Trustee EXecutive vice president of To- ronto Carpet Manufacturers‘ Cbmpany. Mr. Hayes who lives on Maple Sideroad near the I'lflspital was on the original jfllnt committee of York Hospi- ml in Newmarket and York CEntral to form the hospital cimpaign. A member of the public relations committee, he is married with four children and belongs to St. Stephen's Anglican Church in Maple, a farmer choir member. Better still, women from a- Corps of Convenors cl‘oss Southern York County working with Mm Finlay M1659 Paths have "EVE? CI‘OSS' who has had some purchasim Cd hem“? have become firm experience is Mrs. J. Turnbul‘ friends over the tables as they treasurer whose banking ex Stuffed toy animals, cut out a perience will be helpful‘ slipper pattern. sewed on labels bearing the legend. "Handmade by" York Central Hospital Auxil- iary" or tucked hand-knits into profésslonal-looking packages. The corps of convenors an buyers includes Mrs. B. Butter worth, Allanbrae and Mrs. Ber Gardhouse Unionvilleâ€" Mark nauu ululusu uluulca W In: , As Mrs. Finlay put it "We‘re m the hospitals gm all green as grass but we are , ' learning fast". Sewing machines whirr; scis- A 31†5h°p comm“th has lor‘s click; glue pots glisten and been OFgF‘Pized to Share the iflgenuity is the watchword. responSIblmy. Perched high on a hilltop in what was once a sheep pen, the workshop is a large panelled room with wide windows overâ€" labklhg wooded hillsides. Former Sheep Pen Now Beehive 0f Hospital Gift Shop Activity BY JEAN LEAF The workroom of Mrs. Wil- liam G. Finlay's home ,near King has been an exciting place to Visit these past weeks. No sheep would recog- illze it as the hive of activ- ity where York Central Hospital Auxiliary put fini- lhinx touches to the many hand crafted articles to be said in the hospital's gift shop. HOSPITAL KITCHEN :HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 28th, 1963 B. P. HAYES, Jr ‘ '( 3x a g \x x m Preparing for the‘ hospital gift shop are (from left) Mrs. A. W. Miller. Buttonville branch, Mrs. Hardie Nelson, Allanbrae branch, Mrs. R. H. Foster, Markham-Unionville branch and Mrs. N, Robso'n, Pleasantville branch who Work at cutting stuffing for the many cuddly toys to be on sale such as the Santa and boudoir doll they display. ' V’ \\\\\\\\ E\ §g§§w§>§x :\\: \\\\\ \\\\\‘ \\\§\§\ J _ X FOSS' who has had some purchasing ï¬rm experience is Mrs. J. Tu’rnbull, they treasurer whose banking ex- lft ‘3 perience will be helpful. \ \‘f ngkx SPACE TO SERVE HUNDREDS OF MEAL JOHN L. TURNER TrUste'e Member of the Board of Trust- ees York Central Hospital who has served on the building comâ€" mittee. He lives at 47 Bridge- port St. and has been a resid- ent of Richmond Hill since 1956. Active in starting the Richmond Hill Boy's Club and is a past president of the Rich- mond Hill Junior Chamber of Commerce. Keenly interested in Boy Scout organization. he is now scoutmaster of the 5th Richmond Hill troop. OS .1 EPH FRY It is the committee's intenâ€" tion to run the gift shop as a business and what they don't know, they intend to find out. The auxiliary has 600 membâ€" ers in 16 brambles; as only a dozen or so do workshop duty one day each week. no one is overworked . . . unless it is Mrs. Finlay herself, tireless gift shop convenor. % Since its inception, aim of the auxiliary has been to serve and the work already accomplished for the shop is concrete eviden- ce of this. The corps of convenors and buyers includes Mrs. B. Butter- worth, Allanbrae and Mrs. Bert Gardhouse Unionvilleâ€" Mark- S ._i\§\\\\\\\\\\\\\\,V N m / m (20 years on board), and memb- er of Board of Stewards I30 years) St. Andrew's United Church. Resident of Markham Village, builder. 1961 York County Warden. 