Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jan 1964, p. 9

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THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Jan. 2nd. 1964 9 3 Council Refer’ Police Chief To Buy Books Police HolidayAccidentScoreboard '6 thhliiolid lllll Police hell that this \\(lll(l l ' - -' V -‘- “ t‘ ~ ‘~ r o I . UH”. [wier P. Rahhim “M “M m apprma] inf m: \\tll sell like hot takes. ‘ 1% Ontltilludj‘I‘tlti'llL‘PtLE‘. 1., Dammit. m hmh cars was ab_ ‘ authorl/cd by town council librarian Recently me pnhce chief “DID,” Chhfldn-‘lmmm‘fl “[11,81'mm‘ ’ "" o December it) putt-tum. H borrowed seven copies of i ‘Il\‘(‘l: .tlss ,lulin Jarvis. ht \auzhan Police are also 0 ° ' four t'tlttlt‘\ of am hook Ill“ Police and tire t'tlltl- Fanny Hill. an eighteenth i503: Mute; Immlm “‘“NC‘I 9‘ I‘Vtklnfl [or a needle in a havo ‘ .\ Richmond Illlt Town Coun-i The trollce chipt s l‘t‘t't)|lllll(‘ll- dot-med to he obscene .\ re- ITIVI‘MO \ Imumlmlmmmn Salli (0mm) Englhh nmel‘ Dom senr‘elis \(Iiis \Sullary\iim:‘“ pal “Mk (incl 3 h” and lun acmd' cil meeting which lasted little (lation for increased space for (-(ilnnit-ntlgllltltl to lltt.\ eflect 1111;}. ‘11:“ “1,1011%. lmlh a local) 5'01: .and mmeum ferdd i'l broken nose Rindâ€"till: I‘m lfom2 lDat-‘Y qonl (him-v , . . . ~ , .- more than an hour Monday e\- the police departiilcllt This rc- w'ls coltgtlncd in the report v t S I Elmn"'“'1°“‘ '0 'I I“ 119 a VlSOl‘y panel on . ‘ ’ ‘v ““ that t “01'11 0 ~l€€ es . ve- r' * , ' ‘3. . ' .7 'tio _ - . ’ ‘ . -~ ~ . -~ . . - . . .r ration: andlxz. ; ... In MAJ “'11 0‘ 500m“ bl “1 ruliimtd (‘ltlnfl December 23 wound up commendation ls \ltppol‘tt‘tl by 'nt' the police and fire t-om- ml ‘ hm“ whsm‘mm “ml- nhwohe “'e'a‘l‘m- . (,‘h'ef 4-; a\(ti<10(.at1:,:t Sikkim“: ".“C “.hcn a (m dmcn by Syl‘ Municmal “03rd ACI (PMs-0. 1960‘ C- -‘ l the business of 1963‘s councillthe 1963 police t‘()mmlttt‘t‘ and mittoc and was implemmited mlthf‘ 1" lilllsuancc of his Robbins at the time inSlsted “ ‘ ‘ a" ““h" hl'l‘hadler- Stanltope duties to that committee. tln- frat'hh'i‘d km‘i‘» _ amt _ Many items of business \verc‘is referred to the 1964 police by council. [0 ho h. g . ( «I d i the (Epics were dmerely borâ€" The lam: my “m in mm R”f‘d~lil‘“i"03l‘:1 “f'aS Sti‘ECk by a ‘ ‘7‘ V ‘ ~ . - ‘ referred to the 1964 council for commuter for Shuhr\ .HIHW Hmikw ”{ \m'h ss (L‘- d 'ttttl (it or. in t-nw'f‘ l 1101 SCIZC _ The cnmâ€" . ‘ t I t s â€" (-al \\'il('t 6' mm 6 scene. IN THE MAT IRR ()I‘ an application It} tilt dongâ€"Hm and action Amon V _ ‘ H . . ‘ . m. auttmnlm t” purchase mmcets recomn d .7 sion with a car driven by Ronâ€" . . .._ A . r ' , . ‘ . . . g, x r ~ ~ I)t)t)I\.\ will l\(‘ foiwalded to . . . g , Tell a m" I I -> . - - Corporatlon of the r0wnsh1p 0f \ aughan I01 thew were: A recommendation that the IIN‘ “mm”'QNH‘WH PM" Imllufupim fH-‘m the “011w («infillde “any COPICS 0bâ€" :E’tgce aidiniilldlcjtll - d t- t It ‘- t . » t . .. . . - (t... . 