Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Dec 1963, p. 13

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LOBLAWS PARKING LOT WW“! PROCEEDS T0 Yonge St. N. at Levendale mamaum YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL FUND , . W Youth Activities - General Welfare Evenmgs and all day Saturdays. ONE LOCATION ()NLY - - xwxgxmwzmfiestwmmmm «trauma State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Advertise in the Want Ad' Every Thursday For Fast Aruon Phone " TU. 4-Il05-6 or AV. 5-3318 fiummnuuummifiiiifilunmiuniumifiuhnfiufimumI. ‘ mu-Kly unoksvillo. Mr. and Mrs. H. Frnglay Dnu-nsview. Mr 1 ’ Mrs. ‘F. Pnstill. Mr. and Mrs. L. Crook wilh daughfnrs Barbara nndEk-‘anm' a” from Torn...‘ Mrs. Pear] Dubkowski Ifilh AVP. has arrivvd home after spending lhrre weeks with her parents in Saskatoon and re- latives in Vancouver. Congratulations no out to Mr. and Mrs. S. Thompson 219 Dun- can Rd. on the birth of a da: ter. Baby Thompson arrived m at Womans College Hospital Weighing 9 1b.. 3 ozs. Guests at the home of t A“ “.4 Guests at the home 0 and Mrs. J. Hills 16H] Ave. Mr. and Mrs. R, Rumble and Mrs K. Rumble. Mr Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'l as all of Heston. Mrs, J. r Willowdale. Mr. and MI Stirkly Cooksvillo. Mr. and HOW MUCH YOU MAY SAVE ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE WITH STATE FARM! Mr. and'Mrs. J. McLennan and sons 16th Ave. have moved to Armilage. Mr. and Mrs. N. Brotlell and family Duncan Road have left their home and now taken re- sidence on Denham Rd, Vaugh- ln_']‘ownship. December 9 at the home of Mrs. J. Hills 16th Ave. a pot luck supper was held by lst Richvale Guides and Brownies mothers. Seventecn mothers at- tended and exchanged gifts and an auction sale also took place. Social Notes Mrs. Drury a teacher of 16th Ave. School held a Christmas party on December 12 for the girls volley ball team. Guides and Brownies land 8 will be enjoyiné anralr‘; ternoon by having a skating Party December 20. On December 9 at Charles Howitl School. a public speak- ing contest was held with pup- lls from grades 5 to 8 taking part. Karen Geigc was the win- ner and other contestants tak- ing par! were Linda Pearson, Peter Matyas. Lynda Williams, Erik Bcrgc and Elaine Bowyer. The senior classes of grade 6. the men were JimWCVhira'nélvlii 830 and Lyle Breedon. School News The first series have now Judyl finished and \vellwishers 58 and of Mr Nonames 57 won it. Petticoats 56 P: are tied wfth 57 points but lost Hill out on total pins. Gones 55, Hill- win. 5 billies 53, Jetstones 42. Sluggers Aylwi 36 and Rumz‘unnel‘s 34. Silver Rev dollars were won by Coleen organ Breedon 662 and John Vas 833. Givl Other high three were Janine father Headline 649 and Irma Palta- floor nin 637 for the ladies and for Eanza Bowling News any IIIuIIVI Well by the time the bowling news is in the paper, East Rich- Manor Road United Church vale mixed bowling team will in Toronto decorated with white have had their turkey roll; Chrysanthemums. shasta daisies here’s hoping that everyone and red carnations was the set- wlns but only one to a team. ting for the ceremony in which The first series have now Judy Colleen Maddess, daughter finished and \vellwishers 58 and of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Maddess Nonames 57 won it. Petticoats 56 Palmer Avenue, Richmond Tn Sn” Antiques, Furnitlm, Pianos. PM Stock â€" Anything! Advertise In the Want A @155 James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill. Ontario TU. 4-1529 Richvale News (‘anadian Head Office, Toronto. Ont. Correspondent: Mrs. Anne Hewitt 78 16th Avenue ’ TU. 4-7645 IRENE :zzaeeemmsmaeximex a:xe 15”] AW’. were . Rumble. Mr Inle. Mr. An Mrs. J. Thom. Mrs, J. Nimh and Mrs. F, The trucks are ingeniously fitted with refrigerator cases to keep salads and sandwiches chilled â€"-â€" and with a propane gas heated food compartment which keeps the food ap- netizingly hot. The day‘s stock of goodies is displayed compactly on built-in shelves which makes it visible to the purchaser and readily available. AURORA : Fred Pickford is nursing a badly bruised right arm and a stiff shoulder as a result of an accident that pin-1 ned him under a tractor for' more than half an hour. He was spreading manure on the North York Hunt Club property when: the tractor and trailer jacknifâ€" ed. rolled over and pinned him' tunderneath. If the owner of the 1957 Volkswagen. license No. B 41- 791 IOntariol. serial No. 113- 48320. does not claim same. by December 30. 