I - ~ . g; 3 Emergency Prescription 5mm 5 He also revealed how his family in India was affected by Internal religious strife. being forced at one time, with others, to seek a new life in another district. Jug Mami disclosed that he came to Canada in 1957 and at- tended the University of Saska- tchewan for three years, obtai- ning his doctorate in Botany. He entered the Department of For- estry and eventually was trans- fured to Richmond Hill. An intimate description of Rotary in his father's club in India was given by Rotarian‘ Jug Maini at last Week‘s meeta ing of the Rotary Club of Rich- mond Hill. The speaker drew interesting comparisons betw- een Rotary in India and in Canada. Among the guests were Rot-‘ Irlan Ed Nokua of Arcata, Cal- ifornia, Rotarian Ron Bossert of Willowdale, Rotarian Sam Sob- lra of Fail-bank, Harry Bargent of Armour Heights and Don Middleton of Willowdale. .Forty-five Rotarians and gue- sts enjoyed a party December 7 at the home of Rotarian Don and Mrs. Beaumont. Richmond Street. Beautiful Christmas de- corations both inside and out were admired by the guests. Games, singing and delicious food prepared by the Inner Wheel were enjoyed. The host and hostess were presented with flowers and a Rotary spoon and thanked by President Doug Booth. Retiring teacher Mrs. Har- riette Nesbitt will be guest of honor at a reception (tonight) Thursday when the staff and home and school association at MacKillop School will entertain for her. She has taught at Mac- Killop since September 1956. Following the tea childnen will hold their annual Christmas concert for parents and friends. New Richmond Hill Public School Board Trustees for 1964 Stanley MacBeth and James Le- Moine sat in on last Thursday’s school board meeting. They begin their terms January 1. Ernest Redelmeier was re-ap- A Christmas party for the minted Richmond Hill Public children Of the employees of School Board representative on Canadian Heat Treaters Ltd. the York Central District High was held on Saturday in the School Board for 1964. Victoria Square Community t t t at Hall. Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Snecialist 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘nght‘s Pharmacy‘ Day or Evenings. TU; 4-1745 SALES SERVICE -RE;'TAL§ GUITARS When your physician leaves a needed prescrip- tion late at night, call or have your physician call directly to Your prescription will be called for, filled, and returned to you without delay and Open to 10 pm. from now untih Christmas ALLENCOURT PHARMACY LIMITED 73 Yonge South 884-5342 WM. C. LAZENBY, B.Sc., th. ALLENCOURT CENTRE, RICHMOND HILL RECORDERS AT NO EXTRA CHARGE DURING THE DAY (9 a.m.-9 Call TU. 4-4461 for the same auic} See Them At FOR XMAS. TRUMPETS CLARINETS VIOLIN S TU. 4-4683 AFTER HOURS 3} L. H. SIMS One of the Many Services of @Christmas Celebrations ,%%Z€¢.‘At St. Paul's Lutheran m---~-~.«.< -n-w the same quick. service. Tentative plans were discus- sed for completing the “special hospital project." The institute is one of many organizations of- fering to furnish a room in the newly opened York Central Hospital. ‘ The meeting closed with the ‘usual social half hour, during ‘which the hostesses served Christmas cookies and cake. Then reminiscent .of days gone by, a group of carol sing- ers from the Richmond Hill Senior Citizens Club, entertain- ed with a sing-along. Attired in old fashioned costumes. they ‘ drew well deserved applause from the audience. St. Paul's Lutheran Church will hold its annual church school Christmas program Sun- day at 7 pm. in the women’s auxiliary room of the Legion Hall, Yonge Street North, Rich- mond Hill. The executive would like to extend to all members the com- pliments of the season, and every good wish for the New Year. ‘ The convenor, Mrs. G. Sayers, introduced the guest speaker Mrs. V. Lomax, who demonst- rated her versatility in creating inexpensive Christmas decoraâ€" tions and gifts using discarded household containers etc. Mrs. J; Pollard thanked Mrs. Lomax, who incidently is well known to the senior citizens club, and an enthusiastic worker with the “Y†groups in the district. Mrs. H. Sanderson also dis- played her skill in demonstrat- ing the creation of several charming Christmas centrepie- ces. Mrs. F. Lander sang two carols, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. E. Burnie. There was a generous re- sponse to the “Roll Callâ€, a