Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Dec 1963, p. 11

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“Liberal” Staff Member Marries Toronto Girl A reception at Maple Creek; Farms. Scarborough f0110W€d1 the recent wedding of Miss Diane Patricia Leary. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Leary of Toronto and Hubert Karl Schcdlich of Richmond Hill. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Schedlich of Bradford. The groom and pressman al." Rev. Crane officiated at the afternoon ceremony held in the Church of the Transfiguration on Manor Road. Toronto. The church was attractively decorat- ed with white carnations. Given in marriage by her father. the bride was charming in a formal length gown of brocade and taffeta fashioned with hrocaded flowers. The long graceful skirt was slightly ful- ler at the hem to form a small train. Her fingertip veil was caught- 10 a. comma; and she carried a bouquet of red roses and white carnations. The red and white theme was carried out in the bridesmaids' gowns and flowers when Mat- ron of honour Mrs. G. Brook- ing and bridesmaids Mrs. L. Kippen. Mrs. M. Leary and Miss I II I'II’U '1' v. ._....,H_, , SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS «egeaetaeee - reaaqazeaee ~ teases-555:: Tymwritors - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave” Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘lem‘s Pharmacy, All popular makes on hand Day or Evenings. TU. 4-1745 Special Students' Rates L. H. SIMS MR. AND MRS. H. K. SCHEDLH‘H is a compositor with “The Liber- mm;1 For her honeymoon trip, the 1 of new bride wore a green wool aned'suit with matching printed long blouse and brown accessories, ful- corsage of yellow roses. The mall newlyweds travelled to the was Laurentians via Quebec. Montâ€" she real and Ottawa. At the reception. the bride's mother received guests in a beige chiffon and taffeta dress with matching accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother chose a steel blue 'faille crepe dress with matching jacket and accessor- ‘1es. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. 5. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hennig. Mr. and Mrs. LangfordA Sr. and Jr., Mr. and Mrs. B. Constantin and Mr. and Mrs. D. Porter. R. Boyd were gowned alike in red taffeta cocktail dresses with matching headdresses and bouqâ€" uets of white carnations with red roses. Best man was Mr. Peter Schedlich and ushers Mr. Mich- ael Schedlich, Mr. Trevor Yake and Mr, Michael Leary. They now make their home at 25‘ Ecclestone Drive, Toronto. Brian Tinker. Richmond Slrâ€" Mr. Arnold Spaull and his eet. and John McIntyre, Arnold daughter Ann from Warren. ar- Street, leave on Boxing Day for‘rive on Boxing Day to spend a a ski-ing holiday at Stowe, Verâ€" few days at the home of Mr. mont. land Mrs. D. Douglas-Crampton. lumumnmmn1mlnummum\lununnununuuumulI\lmufi\muunnummmuuImm“\m1luImuumm\ummumummmmuumm I Another staff member, Mr. A. Hiscoke will spend Christmas with his family at their farm near Huntsville, returning to stage manage the Curtain Club pantomime. At the close of the regular December 17 meeting of Rich-V mond Hill Chapter No. 302.i Order ’of ’the‘ Eastern Star a‘ very enjoyable hour was spent‘ by the members. 3 Ski-ing on the slopes at Collingwood over the Christmas holidays will he the Thomson family of Vaughan Road. Pour into all your daily life, and bake well l with the heat of human kindness. ‘ Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Miss Susan Gillard, at present nursing at the Presbyterian Hospital. New York. is spending the Christmas holidays with her panents. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Gillard. Church Street North. Guests for Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Fea- therstonhaugh, Arnold Crescent will be Mr. and Mrs. Yvon Tas- sc from Montreal. Travelling Teachers Mr. R. L, Newman, principal of MacKillop School and his family will be spending their holidays in the Huntsville area. Mrs. C. Lind also of MacKil- lop and her husband are travel- ling to Welland and Wawa, near Sudbury, to visit their families. A box was packed with gifts from the members for the res- idents of Gormley home. Carols were sung and games played. The Christmas draw was made, the winners were as follows: Richard Miller, Caeserea; Mrs. A. Bishop, Mapl-e: J.W. Burns, King City, Mrs. Grace Sander- son. Richmond Hill; Mrs. R. Phillips, RR-No. 2. Woodbridge. Miss Nancy Min-lees. Richmond Hill; Mr. Ross Cosburn, Toron- to; Mrs. Lorne Burhldge King-City. Richmond Hill Rotarians found the following recipe in their December "Spokesman". If followed to the letter by everyone during 1964, our town will certainly benefit. One measure of good thought One measure of consideration 11/3 measures of forgiveness 1‘32 measures of well-beaten faults 2 measures of sympathy 2 measures of kind deeds Mix thoroughly. Stir in kind words for taste, and flavour with charity Christmas Recipe z. 64065 By N. McDERMOTT As in the past the opening. comments in our weekly co- ‘lumn in “The Liberal" will be. Iwith regard to membership. 