1-1.... ., . “It-J'- l “3‘ lmmlf‘tl out tallied in any other manner ' ' ” * ' i an or at. _ ‘ _ ' ‘_ chief constable lmltw lllt potiâ€" PI It”, H “h‘ ‘_(“l““ h” that under I)”. (trimmal ,H t . ..l . . D-m‘ Damafli‘ totalled fS1000 (a) approving the construction of '(t sew-ace :\ letter from Norman MCGI-‘cy of not giving out»of court 3 White. the touth copy ("do me mu”. chief h . .min i" DP” 1859‘ be {mmâ€" the chief said Bad weather‘was treatment Plant and tributary sewers at NV)“ making application ‘0 haw settlements to mount: \t‘ltlt‘lt‘ “I” h“ I'pli‘l'wd 1” “w “(into it 1 \ ' tl " ' l at: “I” lemmed m the pur- blamed . L Y ' “ ' "'70 GOO OI) his property taken Int“ the violations. It was noch that tiles to he used as evidence w lm 0' 0 Sum an) "m \o‘vor 0f sum honks’ - ‘ ‘ . . . o an ehtlmalefl «URI “I 50') ‘ ’ ' . . Town of Richmond Ilill and ' . . s 't" 'llll'l ("Mt‘ t\‘ decilch ne- (.“nSldemd Obscmw' hm thal TI ‘ ' ' ‘ ~ Also on (“Numb Dd}. DUI- - V ' . \‘s l)\' the a )tltt'anl. ()l . . , . ~ ' . “1mm” Nu.“ mmmml “HIâ€"0,!- l d H (' _ ~ the purchase would elimin- ‘9 atln'lwt‘gcnelal 5 ice were called to the scene of One driver is in York Central (b) apprmmfl l 0 l- - U9 . II his taxes go to McConaghvt - - - - - r it 1- wry »\ \lt&“t‘\llflll tn - l - a . . . . . ‘ . ‘ . “L o . ~ ‘ - _ - _ ‘. . ow ii motmlsts alc penali/tc tll If» a t - 5 g . a“. mum “ndmimmc INF Pdm‘ H‘Pmu‘h the." Lon-‘Ider' an accident on Maple Siderond Ilttfittll'dl \\‘Ilh undetermined in- th t l 9 000 III) 16 I“ debentuies ln 6 bum 0 '5 -" v - , PlellC St£11001; HIS Properly isthaving to make personal court (ounclllor .\l “title that City ed Fanny Hill a significant, and Burton“ Strpot~ luries following an accident avable over a et'lotl of twenty years 101' presently in \iaughan Townhip a eat-ancos men it they are the fourth copy he turned " historic and artistic novel. ‘ ~n ' .- i - .~ w I p ‘ ~ ' .l l I I I v A V V pp I . P I _ ) ‘ 31 V I ‘ H ‘ Lhai..ed with (dtt‘lt\.\ (lll\- Detembel -3 at \onge Street such purpose being the net amount reouiiet at} NO EOUIdHWZI $111161 0% VaU-tprepared' to plead guilty. the over to“Richliiotid ltllll‘ I [ID-V ‘ ((tttllt‘lléll .Arllex (amphell they did suggest. however. in: was Edward (;_ llnhhs, 16, and 'l‘rayborn Road. after the apphcu‘mn of the aqtuwpated gDiantV o: \I an Qt olng‘e :lylli61:‘poltc'e chief has been under the It(' Illrl).ldl.\lt.r “Hut iaction Its :olniinen e1. I djet-blook set- that the book itself might be 124 Sabrina Driw‘ Wmmn (“L Takpn 10 hospital was Rus_ Winterworks subsidy. (‘ptlt-I e e c an ey in Clibelief that [hp twat t-mtt‘t ttttt not taken woum l1( lepy er. oesn mln 1 ie pl(l(S ruled obscene if made the llowing a collision \ttth a my sell Gray, 42. of Elgtn Mitts at- POInICd OUI that this IS “01 atnot wish out-ofâ€"court settle- rm” ('nl’l“S 1"“ "951 simple matter since it involves’mcms. reported (‘ouncillor Wal- anncxahon. 311d "annexation If? for Seudds. bill on enquiry he I‘G‘Pllgnflm 10 this COUDCII." had ascertained that the court would welcome such settle- from Councillor .\le.\ (‘alnp- tip “'h-IN'I 0‘ a “"1” “lion- driven by Ross A. Rumble. 19, ter his car was involved with . r , . ’ERichmond Street. Richmond two others driven by David Three In Hospital After New Years Eve Acadentl APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Friday the 17th day of January 1964, at the hour of ten o‘clock in the forenoon Hill, Rimmcr. 21. of Richmond Hill Mr. Rumble was cut over the and Edgar Eaton, 51. of Maple It 4 it i right eye and suffered chest in- around 6 pm. , . . . .. 