At recent baptismal services held in the Richmond Hill Un- ited Church the following chil~ dren were received: Mark Earle. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Chatfield; Brenda Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Leech; Elizabeth Jane. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. F. Fayle; John Andrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas Booth; Sandra Lucille. daughter 0? Mr. and Mrs. William T. Cockwell; Faith Mildred Dor- othy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Errol Creasor: Penny Diane. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph E. Greer; Karen Isabel. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter; Judith Kathryn, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Johnson: Bruce James, son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mac- Pherson; William Scott. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Reid; Sha- ron Fern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Smith; Ken- neth Paul. son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K. Stokes, and. James Randall, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Carson Whelen. § ‘Mrs. Harold Monks, Wood- Brian Cates, six month old; At Richmond Hill Presbyter- lane, left on Wednesday for a son of Mr. and Mrs. Normaniian Church on Sunday, Octob- week’s holiday in New York. Cates, Markham Road. return-[er 20. Marion Christine, daugh- * * * * ed home this week from Sick ter of Mr. and Ms. S. Mac- Susan Glllard. at present on Children's Hospital. Toronto, aulay. 81 Centre Street E. re- the staff of the New York Pres- where he has been a patient ceived the sacrament of bapt- byterian Hospital, spent the for the past ten days with ism. She was also presented weekend with be:- parents. Mr. bronchial pneumonia. with a New Testament from the mu! Mrs. Dunnan Hillard. at * * * * Sunday school. Susan Gillard, at present on the staff of the New York Pres- byterian Hospital. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Gillard, at their home on Church Street. ‘\‘\‘ W - \ The “Interest Sundays" at the Church of St. Gabriel have proved a great success. - Next Sunday, will be the 4th in this series and will show the work of the Boy Scouts, Cubs. Guides and Brownies. A date to remember! Satur- day. November 2 â€" the Holly- berry Fair at the Church of St. Gabriel. rThere will be many varied booths â€" home baking. candy, aprons, dolls clothes, Christmas novelties, handicrafts. white el- ephant and tea court, and for the younger set -â€" a kiddies“ corner and a happy tree. k® Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ettinger are shown follow- ing their recent wedding in Richmond Hill United Church. The bride is the former Gwen Stapley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stapley, Rich- mond Hill. (Photo by Cornes) Keep our columns up to date with your news â€" the service is free â€" just call the social editor, Margot Crack, at TU. 4-1105. or drop in personally to 63 Yonge Street South, we'll be pleased to hear from you. Emergency Prescription Service Your prescription will be called for, filled, and returned to you without delay and AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. __DURIl\_IG 1311;: DAY (9 a.m.-79 pm.) When your physician leaves a needed prescrip- tion late at night, call or have your physician call directly to TU. 4-4683 TU. 4-7204 ALLENCOURT PHARMACY LIMITED WM. C. LAZENBY, B.Sc., th. ALLENCOURT CENTRE. RICHMOND HILL Call TU. 4-4461 for the Same quickAserï¬ce. AFTER HOURS One of the Many Services of Happy Couple Editor Margot (rack Three parts of the W.A. were represented under the direction of their leaders, Mrs. Pat King, president of the W.A.; Mrs. Dorothy Price, president of the Friendship Circle, and Mrs. Vi Haggart, leader of the Junior Auxiliary. Mrs. Hilda Smith. president of the Chancel Guild, displayed the church embroid- ery on which the ladies are working. The family. who have been residents of the Hill for the past three years. will be great- ly missed by their many friends, who wish them every success in their new home. Mrs. Thomas. with her hus- band and children. David and Barbara, will be sailing on Oct- ober 27, aboard the “SS. Rot- terdam" for Brussels. Belgium, where Mr. Thomas. who is em- ployed by Standard Oil, has been transferred. The Church of St. Gabriel was filled to capacity for the 3rd “Interest Sunday". The ladies of the church are to be congratulated on their participation in the service and for the display of their various efforts to help in the work of the church. Mrs. John Postlethwaite (Mrs. John of Eatons) returned on Thursday from a four day business trip to New York; gnu-"v.0, __ _ During her stay, combiï¬ing buSiness with pleasure. Mrs. Postlethwaite attended the Broadway production of “Luth~ er" starring English actor Albâ€" ert Finney. Mrs. Jack Thomas was the guest of honour at a neighbour- hood farewell party, held last week at the home of Mrs. K. N. Wallington. 