Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Dec 1963, p. 4

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THE Small Whitchurch Vote Returns 3 Councillors A meagre ten percent turn- out of voters in Whitchurch Township returned the three previous council members by healthy majorigies. ....... "_ ___"J “canny nuqu ...... Reeve Frank Williams and Deputy-reeve Ross Farquharson received acclanlations. “AH..-” Councillors Stewart Burnett. Alvin Farmer and Ivan Mc- Laughlin tallied 551. 519 and 516 votes respectively. Losing out in his initial bid was new- comer George Windsor of Oak Ridges witl} 156.. J ,A..-....u. JIlubvu .. Mr. Windsor showed strength only in the districts of Oak Ridges and Wilcox Lake receiv- ing lll‘out of his total 156 King City W.|. Recalls Their Christmases Past Brightly-mapped gins for Ontario Hospital at Aurora were brought to the December meeting of King City Women's Institute at the home of Mrs. Howard Hayward. Elizabeth Grove. voles vuhca The three returning candi- His must damaging returns dates fared reasonably well in Wex'e in the White Rose and all of the polling subdivisionslBloomington areas picking up with their weakest showings in just one vote apiece. He manâ€" the above named areas. aged 12 at Musselman's Lake ‘ Mr. Burnett scored the high-.but this was way behind Mc- est of the three in the Oakil.aughlin‘s 4]. One member said she [days over CFGM. On January had always been afraid of Santa. Others recalled the costumes they wore. District President Jennings of King spoke to the 24 members present about “Selective Use of Time", urging them to make every minute count. As an example she mentioned the vast p0\\el‘ ge- nerated at Niagara Falls. which would be useless if not harness- ed. 326 a feature the of television program “in history and work the Federated Women‘s Mrs. Ray Institutes of Ontario, Mrs. Jennings has been named delegate to the convention at Wolfvllle. Nova Seotia in June with Mrs. G. W. Smith. district secretary. as alternate de- legate. The branch planned to sew a _I\'lrs. Jennings touched upmrquilt for a member. Mrs. Eu- the wonderful discoveries re- gene McCoy. Duets were sung sulting from people making by Linda and Sandra Wade good use of the time allottedlaccompanied by their mother, them. She told of compasers‘Mrs. Norman Wade. 1 _.\'lrs. Jennings touched upon the wonderful discoveries re- sulting from people making good use of the time allotted them. She told of composers md writers benefiting from adversity and handicaps. “Use odd moments wisely; brighten the life of a shut-in: read good books," she advised. quoting William Penn‘s words: "I shall pass this way but once. Any good that I can do. let me Jami; now. I shall not pass this way again.” Openinx Today ' children are presenting this e\râ€"' Oak Ridges Plaza had a lace- ening as a tribute to the late lift today with the opening of a Don Galbraith, former head of brand new supermarket. with a this small church. who did so large addition being added to‘much to keep this' church Gallacber's Food Groceteria‘open for Sunday school. and taking in a very laree cornerhelping out. many of the Lake on Yonge St. at Elm Grove Aye.‘ Wilcox families in various ways. There are gleaming displays of Mrs. Wiche has been busy meat. canned goods. dairy pro- gathering donations from local ducts. fresh fruits. food shopp- merchants for the children to ing specials and vegetableshave a Christmas party. and 1135' along with the many new items; received chocolate bars. ice- that will be available from to- cream. candy canes. candy. choâ€" day on. colate milk and other items. The store is owned by Ml‘.‘Euchre Party and Mrs. Alex Gallacher. both. Fourteen ladieS gathered at very prominent members of the home of Mrs. Bet Neil. R0- me 00mmm‘iib’. reSiding 0“ Elm‘isemany Are. for their animal Grove AVE- Christmas get-together and school Board Trustee played ten rounds of euclire. A meeting was held Devemby Prize winners were Mrs. Dot a» u {or the purpose of ac_iWaync. Mrs. Bet Neil. Mrs. quiring a third trustee {or theFA‘Udre-V Middleton. MI‘S- Peggy Ichool board of Lake Wilcox Cl'agg other ladies attending public school. w_D.C' Hau_;the party were Mrs. Eva Willis. Principal was chairman for {lien/[1:5 Gladys Brown. Mrs. Ruth “wing and Ross parquharson Wiche. Mrs. Muriel LaBelle. secretary. A business meeting Mrs- L” “meson "9351113" was hem with the financiai weekly players. and guests were statement for the year being Mrs. Marion Hunter. Mrs. Ma- read and explained by Ml‘sflbel Clark. Mrs, Dann Willis. Freda Munm‘ 55 13 secretarygnlrs. Lorraine Forster and Mrs. A miserinn “'2: hi-mmhi iin hv‘Joan one."