(Continued From Page 1) Councillor Thomas Murphy pointed out that much water in Richmond Hill is used by industry, for laundry and lawn and garden watering. so that about two-thirds of the added fluoride would be wasted. He stressed that calcium fluoride 18 a poison and requires elabo- rate precautions to ensure safe concentration levels. He was deeply concerned whether Richmond Hill's water system‘ which contains some forty‘ dead-end mains is conducive to fluoride. Pointing out that in some areas chloride con- centration builds up until complaints are received that the water is like Javex, he leared that in the same areas fluoride might build up to dangerous proportions. He sug- gested leaving the question over to next year pending proper RICHMOND HILL to VANCOUVER RICHMOND HILL to TORONTO 3‘. '0. CUWOUCU ODOOOIODQUOO Passenger§ holding parlor car or 'sleeping car accommodation receive complimentary meals on trains carrying meal service cars. Pick up yourcopy of the Calendar of Days, from CN. Coach seats on Super Continental reserved advance at no extra charge. For further information contact your local agent IOOOQQQIQQQIOOOOOQI. OIOQQOQQQQ. FARE PLAN IV I CALL BAA-9485 AN R.E.T.A. MEMBER BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE (Parlor Car and Sleeping Car Space Extral These new-fares, plus frequent trains, convenient schedules and the relaxed comfort ofsmodern rail travel, are the reasons you should plan your travel on CN's Red,=Vl_Ihi_te‘and Blue Fare days. $41.50 RED $1.00 RED No Fluoridation On Ballots LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario,4 Thursday, 3 IRQUBLE? $1.00 WHITE $45.50 BLUE Canadian National 5363911181.: hope of election jeopardized by concern for his own and the computing hgalï¬h. Councillor Scudds asked the‘ reeve if he favoured a mid- year plebiscite with its atten- dant extra expense. The reason for including the plebiscite at the annual elections was to save this expense. he said. Deputy-reeve Stanley Tinker said that in view of the opposition expressed _ to him he would have to oppose a plebiscite at this time. “No one has gone out of his way to tell me he wants fluoride, but I have heard from many who are and full information; Reeve Floyd Perkins agreed there is extensive chlorine build-11p in dead-end mains and that fluorine would be the same. He said he would hate to see it made An politlcal issue $49.50 BLUE $1.00 BLUE opposed to the way in i which the question is to be ; decided.†Councillor Alex Campbell stated that he had been forced to take iodine in his salt since he was a child. “Iodine can be poisonous too, so can too much water", he stated. “I am quite in favour of fluoride. I believeI that people should have I de- mocratic right to decide this question. I am sure we will be quite capable of adding fluoride safely to the water supply." ‘ Councillor Scudds claimed that dental bills for his family of four children run around $200 to $250 a year. Councillor Campbell said. "I wish I had had fluoride when I was two years old." Deputy To Try For Reeve Spot Markham Township Deputy- Reeve Allan Sumner stated flat- ly Tuesday night that if he moved up in council it would be to contest the position of reeveâ€"not deputy-reeveâ€"in the December election. His comment came a few minutes after a big flare-up be» tween himself and Reeve Charles Hooper but gave no indication as tcv whether this affected his decision. Further details of the differences be tween the two councillors are reported elsewhere in today’s paper. Mr. Sumner was involved in a reshuffle of council in late Septeflher along with Mr. Hooper as a re- sult of the sudden death of the then reeve, Wilfred Dean. Mr. Sumner moved up to the deputy-reeve’s chair from Ward 1 and Mr. Hooper vacated the deputy- reeve’s position for Mr. Dean’s. It had been expected Deputy- reeve Sumner would either be running for Ward 1 or the posi- tion he presently occupies. The election issue was touch- ed off by Councillor Stewart Rumble who definitely said he would be contesting Ward 2. Reeve Charles Hooper reiter- ated his earlier statement that he would run again. Councillor Charles Hoover; was the only hesitant member but indicated he would be going for ward 3 barring ill health and if “somebody nominates Then came Mr. Summer's sur- prise announcement. mmmu\nmmmmmmmmmmmmuuumumnumtmm MARKHAM : Population here has reached 5,265, an increase of 363 over a year ago. Assess- ment has increased $374,775 over the same period. The re- port was made by the assess- ment department. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company MARKHAM : Total value of permits issued in Markham Vil- lage in October was set at $248,- 370. This included 27 dwellings. Total for the first 10 months of this year, $1,895,182. HOW MUCH YOU MAY SAVE ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE WITH sTATE FARM! Votingr for the motion were Councillors White and Murphy Mayor Neal. Reeve Perkins and Deputy-teen Tinker. Against were Coun- cillor Scudds Ind Campbell. To Sell Antiques. Furniture, Pianos, Pet Stockâ€"Anything! Advertise in the Want Ads Every Thursday For Fast Action Phone TU. 4-1105-6 or AV. 5-3318 N W. 14th, 1968 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ontario TU. 4-1529 James Grainger Canadian Head. Ofï¬ce, Iomnto, Ont. g3 ; 70A 357759 (/39 a4]?! COME IN! COMPARE! CQNVINCE YOURSELF! ’62 FAIRLANE 500 2-DOQR Move up to Ford's welterweight class and get tops in economy plus the best in per- formance with this red and white beauty. A Little’s original, priced to sell fast. I995 nger Used Car Variety 8; VelueAt Little's PLUS a BONUS 0N EVERY USED CAR SOL \L'E'Ei Free Snow Tires, New '64 Plates, New Battery B-cylinder. For cheap transportation you can’t beat this green 2-door. 6-cy1inder model. Priced at only, V-8 automatic, with radio. Sharp oneâ€" owner car; you must see this one to appre- ciate it. Only This beauty is finished in Rangoon Red with complementary black top. Features automatic transmission, V-8, with radio, windshield washer and whitewalls. Only Ideal for farm or city delivery. Buy this popular-priced pick-up. Priced at only depending on the model you buy and on the model you trade; on Little's 36- month low rate plan. ’59 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-DOOR HARDTOP ASLOWAS ’61 METEOR MONTCALM CONVERTIBLE MONTHLY ’58 INTERNATIONAL lxé-TON PICK-UP '58 FORD 2-DOOR R. D, Little & Son Limited ’ Yonge Street, Richmond Hill a 285-1105: NO CASH NEEDED â€"YOUR PRESENT CAR NEED NOT BE PAID TO MAKE A DEAL LITTLE I $1795 $1945 $845 $695 '62 FORD GALAXIE COUNTRY SEDAN Bring the family and test drive this snow - white beauty tonight; has 6-cylinder econ- omy and priced to sell quick. 5 Automatic transmission, with radio. Here’s your chance to buy one of today's most popular cars at a greatly depreciated price. {Elgammz bronze with matching beige in- e or. '60 STUDEBAKER LARK A smart, compact family car featuring 6« cylinder economy. finished in smart blue. Down to earth price only ' '58 MERCURY COLONY PARK 9-passenger wagon. featuring 8 cylinders, A-7. radio. This imported beauty is ï¬n- ished 1n sharp blue and white. with match- 5 in: blue interior. '60 VAUXHALL RANCH WAGON Be a proud owner of the best-built General Motors product ever. A practical maroon «nth matching red leather interior. Only 5 .ummuï¬ um“ "ammimummiammwmm Wm: M ’61 FORD GALAXIE 2-DOOR HARDTOP ,‘ .\ EIMPB 1°97 $1785 $1895 $1345 $744 $995 With radio. Go Falcon and save with this Fieldstone Tan best seller from Ford. 12,- 200 lgyaranteed miles. Sold originally from itt e s. One of the cleanest units in our stock and offering thousands of miles of carefree motoring with its excellent mechanical condition. Metalllc green in colour. A real eye-catcher, featuring 6-cylinder economy, automatic transmission, custom radio; finished in white Corinthian with red interior. From General Motors of England we pre- sent the white beauty at a fraction of the original cost. Another exceptional buy. 5 Only ’60 VAUXHALL SEDAN From General Motors of Englan_d we_p_1_‘e- WWII mammuummfln ’58 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 2-DOOR MMWWMWM ’59 GALAXIE 2-DOOR HARDTOP ‘62 CORVAIR 700 4-DOOR SEDAN ’62 FALCON 4-DOOR mmunmnm LITTLE EXCLUSIVE VALUE PLEDGE Take the Quality Used C of your choice to the mec anic of your choice BEFORE you buy! Little's will pay his inspection fee. without obligation. THE DOUBT IS OUT - when you buy here! Every Little Quality Used Car is fully guaranteed. MIMMMIIIM $1895 $1045 $1395 $19.95 "I!" “Hi W'IIHI‘NW