Markham Plving 4 Pinewood Aggreg-lc-s 2 Morley’n Foodllnd 1 Everybody gol into the act DR" KEI'DOha," POiled two {or the Hills Dale coumers “ith goals for the winners with Stew-‘scoring divided between Cliff art Thompson and LarrylLynham. Nigel Shelton. Leo Thompson getting the olher'Van Fall. and Lawrence Mansâ€" lwo. Assists went to Robert bridge. Larry also picked up an Curtis with two. Bill Cox slap- assist along wiih Roger Crook. pad in the laser's only goal as-Pinewood's goal-genus “ere 14 Skyline Pontiac 4 Rumble Transport 1 Scoring far Skyline was di- vided equally between Doug Nicholls, John Caven‘ Michael Graydon and Ricky Boling- broke. Assists went to Dave Dunkley. two. Wayne Sether and Jim Mitchell. Scoring for Rumble’s were David Nablo and Danny Goldring. Doug Webster picked Up an assist. Allencourt Pharmacy 4 Charlton Hdwe. 1 Doug Brown led the way for the winner wilh two goals with‘ Larry Laidman and Ian Corkin‘ getting one apiece. Assists went to Rob' Moorley and Alan PH: otte. Brian ' Dunlop scored‘ Charlton's only goal from M. Hiscott. We didn’t have to suffer these tortures 1his year and got to bed at a very reasonable hour. It was a sort of treat in a way but somehow a little something was missing from Christmas. Ah! Well! Tempus‘fugit and there's just n0 way of turning back the clockl.’ (Continued From Page 8) barn ï¬nally got assembled despite _t assembly instructions seemed in In classical Persian. CHAMPIONSHIP and also won the championship of the newly formed Metro Major Fastball League. A new resident of Richmond Hill, Ray Judd. brought along a new era in softball pitching and made many new softball converts. In this same year the CEDAR R01) AND GUN CLUB saw the ï¬rst light of day. This Club. catering .to residents of the Richmond Hill area has already taken giant strides toward becoming one of the most active organization: of its kind 10 be found anywhere. Club members have even bigger and better plans for the coming year. ONTARIO AMATEUR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION V With all the extra trafï¬c in the town park, new stands were added and painted to give this area a much needed improwment. In 1962 the INDIANS FOOTBALL TEAM won the Metro Rugby Football] Union Championship. For the 1963 season they had new g‘oalposts, player benches and toward the end of the season new change quarters in the arena complete with showers. Hut water too! SOCIA'I‘ION came up with a banner year in 1MB. They produced an effective SPORTS DAY PARA DE prpgram, had hundreds of youngsters in action all summer. entered age class teams in Softball tour- neys around the province and ended the year with a sports day in which evergvdne participated. '- ~ Early in l964 uie’mCHMoNu HILL FIGURE SKATING CLUB will have an entrant in the central Ontario section figure skating chaim)ionships to be held at Peterborough. Youngsters who started and stuck with the grind through the years are now rounding into competent young Skaters. The Year of Our Lord “163 was a busy, how year â€"â€" full of improvement. and intimation. We did not. realize just how busy until this column saw the light of (lay. it was a year of progress and a year full of promise for the future. ll’ 1964 is half as good we're in for a wonderful, wonderful \‘earfl We would like to take this opportunitv to wish every-One a. mOSt happy and propperous New Year and the good Lord willing. that‘s what it will be!!! KEN'I‘ CLO’I‘HES had a junior softball lean: that, started with a roar. tapered off in the middle but finished by winning the North York League softball title. There just isn’t. any better way In ï¬nish out a season! ’ So' here it is. almost the start of another brand new year. How's by you? Did you live up to all those resolutions of last year and accomplish all those great deeds. or even get the house paiiiledi‘? If you can honestly answer yes to all the foregoing questions then forget the New Year â€" the old one is plenty good enough for you. For the rest of us â€" the slobs who can't say yes to anyone of the questions â€" then Happy New Year ! !! We need a new one ! l l liNow we're, being given a shiny new n'Iak‘e bright. or to mess up as we see ï¬t. tally will be toned up on December 3 . ' the net result will be just exacth what we In thermeantime using the words