V M900ooomw {Magnificent 6 room solid. Vbrick modern 2 storey on? Qlovcly landseaped lot with Qwide paved drive. Refleus: Mts 1 owners pride in its care. .and maintenance. F-“urcs. broadloom in, living. dining" and hallsv Oil. aluminums .etc. Large 20‘ by 12‘ living. room. full size 12‘ square. dining. ultra kitchen. 3 big. bedrooms. 2 baths. cu: Just. .2 short blocks to the heart. ‘of towr}! Only $162500 with. § s7so DOWN! : .1300 square feet of sheer luxury living immaculate 1 owner 6 room solid brick .ranchor aluminums. landâ€" .scapcd. fenced. Must be seen .to be appreciated outstand-§ ing value at this low down payment. Mrs. Knoch. AV. ‘5-3045. z 3 YONGE supppmnflrv ' $1.500 down or trade. Large .detached 4 bedroom bungal- ow on ravine lot. Ideal for. Alarge family. Near schoois.. “nun ,v . nun] hCllOUlE shoï¬s. etc. Peter Ny gard. AV. 5-3045. Low down payment carries. .only $90 monthly 6 room. r solid brick family home..“ :Why pay rent“? Mr. Lunar ‘AV. 5-3045. 1 1 N.H.A. MORTGAGE 55 Kim;w CITY ' ' Large 3 bedroom bungalow on corner lot 150' by 100‘. walk- out basement. 2 car attached garage. large living room with fireplace and broadloom, Many extras. $19,900. lst mortgage EVE. 6 room brick bungalnw on larce fenced lot. nicely land- seaped. full basement. on heat, carport. Asking $14900 with $3.500 down. Asking only $13,900 for this 6- room brick bungalow on quiet strch 2 blocks to school. sit; uatod on well landscaped lot. 60‘ by 130' 1st mortgage carries $63 monthly. am WéMWW/mw/WM WW/WM/ém/WW/Wu ix MéM/x/M 4 ,__.... easy spe '7'1M‘MEDIKTE‘PbS/SEsSi0N AURORA. ImmaL 3 bedroom bungalow. L, shaped room bungalow. ; ‘living and dining room‘ Fire- paved drive a‘ [place Feature - Xarge kitchen landscaped; om}- ‘ "ll consider trade. Phone TU. 727-6498. REALTY LTD “1 ~ v 4-9932 1103 mnmn_n;.u m 304 REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR T. L. FRASER Md REAL ESTATE RU. 3-9425 AV. 5-3045 : BAKER AVE 2 “THE LIBERAL" REAL ESTATE? COLUMN G. JACKSON TE. 3~5076 11 M. Sin ance. Wmfures diving. dining. )il. aluminums )' by 12‘ living vize 12‘ square kitchen. 3 big baths, etc. Just c1w17 D E '1‘ A C H E D. well~designed split-level bungalow between Yonge and Bayview: 3 bed- rooms, very large master bed- room, convenient central en- trance and central back walk- out. both 1 step only into gar- den. 2 patios. storms, screens. storm doors, storm sewers, paved drive. fully landscaped. fenced garden, free back view over meadows to forests. $16.- 300. $1,000 down. Call 884- 5761, after 6 pm. clw17 PRIVATE: 3â€"bedroom bungalow with rec. room. in Richmond Hill: for sale or rent. 884-7159. clw17 THREE bedrooms, plus recrea- tion room: this immaculately kept bungalow, complete with refrigerator. washer. T.V. aerial and carport. Can be yours for only $13,500. or will consider your offer. , EARL V. STEWART REAL ESTATE BROKER 21 Yonge St. N., Aurora PA. 7-9413 $250 DOWN. 6 room brick bungalow. per NovemberWst. owner transferred, phone TU. 4-5791. clwl7 $15,900. Spacious new 6â€"room bungalow. open fireplace, nice treed lot. close to Yonge Street. One NHA mortgage. LINDSAY 200 acre farm. good soil. all workable. Large L shaped barn, $17,250. Immaculate 6-1‘oom bungalow. 2-car garage, fire- place. Onc mortgage. AV. 5-2951 '1‘. MURPHY. BROKER 7 room Brick House. Hydro, Plumbing, New Furnace, Mod- ern Kitchen. Situated on High- way 35 four miles from Li‘nd- say, immediate possession. Outâ€" standing buy at $28,000. Terms. Contact Murchison 8c Robson Co. Ltd., Realtor. Fenelon Falls. $2,023 down, one NI-IA mort- gage. 4-bedrooms. 2 washrooms. fireplace. garage. Close to schools and plaza. Phone 89 6 room home. large livinq room. open fireplace, near schools and snapping. $14.