Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Dec 1963, p. 4

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'4 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Dec. 26th. 1963_ “I, , _..e____ . ,. __ - ' l I "- - ‘ ' ' YORK NORTH Nl‘HV DEMOCRATK‘ PbRTY . . . Cancel 0.A.C. Robert Leslie Oak Ridges Dies . I i . fl ' a z I g r I tC -| H C hw'f l' dt eW eal’S Vb I g or 0"“95 n ea - n ras , r e niure . i 4 “The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of rn- I I I terest regarde P€0Ple 311d merits I" the Oak Ridges‘llake \ tragic accident claimed the member of a debating learn in ; Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent lite of Robert Leslie. 47-min“ Richmond Hill. l . . .. a - . I . I P m p I old husband of Mrs. Fern Leslie. He had fought in the Spanish ‘ I hm; Clix“ fillingdl' Totlocv Ilelvpl“; \ttt'k (“Him 5 \Ellt'ltl'lll‘al who suffered severe neck rn< (‘rvil War of 1936. and due to » . i . ll‘mple 3‘5 a" an. m a 1 gas. {6: Hm' ‘ “' l't‘l’I'P-‘Cmallw‘ -‘\- I\- wall has rurres and concussion in a severe injuries received was! ' Lillian Amheson' w‘ldwoo‘l A‘e" PR- 3'”4"q' allntltmt‘t‘fl that lit? Clll‘lbtmas headmn collision on the King not able to participate in | j ~hor't v0ur~v~ at (M-C hare Sideroad Decembei- 18. World War Two. i ‘ been discontinued. The couple were returning to Funeral services were held at 2 I : There will be no courses 01- their borne on Penny Place. 10.30 on Saturday with inter~ , ' o ' ' I ' ' llr‘t'ed this year in the (‘hrisL after a visit to the doctor‘s of- ment at King City Cemetery. t ‘mas holiday. In their place. a fice. Police reported driver of the -‘ t Ispecral Farmers' Week at O.A.(‘. Bob was very active in corn- other car. was Stephen Zuzak. , has been set up. This will be munity- affairs. being” an avid of 39 (iatcgill Crescent. D0wns~r| : . . . .. 7 . I . held from February 24 to 28. worker for the NDP rrty in view. who r ' 'v d iinor ‘n'ur'- ” . ~ -' ‘ . led in the script» .lack (.arhutt led the srrrnrnc .. .~ . . la . “91.9 n l J _ turn“ I tomb? 1"}. I I. I . .M'f Lint“ . , . . g . ., __ "‘ _ llrere will he a different topic past electrons. an ambitious res. Mr. Zuzak is the owner ofl: E ‘ Mr. andIMFS' Harry G931??? An‘gllgtjsglgfcggg{gigglrledcfitlihIglfiigzfiggpgggp133“. gilntselglsbmlgng {ladlggdgl‘fgma each day. with corn. soils and honorary member of the Oak Steve's Pizza in Oak Ridges. I I . . i "re celematmg the alrl a on members last Sunday morning Santa Claus came from ral Santa made sure each guest {mage' (law-V "Auk" 5“an and‘mdges Logl‘m and Smirma’i‘l “l on \Onge St" "ear the Norm l ' ’th'eh' 11 poundl'aY o'licméousnty‘w'cre forwarded to the Presbyâ€" Toronto for the annual took home a Christmas gift. be“ all”? my“ hum}: a lull the oak quges P‘Iblw .Sqlmm mad‘ i :MichIael John. atIk (:1 on Dec. term" Church Evangel HaHI Christmas party at S,“ H “as the final program rm. day for lectures and dlSt'llSSlOll. Home and School Association. . ~ ‘HosPllal‘ NemmatlI e~ ’{or [our- Hill Club Wins And re w ‘s Presbyterian this year as the Lions turn their The afl'lt'l'ltUl‘al I'ePl'CSO'll' . “w, “Imp”: hale “"9 so” . . lembelldssamm 91 King City Badminton Club Church for the Sunday attention to “financial night" at"? 