Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jan 1964, p. 5

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Christmas Pantomime Is Rapidlyi Becoming Richmond Hill Traditionx The Christmas pantomime has long been a Christmas tradition in Great Britain â€"â€" a ‘tradition which is treasured by children and adults alike. A few years ago members of the Richmond Hill Curtain Club, feeling their children were missing an important part of the holiday season, introduced the Christmas pantomime to Mrs. Arthur Stevens announ- ces the engagement of her daughter Marjorie Anne to Lawrence Arnold Oelze. son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Oelze. Los An- geles. Calif. The wedding will take place January 17. 1964. in Lns Angeles, where the couple will reside. c1w27 t n: w s: Mr. "Cinderella", the first panto- mime to be presented in the club‘s own intimate theatre. is a children's delight. but the adults enjoy it also. Particular- ly endearing are the eight little magic mice whose singing and dancing reflect the many ‘hours of hard work put into :rehearsal by the children {under the direction of Audrey and Mrs. Theodore H.1Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Dowsett are pleased to announ- ce the engagement of their daughter Mary-Elizabeth Anne to Mr. Alvin C. Thompsnn‘ son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Thompson of Cedar Valley. Ontario. . clw27 The engagement is anno- unced of Olwyn Gilder of Rich- mond Hill to Mr. Clarence Espey of Elgin Mills. the wed- ding to take place January 18. 1964 at 3 pm. in Richmond Hill United Church. c1wZ7 Engagementg Florida in December. They are overlooking the palm-shaded p ger Hotel in Fort Lauderdale. " is patterned after a pirate shil ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cattermole. 146 DriScoll Road. Richmond Hill, enjoyed a. winter holiday in ‘urtain Club Feature Enjoying A Florida Holiday N \* ‘ Christmas at Pleasantville Public School was marked with an unusual Christmas concert when students performed two plays they had written themselves for the entertainment of their parents. The senior choir of grades 5-8 also performed the highly intricate "Ceremony of Ca- rols" special Christmas music written by Composer Benjamin Britten. IF YOU PREFER QUALITY Play Highlights shown on a balcony [he palm-shaded pool at the Jolly Ro- Fort Lauderdale. This beachfront hotel after a pirate ship. Richmond Hill. In a few short years it has become a local tradition. and each succeeding year's presentation is eagerly awaited by a devoted following. The audiences are naturally? composed largely of people who have come from Great Britainl to make their homes in Canada and their children, but each year more Canadian-born people are discovering the delight of the pantomime and are forming a larger proportion of the audience. This year's presentation of “Cinderella”, the first panto- mime to be presented in the club‘s own intimate theatre. is a children's delight. but the adults enjoy it also. Particular- w Proof of the universal appeal of the pantomime is the fact that the club has had to add to the original- ly scheduled eight per- formances due to the overwhelming demand for tickets. An additional per- formance will be held on Sunday night. January 5. and if necessary a matinee performance will be held that afternoon to accom- modate all who wish to see the performance. Pleasantville Concert "Cinderella," members and fri-‘left on Boxing Day for a law ends. enjoyed a Christmas partyE days in New York. on Saturday at the home nf‘ * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Bell. Eliza- Home for the holidays from I iigt‘h *St'ée’et The W. I. will start the New Robbie London and Ian Hunt Year with a pot luck luncheon‘of Richmond Hill and Wayne‘ on January 9 (0 be held in theiand Bruce Morison of Victoria library allditorium at 1 Film. Square are holidaying in Flor- Please bring your own plate.‘ida. lcup and cutlery. * * * * l The executive will furnish \‘Vayne Bowel-man, “rho is in the Programme- ltraining at the Royal Canadian * * * * iSchool of Artillery, Camp Shilo. T b . d‘Man” is holidaying with his \ventyâ€"one mem as an :parenls, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bow- guests of St. Paul's Lutheran . erman at their home on Lynetl Church Women met at the Crescent ['sz “gm”: 3“".