Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jan 1964, p. 4

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An excellent supper â€"â€" com- prising hot chocolate, freshies, sandwiches, cookies and cakeâ€"â€" was enjoyed by the 32 present. The 4th Girl Guide Company of Richmond Hill East and the 9th Brownie Pack had a lively night when a combined fly-up lnd‘ enrolment meeting was held in Beverley Acres School. Glen Weis played piano sel- ections, “’Twas The Night Be- fore Christmas". and, "Let It Snow, Let It Snow". 6th GIRL GUIDE CQMPANY Totally unexpected â€" a real Innovation highlighted th e Christmas party held by the 6th Girl Guide Company of Rich- mond Hill East â€" on December 20. As a gag -â€"â€" which went over well - two senior Guides, Che- ryl Edwards and Joyce Stitt dressed up as Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus and presented the exchange gifts. Under the direction of Cap- tain Mrs. G. Rimmer. Lieuten- ant Jan Milligan and Provincial- cadet Charleen Rayson, a varie- ty of games were engaged in. which was followed by carol singing and dancing. Bonny Brickles, a Golden Hand Brownie was presented with her wings by Brown Owl Mrs. M. George. Brownies Heather B a r k e r, Heather Martin and Peggy Dunford Walked up to Guiding ~â€" assisted by a "bigr wind“ blown by the Brownies. The four recruits â€" Carol Plum- mer, Linda Snow. Brenda Ro- binson and Gail Alder â€"- were then enrolled into the “Great Sisterhood of Guiding" by Captain Mrs. B. O‘Rourke. Principal Evelyn Courtney and John Arnott were assisted by parents in arranging the fun- pqcked program. The junior class sang. “Ang- els Cry In Bethlehem". “Bethle- hem City", and, “Bring A Torch. Jeanette Isabella". The senior grades contributed. “Why Do Bells For Christmas Ring", :6 édfné. 0 Come. Emmanuel and, “Ding Dong, Merrily 0 High". t}. group of seniors. Jane Cur- ran, Summer Jackson. Andrea Schmidt. Donnie Flucker. Ches- This “party to be remember- ed" was held at the home of Mrs. G. C'obb, sister of Lieute- hant Milligan, and was appro- priately decorated in Guide 'colours of brown and gold for this event. «h GIRL GUIDE COMPANY 0th BROWNIE PACK In its double role of school and community social centre, Kinghorn Public School was the scene of a pre-Christmas celeb- ration arranged hy teagherg. (The school’s music supervis- or, G. Rigler led the carol sin]- ing to the piano accompaniment of Miss Helen Hunter. Pam Arsenault, Judy Davies. Kathy Kew and Diane Mowat Were presented with their 2nd class badges, which are of the new design and first, to be presented in this area. Kathy Kew also received her child care and first-aid badge. Service stars â€"- equalling 18 years in Guiding â€" were pre- sented to other members of the company. .‘rr.\_-. Pat'Palmer. Pam Arsenault ative of the valued help given and Kathy Kew were the three by Guides Donna Fleming and hostesses for the evening. The Patty Smart to make the party hataders were very encouraged the success it was. a the record turnout of m0- “Top sales-ladies" in the suc- thers (also fathers), grandmo- cessful Christmas card sales them and relatives for this drive were Elaine MacPherson combined event. and Linda Bagg who were aw- 12th BROWNIE PACK arded silver Brownie rings; Haz- Enrolment of eight Brownies1el Hester and Grace Murphy featured the December lOireceived Brownie World Pins lgfirlg of the 12th Brownieias a reward for their efforts. Enrolment of eigfifBrownies featured the December 10 fleeting of the 12th Brownie THE LIBERAE, Richmond Hill, Ontario, 'I'hqrsdgy, 321711.72131, 1964 lAKE WILCQX Community Notes From King City KING CITY, OAK RID‘GES y teachers. yn Courtney were assisted aging the fun- usic supervis- he carol sing- :companiment ater. . s sang. “Ang- em". “Bethle- , “Bring A sabella". The ributed, "Why istmas Ring”, v, Emmanuel", Merrily On ed niano sel- - Madame Nehcra. who gives the students extra-curricular French instruction. led the junior choir in. "Sur le pont d’Avignon" and the senior group in. “La Belle Nuit", (“Silent Night"). Gifts were presented to special friends of the school, to Music Supervisor Mr. Rigler. to Miss Hunter who plays at school func- tions, and the French teacher. Madame Nehcra. Rev. Martin R. Jenkinson. who visits the students ev- ery Friday morning, receiv- ed a book of the poems of John Greenleaf Whittier. GUIDE AND BROWNIE NOTES The regular meeting on Dec- ember 18 of the 13th Brownie Pack of Richmond Hill East al- so included an enrolment cere- mony followed by the 13th’s an- nual Christmas party. This brings the total to 33 members, under the leadership of Brown Owl Mrs. E. Poulin, Tawny