1963. the car will be sold for repair and storage charges. Jiffy delivers food by truck direct” from kitchen to con- sumer. and is reported the lar- gest. snack-distributing concern in Canada. A staff of 40 cooks are kept busy providing the sandwiches. doughnuts. meat pies. strudels. and all the other good-tasting food items. as well as hot and cold drinks dispensed each day by the 74 route driv- ers. 40.000 cups of coffee and the same number of pastries are sold in an average clay. Jiffy. Lunch Service Has Local Connection Jiffy Lunch Service has another tie with Richmond Hill. The firm ls a family affair â€" Robert Esplen. 33. is president, brother Stew- art. 30. is vice-president, and father James is finan~ cial consultant. Robert and Stewart Esplen are. also eo- partners of the local Sky- line-Pontiac General Mot» ors dealership. The business was begun by Robert Esplin 11 years ago when the new Ford plant in Trafalgar Township construc- tion crew provided the first customers for the new firm. That project was eventually to employ 3,000 men. Now .liffy's coffee-break and lunch-hour customers number 55,000, from all of Metropolitan Toronto and neighbouring communities. The maroon and cream col- oured trucks of the Jiffy Lunch Service are a familiar sight in Richmond Hill. particularly in the industrial areas. They are also a very welcome sight to the employees of these firms which have no food outlets in their immediate vicinity â€"â€" and re- ports are that the food supplied is delicious. Receiving guests, the bride's mother wore an emerald green sheath dress, matching jacket and shoes with bone accessories and a corsage of pink sweet- heart roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother who wore a beige brocade sheath with ma!- ching jacket. brown ace-essories and a corsage of red and gold sweetheart roses. A wedding dinner was served a! the Summit Gardens Rest- aurant. - Maid of honour was Miss Ann Promie of Woodstock with son- ior bridesmaids Miss Glenna Hargreaves of Richmond Hill and Miss Carol Muni of Toronlnl and junior bridesmaids and‘ nieces of the groom. Miss Donnai Aylwin of Grimsby and Missl Peggy Jean Aylwin of New-i market. I Attendants were gowned allkel in red velvet sheath dresses with matching shoes and pillbox hats. Thelr flowers were red and white carnations. I Best man was Mr. Bert Lyons,“ Toronto and ushers were Mr.‘ Gary Aylwin of Grimsby and Mr. Donald Selbie of Oakville. Given in marriage by her father, Miss Maddess chose a floor length gown of white or- ganza poised eve,- taffeta and fashioned with bateau neckline, lily point sleeves. The full skirt was embroidered in a cascade of rose applique and swept into a chapel train. A crown of crystal beads held her double illusion veil and she carried a sheaf of red roses. Rev. Hicks officiated with organ music by Mr. Keviaes. Richmond Hill Girl Wed At Manor Road United Manor Road United Church For a travelling outfit, the in Toronto decorated with white|bride wore a green velvet dress. Chrysanthemums, shasta daisies‘black accessories. olive green and red carnations was the set-,coat with grey fox fur trim. ting for the ceremony in which; Out-ofâ€"town guests attended Judy Colleen Maddess, daughter the wedding from Brandon, of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maddess Detroit, Stratford. Kitchener. 56 Palmer Avenue, Richmond Oakville, Belleville, Grimsby Hill wed Terry Frederick Ayl- and Newmarket. win. son of Mr. and Mr. Albert Nâ€"u Aylwin, Falcon Street, Toronto.} R. D. Little & Son Ltd 68 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill NOTICE fluxwmzxxxx: Mr. McRobel-ts will also select a committee :0 arrange elimin- ations for the Township of Vau- ghan. The success of the Science fair last year has led to the de- cision to hold another this year. Principal Malcolm McRoberts. Powell Road School has again been appointed chairman of a committee to organize this county-wide event. Details of local elimination and for the county finals will be made known before the end of the present term. Science Fair Vaughan Township School Area Board at its December meet- ing last Thursday evening. Public Speaking Contest County finals of the public speaking contest have been ar- ranged for February 1964.