3'50 I'Dt'Ommfi‘ndS “"5 '“Tln‘li‘llllilq 'Sl‘nqun‘ | Bullet LUHCh l lyelayii'a andulili‘rsl Ken McQuarrie played host to competitors from school. January 7. “ITIK‘ (IttI yIcaIr tor- Iw'Ot‘kUIlR on m ‘IIl'IIS'I Kiri“ [Irk‘jn NelI‘f I ' l ' '~ ‘ t fa son Kcn- Richmond Hill at the gymna- Mrs. Frcd Gray played LESkflY w-L {mm ’P‘Nd" A Change I" “1" a e . 05m d ‘ “.mp “9 ll‘” = v t t v :“epwuciPmell‘SO rrived‘ Dcc- siurn courts in King City Com- for the singing of carols. Members of Laskay Women‘s Swim“ “59d 15 most Castly placed ‘” a m“- “"h ‘3 P0551“? " DAN( IN(' 9 ' UN r“! '10" 'neth LglltlIIY‘lrkoCZUMV Hospi- pasite School. 7 Kindergarten and primary Institute like to entertain oth- mad“ at tllf‘I-I‘tal‘l Ofa 119\I\'Y€‘al'. bt‘len "Im'k MO” \‘l'il-‘S 3"“ ' ifilbriirrs‘ Mchlarrie is the forrn- Several games were keenly Classes took turns Singing 9” l" the m""“””“-" 3‘ (‘hl'iSl‘ he: clan-11.x . Old HSCbelmw illiltlifiestal‘en to determine mo v A Emmy “all”, M King rer'Cher'rv Gray of GormlcyI contested but 0“ the I mgmvs for the other children and I I I :ysItem fIiirlyIIcommonI but Ilre .MII i-CIII‘I IIIM Mm II I II III l‘ownshIrp. Mrs. Robert Mur- I .50 . tsun- Bike Sale play. The Richmond Hill club parents. but a few were so this year they again invited 15905 I Ira I accounts are a ot - 4 - - .filfin ac r Um.“ mod am... aI lengthy “L I . . Youngsters had a visit with won. 17 points to 7. Interested In the playing mothers and 10 preI-school child- 'I‘I‘Ima“ If”: I” Ill”) Ia'g 5? up u ““5‘ 3' “‘5‘ “0””? 0' hel' daught- I ;SInta at the bake sale held' bthamily Celebration of the musrc they forgot ren to an appetrzrng pot luck on” I” “(011" 00 e As (~1‘I Mrs, Fred Baguyey. on Dec. : u the First and Second King ‘Gulde Companies at All Saints’ lAnglican Church. ' Santa’s helper. Stan Roots.I 'greeted the children on the‘ .platform and they received little gifts. ' The first company, led by "Mrs. S. C. Calvert and Mrs. Ro- ‘bert. Berwick cleared $90 from ithe sale of home-baking. Christ-I unas decorations made by they Guides. and the tea-table. . The second company headed. "by Captain Mrs. Ray Rumney land Mrs. Bruce Burt. made $24 .profit from pies. cakes. cup- ‘eakes. tarts. cookies and squar- Tes. Most of the baking had been -done by the girls and only a 'lew items remained unsold. Eveningr Branch W.A. _ Children's gifts were takenr to the Christmas social program I l Mrs. Alex Knight and her ldaughter. Miss Shirley Knight. ‘01" llamny Ave. paid a surprise; Christmas visit by plane to Mrs.‘ Knight's mother in Dundee.