Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Oct 1963, p. 3

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P. DYSON, Manager 750 'too. NOVEMBER 6. WEDNESDAY.| Clerk Crisp was asked to en- Turkey Dinner, at the Victoria'qujre into the strip at St. Square United Church. DinneriThomas and get the general served from 5-8 pm. Admission reaction to it. by ticket only. Adults: $1.50. The matter will be discussed children 12 years and under furfhnvin hnnuyonbe unâ€" 2~5 p.m. Richmofid Church Bazaar - Tea - Bake Sale. _ c3w16 N(_)VEMB§R 2nd â€" Saturday FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, at 8:- 15 pm. Euchre. in the Victoria Square Community Hall. Ev- eryone welcome. c1\v17 OCTOBER 23, Monday 3:15'the township. p.m. Progressive Euchre and Reeve Hooper noted the 10- Bridge in Victoria Square Com- Cale of the proposgd area is not munity Hall. under the auspic- 01089 t0 any buildings. es of G.H.v.s. branch York “We might have to change Central Hospital Auxiliary. $1 “19 days Of Operation from Sun- prizes. clw17 day to Saturday if \ve allowed It * it * it."che said. “And we might FRIDAY’ NOVEMBER 1’ at 8:_:'1ave to have atbylsav.0n this 15 pm. Euchre. in the Victoria or sunday Spor 5‘ ere com' square Community Hall. EV_1ing into something no other Bryonewelcomc. clwlfltownsiiip in the county has .g .1 ,. * ,faced. MONDAY, October 28, - 8:30 in Library Auditorium. Teen film “Joe and Roxie" and guest speaker Mrs. G. C. V. Hewson to conduct discussion for par- ents. Coffee served. Last even- ing of “Teen Years" series. This year, stash some money away in 1963 Canada Savings Bonds. They're on sale at all branches of The Bankâ€"- where people make the difference. we; TORONTO-DOMINION m "OCTOBER 26, 1:30 pm. Langstaff Young Women’s Ins- titute will hold a rummage sale at Emmanuel Church, MacKay Dr., Richvale. A draw will take place for Electric hand mixer donated by Bad Boy along with) other prizes. I Draw tickets are on sale atllin the township and “the solici- this event for 10¢ each or 3 {enter feels the bylaw would apply 25c.” c1w17lto dragstrippiug." * ’9' * * E. Chapman, one of the ap- MONDAY, October 28. ~ 8:30 plicants for the drag-strip, sug- in Library Auditorium. Teen gested council should write to film “Joe and Roxie" and guest the municipality in the St. speaker Mrs. G. C. v. Hewson Thomas area where a drag-strip to conduct discussion for mm is now 1003th "to get their ents. Coffee served. Last even- feeling about it." Ing of “Teen Years" series. It is Mr. Chapman’s conten- c1w17 tion a properly-run strip would i t t * |not be a nuisance to anyone in OCTOBER 23, Monday 8:151the township- 51. sags. Ricrixh’ahh‘mil, zixihfiaifdate to be; remembered". I bazaar. 1 pm. to 7 pm. Student‘Annual VLA. Bazaar. St. Marys craft. tea court. and various‘AWlican ChurCh. Richmond c1w17 other booths. . c3w15 : Hill. OCTOBER 26â€"Saturday,! **** Thornhaven School. 317 CentreEDECEMBER 7. Saml‘daYâ€"”A OCTOBER 26th, â€" Saturday. Gabriel Anglican Church, cor- Rumi'nage sale 12 to 1 pm. and,ner of Bayview and Crosby. annual white elephant auction5 c2w17 l 4: up at n: 1 to 4 pm. Including vegetab- les. fruit and rcfrcshmenfi"mvm‘mw’ 9. ° ‘ Wm" ‘ " stand at Maple Community p.m. Bazaar â€" Jefferson School Centre. Sponsored by Maple‘w. 14mm .-.u- v . Lions Club, For pick up of’Prizes: hand made quilt etc. articles for sale, phone 257- Tea room, toys, baking. SEWing, 2490. clwlelmovies for children. OCTOBER 25, â€"- Friday. Pre- sentation and dance in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Adams (nee Margaret Dobson) at Vel- lore Hall. Ladies please pro-vide. c2w161 DANCE every in the Legion St. N., by the Legion Branch Orchestra. Coming Events years and under‘ further in fivo w’eflek‘s' c2w17 the race? Saturday night Hall. 41 Yonse Royal Canadian 375. Ross Clark tfch Councillor Charles Hoover said he was very “willing to take in a drag-strip race.” Councillor Allan? Hoover con- gratulated him on his “sporting plood” and said he was willing. (Continued From Page I) Clerk H. C. T. Crisp had ear- lier informed council that there was a by-law prohibiting racing in the township and “the solici- NOVEMBER 2 â€" Saturday. Hollyberry‘ Fair, 1.30-4 pm. St. Gabriel