contribution of Christmas gifts for the residents of York Man- or, Newmarket. Pnesident Mrs. J. DeWSbury welcomed the members and guests at the Christmas meeting of the institute held on Decem- ber 12 in the library auditor-i ium, and gave an interesting talk on "candles" and their signif- icance ‘in keeping with the religious ceremonies at the Yuletide season. The Couples Club of Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church met at the Yangtze Pagoda for their annual Christmas dinner, followed by carolling. Richmond Hill WJ‘ Contributing their own brand of magic to Christmas parties all over Toronto and Southern Ontario, are Dakar, the magic- ian, and his assistant, Mary Kay, otherwise known as Jack Bateman and Mary Monks. They then returned to the church hall for a social hour of gift exchange and coffee. AL popular makes on hand Special Studems' Rates Sold Out! The first four performances of the Cur- tain Club’s Christmas pan- tomime “Cinderella†are al- ready sold out â€" however there are still tickets avail- able for the evening per- formances on January 2, 3, 4, and the matinee on Jan- uary 4th. Avoid disappoint- ment. call TU. 4-4190 and reserve your tickets today! TU. 4-7204 St: Paul's congrggation re- gifts {3y teachers f0 all they!!!)- cently collected a large ship- 115. With 8301) Child receleg a ment of used clothing for pre- bag 0f treats at the door on Christmas relief work around leaVing- the world. Lutheran World Re- Mr- J- W- Johnston S. S. Supt lief is currently sending cloth- was the chairman and Mr. Ger- ing to the middle east, Hong aid Donnell was narrator. Many Kong, and Europe. complete families attended. 1* The Lutheran congregation recitations by 6 primary girls; will share a candlelight and car- an_ acrOStiC "ChI'iStmas" by 9 ‘01 service at 11 pm. Tuesday‘puma"-V boys and three teenage (Christmas Eve) in Bethesda boys did Scripture Part5 *- Lutheran Church, Unionvine. A Wesley Slater. Verne Archibald Christmas morning service will and Dim-d JOhnStOn- be held at 10 am. Wednesday After the Program a Presen- with the congregation of Zion tation of a purse of money was Lutheran Church in their made to pastor, Rev. A. J. Sla- church on Keele St. south of ‘9" Mrs- Slfler. Arlene and Maple. Wesley. Then presentation of St. Paul's congregation re- gifts by teachers to all the pup- cently collected a large ship- flS. With 8301) Child recalling a ment of used clothing for pre- bag 0f treats at the (1001‘ OH Pastor Myers' sermon will be “The Saviour â€" Who?" Pre vious Advent sermons in Dec- ember have been “The Saviour â€" Why?", "The Saviour â€" When?". and “The Saviour â€" Where?" St. Paul’s annual pre- Christmas festival service of carols and Holy Commu- nion will he held Sunday morning. The service will begin at 10.15 a.m. in Wal- ter Scott Public School, Markham Rd. at Sussex Ave. Special choral music will be featured at this service. The sacrament will be offered to the congregation as a spiritual preparation for the observance of Christ‘s birth. Congregational carol singing and special readings will help present the Christmas message. Pastor Albert Myers will also speak. A Christmas film and special musical selections by groups of children from the school's de- partments will be featured. The draw for the quilt was wdn by Mr. P. Walton of Maple, and the painting by Mr. Ben Brazier. With the singing of “Santa Comes To Town†Santa arrived and distributed gifts to all, af- ter which lunch was served, and the meeting closed with the singing of carols. Mrs. Mona Robertson, direc- tor, read a letter from Mr. G. Chatfield thanking the seniors for their cheque for the wheel- chair for the York Central Hos- pital. Greetings were read from Mrs. Charles Harding of Vine- land. and Mr. end Mrs. Temp- len from England. Thanks were extended to Mr. J. Parisi, for his Christmas gift of a cheque to the seniors, and to Mrs. Aud- rey Tutton, for her donation of a Christmas cake. The Rhythm Band, in costume of yesteryear, played Christmas carols, and‘ led the gathering in a sing-song.i This band is surely going ahead: and a great future is predicted. After 0 Canada was sung, Mr. E. Lomax welcomed all members and visitors. Rev. R. E. McLennan brought the Christ- mas message and greetings. Minutes and treasurer‘s report were adopted. ‘ Mr. A. Marsden reported on the illumination tour this Thurs- day (December 19). Buses