of Dick Tim, "God Bless Us â€" Everyone"! . . . Sport Spots. . . The year 1963 was a fairly eventful one in the sporting world on the local scene. ltiehmoml Hill Arena, the Grand Old Lady of the tonn park. got a much needed face lifting and a new foundation garment. that makes her look years and years younger. To further enhance her appearance a little bright paint inside plus some new lighting helped a lot. And. as a crowning gesture. she got a new ice making machine to entry and pamper the ice. All this in 1963: what. will I964 bring? The Richmond Hill Minor Hockey Assur- iation went rolling right along in high gear pro- viding Organized hockey for over 800 boys. con- ducting a hockey school and entering teams in 0.1VI.H.A. competition. Never an organization to rest on laurels the hat-key group are con- tinually working and seeking ways to make a smoothly running program even better. In a really serious Vein â€" it was an es eul- ful year this 1963. There were great «this on this tired old globe. some pleasant. many sad. Even here in RichmOnd Hill and area we had happy events and some very sad ones. A year just like any other year. MINOR “QCKEY RESULTS I‘HE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. Jan. 2nd. 1964 'l‘HE RICHMOND Hil.L MINOR BALI. AS SQUIR’I‘ LEAGUE Also in 196?. VERN DYNES acquired his, ï¬rst HAPPY NEW YEAR sisted by Neil Cruuley. Dan’s Essa l Gormley Sand 8: Gravel 0 A tight one as Tom Sanlon rapped in the only goal of the night. Coming up with good (le- fensive games were Dan‘s goalie L. Moore and Gormley twine- keeper Glen McMaster, Consumers Gas 1 Bob's Hockey SuppIirs 0 Another hairbreadth win as Jack Wesley blinked the light for the only goal of this game. Sunnybrook Riding (‘luh 0 Wilson Niblett 0 Wowâ€"Like defensive hoc- key. Goalie-s Stan Petronski for Sunnybrook and Bruce ACOIII‘eIl for Wilson Niblell had all the answers as they came up with shut-mm. Hills Dal: Healing 4 Pinewood Aggreg-les 2 Everybody gol into the act BY BOB ROSS .lr ATOM LEAGUE ï¬le ï¬le fuel .that to be written in my new year to see ï¬t. The ï¬nal uer 31, 1964. and what we made it. of Dickens' Tiny Surf Marine 4 Craigies Men's Wear 3 Dave Hamilton came up with a hat-trick for Surf Marine with Tom Can'en scoring the other marker. Assists went to Jim Hazelwood and Jim Emma- nuel. it was a big, big night for one of the laser‘s also as Bar- ney Coriess came up with three big counters. Assists Weill to Bill Huke, ’i‘erry ilall. 'l‘uhy Vander Vaik. Bowden's 4 Del Brocco 2 Bowden's goals went 10 Al- lan Long with two and Tom Dyson and Brian Haviland. As- sists went to Tom Dyson. two. Paul Sullivan. two. and Allan Butler and Baird 6 Skyline lluick 1 Earl Smith led the Way for the winner with t\\u goals ful- luwed by Bill Wright. George Porter. .lefl Crane, Brian Husltlo with one apiece. Clarence Dukeshire potted the luser's goal on an assist I'mm .lim Doberty. Long. Hon Reesor and Dennis 'l‘omcheski scored for Del Brocco’s with John Hewitt pick- ing up an assist. A close game with Jim Du- herty. David Lund and David (:ill potting the \iinners for the Rotary and Mike lliscotl and Ken Cooper pit-king up assists. R. Swan and John Shropshire notched markers for Dynes with lan Ross picking up an assist. Richmond Hill Legion 4 Wilson Transport 0 Wilson Ross. Ron Saul. .lim Baylor, with Ron Saul pit-king up one assist and Wilson Ross two. Gunnar‘s Tailoring 3 Sheppard and Gill 1 Jim Campbell. Chris Camp- bell and R. O'Toole potted the goals [or the winners with as- sists going to Stacey Richard. William Ross Barker and Bill Weber. Lone goal for Sheppard and Gill went to llank Gibson. Young's BA. 1 Deciantis & Rice 0 Alex Sywak came through llll- assisted for the winners. l'OUX Allan Lewis and James Home“ All assist went to Michael La‘ ‘AEANS A BETTER USED CAR ONLY THE BEST PASS THE TEST. TEST DRIVE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CARS 63 63 63 62 62 CHEVROLET. OLDSMOBILE, F.85 CORVAIR, CHEVELLE, CHEVY II. ENVOY, O.K. USED CARS 355 Yonge St. AV. 5-5435 - PA. 7-9453 Just North of Richmond Heights Centre For Ynur Convenience the Parts 5.; Service Dept. will be open until 4'30 pm. Saturdays BAN'I‘AM LEAH MIIJUET LEAGUE $ullivan. two. and Allan Ron Reesor and Dennis Rotary (‘lub 3 Dynex Jewellers THEWTESTED USED CAR “’63 1963 1962 GUARANTEED I OWNER ('HI‘IVROLE’I‘ IMPALA 4 Door Hardtop CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 Door Hardtop (‘HEVROLI‘I'I‘ IMPALA 2 Door llurdlup 4 doul‘ hardtop \‘erlihle. \"-8, In 2 door hardtop dour sedan, “n dour hérdtup, 1. radio. wash ll. \ICUI‘FZC ian Hushlu (‘larence' 1e [USBI‘S from Jim} L MOTORS LTD. Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon MacMillan cut a heart-shaped cake made by the bride's mother following their recent wedding in Headford United Church. The lovely bride is the former Elisabeth Jane Barker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, who has been very active in 4-H activities and who Shortly before her marriage was crowned Queen of the Furrow at the World Plowing Match. The happy young couple will live in Kentville, Nova Scotia. Wed At Headford Church MR. AND MRS. JAMES MACMILLAN I963 SUPERSPORT IMPALA HARD'I'OPS TEST DRIVE THESE LIKE NEW AUTOMOBILES 6] 62 Oldsmobile 4 door sedan Oldsmobile 4 door Oldsmobile 4 door hardtop Chevrolet 2 door sedan Falcon Sedan Chevrolet 2 door hardtop MGA sport convertible Chevrolet sedan, 4 door Biscayne, automatic transmission. wheel discs, washer Chevrolet 4 door sedan Oldsmobile 4' door hardtop. fully equipped Comet sedan Oldsmobile 4 door hardtop. pon er steering. power brakes radio. washer Chevrolet 4 door, washer l"or(t 2 door Pontiac- 2 door hardtop Volkswagen roach Oldsmobile 4 door hardtop. power Oldsmobile 4 door hardtop. vowel steering. power brakes, radio. white. walls tery ren hood; p A KEEP BATTERY POWER LOADED pro‘ Inspection of: (1) Fan Holt. (:1) Generator. (3) (Tableau (l) Wiring l’l.l'S: (5) Electrical Test for proper generator: output._(6) Ynltage and WHEN YOU’RE READY... GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR INVESTMENT With A Complete Charging-Circuit Check-Up ‘atte INSTALLATION INCLUDED on Dual-Duty and Super-Service Dry Charge Batteriesâ€"Dedm-t 500 if installation not requier Wet type 50c extra for installation. ‘ BATTERY GHARGER Fits Chev. e'v‘“ I950 - 54 Dodge, 1935-55(most) Ford prod. (mod) I940 54; Plymouth I939â€"55 Pontiac 1949-54 (20 Fits Chew, 12'V0“ 1955 . 63; Chrysler prod. 1956-63 (most); F 0 rd product (most) 1956-63; Pon- tiac 1955-63 and many other late models. Mar-Power DUAL-DUTY Guaranteed 48-months of full powered performance; combines “Hi-Capacity†to spin zero cold engine faster and longer, plus “Hiâ€"Water†feature that protects the plates that produce the power, when you forget to add 22 se others 'water. Alsd the exclusii’e adirantageuof Poxï¬er-Sealed Dry-Charge that ensures battery freshness. Exceeds new car equipment quality. 0U .eries) and many :tals. Portable â€"- ms under car :lugs into convenient 115-vo'lt tIet. C.S.A. ap - 12-v01t, 2 amp. or 6-‘.'olt. 3 amp. ' 60-cycle. ............ Current and (8) oyance 0 settings on regulator. Starter Draw Test Your Discount Price-with trade Your Discount Price-with trade I945 I 795 15451395 DRY CHARGE DRY CHARGE and bat ndo ¢ SAFEGUARDS YOUR NEW BATTERY ‘ INVESTMENT 8-ft. cables wnh sure-gx‘lp clxps gut fast “hook-up" to a booster battery. Start car instantly; avoid hazardous “bumper†pushes, Ideal for any car; e3£entia1 for cars with automatic transâ€" mission. 12-volf 6&12-vokl-77 6-gaugc 4-gaugo IST AID TO A WEAK BATTERY Ballery Booster Gable WET TYPE WET TYPE Resistanl-e ’1‘th (if needed), IL'IUII 1955-63; Chrysler prods. (mos!) 1956-63; Pontiac, 1955-63, and other . lore models. DRY CHARGE (To lit Ford pruduch (mos!) 1956-63 â€" Add $2 to Mar-Power SUPER-SERVIGE Power-Sealed. Dry-Charge. Here's a battery so fresh. <0 loaded wi1h Goâ€"P0wer 1hat your engine will leap into life on bitter sub-zero mornings; it‘< power-packed 10 take care of accessories. too. Guaranleed and insured to protect your purchase for 30 months of active duty‘ Equal to or better than original equipment quality. Your Discount Price-with trade G'VOI gaff. I l I l" A n!- 12'v0" 1F: (most); Plymouth, I939- 55; Pontiac I949 - 54 {20-22 se r i es) and many others. DRY CHARGE (To fit Ford producu (most) 1940-54 â€" Add u"Hill :hev,, 1940. 54; Dodge, 1935-55 NO NEED TO PAYj '7 CASH I 5 Che Open A Canvenieni Budget Account IN THE SPOT FINANCIP Your Discount Price-with trade 139.512“5 "45 995 FREE 30 DA CREDIT EASY TERMS}, YOU PAY ONI. $1 to WET TYPE WET TYPE abovo pm" above nrlcm