Anglican Church, cor- ner of Bayview and Crosby. NOVEMBER 2 â€"- Saturday 8 pm. Hallowe‘en costume dance in the Legion Hall. 41 Yonge St. N., by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 375. c1w17 BINGO Tuesday 8 pm Legion Hall, 41 Yonge by the Royal Canadian Branch 375. Going To Races Richmond Hill Branch in the St. N., Legion tfc17 after c3w17 a suitable recognition of the bowlers. The local bowlers had suggested that an invitation tournament be held for all preâ€" vious winners of the provincial championship on the local greens, with a banquet follow- ing in the Lions Hall. The lady Fitting recognition of Dynes bowlers had volunteered to pre- Jewellers and the local lawn pare and serve the food. and bowling rink which brought On- the town was being asked to tario championships home to pay only the expenses of the Richmond Hill this year wasibanquet~but nothing had de~ the subject of discussion at'veloped. Monday night's Richmond Hill Council meeting. Proper recognition of the many volunteers serving Dynes Jewellers Fastball team won the Ontario Inter- mediate “A” title, and Al the town on various com- mittees and boards with- out remuneration were also White, Ed Lane, Russell discussed. Lynett and James Grainger won the Ontario Lawn 30min: rink mm in a recommendation. Councillor A1 White reported Ray Gemlnill, who is Serving that council had earlier dele- as head of the recreation Com. gated Reeve Floyd Perkins: W119 mittee until such time as amal- was absent from the COUNCIl'gamation with the parks board meeting. some time ago 10 takes place, said that his com~ bring in a recommendation for mittee would be presenting its a suitable recognition 0f the own badge of merit to the vari- bowlers. The local bowlers had ous champions, The matter was referred to the finance committee to bring Sunday evening’s event is a unique Anglican-Luth- eran observance of the Re- formation anniversary. No admission charge or don- ation will be received. The film was produced in Germany by English-speak- ing actors. The production is of the highest quality and the screen portrayal of Luther's struggle for freedom and faith is grip~ ping. “This film speaks to mo- dern man with great force,” said Pastor Myers. "Many people are still trying to find a satisfying and sav- ing faith. Luther's exper- iences are repeated daily, mentally and emotionally." Based on careful histor- ical research, the film is an accurate account of the reformation of the Christ- ian church. Luther is cal- led the father of Protest- antism. The church hear- ing his name remains the largest Protestant body in the world â€" over 80 mil- lion members. Proper Recognition Of Champions The film shows Luther’s experiences as a Roman Catholic monk, priest, Bib- lical scholar and professor. It traces his rediscovery of the message and faith of the Bible and of the early Christians. “This is a fine opportun- ity to see one of the truly great films of our time," said the Rev. Albert E. Myers in announcing the showing. The public is in- vited. The film will be the same feature-length production shown in commercial theat- res around the world. When released it was among the top ten in box office receipts for over a year. “Martin Luther” -â€" the film version of the life of the first Protestant -- will be shown Sunday at 7:15 p.m. at St. Gabriel Anglic- an Church, Crosby at Bay- view Ave. The film is co- sponsored by St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in obser- vance of Reformation week. luiher Film Draw Prize Goes To Thornhill TV personality Earl Cameron and David Baker are shown with 3 RCA 1964 portable TV set, prize in a lucky draw featured by Bakers’ Sales and Service, Richvale to introduce the 1964 line of Ramblers. Winner of the lovely set was Mrs. E. Bowen, Centre Street, Thornhill. Presentation was made by Mr. Cameron, who is a resident of Richmond Hill. ’ “And ever since that,” he icontinued, “all wise lions have known that when you are full of bull it is best to keep your §mouth shut.” [ Prompt and courteous serv~‘ lice and quaity work are await-, ‘ing you when you send your dry cleaning to us. We are equipped to do minor repairs and on spotters are experts at getting out difficult