- 900. Mr. Doe]. AV. 5-1176. FREE APPRAISALS If you are ibikning of sel- ling. we would be pleased to} inspect your home without \obligation. Call Mr. Carlisle,‘ lAv. 5-1176. 1“: ACRE RICHVALE Charming 5 room bungalow, landscaped lot. $11,000 or offer. Mr, Gregory. AV. 5- 1176. LTD. REALTORS 4 7608 YONGE AV. 5-1176 (36 YONGE TU. 4-3305 S500 DOWN, l MORTGAGE $6.500 Oak Ridges. bungalow. 100' treed 4-3805. $31,500 DOWN. In;- ACRE LOTi $8.900 Oak Ridges, 2 bed- ‘room bungalow. near Yonge.l w. 4-3805. ‘ ‘SIOAOO - RICHMOND HILL 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 512% N.H.A>. mortgage, l 117' TREED LOT {$13,500 near Yonge Street |3 bedroom bungalow. garage \TU. 4-3805. t 1 ACRE TKEED LOT carries $58 mommy. TU.’4- 3805. 3870 DOWN. 1 MORTGAGE aluminum. 5 to r m s and‘ screens. TU. 4â€"3805, 3 $12,300 Richmond Hill. 3! bedroom. brick bungalow, [$10,500 RICHMOND HILL 315.900. $2.500 down. 3 bed- room bungalow, finished rec-- ‘reation room, near Yonge. ‘south Richmond Hill. TU. 4- 3805. ‘3 bedroom bungalow. modern: conveniences. large lot. 1 block from Yonge. $2,000‘ down. Mrs. Edwards. AV. 5-‘ 1176 HOME THAT LlVES BIG DAVID McLEAN NEWTON DRIVE lcious architect designed 3 :orated. twin carporL Loca public. separate and high FOR SALE$I‘6T9“66 lot. TU 5 room living. near v- SEMI PRIVATE and private rooms available. Whitfield Nur- sing Home, 646 Davis Drive. Newmarket. 895-5921. c4w14 NURSING HOME ACCOM- MODATION AVAILABLE KINDLY oldest licensed nursing:r home. 24-hour attention under the supervision of nurse. Hospital beds. signal system. special Visitors welcome any Rates $5.50 per day. MARTIN MANOR i266 Prospect 51., Newmarkct, hospital diets. time. care in Newmarket‘s a I‘registered‘ ' Hutu bllul'L’ll. hSLaLe sale 01 the late Mrs. Alice Profit. Sale at 12 noonlsharp. Terms, cash. ‘A. S. Farmer. Auctioneer. ‘ c2w17 l 3k * * 1" SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 2. ~ Auction sale of household furniture, tools. etc., at Prenv tice's Auction Rooms, Frank- lin House, Markham Village, property of The Estate of The Late James Walker and other consignees. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No re- serve. Ken 8: Clarke Prentv ,l ice - Auctioneers. nsideri? $11,500 - 5 room bungalow on 1-‘2 acre of rolling land. '1‘ Spotlessly clean and taste- ER fully decorated. Aluminum Jra storms and screens. exhaust ‘ fans in both kitchen and clw17‘ bathroom, full. high base- "au ment. Addition to family i} forces sale. Call Mr. O'Hag- i iâ€"nilâ€"Jï¬Tfri: g c1w16 c3w16 ‘lst. W. R. CASE REAL ESTATE TU. 96 Yonge St.. Aurora 1\\'1'7‘ PA. 7-4288 WA. 1-1691 nicelyfvvwvmmmwmo ‘ ‘ " " ‘ ‘ " WWW"? ( PRINCIPALS ONLY ) ST. CATHARINES’ buyer with $2,000 down. wants 3 bedrooms, near separate school. Mr. Weg- man, AV. 5-1176. David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtor. MONTREAL buyer wants 3 bedroom home. Arnold Ave., Thornridge. or John St. Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5â€"1176. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. THORNHILL area house on 2] or 3 acres, wanted for waiting cash buyer. Mr. Heiberg, AV. 5-1176, David McLean Ltd., Realtor. c1w17I ‘ f ( E WILLOWDALE -- ONE MTGE. $1,500 down, one mortgage for the balance. Cosy 5-1‘oom brick bungalow on oversize wooded property. 25' living- dining combination wth open fireplace. garage, steps to subway bus and Northtown *shopping. Call Mrs. Jean Coote. WILLOWDALE \ , ROOM FOR 2 MORE W PONY. well Bannered. good with children. PR 3-5059 after 6 pm. clwl'l BEAUTIFUL chocolaiéâ€"BEï¬i miniature poodles, registered stock. 884-4179. c3w15- SILVER PooDEEsTâ€"Gué‘rï¬ teed. Good pedigree. 773â€"4115. clle NURSING HOMES SEMI PRIVATE and private rooms available. Whitfield Nur- sing Home, 646 Davis Drive. Newmarket. 