Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Nov 1963, p. 6

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8 DRAWER dresser. brand new. unpainted. sell for $18 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St». Toronto. HU. 8-7911. “C9 SNOW FENCE LARGE quantity in stock. $18 per 100' roll: steel posts. 90c each: free delivery. Norman Bone. TU. 4-1443. tfc19 ELECTRIC National cash reg- ister. nearly new; Thor portable electric iron. new. Apply Floyd Perkins. 110 Church St. S.. TU. 4-1328. c2w20 640-2780. _ ticl2 2 ALUMINUM doorsi38 width, with screens. detachable. AV. 5-3744. clw2l GIRLS b’i'by’c1e7biue‘E’nEiiEfi Raleigh. good condition. TU. 4- 7146. clw21 GAS furnace. large size; also gas water heater both in excel- lent condition. Phone 884-2386. nc20 ELECTRIC’stove 40"._th€â€"0£: fer or trade. Also 1956 ranch wagon. Phone 884-3171. éUKNTITY of top soil. Phone AL. 7-8896 *lw21 RUGS SHAMPOOED IN HOME ‘ 9x12‘. $8 â€" 9x15‘, $10 or 6c? square foot. Results guaranteed. Call TU. 4-7427. tfc21 SINGER SEWING MACHINES Repossessed. take over pay- ments. $5 per month. Washers. dryers. vacuum cleaners. polish- ers and typewriters. Terms. TU. 4-2931. 18A Yonge St. N., BUDGIES for sale? TU. 4-7346. lfc20 Oven ready, $3.25. Slouffville a month or $58.90 cash. D9315 Write Box 29. “The Liberal“. FRESH FRUIT APPLES. Free delivery. Drop by or phone after 4 pm. and Ill day Saturday. Manning and Sons Orchards. Dufferin Street, one mile south of Maple Side- road. Maple. AL. 7-8972. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES SALES AND REPAIRS $29 and up. New. $49 and up. Terms as low as $4.50 per month: trade-ins accepted. METRO WREC‘KING CEDAR AVENUE RICHMOND HILL New & Used Materials Plumbing - Doors - Pipe Clearing NEW Glazed Sash 50c and Up OPEN DAILY UNTIL 8 p.1 SATURDAY UNTIL 5 pm. 1.2' Mile East of Yonge Soulh Of Markham Road AV. 5-3942 FREE DELIVERY TRADE IN fir‘dl’d‘rifiimfia for new. with highest allowance â€" or â€" we will buy your fur- nlture for our trade-in depart- ment. Free estimates â€" no obligation. Call Powell Furni- ture. 85 Yonge Slreet North, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2922. PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. MAPLE The only AUTOMATIC Prepane Gas Service from New Bruns- wick to Manitoba. For informa- tion. call AV. 5-1145. tfc29 TORONTO CUT STONE SUPPLY - rvyuuuu ununca lUL acne HP HAS firewood. loam, compost, eluding new and rebuilt stand« manure. top soil. rockel‘y stone. ard portable and electric mod- patio flag. sand. gravel and els. Special rental rates availâ€" crushed lime stone, natural able to students. and Dreâ€"cast stone and sieps L. H. SIMS of all sizes. etc. No. 7 and 88 Baker Ave. Bathurst St., 285-6941. {Richmond um TL‘. 4-1145 EXCEL TYPEWRITERS 5633 YONGE ST.. AT FINCH WILLOWDALE BA. 5-4121 S‘ore open 9 am. to 9 pm. clw21 CASH RATES. lst insertion so each word. min. charge . . . . . . . . 75c. Second and subsequent insertions it wording . . . . . . . . unchanged. 5c per word. mln. charge 65c FOB, BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE: 50 per word; mln. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS, per Insertion i . . . . . . . , , . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 am. on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE PHEASANTS LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 2151:, 1963 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES (‘1w21 c2w20 “(‘20 tfc48 tfclal tch MCCLARY Easy wringer wash- er with timer. pump, as new, $60; garden tractor. $30. TU. 4-2563. *1w21 GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 WELL ROTTED cow manure or peat loam. $5 and $7 loads. 