‘ Holding of township contests has been postponed until Janu- ary. It is expected that princi- pals \\'ill select school winners in December or early January. The early months of 1964 will be featured. with many educational events, Superinten- tendent Joseph Gibson informed Educational Events Are Scheduled For New Year Legion court rang with merry laughter last week when Sterling Drug of Aurora used our facilities on the occasion of their annual Christmas party and banquet... very pleased At last the shuffle hoard has’came to View our premises and been installed and very im- join in the business at hand. pressive it is too”. what with‘ * * * * mirrors. lights, etc. all it needs Don‘t forget Friday nights is a whistle and it sure would during this month... it's “Free look like the old “Sam Mac~ and Easy" night at the club Bride“ heading for Centre Is-'room. The evening is for you. land. All joking aside. it is a‘your spouse and friends. There very handsome piece of equipnis group singing, snacks from ment and in the very neargthe kitchen 'and lively compa- future it is expected a league ny . .. make it a point to attend will be in full swing for theithis Friday. buffs who slide the stones. ;‘ * * * * Well... the last regular meeting of the year of 1963 has come and gone and a very impressive group of new mem- bers were inaugurated into our branch at legion court. At present we cannot give out the total membership as there is a bit of book work to be done... however it is going to be very close to the four hundred figu- re... more about this in a future edition. (€51!!! There are about 10 property owners affected by the sewage installation which was planned mainly to facilitate a large in~ dustr‘ial development to tie in with the new Toronto railroad terminal. The CNR initially will pay about 90% of the sewer rate until the other land is de~ voloped by industry. Mrs. McConkey said the CNR made an offer for the land five years ago but it was refused. She said council will likely in- lercede on the Riordans' behalf with the CNR to find some 501- ution to the problem. Only one objection to the project was heard at the half hour meeting. Mrs. M. P. Rior- dan of Keele Street whose llO‘xlOO‘ property is completely surrounded by CNR develop- ment said she was concerned about the high sewer rates which would be imposed on her land when the project is com- pleted. Mrs. McConkey with a full complement of Vaughan Coun- cil was present at a sewer area rates public meeting last week. Today is the final day for ob- jections to Vaughan Township's $499,000 Keele Street-Highway 7 sewage construction project. If there are no formal object- ions and if the Ontario Munici- pal Board does not feel a pub- lic hearing concerning the pro- ject is necessary. it is likely tenders will be called early in the new year with construction to start with spring break up, Waterworks Committee Chair- man Ruth McConkey said last Wednesday night. Final Day For Objections To; Sewer Project} ‘Eflfififizlfi KKK!- :8 zxzzxxxzmxw Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion By N. McDermott Business Administrator Nor- man Jackman was granted per- mission to attend the annual conference of the Ontario Asso- ciation of School Business Of- ficials in Niagara Falls January 19 to 22 inclusive. In addition to two outstand- ing speakers on mental health of children. provision is being made for group discussions. Annual Conference Vaughan has been given a quota of 28 teachers and trust- ees at a seminar on mental health of children being held by the York County Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Associ- ation. The seminar will be held at Newmarket High School on January 25. The date for the teachers' convention has been set {or February 26. The committee in charge has outlined a program- me of interest to teachers at all levels. and outstanding people will give leadership in the var- ious groups. A very profitable day is forecast. Teacher's Convention Mental Health Seminar they were indeed . . . one official was heard to exclaim that he could hardly wait for next year to bring their families and friends back There, there let us get