895-5921. c4w14‘ NURSING HOME ACCOMâ€" ‘iron stove, dishes. MODATION AVAILABLE , KINDLY care in Newmarkersi oldest licensed nursingr home. 24-hour attention under the ul‘lJ u I on up: uull, Llclna. Alvin S. Farmer. auctioneer. a: nu * * SALE REGISTER THURSDAY. October 31â€"-â€"Auc- tion Sale. Household furniture, Amherst piano and stool, Astral refrigerator, Essotane gas stove. Coffield clothes dryer, china cabinet and antique organ. China, crystal and figurines; silverware. cooking utensils. of Aurora, 7 Tyler SL, west of United Church. Estate sale of the late Mrs. Alice Profit. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Terms, cash. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. c2u'17 * >1: 4x a: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 2, # Auction sale of household furniture, tools. etc, at Pren- tice's Auction Rooms, Frank» In the Town , SERVICE EXPERIENCED baby - sitters} homemaker's service and day work. Call day or night, TU.l '4-7253. tfc15i In ï¬ltmuriam JOHNSTON â€" In loving mem- ory of my dear husband, John, who pased away Octob- er 2'7, 1959. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, iHis weary trials and troubles ‘ are past 'ln silence he suffered, in pat- ‘ ience he bore ’l‘ill God called him home to suffer no more ,â€"â€" Sadly missed by his loving invite Sally. c1w17 266 Prospect St., Newmal'ket, 895-9453. *2w17 3 WILLOWDALE ROOM FOR 2 MORE é$14.500 full price. Smart 3 bedroom storey and a half, 8 complete with large kitchené spacious living room and modern basement apartment with separate entrance. gard- en patio. attached garage. Call Mr. Johnston. TRORNHILL $10,800â€"Oak Ridges, west of Yonge Street: 3-bedroom bun- galow. recreation room. paved drive: your down payment con- sidered. $12.000â€"Aurora. Distress sale. Splitâ€"level bungalow with car- port. 3 bedrooms; very neat and tidy; asking $1,000 to one mortgage. Try an offer. $16.000~Whitchurch Township. storey baths. terms Beautiful country setting AURORA. Immaculate 3 - bed- room bungalow. garage, fenced, paved drive. awnings, patio, landscaped; only $2.500 down. 727-6498. clwl7 PETS FOR SALE LESLIE O'HAGAN REAL ESTATE 2 WANTED ? EXCLUSIVE LISTIN ES PHONE Tl‘. 4-1377 home oil Realtor 7771 Yonge St AV. 5-1166 O'HAGAN heatin 001T COFTIE bedrooms. 2 g; excellent JSE se. Open fireplace. coloured bath. lot in quiet residential area. near mortgage, carries for $68 month. clwl'l C1w17 rt 3 half, clwl7 11 i: m ‘available. TUES. EVENING. OCT. 29 -â€" 8 pm. sharp. Auction Sale of Unredeemed Pledges at Victor- ia Square Community Centre on Don Mills Road. 200 lots of unredeemed pledges. under in- struction of prominent "Ontario pawnbroker. This fine lot of nationally advertised merchan- dise. comprised of ladies‘ and men‘s fine watches including Elgin. Longines; diamond rings, some with larger diamonds and others with smaller diamonds: ladies‘ and men’s rings set with various stones. Also in this sale silverware sets, electric shavers. and many other items. Every item carries a written guaran- tee. This is your opportunity to come to an auction sale which is a lot of fun and bid your own price on the fine merchandise. (Free Draw â€"- Ladies' Genuine Diamond Ring). Alvin S. Far- mer. Auctioneer, phone Gorm- ley 886â€"5311. Refreshments are c2w16 "’0 3" NW W WWVVNWWMM SAT. OCT, 26 â€" Auction sale of farm stock and implements. Holstein cattle. iHC Farmall side delivery rake, also full line of implements. Stienhorst 20- can bulk cooler, 2 unit Surge Ilne conuluom. neglllalu James. 