225-2781. “013 STRAW, 50¢ per bale, free de-j livery 10 bales and over. C.‘ Mashintex‘. TU. 4-2549. *3w19 fiOUfiIIEWfiiTs’i'ze‘s’firi'ng anfi mattress. and Chesterfield. TU. 4-3786. c‘1w21 GERâ€"1:8”.wintefclothesfsizeflfi X7; coats. overshoes. skirts. etc. ' 884-7353. c1w21 BOOKCASE. unpainted. brand new. $7 cash and carry. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc9) ANTIQUE Autfiik’Ch'efifv- 50. GIRLS 12. go 3511:] Child- jacket. DOUB coffee offer. Wb’ot Chev. 4-5756 BXBY Gendr verts 1 AL. 7- CONTROL mastitis in dairy cows! Use Nixon‘s Anti-Mast 17 Mastitis Ointment. This liquid formula is the only mastitis ointment guaranteed effective or your money back. Three one dose tubes only $2.50. Available at Perry's Pharmacy. Maple. AL.c ‘ 7â€"1164. c1w21 SKATES. mans. size 1115. 55. Girls white skates. size 5. $3. .Good condition. White figure - skates. size 5. $1. Fair condition. Ladies black cloth coat with Persian collar. Short. large size. $4. Childs navy coat. zippered lining. size 8. 33. AV. 5â€"5152. 7.. _.-_r :‘ery. 28 HANDYMAN l employment as taker in Rich references. 88‘ GIRL Friday \typist. switchm ceptionist: has full time. 285- WORK 'Encrgetic olc work of any k 1 hard working 'Marco Valente I wood Drop-Leaf table. Will seat 8-10 people. AV. 5â€"5233. BICYCLE, lady's English 3- speed: large tricycle; 2 pair skis, adults; 1 small dog basket. AV. 5-4257. c1w21 Doors. windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514 tfc36 BAND saw, 12". for wood or MARCONI television, 21" con- __ _ or , 7_ , ~ 0wa11 sole. new picture tube guaran- GIRLS’ figure skates. used one tee. excellent condition, $70.00. season. size 13: snow suit, white 884-7298. after 6. clw21 and red. size 2; both like new. HEST f w' 5ft m. d i Gentleman’s blue overcoat, size Er. Unpafimgff Bind °new' 40â€"42; all reasonable. 884â€"5679. cash and carry. North Parkl n W, :Furniture.‘ 3368 Yonge St.. Tor- NIGHT TABLES. unpainted. lonto. HU. 8-7911. tfc9 brand new $5 cash and carry. fiffi‘A'R'IjWOOD [North Park Furniture, 3368 Dutch elm casualties, cut 6"iY°nge St" Toronto’ HU‘ 8-7329 h...- “AI: ..... .l _:_~I- A--.) 1-1.. metaL Lia-hp. motor, $45. AV. 5-4165. c1w21 DRY HARDWOOD Dutch elm casualties, cut 6“ long. Delivered single cord lots. TU. 4-4519. c5w21 WARDROBE unpainted single size sell for $15 cash and carry. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge St, Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc1'7 GIRL GUIDE uniform. complete outfit. size 12; excellent condi- tion; $7.00; six bed springs, suit- able Continental beds. 884-3462. c1w21 POOL table and accessories. Snooker, brand new, home size, 52" by 100". Sell for $135 cash. North Park. Furniture 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfcl7 LARGE doll carriage, child’s all steel chain. driven tractor. Brownie uniform. size 10. white figure skates. size 2, boy's skates. size 3. Excellent condi- tion. 884-4647. » clw21 Portable (stove om. no pipes. no smoke. no odour. From 6.000 ~ 12.000 BTU. See them at Carl Walker Sales. Don Mills Road. Victoria Square. Phone 886-5413. tfcll COLEMAN spaée-heater. 250- gal. oil tank; electric heater; car radio; parts {or 1950 Meteor: rocking chair. 884-2505. JUNIOR bed and springfilled water proof mattress. brand new, worth $60. sell for $35 cash and carry. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge St.. To- ronto. HU 8-7911. tfcl7 3 PIECE Chesterfield and one odd chair. Propane gas stove, apartment size. One 13 cubic ft. refrigerator. 