10 THE LIBERAL}, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 2nd, 1964 Thornhill W. l. The annual Christmas lunch- eon of the Thornhill Branch of the W. I. was held at the Summit View Restaurant, Rich- mond Hill, on December 16. The president, Mrs. C. Sin- clair, welcomed the members and guests. The motto for the day was “Take Time To Give, It Is Too Short A Day To Be Selfish". It was announced that an institute spoon with the insti~ tute’s crest had been given to Mrs. Doris Fitzgerald for her work in preparing an institute broadcast. The program for which she provided the mate- rial was called "Steeped in the History of Thornhill". Owing to Mrs. Fitzgerald’s illness at the time, Marguerite Boyle made the broadcast for her and I plant was sent to Miss Boyle. Mrs. Emprlngham responded‘ with a poem “Remember the‘ Old Days" and Mrs. Mizen also read a poem, “If I could do What 'ere I Would to Do". The roll call was answered by each member contributing a gift for cancer patients. Community Happenings In Thornhill Orders were taken for the Thornhill Home Of Insurance Head Office Thornhill and District News Placking baskets of Christmas goodies for distribution Christmas Eve to the senior citizens of Doncaster community are Mrs. H. Flew- welling (left) and Mrs. M. Malinski (right), members of the Doncaster Community Ladies’ Club. This annual remembrance of the older people who have contributed much to the community, this year saw 13 baskets and eight boxes of chocolate prepared and distributed by the ladies’ club. (Photo by Barbour), Senior Citizens Remembered TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 picture of the cheque for the‘ hospital being handed to Dr. Langstaï¬. Anyone wishing a picture is asked to call Mrs. Thompson at 285-2973. After the business portion of the meeting, Mrs. Thompson read a paper on Christmas and Mr. Mizen involved the ladies in several games and contests. Carol singing was also enjoyed. The meeting closed with the Queen, and everyone went home feeling they had enjoyed ‘a pleasant afternoon. Miss Laurie Dawson of Long- bridge Road called me last week to say that she was having as her house guest during the holiday season, Miss Jan New, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John New, formerly of Thornhill and now resident of Chatham. I'm sorry this was too late for last week’s paper, but if any of Jan's old Thorn- hill friends would like to call her at Laurie‘s, I think she should still be there by the time you read this. Holy Trinity News Rev. Howden’s m e s s a g e This beautifully renovated (building at 7699 Yonge Street, Thorn- hill, is the new home of the head oflï¬ce of the York Fire and Casualty Co. and the Transportation Fire and Casualty Co. Erected in the late 1840’s it was sold in 1854 for 300 pounds to Dr. John N. Reid, who added the second storey. In 1900 it was purchased by J. E. Francis who lived there until 1946. The next owner, David McLean, converted the house to a real estate ofl‘ice with apartment ab_ove. -.. uv an AV... v~-w-- Great pains we;e"takve}iirprfeserve the architectural charm of the exterior during the recent alterations, but the interior has been com- pletely and tastefully modernized. (Photo by Barbour) “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thomhill area. Our representative in Thomhill is Mrs. Margaret McLean, who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. “From the Rector’s Desk†is one we should all bear in mind. He says, in part: “May we glorify and praise God not only in words but in deeds, by putting him ï¬rst in our daily lives and by carrying the spirit of Christmas â€" the spirit of love and unselfish service â€"‘ into all the days that lie ahead."i Conï¬rmation classes Willl begin at Holy Trinity in Ja-‘ nuary â€" the junior class for‘ boys and girls to be held on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m.; the adult class to be held on Thursday evenings at 8:15 pm. All young people are wel- come at the Trinity Teens and Twenties annual “Holiday Hop" on Friday January 3, at 8 pm. Senior Citizens Club . The Thornhill Ministerial} Association and the Thornhill‘ Lions Club are jointly spon- soring a senior citizens club in Thornhill. The ï¬rst meeting is to be held in Holy Trinity Church Hall at 2 p.m. on Ja- nuary 15. All “senior citizens†are invited to come and bring a friend. And it seems to me I warned all you good people, that if you didn’t phone in some news to me, there just wouldn‘t be any. So you see, you are short- changing all of us this week. There seemed no-one home at all the numbers I called, so suspect many of our neigh- bours are of? enjoying the skiing, which must be some- what phenomenal, judging by all the snow I see around here. No doubt, too, some have skipped away down south for their holiday in a more balmy clime (cowards, aren’t they?); so I expect to hear about all their doings when they get back. ' Clerk H. C. T. Crisp reported that he had received a request from the Victorian Order of Nurses to pay the remainder of the money set aside in the bud- get for that purpose. An amount of $5,000 had been budgeted; for the V.O.N. and $2,500 had, been paid earlier in the year. It was his understanding that the council’s intention was that the cost of providing V.O.N. care for the township up to‘ $5.000 be paid. so he had asked for a statement of such expen- ses. This had not been received as yet, so the matter was left over for the 1964 council. Before leaving you this week, though, I would like to tell you about my no- mination for a prize for the most sensitive and kindly gesture of the year; it should surely go to the Italian labourer who was working in a Thornhill home a few days before Christmas. Noticing the young wife going frequent- ly to look out the window as dusk fell, he asked, as he was ready to leave after a long day’s work, “You scared? If you scared, I stay outside in my truck till your man come home." And may I wish you all “une joyeuse et bonne anneeâ€, which, on being translated, means I wish you nothing but the best in the year ahead. Cheers! Markham Twp. Will Purchase John St. Land Markham Township Council Friday morning decided to pur- chase the westerly 45 feet ap- proximately of the J. E. Willis property on John Street for the sum of $4,000. This purchase will provide for extension of Doncaster Avenue, for a sanitary sewer easement and a walkway. and will be financed out of lot sev- erance fees in that area. Deputy-reeve Alan Sumner reported that about 25 proper- ties would be directly affected, and the expenditure would re- quire the severance fees of only eight lots. SOMETHING WANTED PHONE TU. 4-1105 “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS WANT ADS Replying to a question, the clerk said he hoped that expenditures would be within the budget, but that the full picture would not be available until the roads and water accounts are all in. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winger had their family all home on Boxing Day and 24 persons en- joyed the Christmas fare. Here is the \iay some of our Carrville folk spent Christmas. _Mr. and Mrs. J. Heslop spent Christmas at home this year mainly because their son Blair got an unwanted Christmas gift â€"â€" the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Winger had Christmas at home for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett and family. On Boxing Day they at- tended a Christmas reunion in Gowanstown with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baker where 44 relatives enjoyed being together after 12 years. Mr. and Mrs/Bruce Bordon had Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Amos, Victoria, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wynne had their sons and their famiâ€" lies at home during Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. J. McEwen and Bob had Christmas at home with Mr. and Mrs. David Todd and family, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Loveridge, and Mrs. McClagen as guests. Prior to Christmas festivities Mrs. Amelia Mackie enjoyed a surprise buffet supper at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. Stewart, The Villa, in honour of her 84th birthday on December 15. Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mackie, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gooding, Miss Sandra Love, nine grandchild- ren were also present. Mrs. Heslop reported that a large flock of evening gros- beaks were feeding at their station and then joined a larg- er flock and disappeared into Warren Reaman‘s bush. Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bone and family had Christmas at home and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bone, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kirk, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rise- brough enjoyed Christmas din- ner with them. Dr. and Mrs. Brock Walker went out for dinner on Christ- mas day and during the day saw all their family. We are glad to hear Mrs. Walker is do- ing so well with her broken ankle. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton had their family all home for Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wil- son and girls, Mr. and Mrs. David Barton and family and Mrs. Sadie Oliver and Helen en- joyed Christmas with them. Mr. and Mrs. John Barton dropped in during the evening making Christmas complete. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Busheil, Jim and Beverley had Christ- mas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott, West Hill, Mr. Bushell, Jim and Bev visited with relatives in Owen Sound December 27, Mrs. Bush- ell stayed at home suffering from a bad cold. Mr. and Mrs. Vince Delbrocco and boys spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Luigi Del- bro’cco and family, Bedford Park Road. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson spent Christmas at home and had their grandson Keith and his family with them. During the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lynett visited with them. NEWMARKET: Leonard Little was honoured recently on his retirement as superintendent of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Sun- day School. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kirk had their family all at home with them on Sunday before Christ- mas and enjoyed a Christmas m FAR" WTUAL AUTO- “LINURNOCEGJMPANY. KENNETH SHEPHERD Office, TU. 4-2291 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Res. 294-1562 Mil-d Mu: TORONTO LLOYD HARVEY Office, TU. 4.2291 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Res. Phone 886-5369 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GORDON READ CARRVILLE NEWS Telephone AV. 5-4001 The Reads had Christmas at home with their family; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Drewery and children, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Read and boys. During the day Mr. Jack Anderson Mr. Joe Lamb, Mr. George Poole, Mrs. Gordon Poole and Cheryl, and‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bordon dropped in to say Merry Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Amos and Alec of Warkworth dropped in on Boxing Day to say hello. Ronnie and Peter Read had Christmas eve supper with their grendfather. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lamb en- joyed Christmas at home with their family this Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Pyl spent Christmas at home with their children and on December 27, they motored to Man- itoulin Island to visit with friends. Mr. Pyl celebrated in double fashion on Christmas Day as it was also his birthday. Don’t forget folks! Christmas in Carrville gets continued next week, along with all the New Year Festivities. The Carrville U. C. W. will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Purves, Carrville Road January 8 at 8 pm. Taking part in the devotional will be Mrs. Barton, leader and Mrs. Bushell, reader. Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. Walker will supply the refreshments. buffet with them. There has been a new addition to the Kirk household Mrs. Kirk received a bouncing black baby poodle for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker had their family all at home for Christmas supper and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Savage and child- ren dropped in to enjoy the Christmas tree. The Sunday School children enjoyed a sleigh ride on Dec- ember 27 at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Graham. I would like to wish everyone in 1964, happiness and prosper- ity: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huthes of Streetsville visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Gregorash, Duncan Rd. over the Christmas holidays. Mrs, B. Magson with sons Ronald and Brooke of North Bay were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hills, 16th Ave. Mr. and Mrs. E. Graine re- cently from Toronto have moved to take residence on 16th Ave. Social Notes Miss Jacqueline Gregorash, Duncan Rd. celebrated her six- th birthday on December 23, by going to see Cinderalla with Miss Maxine Hinton and Mas- ter Matt Hinton. Miss Hinton also celebrated her eighth birthday on December 20. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hewitt, 16th Ave. on Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Chambers, Tim- mins, Mr. Dan Rukaruk, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray and Mr. J. Gough, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dickie Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. W. Everton, of 7 McKay Drive, held open house on Christmas Day for Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Sugden on their 50th wedding anniversary. Guests inf eluded people from London,‘ Ontario, Brantford, Brampton, Etobicoke, Scarboro, and Tor- onto. Mrs. Everton is the dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Sugden. Mr. Hank Vas a bowler on the East Richvale Mixed bow- ling team was the other winner of the chicken. Richvale News Phone 285-1073 Correspondent: Mrs. Anne Hewitt, 78 16611 Avenue TU. 4-7645 Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N, Richmond am. Birthday greetings are ex- tended to Natalie Marks of 16 Sprucewood Drive, who celeb- rated her sixth birthday on December 26; to Gloria Gain who celebrated her 12th birthâ€" day December 29; and to Pam- ela Morrison, Sprucewood Dr., who celebrated her 17th birth- day on December 21. Ron and Louise Dewsbury ar- rived from Sudbury on Decem- ber 24 to spend Christmas with her parents, the Clows, of 157 Clarke Avenue. Visiting David Flewwelling and his family of Glen Came- ron is a summer friend, George Louttit. 14, of Nellie Lake. near Iroquois Falls. He arrived in Doncaster on December 23 and will return -home before school The next meeting of the Don- caster Community Ladies Club will be held January 13 at the home of Mrs. M. Malinski. An interesting feature of the meet- ing will be a movie of the Ba- hamas presented by Maria's Travel Service. The programme will be open to all interested. Doncaster Community Ladies' Club on Christmas eve present- ed baskets and boxes of chocol- ates to the senior citizens of the community. This year 13 baskets and eight boxes of chocolates were distributed in this traditional community Chr- istmas service. Women’s Institute The January meeting of Mark-Vaun Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Mary Jones, 39 Garden Avenue, January 9. Please note change of place and date of meeting. The next euchre will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Glassey, Garden Avenue on January 18, instead of Ja- nuary 11. Socials Mr. John Donnelly of the RCAF visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Donnelly at Christmas. Mr. 'and Mrs. Mel Holt visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edney at Bradford on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pulford visited Mr. and Mrs. Mel Holt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hen- derson, Garden Avenue, had a pleasant surprise over the Christmas holidays, when their oldest daughter, Miss Jessie Henderson, flew home from El Centro, California. Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Graham, Coe Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hicks over the week- end. Mrs. Mary Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jones and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Art Jones and family on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Camp- bell and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wakeford and family of Unionville‘ on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Roy and family visited Mr. and Mrs. William Dey of Toronto on Christmas day. On December 20 Terry Camp- bell and David Iris were invest- ed into the 151: Richmond Hill Cub Pack B. Correspondent: Mrs. Aleta Campbell 122 Garden Ave. Phone AV. 5-4704 LANGSTAFF NEWS DONCASTER NEWS HENDERSON AVENUE â€" AVenue 5-2505 CORRESPONDENT: DAVID BARBOUR m WW LAMB LOCAL (Across ". FURNITUF MOI 127 PI. Mw\r\\v Vlw vvwv-xâ€"xxrxwww Mrs. Ada Rowe of Ottawa is spending her Christmas holiday in Doncaster with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mizen of Sprucewood Drive. staits in the new year‘ Thornhill and District Hoc- key Club house league (inter- mediate) are now recessed for the holiday season. With five games played and 10 games to go, Golden Hawks, coached by Dennis Loughead are in first place with 10 points. Don Mc-‘ Donald's Red Knights and Dav- id Barbour's Calypso Kings are tied with four points, and Rich- ard Barbour's Red Wings hold last place with two points. Games resume January 5. I LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TUA-IIOS Tvrnou M. E ? CALL BA. I - 0485 AN R.E.T.A. MEMBER BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE Anotlier good reason to buy 16B Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill â€" 285-4811 Over 45 Years Experience LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING (Across The Street) Or Across the Continent FURNITURE HANDLE!) GENTLE AS A LAMB MODERN STORAGE WAREHOUSE 127 Birch Ave. o Thomhill, Ont. @amumetg’tï¬a CALL PHONE A V. 5-4911 -2-3 WE ARE THE BEST PINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL LINTELS | BEAMS STEEL FABRICATIN G To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service