51 McKee Avenue. Wil- ilowdale. BA. 1-2304. "M" tractor. P.T.O. John Deere! A“ *4le ALMOST NEWWԠ" WOMEN’S CLOTHING WANTED l'. FETTES ~â€" Mere words are inâ€" }adequate to express our grati- ltude to each and everyone who has helped us through these days of sorrow with beautiful flowers, words of sympathy and deeds of infinite kindness. We milkel‘. new. quantity suits. C0315, gowns†can ("fly gay 1hank yDu so much_ furniture tique articles. large walnut pi- ano over 100 years old, 2300 bales of hay, 300 bales of straw. 60 bus. mixed grain. at lot 11. conc. 8 Pickering. 2 miles east of Claremont and 1 mile south. The property of Wm. S. Pegg. No reserve, property sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Lloyd Turner 8: Son. clerks. Alvin S. Farmer,. auc- tioneer. Owner and auctioneer not responsible for any acci- dent during sale day. c2w16 including many an-Ianything that you have out- grown or have tired of. Must be cleaned and in perfect con- dition. Particulars at Discount Cleaners, Richmond Heights Shopping Centre. In the Mall. 884-4906. clw17 RENTALS WEBDINGS and othef‘roYmEi occasions. Rent a formal out- fit from Bond Clothes, In the Mall. Richmond Heights Centre. Mrs Mabel Fettes and family I a: 1: 1r CARD 0F THANKS We wish to thank the Maple Fire Department for their promptness when called early Saturday morning; also 'our thanks to Marg and Ross Kirby and everyone who has offered to help. â€"Fred and Louie Kirby. clwl'? t 4: :0: a: CARD 0]“ THANKS WED.. OCT. 30 â€"â€" Large ex- tensive clearance auction sale of automotive supplies, sporting goods and hardware. A complete store's new inventory stock â€"â€" property of Gilbert Auto & Sports Supply Store. at 40 Pine Street. Village of Woodbridge. Sale at 12 noon. No reserve, proprietor quitting business. Terms cash. See sale posters for full particulars. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. Markham. 294-3161. c2w16 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30 - Auc- EXPERIENCED day care given Call 884-1072. ' clw17 RELIABLE day care for 03:01: two children. North Richvale. 884-4072. c1w17 FRIDAY. OCT. 25 â€" Auction sale of farm, stock, implements and furniture. the property of Wm. McDonald. at Lot 30. Con. WANTED all kinds of dead an-i'TU. 4:7g§;.~_V clwlj imals. For fast service call TugprNQ must be in good condi. 4-2538 or ZEnith 32800. License!“ tion, TU. 4â€"7784, evenings. No. 204-62. t103)‘ L-lw17 1. Vaughan Twp‘. half miie west of Yonge St.. on No. 7 Highway. No reserve. as farm is sold. Sale 1 pm. Jim Smith, D. B. Goulding. Clerks. Frank Bennett. Auctioneer. c3w15 SALE REGISTERS tion sale of farm stock. imâ€" plements. 17 head of Shetland and Welsh ponies, cattle and calves. Case tractor, Case hay baler, I.H.C. manure spreader. I.H.C. spring-tooth cultivator, 23 breeding ewes, 1 ram, 400 bales of hay and straw. quan- tity or household furniture, many antique articles. at lot 27, con. 6 Markham Township, on Kennedy Road. 4 miles N. of Unionville. Property ‘of Harvey Houck. Terms: cash. Sale at 12:30 sharp. D.S.T. Lloyd Turner & Son. clerks. Alvin S. Farmer. auctioneer. DEAD STOCK DAY CARE v DRESSMAKING \k‘l c2w MONEY available for good ï¬rst and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medvcof. Lawlor and Le Claire. TU. 4-4413. tfc2 MOTHER’S HELPER SERVICE EXPERIENCED baby - sitters. homemaker's service and day work. Call day or night, TU. 4-7253. tIc15 SUPPLIES BAYVIEW GARDEN sunny A-l black top soil loam and manure for lawns and flower beds. We deliver. For sodding, grading and paving your drive- way. Free estimates. TU. 4- 2538. thSO ELGIN MILLS LOAM and SOD; CO. LTD. Top Soil, Loam, Cultivated Peat' Loam, Sandy Loam. Well Rot- ted Manure. Special Mixed Loam, Field Sod, Cultivated Seeded Sod. Nursery Sods. AV. 5-1514 16‘ cedar strip, fully equipped‘ 25-h.p. Scott. electric starter and generator. TU. 4-1894. ciwl'l Bible Lectures