3'4 bed spring and mattress and other household furniture. 773-5534. evenings. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer A‘ll_popular makes for sale In- BALL OF FIRE HEATERS FOR SALE ALUMINUM (Continued) i IWELL rotted cow manure, $5 re. load. Also loam and topsoil. TU. 4-1745 Kentucky blue grass, 24c yard. “C49 884-2539 “:18 c2w21 cl\v21 ch21l c1w21l CflEKfiâ€"gtraw. pickedâ€"fib'ofdél: ivered. 884-2538. tfc18 VWALNUT twin bed complete. $20. TU. 4-5198. clw21 BOX trailer complete with tar; $100. TU. 4-5436. c1w21 HXY for saie, 50 cénts a bale; also fox terrier pups, $5 each. $106. "T‘Eifiéié'éT‘m """cih'i HAY for sale. 50 centsâ€"n 1731?; also fox terrier pups, $5 each. 884-2637. clw21 CUSTOM ploughing and disc-E inz. 884-5121. th21! ’concn'mfmxsomr ! CA_RPENTRY CONTRACTORS 2â€"13KIR‘boisâ€"skatesTSizesvakand .Buudmgbféfigusgfii: repalrs'l 6. and shoulder pads. AL. 7-14- WALKER & MITCHELL 1 34- mm} AV. 5-2526 ROYAIL blue chiffon coclfiilE ticsl dress. size 20. Very reasonable. S’E‘lec‘tank‘s‘ ""“"' ‘ “"“ pumped. 24 hour TU' 4‘7907- 1112} service. 0. Bums. PR. 3-5085. THOR wrinéér washith mach- tfc4 ine. Good working condition. "pLUMBING _ “EATING AV- 5'2305- “W2” A. MILLS & SON LTD. BABY carriage in good condi-v tion. Metal body, $30. TU. 4-27- 50. c1w21 EIRâ€"CS‘blueâ€"Winterâ€" coiatfsize‘ 12. good condition. TU. 4-7169.l clw21 35 M.M. slideâ€" prdjectdrfsétjaf Child-Craft. books m u s k r at jacket. 884-1297. *1w21 DOUBLE bed. easy chair-(new), coffee table. Quick sale.. Best offer. AV. 5-4232. c1w21 WOODEN cah oft-back of '60 Chev. pick-up: wide box. TU. 4-5756. clw21 B-A'BY.carriag-é.â€"déluxefniodcl: nonflrnn argon and cihmr Unn- 5â€"P‘A‘INTIN‘G’ ETAâ€"FER James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 tfc43 HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. tfc EONCRETE and carpentry work, recreation rooms. floors and walls tiled. at reasonable prices. TU. 4-5482. tfc33 CARP'EfifiY’av C'oNCRETE Custom building additions, repairs, renovations. J. W. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. tfc50 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU.,4-7902. gm Mills. Walking distance to Yonge. Call TU. 4â€"2613. ttclfi SMALL Vbody slmphandwgarage‘. equipped, located in Bellevillc area. Call 884-1884. Richmond Hill. *lw21 SELF â€" contained." newlyâ€"acne: vatcd apartment. Gormley dis- {trict $75 monthly. TU. 4â€"4826. c1w21 FURNISHED room,, cooking facilities. parking: 16 Lorne. Isl. house cast of Clarke's Drug Store. at Yonge. *2w20 fAX’VIEW Plaza; stores/7for rent-1.000 and 1,400 square ft., BABY carriage. deluxe model, Gendron green and silver. Con- verts to stroller or car-bed. $20. AL. 7-2619. c1w21 FRESH home-made apple but- ter: fresh cider made to order; bring container. Clifford L. Winger. 886â€"5217. c1w21 McCLARY “E a s y” electric stove, e x c e l l e n t condition; wringer washer; reasonable. TU. 47264. clw21 BUNK BEDsrrretfmapleTBEnid new. 36” size Spring filled mattresses. 5688. “II auu Exlt'l IUI. II'EC Q'SLIIHHLCB. Work guaranteed. TU.,4-7902. tic31 WKS‘OWYYthAcTon Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Os-tergaard, 148 Yon-ge St. 5., Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4- tfc23 EARPENTRY Any type â€"â€" rec. rooms. cabinet for garbage cans, cupboards, shelves. garages. etc. 884-2588. c4w18 Efw. PAYNE $49.50 delivered.|Drains, septic tanks. All types North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tch WASHING machine; ranzette; 3 coats. 1 suit, 3 skirts, size 16 to 18; 1 Cub sweater, size 8; 1 Volkswagen trailer hitch: reasonable. TU. 4-1522. GIRLS’ figure skates, used one season, size 13: snow suit, white and red, size 2; both like new. Gentleman’s blue overcoat, size 40-42; all reasonable. 