‘ Scotland. i For Shirley it was her first rtrip back to Scotland since she Mrs. Knight returned to her native Scotland two years ago; St. Andrew's W.A. I . Mrs. Howard Clegg was el-I ectcd president at the closing‘ business meeting of St. And-l _rew‘s Presbyterian Church W. M.S. for the year. Executive for 1964 includes First Vice-President Mrs. Ed‘ Munn: Second Vice-President Mrs. Bruce Wheatley: Secret-l ary Mrs. Fred Curtis; Assistantl Secretary and Press Convenort Mrs. Munn; Treasurer Mrs. W.l came to Canada nine years ago.‘ their own singing role. Sunday School Superinâ€" tendent John Tanner acted as chairman for the prog- ram which included the showingr of a colored animal movie. loaned by Depart- [ ment of Lands and Forests. The children received books and candy. The crad- le roll was included in the party arranged by the sup- erintendent. the teachers. Mrs. Donald McCallum. Mrs. Gray. Mrs. Gordon Agar. Mrs. John Tanner and Mrs. Ralph Murison and Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Fred Curtis. Children Special Guests Sons. daughters and grand- children were special guests during the “Son and Daughter" Christmas party held by King alt All Saints“ Anglican ChurchtH. Wood: Pianist Mrs. Alber‘IICity Lions‘ Club. 'by members of the evening ‘ed the pot luck supper. after Current o. r 5 '5 O branch, W.A. . The‘ presents were intended Holman; Assistant Pianist Mrs. Fred Gray. Glad Tidings Secretary Mrs. All Saints' Church W.A. cat- ered for the chicken dinner. En- tertainment arranged by Lion for Dorcas distribution in To- Robert Arbuckle: Welcome anleay Love included singing and ronto. .‘Welfare Mrs. James Kerr: Lite-ldancing by the five Foster sist- More than 20 members shar-rature Mrs. Donald McCallum2lers from Pine Grove. which George Cruickshank; showed an entertaining movie.‘ "The Iron Maiden". l White Gift Services White Gift Sunday was ob-. served by the congregation of; King City United Church De- Oak Ridges And Lake on. St. Paul’s United Church Delicious aromas have been emanating from St. Paul's Expenses Mrs. H. Lenhardt. Mrs. McCallum conducted a panel discussion on the study book. “Light For All The World". assisted by Mrs. Wil-. liam Willoughby. _l\‘1rs. Ralph Murison and Mrs. Wood. Secretary sident Bob Dion. \’icc-Presid-, The lucky draw prize of double hockey tickets for the end blues in Maple Leaf Gardâ€" ens was won by Gail Thomp- son. President Donald Hadwen presided and kept business to a minimum for the party prog- ram. The dinner was attended by luncheon at the hall. Half a dozen casserole disli- es and a variety of desserts were served as the party sat at one long table. Entertain Residents About 65 men and women were entertained at York . Manor by the W.M.S. from ‘ St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian l Church. An abundance of music ' pleased the senior residâ€" l ents. Led by Mrs. Howard 1 Clegg. the junior choir sang several selections. With his natural accent. Ed Munn contributed four Scottish airs and Mrs. Lor- away from Willowdale. sang. Miss Linda (Tlegg played her accordion. Mr. Clegg acted as mast- er of ceremonies. The gath» ering joined in singing “Happy Birthday“ to the Manor's oldestr resident. 