .~ PUMP at the regular meeting of ‘\ Exchange Performance and vacuum- 1; e s t e d to new-car spe- cifications. I I I g: town council that evening. 1 The flag which has just I I I I been issued by the Domin- ion Command of the Royal Canadian Legions bears a \tit°°'-|No svsI'E" ;C9NDIT10NERE ’r/////////////// MERCHANDISE SALES ground, and the inscription ’ m â€" mm _ ;Il;estf}Ve Forgiet"bin black. Bellows or Pellei Type Cooling System 8 ag is o e flown pURGE " . during Remembrance Week : . I I _ d THERMQSTA'S CONDITIONER I November 4-11 each year conga? [on r: mm“ M ï¬r‘g‘pné‘,‘ [2%ubpnmfd‘d works 5 ways to prpvem ‘\ “ \ ‘\ "‘\ \\\\"‘\\\\‘" L . ’ 1 . e m o v e s y, F1 ' v Ten: \i§‘\\9\‘x$\§$‘\\\3\ ' \ ii“ I as a reminder of those who :ounst onsecra , E, perature control. "‘05; comâ€??? :1‘“ ‘ 0' CHOKE t. " {nade the supreme sacrifice sludge . cleans $22122 per. s\i/orks Converter W Y i in two world wars to en- entire cooling formance. I with any anti 7 Makes auto- I sure peace and freedom for system Ca“ Ms ‘ “0m ' freeze ' - ' IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE = * I . . a, _ manual. " ‘MINNINIINIIIllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI Rad'am" .Flush Rad'afl" solder .Enlgm-Emwiiigs In ,NEWMÂ¥ARKET * _ 7]) ~~~ r i [m p w v es circulation. P e r m a n e n t I y seals Secure y W 5 ~ ‘ . ecember 7 radiator cifi 9 leaks Liquid. 600""! “5‘9"†I was set as the date for thei “lencyr IO'OZ- C3" '4 10‘“ “a†' ' 20"†can " i . - * at at 3 STAR RATE REDUCTION it at at Ta miftii‘gpa‘ the canadian Leg'l RADIATOR HOSE TER HOSE _ l ‘ ' ion a . aracle route will lead‘ HEA (For N011 GdS U59re on“) v ‘from the P1323 to Lohiaws‘ Resists anti-freeze. etc ,parking lot. A dance will be: Moulded. held at the Canadian Legion As low as ---------------- I59 chall November 22 to help raise ifunds for the project. i I FAN BELTS IGNITION SPRAY Prevent overheating, Stops common ignition Resists corrosion, ammreeze 1055, failures, etc. Per ft. from n11 From .90 6-02. ...................... .79 _“ , Shorgus Brings YOU a package deal and Saves YOU $289.00 DEPARTiIENT OF HEALTH I ‘ TOWNSHI OF NORTH YORK, ’. Ever-Changing Values ‘ .‘ H e a l t h and . happiness cannot be absolute and permanent values. how- ever c arer 1 the social * Forced-Air Furnace f iiicii‘fiéE-s‘iii"?222333: ‘ Sate Carsâ€"Save Lives (Includes 5 Hots, 2 Cold-Airs) (AND nimiisiifimim ALL _ * Rental Water Heater FOR * Your Choice of a GAS DRYER OR GAS RANGE PLUS benefit by additional savings of $I0.00 annually on ~the 3 Star Rate ‘ ONLY $2.95 WEEKLY ~ PAYABLE ON YOUR GAS BILL NO DOWN PAYMENT â€" FIRST PAYMENT APRIL. 1961 of fitness, and fitness re- quires never-ending efforts 1 f3... So Take Advantage of These Safety Specials lMNi-iiiilllilii i? W†\ â€" INSTALL SEAT BELTS â€" BRAKE ADJUSTMENT . Inspect Lining, Re-Pack Front Bearings /l/' s ./ LET US GET AT THE CAUSE AND CORRECT IT COOK'S BP Auto Service Complete Service to All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS ; TU. 4-II96 - AV. 5-IIOI Tr. 4-3151 â€".... gang, No Obligation For Further Information Call N0 Obligation Richmond Hill Richmond Hill 46 Levendale Rd. 46 Levendale Rd. 285-2634 0 Shit-711%