1963 has been indeed a memor- ‘able one for the branch. The membership rolls have a total of 364 paid up and inducted veterans with another 14 signed applications on hand; making ‘a very grand impressive total of 378 in all. When one consi- ders that a little over a year ago, July, 1962, to be exact, our members consisted of only _27 it is quite apparent that Wes Berseth, his membership committee, and the club in ge- lneral are deserving of a hearty vote of thanks. The only sour note is the failure to reach the objective of 400 by the year-end. .. oh well... another year is upon us so keep up the effort. There are still a goodly number of veterans in the district who have not, as yet, enjoyed the comradeship of legion court. “Red roses are our best sel- ilers at the Christmas season," ireports Horticultural Products unuunnu\ummmuuuummnmmnuuuuuumunmmumumm “ormer-V Bedford Park R059 Growers). ‘Demand for these Miss All“? Hall with her fia- popular blooms has been more nce Doctor DaVid Cook, was in than satisfactory, and we could Windsor for the weekend visit- have used another 50900," ing his parents, Mr and Mrs. H. the spokesman for the firm P- COOK continued. laily life, and bake well kindness. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hall, Centre Street West, will enjoy their annual family reunion this Christmas at the home of Doc- tor M. R. Hall and Mrs. Hall. at their home in Brampton. Many of the members have expressed a desire to see the court appropiately decorated with the flags we honour.” Flag poles are now on order and just as soon as they arrive and are installed our legion will be properly "dressed". It is with a great deal of pleasure that we can now in- form all and sundry that the kitchen has joined the "active" ranks, Hot lunches are the order of the day. not only just for members but for our many NORTH OF CENTRE 81‘. your legion Reports Branch 375. Mrs. F. Dolan. Baker Avenue.i Well-known for m er Rich- ‘will be spending Christmasimond Hill residents Mr. and with her niece. Mrs. R. E. WilbyiMrs. Harold Reid have left to (Pearl Hicksoni at her home on spend the next few months ai Davean Drive. Willowdale. jtheir winter home in Florida. Greetings from England Mr. and Mrs. Len Jones. Car- ol and Michael. formerly of Driscoll Road. now living at 15 Wykeham Road. Marrow, Guild- ford, Surrey. England‘ wish all their many friends in the Hill. a very happy Christmas and prosperous New Year. Duane Patfield and Robert Percival. both of Oxford Street, who left recently for an extend- ed trip to Europe. have arrived in Southampton and are plan- ning to spend Christmas with Gary Donald. also of Oxford Street. who is at present in Cardiff, Wales, where he is em- ployed by Loblaw's Groceteria. Wholesale sales are made to florists from Winnipeg in the west to Montreal in the east. Local sales were also satisfactory and a brisk busâ€" iness in beautiful cyclamens was experienced friends in town as well. This service will be from twelve noon until six in the evening, at night the kitchen provides snacks for the club room until closing. It not only sounds good... It is good... Drop in with your friends and business acquaintances. Bob Karsh, our hard working sports director, informs us that he is going to get the euchre‘ team in the shower room and give them a pep talk. It seems‘ that the final tally of a home and home tussle with Wood~L bridge branch, 'saw Woodbridge‘ best the euchre boys both ati Richmond Hill and at their own home base; TSK, TSK, is that the spirit lads? Don't be too downcast though, at the same theme and homer the cribbage ‘buffs took top honours, legitim- ate too, they didn't do the count- ing. Bob has also told us he is on the lookout for a captain and team of shuffleboarders. Many of you members have tried the new board and from observation your humble scribe would comment that there appears to be no lack of profi- ciency in the sliding of the stones . . . get in touch with coach Karsh . . . give him a Royal Canadian Legion N. McDermott team he will boast about Social activities and sports for the coming year will get an initial impetus with Rich- mond Hill and our old friends and rivals Aurora exchanging visits. Specific dates will be reported on in later editions Helpful hints corner... R