If you have any items of local interest please contact ‘ Mrs. Campbell at AV. 5- 4704._ n ark-Vaun W. I. The Mark-Vaun Women's In- stitute fall bazaar was held Sat- rday at Emmanuel Church, MacKay Drive. Richvale. Mrs. Eunice Hicks and Mrs. Gert Holt convened the bake table, with its delectable supply of pies, cakes and cookies mlmnmunuuuuummummuumunmuuuuumluumumumm Mrs. Eleanor Sheppard, MiSS Belle McNab and Mrs. Anne Maler served delicious tea. Miss Linda Hamblyn sold Christmas cards and goldfish ‘for the children. Mrs. Mary Jones ran the fish pond and kept the children amused while mothers enjoyed their tea. The gift table with its aprons and knitted goods was convened by Mrs. Violet Drew and Mrs. Ruby Gla ‘ ey. rs. Isabel Roy convened the cosmetic tickets and Mrs E. Thompson sold the draw tickâ€" ets. The draw was won by Mrs. E. Thompson. Mrs. Clayton Jones. J. Gee and L. White. Mrs. Hicks Won the cosmetic draw and Mrs. Roy the Christ- mas card draw. When Brown Owl called a ouple of week ago to ask hether I'd help out at the rownies Hallowe‘en party, I eeted the request with mixed ,motions, as they say. You see, ï¬eéer beenia witch before, Itï¬clally. that is. I was remindâ€" mmmummmmmnummmmnmnunuulmnnmmmmmnuw The November meeting of Mark-Venn Women’s Institute has been changed to November 14 at the home of Mrs. Gatzenâ€" berg on Garden Avenue. Socials Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sin- clair, Mr. Earl Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Campbell at~ Mothers of “tweenies.†those ttle girls who are waiting to e Brownies. are reminded of e enrolment ceremony which ill take place November 13, at 9 Church of Christ at 4 pm. Mggston United Church, a typical country church off Concession 4 in Vaughan will mark its birthday with Rev. M. R. Jenkinson, its pastor and the church choir at an 11:30 am. serv~ Ice and Rev. R. C. Williams of Maple United Church Ind its choir at the 1:30 evening service. ,yn and Miss Elizabeth Hamblyn uttended the Richmond Hill Women’s Institute euchre on Wednesday. Sorry to hear Ronnie Hicks ias been in Branson Hospital. VIrs. Rose of Garden Avenue ms been ill again. We wish hem a speedy recovery. “The white church at the end of the road†is celeb- rating its Qist anniversary next Sunday with two spe~ clal services. Mr. and Mrs. George Bradley visited relatives in Picton on he weekend. Mrs. Gert Holt. Mrs. E. [‘hompson. Mrs. Robert Hamb- ended the L.O.L. euchre held it the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F Barton. Bathurst Street Fri- lav evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abbey ittended the christening servâ€" ce at Stouffville Anglican Zhurch on Sunday for Sean nd Janet McMurray. Correspondent: Mrs. Aleta Campbell 122 Garden Ave. Phone AV. 5-4704 “The Liberal" is very pleased to announce the ap- pointment of Mrs. Aleta Campbell. Garden Avenue as our correspondent in the Langstaff area. The building has been renovated twice. once in W interior in 9 u onerivlseh much the same as it was for the ancestors of its present day active congregation. Teston United Marks 9] Years Next Sunday Sponsored by the Maple Lions Club, the Millionaires were champions of the North York Midget Softball League-west division in their first year of competition. From left standing: Assistant Coach Bud McKee, hris Moore, Robin Brock, Jim Jackson, Dave Thacker, Don Quinton, Robson, Ron Weir and Coach Bruce Murchison. From left, front Bill Hamilton, Tom Johnson, John Snider. John Rumble. Barry am, Fred Campbell and Bruce Palmer. (Photo by Tom White.) LANGSTAFF NEWS h LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Og’cario, Thursday, Maple Millionaires Concord Socials §I§Midget Softball Champs; ‘3‘ 3 i 3§§Bring Laurels To Maple! lCrothers Plant lkls Pilot Project for Natural Gas four-line song ed that after all, I said I'd be happy to help in any way I could and right now. this in- cluded witchcraft. Judging from Doris Sherman’s report, the Guiders were really fortunate in picking up so many helpful hints in teaching, part- icularly teaching singing games, While this may sound a cinch to the average person, anyone .who has worked with a group of youngsters in this field can well appreciate the time and effort required to teach a simple ' For several months the plant has obtained its electricity for lighting. motors and heavy arc ‘welding from a Caterpillar reci- procating engine powered by natural gas with the normally wasted heat from the engine used to heat the building. The plant introduces to Can- ada the new concept of total energy from gas; pioneering re- search is by Consumers’ Gas, Transâ€"Canada Pipe Lines Ltd. and Crothers. The area training day held last Saturday at Lindsay was very well attended and of great benefit to all Guides. Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Boron, Jean Gil- bert and Karen Wood attended from Concord. frdm the squeals and giggles, the Brownies enjoyed the act, and personally, I hgd é ballfRightinow I’m practis- ing my ‘ï¬io-Ho-Ho.†just in case! ‘ Area Training Day There are at present about 10 total energy plants similar to Crothers’ in operation in North America. About 20 are! under construction. and 50 more are in the planning stage. Apartments, hotels, motels, shopping centres. department stores, hospitals, office build- ings, banks, manufacturing plants and many others lend themselves to new energy sys- tems. The George W. Crothers plant in Leaside. once mooted to be h moving to Vaughan Township, . has become the pilot project it] for an all-natural gas, electrical 0" and heating system. C01 There will be a discussion of the new system at the Queen Elizabeth Building at the C.N.E. today (Thursday). This year. the junior girls and in this league. were coached by Bruce ThurS- A quote from the Liberal's ton and the senior girls ‘by sports' page “sparking the at- Reg Thacker Jr. assisted by tack were players like Ralph Doug Bice. Marion Holmes Cooper (Teston), Kirby Brock again added her continued as- (Maple). Bill Hamilton (Maple). sistance as general manager. and all the rest of the team". Soccer has come to Maple unquote. In losing this champ- with George Bailey Public ionShiD by a small margin 10 School winning the inter- B.A.. their coach. Steve Hordal school championships and both commented. “They gave it a minor and midget organized terrific effort. They never gave Sportswise Maple seems to be once again taking a top place throughout the area. Some old timers will glee- fully remember when the MR Al (Maple Recreation Associa- tion) was active. Maple fielded men's champion lacrosse and baseball teams that were known and respected for miles around. The junior and senior Maple girls‘ softball teams have in several seasons held the champ- ionship for the K.V.W. (King V a u g‘h a n and Whitchurch) league. Soccer has come to Maple unquote. In losing this champ- with George Bailey Public ionship by a small margin to School winning the inter- B.A.. their coach. Steve Hordal school championships and both commented. "They gave it a minor and midget organized terrific effort. They never gave hockey starts November 9. up. It was almost as g00d as This year. sponsored by “’mmng-n . . , I the Maple Lionsv C1ub_ -Other “Millionaires†playing boys under 17 years were in the RH. Association \vere coached by Bruce Murchis_ Donald Quinton and Bill Rob- on’ ably assisted by Bud son who made a good showing McKee and as the “Maple for “The Liberal’s’n teamï¬ï¬‚ Millionaires" they won the West division champion- } ship of the North York ‘ Midget Softball League. As this was their first year‘ 135 an organized midget team} the boys. their coaches and Hans, are all to be congratulat- KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 I can’t think of any other ‘reason for the firecrackers. A1- ‘so, this same group seemed to hold their treats in contempt, when after taking one bite of an apple, one boy simply fired same apple at a nearly tree. If home behaviour is the same, his parents must have a whop- ping big food bill. Social Notes Birthday greetings this week to Maureen Bone and Louise Scott. November 5. Maureen is fourteen and Louise is eight. Greetings also to Anne Marie Medensky and David D’Eath, \November 11. Anne Marie will be four and David will be six. A happy day also on November The overwhelming attendance at Lindsay substantiates the local feeling most Guiders wel- come and need an organized training program on the dist- rict or division level. Our own Guiders are reaping great re- wards as a result of the prog- ram in effect at Richmond Hill, covering Guiders