one over at a time. Legion court was indeed ho- noured at the regular monthly meeting on Monday just past‘ The occasion was a visit from the president and executive members of the Todmorden Branch of our association who came to View our premises and join in the business at hand. Regret to say some members were unable to be present to enjoy this social time and sumptuous repast provided by the ladies. Euchre There were twelve and a half tables of euchre players at the final game of the present series held in the community hall Friday last week. Prize winners were Miss Mabel Sanderson. Mrs. J. Dews- bury. Ann Norris, Mrs. C. Attridge, C h a r 1 i e Attridge. Charlie Hart, Ciarence Steck- 193'. John McCague. A Christmas card was signed by all to be sent to former member, Miss Faye Nichols at Frobisher Bay. on "The Preparation for‘ Christmas", she also gave some‘ useful hints for the Christmas 3tree with regards to keeping‘ ‘it moist. She was thanked by Mrs. A. Orr. Mrs. H. Hill took charge of the business. A social half hour followed with refresh- ments being served by hostessâ€" es Mrs. J. McCague, Mrs. G. Francy. and Mrs. W. Sandle. Sr. Choir Party The senior choir's annual meeting and a social time with gifts being exchanged was held after, choir practice Thursday evening of last week. All offi- cers were returned by acclama- tion. Mr. Ernest V. Hath. passed away on Saturday, December 7, 1963, following a lengthy ill- ness in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto. Mr. Rath was born in Cam- den. Nova Scotia in 1903. He was 28 years with the AD. Gor- rie Company. Toronto. but had been retired for the past five years. Mr. and Mrs. Rath mov- ed to Victoria Square three years ago. Surviving is his wife. Mrs. Sally Rath, of Victoria Square, his mother, Mrs. Minerva Rath, Camden, N. 8., brothers Stanley Rath. Camden, N. S. Elvin Rath, Guelph, Harry Ralh, Trurn. N. 8,, sisters, Mrs. Florence Mac- l The Christmas meeting of the women‘s institure was held Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. John McCague with a large attend- ance, The meeting was conven- ed by Mrs. Marcus Jarvis. Roll call was answered by “How to Make Good Friends for our Organization". Guest speaker Mrs. Winni- fred Packer of Stoufiville was: introduced by Mrs. Jarvis. Mrs} Packer gave a very timely talk1 on "The Preparation for Christmas", she also gave some: useful hints for the Christmasr tree with regards to keeping‘ it moist. She was thanked by] Mrs. A. Orr. I The following were elected} as trustees for 1964: Bill Wil-l liams, Fraser Gee, Mrs. John McCague. 'l‘ony Roman and Pat. Ottaway. There was a good attendance of interested people at the meeting of the Victoria Square Community Centre Monday evening of last week. The annual meeting will be held in the hall January 27 at 8 pm. Women's Institute Hall Meeting Wr shall say “by: now" until after the day of the jolly man with the whis- kers... Merry Christmas and may your cup of hapâ€" piness be filled to over- flowing. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS xxx-{xzeazflxmxxa {-4 a R11. 2. Gormley CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE Mr. Rath rested at the Chapel of Morley S. Bedford, 159 Eg- linton Ave. W., Toronto. Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon, Decem- ber 10 in the Victoria Square United Church conducted by the Rev. R. Chapin. Interment followed in the Victoria Square 8,, sisters, Mrs. Florence Mac Kenzie, and Mrs. Stuart KiI‘K patrick of Truro, N. S. The first euchre game of a new series will be held in the hall January 10 and sponsored by the hall committee, and on every other Friday evening afterwards. On January 17, and every other Friday afterwards. the Victoria Square Distrin Lions Club will sponsor a euchre. There will be euchre in the hall every Friday from Series winners were Mrs. J‘ Dewsbury with a score of 518 for 5 games; Mrs. Bert Nichols, with a score of 418; Fraser Gee with a score of 437; Roy Glover with a score of 428 Lucky draw for groceries was won Dewsbury. January 10 to the endwofhl‘ég bruary. Here are looks, luxury and comfort you’d expect to set you back plentyâ€"if they came from anybody but Chevrolet. Freshâ€"minted styling with clean uncluttered lines that giVe the ’64 Jetâ€"smooth Chevrolet its feeling of new length and