Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Oct 1963, p. 6

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AUTOMATIC sump pump and 30 feet of inch and a quarter pipe, $15. 222-5955. c1w18 PIANO. Dominion upright. goodiand 1 wheel trailer. AV. 5-3924. condition. BA. 1-7987. c1w18! c1w18 GIRL'S bicycle, good conâ€"(13%;, WELL ROTTED cow manure reasonable. TU. 4-5532. c1w18 or peat loam. $5 and $7 108(15- 'â€""â€"..T.'i.:rgr. “we” 225â€"2781. tfc13 PHEASANTS Oven ready, $3.25. Stouffville. 640-2780. tfc12 SKATES, like new; 2 pair hockey skates, size 12 and 13; 1 pair girl’s white, size 9. Phone 884-5129. c1w18 CONTENTS of house, owner moving. reasonable. AV. 5-3708. c1w18 8 DRAWER dresser, brand new, unpainted, sell for $18 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc9 WALNUT bedroom suite, com- plete, very reasonable; also light fixture for dining room. TU. 4-4889. *1w18 PLAY-PEN. Gendron with teeth- ing rail. baby's 1 piece blue ny- lon snow-suit. size 1. both new condition, girl's 3 pieces winter coat set, black watch pattern. size 6. 886-5856. c1w18 CONTINENTAL bed 30" width. Brand new. Sell for $23 cash and carry. North Park Furnit- ure, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. HU. 8- 7911. tfc17 SPACE saver sleeps 2 people. Colour brown, brand new. Worth $49.50, sell $29.50 cash and carry. North Park Furnit- ure, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. HU 8-7911. tfcl7 APPLES Buy direct from Orchard. Crisp fresh picked graded apples. Gormarkay orchard, Armitage, Yonge St. Two miles north of Aurora. c5w14 GIBSON refrigerator, good con- dition, top freezer, $50; oil stor- age tank, 200 gallons, $15. 773- 4154. clw18 2 PIECE Chesterfield suite, Irand new. Foam back and cushion. beautiful beige, nylon material. $85 cash and carry. 'Iorth Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto. HU 8-7911. , tfc17 6 THE, LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 31, 1963 “U-°"’”“~ 11°“ lRED MAPLE bunk beds, in SINGER SEWING MACHINES‘good condition, no mattresses. Repossessed, take over pay-W25 or best offer. TU. 4â€"3548. ments, $5 per month. Washers, c1w18 dryers Vacuum Cleaners, P°1i5h' GREY Gendron carriage and “S and typewriters Terms' mattress Crib and mattress 'PU: 4‘2931- 18A Yonge St N-vlgnnd mnditinn 884-3780 affpr BEAUTYREST, Marshall, Sim- mons, Serta. Heely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- turned just like new. medium firm. ektra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. 0n- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 Richmond Hill METRO WRECKING CEDAR AVENUE RICHMOND HILL New 8; Used Materials Plumbing - Doors - Pipe Clearing NEW Glazed Sash 50c and Up OPEN DAILY UNTIL 8 p.1 SATURDAY UNTIL 5 pm. TRADE IN your old furniture for new, with highest allowance -- or â€"â€" we will buy your fur- niture for our trade-in depart- ment. Free estimates â€" no obligation. Call Powell Furni- ture, 85 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2922. ATTENTION HOME OWNERS Its Time To make that new garden or flower bed youv‘e been think- ing of. ITS TIME To top dress your lawn to im- prove it for next year. We recommend For All These Jobs Loam & MUShroom Compost Mixed OUR LOAM IS SCREENED ‘able t6 students. You get no junk or wood or L. ll. SIMS stones in it. 88 Baker Ave. OUR MUSHROOM MANURE Richmond Hill TU. 4-1745 is weed free. well rotted and “(.49 odourless â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" FOR GOOD SERVICE GOOD ADVICE GOOD PRICES CALL C. L. KNAPPETT Loam, Trees. Landscaping 884-3039 ‘ DON’T WAIT - DO IT NOW 1 tfc141 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 am. on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone ’l‘U. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 and you will receive invoice. CASH RATES, lst insertion So each word. min. charge . . . . . . . . 15c. Second and subsequent insertions if wording . . . . . . , unchanged, 5c per word. min. charge V. .65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word: min. charge 75c CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS, per insertion . . . . n . . , . . . . . . . . . . n n . . A . . . lxé Mile East of Yonge South Of Markham Road AV. 5-3942 FREE DELIVERY ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES tfc48 ES? GOOD used furniture for sale. om- Cal: Frank’s Movers and Storâ€" ight age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- TU, 2613. tfc3 tfc48 tfc2 NIGHT TABLES, unpainted, .brand new $5 cash and carry. [North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. I “C9 2 SUMP pumps with all fittings KELVINATOR, refrigerator, in good working order. $20. PR. 3-5335. c1w18 CHILDS’ winter 3 pc. outfit; size 4. fur trimmed, gold colour TU. 4-3556 evenings only. ONE 7.65 Mauser pistol and one P3 Walther 9mm. pistol, TU. 4-7784 evenings. c1w18 BOY’S parka and sports coat, GURNEY coal range, large Quebec heater, circulator heat- er and floor model ironer. AV. 5-2254. c1wl8 size 10, good condition. AV. 5- 1044. c1w18 DRESSER and mirror, single size brand new, walnut. $29 cash and carry. North Park Fur- niture, 3368 YonEe St., Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc17 GIRL‘S winter coat, size 12, like new. Lady’s winter coat, size 16, good condition. PR. 3-5534. c1w18 cellent condition, $40. Precast concrete steps 371/2” wide, $10. Used bathroom fixtures. TU. 4- 5374. c1w18 HOCKEY SKATES Mens, size 11, worn twice and size 8; boys, size 13; little boys, sizes 5 and 12. Girls tap shoes, sizes 13 and 5. 884-4333. Portable (stove oil). no pipes. "‘5‘“' “W” ”" " """E‘Zwlg no smoke, no odour. Fromiâ€"T_â€"â€"_â€"f_ 6‘000 _ 12.000 BTU. See them atiBOOhKEEPER seeks pos1tion, Carl Walker Sales. Don Millsipl‘efel‘ably local. Capable of Road, Victoria Square. Phoneloperating Burrough‘s machines. 886-5413, tfc11 Also expert on processing ex- JUNIOR bed and springiilledjport documents. 884-3367. ‘water proof mattress, brand. €1W18 EHEW. WOI‘UI $60. 5611 for $35.5ECOND class stationary eng- _CaSh. and caI‘I‘Y- North Park.ineer (Ex-Marine Chief) desires , FUI‘nltUTE. 3363 Yonge St-- To'iposition in or around Richmond . I‘nnto. HU 8-7911. tfcl7iHill. Non-drinker. Excellent re- CHEST of drawers, four draw- er. Unpainted. Brand new, $15. cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Tor- onto, HU. 8-7911. tfc9 CONTINENTAL bed, 38", ex- WARDROBE unpainted single size sell for $15 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc17 GREY Gendron carriage and mattress. Crib and mattress, good condition. 884-3780 after 6.30. *1w18 ANTIQUES, fix t u r e 5, odd China. bric-a-brac etc. Cor- ner Yonge St.N. and King, Vaughan Town Line. 3 days only, November 1, 2, and 3. POOL table and accessories. Snooker, brand new, home size, 52" by 100”. Sell for $135 cash. North Park. Furniture 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc17 BALL OF FIRE HEATERS TORONTO CUT STONE SUPPLY HAS firewood, loam, compost, manure. top soil, rockery stone. patio flag, sand, gravel and crushed lime stone, natural and pro-cast stone and steps of all sizes, etc. No. 7 and Bathurst St., 285-6941. PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. MAPLE The only AUTOMATIC Propane Gas Service from New Bruns- wick to Manitoba; For informa- tion, call AV. 5-1145. tf029 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS FOR SALE Continued) c1w18 c1w18 c1w18 clw18 4 DUCKS. 