will be leaving the municipal hall at 7 pm. sharp. The Richmond Hill Senior Citizens held their Christmas meeting on December 11 with 138 present. The gifts will go to the wel- fare department of Richmond Hill. White Gift Sunday was held on Sunday last at the Church of St. Gabriel, with an excellent attendance at both the child- rens and adult services. The White Gifts received in the annual giftgiving service at the Richmond Hill Presbyterâ€" ian Sunday School last Sunday will be turned over to the com- bined welfane services to be inâ€" cluded in Christmas hampers which will be packed next Sunday. Partying? Agnew Surpass in the Richmond Heights Plaza, has a special service for the fashion conscious women in the Hill. Thursday’s meeting of Rich- mond Hill Lions Club will be observed as “Bill Brown Nightâ€. Guest of honour will be Bill Brown now a resident of Bea- verton, who was the Club's president for the 1957-58 term. Saturday guests with Miss The WA. of the Church of Mary DaWSon and Mrs. L. W. St. Gabriel wound up their act- Zueielt were Mr. and Mrs. L.W. ivities for this year with a pot Zuefelt, Bruce and Cameron of luck supper at the home of Mrs. London, Ontario. Connie Snaith, Rockport Cres- * * " * cent. The Richmond Hill Senior Citizens wish one and all a very merry Christ- mas and a happy New Year. Yet another facility much appreciated by local res- idents. For a very modest sum, you may purchase satin or linen pumps and have them dyed to your specification in two days. I Most of the children and a few adults participated in the program entitled “The Message of the Bells." Wisemen were Danny Stong, Danny Kemohan, Bobby Street. Shepherds were Michael Palmer, Stephen Bull, Fred Beam and Billy Dyer. A duet was sung by Susan Rid- dell and Christine Tunney. 80105 by Arlene Slater and Doreen Campbell were enjoyed. Mrs. A. J. Slater and daughter. Arlene sang “Love Divine." Peter Gettliffe gave the wel- come recitation. Other recita- tions were given by Wendy Ap- perby, Susan Talehard and J ack- ie Dyer. A teen chorale sang three Christmas carols. Other numbers were an acrostic “Sal- vation†by 9 junior girls, group recitations by 6 primary girls; an acrostie "Christmas" by 9 primary boys and three teenage boys did scripture parts Wesley Slater. Verne Archibald and David Johnston. The Free Methodist. Sunday School held their annual Chri- stmas program Sunday evening in the church on Ruggles Ave.‘ at Elmwood. Members are asked to please think ut) ideas for moneyma- king project by February. The evening closed with games of court-whist and presentation of prizes. Mrs. J. Burton and Mrs. D. Iris volunteered to assist at B Pack’s Christmas party on Dec-‘ ember 20. ‘ Mrs. Turner, retiring district commissioner was a guest. The new auxiliary commissioner, Mrs. Dingwall efficiently instal- led the following executive for the 1964 season: President, Mrs. M. Tonello; vice-president Mrs. I. Clarke secretary, Mrs. B. Moorley; treasurer, Mrs. H. Tessy; cor- responding secretary Mrs. B.‘ Brown; programme convener,‘ Mrs. M. Walker; membership convener Mrs. M. Bell; serving convener Mrs. D. Iris; social conveners Mrs. H. Buckton, Mrs. J. Burton; publicity convener, Mrs. M. Metcalfe; sunshine con- vener, Mrs. D. French; retiring president, Mrs B. Wilder. A most delightful evening and pot luck supper was enjoy- ed December 13 by the 1st Richmond Hill Scout Mother’s Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. N. Todd, 95 Church St. S. Recent baptisms at St. Mary’s Anglican Church: Ross William ‘Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. ‘D.B. Middleton; Wendy Eliza- beth and Michael Andrew. chil- dren of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Dow- ell; Margaret Linda, daughter of1 Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Ellicottï¬ James Alexander, son of Mr.