Owl Mrs. Rita Beland, Snowy Owl Mrs. Ethel Riley. The meeting of December 17 was highlighted by the exchange of gifts, games and songs. The Christmas party planned for December 30 will he a “first” Cathy Reid. Marion Hester and Debbie Lumsden were the three Brownies enrolled by Brown Owl Mrs. Josie Fleming, with Tawny Owl Mrs. Vera Smart and Snowy Owl Mrs. E. Sambrook assisting. At the Christmas party held at St. Matthew‘s Church. games were played. carols sung. â€" and an exchange of gifts â€" drawn by numbers. followed by delicious refreshments. â€" somewhat of a novelty â€"â€" and will take the form of a bowling party at the ABC. Bowling Lanes, to be followed with refreshments at the home of Mrs. Beland. lst YORK CENTRAL RANGERS Fifteen members of the lst York Central Ranger Company enjoyed their first secial event on December 13, when Rang- ers and Rovers of the area met in the Scouts Hall, Newmarket for an evening of entertainment and dancing. In addition to the 31 Brown- ies present out of a possible 32. â€" 25 parents were present â€" '24 mothers and one father! This event was by invitation of the Newmarket Ranger Com- pany â€"â€" who also staged a fare- well party for their Captain. Mrs. Harrison. who is moving to the Pacific Coast. Having been actively collect- ing toys and food for the past month, the lst York Rangers packed these into parcels at the Legion Hall, Richvale on Dec- ember 21 for distribution to 12 needy families. The leaders are very appreci- ative of the valued help given by Guides Donna Fleming and Patfy Smart to make the party Pack. held in Our Lady Help of Christians School. 13th BROWNIE PACK ter Cause and Gordon Cooper. sang. “I’m Getting Nothing For Christmas", accompanied by Vivian Love. Two students who brought honor to Kinghorn School by showing out- standing ability at the townâ€" ship field day in June were honored with gifts. Miss ‘bl Ira ‘ uluuummmumumumummuummmm111mmunmmumunm | 3 Need Cheering ‘ Section For King I :‘Badminfon Tourney 1 by King City Badminton Club will be host January ‘,n_ 9 to members from Toronto 32 d i s t r i c t “C” badminton ; clubs. Gordon Telley. completing six years on_the board. has two more years in his term. Solicitor Continuing Although Richmond Hill Town Council recently ac- cepted the resignation of J. D. Lucas, Q.C. as town solicitor, his lengthy serv- ‘ ice for King Township Council will not be inter- rupted. William T. Heaslip. ending ’6‘ his second year of a three-year M term. will be board chairman for 1964. Ladies’ prizes were won by Mrs. Jesse Richards of Aurora, Mrs. Norman MacMurchy. Mrs. Fred O’Brien and consolation, Sara Ann McDonald. Men's prizes went to Mrs Archie McDonald, who had top score on a gentleman’s card: David Gee, Paul McMann. and consolation. Harold Dooks. Parents’ Nights Next Tuesday and Thursday evenings, the principal and staff of ,King City Composite School will meet in the various dassrooms to discuss pupils' progress. Five-minute interviews will be arranged in the classrooms between 7 and 9:30 pm. Light King Township Clerk Harold Rose assured “The ‘ Liberal" Mr. Lucas’ efforts on behalf of the township would not be lessened. The distinguished ad- visor aided Richmond Hill more than a quarter of a century. One of Toronto's best-known municipal soli- citors. he has been connect- ed with Markham Town- ship and several other York County and Metro municipalities. Laskay Euchres With holiday festivities at an end. Laskay Women‘s Institute is resuming euchres in the hall January 3. annu Dori; have newl Mrs. Clyde Cairns and Mrs. Marvin Hunter are convening the program. The December euchre was the most successful of the cur- rent series, with 39 players present. Ron Lindsay came from Scarborough to entertain the youngsters by drawing cartoons After chocolate milk, sand- wichcs and cookies were served to the children. Santa arrived to distribute gifts. Parents en- joyed their period with sandwiches. FOokies and More than 100 Sunday school children up to.11 years of age took part in the Saturday after- noon Christmas program at=the new King City United Church. Superintendent Glen Fergus- on introduced the different numbers, which ran smoothly considering there had been no rehearsal. Mrs.» Verdun Gordon played the piano for the young Tenhove and Keith Jean ncret. now grade 8 stud ents. Ron Lindsay came it Scarborough to entertain 1 youngsters by drawing cartm No Rehearsal For Play terest re Different members from the five North York clubs will play against the Toron- to district “C” members. King City Club President Jack Hamilton advises, “This will be badminton at its best. so any one