1 drake, point of; tfc15 lay, $10. AV. 5-2336. c1w181 DINETTE buffet, black !new, $30. 884-5186. Winter pears. Free delivery. Drop by or phone after 4 pm. and all day Saturday. Manning and Sons Orchards, Dufferin Street, one mile south of Maple Sideroad, Maple. AL. 7-8972. tfcl? EXPERIENCED bookkeeper- typist desires home position; excellent references; own car. Write Box 24, “The Liberal". IRON bed, spring and mattress. $6.50. Call after 5 pm. TU. 4- 1768. c1w18 FUR jacket, brown squirrel. Good condition. 36-38. $30. 285- 5969. c1w18 WASHING machine andâ€"rang- ette. Both in fair condition. 884- 1522. any time. c1wlB SIEGLER oil heater, practicalâ€" ly new. Cost $249, sell for $125. AV. 5-2518‘ c1w18 BOOKCASE, unpainted, brand new. $7 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St. Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tfc9 WATER HEATERSâ€"J06? Inglis $50, almost new, 30 gal. 1000 watt. After 6 pm. AV. 5-5289 c1w18 LIVING room furniture, 2 pc. Chesterfield, recliner chair, and tables, 2 pairs 1 drapes, with matching chairs. After 6, 285â€" 2953. c1w18 40 GAL. electric water heater. $30. AV. 5-2964. c1w18 WELL ROTTED manure deliv- ered in small loads for lawns, gardens and flower beds. TU. .4-2236, AV. 5-2236. c4w16 B.A.D.A. diners, brides basket, Waterbury clock, banquet lamp, Baxter prints, Queen Anne sil- ver. McNeil Antiques, AV. 5- 6916. c1w18 RANGETTE in good condition, $25. TU. 4-1509. *1w18 WOOD’S freezer, 15 cubic feet capacity, $150. 833-5618. ifiRL’S COAT size 14, tweed with hood, pile TU. 4â€"3216. sale, suitable for cottage. $8 TU. 4-4543. clw18 GENUINE beaver coat with hat to match, size 14-16, price $100. Also walnut bedroom suite. PR. 3-5066. c1w18 BUNK BEDS, red maple. Brand{ 1;, w. PAYNE new. 36" Size Spring fillEId‘Drains, septic tanks. All types mattresses. $49.50 delivered. of concrete work, North Park Furniture, 33682355762 FREE ESTIMATES Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8â€"7911. tfcgl tfcsin A nnmvmnv urnuv “lawman CLEAN straw, picked up or del- ivered. 884-2538. tfc18 ___“£”iCARPENTRY WORK. additions, FRESH FRUIT _ _ renovations, garages, recreation Apples, fall and wmter vatxetles. rooms, tile floors. No job too TOW TRUCK, 1/2 ton truck, Sun Distributor Tester. Sun Motor Tester, Valve Grinder, Vracentric, Sunnen Pin Hone, Garage Equipment. Stock to be sold at cost. Norman Cook. TU. 4-1384. c1w18 YOUNG MEN. 16â€"19. looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 285-4869. tfc52 EXPERIENCED Finnish woman would like housework. $1 per hour. Richmond Hill area. AV. 5-3934 after 6. *1w18 BARGAIN SALE TOW TRUCK, 1/2 ton MARRIED WOMAN requires position in small office or as receptionist for doctor or den- tist. AV. 5-3489. c2w18 SECOND class stationary eng- ineer (Ex-Marine Chief) desires position in or around Richmond Hill. Non-drinker. Excellent re- commendations. Reply to Box No. 17, “The Liberal". ACCOUNTANT requires part time work, experienced in Credit and Collections. M.C.I. Degree. Phone AV. 5-3362. LICENSED hairdresser, no ex- perience in salon. Used to meet- ing the public able to accept responsibility. Willing to start as receptionist or assistant, full or part time considered. 