- School Board Trustee A meeting was held Decemb- er It {or the purpose of ac- quiring a third trustee for the Ichool board of Lake Wilcox Public School. W.D.C. Hall. principal was chairman for the evening and Ross Farquharson secretary. A business meeting was held with the financial statement for the year being read and explained by Mrs. Freda Munro. 5.3 13 secretary. The store is myned by Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gallacher. both very prominent members of the community. residing on Elm Grove Ave. Members answered roll call by recalling memories of their first Christmas concert. One remembered the had practiced her recitation for weeks then balked at giving it at the crucial moment. Another had practiced. but had been too ill to attend the concert. A question was brought up byf William Haanpaa. chairman of the school board. about the picking up of garbage from the School. Mr. Fal'quharson ex- plained the sltuallon on behalf of the Whitchurch Council be- ing deputy-reeve of the town- ship, as well as a loeal resident and taxpayer. Several suggesâ€" tions were made and a discus sion held on the garbage situa- lion. Mr. Hall then opened the meeting for nominations and Mr. Mac Hanson nominated Jer- ry Day. South Road for the po- sition on the school board. There were no other nomina- tions. and Mr. Day accepted the position. Christmas Play About twenty children from‘fully received next Sunda Lake Wilcox School are being Please mark your gin. as th kept busy at the home of Mrsnenables people to make up t] Ruth Wiche. Fergus Ave. learnâ€" baskets for the needy famih ing their lines for several short without disturbing the wrap Christmas plays. to be present- ings. ed at the People‘s Church on The first Lake Wilcox Wildwood Ave” December 23 Brownies were very disap- at 7 pin). Mrs. Wiche and the. pointed at the very poor She thanl‘md King branch for KING CITY, OAK RIDGES "The Liberal" Is alums pioavd in publish Hem: n lei'esl regarding pcuple and 9' outs in the Oak Ridemâ€" Wilcox and King City disliiris ()ur nous ('Oi'l'CspOr in King Cli}' is Mrs: William .l. Houston, Iolcp 'l‘Emple 3-5457, and in Oak Ridqm-Iiakp Wilcox, l.n..m “Jun”. mariunnri .hp PR 35479 LIBERAL‘ Richmond H11,_Ontario, Thug Oak Ridges And Lake Wilcox C o u n c i i l o r Burnett's best showings were at Pleasantville and Bethesda receiving 99 and 85 votes. Councillor Farmer ex- hibited his major strength at Pleasantviile with 87 and at Bethesda with 81. Mr. McLau- ghlin also fared well in these areas with 74 at Bethesda. 79 at Pleasantville, and at Vivian. Ridges subdivision garnering 40 votes to tie him with Windsor"s 40. Mr. Farmer and Mr. Mc- Laughlin could only get 27 and 17 votes respectively. Mr. Windsor along with his 40 at Oak Ridges picked up 47 and 24 at the two Wilcox Lake subdivision areas. the support given district pro- ;jects. Reporting on the direc- _tors' meeting in Newmarket: she announced ways of raising ‘money for district expenses included a luncheon and euchrej. in January in Newmarket. ‘ Mrs. Jennings reminded mem- bers the Federated Women‘s! Institutes of Canada centennial‘ project is “Make Canada Beautiful." She noted a portrait of W. I. founder Adelaidet Hoodless is in the Agriculture? Hall of Fame at the Coliseum. County radio broadcasts Were announced for 6:57 pm. Sun- days over CFGM, On January 26 at’ television program “ill ;feature the history and work 'of the Federated Women‘s 1 i t l t t t Mrs. William Willoughby commented on the motto, "The world is full of willing people; some willing to work and the rest willing to let them." Mrs. Vic Doner read the Christmas story from St. Luke. Lunch was in charge of Mrs, Maude Ault, Mrs. George Dawson Mrs. Doner and Mrs. Bert Wyer. Gills were exchanged before a colorful and delicious supper. About People St. Paul's United Church Sun- day school attendants enjoyed their Christmas parties on Fri- day and Saturday. Films were shown to the children and they enjoyed ice-cream. cookies with candy canes being given to 'the children on the way home. Many other groups are plann- ing Christmas parties and some have already attended their resâ€" pective parties. All Guide, Brownie. Scout and Cubs groups will hold parties. White gifts are being collect- ed at St. Paul's Church. some being brought last Sunday and if forgotten. they will be grate~ fully received next