17 years in municipal work, 10 years reeve; 10 years member York County Child- ren's Aid Board. Elected 1962- 63 to public utilities commission for Markham Village. Charter member of Markham-Unlohvil- 1e Lions Club. with 20 years perfect attendance. Secretary- treasurer Board of Trustees Buyers are Mrs. E. J. Maw and Mrs. W. J. Wesley, Thorn- hill; Mrs. M. Whitehead, Rich- mond Hill; Mrs. G. H. Wood, Mrs. G. Watt, Thornhill; Mrs. J. MacDonald, King; Mrs. R. Challener, Richmond Hill; Mrs. S. Parker. Thornhill. ham, handicrafts; Mrs. H. Sanderson, Richmond Hill and Mrs. A. W. Miller, Buttonville. supply; Mrs.‘ W. A. Smith, Richmond Hill, tuck cart; Mrs. J.P. Lumsden, Markham, sche- dule; Mrs. Charles Peacock, Gormley, display; Mrs. R. Brit- nell, Gormley, pricing. When the hospital is open for inspectipn today ,the gift shop will be stocked and ready for business. Except for one or two items donated by interested persons, the moveable equipment in the giftshop has been paid for by the auxiliary. Each purchase today will receive a York Central Hospital emblem . . . a White Rose of York. W\ Trustee Nursing Director Gloria Gatehouse Mayor of Richmond Hill; 33 years resident of t0wn; 14 years‘ municipal service as councillor, reeve and mayor. Richmond Hill‘s first mayor in 1957. Auto- mobile dealer. A family man, father of five boys. Mason and member of Richmond Hill Un- ited Church. Graduate of Montreal General Hospital with a bachelor of nursing administration degree from McGill, Miss Gatehouse, York Central’s director of nursing came to her new job from the 45 bed hos- pital in Iroquois Falls where she was director of nursmg. A native of Montreal, she as a teaching supervisor and for five years. She arrived in Richmond Hill this past July and has been concerned with hiring nursing Staff, budgeting. planning and setting up of various size- tions of the hespital llâ€"[ospital‘s Features i Patients will use a modern ihi-lo bed which can be raised ifolï¬ nursing care or lowered Fto assist the patient in being MAYOR WILLIAM NEAL ‘ambulantl Head Nurse Outlines Hospital Duty Areas CANADIAN CHIMNEY CO. LTD. 51 Eglinton East HU. 7-4670 Designers 8. Builders Of Radial & Reinforced Concrete Industrial Chimneys CUSTODIS Trustee All nursing personnel will be inVOlved in a three-day orient- ation program after the hospit- al is ofï¬cially opened but beâ€" fore patient admission. “This is an orientation to hospital facilities new to many of the staff. “It should promote smooth functioning of the nursing units, thus good patient care and in- volves the staff becoming fam- iliar with every department in the hospital, the use and care of complex equipment, new drugs and advanced methods of treatment." said Miss Gate- house. V'Seventy Serve On Nursing Staff “Advances made yearly in the ï¬eld of medicine and nurs- ihg care require this type of program. “Nurses today have a muoh better cont‘ept of health. dis- ease, disability and at the new hospital are most fortunate to have new, modern surroundings in which to practice their knowledge," said Director of Nursing Gloria Gatehouse. In order to provide for max- imum patient comfort and more effective nursing care, the hos- pital has left no stone unturned, she said. “Each patient room is bright and cheerful which will help just about anyone get well." The time has quickly ap« proached for the nursing staff of York Central Hospital to beâ€" gin their duties with care for the sick their prime objeatlve. Modern conveniences in each room are a central oxygen and suction system, a boon to nursing care be~ cause the former system would require the nurse to leave her patient to obtain a cylinder of oxygen; with the new method it is piped in oVer each bed. The nursing staï¬ will re- present one of the most active groups within the hospital with a total force of approximately 42 regist- ered nurses and 28 reg- istered‘ nursing assistants. It will work closely with community agencies to pro- vide a continuity of care in the home when desired. worked in Montreal ward administrator has quickly apâ€" the nursing staff a1 Hospital to beâ€" Branch manager of Canada Life Insurance Company and mémb- er of hospital campaign com- mittee, Mr. Walter is an elder of Maple United Church and an eloquent and ubiquitous speaker both on behalf of the hospital and other causes. Chairman of Toronto Ad and‘ Sales Club. Member North York‘ Hunt Club. Graduate in law from Marquette University in Wisconsin. Former Canadian‘ Olympic track team competitor.