wish- ing to witness some excel- lent games is cordially welcome to attend. “There is no admission charge. so come and help to cheer the King City players who will be in the tournament“. urged Mr. Hamilton. Courtney presented indivi- refreshments will be served in dual trophies to Tjeerd the cafeteria at 8p.m. mumw McPhee Lit and McPI ,1" is always pleased xto‘publish items of in- ling people and events in'the Oak Ridges-Lake King City districts. Our news correspondent ty is Mrs. William J. Houston. telephone 457. and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcoijrs. cson. Wildwood Ave., PR. 3-5479. Illll“Illl“Illlllll|lllll\lll\\l“llllmllll boys and girls Ihristmas story. ‘ecited about a l. Four and five- n of the prima- sang. “Away In 2e gave the op- n the form of 0“'6d by 7 and singing. “I‘m School will to see the )1' teachers. n the west OI Christ Mr. and Mrs. George Topper held a family Christmas dinner. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. John O’Hallaran and children from Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Abram and family from Mid- land and Mrs. G. Gardner with David and Brenda. Passages. of scripture were read by several young- er members of the congre- gation. The Rector, Rev. Tom Robinson, brought a Christmas message. We very much appreciate the work of Mrs. Harden in bringing together the choirs of Le- mdnville and Melville Pub- lic Schools with the choir from St. John’s. Also to Mr. Baker who assisted. at the organ. The children from Jefferson School who attend kindergarten were treated to a party on the last day of school. As well as exchanging gifts. they enjoyed ice cream and cookies. Letter from Rev. Michell The Terry family spent Christmas Day with Mrs. H. W. Terry, Toronto. We send both Mr. Michell and Mr. Gregson our very best wishes in their new parishes. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Carson and children, Jefferson, had a happy time on Christmas Day when they entertained their parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Carson, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. F. Barnard. Aurora. Evening Branch St. John’s 1 03k_ Ridges Guides end Angncan Chm-ch Brownies both enjoyed Chnst- Tu 4.3003 mas parties last week enjoying Congratulations to Linda and games. and refFEShmentS~. The Beverley Locke, Elgin Mills quwmes took a Whlte‘glft to Rd. Linda come first in grade the" Party, and they m turn 9 in ‘the oratorical contest held were taken to St- Palll‘S Church recently at Richmond Hill High to help make “19th many bas- School. Her sister Beverley was kets that are given to needy runner up in the contest for families for Christmas. grades 11, 12. The Guld‘t'es .had an exchalflge ,o _:m, . Mr. and Mrs. Ron Browne and family and Mr. and Mrs. Hynde and Mary Ellen spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. B. Browne, Willowdale. Andrea and Tracy Gouldingl accompanied by their parents| Mr, 'and Mrs. George Goulding celebrated Christmas with their grandparents Mr. and ‘Mrs. Darrell Go-ulding. Many happy returns are our wishes for Caroline Whelan, Colin Ford and Bobby Waters, who have birthdays on Decem- ber 28, and to- Karen Greig and Ronnie Saul who will celebrate their birthdays with the coming of the New Year. Mr. and Mrs. George Patton visited relatives in Orillia, last Sunday. The many friends of Rev. D.‘ C. H. Michell, former rector at St. John's will be glad to hear be is‘well and enjoying life in England. Mr. Michell writes as follows: “I have charge of the Parish of St. Margarets‘ Uxbridge an interesting link with the Town of Uxbridge, Ont. This church is an ancient one. part' of it dating back to 1250;” of St. Margarets. Uxbridge an interesting link with the Town of Uxbridge, Ont.=This church is an ancient one. part' of it dating back to 1250:" Another interesting part of Mr. Michell's} letter reads: "The Rev. Gerald Gregson has been appointed Vicar of St. Matthews, Rugby. Rugby of course is the town in which is situated‘ the famous public school of that name. It was also 'the setting for the book “Tom Brown's School Days.” I am sure that Mr. Gregson. who has such a great appeal for young people. will in due course be- come the friend and spiritual councillor of many of the pre- sent generation of “Tom Browns". ‘ ‘ Still residing in the farm house, where her father, Her- man McBride, had also been born. Mrs. Wilson watched the gradual development on the homestead of 100 houses built in the last few years to form Clearview Gardens. She and her family took a personal interest in making new residents feel welcomed. ‘ , Several relatives live between King and