lowness. Rich new interiors with supple fabrics (sink your hand into the new vinyl upholstery of the new Impala Super Sport Series, for instance, and ask yourself if you’ve ever felt softer seat covering). Here are the niceties of Body-by-Fisher craftsman- ship such as you’ll find on expensive cars. And stylish touches like the vinyl-clad roof“ you can order on the Sport Coupes. See five entirely different lines of cars at your Chevrolet Showroomâ€"CHEVROLET, CHEVEllE, CHEVY 11, CORVAIR & CORVETTE Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan ’64 Jet-smooth Luxury CHEVROLET Telephone 886-5421 Ernest B. Rath .m ' ,/ ‘4; I? I :let Impala Spul'f Sedan A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Any car this luxurious ought to have its price examined! “c. “a. is his wife, Mrs. of Victoria Square, Mrs. Minerva Rath, 5., brothers Stanley CHEVROLET â€" CORVAIR â€" OLDSMOBILE DEALER 355 YONGE ST. N. (Just north of Richmond Heights Centre) AV.5-5435 -PA.7-9453 V. Rath, passed eray, December ing a lengthy i11- Queen Elizabeth Be sure to see Bonanza 0“ the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time. I. Hamid was in charge of E the service. On December 22 21 at 11:30 a.m., Dr. A, F. Binning- ton will be in charge of the ‘ service. when the sacrament of were Mrs, J_ infant. baptism will be held. icore of 5181'Interested parents are request- WILSON - NIBLET'I' MOTORS LIMITED a box by Mrs 273' I; I: _ UL: {L‘QMZ [1' Eflifl'fifl'fill The annual C.G.I.T. candle- light and cam] service will be held in the Brown‘s Corners United Church December 22 at 7:30 pm. The Explorers from n... ‘ ' ‘ ‘ w ' ’fl'. k‘. ::.. qonaannl ed to contact the mimstelr Candlelight Service The flowers in the church on Sunday morning were in memory of E. Rath. Church News zzzzxzxxxzzxuzzxuxm Endeun Nurseries lid. PLANTERS POTTERY FEEDERS CHRISTMAS TREES POTTED WHOLESALE PRICES YONGE STREET NORTH â€" RICHMOND HILL . 5-5122 Open 8 u.m. until 9 p.m IIKKKK!!IKKEÂ¥**W M3“ 9:22:2sz See Our Selection IK5KKI:KKKKKKKlllgWK21¢KKKZKRZKKKKKRKKKKKKK’IRKKm Birthday greetings (0 Mrs. Don Matthews, December 22; Mrs, N. Tyndall, December 22; Mrs. Harvey Collard. Decemâ€" ber 25; Lorrie Canning, five years. December 25: William On, December 26. The annual Sunday school Christmas concert will be held in the Sunday school room December 23 at 8 pm. There will be a variety Programme with every class participating. Neighbourhood Notes KEKKKK‘EKKKKKHKKEKKKKKKKKKNKKKKKKHKWKWKKKKNII Browns Corners and Victoria Mr Square will be assisting. [on 1 Sunday School Christmas brate Concert versa was Door-to-door carpeting and foam-cushioned front and rear seats are standard now in all models, including the modestly priced Biscaynes. And there’s a wealth of power to pick from. Engines from a peppery 140-hp 6 to a 425-bp V8“. Transmissions that are refined for smoother, more silent operation. Fourteen power teams in all. Then, with all of that going for you, you’ve got the ’64 Jetâ€"smooth ride at work to cushion you from road noise and vibra- IE' tion such as few other cars can at any price. i'5fiKKKKK’E1KKK“KRKKKKKKKaflfl‘flngflflliflfiflzlflfllfl LOBLAWS PARKING LOT Yonge St. N. at Levendale Evenings and all day Saturdays. EBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario Been promising yourself luxury liké this someday? Your someday is here, as your dealer will gladly showyou. 'Oplmrml 41 um um nity Hall Saturd-ay fiftiemfi-I‘aén. Victoria S q u a r e Community Centre A! the meeting held in the bunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ryan and family. The United Church Women catered to the children‘s Christmas party of the Cana- dian Heat Treaters of New- kirk Road. Richmond Hill, held in the Victoria Square Commu- «. Thqrsday, Dec. 19th, 1963 13‘ :zifligsamutrgmymg , "-‘““" ""-_ Season‘s greetings to one and‘ all is the sincere wish of your correspondent. Victoria Square r‘nmw‘" Hall on Mnnrh' were given of the interim fin- ancial repon. .m j activities. future plans u" wing hall and park. r". At the recommendatinw ' x‘ meeting. thn mum‘- ected as trustees for 1964. Bill Williams. . ' John Mt-Cague, 'l‘nn, and Pat Ottaway. a The annual meeting will He held in the Victoria Square» Community Hall on January 2L uhuldn C-264C 5% 112M

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