Sunday. Please mark your gift. as this enables people to make up the baskets for the needy families without disturbing the wrapp- ings. sday. Dec. 19th, 1963 Water Shortage May Curtail Backyard Skating Rev. EH. Costigan conducted the funeral service in All Saints Anglican. Church of a faithful congregation member, Harry R. Finch. Born in Toronto. Mr. Finch “’2 completed his schooling in King W‘ Township when his parents. Mr. an‘ and Mrs. James Finch and fam~ , iL' moved to the King side of‘ King-Vaughan town line. M He spent most of life farmingt IR on the town line. at first wherej Highway 400 was later put‘ch through. then at Keele StreetnBl He retired several years agotof iand continued-his favorite hob-‘L. :by of gardening. He was particr ‘ ularly fond of growing ficwerscl and specialized in roses. jhi "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. telephone TEmple 3-5457, and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Mrs. Lillian Atcheson. Wildwood Ave., PR. 3-5479. Years ago Mr. Finch was a member of Robertson Masonic Lodge. J“! n.3,.-. v- ~_â€"<-. 7V,.l I I King community was saddenâ€" . KmK City“ water 5PM)” ed last week with the loss 01' ll improving but_ Villagt’ Mrs. Irving L, Scott. the nnly trustees can't Dromlse Wfl‘el’ women ever elected a King Citv yet for the Park rink- Village Trustee. . Among surviving relatives are his widow. the former Eva Wat- son; a sister. Mrs. Fred Gray; and brother. Whatley Finch. all of King City. Six nephews acted as pallâ€" bearers, Douglas Welkesley, Raâ€" ndolph Jamieson. Alfred W. Bayliss. James Finch, Spencer Finch and Ralph Finch. At the December 9 meeb Inn in the village office. Ted Digel. representing Lake Marie Athletic Assoâ€" ciation. which operates the club park for public use. was assured by Village Chairman John Mann of water if the well supply is adequate in a few days. Burial was in King City Cem etery. “We shut off our emer- gency supply and will have to wait to see what the well recovery is." Trustee Mann explained. Development oi the third 572.700 well is continuing and trustees predict ample water by next spring. Trustee Mann expected backyard rinks wouldn't be permitted this winter for the first time. Last year re- strictions were lifted in time for rink flooding. If water is available. Lake Marie members plan to have a larger rink with end boards. so that boys who play hockey in (he Saturday league at Noble- ton may practise. Teddy, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Day, South Road. celebrated his twelfth birthday December 10 by hav- ing guests. Joanne Hull‘ Steph- en Hull, Lee Farquharson. Anne Bursey and Barbara Haanpaa and brother Tommy. at his home for an early dinner and then enjoying a couple of games of bowling at the Aurora Bowl afterwards. Congratulations to Mrs, Bren- da Gibbs. Willowbank Ave, and David Neil, Rosemary Ave. who recently became engaged. We are very glad to hear that Mrs. Pearl Foster. North Road. is recuperating after an appen- dectomy. We were very sorry to hear that Mrs. Evelyn Ward. Bay- view Ave. has been confined to bed after suffering a very bad burn. as the result of an accid» ent in her home. We do hope that Joe Gibbs is feeling better now. He was tak- en to Toronto General Hospital December 9. Pin Patter Lake Wilcox Bowling League had many good scores Friday night with Stan Forster lead- ing the field for the men with 726 triple and 325 sinzle and Miss Brenda Gibbs and Mrs. "It: Ural. u| "rants New Year. IUI ulr gNEWMARKET : The Newmar- ‘ket Optimist Club will consider assuming a greater role in pro- vidng incentives for boys and :girls to further their education, ‘ Club President Bob Ainsley gave a brief report on the Com- ‘mencement held at Newmarket AHigh School recently. Harry Finch The former Mary Lawson died in Toronto East. General Hosp- ital alter a few weeks‘ illness that prevented her attending the October opening of the new King City United Church. with which She had been closely associated many years. Accorded top vote a! the polls both years she was elected trustee. in 1959 and 1960. Mrs. Scott served as roads commis- sioner. After years of Women‘s Mis- ionai‘y Society work she was president of the King City United Church group three years until it, merged the beâ€" ginning of last year with United Church Women. Those who knew her apprer- iated her friendliness and keen sense of humour. With dignity she fulfilled her church and village duties conscientiously. treating other with courtesy and respect, A close