99- year old Mrs. Peterman of Woodbridge. Mrs. Peter- man thanked the visitors for coming and for their program. The King City ladies served refreshments at small tables and left gifts for Christmas Day from the. church W.A. and W.M. S. :who will be three years on cnts Frank Hawkcn and Al Ro~ members of the Thursday Club.‘Christmas day. binson; Treasurer Vern Plant. who meet at the church for Congratulations to Mr. and j' usual. accorrnt books. free of‘ charge. for farmers are avail~ able at the agricultural offices in Newmarket. One will be mailed on request. away ' with Mrs. D. Newsome .C'ity. Mrs. Dorothy Newsomele- Idjed at York County HaspitaL 17. 3rd concession of King. Sher born and raised there. at- , . weeks after she suffered a par- lending Snowball “hm” and ham on the SIXth concesswn lNewmarket. less than three‘Was alyzing stroke and pneumonia. at the age of '70. r Her husband predeceased her :15 years earlier. They had met"- ‘ed from Mt. Dennis to their King Street home behind the present hardware store. Until her health confined her: to the house. Mrs. Newsome. was a devoted member of King ICity United Church Women‘s rMissionary Society. She wast ry'isited by a wide circle oflfriends during the y rw'as handicapped by arthritis. , As a child of 12. Dorothy .Johnstone had come to Canada ,1926 1939 . returning a few years to visit her relativ farlier this year she lost ‘ brother. William Johnstone. is survived by her sister-inâ€" law' and two nieces in Guelph. Rev. Martin Jenkinon con-:pine lducted the funeral service Dec< 'ember lours. Aurora. Interment was int King City Cemetery. Mrs. Mrs. Leo (ull Snowball. Mrs. Leo Cull passe ‘her home in Newmarkct. Mrs. Cull. the former Bertha â€" Florence A longtime resident of King daughter 0f the late M’V Aurora High school line of King and lived most When Snowball Women's ln- Of her life at LaSkaY aIUdI stitute was organized in May‘Strange. She was an active .ectcd president and held matron Women‘s Institute and was loffice for 10 years. She was;made a life member of Laskay. honorary president of the in-lUnltEd ChUI'Ch anen'S Miss- stitute. In sented with a life membership certificate and pin. [organist ‘Church for a number of yearsuon he? 10 Prepare the tea and The family moved to Aurora initOffee. ears Shelwhen Miss Mr. Leo Cull of Newmarket. Surviving are r. lbrothers Harry and his daughâ€"lpitaliled ters Mary and .lane of Keswickp been living with her daughter 95‘ and George of Toronto. After‘.in SChombel‘g- herlthe death of their mother. Ivy anleerguson Haines. rmotherly care and a nephew. Howard Haines.‘and Alliston., I II ItMar‘garetl. 