‘ and Mrs. A. S. Hill; Nancy Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Hogg; Melody Lee and Velvet Lynn, daughters of Mr. [and Mrs. KM. Peppin; Sheila Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. W.F. Roberts; Andrew Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Whittaker; Darrel Travis Stuart son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. S. By- noe; Angela Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. English; Darlene Joan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.W.J. Greenfield; Barbara Jill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Sculthorp; Don- ald Anthony and Rhonda Mar- lene, children of Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Smith. Exchanging of favourite re- cipes brought the evening to a close. Lunch was served by the hostess. RDbill Derrick, guest for the evening, shOWed filmS'Of his trip to Greece on the Scout Jamboree held last August, which was most interesting and enjoyed by everyone present. held their second meeting of the fall season at the home of Mrs. Shirley Fifield, 241 Alta- mira Road. The 4th Richmond Hill Scout and aim Mothers Auxiliary held their second meeting of A chicken dinner was served to about 90 persons by Grant McCachen of the Ridge Inn. The‘ emcee conducting the dance‘ distributed many special prizes‘ throughout the evening of en- joyable novelty dances. I The annual Hydro Christmas party was held in the Masonic Hall, Crosby Avenue on Friday, December 13. This year it in- cluded the staffs of both the Ontario Hydro and Richmond Hill Hydro-Electric. Following supper. members were entertained with games, won by Mrs. Marian Banter, and a short skit put on by four of the members. Meetings will resume on January 14. Students who enjoyed the trip iv: = were John 81055. John Smeltzer, I.» Bruce Man'itt, David Harmorl, Paul Larkin, Albert Hunt, Bob- by McNamara, Richard Hodg» son, Stanley Zabielski, Mildred. _ Larkin, Bonnie McGill, Beuel Stewart, Isabel Bain, Susan Watson, Marlene Jeffrey, Pat- ricia Bishop and Janice Wilde. Phone 285-1073 Mr. Peter Yeremko, photo- graphed the entire trip and everyone is looking forward to the showing of these pictures. Mrs. G. Webb, principal was assisted by teachers Mrs. E Simcoe and Mrs. J. Mark., alsc volunteers Mrs. L. Brenn, Mrs C. Yeaman and Mrs. J.A. Price Last Tuesday the senior stuâ€" dents of Thornhaven School for Retarded Children enjoyed their annual Christmas visit to Toro- nto. The school bus left them at the Steele's Avenue loop. From there they rode the public transportation route to Eaton’s‘ store. Every window was duly‘ admired. Following lunch, each‘ student shopped for a specie†gift. They enjoyed two ride, on the train. although only one had been planned. The second was a gift from an unknown i terested bystander. The singing of Christmas carols was included in the pro- gramme. The kindergarten children gave a dressed rehear- sal of the skit “Miss Polly†they are playing at the party next Saturday. The Friday morning assembly at Thornhaven School for Re- tarded Children was a most in- teresting one. First because the “Trainees†from the workshop made their first visit to the1 school, and secondly their very} good friend Officer Douglas Young was on hand to give fur- ther instruction on the safety rules. Lock box lobby will be open from 8 am. to 8 pm. Mail will be collected from drop boxes at 4 pm. On Wednesday â€" January 1 â€" the post office will be dos-1 ed and no deliveries. Full DOS-i tal service and deliveries will be in effect on Thursday. Jan- uary 2. On December 26 â€" Boxing Day -â€"- the wickets will be open from 8 am. to 10 am. for gen- eral delivery, sale of stamps, parcel post. No money order or banking business transacted. ‘ Richmond Hill Post Office ad- vises that the following postal schedule will be in effect over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. On December 25 â€"- Christ- mas Day â€"â€" the post office will be closed, no deliveries or pickâ€" up. Newcomer Ron Simmons swept into a seat on the Aurora Town Council on his first try in the recent municipal elec- tions in that town. He led in every poll in central Aurora and stood just 82 votes behind Alf Child, veteran pacesetter in the council stakes. Only 33 years old he is a descendant of the Clubines who have been in that town for 163 years. In 1951 her married Betty Rose of Richmond Hill, and is the father of a young family. Door prizes were won by 15 additional lucky persons. The guests enjoyed a delicious lunch. Winners of the lucky draw for food vouchers were: Mrs. Bernice Rice, Mrs J. Riswik. Marcel Forget. Mr. J. Knott and Mrs. Roger Proulx. Bridge prizes for the ladies went to Ann Murray. Gwen Caldwell, and Mrs. Catherine Yates. Bridge prizes for the men were won by Bob Dunn and Ken Nobes. Winners of the euchre prizes for ladies were Mrs. Brody, Mrs. Ellen McKaye, and Olive Tonnd; and winners of the men's prizes were Mr. D. Brody“ Fred Harrington, and Paul Beaq upre. ; The C.W.L. of St. Mary lm- maculate Church held its annu- al bridge and euchre evening on December 13 in St. Mary Immaâ€" culate School, The successful‘ event was convened by MrS.