Toronto and Vancou- ver. The immediate family in- cludes a sister and a brother at home, Miss Annie McBride and Mr. Alfred McBride; a sister in Toronto. Mrs. William Thom- son, a nd nephew, W i l l i a m Thomson; a student at York Un- iversity. An older brother Wes- ley. ore-deceased Mrs. Wilson. A Manger". “A Wish“ was- the recitation chosen by Edith Robson, while Donna Campbell told of the Christmas candle. Six-year-old girls and boys. dressed as animals and dolls with musical instruments, pre- sented a lively Christmas toy parade. ' visit. with the children while the Sunday s¢hool teachers presented bags of candy and toys. ' - Christmas in other lands was depicted by the 8-year-old girls. while their seniors. the 10-year-olds. told of “The Secret Of Happiness". Nancy Branston gave a reci- tation, “Somebody”. To the singing' of "Jingle Bells". Santa Claus arrived to ELGIN MILLS AND JEFFERSON NEWS A l a r g e congregation gathered -at the “Carols by Candlelight." service held at St. John’s Church on December 22. St. John’s is a lovely old church and the simple garlands of ce- dar decorating the chancel emphasized the c hurch’s particular charm. Combina ed with s'oft candlelight, it made one remember what these Christmas services mustvhave been like in the days gone by. ‘ Lake Wilcox Scouts held theiri ‘Christmas party December 19 and enjoyed movies, along with their gifts. and refreshments of cake. ice cream and cookies. Scouts attending the party were.Chris Jones. Gene Mason. David Windsor. Jim Melia. Wayne Forster. Tom Post. Bob Copplestone, Rick Nelson, Rick Mason, Larry Moore, Don Ross, Cliff Whitehorne. Danny Need: ham, Martin Needham, Doug Dukelow, Brian Melia. Andy McLean, Keith Arnold. Lorne Mayes. Miss Carroll Nicholls. helped her father. William Nicholls, who is scoutmaster make the evening a success by helping with the refreshments and gifts. Johnny Nicholls also helped although he was a guest at the party. Guides and Brownies Scouts’ Christmas Party Carol singing was fed by Mrs. Marjorie Hall. Brown Owl for the lst Oak Ridges Brownies. The Brownies then served re- freshments. Each Brownie was invited to choose a gift from a bag of gifts brought to the party by Mrs. Terry Whitehorne. At the Brownie party. all the mothers were entertained. along with special guest. Mrs. June Cartner, guide commissioner. The Brownies were hostesses. preparing the plates of sand- wiches and cookies. and serving the lunch. Some of the Brown- ies decorated the tree in the afternoon and others brought along their decorations and ad- ded them when they arrived for the party. Entertainers for the party were Susie Locke. Kendra McLeod. Debbie White- horn. Janet and Janice Marr and Sheila Sipila. They all sang “Away in a Manger”. and after the program the mothers were asked to join in in a singing game with their daughters. The Guides had an exchange of gifts at their party and they were out singing Christmas carols December 23. Oak Ridges Guides and Brownies both enjoyed Christ- mas parties last week enjoying games and refreshments. The Brownies took a white gift to their party. and they in turn A wealth of friends mourned with family the passing of Mrs. Pearl McBride Wilson, who died in the early morning of Dec- ember 17 in the King City hou- se where she had been born. The sudden, fatal heart attack occurred a few hours after Mrs. Wilson had been happily join- ing in family preparations for entertaining her United Church Women‘s group, the Evelyn Jenkinson Unit, at aiChristmas meeting. It was their custom to invite club friends to the McBride home in December and they had been busy decorating a tree and preparing refreshments for a social program. The funeral service in Thom» pson parlours in Aurora was conducted by Rev. Martin Jen- kinson. Pallbearers were Mr. Harry McBride, Mr. Aubrey Wade, Mr. Bert Lutes, Mr. Geo- rge Rumble, Mr. Pickering Mc- Quarrie and Mr. Allan Gellatly. Interment was in King City Cemetery. ' Mrs. Wilson was always a busy worker in King City Wom- en's Institute and in the church groups, the W.A. and W.M.S., before the United Church Wom- en organized. She was honoured with a life membership in the In the past two years she cheerfully o v e r c a m e illness. which meant hospitalization and surgery that would have hand- icapped a less-determined per- son. , Several relatives live between King and Toronto and Vancou- ver. The immediate family in- cludes a sister and a brother at home, Miss Annie McBride and Mr. Alfred McBride; a sister in Toronto. Mrs. William Thom~ son, a nd nephew, W i l l i a m Thomson; 8 student at York Un- iversity. An older brother Wes- ley. pre-deceased