Continuing In the Richmond Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church 80 Elgin Mills Rd. W. tfc40 CEDAR HEDGES, nice 3 to 4 ft. cedars for hedging. Top quality, sandy loam enriched with rotted manure. Cedar fence rails. Rockery Stones, etc. C. L. Knappett, Landscaping, 884-3089. tfc9 CLIENTS' funds to purchase lst and 2nd mortgages. D. Mc- Lean, AV. 5-1176, David Mc- Lean Ltd. tfc15 WEDDINGS and other formal occasions. Rent a formal out- fit from Bond Clothes. In the Mall. Richmond Heights Centre. (-lwl'l JOHNSTON â€" In loving mem- ory of my dear husband, John, who pased away Octob- er 2'7. 1959. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last. USED FURNITURE WANTED â€"- pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid Call Frank‘s Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. “c7 No. 7 Highway. 1/2 mile west of Bathurst. Large modern estab- lishmem. Delivery service. Banquet reception facilities available. AV. 5-5998. tfc44 COINS â€" STAMPS Collections and individual coins â€"â€" tokens â€"â€" large coppers â€" silver dollars â€"- all gold coins. Old stamps on original envel- opes. ITop premium prices for fine conditionl. Reginald F. James. 51 McKee Avenue‘ Wil- lowdale. BA. 1-2304. FOALiash sitter, rocker type HBCKVEY equipment for 12 year old. inciuding skates, size 11, TU. 4-4825 evenings only. c1w17 BABY SITTING TH ORN CREST DRIVE-l N RESTAURANT Associates Realty Credit Ltd. $2,000.00 . . . or more, for any good reason, through Associates’ New Home Owners Loan Plan. Here's how it. works: Simply use the equity you have in your home, whether it's mortgaged or fully paid up. as collateral for the loan. It's that simple. You get the cash you need quickly. and you decide the amount of monthly repayments. Stop in at your nearest Associates office and let one of our mortgage specialists give you the details. Mortgages are arranged with no bonuses. And you‘ll find our rates are reasonable. 2nd Mortgage Coming Due? House In Need 0f Repairs? Buying A New Car? Need (‘ash For Educational Expenses? Want to Pay Off Those Old Bills? . . . GET . . . $5,000.00 MORTGAGES 6A LEVENDALE RD.. RICHMOND HILL 285-4986 CATERING GARDEN SUPPLIES DRESSMAKING DESIGNING ALTERATIONS TU. 4-4670. WANTED FOR HOME OWNERS LOANS tfc35 aw 1h ab th “ya ’ HOURS OF SERVICE he“ 9 S ba 5 All Saints’ Church - King City Changed from saturday to 10.30 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer Sunday†â€" and the sur- 11.10 am. -â€" Sunday School prising story of how it ST. STEPHEN'ï¬HURCH ; Maple happened" 0 :The Anglican Church of Canada - C :3) ‘ .JRector: Rev. Ramsay Amitage. Sound him it 7 ( pm‘ MA†an ILeCture at 8300 p'm- 8 a.m. â€" Holy Communion CARD 0]“ THANKS FRANK and Rita Shorter wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to our neighbours. friends and relations for their many gifts of flowers. fruit. baking. cards. prayers. and in- finite acts of kindness: special thanks to Mrs. Inez Hill who took Rita to hospital and back home; also to the doetors. nurs- es and students who made her stay in Bethesda Hospital most pleasant. clwl7 FET’I‘ES -â€" Mere words are in- adequate to express our grati- tude to each and everyone who has helped us through these days of sorrow with beautiful flowers, words of sympathy and deeds of infinite kindness. We can only say thank you so much. Mrs. Mabel Fettes and family CARD 0F THANKS We wish to thank friends. neighbours and all who helped us in our bereavement. Many thanks. CARD 0F THANKS The relations of the late William Fuller wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to their many neighbours and friends especially thanking the Richview Nursing Home, Rev. C. Higginson. Dr. J. J. Mogan, Dr. W. C. Cowan