member that the court belon to all the members and . conversely to each individLL member. This in effect make each one of us a caretake Building committee head Jac. Sanders will not say a wow against any member doing 2 spot of cleaning that may present itself from time to time and indeed he will be pleased if members consider the preâ€" mises their personal property ‘to be kept spic and span at all times. In addition, Sunday am. is sweep up time and volun- ‘teers that show up to lighten athe load will be welcome. in the meantime, look forward to a couple of enjoyable even- ings. The drill team, under the capable direction of Martin‘ Bradshaw is stomping around in fine style. “Brad” is still looking for new members and he informs your scribe that every Sunday at 2 o‘clock pm. is the time and legion court is the place for members of ‘the branch to get rid of those jextra pounds . . . Give him a ‘boost . . . Get out. Frank Barrett, president/and leading exponent of the Rich- mond Hill legion. hosted the angel of all sore-thumbed, do- it-yourself home-owners the other Saturday at Legion Court. That local well-known TV per- sonality Peter Whittall. better known as “Mr. Fix-it", was escorted around by genial Frank . . . He appeared to enjoy himself very much. We had better say bye now . . . The festive season calls us.” That's a funny way to say “good wife". but anyway we are being called”. All the best in the New Year to you and yours from your centre of zeniality and friendship the Richmond Hill Legion. This festive season prompt-i ed Mrs. Gayle Powell to re-: call a memorable occasion in her life which occurred 55 years ago. Twenty-one-year-old Gayle Gaynor in Bellingham. State of Washington, was re- quested to sing twice daily dur- ing showings of the first re- ligious picture. the original “King of Kings". During the two week show- ing of this epic film. the then Miss Gaynor played the organ and sang throughout the silent i picture. L .u..\,.u\.v. .u‘uwu of the University of Boston. His brother Glen Dawson is attending Cape Cod University, Lmajoring in hotel management. * * :r t . A family reunion was held lat Malton Airport Sunday af- ternoon. Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt and Miss Mary Dawson of Rich- mond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Pat- ‘rick Carle. Allan and Joanne, of Doncaster spent three hours with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray. of Parlqhill and Mrs. of Windsor. The Grays ‘Woolleys were on their way to spend the Christmas vacat- ‘ ion period in Florida. Marian Woolley. Alan and Hugh. anrii The presentation to Mrs. Nes- bitt followed a reception for. parents and former pupils given} by the Home and School AssocJ :iation. Former pupils of Mrs. Nesbitt who are still in the school had an opportunity to meet her at a reception held after school on Thursday. A din- n-er was held at the school on Friday for members of MacKil- lop staff and other teachers who had worked with Mrs. Nesbitt. Head table guests at the dinner included Mr. G. McIntyre, sup- erintendent of public schools for Richmond Hill, and his wife. and Mrs. R. L. Newman. wife of the principal of MacKillop. Friends in Richmond Hilli will be interested in hearing: that during 1963 Ken Dawson.‘ a former resident of Centre} Street West and Mill Street received his commission as an ensign with the US. Navy. He has been stationed with the Naval Air Force at Pensecola. Florida, but in the New Year will be transferring to San Francisco. Ken is a graduate of the University of Boston. The stage was filled with‘ members of the grade 3 and grade 4, junior, senior girls’ and senior boys’ choirs who presented a varied programme of favourite carols and Christ- mas songs. the girls wore red poinsettias on their white bloua ses and the boys honoured the} season by wearing bright green‘bow ties on white shirts. Carols And Songs Are Feature MI I I I I I I I I If! 0f Concert By School Choirs Beverley Acres Parents, friends and younger brothers and sisters crowded the auditorium of Beverley Acres Public School Thursday evening for the sixth annual Christmas music programme held in this school. Every seat was filled with many standees in the aisle and at the back of the large room. From the unison singing of the youngest groups to the harmony of the pan-sing“. the older youngsters. (hi? childish voices were heard at their best by a most apprecia- tive audience. Soloists‘ were The editor of this column wishes everyone a very merry Christmas and a hap- py New Year. Phone 285-1073 DECIANTIS 8. RICE §eneral Contractors Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. David Punter. 