1,. , - -_ . - "l ‘lilt‘ were sent to Ice are tnvcsti atin". ‘ ' ‘ _ . ‘ {local time) at the LOUHCII Chambers Of the 1.116 “'58) alld Barrmgmn (Tom‘s. “huh “(mm “Emmi the holpliltt'll New Ye'ii‘s Day On New Veins the about Shi‘itph [IT/loanpfle fjei'ekfrfli‘ollqiisri‘dhtl’"mcs' A passenger. (lion w't Damage was abou‘ 5500' o 7 - -. g ‘ .-- ‘oce. “_ ‘ ~‘ “ t ‘ ‘ j -i â€"~ _ ~. - - Townshm of Vaughan] m the Polite \‘ lndge 01 engineeling seiVices agreement mmmmu a 1hr“. (m. flash on 5:15 pm. on [hp 12”] C0n(_cs_ more were no injuries Rumble. 10. RR. 1. king suf .Richmond 1111] Police said, on sanitary sewers. w t: t it lfered a cut chin and lost some"l‘hey are investigating the "356:; Street north of Highway sion and Highway 49. two cars Rosalie Kemp 25_ 6 Goslingtteem Maple. for the hearing of all persons interested MW . . .. - - T *T 'I‘ 'alc' . l '-._ . - » . .y. â€" .. . ~ ‘. ' In support of “1' 1“ OTTO-“hon to 3” apphcatlon A letter from E, F. Jackson. perfi'nof DUE.”lhthan'dtlhflpltill 4‘ .\ al'gllml [with mid "Edgy my“? htitimles Houghion' 34‘ Road‘ Maple “'35 '"-””"d "l 3” magmiw‘xxcxx«xlifjlhfiflie been laid. - for approval or the COIISU‘UCUOH 0f the Sewage owner of 20 acres industrial Church Street South. were re- SUHCHM -“ Thu“ .(.(m§.mL\-l(.)~n 01. 00 b” 16 Md .Bi‘mn, al-Cldem Januaw 2 at 7:15 a'm"‘MWN\\XN\N\NN\\N\T\\MN works set forth in Schedule “A” hereto land. Mr. Jackson is investiEa-iferred to the 1964 finance com- mm “"‘“",“]“m’"" “m .I‘””““ “5‘1.”-18~0fl3d“““”3°'em‘°l"‘Rho“ (:35 drive“ by Murdo ‘ ‘ ’ . ‘ ‘ i . _ i r‘ ‘ a_ . b ‘ I H -- t. amage was 'emp.. .atso fGoslin R d r . . , _ .tm the cost of t t t \\ augh DdSSf‘tl‘W‘n in a e in an aui en 0 g M at rOlOHtO thlS day Of De ang Other serViceggiitténfiiSW:rt1:lr‘mlttee. I. * * 1' (“won by \Vlulam Waugh 23H$1fl00 ,and John Eluk‘ 46‘ of Toronto New Year cember, 1963. of Kcele Street. Toronto. who‘Bad Weather lwere in collision on Keele also suffered lacerations and On January 1 around 4:45 Street. one quarter of a mile Kenneth S. Farrows. 18. Rock- pm. bad weather was blamed north of Highway 7. port Crescent. Richmond Hill for an accident on Maple Side- Vaughan Chief James David-i who suffered bruises and lacerâ€"iroad and Bathurst Street whentson said about 30 cars were T ations. cars driven by Richard Helte-‘cheeked New Year's Eve andt l The Farrows and Waugh cars man of RR. 1, King and Lor-;severat motorists had to be: i ' r in collision with a third‘v' "â€"iwr V v ~7'hel ed nut ' ‘ Xi‘an 1“. Alexander- Chutettttlltttlltlllllllllltlllllllttltltlllllllltlltlttlltttltlllllltllttlllltllttlllltllltll p of d'm‘e“ Plews Road. at 2:45 am. Marc Money it’ll!!! Harri For _ _ The offer of purchase on the A submisston from the hour’ Lubinsky property was also re- ly rated employees requesting ferred to the 1964 finance com- ,wage adjustments. mittee. B. VICKERS. Secretary 2 it we’re wishing 366 days full of all the joys of health. friendship you and yours. AW“ '\.,\?\.7\.\.