884-5679. clw21 NEARLY new ladies’ dresses, size 12-14-16; children's dresses, sizes 4â€"8-10; boys‘ sport jackets, size 16-18: ladies‘ coats. sizes 16-18-20. Inquire at Discount Cleaners, in the Mall. Rich- mond Heights Centre. clel 10-12-FOOT maples for shade trees planted and guaranteed; also cedars for hedging: plant now. C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. tfc19 P'ofii‘mc's MUSI'C'CENTR’E ERS in this district for PIAN- OS by Mason 8: Rischâ€"Sherlock Manning â€" Willis-Bell v Ho- bart Cable â€"â€"- Story and Clark. ORGANS by Electrohome and Lowrey. Plus all other musical instruments and accessories â€" Chimes and all types of music. FROM NOW UNTIL CHRIST- MAS we are again greatly re- ducing the price of all pianos â€"â€"Guitars etc. and some demon- strator organsl â€"â€" Drop out any day or evening and take advan- tage of a real family Christmas gift â€" very easy terms if de- sired. 02w21 On the Don Mills Road at the Newmarket cut-off. Phone 895- 6311. We are AUTHORIZED DEAL- HOUSEWORK by thé 113i ex-l perienced. Call 884-5365. DAILY h o u s e w o r k wanted Phone 884-7408, after 5 pm. YOUNG MEN. 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 285-4869. tfc52 HANDYMAN desires s t e a d y‘ employment as janitor or care-; taker in Richmond Hill area: references. 884-0053. *iwzi GIRL Friday wants office work: typist. switchboard operator. re- ceptionist: hospital experience; full time. 285-6935. c1w21 Energetic older man seeks work of any kind. Responsible. hard working. Please phone Marco Valente, BA. 1-1676. RETIRED gentleman seeks of. fice position: reliable; 24 years with R.C.A.F.: available imme- diately. AV. 5-2578. nc3w20 EMPLOYMENT WANTED FOR SALE WORK WANTED GARDEN SUPPLIES (Continues) nc3\\'19 c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 C. STUNDEN TU. 4â€"1245 Richrr MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace. etc. V. Os-tergaard, 148 Yon-ge St 5., Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4- fiRPENfiY’WORK. additions, SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast. clean modern service. CARPENTRY Any type â€"â€" rec. rooms. cabinet for garbage cans, cupboards, shelves. garages‘ etc. 884-2588. c4w18 renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small]. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 MISCELLANEUUD, TO RENT of concrete work 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 RUGS SHAMPOOED IN HOME 9x12'. $8 â€" 9x15‘, $10 or 6c square foot. Results guaranteed. Call TU. 4-7427. tfc21 CALL us for vour sand, gravel, fill. top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple. ALpine 7-8876. th7 Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 CHESTERFIELD suites. and chrome chairs recovered and rebuilt,. at a reasonable price. ‘No job too small. Free estim- ates. Murray Upholstery. AV. ‘5-476'1. tfc51' James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 I ““FA'INTIIVEETKPER‘ HANGING R. E. Dunn, TU. 4-2798. CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192. King City. Phone King TE. 316321. tfc13 Letters. office forms. bulletins, etc. Black. white. colours. Prompt service. Richmond Hill Answering Service, 884-3800. AV. 5-2798. t£c13 PHOTOS taken of your chil- dren in your home make a nice Christmas present; very reason- able, Willow Photo, 285-1218. Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Experfz workâ€" manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 KING CITY WELL DRILLING UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- dence. business. AV. 5-5345. CEMENT“ iiz'A'N'SPORTATION w a n t e d WSW" my.” homes' renof’a' from central Richmond Hill to tlons’ addltmns’ and repalr.S'fiCollege-Spadina area. arriving Kitchens a speciality. Morris‘s.” am. Phone after 6 pm. Harrison. TU. 4-2838. tfc45‘wwkends~ 8844466. new FLOOR COVERINGS ETRANSPORTATION available All types tiles and sheet Vinylifrom Oak Ridges to Bloor-Jarvis for rec. rooms, kitchens, entriesqor Yonge via Yonge and Bay- baths, etc. Also ceramic walllview. Arriving around 3 am” tiles. Free estimates. Reid “dimming 4:30 °p_m_ PR. 3â€"5739, Sons. Flooring Contractors, AV. 5â€"1960. tfc32 ‘ ;,;'r;.:m.;,‘:;;n . mnuAZ; Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. TU. 4-2838. tfc45 CAR READY FOR WINTER? DREAD waiting in line? Drive in today‘â€"ORâ€"â€"keep this ad handy. When the first snow hits, we'll have an extra crew on duty to speed up service. ANDâ€"we'll stay open as long as customers keep driving inâ€" all night if necessary. Fire~ stone Store. Richmond Heights Centre. tfle Painter and De or t 1 Sim 1922, “ °' y Farm Implements ALL work guaranteed satisfac-‘ RUMBLE EQUIPMENT tory care. courtesy. cleanlinessiMASSEY-FERGUSON SALES. Phone night nr day. Aurora. 727-? PARTS. SERVICE 5056. The Best Costs You Nn‘Gormley at the railway cross- Merfl *2w191'mz. Phone 886-5851. “€41 Fall special â€" 2 cushion ches~ terfield and chair‘ expertly shampooed. $9.95: also rugs. e.g. 9'x12' â€"â€" $7.95. No shrinking. Free estimates. Phone AV. 5- 6911. c1w21 UPLANDS RUG CLEANING SALES AND SERVICE HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY DUPLICATING ERNIE ELLIS CHIMNEYS SPECIAL Richmond Hill KY 'ORS Mrs, L th8 _hour 85. Lfc4 G ). tfc43 RICHMOND HILL $100â€"3-bedroom home, decor- ated, storms and screens; va- cant. TU. 4â€"3647. clw21 $75:0n‘e-'bé'drobmâ€"aipSiiméfifi near Yonge; separate entrance and parking. AV. 5-1321. *1w20 FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment. suit one or two business people. AV. 5-3993. or, after 5:00 p.m.. AV. 5â€"4373. tfc21 6.ROOM-modern{blingalowal- {gin Mills. Walking distance to Yonge. Call TU. 4-2613. “('44 2 bedroom apartments. TU. 4- .5693, 451 Elmwood Ave. 1 block FURNISHED room. s’uitable for business lady. 884-2726. c1w21 5TROOM’h'ouse, $45; Smith M. Qak Ridges. 773-4109. clw21 AUR'ORiAiaâ€"‘Edém apriftménrt, conveniences. $60. PA. 7-9488. or PA. 7-5046. tfclS SMALL body shop and garage. equipped, located in Belleville area. Call 884-1884. Richmond Hill. *lw21 SELF-contained. neva reno- vated apartment. Gormley dis- trict. $75 monthly. TU. 4-4826. clw21 Store. at Yonge. *2w20 BAVYVIEW Plaza; 7 sAmres/ifor rent. 1.000 and 1,400 square ft, full basement, reasonable rent. EM. 4-1964. clw21 BED-SITTING room and kit- chen. suit two people, 16 Lorne. lst house east of Clarke‘s Drug Store. at, Yonge. *2w20 3-ROOM apartment, including one bathroom. Farm on Carr- ville Rd. Reasonable rent. Chil- dren are welcome. Cal] 257- 2549. c1w21 6-ROOM house, oil heating. 5th house on south side North Lake Road. Oak Ridges: references required. Dan Cook. PR. 3- 5152. c1w21 RESPONSIBLE tenants for 3- bedroom homez‘living room 25 by 12. with broadloom; $100 monthly. TU. 4-2579. c1w21 1 BEDROOM apartment in ex-‘ change for day care of two children. 4 and 2. Reliable per- son a necessity. Call after 6:30 pm. TU. 4-5985. c1w20 ‘W‘Efififinâ€"KmxffimsH IN RICHMOND HILL COLBOURNE AVE. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments â€" pool elevators, FM music, large balconies. intercom. parking, TV outlet. AV. 5-2303. tfc3 APARTMENT, central. two-bed- room, large rooms, stove and frig.; water softener; fireproof; parking; 2 minutes to Yonge & shopping; available ,December 15: $105. 