884- 1365. *1w18 OFF] EXPERIENCED dictaphone typist to work in own home. 10 years office experience. Ab- ility to compose business let- ters with minimum informa- tion. Will pick up and deliver. 773-4177. c1w18 THORV washing machine for EMPLOYMENT WANTED FOR7 SALE IMISCELLAN EUl (cunnnuet‘) râ€"v rcmnM “um LIVESTOCK FOR SALE brown lining. c1w18 ‘ like clw18 c1w18 e 511- for garbage cans, cupboards, APARTMENT, 6 rooms, self_ V. 5- shelves, garages, etc. 884-2588. contained, adults preferred. °4W18 Apply Summit View Gardens. 3rand{ E. W. PAYNE TU. 4-1370. c1w18 £1,11F39iDPainS: Septic Eanks- A11 tyr’eSiFURNISHED bachelor apart- smom| FLOOR COVERINGS :private bathroom, stove ' and '1? Of All types tiles and sheet Vinyllfridge, parking facilities, child ThineS-‘for rec. rooms. kitchens, entries,|welcome. 45 Dufierin Lane. 1% ex'lbaths, etc. Also ceramic wall Richmond Hill. c1w17 - ;tiles‘ Free estimates. Reid and â€"â€"vâ€"â€"â€"â€" ClWlsiSons, Flooring Contractors, AV. WENMAR APARTMENTS eSil‘es’UPLANDS RUG CLEANING [mond SERVICE Ht re-gRugs picked up or done in your ) Boxihome, also Chesterfield sham- ‘pooing. car shampooing. etc. 02W17iFree estimates. AV. 5-6911. 2W18 HARRISONS CUSTOM part CARPENTRY in Custom built homes, renova- LClitions, additions, and repairs. . iKitchens a speciality. Morris ‘zwlglflarrison. TU. 4â€"2838. tfc45 ; SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 Tile-bdes cleaned. Fast, clean modern service. EXPERT chimney repairs and old. Reasonable rates. 7728. * I DUPLICATING I Letters. office forms. bulletins, etc. Black, white, colours. Prompt service. Richmond Hill, IAnswering Service, 884-3800.j AV. 5-2798. tfc13 CHESTERFIELD suites, and chrome chairs recovered and rebuilt, at a reasonable price. {No job too small. Free estim- ,ates. Murray Upholstery. AV. . 5-4767. [£051 SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richrr “FURNISHED room, cooking CONCRETE .. MASONRY facilities if desired. Crosby Ave., CARPENTRY CONTRACTORslclose to Yonge St. Lady pre- Building, alterations & repairs,|ferl‘8d- TU. 4-7661. c1w18 Prompt seFVice HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, all con- WALKER & MITCHELL Iveniences, garage, good loca- AV. 5-2526 7 rltion. reasonable. 884-5678. PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4â€"2798. CONCRETE and carpentry work, recreation rooms, floors and walls tiled, at reasonable prices. TUi 4-5482. tfc33 CARPENTRY & CONCRETE Custom building additions, repairs, renovations. J. W. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. tfc50 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranted. TU. 4-7902. tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 148 Yon‘ge Sf. 5., Richmond Hill, 'phone TU. 4- 5688. tfc23 CUSTOM plougliirhg and disc- ing. 884-5121. c4w17 Lawns and gardens. Phone 884-7573. tfc3 CARPENTRY Any type â€" rec. rooms, cabinet for garbage cans, cupboards, shelves, garages, etc. 884-2588. c4w18 smalL Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith, Upholstery, phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192, King City. Phone King TE. 316321. tfc13 CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple, ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 KING CITY WELL iDRILLING CO. LTD. 5-1960 PRIVATE room and board for young lady, with all comforts and conveniences. 884-5911. 884-3977. c1w16 EXCELLENT room and boafa. central Richmond Hill. Garage available. TU. 4-1880. ROOM and board for young man. Preferably 17 to 21. New- kirk and Elgin Mills district. 