235 Harrygan Cres- cent. Mrs. J. Arnold Price was the guest speaker at Trinity Church, Aurora, on Saturday Helpers' party, when Mrs. Price * * t It spoke to the mothers on the A feature of the third annual use of flannelgraph for Christ- fall bazaar of Our Lady Queen ian teaching in the home. of the World Roman Catholic * * * * Church, was the very popular Mrs. Joh n Pastlethwaite tea court. Winners of the three (Mrs. John of Eatons) returned prizes were (1) 151, (2) 134, (3) on Thursday from a four day 258. Holders of these tickets business trip to New York- may obtain their prizes by During her stay. combiï¬ing phoning Mrs. R. Carter. TU. 4- bus’iness with pleasure, Mrs. 7150, or calling at 439 South Postlethwaite attended the Taylor Mills Drive, last Zine occasion was the Little Taylor Mills Drive. A group of hungry and cham- * * * * pagne-thirsty Dynes ballplayers The Church of St. Gabriel found an oasis â€" not in the is Very pleased to announce'rlww" ‘mt 2' D~‘~' “*' that the film “Martin Luther†restaurant on Yonge Stpeet will be shown at their church. nun†.‘bl -Jk, _.- “mm: next Sunday evening. October the Metro Major Fastball title 27, at 7:15 p.m.. as a joint end- in Richmond Hill, eavour by the Anglican and The boys, their wives and/or LUtheran congregations- girl friends, received free cokes Mrs. Alice O‘Neil, Little Helpers’ secretary, is to be commended for her work with the group, and the organization of their party. Monday, October 21st was of- ficially the first day of the fall season and that was the day chosen by several thousand Canada geese for their south- ward migration. From early mid-day until on in the afternoon several large flocks were noted passing in the familiar formation and to the accompaniment of constant and loud honking over Richmond Hill. Observers counted as many as eight different flocks and some numbered more than three hundred. On Wednesday evening, Octo- ber 16th. sixteen members and guests of the LCW of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, met at the home of Mrs. Erna Moebus, 243 Zelda Crescent. ' The programme was in the form of a Bible study on the book of Colossians and was very ably led by Pastor Myers. The theme of the study was “Christ is our Redeemer". All ladies interested are asked $2.00 in value, to the November meeting for the Canadian Mm- tal Health Association which will be distributed to the pat- ients as Christmas gifts. A large number of relatives and friends attended the serv- ice. including several from Ireland who are visiting Rich- mond Hill. Everyone has heard of this film classic and will remember the long successful run it had in Toronto. The Little Helpers of the Church of St. Gabriel held their annual party on Saturday last. The service preceding the party was most impressive, when 100 children ranging in age from young babies to seven years old, brought in their mite boxes and presented them In church. Members met at the home of Mrs. Gladys Keffer, 90 Rich- mond Street. to do quilting. All people are welcome to come and join with them for a most enjoyable and beneficial evening. The L.C.W. would like to re- mind everyone of the “Martin Luther" film to be shown Sun- day. October 27th. at St‘ Gab- riel’s Anglican Church at 7.15 pm. The M.T.H. Musical Club held their first meeting of the sea‘ son on Sunday last at the home of Miss Ruth Garson, A.D.C.M. The meeting held in the gar~ den against a background of magnificent fall colours. was well attended. with election of officers held for the coming year. The new executive are as follows: Jane Dean, president: Judith Jones. treasurer, and Ro- bert Freeman, telephone con- venor. A donation of long play- ing records has been received from a private citizen and will be added to the M.T.H. record library. Members are allowed to keep these records for a week. after which there is a small fine. which is used for the club. The programme consisted of listening to. and discussion of‘ “The Red Shoes‘ the records Ballet" and the opera "Caval- leria Rusticana". the libretto. which afforded a most interesting afternoon for all who attended. The group consists of