“3FYfivj He will return to camp fol. Joy Wilson. Chnrlene Smith and Holidaying PM. Barnes left on Boxing Daygin Nnrlh Ba‘ for a skiing holiday in the Lau- mas holidays rentians. Gene Lafnrg< The cast and stage crew of Mr. .I. Rahinowilch and his the Curtain Club pantominc son Royden. Kerrybmok Drive, "Cinderella," members and fri-‘left on Boxing Day for a few ends. enioved : Christmas partyE days in New York. Carol singing on a hay wagon on a ride through the Elgin Mills area. preceded the Christ- mas party given by Miss Pat Barnes. Tampico Road. 'l‘\\venty-one members and guests of St. Paul's Lutheran Church Women me‘ at the home of Mrs. Betty Harvey. 294 Ruggles Avenue for their annual Christmas program. Over forty guests then retur- ned to her home for dancing and refreshments. The business meeting was kept to a minimum. after which members enjoyed a few games under the direction of Mrs. Ev. Miller. and small gifts were exchanged Carols were swig. followed by a film “Holy Night". A “talent table" with various items made by members was on display. the proceeds to be used for the needy in the' The 1, community. of De“ Refreshments were t h e n1 Beta , S served. {(‘hristm‘ The program for the evening‘ was very ably led by Mrs. Libby Henson on the topic “People”. Anthropology prov-t ed to be a subject of interest to everyone, and a lively dis- cussion followed. The regular business meet- ing was held. followed by Mrs. Callie Israel giving a few points a b o u t parliamentary procedure. Members will hear more on this subject at future meetings. Refreshments served during “baby shower" were their which time a! was held for two members. Mrs. Sandra. warn-T Midmer Dance Academy Pupils from the Midmer Dance Academy have been busy during the festive season. They entertained for local 1citizens at the Lions Hall, and on the Sunday before Christ- mas, they combined with Billy O‘Connor and TV stars to enâ€" tertain over 3,000 patients of the Ontario Hospital in Orillia. Among the acts chosen by Billy O‘Connor was a group of Midmer's youngest balleri- nas. who with their grace and perfect timing were a delight to both Billy and the audience. The regular business meet- ing was held, followed by Mrs. Callie Israel giving a few points a b o u t parliamentary procedure, Members will hear more on this subject at future meetings. The next meeting will be held on January 15. at the home of Mrs. Margot Wirt, 290 Browndale Crescent. The members of Delta Lamb- da of Beta Sigma Phi held their last regular program of the year at the home of Mrs. Irene Dowden. 438 Marybay Crescent. Refreshments were then‘ served during which time a? “baby shower" was held for}| two members. Mrs. Sandra Eveleigh and Mrs, Alice Smith, who recently gave birth to a‘ boy and girl respectively. ‘ i.1rs. W.A. Burnie. Yonge Street 'South. and Kelvin Tanner. son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Tonner Ox- ford Street. Holidaying with their parents ‘Mrs. Mary Wilkcr. Sharron in North Bay over the Christ-Fand David spent Christmas mas holidays were Mr. and Mrs.‘ with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols Gene Laforge. Yonge Street. of Victoria Square. .gng Western University, London, were Peter Purvis. Bruce Wil- son. Royden and David Rabino- witch and John Clement. Judy Purvis returned from Macdonald College. Quebec. to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Purvis. Bridgeport St. Robbie Louden and Ian Hunt of Richmond Hill and Wayne and Bruce Morison of Victoria Square are holidaying in Flor- ida. idays from McMaster Univer- sity. Hamilton. are Miss Barbara Southwell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Sauthwell, Church St. 5.. Steve Burnie. son of Mr. and lowing the New Year of Delta Lambda Chapter of Beta'sigma Phi held their Christmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Holmberz, 92 Lawrence Avenue. The party was a great suc- cess, followed by a buffet supper of Chineserfood. Preceding the party Mr. and‘ Mrs. M. Thomson served des- sert, coffee and liqueur at their Yonge Street home. Program Director Callie Israel poured coffee. 