and the Pi- pher Funeral Home for their acts of kindness at this time. CARD 0]“ THANKS We wish to thank our neigh- bours and friends (or their many acts of kindness, floral tributes and sympathy during our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cosgrove and family BOATS & MOTORS Subject Sunday night October 27 1 Come sing with Haynes, Soloist Everyone Welcome! V7 Speaker Pastor C. R. Neill Francis Munroe $15,000.00 Ray M r. *1w17 Yonge at Jefferson 10 am. â€"- Sr. Sunday School and Bible Class 11:10 am. â€" Jr. Sunday School (under 9) Mnrninv “raw†and Holy Communion 7.30 pm. H Evening Prayer Rector: - The Rev. Tom Robinâ€" son Interim Pastor: Mr. Terry Madison. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Benson Ave., Langstaif 9.50 am. -â€" Sunday School MAPLE? .CHARGE Munster 11 Lm. â€"-MORNING SERVICEl Rev. 6 p‘m- __ Young People.s Meet_ ‘Ralph C. Williams, B.A. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1963l ing ‘ 7 pm. â€" EVENING SERVICE fqufe' 9'45 a'm'; Supervised nursery'at all Lord's. p A‘Tnivenary Sank“ i MID WEgéyHaéS‘guafed 8 Sunday School . . . . . . 9.45 a.m.‘ ' . ' ' p'm‘ Worship 11 am Prayer. Praise, Bible Study , Rev BA ' '1' Chris‘ignflser‘fce Brigade Cliitcrest United Church ‘ r1 ay pm. 1 A WARM WELCOME AWAITS. . Scarb‘lmugh YOU ‘Kindergarten, hursery and We . a†“ Primary . . . . . . . . . . 11 am. THORNHILL 7:30 p.m.â€"Rev. Dr. A, Forrestl BAPTIST CHURCH B.A,, B.D. (Convention of Ont. 6; Que.) Editor Unite Stop l1. Yonge Street Rev. Minion Johnston, D.D., ' ' ' mm, gOther Denominations Mrs. Cameron Andrew. Organist A CHURCH OF CHRIST 10 a.m. â€" Senior and Intermedv Concord Rd, & Em; High Dr. iate School Concord ’ d Church Observor‘ 11 8-m- - Junior School and SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1963 Nursery 11 a.m. â€" Morning Service 81‘. Joï¬i’EBAPTIST CHURCH <10 a.m. â€"â€" Bible School 511 am. ~â€" Ministry of the Word Speaker: A. E. Atkinson Richmond Hill ‘ "What manner of persons (Convention of Out. and Que.) ought ye to be" ‘4' Minister: Rev Percy Buck ‘7 pm. â€"~ Worship 8: Commun- Meetings in Richmond Hill ion Public Library I Speaker: A. E, Atkinson 945 am. â€" Sunday School 1 “Ye are-that ye may" 11 am. â€" Morning Worship All Welcome time for candy treats is ,. after a meal. It is the in- discriminate and undiscip- lined eating of sweets at all times of day that causes damage to children’s teeth. CARL E. HILL. M.D.. M.O.H. Illllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll YO‘RK MANOR Home for the Aged PHYSICIAN For the County of York: Applications for physi}. cian for York Manor will be received by the under-1 signed. Duties to commence imp, ‘mediately. " For further particulars contact Newmarket 895: 4593. J. L. Smith, Clerk-Treasurer, County of York, H ; 62 Bayview Ave., :- Newmarket, Ont. 1 l Everyone welcome Sec. AV. 5-5057 Ev. AV. 5-3364 l mmnum“m\mummn\\\mu\m\1mm\\mimummmnmmmm 9.30 am. â€"â€" Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€" Holy Communion Rev. A. E. Hancock 11 am; â€" Junior Sunday School 2.30 pm. â€"â€" Confirmation Class 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL Brooke & Jane Streets Rector Rev. 11. Reginald Howden, BA. L. Th. R.M.T. Wednesday. 