young people m‘th an appreciation and followed by; Retarded Children invited Con- stable Douglas Young to the Friday morning assembly. To entertain this favourite guest. songs were sung with great gusto. Batons were twirl- ed as never before. In return. Officer Young re- quested that David Harmon act as a captain. With complete un- iform even to a badge. he par- aded around the auditorium showing everyone a pair of handcuffs. Belle Stewart was named lieutenant. with a white belt and badge. Several safety rules were illustrated. Elmer the Safety Elephant brought along a new flag for the school flagpole. Constable Young taught the students a song, “Elmer the Safety Ele- iphantâ€. After the marching 1drill, they returned to their classrooms. and Officer Young {visited each class and distribut- ‘ed illustrated safety leaflets. The group consists of young people with an appreciation and desire to learn by listening to all types of music, which leads in " “"“"" ""'lprcf9-J-'~-~ «f opera and ballet â€"- and anyonv desiring to join them is in A :d. to call TU. 4â€"3802 after 9 p.11). 1 At Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday. Octob- er 20. Marion Christine, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mac- aulay, 81 Centre Street E. re- ceived the sacrament of bapt- The M.T.H. Musical Club â€" just phone the social editor, Margot Crack, at 'I‘U. 4-1105, drop a line to '63 Yonge Street South, or call in personally, we'll be pleased to hear from you. Weekend visitors? Holi- daying? Celebrating? G u e s t s from overseas? These are the news item that comprise “Life in the Hill" â€" the service is free Hr? diff nnf Mrs. Charles Bell. from Mid Calder. near Edinburgh. ‘Scot- land. left on Monday for New Brunswick, following a short stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Straumann, Bent Cres- cent. During her holiday in Canada, Mrs. Bell is renewing many friendships â€" made before the war as an exchange teacher in Canada, and during the war years as. a popular‘entertainer for Canadian troops. The boys, their wives and/or girl friends. received free cokes and coffees and delicious ham- burgers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Graham of Toronto will be at home to receive friends at the home of their daughter, Mrs. D. A. See- ord, 14 Hurlingham Crescent, Don Mills, Saturday, October‘ 26th, from two to five in the afternoon on the occasion of their golden wedding annivers- ary. Once again the children’s fair will be directed by Mrs. L. T. Redman, med taffy apples will be sold in the games area. The “attic treasurés" are pil- ing up and a hand sewing ma- chine is among the stack. The candy booth will be manned by the Richmond Hill Rangers. Beautiful gifts will be‘ sold by Agincourt Kiwanians, along with hand knitted mitts and sweaters, dolls clothes of all colours, and plants and pickles of every kind. The tea court convened by the Doncaster Ladies Club will have several door prizes, and two cigarette girls will greet the guests with samples of “Mark Tenâ€. Dr. Leslie Robb and Mrs. Robb of Toronto, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rabinowitch. Kerrybrook Drive. on Saturday last. later attending the Curtain Club production of “Angels in Love" and the Green Room party following the per- formance. Mr. Graham, now retired af- ter many years with the De- partment of National Revenue, is a Richmond Hill “old boy", a past master of Richmond Mas- onic Lodge and for many years its historian. The final meeting of the ba- zaar committee for Thornhaven School was held last Thursday at the school on Centre Street East. Mrs. J. Arnold Price, con- venor. reported that Mayor Wil- liam Neal would be on hand this Saturday to open the doors at 1 pm. This was all courtesy of Gus Kleon. owner of Pete’s res'taur- ant. who believes in rewarding people for a job pretty well done. The champagne was pnet- ty good, too. Thanks from the ball team goes opt to Gus and his staff. The students have been wor- king for weeks on their hand- crafts, and will be on hand to act as sales staff. A small but very keenly in- terest group of volunteers met Thursday. October 17th, at Wrixon Hall, St. Mary's Aug-1 lican Church to discuss Rich- mond Hill’s new White Cross Centre. Dr. C. H. Jackson, psychiat- rist of Oshawa White Cross Centre, and his wife, Katie, gave a very informal orient- ation of the work to be done. Afterwards many questions of the volunteers were answered by this engaging couple. A social hour followed with cof- fee being served. This White Cross Centre is being