‘ Ella McCullough and Mrs. N. Meehan. The games were played amidst a setting of colorful Christmas decorations made by Mrs. J. M. Wachna and Mrs. B. Fritz. Following this service the co- ngregation will be guests of the choir and Y.P.S. wh-en refresh- ments will be served. This is a coâ€"operative effort each year by the Y. P. S. and choirs. Mr. Ray Bennett, direc- tor of Y.P.S. activities will be in charge of the worship part of the service assisted by several of the young people. Mrs. F. Diamond, director of music will direct the choirs in an evening at Christmas music. Refreshments were convened by Roz Anderson. Following a short business meeting, Cicely Thomson, prog- ramme convenor, skillfully or- ganized an amusing game of impersonations. in which mem- bers were called upon to dis- play their acting talents and} versatility. ‘ l At Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday (Decem- ber 22,) at 7.30 pm. the annual Carol and Candle light service will be held. Bob Hunter, sales manager of Skyline Pontiac Ltd., Yonge Street, left on Friday to spend the Christmas holidays in Flor- ida. Entertaining on Friday and Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redelmeier, Don Head Farms, who held two suc- cessive oyster suppers for their many friends in the Hill. A good turnout of members attended the Curtain Club’s Christmas meeting held on Monday last in the theatre. VC- in- :he 0P :he fry [as 11'- :ty Johnson, Nancy Barbara. dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas I. Langdon, Peter Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wood- hduse. t i: no: * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cameron held Open House in honour of the 50th wedding anniversary of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Paine. Friends and neighbours cal- led during the afternoon and in the evening, many old friends from Moose Jaw, Sask., and Brechin, Ont. enjoyed a buffet supper. The table was centred with a huge bowl of golden hued roses. Assisting Mrs. Cameron were Mrs. Elwood Glover and Mrs. Percy Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Paine were the recipients of many lovely and useful gifts. Their special guest was the Rev. Bob McLennan, and the programme consisted of games. films, auction sale and spelling contest. Rita Boyle arranged the film show; Dorothy frice was the auctioneer and Joan Hill, cashier. The winner of the free advertisement was Kim: Barber and Joan Hill won the‘ guessing game. ‘ Mrs. Grace Gardiner from the‘ Y.W.C,A. Willowdale, who was to have given a cookie demon- stration, was unable to attend due to poor weather conditions. Dorothy' Price was presented with a gift from the members in appreciation of her outstand-I ing leadership as the president! of the group. The Friendship Circle extends to one and all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. At the morning service in the Richmond Hill United Church last Sunday the following child- ren were presented for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Laura Mary Jean, daughter of: Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Embree,‘ Roy Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Houghton, Ronald Lloyd son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred N. Johnson, Nancy Barbara, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas 1. Langdon, Peter Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wood- hduse. At 7 pm. the Nativity of our Lord will be presented in tab- leau, carol, and the spoken word. The church and jt'mior choirs will assist. Plan to at- tend yourself and bring your friends with you. On December 22, two morn- ing services ‘will be held, at 9:45 am. and 11 am. Worship- pers at the 11 am. service are asked not to arrive before 10:45 se at the White Gift Suï¬dzIy held on December 15 at Rich- mond Hill United Church. Turkeys were won by Beth Rice, Marge Henry, Kay Butt, Sue Sweeny and Marge Hutch- ison (lucky draw), and at the close of the afternoon, Beth Rice, on behalf of the league, presented a large bouquet of flowers to Pauline, extending every good wish for the festive season. ing the afternoon. and follroigl- ing the turkey