stains. It does help ’ though if you can remember what caused the stain and men ‘ tion it to us when you bring the garment in or give it to the driver. Phil Bart immflmg =$HIRT SERVICE: “Once there was a famous lion who killed a large bull. After eating his till, he was so pleased with himself that he went around the jungle roar- ing and roaring until a hunter heard him and shot him. A daddy lion was lecturing his baby lions on prope'r behav- ior and illustrated his point with a story: Councillor A1 White pointed out that two years ago council had decided to honour Ontario champions with a suitable gift, and that the motion still stands. bowlers had volunteered to pre- pare and serve the food, and the town was being asked to pay only the expenses of the banquetâ€"but nothing had de~ veloped. Proper recognition of the many volunteers serving the town on various com- mittees and boards with- out remuneration were also discussed. "=5HIRT SERVICE: CORNER YONGE ST. 52 LEVENDALE RD. Richmond Hill For Prompt Pick-Up and Delivery Call ‘26 Year§ of Community Service’ $50.00 FULL CARD TO GO TU. 4-4411 Rejected ballots totalled 241. total number of bal- lots cast (excluding rejects) 37,043. Total potential vot- ers enumerated in the rid- ing 64.352. Only 57.49 per- cent of the eligible voters exercised their franchise, which was considerably be- low the average for the province. Final official returns Were Fuller 851, Mackenzie 18,233, McVey 5.959, and Plaxton 12,000. Only 23 service votes were recorded for York North riding in the Sept- ember '25 provincial elec- tion. Donald Plaxton. Lib- eral candidate, received 12: A. A. Mackenzie, Progres- sive Conservative received 8; Robert McVey, New De- mocratic Party, received 3; and William Fuller, inde- pendent, received none. -1-«31»- “lb-n-0- ~0ng Final Returns Provincial Election Anyone seeking further infor- mation or wishing to curl is asked to contact the club's sec- retary at 285-4554. A highlight will be Novemb- 3: er 1 when the club will invite’(: anyone interested to come'? 6 and curl. M Local Curlersé’i ‘Ke Open Schedule 6; This Saturday; The men's club member hon-"j spiel will be held October 28 e to 30 in the evenings with! social_ programs following. | f Curling will commence in‘?! the ladies, business ladies, and men's sections beginning Nov-(e ember 4. C‘. Another active season gets underway this Saturday as members of the Richmond Hill Curling Club open with a mix- ed bonspiel followed by danc- ing and a late buffet. ‘ . ;Kenney Ranch Nov. 29 ? Pool Chairman Cliff Bennett ‘announced this week that plans ‘are being made for the holding of a gala dance and carnival at Mart Kcnney’s Ranch on Novâ€"l ember 29. Proceeds from this fund raising affair will go tow- ards the general pool fund. Held on the eve of Grey Cup day this community event will feature dancing to a name orchestra, games, refreshments and a beauty contest. Tickets will be $5.00 per couple and will be available from members of the committee and at “The LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TUAJIOS} Mr. Scrimger stressed the value of the meeting with Metro saying now was the time to discuss it before the official plan is settled. “We can't expect them to officials to discuss the of- jeopardise the long range deal ficial plan. of the whole area for us but Deputy-rceve Stanley Tinker. now is‘ the time to deal with representing council on the[the matter." planning board‘ said it was “It's now that we can put in council’s intentions to contactisafeguards,” agreed member the board instructing it tolHarry Sayers. hold a hearing with Metro. “The door is still open," ad- “It was felt the board shouldided Mr. Whillans. was passed onto council." saidi member Harold Whillans. Council on Monday night recommended a joint meeting between itself, planning board. and Metro l Liberal” office The Richmond Hill Separate School Board have appointed Mr. William Parker, 319 Pal- mer Avenue to the board. The new appointee will fill the unex- pired term of Trustee Thomas Ormesher who recently moved from Beverley Acres to Thorn- Pool Chairman Cliff Bennett announced this week that plans are being made for the holding of a gala dance and carnival at Mart Kenney‘s Ranch on Nov- ember 29. Proceeds from this‘ fund raising affair will go tow-‘ ards the general pool fund, Gala Pool Dance At Kenney Ranch Nov. 29 A graduate of De La Salle Oaklands School in Toronto and Ryerson Institute Mr. Parker was a candidate in last December elections. Appoint Wm. ParkerTo Separate School Bd. hill Bradford No.1 3 lb. cello bag I 5;! SILVER STREAM GRADE A MEDIUM ONTARIO NO. 1 SNOW APPLES 6 OT. BASKET 59¢ KRAFT DUNCAN HINES EVAPORATED MILK CARNATION Stewing Beef 13. 