50 Benson Ave. 884- 4883. clw21 PARK MANOR APARTMENT l-BEDROOM apt, unfurnished, equipped. Quiet. balcony, park- ing, intercom. Close to trans- portation, shopping plaza and new hospital. Apply 62 Hunt Ave. Richmond Hill. or phone! owner Toronto. R0. 7-6438 (re-v1 verse charge). *1w21‘ south of Markham Road WKNVTEB W from 7' Garden and Yonge, 7 a.m.. to Louisa Street, returning 5:30. AV. 5-4657. TRANSPORTATION w a n t e d from Richmond Hill to Scars- dale and Leslie, leaving 8 a.m., returning 4:30 pm. TU. 4-3681. ' nclw21 WANTEDL’Si bedroom house. with reasonable rem. 884-7926. WANTED. furnished r o o m, central Richmond Hill. 285- 7319. c1\\‘21 TwoibEdiééxfi' houseâ€"brâ€" afiart- ment, Richmond Hill or vicinity on farm. 727-9788. *1w20 ELDERLY gentleman wants un- furnished room close to Yonge St‘ $6 weekly maximum. 884- 7377. nc2w21 fiUSINESS lady wisher to share apartment with same. Call AV. 5-5415. between 9 am. and 4 0m. c1w2l COUNTRY HOME ON BAYVIEW AVE. NORTH Transportation BAYVIEW MANOR AEARTMENTS WANTED TO RENT c1w21 tfc16 PART-TIME mother's help in King City. Phone evenings. TU, 4-1755. clw21l WOMAN wanted. part time, small contractor‘s office. Some bookkeeping and typing. AV. 5- 1960. clw'Zl CLEANING women. day or‘ evening work. Call after 6 p.m..‘ TU. 4â€"2651. Nursing Home. Yonge and Elmwood. tfcll ‘MOTHER’S help required'for mornings only, 5 days a week. Please phone. evenings or Sat- urday, TU. 4-3760. c1w21 PART-time neisponsiiwlilieâ€"Aséles: lady for variety store in Bay- view Plaza. TU. 4-0090. CERTIFIED mechanic. Apply at Wm. Neal's. Dodge-Chrysler, 61 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill. (‘1w21 ~ 195 D DGE.. ‘. '.'l41 WOMEN required. one for 33.6 0 $105 TU *ngl housekeeping. one for kitchen. ‘ 7,. r -7 - _,‘V,V Five day week. 8 to 5 pm. Mrs.‘1954 MEYEOR? 300d engine- Stewart, The Villa Hospital. AV. “1°19 1”; 4:?§8-, 313/21 5-4931. €2w20 WE BUY cars for cash or we EKDIES”required for’pleésan‘tiwill sell yours on consignment. part-time telephone work from TU~ r _ V _ 7 7 893 3 Richmond Hill office. Apply 1963 FALCON 2-door, radio & Mr. Nelson. AV. 5-5401. lextras, 8.000 miles, $1.850. TU. c1w2114-1390. c1w21 CAPABLE typist required by local industry, accuracy essen- tial. Write Box No. 31, “The Liberal". c2w21 MAN to accept responsibilities, fibre glass experience preferrâ€" ed; steady position; good salary and prospects. Phone 884-4446. clw21 SWITCHBOARD receptionist. some clerical duties. Apply Cadillac Lumber. Mr. Hirsch. Maple, Ontario, 285-4975. WANTED â€" MAPLE Man or woman with car to run delivery service. Twice daily. Apply in writing to Box 160, Maple. c1w21 MOTHERLY person for night care at girls’ residence in Oak Ridges; part-time and full-time positions available. Call 895- 2347 for appointment. clw21 HUSBAND AND WIVES Work together for a secure future in a business of your own unusual opportunity for exceptional income with retire- ment plan. 285~6555, before 10 MEN required for punch press. power brake and power shear“ set up and operation of these machines. Apply Amalgamated Electric Corporation Ltd.. Bul- lock Drive‘ Markham. 9 a.m.