Mrs. Wilson. The McBride family presented three lots on Elizabeth Grove of the original farm land as the site of the King City United‘ Church built this year. ' Mrs. Pearl Wilson Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gal-butt were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lawrence of Mal- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Westlake and Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence from Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gar- butt of King continued a custom started 19 years ago by having a reunion with half a dozen friends. who used to be neighbours at Malton. The party is always held the Saturday night before Christmas and during the evening gifts are exchang- ed. Reunion At Christmas Annual Custom Oak Ridges And Lake Wilcox Cookies left over from the par- ty were added to the gift has- kets for needy families. The People’s Church kets for needy families. The People’s Church About twenty-one children took part in presenting a pro- gram of short plays, dialogues and songs at the little church on Wildwood Ave.. December 23. Mrs. Ruth Wiche, who has done so much work and given so much time to help the child- ren opened the program with a very nice speech, thanking everyone for making this even- ing possible. Many of the merchants don- ated candies. ice-cream, chocol- Santa Claus arrived and gave ‘gifts to the children who attend Sunday school and everyonel was presented with a bag of} goodies. iceâ€"cream and chocol-‘ ate milk. The children present- ed Mrs. Wiche a gift of two cups and saucers. in apprecia- tion of having them to her home every evening, teaching them their lines. About People Mr. and Mrs. Stan Forster and children celebrated Christ- mas with relatives in Guelph spending several days there. Many of the merchants don- ated candies. ice-cream, chocol- ate milk and gifts. Mrs. Wiche also said that she was trying to carry on the good work done by Don Galbraith. before his sudden death. recently. and this evening was in tribute to the work done by him. Mrs. Galb- raith played the piano for the selections of the children. Mr. and Mrs. Hill. also attended, making their way up from To- ronto, and Mr. Hill will be con- ducting services at this church. from now on. Mr. Hill spoke a few words. welcoming the people who attended, and read- ing a few verses of scripture, mill“!ll““iiillllilllllllllllllllllillllllllllll“llllllllllllillllllilllllllllllli‘ The Fern Leslie Fund l mas with relatives in Guelph spending several days there. Mr. and Mrs. George Cragg and Garnet spent Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Cragg and family at Pickering enjoying Christmas dinner with the family. We would like to wish belat- ed birthday wishes- to Terry Lee Pantling who was one year old December 10. Robin Elizâ€" abeth Phipps. one year old December 14 and Wendy Mun- ro. who was fourteen December 21. , Mrs. H. P. Orton will be spending the Christmas and New Year‘s holidays with her son and family Mr. and Mrs. Bill Orton. Aubrey Ave. Melissa, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gord Rowe was home for Christmas holidays. Melissa attends the School for the Deaf at Belleville. \lIll“lll\llllllmlll“lllll“ll“lllHlll“llI““llll!\ll“Illllllllmllflllull‘“ The effect of government lending on the mortgage mar- ket was commented on by Wil- frid P. Gregory, Q.C., newly- elected president and managing‘ director of British Mortgage & Trust at the company’s annual‘ meeting at the head office in Stratford recently. He said that because of the subsidized in- terest rate and easy terms of- fered by Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation. “We are now forced to move more and more into industrial and com- mercial business as well as lending on the security of older homes. This is of course of as- sistance to home owners who mm to raise a higher amount on an old home.” Mr. Gregory continued. British Mortgage And Trust Co. Plan Three New Toronto Offices Mr. Gregory also detailed plans for four more Toronto branches of British Mortgage & Trust, to be opened early in the new year. The offices are to be located at Eglinton Ave- nue near Dufferin, Danforth Avenue at Coxwell. College Street near Grace and Bloor Street near Runnymede. "This will enable British Mortgage to become better known in the Toronto area.” Mr. Gregory said, “and to make our serv- ices available in several dist- ricts of this great metropolitan centre." W. H. Gregory. president of British Mortgage since 1955. A special campaign has heen started to raise funds for the surviving wife of a 47~year-oid King Sideroad man, Robert Leslie. who