72 Centre Str- eet East. holidaying in England will spend the Christmas holi- days with his parents. More than 100 members of Richmond Hill Senior Citizens braved zero weather Thursday evening for a tour of the town to see the wonderful display of Christmas lighting in every section. Mr. John Knox. Kerrybi‘ook Drive. arrived home on Sunday, following a weeks holiday in Nassau. Three busloads of senior cit- izens enjoyed the outing, and one bus enjoyed the music of the rhythm band complete with mouth organs, cymbals, bells. and other musical instruments throughout the entire trip. On Thursday evening, the pu- pils and staff of MacKlllop School held their annual Chri- stmas concert in the school aud~ itorium. The concert was in two parts, featuring presentations by grades 5 and 6 and by grades 7 and 8 At the start of the programme. a presentation was made to Mrs. H. Nesbitt who re- tired in September after teach- ing for 7 years at MacKilIop. The grade 5 and 6 presenta- tion was entitled “The Land of the Sugar Plum Fairy.“ The grade 5â€"6 choir. under the dir- ection of Miss P. Craig, sang choral arrangements of the music from TchaikoV'sky's “Nut- cracker Suite" and other grade 5-6 pupils took part in a playv written and directed by Mrs. M. Gilbert, on the theme of the “Nutcracker Suite.” The grade 7-8 production de- picted the Christmas Story in song and tableaux. The table- aux. undfir the direction of Mr. A. Hisco e illustrated the story told through the carols and Christmas music, sung by the grade 7-8 choir under the dire- ction of Miss F. Thomson and Miss I. Erickson. Barbara Freeman, Karen Oak- ley, Diane Mowat, Lauren Cast- ello, Kathie Carter, Maryke Vanarnhem, Brian King, John Prier and Jan Denton. Interspersed throughout the musical programme were scrip- tural readings by Ken Hughes from the story of the first Christmas as found in Luke 2:1 ~20 and Matthew 2: 1-2. Mrs. R. B. Renshaw was the accompanist for the entire proâ€" gramme. Miss S. Hood directed the grade three choir, Mrs. V. Ber- ard the grade four choir. Mrs. M. Scott the junior choir, and Mr. D. Winger the senior girls’ and the senior boys’ choirs, The foyer of the school was decorated in the Christmas theme, featuring a Christmas tree, seasonal mobiles and a large mural depicting a comp- osite winter sports scene. Skiers tobogganers, skaters, hockey players shared the mural with large snowmen. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, 1‘ CHRISTMAS WISHES ALL BEST The schedule of Christmas Masses at the Church of St. Street North. was among the Mary Immaculate includes: many guests at a dinner held Midnight High Mass. 8, 9. 10:30‘recently at the Graystones Rest- and 11:45 am. aurant. in honour of the fift- Christmas Masses at Oak‘ieth wedding anniversary of Ridges include Midnight High‘Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Paxton of Mass. 9 and 10:30 a.m. Aurora. MniFi-uik "Gibbonsz‘onEe Mrs. Ira Ramer was a re- cent guest of Mrs. B. G. White- Imx‘. Aurora. Ledger on the death of her father, Mr. Donlld Reswick, who passed away on December 22nd in South Waterloo Memorial Hospital. ity is extended to Mrs. Russell Deborah Anderson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Centre Street West, left on Fri- day for Ottawa. to spend Christ- mas with her sister and brother in law. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas lgnatleff. The sympathy of ‘he commun Sincere Christmas Wishes BAYVIEW PLAZA will be moving from 71 Yonge Street South on January 1, 1964 to 3322M SAVINGE'fl All Year Through May We Extend Warmest Christmas Greetings 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 RICHMOND HILL C. NELS GAGE F. C. Wilson's Barber Shop . my brfsjmas We sing out our Christmas greeting to you. and extend our SELLWOOD'S SALON MORTGAGE SERVICE (Next to Clarke‘s Pharmacy) 10 LORNE AVENUE ALLENCOURT PHARMACY LTD. HERBERT R. BUTT EMERGENCY PRESCRIPTION SERVICE WILL BE AVAILABLE ALL DAY BY CALLING TU. 4-4683 NEW LOCATION William L. Lazenby, B. Sc., th. Pharmacy Will Be Open From 8 pm. to 5 p.m. But There Will Be No Delivery Staff and Management DEPENDABLE And AND and extend our sincere thanks for your valued patronage. Mrs. G. Crutcher. popular kindergarten teacher a‘ Mac- Killop Public School. and her husband are spending the Christmas vacation in Mex1co. NORTH YORK: Reeve Good- head forecasts the highest upward swing in property taxes in 1964 since Metro was formed. Chief reason. he said. is that new accumulated debt charges ane not_ being paid for out of increased assessment. from the TRY “THE LIBERAL" WANT ADS PHONE TU. 4-1105 Dec. 26th. 1968 11 TORONTO, ONT‘ EMpirc 2-3450 2 Carlton St Toronto TU. 4-7691

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