â€" 12, 1 p.m‘-3 pm. Monday to Friday: also Saturday. Novem- ber 23rd. 9-3 pm. c2w21 am. or after 8 pm. *2w20 POLICE Village of Kin'g City requires a School crossing guard; salary $65 a month. Apply King City Office. Keele St. South, King City, 833-5431. clw21 COUNTRY AGENT DAVID McLean Ltd. have open- ings for iarm real estate sales- men to work as agents in the communities of Gormley, King, Aurora and Unionville. A pre- sentable highway residence is necessary. Please call 5. J. Car- lisie at AV. 5-1176. c1w21 REKL'ESTATE SALES OPENING for one real estate salesman or saleslady in the. Thornhill offices of David Mcâ€" Lean Ltd. Call Mr. Carlisle. AV. 5-1176; evenings, AV. 5- 2742. c1w21 ARE you being laid off in win- ter? Are your pay checks less than your family needs? Can you qualify for route service and boss yourself in a business of your own? If so. we need you and will help you develop your business. Write to me: J. Gauthier, c/o Watkins Products Inc., 350 St. Roch St., Montreal 15, Quebec. c4w19 YOUNG man. woman, or couple with car, to sell Christmas Dec- orations. Highest commission paid. Cover large territory now, until Christmas. Write for ap-S pointment only. Cameron‘s Nur- sery. Emsdale, Ontario. clw2l CHRISTMAS is only five weeks away! Do you need extra money? Pleasant telephone office work with guaranteed houriy wages. Apply 44 Leven- dale Road. Richmond Hill. 9 am. to 9 pm. clw21 “CLERK-STENOGRAPHER re- quired for permanent position to commence December 1 in the Richmond Hill area. This inter- esting position offers a salary commensurate with qualifica- tions and experience; pleasant working conditions: employee benefits: opportunity to exer- cise initiative. Apply immedia- tely. AV. 5-1171. Local 275 {or interview." (‘2w21 EifizISTMAs SHOPPlNG IS :10 longer a problem when the Avon Representative calls. Those earnings can take care of your Christmas shopping too! For interview. write Miss Ziegler. Box 141. Guelph, Ont. clw21 HELP WANTED ‘, HELP WANTED , BVABY SITTING. GlRLSâ€"HOUSEWIVES c1w21 clw21 WOMAN wanted, part time, ex-E pel‘ienced for variety store. TU. 4-7863. clw21 ‘DRUVCâ€"‘x‘clerk; femalefflfllllttixfie: Apply Richvale Pharmacy. 9014 iYonge St. c1w21 COUPLEâ€"foVrâ€"hoise‘farinrwio: )man for part-time household W Eduties. Nobleton, 859-3806. WANTED Female bookkeeper for local in- dustrial firm. must be able to handle full set of books. some typing and general office work. Write, stating experience and salary, required to Box 21. “The Liberal". cZwZO 1953 CHEV. sedan. good condi-‘ tion, $75 or best offer. 884-4881‘ after 6 pm. clw21‘ {959 D.K.w. sta’uéh'ws‘gd‘n, good‘ running condition, $150. AV. 5-‘ 2838. c1w21 1961 FORD Consul convertible. white with red top, excellent: condition. 285-6942. c1w21i 1962 PONTIAC 6-cylinder stanJ dard. 12.000 miles; like new:‘ private. $1.895. 884-3692. FINANCE CO. SALE We are acting as agents for al local finance company in dis-‘ posing of the following CARS!!j These cars must be sold thisf week and all offers will be con- sidered. No down payment nec-‘ essary where credit justifies“ Balance owing and monthly payments shown. They repreâ€" sent substantial savings over? comparable cars. l 1957 Pontiac 2 door, $681, $37 1 194.9 CHEVROLET, good motor, good tires, new battery. excel- lent buy for operating equip- ment. $45. 884-2375. c1w21 1957 STUDEBAKER Champion 2-door coach, excellent condi- tion, nearly new tires: private; $295. AV. 5-5681. clw21 1957 Ford V8 Ranch Wagon, automatic transmission. radio, whitewall tires, pair of snow tires on rims: may be seen at Endean Nurseries, AV. 5-5122 m” AV. 5-5011. *1w20 payment. 1953 Meteor. $69. 1957 Consul, $397 payment. 1957 Buick. $342, $20 a payment. R. D. LITTLE & SON Phone 285-1105 a month payment 1955 Dodge, $197, ; payment. 1956 Ford. $127, 1959 CHEV. 4 door standard, 6 cylinder, good condition. Wint- erized. snow tires. many extras. Call 285-6648 or 483-3815. 