If you have garments on hand right now that need cleaning, why don‘t you bundle them up and bring them down to our store or give us a call for our' deliveryman to pick them up. We’ll 'gamble’ that once you start the habit you‘ll like it so well you‘ll become one of our regular customers. Phil Barth ’ Eflflllflï¬lï¬‚ï¬ =SH|RT SERVICE: “On thinking it over I’ll serve,†the woman replied. “I could be wrong about capital punishment." “But this is just a civil case.†the judge explained. “A wife is suing her husband because she gave him SL000 to purchase her a fur coat and he admits he gambled it.†A woman was called for jury duty but declined to serve on the grounds that she didn't be- lieve in capital punishment. 1: Coming Events m am». >- >.u-u- - - Kingcrafts' Studio. King City, open Fridays 11 am. - 9 pm. Sale, 0 r a f t 3 demonstrated, Christmas decorations made In afternoon, coffee. c3w23 D0.-.».o.«-w.u-h-u-4 . BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Monthly Rates Available RECORDS PICKED UP AND DELIVERED IF NECESSARY Trial Balances Monthly or as Required in the Legion St. N., by the Legion, Branc kes‘ 0"chestra DANCE every BINGO â€"â€" Thursday night, 8 pm. sharp, (note change of night) jackpot; â€"â€" 4 special and 25 regular games. Our Lady Queen of The World Hall. east side of Bayvlew at Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill. “4:23 DECEMBER 20, -â€"â€" Friday, 8:30 pm. at the Lions Hall. Calypso Dance sponsored by Cedar Rod and Gun Club. Tickets at door or call 285-2851. $2.50 per per- lon. Refreshments. c1w26 a.-- v. -4. q. why-.0- - v.w-«-nâ€"u.o-o.t -< .0" SELLING YOUR HOME? TRY “THE LIBERAL" WANT ADS AV. 5-3316 OR AV. 5-3318 Doug. Chalmers Phone AL. 7-1551 l & 2 BEDROOMS $105.00 RENTAL OFFICE on PREMISES AV. 5-2303 "Always Look To Imperial For The Best†FREE BURNER SERVICE BUDGET TERMS 24-HOUR SERVICE AUTOMATIC DELIVERY YOUR [00“. E550 TEAM FUEL OIL West of Yonge 0 YEAR ROUND SWIMMING o ELEVATORS j - BALCONIES 0 TV HOOKUP - INTERCOM Q o BROADLOOM HALLS 0 FREE PARKING ! V" 7 "=SH|RT SERVICE: CORNER YONGE ST. & LEVENDALE RD. . Richmond Hill for Ptompt Pick~Up and Delivery Caii PHONE AURORA 727-6785 All For The Price Of The Oil IN RICHMOND HILL CHOICE SUITES STILL AVAILABLE every Saturday night Legion Hall. 41 Yonge by the Royal Canadian Branch 375, Don Gil- MARKRIDGE APARTMENTS BURNER SERVICE Don Andrews TU. 4-1879 ~ (eggs TU. 4-4411 tfc16 nll'llm Bllul g' “Most enjoyable" was the ,d' unanimous opinion of all the ’m' scouts present at the annual ‘28 Christmas party held by the lst Beverley Acres Scout Troop m on Tuesday night. _ ' Never a dull moment â€" wrth ge a variety of games played an under the direction of the 11‘ three leaders â€"â€" Scoutmaster 16 Norman Foster, A. 5. Ms Ron S Johnston and Chuck Trump- hour. :5 ‘ Amusing skits were present- . ml hv var-inns rat-nuns and the sentative of the White CrOSS Society, who was present and 'received the gifts on behalf of the YOrk County Home. New- market. Under the direction of Akela Mrs. Ev Miller and assistants Ernie Rogers and Cora Cake 3 ï¬ne program of entertain- ment was enjoyed, including the playing of various types of games, singing of Christmas carols, and amusing skits pre- sented by six groups of the sixers. In doing their “Good deed for Christmas" â€"â€" 36 Cubs on Monday night. at Beverley Acres public school -â€" attended the annual Christmas party of the Share Khan Cub Pack of 1st Beverley Acres. bringing with them their contributions. In the sunshine and cool crisp air of Sunday last, the Troop staged a successful hike to DeVil's Elbow at the 5th Line and 17th Concession, Gormley. The appetizing food, cooked outdoors, was really enjoyed. ‘ Share Cub Pack ScoutAnd CubNews Refreshments provided and served by the lst Bever‘xey ACI‘ES Scouts‘ Ladies Auxiliary rounded out this enjoyable evening. ‘ ‘ Amusing skits were present- ed by various groups and the highlight of the evening was the presentation of a film by Rover Squire Robin Derrick, taken in 1960 of the lst Be- verley Acres summer camp at Haliburton. It is the intention of this Troop'to hold their 1964 camp‘ at the same location. next summer. lst Beverley Acres Scout Troop. Bill Hood AV. 5-1255 East of Yonge SCOTT â€"â€" We wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude for the many acts of kindness, beautiâ€" ful floral tributes and messages of condolence from relatives, friends and neighbours during our recent bereavement in the passing of a beloved wife, Mary E. Scott, mother and grand- mother. Grateful thanks to Rev. Martin J enkinson and the ladies of King City United Church. -â€" Husband, Son and Family. CARD 0F THANKS COX â€"- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cox (nee Wynne Roberts) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Karen E1â€" izabeth. at Branson Hospital, Saturday, December 14, 1963. TINKER â€"- To David and Shei- la, nee Wilcox, a son, Nichol- as Andrew at Seattle, Wash- ington on December 12th. 1963. First _grandchild for Deputy Reeve and Mrs. S. F. Tinker. c1w25 In contrast 1656- had school days and 1959 had 192 school days. It would seem that the calen- dar balances out the days of play and the days of work for pupils and teachers as the years come and go In spite of this extra holiday period, the year has had 197 school days; the school year 1963~64 have 195 school days. School Holiday ls Longest Ever Elementary sahool teachers and pupils in Richmond Hill and ,area will be enjoying the longest Christmas vacation pos- sible. Schools will close Friday, December 20, at 3 pm. and will not re-open until 9 am. Mon- day morning. January 6, 19644 0 re. n gt; Home Child ren Fe ted Last Sunday the Ulster Ac- cordian Band entertained the children and on Saturday. 20 children will be entertained at the officers‘ mess in Camp Bor- den. This brings to an end a busy Christmas schedule for the children who have been enter- tained by many groups since the first of December. Wednesday night Bing Lew, popular proprietor of the Town Inn held his annual party for the 56 children at the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home. The usual turkey dinner, enter- tainment and Santa Claus made a happyflevening for the group. Outdoor games Were engaged in, and the propane stove and barbecue provided hot food and hot chocolate. A neighbouring farmer kindly took the boys through the barn to see how the cattle were fed and housed. On Thursday evening last, the whole 36 Cubs of the pack were on hand to enjoy their annual Christmas party. which comprised games and singing. Refreshments were served by the lst Beverley Acres Scout Auxiliary. The Kaa Cub Pack leaders comprise Akela: Mr. William Charbonneau. Baloo: Ron Ma- lone, Bagheera: Mrs. Kay John- son. also two volunteers on cub instruction, Doug Fraser and Bruce Johnson. This lst Rover Crew meet in the home of one of the Squires, whose father has provided exâ€"[ cellent quarters in the base- ment. The Rover Skipper is Mr. Ralph Day and the eight Crew members are Squires Robin! Derrick. Wayne Haviland. Nick Chapman. Murray Day. Ed Macâ€" Donald. Ian McAlister, Allan Emms. Gary Riseborough. Kn Cub Pack Starting off in ï¬ne weather on Sunday, December 8. 27 of the 36 Cubs of the Kaa Cub Pack of Beverley Acres enjoyed a full day hike at Boyd Conser- vation Area. Woodbridge. Beverley Acres haverbeen en: gazed in a variety of activities. These include a drive for novels -â€" of which 1,000 were collected~proceeds from which the amount of $20 has so far been realised which will be utilized for charitable purposes. The Rovers have also collect- ed a number of toys, wheel goods. etc., which are being re‘ paired and distributed to child- ren of needy families at Christ- mas. This lst Rover Crew meet in the home of one of the Squires, whose father has .provided ex- nn11n_t ï¬..-_.4._-_ Briefly speaking, Chrismon means Christ monogram, which is based on the symbols of the Christian Church. The patterns were obtained from The Luth- eran Church of the Ascension in Danviile, Va. The biggest problem in making the orna- ments presented itself when some of the ladies began search-1 ing shops for materials. Hobby shops and dress-makers' sup- ply shops were combed in the Toronto area for gold mesh. gold beading. ornamental but- terflies and flowers, etc. which were then fixed to styrofoam bases. These Include a drive for novels â€"â€" of which 1,000 were collectedâ€"proceeds from which the amount of $20 has so far been realised which will be utilized for charitable purposes.l ..