1 The showrwas filmed and will be seen at a later date on CKER. Home for the ChristmasrhoI-l The members and husbands DRY CLEANING CALL ‘ The pleasure of dancing was ‘enhanced by music from almost a complete orchestra provided by the guests. led by Ernie Rut- ‘tan. whose orchestra in the past provided fine entertainment and music for dancing in Richmond min. Young TV Stari Mrs. W. Sayers. Centre St. W spent the Christmas holiday: with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Chesney and family at Winona X it." ed at the Elmwood Avenuel . home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Holiday guests n the home of Ruttan was attended by 34 re~ Mr- and Mrs- 5- Bork 0f Yong?- latives and friends from as near S‘I‘PEt SOUth Were MT- Ind Ml's. as the local area and as far as N- Hoffman- MI‘S- Bol‘k's Sister. Burlington and New Liskeard. and the” "V0 daughters. Jlldy Amnncr lhn anode urn: Mrs; J, arid M'l'l'yn 0f Pembl‘Oke. as the local area and as far as Burlington and New Liskeal‘d. Among the guests was Mrs. J. Kelly of Barrie. mother of Mrs. Ruttan. Mr. and Mrs. P. (7. Hawkes, Harold Ag; and family. Hills- formerly of Edgar Avenue. have view Drive. arrived safely in Victoria. B C.,‘ * * * *- where Mrs. Hawkes, after twe~ Entertaining on New Year's my years. was reunited with‘Eve were Ron. Donnl and Wen- her sisters for Christmas. Tdy Ashkamse. who held a com- " * * * _hined party at their home on i . 'l'hn (‘hrictmac nm‘tv (‘I‘lPhl‘A‘- Lelsure Lane- Mr. Allen was born in Lan- cashire, England, and came to Canada seven years ago, living for a year in Downsview. He was a member of Our ‘Lady Queen of the World Ro- man Cathollc Church and of the Holy Name Society. On January 12 he will play the principal part in “The Boy King," which will also be seen on Channel 6 at 2 pm. George has already appeared in "The Great Whitewash.” a scene from the life of Tom Saw- yer, and in six of the ten epis- odes of “Son of a Hundred Kings,“ recently completed on “The Serial.” He also played a role in the CBC film “Russian Cadet." Altogether young George has appeared in five radio record- ings, two of which were com- mercials. the others for school broadcasts and ordinary radio broadcasts, six TV commercials and five films. 'l‘hirteen-year-old George Al- lan. son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Al- lan of 241 Zelda Crescent. is a busy young man these days. Residents of Richmond Hill may look forward to seeing him on CBC TV twice early in the new Yéar On January 5 he will play a comedy part of Scratchy Need- les and also a small dramatic scene in “Time of Your Life." This will be seen on Channel 6 at 2 pm. George started his career two and a half years ago when he appeared twice as a tap dancer on Channel 11's Tiny Talent. He won a medal at the Peel Fes- tival. Later he was advised to attend drama school and is still studying under Miss Barrington in Toronto. A resident of Richmond Hill for the past six years, Wilfred Allen of 218 Anzac Road died of a heart attack on Decem- ber 19. Surviving are his wife and two daughters, Patricia (Mrs. Lenl McLean of Richmond Hill and Mrs. Marian Rawding of Ottawa. On December 21 Rev. F. C. Robinson. parish priest. sang requiem high mass at the church and interment took place in Holy Cross Cemetery. Pallbearers were Ronald Ribbons. Douglas Brown. Fred Murphy. Robert Palethorpe. Stan Kucharski and James Henderson. The Christmas party celebrat Wilfred Allen GEORGE ALLAN holidays; David Agx, student at West- Lawson ern University. London spent Winonawthe holiday period at the home 1of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkes, Harold A“ and family, Hills- Mr. and Mrs. W. Chnrles. Bed- ford Park Avenue. were in Lon- don for Christmas. staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chules and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. W. Len- nox from Thornhili joined them 'for the Christmas Day festivi- ‘ties. Staff members at Richildaca Camp were entertained by camp directors Mr. and Mrs. William Babcock with a skating and ski- ing party last Monday at the Kettleby campsite. Chief Constable R.P. Robbins. Mrs. Robbins and family. were in Clinton for the Christmas holâ€" idays where they stayed at the home'of Mrs. Robbin's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Sutter. Mr. and Mrs. Haber McCague. Mr. and Mrs. George Joyce and Mr. and Mrs. McLeIn were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. John McCague at Victoria Square. Mr. 1nd Mrs. Harry Sayers and family and Mrs. W. Sayers, had dinner on Saturday with Mrs. Beulah Jones and Mr. Joe Jones at their home in Gormley. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett of Victoria Square were Christ- mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett. Markham Road. To mark Randy’s third birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett and family were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett on Sun- day. Members 0: Si. Matthew’s‘ United Church sang and danced out 1963 and prayed in 1964 at a New Year’s Eve party and Watch Night service. The party began at 9 pm. with the service at11230. A pot luck salad and dessert supper was featuri ed. Travelling with a group on a trip arranged through the Vis- ites Interpl‘ovinciales were Miss Joan Featherstonhaugh, Arnold Street and Alastair Sweeny, Highland Lane. who left on Boxing Day for Rae Beauporl. They celebrated New Year‘s Eve in Quebec City. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hayley Sr.. Yonge Street. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bayley and daughter, spent Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Parker A. Locke and family from Williamsburg were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lennox, Mill Street for the Christmas holi- days. ..The President Mrs. J. Dews- bury and the executive extend New Year's greetings to the members with a cordial invita- tion to be on hand for the first meeting of 1964. which is the “Pot Luck Luncheon” to be held in the library auditorium. Wright Street, on January 9 at 1 pm. tnot 2 pm. as per usual). i). London at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Blyley and fam- ily. Richmond Hill W. I. Members will please bring their own plate. cup and cutl- ery, along with their favourite casserole. salad or dessert etc. Remember the date -â€" Jan- uary 9 â€"- the executive will be in charge of the programme. 24 Elizabeth St. N Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 RICHMOND HILL MORTGAGE SERVICE HERBERT R. BUTT DEPENDABLE Mr. and Mrs. Howard Avison and family spent Christmas at Victoria Square with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boynton and girls. AND ‘ With the arrival of Santa Claus. the children collected gifts from him, that they had made themselves. and proudly ‘presented them to their moth- ers. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hard- Ing of Vineland tfm‘merly of Richmond Hill» spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Roberts. Elmwood Avenue. The Richmond Hill Co-upern- live Nursery School recently held their Christmas party in Wrixon Hall. Carol Miller celebrated her December 20 birthday by at- tending the Saturday matinee performance of the Curtain Club‘s Christmas pantomime "Cinderella". Following the show. with her two guests. Debbie Hook and Gale Hollowell. Carol returned to her Harrygan Crescent home for a birthday celebration. The children entertained their parents with nursery songs with actions, and Christ- mas songs. served “The best you've ever had" “The most enjoyable party I have been too" â€" were only two of the many complimentary comments made to Ruth Gal-son. A.D.C.M. on the occasion of the Christmas party which she held at Richmond Hill U n i t e d Church for her pupils and their parents. The party was most informal in a very cheerful atmosphere. Many of the students performed in piano, voice solos and duets: although several pupils had on- ly been studying for a short period of time. it was most evi- dent that these youngsters were confident and sure of themselves in their music. The guests joined in the sing- ing of carols. Miss Carson sang "Greensleeves" accompanied by her student Patricia Shelton. after which she presented gifts to her pupils. and delicious homemade refreshments were served. The church was beautifullyi decorated for the occasion with[ candles