sponsored by Canadian Mental H e a'l t h Association, York County Branch. Safety Programme Mrs. C. Webb. newly appoint- ed principal of the school. thanked Officer Young for coming again. and stated. “You are so well fitted for this job. and our children all love you." With special emphasis being placed on “Safetyâ€. the stud- ents at Thomhaven School for Retarded Children invited Con- stable Douglas Young to the Friday morning assembly. To entertain this favourite guest. songs were sung with great gusto. Batons were twirl- ed as never before. Mrs. Victoria Wallace left on] Miss ~Mary Lowe returned to Monday to visit her grand- her home in Kapuskasinz on daughter Mrs. Nicholas Ignat-lMonday following several ieff (nee Cecilia Anderson) in Weeks' convalescence at the Ottawa, where her husband is home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. attached to the Dept. of North-‘ Coughlin, Kerrybrook Drive. ern Affairs. l. * * * * The many friends of Mr. Jack Shepherd, Elgin Mills Sideroad West. will be sorry to hear that he is in St. Michael‘s Hospital as a result of a coron- ary suffered last week. ‘ On October 19th, members in- vited their husbands to the Dav- id Dunlap Observatory after which they returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Her-ridge for a cup of coffee and a piece of “anniversary cake". Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith celebrated their first wed- 1ding anniversary with them. Dr. Cameron Cowan, well known local physician who re- sides at Church Street North. is in Toronto General Hospital where he will undergo surgery. He was admitted Saturday. Two young members of the Curtain Club. although not re- ceiving public applause follow- ing performances of “Angels in Love" at the Curtain Club The- atre. were applauded verbally by director. cast and stage crew for their professional and effi- cient approach in handling stage props during rehearsals and run of the play. They started the month with their fall rushing party, then on October 8th, a model meeting was held for the new pledges at the home of Mrs. Elsie Her- ridge, 326 Paliser Crescent. The programme, “Environment, Health. Work and Play†was presented by Mrs. Bridie Kilt lean and Mrs. Libby Henson in the form of a skit and. was tho‘r- oughly enjoyed by all. Mr. Eric Clarke, chairman of the campaign, thanks the many residents of Richmond Hill for their wonderful sup- port. and in addition, anyone not approached by the Jaycees who would like to purchase some of the bulbs, may call him at TU. 4-7020. and he will arrange for a representative to call. On October 20th, Delta Lam- bda held their preferential tea at the home of Mrs. Callie Is- rael, programme director, at 46 Crosby Street. Mrs. Jean Thom- son, social sponsor and interna- tional honorary member of Beta Sigma Phi, poured tea. The Jaycees Light Bulb campaign last Saturday was most successful, with full co- operation irom the weather, the public, and canvassers. Plans for the bridge and euchre evening in Wrixon Hall on October 29 were finalized, prizes discussed and refresh- ments organized. The nieeting was then ad- journed and refreshments serv- ed. Richmond Hill W Numerous prizes and favours have been kindly donated by local merchants for the forth- coming annual dessert bridge and euchre, being held next Thursday, October 31, in the library auditorium. starting at 1:30 pm. Proceeds will go to the special hospital fund. Memo to membersâ€"the WJ. Area Convention is being held at the Royal York Hotel on November 6, 7 and 8, and Rich- mond Hill delegates Mrs. Ethel Hardwick and Mrs. Grace Say- ers, would like as many memb- ers as possible to attend any or all of the sessions, commenc- ing daily at 9:30 am. A nominating committee will meet this week to prepare a slate of officers to be present- ed at the November meeting. Take a bowâ€"Louise Monks and Sally Trott! Sixteen members of St. Mary’s Evening Guild attended the October meeting in Wrix- on Hall. The meeting opened with prayer led by president, Marni Twidale. Business followed with secretary Elizabeth Hilla- by reading past minutes, and the constitution. Discussion took place regard- ing the guild catering for a dinner in Wrixon Hall on Oct- ober 22. The month of October been a busy one indeed members of Delta Lam Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi At Monday’s general meet- ing of the Curtain Club. held in the theatre at 25 Yonge‘ Street North, under the chair-3 manship of President Dennis‘ Stainer, the production crew of the last play to be presented, “Angels in