roll, tea, home- made cakes and cookies. Christmas cheer extended to the Monday Afternoon Bowling League by Pauline Price. pro- prietor of the ABC Bowling Alley. included free coffee dur- St. Matthew‘s United Church will celebrate Christmas with a family service of worship, De- cember 22 at 10:30 am. and the C.G.I.T. and Explorer Candle- lighting service in the evening at 7 pm. On Christmas Eve there will be a communion ser- vice beginning at 11 pm. Coffee 011 The House! Come and hear the Christmas story sung in carols, your child- ren will enjoy them too, so bring them along. This Sunday, December 22, will be a big night for the choir of the Church of St. Gabriel, when they will present their annual carol service at 7 pm. There was a generous respon- Airmen Entertain Orange Home Children Dorothy' Price was presented with a gift from the members in appreciation of her outstand- ing leadership as the president of the group. The Friendship Circle of the Church of St. Gabriel, held their Christmas party on Thursday - their last meeting of this year. The executive committee and members wish to express sin- cere thanks to the many who helped make this an over- whelming success, and wish you all the compliments of the sea- son. ' Bill Lazenby, councillor elect for Ward 2, drew the winning tickets. The Allencourt Youth Bowl- ing League held their Christ- mas draw on Saturday for three dolls. with dowries of $50, $25 and $10 respectively. Luck winners were, T. Kim- berley, Toronto; Doreen Her- rler, Oceanside Avenue; Judy Reed, Toronto Jim, a grade 11 student at Bayview High School, and a member of the “Junior A†football team, will unfortunate-i ly be conï¬ned to hospital for‘ Christmas and his friends and team mates join with “The Liberal†in wishing him a quick recovery and a very merry Christmas. Jim Warren, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Warren, Bayview, underwent surgery to his knee at Branson Hospital on Tues- day, as a result of a foot- ball injury. An eye catching display of ski and after ski clothes from Warwick House caused an apâ€" preciative murmer from the audience. at the fashion show staged last Friday at the Rich mond Hill High School, as an added feature of Athletic Night. The attractive models taking part were, Carol Cattermole. Joanne Harley, Bea Klooster- man, Donna Cattermole, Judy Kerwin and Ann Ross. Keep our columns up to date with your Christmas activities â€"-- guests from out of town? Holidaying? Entertaining? For inclu- sion in “Life in the Hillâ€, call the social editor, Mar- got Crack, drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South or call in personally, we’ll be pleased to hear from you. A happy bak‘er’s dozen of boys are shown with some of their: hosts, back row (left to right): LAC G. Noble, Toronto; LAC B. Baden. Consort, Alberta; LAC B. Turney, Haddock, Alberta; LAC A. Berube, St. Basile, N. B. ; LAC W. Torunski, Montreal; LAC E. Hutchings, Ottawa; LAC W. Cox, Glace Bay, N. S.; and Mr. P. Coppin, Toronto. Christmas came early for the children of the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home at Richmond Hill. ‘ One of many Christmas parties for the children in the home, was given by 20 members of the Staï¬â€˜ Institute, RCAF Station, Camp Borden, who brought toys, Christmas stockings, ice cream and refreshments on their annual visit. The toys presented were acquired at a dance at the staff institute| admission to which was one toy. This is the fourth consecutive year that the staff institute mem- bers have made a pre-Christmas visit to the home and the appreciation Shown by the children indicates the custom will be continued in the future. 11E LIBERAL, Richmond Hill For Your Xmas Dinner We Feature Fresh Turkeys, Chicken, Geese Mun-III...- Lean Brisket Plate lb. 19¢ Wing STEAKS lb. 59¢ BAYVIEW PLAZA Minced Beef 3 lbs. 95¢ S ,, 6 v a \QZA'I’ “PM. . / FOR SOUP Full Variety of Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Flowers Cut & Potted For Christmas LOWEST PRICES IN RICHMOND HILL PIRRI'S VIENNA FRUIT MARKET 89 Yonge Street North C. NELS GAGE 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond H111 RICHMOND HILL TUmer 4-1312 MORTGAGE SERVICE FRESH FRUIT FRESH FRUIT INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT , Ontario, 'Iihgrsday, Dec. 19th, 1963 0d 9611'" SAVINGS DEPENDABLE AND TORONTO, ONT EM pire 2-3458 TU. 4-7691 2 Carlton St Toronto