THE LIBERAL. Richmond'llill.pflntarin. ThursdayLOctober 24th. 1063 Victoria Square Correspondent Mrs. W. Sandie Phone Gormley 5421 U.C.W. Tile October meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Barber with a large attendance. It was preceded by a buffet supper. prepared and served by the October group. Mrs. F. Donnelly was in charge. Mrs. H. Barber read the Scripture lesson. Miss Mabel Sanderson gave a very inspiring topic on _ “Thankfulnessâ€. Reports were given by Mrs. E. Empringham, Mrs. H. Mc- Cague and Mrs. L. Mumberson of the U.C.W. Rally held at V Unionville. ,Presiclent Mrs. L. Mumbei‘son . w / I .. . , . I .r 3 ,r v I, . Z . ,.l ,r , w , . v ,r . . ,, I . . took charge of the business. ' ’ ' ’ ' ‘ ' l' ' " ’ ’ / ‘ y. , ' - '_ > . ' _ , V . , ,/,,W/.JZ/.f,uw ......... Final plans were made for the turkey dinner on November 6. Open House v . . ‘ _ ‘ V ‘ ' ‘ H V I. Mr. and Mrs. Zoli Berta held .1 I I ' . v ' _ . .2 . V H _ I .. open house from Wednesday to ’ ,' . - . >. t V ._ Séturday of last week when . r . g p _ ‘ > ‘ I I > their' new restaurant and serv- ’ ' . I . r - 1- I v s . . " .. ice station were opened. Open- 1 . , p Y . p _ > ._. \ _ v _ r ‘ v. . ing ceremonies were conducted / _ , . . by Reeve Charles Hooper. I . . ' ,. I ‘7 " i i -. Si‘ “550"†Charade†to ‘ . . I i . W choose from. Euchre There were 15 tables of eu- V T" ' ‘ _ - -, , chre players at the Hall Friday / v ' _ ‘ fl ' _ , ’ ¢ evening. This was the begin- ' i; _ ._ , C V , ‘ ' ' ' ..- H ning of a series. Prizewinners were Mrs. J. Dewsbury. Mrs. as: FIT SIZES 2 YEARS TO 14 YEARS Caseley; most lone hands, Mrs. Roy Glover’ George Brands; /f' Good selection of characters to choose from: lucky draw for a box of grocer- ‘ , ies was won by Wes Clark. .3/ CLOWN. WITCH. SKELETON. DEVIL, PIRATE. CHINA BOY, O The "extenehre November 1- }.///}. CINDERELLA. RED RIDING HOOD. GYPSY. RABBIT AND DUCK. Explorers Z" ’ Including Mask. saturday‘ MISS Judy Ham / Costumes are made of Cotton and Plastic combined. assistant leader of the Explorer group, took the following mem- bers on a hike: Susan Hibbard. Joanne Kugler. Muriel Mort- 33.1.1.Amazeuiggdnzngem I, f? See Kresge's For All Your Party Needs Plus The Little Extras To Make It Different Restaurant for supper and then to Hart's for a few games be- fore returning home. Anniversary Services The annual anniversar serv- r, ices of Vit - y - ,r FLAMEPROOF CREPE PAPER TABLECOVERS TO MATCH NAPKINS c orla Square United (0 a & Bl k . 7. 20..) . , , . . Church will be held October ; “he ac Size x .‘/«. / c ' / " ' l . . .i " , fl? . / t . 1’ ' / ,',, . .y , I I . / If i .' I K At the l1 a.m. service. guest ' Fol‘énMgEePgolggckaUTED STREAMERS SHELL‘OUT BAGS 2 ’ ' W A, : / j .9 7 ' ' ' c , speaker Will be Rev. Robert E. v, r,’ m I I if, ./ . V ’ i , . 7 OF ALL KINDS Osborne, B.A., B.D.. S.T.M.. ’ '- PUMPKIN TRIO NAPKINS HALLOWE‘EN TREAT BAGS , / . " I, Rayon Moustaches assistant professor. New Testa- r, ' (Luncheon size) I I ‘ (15 to pkg. size 33/4x6") r / . " l †l ,, Buck Teeth. Giant Ears, ment. Emmanuel College. To- Giant Thumb ronto At 7:30 p.m.. guest speak- ' er will be Rev. A. Borland. B.A.. Mam-up Kits an. of StOuffville. s ecial , ’ T ' ' ’ I ' ' ' i music will be given atpboth ’ ' . " I ' †’ I 10‘ to 29¢ serVices. / : ' †' / H ~ ' v‘ ' church News 5.: '- Assorted Derby and High Hat Mr. 1 Hamid was in charge g j styles in various colours. of the service Sunday morning. ‘ He gave a very interesting mes sage on the work of the church In Trinidad. Turkey Shoot Victoria Square District Lions Club is sponsoring a turkey shoot in Victoria Square Com- munity Park. October 26. at 1 ram. Bridge and Euchre Gormley - Headford - Victoria Square branch of the York Cen- ' tral Hospital Auxiliary is hav- ing a progressive bridge and euchre in Victoria Square Com- munity Hall. October 28. at 8:15 i Cat, Owl. p.m. .