-.. market. Under the direction of Akela Mrs. Ev Miller and assistants Ernie Rogers and Cora Cake 3 ï¬ne program of entertain- ment was enjoyed, including the playing of various types of games. singing of Christmas carols, and amusing skits pre- sented by six groups of the sixers. Supper served by the lst Scout Ladies Auxiliary conclud- ed this very enjoyable evening. 1st Rover Crew Since their formation in No~ vember, the 1st Rover Crew of Beverley Acres have been en~ ‘ W E A group of members of the ELutheran Church Women of Zion Lutheran Church in Maple ,began their Christmas planning rather early this year. It is not easy to get into the festive mood when the birds are singing and the warm sunshine invites one to the great outside. But deter- mining that Christmas should be more meaningful for us these members decided in May to make “Chrismon†ornaments to decorate the'Christmas tree in the chancel of the church. The eline Keffer of Concordf Briefly speaking, Chrismon project was piloted hy Mrs. Ev-‘ gaged in a variety of activities. me?“ Christ monogram, whichi These gifts were turned over to Mrs. F. Sward, local repre- sentative of the White Cross Society. who was present and received the gifts on behalf of the You: County Home. New- market. weather B. 27 of iaa Cub c1w26 c1w25 c1w25 200 only long 1 963 and will G. INGRAM. MAPLE, Ontario The fish was the symbol or sign of the first Christians used as code to secretly inform each other in times of persecution and supression. Their confes- sion was “Jesus Christ is Son of God and Savior." From the first letters of the words the Greek word ichthus (fish) is formed. The white or gold rose which adorns sevéral of the designs is the symbol of the nativity. The rose of Sharon is also a symbol for Christ. The butter- fly is the symbol of the Resur- rection. The circle, which has no beg- inning and no end, often repre‘ sents eternity. The equilateral triangle is the symbol for the Holy Trinity, indicating the equality of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Sometimes three intertwined circles are used, and again there may be a combination of both. ga" are the first and the last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, comparable to our A and Z. They are derived from Revela- tion 22:13, “I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.†Ten differ used. The C1 the name of ‘ of the Greek which are su letters are three letters Christ. I‘he Chi-Rho. symbol for me of Christ is composed Greek letters X and R are superimp05ed. These are actuany the first letters of the name of P.O. Box 210, Keele SL, Phone AV. 5-1145 CALIFORNIA LUSCIOUS, RED EMPEROR CALIFORNIA SUNKIST XMAS FLORIDA TENDER, CRISP ROSE BRAND -â€"- MIX ’EM or MATCH ’EM Sweet Pickles 16 oz. jar Cranberry Sauce 12 oz. iar Sweet Onions 9oz. jar Dill Pickies 24 oz. iar MORLEY'S FIRST GRADE CARNATION MAYP’O'LE Assorted Flavours MAXWELL HOUSE Festive Hams, Geese 8. Ducks TURKEYS FINEST SELECTION OF LEAN AND CUBED Ontario's Finest Grade A Fresh Stewing Beef Fresh Capons INSTANT COFFEE Evaporated Milk 4 TALL TINS 59¢ 29 Yonge St. S. 7 OZ. JAR ‘io's Finest R 20 lbs. 3 9 a A Fresh 8. over [3' Ice Cream LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS - GET RESULTS - PHONE TU. 4-1105 VI‘I‘- I U &over WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITY $1.09 R. D. Little Welcomes Norman Cook back to the service department of R. D. Little (Ford) Sales Ltd. Norm was 1 former service manager for R. D. Little and was employed by the company for 24 years -â€" 1929 to 1953 â€"- at which time he left to establish his own automotive repair business. He will now specialize in motor tuneups and automatic transmission servicel one of the many specialized services offered by Little’s ï¬ne service department. In his new location Norm will be glad to welcome and serve his many former customers. Service manager Donald Reid looks on. REJOINS R.D. “THE 8. SON LIMITED THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario UTTER w- 53¢ DEL MONTE FANCY HEINZ FANCY Cottage Rolls lb. 49¢ Sausage Meat Ib- 39¢ MAPLE LEAF MAPLE LEAF FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 15 oz. rms 55¢ TOMATO JUICE 2 48 oz. nus 65¢ Large "3's DOZ. Richmond Hill Jumbo Size Stalk '/2 CRYOVAC Thursday, Dec. 19th. 1963 FROZEN GRADE A g mmMmmmï¬Tï¬ 49¢ For