884-3977. c1w16 ROOM and board central sit- nation in Richmond Hill. Pre- ferably lady. TU. 4-1509. PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 ROTOVATING Richmond Hill tfc40 *1w17 tfc43 c1w13'1 BEDROOM apartment, un- furnished, quiet, equipped, bal- cony, parking. Close to trans- |portation and shopping plaza. ISIOO. 62 Hunt Ave., Richmond iHill, or phone owner, Toronto, IRO. 7-6438, reverse charges. of any lenced ‘. Free prices. ' woeL clwl’T c1w18 *1w18l new 884- tfc8 tfc32 tfc4 tfc IFURNISHED room and kit- chenette, on second floor. Park- ing, business person, Langstaff near Yonge. AV. 5-4190. c2w17 AURORA, 3 ioom apartment, conveniences, $60. PA. 7-9488. or PA. 7-5046. tfclS FURNISHEDioné bedroom ap- 6 ROOM modern bungalow, El- gin Mills. Walking distance to Yonge. Call TU. 4-2613. artment, hydro and water. AV. 54234. tfc14 1 BEDROOM apartment, in new building. 884-4349, after 5 pm. *1w18 FURNISHED or unfurnished, near new hospital, suit young couple or two nurses. TU. 4- 2444. *1w18 APARTMENT for rent, three rooms, unfurnished. private bath, entrance. parking; adults. TU. 4-4500. *2w18 A HOUSE on farm, 2 bedrooms, all conveniences, 16th Avenue, east of Don Mills. Call 297- 1272. clw18 TWO bedroom apartment. kit- chen, living room. Jane SL, 1 mile north of Hwy. 7. 285-6439. c1w18 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, parking, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke’s Drug Store at Yonge. *2w18 FOUR ROOMS in private home, not self-contained. Suit quiet couple. AV. 5-4590 after 7 pm. tfc10 3 BEDROOM ranch style bung- alow, very conveniently situat- ed. $125. TU. 4-4788 after 4 pm. c1w17 ment, suit one or two business gentlemen. AV. 5-3993, or, after 5.00 p.m., AV. 5-43‘73. tfc11 BEAVERTON-CENTRE AREA APARTMENT, 4 rooms. self- contained, adults preferred. Apply Summit View Gardens, TU. 4-1370. c1w18 $8 WEEKLY, large furnished bedroom, use of kitchen. Suit gentleman or elderly couple. [Abstainers only, in friendly theme, near Yonge. TU. 4â€"2868. c1w18 BED-sitting room, kitchenette with dining area, sun deck, parking, senior adults. 884-1204. *2w16 CHRISTIAN home. Housekeep- ing room, c105e to Yonge. Share fridge, grill, parking. Non- smokers. TU. 4-1777. c1w12 AURORA - bright furnished apartment, equipped kitchen, separate entrance, parking. One or two business adults, $85 monthly. 727-5597. tfc13 Furnished room in quiet adult home. Parking. $8 weekly. TU. 4-3801. . *lwll 3 ROOM apartment, stove and fridge supplied. $85 a month, Bayview Plaza. Contact Super- intendant, TU. 4-5669. FURNISHED 1 large panelled recreation roomg suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Private entran- ce. Parking. 884-4210. BAYVIEW MANOR. APARTMENTS 2 bedroom apartments. TU. 4â€" 5693, 451 Elmwood Ave, 1 block south of Markham Road. 4 ROOM apartment, 3 piece private bathroom, stove and WENMAR APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL COLBOURNE AVE. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments â€" pool elevators, FM music, large balconies, intercom. parking, TV outlet. AV. 5-2303. th3 RICHMOND HILL ELMDALE COURT FOUR-plex, 2-bedroom upper, $115; 2-bedroom lower, $110; ideal location for children, quiet crescent; special conces- sion for one-year lease. Call The Canada Trust Company, EM. 2-6161. tfcls WENivu-uc artnci'iuuwra IN RICHMOND HILL COLBOURNE AVE. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments â€" pool elevators, FM music. large balconies, intercom, parking, TV outlet. AV. 5-2303. tics 1 BEDROOM apartment, un- furnished, quiet, equipped, bal- cony, parking. Close to trans- portation and shopping plaza. $100. 