« Five New Faces . I I ‘ rewarding II no county action 18‘ and achievement. tContinued From Page 1t The Ontario Municipal Board I SCHEDULE “A” TO THE FOREGOING APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING “ SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT & TRIBUTARY SEWERS as follows: construction of sewers, on; 1. KEELE STREET. from approximately .500 ft. north of south limit Lot 8 to Langstaff Road, approximate length 3,600 feet, 2. NEW STREET (Lot 8). from Keele Street to New Street approximately 2,300 ft. east, approximate length 2,300 feet. 3. NEW STREET (Lots 7 & 8). from South limit of Lot 7 to approximately 500 ft. north of south limit of Lot 8, approximate length 1,900 feet. 4. EASEMENT (S. 43 ft. of Lot 7), from Keete Street to New Street approximately 2,300 ft, east. approximate length 2,300 feet. 5. EASEMENT (Lot 7), from New Street ap. proximately 800 ft. west of (‘.N.R. Newâ€" mai‘ket line to Sewage Treatment Plant, approximate length 1,800 feet. 6. SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT to be located in the south half of Lot .7, Concession 3, approximately 1,000 feet east of the C.N.R. Newmarket' line. I SALE. STARTS Saturday January 4 9:30 A.M. it SMOKE DAM lem." Annexation. On the subject of annexation Mr. Broad- hurst promised that before there could be any major extension of the town‘s pre- sent boundaries “every pub- lic body potentially involved would have to be consulted and every piece of land would have to be precisely and probably initially re- strictiver â€" zoned". In any industrial annexation he would advocate that the mu- nicipality own at least part of the annexed area. Mr. Broadhurst promised there would be no hasty annexa- tion plan when he said any overall plan would first have to be presented to the tax- payers for public debate. Bayvicw. Mayor Broadhurst promised to tackle the long standing problem of the pav- ing of Bayview Avenue in a forceful and vigorous man- ner. He will strive for a de- finite answer from the county in the first few months of his administration. Bayview became a county road last May 1. with pro- mises made at the fall ses- sion of county council that sufficient funds will be vot- ed in 1964 to provide for its paving. ‘ , . forthcoming Mr. Broadhurst promised to lead a delegation of the whole town council to present "our case bluntly, forcibly and publicly. I would get it out of the realm of back room diplomacy. which has been tried for years and found to be fruitâ€" less: and right where it be- longs H in the spotlight of the public forum". He said he would make no promises on Bayview' 'he could not keep as the mayor has no vote on county coun- cil. Only the reeve and deâ€" puty-reeve are the voting members of the county g0- vernment. In the matter of capital works projects Mr. Broadâ€" hurst said he would set "up an order of priority for them". “The rate at which they were done would have to be limited by the town‘s ability to pay for them. but certainly a start would have to be made. First priority would go to items designed to evenutally increase the value of the town's asssess- ment as this. in turn, would increase our ability to fin- ance the rest of them. Reâ€" development work would fall into this category“. Damage totalled $2.000. Polâ€" ' Car Clubs Take :65 Drivers Home I 6 New Year's Eve The two Richmond Hill area car clubs acting as a chauffeur service New Year's Eve took ab-‘ out 65 motorists home from parties. ’l‘wenty-eight members (it the Aristocrats and Knights Car Clubs began their taxi service‘ at 7 pm. and the last driver took the last party-goers home at 7 a.m. Wednesday. i It was a free service with drivers supplying their own cars and gasoline. Local taxi-i cab companies didn‘t suffer from the competition as dis-l patchers were flooded witht calls. Fred L'rbcn. Aristocrals‘ prer‘ sident and Douglas Cutter. preâ€" sident of the Knights club said‘ the project was part of a pub- lic service program launched, by Toronto‘s hot rod hobbyists.