from the whole area. flallowe’en "isiévcoxidly. a group of twelve and thirteen-year-olds seemed to think it was May 24. nï¬glfldugh the event is past for another year, two things are still worth mentioning. r "First. whatever made you think it Wouldn't rain on All Hallows Eve? Mr. and Mrs. Dick Nuttal were more than delighted to have a weekend guest last week. Their son, Pete (or Clifford as his birth certificate says) was home from Michigan State Un- iversity in Ann Arbor. Attend- ing college on a scholarship, Pete is one of our bright hopes in track and field and despite a busy schedule finds time to compete whenever he can. 18 (in case I forget) to Margie Thompson, who, although she has moved to Willowdale, is ‘still remembered by her life- long friends (six years!) in Con- cord. Keeping his pitching arm in great shape was our season's sports reporter, Bill Hamilton. 65 Richmond Street, who did a terrific job with team-mates in the Richmond Hill Minor Ball Association, for Reid's Auto Body. who came out sec- ond in this league. Despite our mediocre talents, my husband and I spent the weekend playing bridge on Fri- day with the Langes in Maple. and with the Steffans on Satur- day. Of course, there were other people present both ev- ‘enings. but they could play \bridge! I attend strictly on nerve alone! MARKHAM : Court of revision for Pickering Township Council will sit November 18 to hear appeals against the 1963 assess- ments. Appeals are minor in their protests compared with last year's heavy influx of the ‘farmers of the township. ed. Winning this championship, in this their first compete year, was not a haphazard lucky break. These boys were in top condition and worked out their practices at 7 am. Saturday mornings, necessary because of summer employment for some. . Other “Millionaires†playing in the RH. Association were Donald Quinton and Bill Robâ€" son who made a good showing for “The Liberal’s" team. KINGSDALE ANIMAL 2 HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3.5401 Nov. 7th, 1963 Their daughter Janny. her husband Adri Brouwers and children Debbie and Benita, built their home a few years ago at 44 Keele Street South. Here they have enjoyed a part of their visit with more weeks yet to follow. With four of their children now living in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Van Suylekon of Breda, Holland are dividing their year long holiday spend- ing equal time visiting each family. ‘ The other members of their Canadianâ€"ized family are Jan- ny’s sister Betty and Toni Streich, brother Kees and Jeanne Van Suylekon, daughters Jeanne and Diana. and sister Matthy and Hans Van Ieperen. Still in Holland, brother Riean and Jeanne Van Suylekon and children Adji and Eric will be following with interest the news of the travels and visits of all the family. Through "Maple Notesâ€, we send greetings to all the Van Suylekon‘s family and friends in Holland from all here in Canada. Nursing Trainee Sheila Orr The head table was delight- fully set with white table cloth that had beautiful flower ar- rangements for centre pieces â€" fall mums and late blooming roses. The turkey dinner, vegâ€" etables and trimmings -were a chef’s delight while a variety of home baked mouth watering pies were placed for self serv- ice and choice, on the table with hot coffee. While taking a group of sec- ond year nurses from East Gen- eral Hospital on a tour through Princess Margaret Hospital last week. former Maple neighbour Sheila Orr, now living in Rich- mond Hill, came over from group during coffee break, to say he 10. To be quite honest, my only claim to being able to be re- cognized was “I happened to be Peter Shore‘s mother“! Pierre Berton At Banquet The reputation of lst Maple Boy Scout Ladies‘ Auxiliary was nobly upheld, October 24, when it catered for the annual District Boy Scout Executive of York Summit Banquet. The newly formed executive of this auxiliary and their ever responsive members, are to be commended on this large pro- ject. President Ben House and Treasurer Audrey Magee guid- ed the workers in the overall working periods. Pierre Berton was an inter- inter-school soccer champions." esting speaker and held his Thanks, Susan. Here are the audience’s attention through- names of these champs as well out. Mrs. Berton attended theas the spirited cheer leaders. Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News MONDAY, NOV. llth AT 8:30 PM. TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA , OF VAUGHAN Tenders will be received by the Architects, Hanks, Irwin & Pearson at their office, 2848 Bloor Street, West, Toronto until 3 p.m., Friday, November 22, 1963 for the erection of a public school in Maple, Ontario for the Township School Area of Vaughan. Plans and specifications will be available, Monday, Nov. 4, from the Architects, Hanks, Irwin & Pearson on deposit of a $25.00 cheque which is returnable on receipt of a bona fide tender and return of plans and specifications. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. All ex-service personnel and citizens are cordially invited to attend this service. “The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its Our representative in Maple is Mrs. Len Shore ALpine 7-1037: in Edgeley and Sherwood. Mrs. H Ruth Ketter, 285-6805. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN Municipal Council Chambers The annual Remembrance Day MAPLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Service Will be held at the LEST WE FORGET HANKS, IRWIN & PEARSON Architects The Week ’3 Happenings In Maple banquet with him. The team played eight games With the weather we've hung in the round robin, and won onto until very recently. pul- them all and never had more ling the wool over our eyes in- than three points scored ag- stead of our frames â€" Christ- ainst them. mas is going to come as a sud- Team as follows were Tony‘ den shock this year! Goodmakers, goal; John Thur-‘ ‘ i 'l' * ston, Bob Lane. Ken Rumble. A Three-Fold Birthday defence; and Rod Shields Daryl That young man Peter Mc- S h e r m a n, Frank Winkler. Conkey gets all the enjoyment halfbacks; Ken Blakelock possible out of one birthday â€" Fraser Cringan, Robert Steven- dated October 31. son. Paul Plunkett. Marvin Peter was 6 years old that Yake, James Lange, Richard dav then. on Saturday he had Johnson, Grant Rose, forwards. That young man Peter Mc- Conkey gets all the enjoyment possible out of one birthday â€" dated October 31. Peter was 6 years old that Yake, James Lange, Richard‘ day, then, on Saturday he had Johnson, Grant Rose, forwards†his play pals in for a party. The cheerleaders, who perked Having lots of fun were Susan up the game in their blue and and Hugh MacDonald, Margie white costumes were Cynthia Ann McMillan, Linda Gillham, McClelland, Lynda Reeds, Lyn- Ruthie Johnson, Paul Hur], da Cooper, Penny Aubertin, Stephen Van Luyk and Judy Sharon Amos, Joyce and Jetty and John McConkey, Pete's Michels, Joan Earnshaw Shieva sister and brot‘.er. MacDonald, Shelley James and Th1: standing privilege for Bonnie Prince. The standing privilege for{ every birthday type in this fam- ily is that the celebrant can choose his own favourite menu for the “family birthday din- ner". So. on Sunday Pete's re- quest went like this, â€" ‘fried chicken. french fried potatoes. mince meat pie with whipped cream AND no cake!’ To make it an even better fariivly“ “p-arty, his big sister Diane came home from Loretto College for the pccasion. Cubs and Scouts Say "Thanks" As in former years. the bes- ponse by Maple residents to the yearly lst Maple Boy Scout apple day, was appreciat- ed and $110 was realized. i The service git/en to these same folk, in the form of“B" (‘ub pack’s bottle drive, â€" en- abling passages and cupboards to be once again clear of re- fundable bottles was success- ful as well. We’ll repurt total amount taken in when finaliz- ed. School Reporter Ah hah! we finally have a first class cub reporter at George Bailey School. Susan Michell of 41 Lancer Drive in grade eight sent alang her first sports item “October 30 George Bailey and Powell Road Public Schools met for the last game of the soccer season at our school. “Coached by Mr. Ross Ken- nedy, we won the championship 2-“ with Ken Blakelock scoring both points for George Bailey in the first and second periods. H In all, it was a truly exciting game and Powell Road put up a terrific effort. We all congratulate our new inter-school soccer champions.