62 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill, or phone owner, Toronto, R0. 7-6438, reverse charges. *1w18 RICHMOND HILL ELMDALE COURT FOUR-plex, 2-bedroom upper,; $115; 2-bedroom lower, 5110;: ideal location for children,‘: quiet crescent; special concesfi sion for one-year lease. Call; The Canada Trust Company, EM. 2-6161. tfclsl APARTMENT 1 New, unfurnished, in Richmond. Hill. Ideal also for young coup-” 1e, $75 monthly, including hot water, hydro, heat and parking,‘ fully equipped, close to shopâ€" Ping, schools, churches and1 transportation. private entrance. Call TU. 4-7755, AV. 5-1266. ' MODERN BACHELOR SALESMAN WANTED 53; a. . FULL OR PART-TIME _ 19! To sell the famous Maple Leaf at, Calendar Line entirely produc- fir ed in Canada Exclusive 39 Windsor Business Gre eti n E be Cards â€"- Exclusive Multi-Sheet 51 Calendars Alexander and â€"â€"' Durâ€"O-Lite Mechanical Pencils and Ball Point Pens (the world’s finest writing instruments) â€" Advertising Specialties in plas- tic, metal, etc. Exclusive Commonwealth Pocket Cutlery -â€" wide range of Paper Special- ties. The salesman we are seeking will have the ability. ambition and energy to earn the highest commissions, after a probation- ary period. Experience in our field not essential, but helpful! Must have fair education and high integrity. Commission â€" Bonus _‘ Write giving full particulars, age, marital status, experience, if any, references (if part-time: x xxx position desired state other? lines carried) to: â€"â€" COMRIONW'EALTH ADVERTISING CO. LIMITED (Canada’s Largest Exclusive Calendar and Advertising Specialty House) CLARKSON. ONTARIO I T0 RENT c1w141 c1w18 c1w17 tfc16 tfch :6. ( CLAfiKsox, ONTARIO tfclfi] (On The Edge 0! Toronto) 3 BEDROOM house in Allen-court section. Walking distance' to separate and public schools, shopping centre, local and Tor- onto bus. Available Dec. 18. 884-7526. c1w18 BED-SITTING room and kit-l chen, suit two people, 16 Lorne. lst house east of Clarke’s Drug Store at Yonge. *2w18 4 ROOM apartment with bath- room, parking. Private en- trance. Yonge St., Thornhill. AV. 5-4607 between 6 and 8( pm. ' c1w18| RICHMOND HILL I ELMDALE COURT Four-plex 2-bedroom uppem $115; 2-bedroom lower, $110: ideal location for children,’ quiet crescent; special conces- sion for one-year lease. Call Mr. Neilsen, 884â€"3474, The Can-l ada Trust Company, EM. 2-6161 tfc15 RICHMOND HILL real estate salesman wanted. Call Mr. Shields, TU. 4-3805. David McLean Ltd. Realtors. c1w16 CLEANING women, day or evening work. Call after 6 p.m.. TU. 4-2651. Nursing Home, Yonge and Elmwood. tfcll WOMAN, daily 1-5, babysitting, light housekeeping; permanent. 85 Trayborn Cres., TU. 4-7990. clw18 CLEANING woirfin wantedâ€", steady work, for Thursday or Friday only. TU. 4-7517. CANVASSERS To work with boys 2 hours ev- enings. Call Larry Price, 285- 4547. *lw18 mm battery; best offer. Phone 884- ' GROWTH 2665. C1W18 Large life insurance company 1957 AUSTIN A-90, large mo- offering lifetime opportunity del. Radio, blue leather uphol- for aggressive and ambitious stery, automatic washers, good young married man, age 23 to condition. AV. 5-2159. . 