10:30 am. â€"- Holy Communion SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1963 XXth Sunday After Trinity 8 am â€" Holy Communion Mens Association Corporate Communion and Breakfast 9.45 am. â€" Bible Classes 11 am. â€"- Church School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer LANGSTAFF '11 am BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical [11 am Baptist Churches in Canada} For g Church Street Langstafl 20th Sunday After Trinity 9 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer 9.30 am. â€"â€" Senior Sund Rev. Fred C. Jackson, Assistan! Estelle Markham. A.R.C.T.. Preacher: The Rector 7 pm. â€"- Evening Prayer Trinity Teens and Twenties Adult Study Group Mackay Drive - Richvale Rev. K. A. Thatcher BA. 5-2734 Mrs. Jas. E. Howard, Organist SUNDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1963 OAK RIDGES ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1963 ST. MARK’S Yonge at. Elmgrove 9.45 am. â€" Family Service â€" Morning Prayer ST. JOHN’S M.A.. DD. 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 11 am. â€"~ Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunâ€" day of month at 11 Morninfl ANGLICAN ST. MARY’S AN GLICAN CHURCH EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH BAPTIST PARISH 0! KING (Anglican) THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, OntarioLThursday. October 24th, 1963 7 ,SERVICES “Ye Are The Temple of God, The Spirit of God Dwelleth In You" 1nd Holy Minister Rev.‘ Ralph C. Williams, B.A. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1963 Hope â€" 9.45 am, Maple â€" Minister Rev. A. i. Higgins, 3A.. 8.0., Rev. Veals, Assistant Minister SUNDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1963 945 am. â€" Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Sunday School and Nursery 11 am. â€" Morning Worship For further inlormation call AV. 5-2131 ' UNITEDACHURCH" OF CANADA MAPLE CHARGE CHURCH a CALVARY CHURCH Walter Scott School. Markham RICHMOND HILL Road at Sussex Street 196 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev, Albert E, Myers, 3A,, ]Afliliated with the Pentecostal B.D., S.T.M.. Pastor Assemblies of Canada ' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1963 TU. 4-4387 9.45 am. _. Church school and Pastor: Rev. P. A. Sorenson â€" Bible Class SUNDAY 11 am. -â€" Worship Service 10 I-m- -â€" Sunday School and nursery ll a.m. â€"â€" Worship Service 7 p.m_ _. Young People 7 pm. â€"- Evangelistic Servlce.’ Ww TUESDAY RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev C. G. Bigginson. B.A.,B.D. RICHMOND HILL I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3945 Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond Organist and Choir Leader ‘RIC SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1963 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am, â€" Morning Worship 11 am. â€" Nursery Department ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple. Ont. and ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 7th Con., Vaughan Rev. B. F. Andrew, Minister SUNDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1963 10 a.m. â€"â€" St. Andrew’s Church and Sunday School 10:20 am. â€"â€" St. Paul‘s Sunday 9.45 am. â€" Primary, Junior. Intermediate 8; Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Nursery & Kinder~ garten Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Service “RefOrmation Sunday" 7 p.m. â€" Evening Service ln The Chapel S'T. MATTHEW'S' UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. James Burn. B.A.. B.D. TU. 4-5526 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1963 10.30 a.m. â€" Worship Service Sunday Church School â€"- 9.15 am. â€" Primary, Junior 10.30 am. â€" Nursery. Kinderâ€" garten 11.35 am. -â€" Intermediate, Sen- 101' Theme: "Bible Places Carmel" “The Word For The World" ', RICHMOND BILL †FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. A. J. Slater, Minister (2) Mount \ Church of the Light and Life Hour. CHML, 9 am. Sunday" SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1963 10 a.m. -â€" Sunday School with Adult Bible Class ' PATRIOTIC SUNDAY in : ClrIZENS FOR SUNDAY 1 SCHOOL Enlargement Campaign October 6 - November 10 11.30 am. â€"- Worship