14 in Ihompson Par-tRegnier mond Hill. 7 Rev. R. N. Pick of Trinity \‘en of ' United Church ll. ember Assisted by Rev. Gordon El- . lnforntathniéb'lickets-â€"-884-5490 ) t r-lI-It-t'-u-ll-yh-it-rI-u-yv-rl-lI-II-||-4I-|Y-|I--I-I-|D. liott or Schomberg. Rev. Martâ€" - .lenkinson conducted the of funeral service in Thompson d Par‘lotfrr‘sIIAIuror‘a. h b . . . - Wil re V eir of Sc om erg; tfigeiltla hidvelhtiliér “215lle George MCDonald' King City. ' ‘ Fergus Lawson. Lawrre Boys. Alfred Gillham and Donald the Barker. neighbours at Laskay andIand Strange acted astallbear- TIKI Ferguson LotlsandIers. Burial was in King City ' ‘ Cemetery. The former Lydia Ireland was well-known resident Ferguson. was Bertha Ferguson was el- member of Laskay and Noblet- 1946 she was pre- ionary Society. She had a knack of help- sne was ing with refreshments and her United organizations always relied up- at Snowball 1943‘ Predeceased by her husb- Your mendshlp and patron- married and. she sold her Laskay home a few years ago and moved to husband‘. Nobleton. At times she was hos-' and since May has} and lived there till Ferguson age have helped make this her a truly happy time for us. May your Christmas abound Mrs. Murdoch is bereaved Bertha gavery many relatives throughout her nieceslVaughan and King. Cookstown with the spirit of great joy. to Orchard: Mrs. Owen Barr The family includes a daught- Aurora: Mrs. A. er. Mrs. Baguley. tMargarett of tOrmal. Cooksville;rSchomber'g; two sons. William Bob Birreu tHeteni. Rich. of Nottawa. and Robert. Street~ sville; a sister. Mrs. Kate Ruth- Cookstown; and two conducted the brothers. John Ireland of Cook- MRS. LAURANCE FOLLIOTT, Prop. LLOYD REID, Mgr. ND THE STAFF OF SUMMl VIEW GARDENS ZChurch kitchens recently with Secretary Stan Metcalfe. Con- games. talks. films. every other Mrs. Paul Peterson. who wel- M s E H h d funeral services at Roadhouse stoyvn and erl Ireland of Belle i . two dinners beinghe1d_0n De. venor for the dinner was Mrsrweek. This dinner was conven~Icomed their first child. a baby r - - 0 Ins ea .and Rose funeral home. wrth Ewart. ‘ ucember 10~ St. pally-s UnnedsAl. Robinson assisted by Mrs. ed by Mrs. Shirley Day. Favorstboy at the North Western lins- interment in Aurora cemetery. Mrs. Arthur WellCSley 0‘ :Men's Club held Bob Dion. Mrs. Vern Plant andiwere placed on the table for"pital December 17. Baby is be- /- lPallbearers were Howard Hain- its annual; King City is a first cousin and . . . . . - , ~ . - r . r , .. t. . ‘ _ {I . . . - Ichnstmas dmnel- “nth {\venty_‘lVlIS. Bill Mitchell. each member. mg called I‘imothy Paul. . , , . _ .95. 0M9" 3811- 30b B“1‘9”. A.I0tll€I COUSmS are MF5~ B l 2 Mlles North of Richmond Hill :tour members attending. On December 17. about 22 On December 29. at the 11 We are glad to report Julie- hef‘ lm‘lmodnmilaltfl She an-d R?ng R"“"9~" R9V91~and Ba'FemdelL “‘9 Cadde“ “fillers - Following dinner. thoroughly men and women with the major- 3-m- SEI‘VlCt’. there Will be a 14-month daughter 0f MF- goldegus “ eall‘ited mews” BlaCkbum- and Douglas welles‘” 0f hmg' V ienjoyed by all. a discussion was ity being in the senior citizen's SPECial Family P9“ sunda-V- and MI'S- Glen Wl'lght- Wild- '5 l 9 mg' ‘ 15' Erma 1‘ * ‘19.!!B'9'Csv'a Vfli Mechanic Licensed mechanic General Motors Dealer. cellent group insurance lESLIE MOTO 0 Wanted required immediately by Permanent position. ex- plan and other