Love". reported to the meeting on the great suc- cess of the play and its run. A large turnout of club members was highly enter- tained by the guest speaker of the evening. Mrs. Dora Matth- ews. herself an accomplished actress, who. by means of beautifully photographed col- our slides. taken by herself, conducted the meeting through a recently completed tour of the Soviet Union. The meeting closed with a presentation of rases to Mrs. Matthews by Ernest Redelmei- er, for her enjoyable and in- structive description of her tour. | urday night â€" in the Lions Hall, conducted by a group of students attending Richmond Hill High School and Bayview Secondary School. Their opening dance on Oct- ober 12 proved a great success, highlighted by a popular group of singers known as “Count Fiveâ€. The next dance promoted by this group is scheduled for this Saturday, October 26, when a local group of entertainers â€" “Anthony and the Apollos" â€"â€" will be featured. These dances are open to the Refreshments were convened‘public, admission is $1.25 per by Roz Anderson and Dorothy‘person, and membership cards Brierley. are available. Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ava. Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘Wight’s Pharmacy‘ _ All popular makes on hand Day 01' Evenings: TU- 4-1745 Special Students’ Rates SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS L. H. SIMS of October has one indeed for Delta Lambda nd favours Shelley. who was eight years (mated by of age on October 17. had as the forth. party guests to .a noon lunch an bridge on Saturday Elaine Rice, Kiera 1191a next McNichol. Lynda Perdicaris. 31' in the Colleen Wilson, (Anne Miner starting unable to be present). and bro- js will go ther Guy Hutcheson. who is 11 fund. aged six. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Max- well. Kerrybrook Drive. accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Garfield of Downsview. attend- ed the Saturday evening per- formance of “The Girl Who Came To Supper†at the O'- Keefe Centre. Following the show they dined at the Ports of Call. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Walker. Kerrybrook Drive. were the guests of their son's, Brian and Bruce. on Tuesday when, in honour of their wedding anni- versary. a surprise celebration was held at the Ports of Call. “Birthday on Thursday" â€" “father's treat on Friday" (fam- ily of four to dinner at Yangtze Pagodalâ€"and “birthday party on Saturday"â€"provided a happy anniversary for Shelley Hutche- son. daughter of Mr. and Mrs- D. H. Hutcheson. Leisure Lane. The lunch, complete with party favours and pink iced birthday cake, was enjoyed by all and was followed by the group being taken to the ma- tinee showing of Walt Disney‘s “Horse With The Flying Tail". With a busy season ahead, the Curtain Club Theatre is al- ways a hive of activity â€" on Sunday morning, following the‘ final curtain of “Angels in1 Loveâ€, the set was struck, stage props removed, dressing rooms cleared, and chairs stacked. During the afternoon, members were rehearsing for a studio performance, and in the even- ,ing, the November play "Ten Little Indians†was in full re- hearsal. For the next month, many eerie sounds may be heard emanating from the theatreâ€" “Ten Little Indians†being a superlative mystery thriller, with suspense gaining mo- mentum until the final curtain. Directing the play is Dag- mar Matyas, and sharing the lead roles are Elisabeth Jack- son and a newcomer to the club â€"but not to the theatreâ€"Der- rick Miller. The next executive meeting will be an open meeting to be held in the United Church Hall at 8 pm. on November 14 and all members are invited to at- tend. Last Saturday evening, Don- na Cattermole. Ann Ross and Rosemary Ross threw a party in the form of a scavenger hunt. Winners of the hunt were Penny Wilson and David Smith, Lynn Jackson and John Madill. Mr. and Mrs. Walker were married 25 years ago on Oc- tober 22nd. The next meeting will be held on November 11 at the home of Mrs. G. Royston, 443 Bent Cres. Two prominent members of the Richmond Hill W. I. are at present on the sick list, and their many friends in the Hill wish them both a satisfactory convalescence. Richmond Hill students made up most of the forty guests, but there were several from the rival school â€" Thornhill Secondary. Hot dogs, doughnuts and cider were enjoyed by all. Humour was supplied by John Perkins and Peter Hiscott. Mrs. C. H. Sanderson, Centre Street East, is progressing fav- ourably following surgery last week at Branson Hospital, and Mrs. Ethel