1960 RENAULT Caravelle. hard and soft top. radio. new battery. completely winterized. econom- ical and sporty. 884-4043. 1963 Volkswagen 1500 station wagon: real clean: low mileage; $2.195. 1957 Ford Fairlane 2-door hard- top. 1957 International half-ton; long box. excellent condition. 1956 Monarch 2-door hardtopfl real sharp; $495. . 1956 Meteor 4-door V-8, auto-5 matic; a nice car; $495. 1956 De Soto convertible; buy it cheaper now; $395. TRANSPORTATION SPECiALS , 1957 Vauxhall, $125. 1956 Rambler wagon. $175. 1955 Chev.. $150. 1955 Zephyr. $195. 1953 Pontiac. $65. 1954 Ford. 585. 1955 Meteor. $150. Danny‘s Fina Service, corner of Yonge and Harding. just south of Markham Road. Richmond Hill. c2w20 BUY A NEW CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED sXX XX x xxx WANT TO BEA HAPPIER DRIVER? XXX X X X X XXX“ USED CARS LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA XXX ixx lContinued) $12 a month $22 a $8 a month c1w21 month month LTD. clw21 c1w21 clw21 c1w21 MOTHER’S HELPER SERVICE EXPERIENCED baby - sitters, homemaker's service and day work. Call day or night, TU. 4-7253. tfc15 r 7/. ~ known (If nave urea 0!. Must anfiissggglflrsc and be cleaned and in perfect con£ , _ ,, ,, ,V, ,_ c _ dition. Particulars at Discount ALTERATIONS and dressmak- Cleaners. Richmond Height! ins, reasonable. 884-4164. Shopping Centre. In the Mall; c1w21884-4906. clw211 SIMPSUN’S DRYGUDDS 12 Yonge St. S. LadleS untrlmmea [4031 $17.95 to $39.95 $2,000.00 Associates Realty Credit Ltd. 2nd Mortgage Coming Due? House In Need Of Repairs? Buying A New Car? Need Cash For Educational Expenses? Want to Pay Off Those Old Bills? . . . GET . . . $5,000.00 . . . or more, for any good reason. through Associates’ New Home Owners Loan Plan. Here’s how it works: Simply use the‘equity you have in your home. whether it's mortgaged or fully paid up. as collateral for the loan. It's that simple. You get the cash you need quickly. and you decide the amount of monthly repayments. Stop in at your nearest Associates office and let one of our mortgage specialists give you the details. Mortgages are arranged with no bonuses. And you’ll find our rates are reasonable. « WEEKEND SPECIAL White tailored blouses, fully comb- ed cotton, Roll up sleeve, machine washable Phone For Free Estimates TORONTO WINDOW MFG. CO. LTD. FALL MD WINTER ALUMINUM Windows 6: Doors Awnings 5c Siding Closed In Patios Quality Products At Manufacturers Prices LHUICS lllf ll‘llllllltfill \Illdb W5 Lt? $49-95 "‘ "HMan {‘AAL Dressmaking All Materials & Workmanship Fully Guarantegd 165 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL 6A LEVENDALE RI)., RICHMOND HILL 285-4986 Evil-ls Coat & Hat Sets up to 4 yrs. ALL MAKES 0F WINDOWS REGLAZED 8. REPAIRED $17.95 to $19.95 FOR HOME OWNERS LOANS Ladies fur trimmed Coats $1.98 ea. Ladies untrimmed Coats Girls 8-14 yrs. W001 dress Coats fur trimmed Girls 3 pc. Legging Sets LOVING day care. Hot lunches. Large indoor and outdoor play areas. Children 2 and over. TE. 3â€"5336. c3w19 EXPERIENCED day care. fenc- ed yard. hot lunches. vicinity of Markham and Bayview. TU. 4's 7710. c1w21 fl CORN picking 'wan’fed‘newâ€"z row machine. Mount Albert 88W2. *4w19 USED FURNITURE -~ WANTED â€"â€" pianos and used. furniture. Cash prices paid Call Frank's Movers and Storage. TU‘ 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc'l DRESSES, suits. coats‘ gowns.‘ anything that you have out; grown or have tired of. Must be cleaned and in perfect conQ $19.95 $19.95 ALMOST NEW WOMEN'S CLOTHING WANTED DAY CARE Richmond Hill WANTED $15,000.00 285-1471 884-2873

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