45, for sales and service position 01W13 Richmond Hill and south. High mk de_ - school education real asset. Full luxe Falcon automatic exce1_ Iltraining programme‘ Starting lent condition. Phone 285-5586, ‘Salariy $100 per week' Future or inspect at 190 Grandview Eamlngs unisually attractive-Ave. Willowdale. c1w18 KING CITY CARRIERâ€"boy or girlâ€"for established “Liberal” newsâ€" paper route in King City. Please call Circulation, TU. 4- 1105, M. C. Fry. nc1w18 GIRL for general office duties, between $30 to $35 per week. 190-Kee1e St., King City, 01‘ phone ME. 3-8880. c1w18 PART TIME Lady required to conduct mus- ical survey in Richmond Hill district. Salary and bonuses. Experience helpful but not nec- essary. 884â€"3434. c1w18 “HAVE A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR.” Sell near your home. Be hap-. pier and richer with Avon. Write Miss Ziegler, Box 141 Guelph. c1w18 “THE LIBERAL” requires a correspondent for the Highland Park area. If you are interested in serving your community and earning some pocket money, then please call our Managing Editor, Sam Cook, at AV. 5-3316. nc1w17 WANTED for local industrialI firm. Female bookkeeper must be able to handle full set of ton. 60 Birch books also some typing and general office work. Starting___-_.â€"â€" and of December or beginning 1997 PLYIIVK of January. Write stating exper- belts: he“ 5 ienoe and salary required to OffEAV- ' Box 21, “The Liberal”. 1956 Dodge- COUNTRY AGENT David McLean Ltd. have open- ings for farm real estate sales- men to work as agents in the communities of Gormley, King, Aurora and Unionville. A pre- sentable Highway residence is necessary. Please call S. J. Car- lisle at AV. 5-1176. c1w18 Contact W. Mirrlees, 884-2324 HELP WANTED T0 RENT ‘ HELP W (Continued) ¢ (Contin CORRESPONDENT c1w18 vi! 483- TOWNSHIP School Area No. 3, lwlg Markham require for January. luties, Principal for two room school. week. Salary schedule in effect, al- ty, or lowances for experience. Cum- c1w18 ulative sick leave plan plus |other benefits. Apply in writ- _ ing giving age. qualifications, '1 Hill experience and name of last 'nuses_ inspector, to Harold Hill, Sec. ., “MA Treas. Gormley, Ont. c2w18 rave-x.» clwlg 1952 Pontiac coach. excellent condition throughout, private D sale, lady’s car. TU. 4-7161, 7 m a.m.-10 p.m. c1w18 CLEANING WOMAN, Thorn-113166}- 5t hill area. AV. 5-1442. c1w18 to 5. can WOMAN for general house- work, two days weekly in i * AVAILAB] Maple- “111931;-fl Hill 7:05 CLEANING personnel required Dundas re Thornhill area. Write Box 25, 5652' ' “The Liberal". c1w18 TRUCK driver and warehouse- man. permanent employment. usual company‘ benefits. 285â€" 1138. Mr. Patterson. c1w18 KIND Christian lady to take ‘charge of household and 2-year \old child. Pleasant surround- hngs, good salary. References. AV. 5-5513. c1w18 LADIES for music survey 1 pm. - 4 pm. $1 per hour. 884- 5272 afternoons. c1w1'7 DRIVERS wanted, full or part time. Apply in person Plaza Taxi, Richmond Heights Cen- tre. c2w17 MAN for ,custom furniture shop. some experience with furniture repairs or refinishing helpful. AV. 5-2176. fifMetropolitan Nash, in Ist- class condition throughout, very reasonable. AV. 5-2132. c1w18 1957 Oldsmobile; mechanically‘ perfect, automatic, radio. TU. 4-5674. 02W17 need women to show and sell their Christmas packages and regular line of merchandise. Call Mrs. Roy, AV. 5-2806. REAL ESTATE salesmen want- ed. Drawing account. Call Mrs. Stevenson 285-3721. Calumet Real Estate and Insurance Ltd. 9205 Yonge St. Thornhill. Evenings. 884â€"5542. MOTHER’S helper, five days weekly, to do general house- work and help care for two small children. AV. 5-2788. will sell yours TU. 4-4372. WE BUY cars 1954 $100 717960 FALCON sedan, in new condition. Will finance if nec- essary. 