benefits. R 09990999 .I day of the holidays. Turkeys and Chocolates Lake Wilcox Bowling LeaguetChildren's Hospital and after if whim? a} “WWW” Parlpurs‘ held its annual turkey roll onltreatments and x-rays. was al-“ mom' m one “ho had “Ved .December 13 and last Fridayllowad to return home. .the bowling alleys were stacked. winners were Tom Biso. Frank 2 J19” on lotteriesI followed [wage enjoyed a 7 pm dinner of Parents and children are en-Iwood Ave. is feeling no ill ef- "I lively game of floor hockey. ‘turkey and all the trinimingleWX‘aged t9 ifttend ChlIll‘Ch 59:1":1'9915 ‘although 1191‘ moth“: Head table guests were Pie-.also held at St. Paul‘s Church.l"lce as a famlly‘ for this 599%?“ Still shakyl aftet‘ swallowmg‘ WWWW‘Q 1 ‘lemon oil last week. The baby ‘was rushed to Toronto Sick We are glad to say Kelly. 5 ;with turkeys for sixteen memb-iyear old daughter of Mrs. Doris I I _ 1ers of the league. with chocoI-iLempberg. Fergus Ave.. is re- as‘pallbeal‘evls’. Hugh ROSS' V1.“ .ates for the rest of the boyvlers.:covering after being rushed to. 10' cun' Amine ca'npben' W‘b' Bowlers were in groups. withl York County Hospital. where .two winners from each grouprlshe was operated on for a badly‘Tom walker‘ Interment "'35 in "starting with the high 2roup.§infected appendix. A birthday party was held for Hollinshead died suddenly at .her borne at Kinghorn. in her Blst year. Rev. Gordon K. Agar led fatnâ€" .ily and friends in a final service fin: % F fi her life in the township where .c: she was born. Long-time neighbours acted ‘Burns. Robert Arbuckle andr fin? King City Cemetery. ,n. % The former Mabel Rawlings. e i .23. i » flamenco gr.rr bomber % .0” 5 a .lMunro. Jerry Lahey. Barry Garnet, son of Mr. and Mrs. gfduggle'IIVf IMF: ("Ind Mrs' Don‘ “his ' w I I I I . Willis. Bill Newstead. Ken Hun-IGeorge Cragg. North Road. an?“ “8‘ “‘IgS'I.“aS bOIInIon the . ' a I. I KING (l'lY .Iter. Anne Sweeney. Brendaitheir home December 21 to ce~‘ ' lbl IOTI‘SISMO." lat l‘hI‘” u‘?ed e . I; a. $.Gibbs. Bernice Murray. Maryllebrate his 16th birthday Decâ€" to 9 a} Line B‘g-‘pl' Shel% r' r" ' .-.-. WWW . ~ . and her future husband started "1 . 9' .5 . Lahey. Jean Trainer. Audreermber 16. h I a “I .. rm. . _ I M I . I_ I s. . . r . I. " In Wmumflnuumxmxxxmmnwnrmnzacre-ct:crease;IM1ddleton. Phylrs Hebert. Vi Attending the party were Ca<r :LII°(1)3I€I:_0:E€ gategéedl‘glfigggg . u a g» . Hunt r. Pat w-' ht, D r W'r-'- ‘ . ' - v. * ' * a. ' r "" II I NII e rig awn l 101 IFullerton Jim IBIrIadleyI SchoolI . I‘ I: a I a is. George Bell. Darlene Irarner TI I II . N ‘ m ,"p :3 Thursday afternoon ladies Dianne Hunter. Keith Woods. l9 I.“0 “Iqum‘fl'w‘ ‘dl ' H a a 2 howling league cancelled their .lurgen Loebke. Marilyn Oxley. slim?“ S Embmtel'an Ummh N 'E {-4 5 Christmas party. which was to Ricky Bishop. Barbara Bell. ‘I‘mfi‘: Slang? m 191.? and a. ‘r- r. I. gtbe held last Thursday owing to John Bell. Kathy Hayward. Eric laslf‘ldlfll I'm malked 1h?” 5m“ g .t I“ 5 the unfortunate accident to Mrs. Simpkins. April Woods. Ron dnm‘f'M'l'. I I . I l h 1‘. J Q‘Fern Leslie. secretary for the Lahey. Dorothy Good. Susie IM”: Holllmlww "f “muted l: :5 league. and the death of her Hitchcock. b3 hf? “Ufihandv me.