‘ Scarecrow, etc. Fowl Supper I. . ., Scarecrows and Sketletons ,/ Tile U.C.W. of the United' ’i ‘ have movable joints. , Church is sponsoring a fowl supper November 6. Admission by ticket only. Please contact any of the U.C.W. members for tickets. Neighbourhood Note - ’ Birthday greetings to Judy ‘C BI l D Hart. October 23: Murray Mack~ " u ness. eight years, October 25; ' l W JUST ARRIVED IN RICHMOND I-IILL CHRISTMAS LADIES’ HALF SLIPS LADIES' CARDIGANS LADIES' SEAMLESS Mesh Nlens Boys‘ Laminated nylon duffle coats with Barbara Blackness. six years, ' i from, 2 slash ,l/ e ' OCtOber 26: CllrlStOPher Cake- :35}:ng cgfiii‘in fciiiii'sz 231i?- quilted Rayon Texturized Classic Style First Quality 400 needle. 15 denier nylons. 1‘ ) ï¬gygnangerszlggfeed “E‘flfacsgggg frog? b32321“. bread. October 28; Mark Rum- Linmg.’ Zip-on hood with cord tieS. cardigans with long sleeVCS- Lace “m Guard at we'l- Clove Spark, Pecan ’ Me, White pink blue aqua. red and black. hey. six years. October 28; Loden. Brown. Teal Blue. Sizes 26-34. First Quality ‘Made in Can- Glace and Snark O'SDice colours available- i ,/ ' ’ Sizes S-M-L. Douglas MacDonald. October 3‘13" Assorted Fa“ Shades sues 81/2 to 11' ' - KRESGE 28; John Houck. five years, 0c. of Black. Brown, Lustre Red, v†Bfï¬lg‘lslaggl ‘i’xndownmwn , I 2 F 1 4 3 tober 28; Mr . D ' I 7 7 Drake Blue and White. ‘ ' _ October 29:5Dalgmligrlggii1mcilnge $ 0 Sizes 14 to 20. Speaal 2 Pair For 8 Toronto. Made of the finest SPECIa 0r . year. October 29. ' SAVE 51C l/ {2" nuts and fruits available. Ml‘~ ROEer Britnell of Toronto ' :/ SAVE 15C SAVE $2.21 *Reg. Can. Celanese Tr. Mk. Ladies' Lycra Girdles and Panty Girdles Embroidered Nylon over Satin Panel in back. Sizes ters with ribbon backingr and Satin Panel in back. Sizes called on friends in the com- . munity on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker A ’ welcomed another granddaugll- MEN’S MEN S ter last week. A second daugh- ter was born to Mr. and Mrs. . Arnold Steckley (Carol Walker). Avhilsg. E. Alvlls‘on and Miss Ruby » Combed Cotton shirt with 2 Assorted fabrics to Choose n o ansmg called on button piacket neck opening. from: WOOL Rayon and i," the Community on .‘ Continental sleeves with 2 Nylon. Wool and Nylon. 8" button cuff and Perma Stays 100% Nylon. Texture to suit Special SAVE 890 $1.00 per lb. Girls' Pyjamas Printed Flannelette pyjamas. Top with long sleeves, self collar fastened down front with 4 buttons. Pants with Ladies' Dusters Quilted Lounging Duster with 2 pockets. Beautiful lace trim on collar and around pockets. First Quality. In- dividually boxed for gift giving! White. pink and blue. Ladies' Briefs Rayon Celasuede’i briefs with elastic waist, double gusset and assorted trims on front. Assorted lace. cuff and el- astic legs. White. pink. blue and aqua. Sizes S-M-L. Linen Tablecloths Assorted woven border pat- terns. Size 52x52â€. Various coloured stripes including multi stripes. Special LADIES' ORLON SLIPPERETTES Pile Lined inner sole and M‘. ' . . _ - r - Tuesldangflpll;st lieggï¬oamfpï¬ï¬‚l in collar. PlSam coslo‘ari and every need. Plaitn hose or plastic leatherette 501e_ AS_ I 5195 S ‘1 L- elastic at waist. Pink and S-M-L. White only. SAVE 6“. d . . . ' 5 “99$ “es ' ‘ ' S “De "1 °P~ sorted colours. Sizes S-M-L- I bum Sizes 2.5, - 9 3.11.1131? aflii‘gmims†and XL Spec'al '0’r$ S ec-al 4 Special . NOXZEMA COVER GIRL Mrs. P. Bennett 'and Mrs. S etial ' a" â€" p I . l I SAVE 99" Taylor. of Keswick attended the‘ p . Speual p S ecial air SAVE 34C SPECIaI . Chnstlan education training SAVE 51C p p *Reg. Can. Celanese Tr. Mk. SAVE 96†Choose from the