Service. | Minister Preaching - ‘7 p.m. â€" Family Gospel Hour ‘ Minister preaching THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hwy. 7, 1/2 mi. west of Yongo SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1963 Dillwyn T. Evans. Minister Miss Nancy Rowland, Organist SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1963 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship 7 p.m. -â€" Evening Worship Christian Education Classes 9.45 a.m. â€"Grades 4 to 9 and adults 1 10 am. â€"-â€" Senior Young Peoplesl 11 am. -â€" Nursery. Kindergar- ten and Grades 1 to 3 12.30 pm. â€"Grades 10 to 13 11:15 PRESBYTERIAN RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street Classes for all (Opposite the High School) Pastor: G. Forbes 45 am. â€" Bible School . a.m. â€"â€" Morning Worship p.m. -â€" Evangelistic Service * THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH UNITED School â€" St. Paul's Church 27, 1963} DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH mate andt'rowzvsmp OF NORTH YORK thool f Sweets and Biscuits '7 heal and Eaten in moderation by u ‘ ' children do no harm it the ‘ Vorshlp harmful residue is after-L, ion call wards cleansed from the- teeth. Hence the ideal " 3H†time for candy treats is ,. after a meal. It is the in- ‘ ;E discriminate and undiscip- ‘ lined eating of sweets at .- m, B_A_ all times of day that causes 27. 1953; damage to children’s teeth. 9.45 31m,;CARL E. HILL. M.D.. M.O.H. T mmuImmmumlunmmmunuumnmmnmnmmmnnumnmn 1 Rev. A. J. Slater. Minister ’Church of the Light and Life: Hour, CHML, 9 am. Sunday‘ {SUNDAY, OCTOBER. 27. 1963. ‘10 am. â€" Sunday School with ‘ Adult Bible Class ' Concord at Public School Vaughan (3rd C011,. 2 mile; fRICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL Wm. Vanda-bent, Pastor Tel.: Richmond Hill. TU. «#3155 Heise Hill (Gormley) ‘ 10 am. â€" Sunday Schuol 11 am. â€"- Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service ‘ Wed. 7.45 p.m.~Prayer Meeting: Rev. A. W. Heise. Pastor Tel. 285-5002 10 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€"- Worship Service Tues.. 8 pm. â€"- Prz‘yer Meeting north of Concord) 11.15 am. -â€" Wors' Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. - Roy Nigh. Pastor Tel.: Gormley 5544 10.30 am. â€" Sunday School {17.30 am. â€" Worship Service. 10.30 am. â€" Sunday School 11.30 am. â€"â€" Worship Service. 730 pm. â€"- Evening Service Tues.. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting «a 9.45 a.m.â€"~Sunday School Second of ADVANCE PERIOD 11 am. -Worshlp Theme: '5 “Jesus Speaks Further about Prayer“ . 7:30 p.m.~â€"Even1ng Service 1 Theme: "Bible Places â€"â€" (2) Mount. Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer 8; Bible Study For further information call 884-7097 Sunday â€"- p. 9.30 am. -- Remembrance Sea" vice 11 a‘m.â€"Bible Hour 8: Sunday School ‘mj 7 pm. â€"- Gospel Meeting Tues, 8 pm. â€" Prayer and 8.30 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting FRIDAY A 7 pm. â€" Children's Hour “ CARRVILLE “ UNITED CHURCH 9.45 am. â€"- Worship Servlca and Sunday School SEVENTH-DAY " ADVENTISTS CHURCH ‘ C. R. Neill. Minister n Meeting every Saturday Elgin Mills West ,. 1,44 mile west of Yonge Street Worship Service 9.20 am.‘ Sabbath School 10.30 mm. For the County of York Applications for physf’. cian for York Manor will be received by the nude;- signed. Bible Reading Young people’s and ladles' -~ Wed.. 7 pm. -â€" Pioneer girl! meetings as announced ' “Jesus saves and there is n» other way“ ; BRETHREN [N CHRIST CHURCH Rev. L. K. Sider, Pastor GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY 24 Oak Avenue Services J. L. Smith, Clerk-Treasurer, County of York, 62 Bayview Ave., Newmarket, Ont. Worship Service