49¢ FRESH BONELESS PORK LOIN LEAN AND CUBED MORLEY’ $42555 JACKPOT Peanut” Butter 18 oz. JAR 39¢ 29 Yonge St. 4 TALL TINS 59¢ Cake Mixes 2 PKGS. 79¢ fig WANT TO AVOID {é CAR TROUBLE THIS WINTER? VOLKSWAGEN SALES AND SERVICE Keele Street just south of Maple AL. 7-1461 or AV. 5-5501 "spinhin'g" “II III!- III" I Inn-n Ndesetiptive lContinued From Page 1) “that’s where the disagreement might come in.” He went on to counter Met~ ro’s letter as signed by Eli Comay. commissioner of planâ€" ning and secretary-treasuner of the Metro Board, concluding by suggesting that Mr. Comay should present Metro’s case to the local board. Director, Board In Bout lippay Motors lid. CAR fko'llin ’59 Karman Gh IV H'VIU E THIS WINTER? these re-conditioned beauties ia Convertible ’62 Volkswagen Deluxe Coach ’60 Volkswagen Deluxe Coach ’56 Pontiac Laurentian Club Sedan ’57 Dodge Mayfair Hardtop, automatic with radio MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 1 Only 1963 Volkswagen Coach, fully equipped with radio, leather trim, white walls, beautiful ruby red. C A ‘7]? GAIN? oa‘vn Here is the kicker. though: Out of the confusion of the final deal. the buyer clings to the thought that dominated his lmind during the whole trans- action. That is that he was ) “saving” $50.00.! In case you’re 3 ready to scoff, let me add I've seen many educated and intel- ligent people fall into this trap! It's not so surprising. though. when you realize most folks aren’t even aware of the exact rate or amount of finance they are paying. 3 It is our policy to plainly state all the facts or a sale. We hope you check all the facts. It you do you’ll find there is fine comparable value for your ‘)\ money than that offered by ’59 Karman Ghia Convertible ’62 Volkswagen Deluxe Coach ’60 Volkswagen Deluxe Coach ’56 Pontiac Laurentian Club Sedan ’57 Dodge Mayfair Hardtop, automatic with radio MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario; SAVE â€" SAVE â€"- SAVE NUMBERS CALLED SIZE 48's FLORIDA NO. I MARSH SEEDLESS Fresh Daily 1 D02. CTN. TIDE Pineapple220oz.tins45¢ SALMON LEE CHOICEâ€"“Sliced, Crushed, Tid-Bits OCEAN KING RED COHOE STARTING TIME 60 PKG. PLUS 15 PKG. FREE DETERGENT SALADA ORANGE PEKOE “I do not see the basis of the first letter sent to me by Mn. Comay," AheAcgncluded. “It was quite a shock have a meeting with Metro with or without the pvesence of town council," he said. Chairman Cecil Williams ag- reed stating it was the logical approach toward reaching an understanding. Director Deeks said he had suggested a meeting in his let- ter for three or four weeks "after the 21 requested official plan documents are neceived and studied." COPACO Pure Pork Richmond Hill TEA SAUSAGE 5 ma 39¢ GIANT SIZE 69¢ ‘, Thursglay, October 24th, 1963 8 Both For small link loose S. ESPLEN The Fine Art Of , V _ . . . . ony. .11!on How did it happen? He sim- ply got talked into it by the salesman. The $50.00 he was "saving" just got lost in the shuffle of different model prices. optional equipment. ac- cessories and finance terms. The trade slang for this type of high-powered selling can. u Take the case or a new car shopper. I’ve seen it happen many time- where the pros- pect would tour I number 0! towns and cities until he got the best offer (by about 5_ ESPLEN $50.00) and then end up buying a different model at a much higher price. How did it happen? He sim- SKYLINE PONTIAC-BUICK LTD. NEWMARKET : Heather D:- vis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Davis, Newmarket. has joined Eastern Airlines at Miami as a hostess. Anyone who has ever been bamboozled by a fast-talking salesman will know what 1 mean when I say that appearances can be deceiving. 8 PM. Salesmanship

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