‘ Maple resident {Or 18 years.‘ Married with three children. Television will be available to those who desire it and Will be controlled and operated by remote control system and a spez’aker resting \undér the patient's pillow. No othél‘ per- son in the room can hear the speaker. except the operator. Telephones will also be avail- able. On each fluor is a sitting room where patients may cun- gregate and chat with rélatiVés and visitors. Hospital vlsltor§ will also be able to locate their friends by a quick glance ann 'This saves many steps as the patient's wants are then known without the nurse hav- ing to visit the room ï¬rst and then make a second trip with the desired object.“ Miss Gate- house said. Each patient can speak with a nurse through a communicat-l ion box located at the head of the bed. so the patient need not twist or turn and can speak in an ordinary manner to which the nurse can respond. ,’ Visiting Rooms Also above each bed is a lri-lamp controlled by the pat‘ icnt and providing a reading light, examining light or sub- dued night light. TEMPERATURE CONTROLSâ€"BOILERS SUPPLIED & INSTALLEDâ€"PIPE INSULATION Johnston 8: Co.. Ltd.. Toronto GRAHAM WALTER Trustee We have been entrusted with the plumbing and heating installations in buildings and institutions of every type and size over the past 50 years. Therefore with our (to-suppliers we are happy and 'proud to add the York Central Hospital to our latest completed pro- jects. We Extend Good Wishes Boilers Are Of The Latest Type Oil And Gas Combination YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL 77 AVO‘NDALE RD! BA.l-3342 Emergency has its own space for recéiving ambulant or ac- cident patients. There are fac- ilities for minor operating proteaures, care of fractures, ubserVations and recOvery room fabilitie’s. The recovery room will con- tain space for seven recovery stretchers equipped with pro- tractive be‘drail's raised and low- ered as the need arises for quickaccessibility to the pat- ient. Each recovery room unit has central oxygen and suction aparatus. Operating theatres and recovery rooms are located out of the ‘path of general per- sonnel trafï¬c. Each nursing station has fac- ilities for storage and prepara- tion of medications away from the hustleâ€"bustle of doctors and other staff. ThEre is a treatment room in the surgical unit where the patient can have an examination in privacy ant] return to his own room. Z WIGGINS & SON The post-operative recovery room, adjacent to the theatres and anaesthetic department. prUVides for close surveillance of a patient following an opera- tlrm Where he can receive in- tensm care. the hall as each room has a number located above it. facing out into the corridor. "This saves peering in every door Until the right one is found," said Miss Gatehouse. TWO largé general nurseries Some of the additional facilities where the nursing staff reigns are the three operating theatres. PLUMBING CONTRACTORS John Inglis (‘41., Toronto RICHMOND HILL 1250 BAY ST. MARANI MORRIS 8. ALLAN Architects TO THE have fully equipped bassinets where personal care can be given to the new born. A small examining room is located within the centre of the nurs- ery. The infant's formula room SHEET METAL CONTRACTORS 1201 Queen St. East Torc We Extend Sincere Best Wishes TO .THE YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL on the official opening G. A. BARBER & SONS LTD. Johns Manville, Toronto TORONTO has facilities for receiving used formula bottles and prov- ision for washing. In a separate room new formula is prepared, sterilized. cooled and placed in storage. Toronto