:WLNTER EXPRESS hos been out standby for the better port of a decade; in offering it ot about half the price of ‘0!" other snow tires, nothing has been token horn the the 'you have known it to be oll these years. It's a: big ._ It's as heavy and massive â€" and as strong as ever, IThe rugged "keep rolling" traction treod of Winter Express :lnoda it the trail-blazer wherever the going was really :tough . . . and it purred the bore highway with the quiet ride sought by its contemporaries. Now, it must be cleared "out to make way for our New HIWAY-BYWAY . . . The tire that makes fun of winter driving. Canadian Tire’s n aw Hiway-Byway â€" Spe- cifically developed by Canadian engineers for Canadian road and weather conditions. 42 Months‘ Road Hazard Insured The rosponsa to the introduction of Hiway- Byway has been nothing short of overwhelm- ing. We felt we had the best summer-winter tire, on any road, but we didn’t know that our enthusiasm would be so catching with car-owners. Honestly, we're working day and night to satisfy the demand â€"n and are happy to report up-ta-date shipments on most sixes. “x Makes Fun of ‘gï¬i‘wmer Brmng \. 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 7th, 1963 A RevolutionarymE Break-Through In a m Summer Winter Tire “ WHILE THEY LAST '_[_hq Tirg That Use the BONUS GOUPONS for FREE INSTALLATION II ‘33:..BRANDaNEW KEYSTONE - 750/14; * WISE-mm nREssvo/Is w Hobbyist or Handyman USE YOUR CREDIT 560-590/l4 650-700/14 750/14 800/14 850/14 710 760 750 800 850 E6 500-520 560-600 640-650 560 1-520/13 ........ 1o.5o 1-600/13 ' 9.44 1 9.98 1650/13 10.23 1099 1590/14 1 9.9a 1-700/14 ‘ ........ 11.99 )/14 11.79 12.90 1/14 ........ 13.96 1/14 1 14.39 1/15 9.67 10.74 1/15 1 11.45 12.75 1/15 12.21 13.63 1/15 ‘ 12.99 14.51 WIIitewalls availgble in many sizes, of slight extra cost 25.50 28.35 29.45 32.95 35.90 Sin Tuba Type I Tubeless 600/16 650/16 *§|a_ckwall, Tube-Type 21.85 26.95 Pérents gave a hand decorat- ing the parish hall for the show _,-_- ..v. .v...., yulh. dress, Christopher HallIlalso of Oak Ridges in his natty grey tweed topcoat trimmed with fake fur to match his hat and Rodney Wood of Gormley in his warm nylon quilted jacket took the spotlight among the children modelling at last Saturday's fashions for Children Show in Jefferson. ‘ lFashion Show For Bubble Gum Seï¬â€˜ P CANADIAN TIRE - 7O YONGE ST. NORTH. AV. 5-110] - TU.4-II96 St. John‘s Anglican Nursery School in Jefferson last Satur- day held a fashion show *right up their alley . . . clothes for their own age group. About 20 of the youngsters modelled the excellent clothes from the Children's Fashion Shop in Richmond Hill. Kelly Herbinson of King Township in a hooded suede topper over her suede and jersey slim set, Diana Hall in a cranberry red velvet party dress, Christopher Hall, also of Oak Ridges in his natty grey tweed topcoat trimmed with fake fur to match his hat and Rodney Wood of Gormley in his warm nylon quilted jacket took the spotlight among the children modelling at last Saturday’s fashions for children show in Jefferson. and bake sale. Small cedar door prizes. Excellent lighting trees loaned by Endean Nurser- and background music was made ies formed an aisle for the possible by Ted Munro. Tea youthful mannequins. Mrs. was served. Betty Sankey of King City cre- ated the children's hair styles. Proceeds from the show will Mrs. John Armour was com- mentator and helped the chil- dren be at their ease through- out the performance. Stan Roots distributed the various be used to buy much-needed equipment for the nursery school. General convenors were Mrs. Eileen Woods. Mr. J. Houl- ton and Mrs. M. Bland. i On The Spot Financing TOTAL $106.00 YOU PAY ONLY $19.50 8" Tilt Arbor Saw $79.50 Stand For Above 26.50 See Our BEAVER POWER TOOL IO" RADIAL ARM SAW $349.00 Stand For Above 26.50 4 CYL $9.95 6 CYL. $11.95 8 CYL $13.95 DISPLAY Featuring The All New 10" RADIAL ARM SAW Restore Power 8. Peak Performance With Our 7 Point Fall Tune-up A Beaver Built METAL STAND With The Purchase 01‘ Any Of The Tools Listed Below For A limited Time Only You Receive FREE The Only One On Display Outside "Metro" SEE HOW YOU SAVE! TOTAL $375.50 YOU PAY ONLY $329.00 INCLUDING LABOUR TOTAL $106.00 YOU PAY ONLY $19.50 4" Jointer Planer $79.50 Stand For Above 26.50 “G e t t i n g The Most From Your Radial Saw†Conducted by Rockwell Mfg. Co.. Downsview. Plus A FREE COURSE