friend. Rev. Marlin Jenkinson. led the funeral serâ€" vice in Thompson parlours. Aurora. where a large number of relatives and friends paid lasl' respects. Three neighbours and three relatives acted as pallbearers. Mr. John Drew, Mr. David Glass‘ MI: Fergus La\vson, all of King; Mr. Bert Mrs. Irving L. Scott Wanamaker. Mr. Jack Scot! and Mr. Donald Tefft. all of Toronto. The surviving family includes Mrs. Scott's husband. Irving {Red} Scott; their son. Douglas. of King City, and three grand- children, Bradley. ~Beth and Brenda.’She was the only child of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson. ' STOUFFVILLE: Officers of the Stouffville Police Depart- ment were commended recent- ly through a letter received by the municipal council from Ross Giles. owner of the Chev-Olds car agency here. Reason for the praise: One of the doors in the service department had been left open during the night Police discovered it and im- mediately notified the owner. Interment was In King City Cemetery. a mile from her birth-place at Tannery Hill Farm. Eva Willis being very close W1th 681 and 680. Brenda's high single was 302 and Eva's was 297. Other high scores for llw league were Doug Murray 6'17- 252; Jim Peters 625â€"242; Barry Willis 636-239: Charlie Ransom 609-233: Frank Munro 603-249: Ken Hunter 602-221; Marion Hunter 590-227; Phyllis Herb- ert 580-250. Team Standings are Tom Cats 24: Roughriders 22: Uncle Jerrys Club 22. Guys and Dolls 21; Bills Buzzards 15: Bar- rys Flyers and Sbanleys Steamâ€" ers tied with 13 and Gutterâ€" dusters 10 points. We regret to report the deaths of two of our local re- sidents recently. William Martâ€" in. of George SL. was involved in a traffic accident while visit- ing relatives in Newfoundland. and passed away as a result of the accident. His daughter Mrs. J. Benson. lives on George St. Services were held with in- terment at Prospect Cemetery. for Clifford Weston. who passed away after a lengthy illness. December 9. The Weston family are well-known local residents of many years. making their home on Bayview Ave. Mr. Weston leaves his wife. Kath- leen Barringer. George. Mrs. L. Anthony lHelenl and George Shee and two sisters. Our deep- est sympathy is extended to the family. Well, tomorrow I" the children will be out of school for a whole two weeks and will be able to help? in the cookie baking. shopping: and the many. many things to be done beâ€" fore Christmas. I do hon» Santa will be good to all. both children and grownâ€" ups. and may I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and the stt of wishes for the New Year. Christmas Preparations The Christmas spim 0 sharing with others is spread ing throughout December meett ings of organizations. While enjoying Yuletide f9 tivities themselves. memhe invariably are p I a n n i n thoughtful gifts for others. Mrs. Fred Curtis presided and conducted a Christmas Bible quiz. Mrs. Albert Holman Community Notes From King City Norman W. Greenades. C.L,U., 477 Timothy Street. Newmarket Ph: Bus. 727-6062 Res. 895-422 M. Robert Allison Rlchmond H111 Ph: Bus. 285-5414 Pb; Bus THERE’S STILL TIME You can save on your 1963 Income Tax while you Save money “for retirement! Langford Corner’s Park. . 2, Cannington . 727-6062. Res. Pefierlaw‘fil ring 31 122A Lucas Street gave tlw Scripture reading and Taking part in the service prayer was led by Mrs. Charles were Dianne May, chosen Gordon. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Don Mrs. Victor Potter gave aHutchinson; Kathryn Jennifer. Christmas reading and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Holman played a piano solo.:Kell; John David, son of Mr. Mrs. John Phillips was inland Mrs. Jack Law; Miguelle charge of refreshments. whiCtholleen, daughter of Mr. and included Christmas cake. Mrs. John M. Mann. Susan Mrs. Victor Potter gave a Christmas reading and Mrs. Holman played a piano solo. Mrs. John Phillips was in charge of refreshments, which included Christmas cake. C. W. L. Party A specially baked cake help- ed Father Reinhard Burchhai'dt celebrate his birthday at Sa- cred Heart Catholic Women‘s League's Christmas pai‘iy in the school auditorium. Father Roin'l rd was present- ed with a telephone index for his new office at Marylake. The four nuns who were guests were presented with gifts. Mrs. Lorna Marsh was pre- sented with her past president‘s pin for being (he first president a year and a half after the C. W. L. was formed in Janua- ry. 1962 It was decided In hold a euchi‘e and dance Febx'uary 7. Monthly meetings