884-2283. c1w18 1960 Peugeat, black; ideal sec- ond car; new tires, radio, A-1 condition, $695. 833-6300. 1358 FORD. 34 ton, pickup. $550; In Tony’s Esso Service, or call 884-3440. clw18 1958 PONTIAC. Four doors, sedan, automatic, radio. Nice condition, $695. TU. 4-3528. 1955 runs 1957 PLYMOUTH, radio, seat belts, new motor, automatic. Offer. AV. 5-3204. c1w18 1956 Dodge 'sedan, automatic, power steering. good tires. new battery; best offer. Phone 884- 2665. c1w18 1957 AUSTIN A-90, large mo- del. Radio, blue leather uphol- stery, automatic washers, good condition. AV. 5-2159. . 1959 CHEV. Biscayne six stand- ard, new motor, new whitewall tires, new paint job. Must sell, $975, or best offer. Terms can be arranged. Private. TU. 4-77- 61. c2w18 xxx 'xxx XXX BEAUTY COUNSELORS WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! XXXX USED Xxxx BUY IT NOW Wl'l'fl A LOWvCOST LIFEJNSURED FORD Sedan Delivery perfect. $200. AV. 5-1271 iéHEV" sedan, private 884-4567 after 6 pm. XXX THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Xxxx iontinued) xxxxxxx LOAN Stake tru'ck. 11/2 Ave. Richvale. for cash or we on consignment. tfc8 CARS N’I‘EUL Transportation c2w16 c1w18 c2w18 *1w18 *1w18 TRANSPORTATION wanted to AVAILABLE leaving Richmond Hill 7:05 to University and Dundas, return 5 o’clock. TU. 4- 5652. c1w18 AVAILABLE from Bayview and Markham area to Elect and Yonge. Leaving 7:15 a.m.. re- turning 4:45 p.m. TU. 4-2103. c1w18 WANTED from Gells Road. Richmond Hill arrive at Bay and Wellington area at 8:20 am. Leaving at 5 pm. TU. 4-7389. WANTED for young man. Rich- mond Hill to University and Queen area. Arrive 8 a.m.. leaving 4:30 pm. TU. 4-2698, evenings. c1w18 NOW WE HAVE I. '64 SIMPSON’S DRYGODDS 12 Yonge St. S. Chrysler â€" Valiant â€" PIymouthE ALUMINUM Windows 6': Doors Awnings 6': Siding Closed In Patios Quality Products At Manufacturers Prices No. 7 HIGHWAY AT DUFFERIN ST. - 285-4858 Phone For Free Estimates TORONTO WINDOW MFG. CO. LTD. All Materials & Workmanship Fully Guaranteed 165 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL - St. George. Hours 8:45 Call AV. 5-4473 after 6. *1W18 We Also Have a Few ‘63 Demonstrators Low Mileage Valiant 4 Door With Radio Only 3000 Miles As Low As ALL MAKES OF WINDOWS REGLAZED 8. REPAIRED iwéirls Quilted Ski Jackets Hood under Collar 8 to 14 yrs. Ladies: Full Roll-up Sleeve Blouse Polished Cotton Screen Printed EXAMPLE Years or 50,000 Miles Warranty $7.95 each $2.98 each Neck & ‘ Pullovers c1w18 $5.95 1 YEAR old Beagle Hound??- male. 257-8814. c1w18 ADORABLE poodle pup, choc- olate brown. pedigree, bitch. 2 months. TU. 4-3282. c1w18 4 PUPPIES. 6 week'sTd, rea'd? for new home. Mother toy ter- rier. 285-4007. clwlB PETS FOR PURE bred German shepherds, 9 weeks old. no papers. TU. 4- 7798 evenings. 01' BA. 1-076 daytime only. clwl HOUND, black and tan male 3 years, seed on deer, $50; als female black and tan. 2 years bred to above male. $50; blac and tan pup, male, 5 months 520‘ Colin Peckhover. Auror Sideroad. 6th Concession, Whit church. *lwl EXPERIENCED day care given Call 884-1072. clwl'n RELIABLE day care for one or two children, North Richvale. 884-4072. clw11 WILL look after children while mother works. TU. 4-7368. DAY care 133! hour or day; good home, fenced~in yard. AV. 5- 4184. c2wlfl CHILDREN taken care of by the day, or boarded weekly; fenced yard; large clean house; toys and baby equipment sup- plied DAY CARE $2100 B86 “V” Richmond Hill 7t Neck 285-1471 884-2873 SALE clwl clwl

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