compact, conference at Bracebridge on ‘ SAVE 16c the \ltlieekend. Mrs. Taylor re- urne to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and at- tend the Sunday services here. ‘ I Mrs. R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bennett. Mr. I. Hamid ad Sunday dinner with Mr. Rorlph 1 only Large and 1 only Reg- Boynton. ular. tube of Brylcreem in 14 01- Mr. and Mm Frank Nichols, one carton. ‘ and family of Westfield. Penn... S eual 8 ' ¢ sPent last Week with Mr. and. S ECIBI p Mrs. Cecil Nichols and Mr. D save 12c Louis Nicllols. ‘ SAVE 33c GIRLS' SLIMS Printed Corduroy slims with lining. Elastic waist back and one side pocket. Assort- ed Prints. Sizes 7-14. Special SAVE 650 GIRLS' SKI PANTS liquid or matte. Special 52’ each SAVE 42c SAVE 60C I LB. of FUDGE ONLY 59¢ plus ‘/2 lb. for l¢ GIRLS’ QUILTED SKI JACKETS Nylon quilted jackets with drawstring convertible hood. knitted cuffs. ‘2 slash pock- ets and zipper closing. draw- string waist. Red. Copen. Royal and White. Sizes 8-14. LADIES‘ ANKLETTES 100'; Stretch Nylon an- klettes with turn-down cuff and English Rib to toe. One size fits 81»: to 11. White and Assorted Rainbow of JR. BOYS' PYJAMAS Printed Flannelette Pyjamas. Top with long sleeves. collar and lapels and fastened down front with 3 buttons. Pants with elastic at waist. Assort- CLEAR GLASSBAKE OVENWARE YOUR COMPLETE BAKING REQUIREMENTS 5 oz CUSTARD CUP SPECIAL 100 9†PIE PLATE SPECIAL 37c a carton of two. Mrs. F. Hornbv. l\ s. . - ed Skier and Football de- 00'0"“ - n ATE Johnston alld liliss'U. Ciirristeii. or bu a 3 slab signs in blue and willow. . - peltspï¬th ski mam}; 10 PIE PL SPECIAL “o 5°".“'“1b".3“endingthe inter-7 y ' Sizes 2-5- Speual o S ecial Pa|r closing at side and detach- 10x5" LOAF PAN Ezrgntall. G'uid: trcziiining at Doe‘ I 1/2IIOak Frames p able instep straps. SPEEIEAllgASN'Ic ' “5 “3'9" - ‘ ' SAVE 51.45 Sizes 8-14. 8x8" SQUARE CA Mr. aild Ali-s. Art Ho -~ _ a f S EClaI SAVE 16c SPECIAL 770 Toronto called on Mr. aiii‘cinliligsï¬ Assorted designs as follows: S ecial . p . S - I 21/2 QUART OBLONG Stanley Boynton recently ‘ 3‘15 v 16‘20'1 8x10"- and p SAVE 33. pecla - UTILITY PAN SPECIAL 87c Mr. and Mrs. Don Canning 10m"- . . I... “' L DECORATOR SAVE $1.10 8 oz. MEASURING CUP entertained a number of friends . m“ E “L . SPECIAL 27“ l QUART PARTITIONED VEGETABLE DISH SPECIAL We 1 QI'ART OVAL SHAPE COVERED CASSEROLE SPECIAL 'I‘Ic Brass Magazine Rack FRYING PAN 10" Chrome Plated Frying Toss Cushions Size 18x18". Caper Cord- cushions with matching centre button. Red. Mari- gold. Honey Dew. Pistachio Saturday evenin<v in honour of: i ' Mr. and Mrs. LTde Caniiing‘s‘ Speual ¢ eaCh ninth wedding anniversary. e - n Tile following are the lucky _ “ME TIC draw prizewinners at Berta's ‘ open house last week: Mrs. E. i: G s & Gaston. Toronto: Mrs. F. Fair- ‘ KILLED CHEESE or HASSOCK Oblong shape. size 10x16x21". Beige. brown. coral. blue and 3-Piece Patch Mat 3 pieces sewn tozethcr with overstitcll around. edges. Foam Rubber backlnz. Apâ€" A 'hite . F'v ; ‘ V ‘ with wooden handle. “ ’ . ‘ l . A. ‘ 18x2: . Assorted 1‘: QLART ROLND barn. Scal‘bol-o: Doug Winger, With Silicone cover. Pan. and Arctic B ue pron size “>me COVERED CASSEROLE sicllmond Hill: Dorothy Cooley. S . I S . I S . I S A | SPECIAL 87‘: ecal‘boroz Freeman Fairbarn. with Jello and Bevera°e ' 8 - 2 QUART ROUND §f3{b01'o; Wm. Holdes. Toronto; 5 Speual ¢ peua 0 pet†peua O peua Speual COVERED CASSEROLE . Vatllem. T t : M . D ‘k- . . . , « ' '- SPECI: L 996 worth. NC\\‘mE‘.Ol‘rl?(il;0Dajld Eiar- SAVE 46c SUE $1.3: SAVE 26c SAVE 45.. SAAB 30¢» SME 1.x 3 her. Victoria Square: )ll‘. Cm“ coran. ACIIICOUI‘I: Patricia Otta» ' nay. Victoria Souai'e: B. Fallcl‘. ' Toronto. The draw was made -‘ by Doug Ratcliffe.