†A. H. Rutherford and Scouts Say “Thanks†Reeve October 29 Maple W. I. held a successful euchre and sale in aid of Christmas b0xes, for the shut-ins. Mrs. M. Lung and Mrs. H. Hilliard won the ladies' first and second prizes. W. I. Euchre Mr. Dewsberry won ï¬rst and Mrs. H. Stephenson playing as a man, won second prize for gents. Mrs. White and Mrs. King won the consolation prizes and Mrs. C. Brown and Mrs. H. Jackson won the travelling prizes. There will be another euchre in January. Next W. 1. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Jackson, on November 13. The gift basket will be passed around‘ A Hallowe’en party was enjoyed by “A†pack Cubs on their regular cub night October 28. at the home of Mrs. Shirley McDonald, 29 Lancer Drive, who is “Bagheera.†lst Maple “A†Pack Cubs The cubs all came in costâ€" ume, played games and had refreshments around the pum- pkin donated by Frank Robson. A welcome to their new Akela Ada Watson from boys and parents alike. Former “Bagheera†Dixie Sinclair was given a present- a‘io' by the cubs in apprecia- tion of her leadership. In turn the leaders send along thanks to the moms and the boys who made it such a successful party. Plus Extra Discount On Many More Ilems MAPLE PLAZA Geo. Vigus Hardware HARDWARE SALE GIANT SAVING ON All. C.I.I.. PAINTS iandgeley and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934: and in Concord. Mrs‘ Cooking Set $29.95 SET T.V. TRAY (Reg $12.98) SALE ! PRICE 9 PIECE STAINLESS STEEL lReg. $39.00) SALE PRICE $1.11 Team plzyer badges have been earned by Billy Watson, Jimmy Hill and Peter Beechâ€" ham this last month with Peter Beechham also earning lsz pet keeper badge. Graham Cameron won his first start Colt Escapes Injury A Hallowe'en prank is no prank when it could cause serious damage to property or livestock. FURNACE FILTERS 1" SPONGE MOPS «Reg. $1.30) GIFT WARE ELECTRIC KETTLE G. E. ELEMENT BERNZ-O-MATIC PROPANE TORCH KIT Sometime during the late evening pranksters entered the McConkey’s stables and opened one of the stalls. Naturally, the young colt inside came out and in the dark blundering around in panic, succeeded in wedg- ing himself in another part- Costly Warbles SHUR-GAIN WARBLRID , i . By eliminating warbles at grub stage you spare the animals several months of irri- Simply feed 1 “V400 “’3' 0‘ tation caused by grubs working under the live weight P9P day for any 7 hide. The results -â€" increased growth rates day perlOd between Sept 15 . improved feed conversion, and Dec. lst. MAPLE FEED MILL - AL.7-124I SHUR-GAIN Warblrid, because it is form- ulated in the feed, completely eliminates the need for individual treatment . . . simply treat through feeding. readers in Maple, Concord and Edgeley districts NOW Yellow, Green, Red, Blue. (Reg. $5.00) With INCREASE FEED EFFICIENCY ADJUSTABLE METAL IRONING BOARD and mag? ems for; REDUCES LABOUR ON SALE $5.99 (Reg. $1.80) Sale Price When found early next. morning he was wedged completely immobile and exhaustéd. This cruelty to a valu- able animal could never have been caused by boys brought up on the farm. they know too well the value of stock to fool around in such a manner The colt could have punc- tured himself on the pitch forks hanging on the wall beside the stall or on any number of projections which in his panic could have been lethal. He is re- covering and will sustain no permanent damage but as was pointed out earlier ~this type of prank is no prank; it’s a serious matter! ly-opened stall door. Thick all Sizes (Reg. $11.00) Sale Price Sale Price EXPIRES NOVEMBER 16 (Reg. $7.00) Sizes 64C rice $1.57 20% Off FOR ALL BEEF CATTLE FOR ALL DAIRY CATTLE (Except those producing mi|k for human consum- ption) FEEDING INSTRUCTIONS Simply feed 1 lb./400 lbs. of live weight per day for any 7 day period between Sept. 15 and Dec. lsti $6.88 $5.7 7 beef feeds ON ALL TOYS G. E. STEAM 8- 1 Sale Price PHONE Al. 7-233! SALE PRICE For Services We Render & General Information C8“ Mrs. Gordon Purves Mr. A. T. Crosier Richmond Hill Ire: Mrs. D. C. F. Faer Thomhfll Are- Mrs. E. Percival Mrs Mrs Mrs Markham Area Mrs. O. S. Stalter Victoria Square are: Mrs. C. Nichols Unlonvllle Area Mrs. E. Stlver Gormley Are: Mr. George Brand RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY SALE PRICE S. G. Phillipa W. J. Lennox 884~ W. C. Armstrong 6 FOOT STEP LADDER $15.11 (Reg. $8.00) $4.49 AV. 5â€"1839 8846501 297-1188 884-3343 884-4821 8354-1034 886-5525 297-1585 294-1450 886-5200