Thompson, Rich- mond Street, is continuing to make good progress at East General Hospital. Plans for the bazaar and bake sale to be held at the Al- lencourt Shopping Centre on November 29 were discussed at the short business meeting. Members then displayed var-‘ ious articles on which they have} been working for this bazaar and for the hospital gift shop. A bonfire in the garden, a dance on the driveway and an unsuccessful bunny hop down Yonge Street added to the fun, The second meeting of the Allenbrae Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxilliary was held last evening at the home of Mrs. G. W. Shaw. “Route to Rhythm" â€" are dances held every second Sat- urday night â€" in the Lions Hall, conducted by a group of students attending Richmond Hill High School and Bayview Secondary School. Paul Le France. two and a half years old, suffered skull lacerations and abrasions to his legs and arms when he ran and then fell directly in the path of an oncoming car near his Ashlar Road home. Small Boy Hurt W h e n Stumbles In Path 01‘ Car The driver applied his brakes but was unable to avoid the boy. Mrs. Frank Southwell, ac- companied by her husband and son David, celebrated her birth- day on Friday, by wining and dining at the Stoodleigh and attending the Canadian Play- er’s production of Henry IV at the Royal Alex. Mrs. Harry Cameron left on Monday for her home in North- ern Ireland. having spent the past two weeks with her broth- er, Mr. S. Macaulay, and fam- ily, Centre Street East. Mrs. Keith K. Aitchlson of Lockport, Nova Scotia, was a recent visitor with his brother- in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Robt. P. Ross. Centre ‘St. West. Mr. Sam Cook was guest speaker at Monday’s meeting of the Kinette Club held at the Summit Gardens Restaur- ant. ‘Mr. Cook spoke on the town's plan for a new indoor pooL At their regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening St. Matthew’s United Church Women worked on last-minute plans for their annual fall bazaar to be held on November 9. Convenor Mrs. John Walter tells us that something of part- icular interest to Christmas shoppers this year will be the handicraft booth containing a large variety of unusual and attractive items suitable for gifts. There will also be toys, home baking, apron: and Christmas novelties. Enjoying an extended holi- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Kormendy, Osiris Drive, are his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Kormendy from C s é m, (Komarom Province). Hungary. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Gordon Jennings, King City, Ontario. announce the engagement of their daughter. Donna Marlene to Mr. Gordon Winston John- ston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eld- red Johnston of Bolton, Ont- ario. Marriage to take place November 16, 1963 at 4 pm. in Temperanceville United Church. c1w17 Mr. and Mrs. David Kirkpat- rick of Richvale wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Cherel Anne Kirk- patrick to Jon Parker Haines, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Haines of Willowdale. c1w17 Engagements: DRAPES, CARPETS. RUGS, FURNITURE, ALL CARPET REPAIRS MOTHPROOFING IMMEDIATE Pick-Up and Delivery Sale of NEW BROADLOOM Free Estimates SUPER CARPET CLEANING C0. One of the busiest spots at the annual bazaar held last Saturday in Our Lady, Queen of the World Roman Catholic Church on Bayview Avenue was the “country store†run by Mrs. P. Fraser and her staff. Here “The Liberal†camera caught Mrs. Anne Francis and Mrs. P. Loftus of Arnold Avenue making a stop for merchandise. It is the ï¬rst bazaar held in the newly opened church building. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-3833 THE LIBERAL} Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 24th, 1963 11 “Country Store" At Bazaar ‘I 24 Elizabeth St. N. 2 Carlton St Richmond Hill Toronto I ‘ ‘ ‘ 1‘ V x Phone 285-1073 ~ od eatina \ A-r SAVINGS! STORE HOURS-7am. toll p.m. ROASTS â€" lb. 49¢ Buck Bacon lb. 69¢ Cooked Hum lb. 99¢ CHEESE 3 lb. TIN 99¢ Pork Loin - lb. 55¢ BAYVIEW PLAZA TENDEREOIN END BLADE & SHORT RIB SLICED’PEAMEAL SLICED HEAD CALI. 'I'U. 4-5155 RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1312 C. NELS GAGE ELGIN MILLS GENERAL STORE YONGE ST. NORTH AT ELGIN MILLS SPECIAL NOTICE MORTGAGE SERVICE Free Delivery INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT For Your Shopping Convenience On All Orders $3.00 And Over DEPENDABLE Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill AND TORONTO. ONT. EMpire 2-3458 TU. 4-7691