“ “lo .df’u‘ , " . wt. ‘ IS husband. Robert Leslie in a car Main occupation ol the eyenâ€" ginelf‘ Ml" WW“, “India” g I; S 2 accident Wednesday night. mg was dancing. with twists. :ACIH‘K'IIOII lllfilllimh \(Vfiqccbshlgn, i' a. . . - ‘I PS Brethren In (‘hrist limbos. and what have you" '5‘“ 3 1“ L.‘ “'1‘. ' (“'3 ~‘ .,._o «cu; - . . . ' ,... :yn' ‘ e. it The children of Brethâ€" Refreshments were also en.i0.\‘ lpm‘lshfil Ititlilgl Lilli; -a mind g. N"â€" "A R ren in Christ Church. Oak cd. “OI” d” 1 "M11 ~‘I'. a” a. & Ridwes [.0 e I - _ oops. i nearly forgot, DUHF bIrIotlrer.I Donald Rawlrngs ol . 1». 5 “ p s“th “Hr a" l\|ll°‘ (‘rtv Her sister \lrs ' ii nual program December 22 m." goo‘l ('elebgalezdz he" Hm Jerriiie Fean predeceased her l '1 at 10:30 a.ln.. with an over- birth 33' 9999'“ e" ' " ‘ ' I ' § 2 “owing congregation at_ We are very sorry to have to “g tending. add two very sad deaths in this L Eachslmdav school class time of great rejoicing. with - fl . I._ n . . ,. g participated in group and most people having a very holr- Norman Ethendge a solo selections. White gm day spirit this time of the l-n'. Q 3: Sunday was held at this Nealih w L I d I I .-. Q i ' ,hurch on December 15 .o n . ‘raw or" . w 10 rats I_ I I § - i ° . .. A. .. . t it... .. ' I N and glfts will be contribub been the clerk of \Vhrtclurrch Ra: :glffiznleglcllilllidd; diae‘d o4 g ed to the Scott Mission in [ownshlp for the PM "1.1”." f". ‘ H (q 1 .fm 18 .».-. '-' m a Toronto_ Last Friday the years. was found wounded in a :‘III‘I‘TI‘III 3" l "05' a“ g . . h . . r . . c 1. v ‘ 5 girls‘ and hovs' club {th bedroom of his farm home on -« I II 1 K church enltoveds 0th ie TUeSda-V "lgllt- and “35 take“ “9 “as a wmmmcml plum We thank you for your patronage and F i g ' I - gr to Vewmarket Hospital where graph” and lallml‘ a-‘SUC'aled § . ‘ .' ' X > e:- c chr'stmas part'es “"th A - k l w’ the "or'onlo Real Estate "" E'OOd “'lll dllllmg the Past year and hope r. i A h d d D b 18 “h I Q “ skating as part of the act- 9 ‘6 ecem er ‘ . a \v - ' h th " "l n' l‘ s ‘\" vnri "" a ' a “me: Mr. Crawford who succeede Board. pg. e may ate. 9 pint es? 0 .81 mg . I I I I g r l g “out on] his father as township clerk was Re". Martin Jettkmmn Bon- durrng a. happy". healthy and peaceful Bell (entre Bricks is” - 9 9 . - .- - . .. H . â€" dr '1 d the funeral seryice ec " lo islr It 9 964. . . z. g Many People are celebratingggldn “Ian! 2;“;2333 “:1 ha: ember l4 lll Thompson Par- ] Colorful Peppermint Flakt5 if? Cream :I g RIIrItIIidIaIy: lélIItIlIleI liolrcIIayIseaIson band of Clara Graham and tours. Atll'ul‘a.‘ andI interment Please remember to obtarn an ample F" No Ice (ream a a d.“s Heanml‘éirl‘liSI‘ai-‘g32;": father of Elsie nit-s. w. u.“aI-I‘I1IIII I\}IISI(".