was fatally injured Dec- ember 8 in a head-on col- lision. The campaign, called the Fern Leslie Fund, hopes to receive enough donations to aid Mrs. Leslie who is in Newmarket Hospital with a possible broken neck as a result of the accident. Heading the campaign are Rev. Gordon Winch of St. Paul‘s United Church and W. H. flouting, president of the Oak Ridges Legion. Mr. flouting said Mrs. Leslie‘s condition is serious adding that the death of her husband has left her without any immediate means of support. It is be- lieved Mr. Leslie did not carry any form of insur- ance, he said. Anyone wishing to con- tribute to this urgent appeal is asked to do so by writing Mr. W. H. flouting, P.O Box 195, Oak Ridges. 0F 64 DEMONSTRATORS TELEVISION STEREO HI-FI RECORD PLAYERS PORLLBLELV. JLENIALS T.V. F.M. ANTENNAS INSTALLED Richmond Hill TV 28 Levendale Rd. Richmond Hill AV. 5-3756 PHONES TU. 4-7456 rm. Damorml VICTORIAN ORDER OF Nell, ColleEe NURSES :e and Bloor lymede. "This RICHMOND HILL 1 Mortgage to .BRANCH nown in the Mr. Gregory Mrs. P. Stockdale rs. Galb- We would like to wish belat- ) for the ed birthday wishes- to Terry lren. Mr. Lee Pantling who was one year attended, old December 10. Robin Elizâ€" i V. O. N. and thanking Mrs. Wiche for all the work she has done. Mr. and Mrs. David Atcheson and son David enjoyed Christ- mas dinner with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson. Toronto. » On January 5 at the 11 am. service, Rev. Gordon Winch will hold New Year‘s commun- ion at St. Paul's United Church, South Road, On Christmas Eve.. Bob and Betty. son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Atcheson, North Road, attended an open house Ken Lacey will also be spend- ing some time at his home on Aubrey Ave,, with his family. Ken is now living in Prescott, where he is employed by the RCA Victor company. at the .home of their aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perks, on Highview Rd.. To- ronto. Accompanying Bob and Betty were Pat Talbot, North Road and Brian Jones. Toronto. The two couples also visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bailey, South Road. Mr. and Mrs. George Cragg and Garnet spent Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Cragg and family at Pickering enjoying Christmas dinner with the family. We would like to say that Mrs. Fern Leslie, is progressing very nicely, after the accident just before Christmas. which took the life of her husband; Fern is still in Newmarket Hospital and everyone wishes asked to be relieved of his res- ponsibilities as the president. but will continue ‘t‘o serve as chairman of the bo'ard of direc- tors. He is succeeded by Wilf- rid P. Gregory, Q.C. uuumumumun“mummlunnnuumumumummunummuuu _The company's net profit for the past year amounted to over $356,000. Total assets. exceed- ing $80,000,000 increased over sixteen million from 1962. Paid up capital exceeded $1,445,000 and general reserves totalled $2,700,000. Mortgages, less re- serve, exceeded $56,000,000, an increase of over eleven and a half million. J. M. Armstrong. Q.C.. man- ager of the Trust Department and assistant general manager of British Mortgage & Trust, was elected a new director. Mlllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllI“!1mu‘blllIllllllllllml“lllflllllllllll‘l1 Richmond Hill Municipal Hall 884 - 4101 her a speedy recovery Their son. Jimmie 1 at the home of Mr. Joe Beard. Wendy V made it possible for .1 part of a family at ( Original Manse Dedicated For Sunday School The original manse of St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church beside the church on North Keele Street has been dedicat- ed as “St. Andrew‘s Church Schoori PIPHER FUNERAL HOME LTD. Dday I add that I hope everyone had a very nke Chrmtmas.and wfllafl en- joy a very Happy New Year with best wishes for the year of 1964. Please drive carefully on New Years Eve and New Yeafis Day'and all the rest of your days and help next year to he a very memorable and prosperous year for every- one. of meeting and greeting our many friends throughout the district. High on our list of holiday joys is the opportunity Yonge Street Wright and Taylor Chapel STANLEY PIPHER, DIRECTOR Jlar Sunday the congrega- isit to the re- brick house mmumnmmnuuuunmummnnu1nuuummmmmlmmm State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company HOW MUCH YOU MAY SAVE ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE WITH STATE FARM! flan-m James Gralnger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill. Ontario TU. 4-1529 FCanaflian Head Office. | Toronto. Ont. Richmond Hill

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