are held 1he first Wednesday and C. W. L. communion is observed the first Sunday each month. Christenings Rev. Martin R, .lenkmson baptized five girls and a boy at, King (‘ity United Churrh. Res. 884-3572 Any Mutual Life insurance policy, except term, may qualify for registra- tion under the Income Tax Act. Subject to certain limits in the Aét~ the savings portion of the premium can then be deducted from your taxable income each year. Several thousand Mutual Life policyholders, including engineers; doctors, accountants, lawyers, dentists. and the owners of small business firms, have already registered Mutual Life policies under the Act. If you. are self-employed, you will find this arrangement particularly attractive in planning for your retirement income. If you are now contributing to your employer’s pension plan you may qualify for further tax relief. ‘ ~q You have until February 29, 1964, to register a policy and claim this deduction on your 1963 income tax return. Either a new policy. or a Mutual Life policy you already own, may be registered. Your representative will be pleased to discuss this service with you. Call him today, or mail the coupon below for further information. Representa [IVES Special service bulletin for Mutual Life policyholders Branch Office Harold «Hal» Gibson Avenue. Stouffvilk Fred M. Push Stoufiville Ph. 640-260A Ph 640 Km; City Pb: Bus. 727-6062 Res. 533-6385 6A Levemlale Road. Richmond Hill, Ont Stuart 5. Greenham. Branch Manager John F Members of King City United Church Hi-C Club were invited by Nobleton United CHIth Hi» C to hear Rev. J. A. H. Hodg- son. Toronto court chaplain, Joan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An Rossiter: and Rosanne Eileen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lottis. Mrs. Loftis is the former Jennifer Findlay. Hi-C Groups Carol Service A Christmas carol ser- vice is being held Decemâ€" ber 22 at 7:30 p.111. at King City United Church. Penny Sale Mrs. Alma Hogewonang won the first prize Christmas cake and Linda Flanagan won the second at the successful “Pen- ny Sale“ held by Sacred Heart Catholic Women‘s League in the school auditorium. Several prizes were donated for the sale including 120 pound boxes of flour by Frank Grassland. Sixty of the pack 2764 K911 DB Boyer Sheet 36 Rose ages were given as door favors, 0f the remaining 60. Mr. Cross- land won 20 to the amusement of other competitors. Mrs. Jan McCormick. Mrs. Joan Marsh and Mrs. Betty Noel convened the event. Arrival Arriving in time for family Christmas celebrations is little Peter Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr of South Keele Street, Mr. Orr is this year‘s chair- man of S. S. 2 School Board. The family includes three girls and three boys. Pay Increases For Election Heads 01‘ Whitchurch Twp. Election officials in Whit-i church Township will be‘ receiving a higher remunel‘a-i tion for their duties. Township Council's resolution called for the payment of $14 for deputy- I‘eturning officers. $12 for poll clerks and $14 for polling booths. The former rates were $11, $10 and $12. Phi 285-5414 Ph: 884-7425 Ron 11. heater. in “new um... Aurora Ph: Bus. 727-6062 Res. 727-5676 H. Larry Cummer. 88 Yongehurst Road Richmond Hill. Ph: Bus. 285-5414 Res. 884-3610 Rod Stevens, 87 Millard Ave.. Newmarket. Ph Bus. 727-6062 Res. 895-4722 Rudv Schefiler. 395 Parkview Ave., iv'mbwdaJe Ph: Bus. 285-5414 Res. 225â€"9137 H, Heater. 45 Foreht Cres The same neighbour. Rev. Martin R. Jenkinson. and three ifriends among the pallbearers. {Jesse Richards of Aurora, Allan Gellatly and Alfred McBride of King City took part in the fun- eral service in Thompson Par- lours. Aurora. Three Toronto friends also acled as pallbear- A year after her husband was laid to rest, Mrs. Louis Shatka followed him to King City Cem- etery. She died December 2 in Toronto Western Hospital in her “Nth year. ers Born in the Ukraine, the for- mer Julia Veretyk made her home on South Keele Street for 27 years until Mr. Shatka pas. sod away last December. Mrs. Shatka went to live with her daughter in Toronto and was also in hospital during the past year. The couple made many friends when they operated their market garden in the heart. of the village. Two daughters and two sons survive. Miss Lena Shatka of Toronto: Mike and Anne (Mrs. M. Kirk‘ of California. and Stanlcv at Downsview. Mrs. Louis Shatka Suicmtfvovn HOME? For Fast Results. Consult Tho "cal Estate Brokers Listrd in “The Liberal"

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