‘I(PI'_“I€1‘I’IUII supply of dairy products on Tuesday as ‘eg ‘ E M. ; g De’ce'mber l4. Pen‘cv “(ij ‘SKrngdont. Annie '.\ll‘s. Doue~ I a {":)‘I‘I’I‘ “‘1': I_ ‘3'” d] 1’ {5. there will be no delivery on Wednesday Red or (.‘reen Sherhcrt “a. 5 3 35' A ‘ 'l v 13‘ Bro‘m“ “"“lam' “1 hm“? M” 0 ‘m‘a' dH‘lve'U 0“ " or 'l'hur'sdav oi‘t'hristmas and \'e\v Y ars’ ‘3‘ .‘I a on December H; Jackie .\ew- and Audre‘I deceased Swen-es and Dual Lurllow. loronto, VI ' - ‘ ‘ A e * [I9 (ream pie: ‘ z a". .izfifff'ltli’ét‘ gratis; at “stir s ‘ s ‘ ' - t 5 . ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' . Funeral Home lll Aurora Dec- Opt”- 3’” 98“ 1 lam an .. W xxzxmxum‘ggmgzw . II E may this Christmas bnng to 20 aiIid tlIife two ChristrnasIIgirls ember 20 lIIIermem “a; In 1)“an 1.0mm“ gsemesters“:memeslezfizmzzuumswcmcmmflt I m: I I g .1“ I E are .Iennr er Oxle} yyhoniI t be Aurora Cemmelw B...” m ymtDImm ytr grim. y IA_ _ , a .J *1 tenyers ld deoy“ \i . .. , on v is 3 our 300d fflends the 5 _ ' a ‘ o a.“ 8““ A W In an accident, w lllt'll mcur- “.29 tame ‘t‘ Ld’ldda 3‘ 3 led g i, F _ , swag o fulfillment of their gre t t t t : Itttttttttttrrrmtrrttrtrrrrrmtrrtitruruttmtttrrrtrrrrrrrturrtutrtrtttltttt“" red on Yonge St. oak Ridge. rrf seyen Igrub in:I larrIiIrly lIle yhhzahhhm I a M a II I Mmzmzazmzmmhamhh madam”;’rzmzmkhkhhkimhIz}; ; I; In w w 3 es 8X 9C a l0ll' 5 Bob Thiyeree. Benson .-\\9. re- mm “1 IMHO" - “ 9"" l" u o u 5. ~ _ r .. . p 2 v o N ceived a mild concussion. when mal‘l‘lf‘d the l‘tt'mPl‘ Norma w. ‘ BOWEN MOTORS no 2 ° ' - . S ’ .» » n. . . ' -‘ - . ~ ; 'l‘hev lryecr 'lornnto lien p". II 5 \ u IORI _\\ ORDER of lrded with another car. Bob wa . II I . ' o ‘ ‘ v ‘ - _ ‘ d ml skav tn 1938 where Q t a . ‘ taken to hosprlal. but was re mow <8 _._ l . I , , 3 NURPES leased after "931mm; ire enrode his gardening hob- " u i \l( \l “s \r‘lln “ < ' - l I' A ' ""‘- 0”“ ’ ' l“ .3 RH HMOKD Sympathy is extended to the t‘.‘ t. . Riley - \Volsele) BRANCH family of Mrs Emily \l Gage. “WNW”: a”) ll” “ldo‘t ll” 04'- » ‘ 66. g l): w V . g s. who Dassf‘fl away at St \lrc},. mother Mrs \rtbur H Ethe- W 2) mi bales WV PNI'IR we bel'l‘K'? g l‘lrsu P. biockdale acl's Hospital Toronto, Decent? t'ldg" "l R'iamlm‘d’ a moth ll D Th d E l1 ‘V k t he. 1: yr: (.339 [pa\f~< he} (‘lrffor'd of Woodstock; and ~ V s -- - - . v' 3\;. 0 en A . ay urs ay ar ee . l 797 2 :rusbano Joseph? Gaee amt four sons \rtlrur and Edward g Dalr.‘ Bar “Ill BF Closed (-hrtstrnas and N?“ \9313 D . p t-I "' l ' . . . . .; . ,. - ,, r - r * - ‘ - g I ,I ‘ I 7‘ y ‘ 7 .‘ g _, E Rwhmnnd HI” “llnmpal .Irrldren “(01-9 .losepn Jack o loIronto (harleI of Reno I .J t“ “ \V ll SDI 'l‘H \[iPnR \ '1 H \lnlt“ M's ll Rn hard: arm \pyarta and l.l€‘tll _\nr'manf‘1h_ On. I A LI ‘ 4 I H! ‘H V ‘ ‘7 "’ ‘C 3 ‘1 t'harlrr l"tt‘t"ricrrl ea: in Rim rrtdze ‘ith the Royal Canadian ‘2 ' Ml!"I“llltltllllllIllllllttltllmtmlllllth‘llllflllllllrlltll.\|ltllllll|lttl.l mond Hill Cemeter v. Kay}. at. Dartmouth. l i- aononwananamnmmwnnawmnmmmmmnmmnnmmmna. a

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