‘ The Aristocrats also collect: ed and mended Christmas toys. and operated a Department of‘ Transport vehicle check this past fall. Rds., MacNaughton Highways Minister Char- Ies MacNaughton has urged York County Council to speed up its road building program in 1964. In a meeting with the warden commissioners, finance com- mittee and special roads committee held at the high- ways administrative offiices in Downsview at the end of December Mr. Mac- Naughton said York is lagging behind in its county road system. He suggested county council vote more money in the new year for the acquisition and develop- ment of additional roads. Last. year York spent approximately three mitts on roads while the minis- ter said some other Ontario counties are spending as high as seven or eight mitts on roadss He suggested Steeles Avenue. Bathurst Street and Dufierin Street be taken into the county roads system. Mr. MacNaughton said the county should not forget the roads in the northern part of the county. llllllllllllllllllttlllllllllllltllllllltlltllltlllIllllIllllllllllllllllllltllllllllltl I Ernest V. Rat‘h Mr. Ernest V. Rath passed away on Saturday, December 7, Hospital. Toronto following a‘ lengthy illness. , Mr. Rath was born in Cam- ‘den,. Nova Scotia in 1903. He was 28 years with the A. D. Gorrie Company. Toronto. but ‘had been retired for the past five years. Mr. and Mrs. Rath imoved to Victoria Square threet years ago. Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Sally Rath of Victoria Square, his mother. Mrs. Minerva Rath, Camden. Nova Scotia, brothers Stanley Rath. Camden. N. S., Elvin Rath, Guelph, Harry Rath, Truro, N. 5., sisters, Mrs. Flor- ence MacKenzie and Mrs. Stuart Kirkpatrick of Truro. Nova Seotia. Mr. Ratb nested at the Chapel of Morley S. Bedford. 159 Egl- inton Ave. W., Toronto. Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon, Decem- ber 10 in the Victoria Square tUnited Church conducted by the Rev. R. Chapin. Interment fol- lowed ,Cemetery. 1963 in the Queen Elizabethl wflaxwmxw‘w in the Victoria Square. in this Happy New Leap Year! REGAL AUTO BODY (Vern Hooley Prop.) 319 Enford Rd. W AV. 5-4702 W . ~>.0.4-l>.l-lv--n-0.ti-l-t.o.u.u.0-dm. “JOHN JOSEPH LAWLOR, B.A., JOHN LECLAIRE, B.A., LL.B., and FREDERICK J. BANNON, B.A., wish to announce that effective January lst, 1964, they will carry on the practice of law in partnership under the firm name of Laonr, Leclaire 8. Bannon with oflices in Toronto and Rich- mond Hill. John C. Medcof, EA. will continue to be associat- ed, in private practice, with offices in Toronto and Mt. Albert." i .0..-u-u.n.n-u.u-i l I t . g I i-n.«--o-o¢-n-ti-.i-«--o-n-o-o-i_ti-nn-lDuâ€"o-m! 7-4U-l|-t-ll-l¥‘l-ll--1--“‘ - DRESSES, SPORTSWEAR, HOSIERY, LINGERIE, MILLINERY,ETC. ALL DRASTICALLY REDUCED Sayings Up To 50% :__IALLSALES FINAL-NO EXCH TTI ! LII SHOP 248 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHOND HILL »

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