attractively arranged. ; Mr. Ray Bennett, director of the young people addressed the congregation and announc- ed that something a little dif- ferent was arranged for this1 service; two brother and sister‘ participants. The scripture and prayer were read by Wilt Hob, land and his sister Peggy. while‘ stories were told by Ian and; Susan McAlister. i On December 22nd the com- bined senior intermediate and junior choirs of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church together with the young peoples associa- tion presented their annual Christmas candlelight service. The music was under the able direction of the organist and choir dinector Mrs. Vera Diamond. Once again Miss Shirley Mann of Toronto was guest soloist singing “There Were Shepherds.“ while Mrs. Etna Shaw regular choir mem- ber sang the solo part in “Sil- ent Night." The programme also featured an “Indian Carol" by the junior members and the newly organized intermediate group did a lovely version of the Spanish Carol “Go ‘Ye To Bethlehem". The congregation joined in the singing of some of the old favorite carols. Following the service. 1 freshments were served and social time was enjoyed wi the young people serving. Mrs. Esther Bork, president, presented Miss Mann with a gift on behalf of the choir in appreciation of the many times she has favoured us with her singing. Mrs. Diamond was then pre- sented with a gift by Mr. Wes. Middleton, who commented on the trials and tribulations of an organist and choir leader in pre- paring a candlelight service and praised her efforts. With the height of the social season. parties are in full swing. guests coming and going. ski-im.r enthusâ€" iasts enjoying ideal weather conditions. and prepara- tions in hand for holidays in warmer climates. Coffee and refreshments were We are always interested ln receiving news items for “Life in the Hill" â€" the service is free â€" call the social editor. Margot Crack. at TU. 44105. drop a line to 63 Yonge Street 5.. or call in personally. we‘ll be pleased to hear from you. TORONTO. ONT 2 Carlton St. Toronto THE LIBERAL. EMpire 2-3456 ime her and ‘ned ame It lg 'l‘ "i Mrs. Garson goes to a great ;deal of work and preparation ifor the party each year so that pupils. friends and parents a- like can join in celebrating the wonderful holiday. Unlike years previous. the party started at 10 am. in the morning on De- cember 21: pupils entertained and demonstrated (with expla- nation) the work they have {learned in the short space of ;time from September to date. with! Mr. and Mrs. L. Dickie. Dris- Mr. Ind Mrs. S" Steffan, and call Road. spent Christmas Daymhildren Laurie and VII. Elm- 31 the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.?wnod Avenue. spent the Christ‘- Hewm, 16th Avenue. Jmas holidays with Mrs. Steffan's * * * * \parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Va- T_v_ HIGHLIGHTS lentine. at their home in Kirk- Rm-hv Ppirno dnnohflnr nf land Lake' Barby Peirce. daugmer of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Peirce. Rockporl. Crescent. will be ap- pearing this Sunday, January 5. on CBLT “Time of Your Life". Barby is at present appear- ing in the Curtain Club panto- mime "Cinderella". One of the many parties held' during the festive season was that given by Mrs. Garson of the Sylvia Garson Dance Studi- os at St. Joseph's Separate SchooL Mr. and Mrs. H. Monks. Louise and Charles. Wood Lane. spent the weekend in Buffalo, at the home of Dr. Charles Lewis, Mrs. Lewis, and family. lilahmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 2nd, 1964 l Louise and Charles are re- maining in Buffalo until after the New Year. Everyone in the audience joined in a square dance and the finale. Refreshments were served. and favours and gifts were then presented to the students by Mrs. Garson. The monthly meeting of the 1st Beverley Acres Cub and Scout Auxiliary was held at Be- verley Acres School on Decem- ber 17th. Business soon conclud- ed. the ladies served refresh- ments at the Scout Christmas party. When the boys were fed the ladies returned to their own party and exchanged gifts. Queen Scout Robin Derrick showed his world Jamboree films and accompanied it with a very entertaining comment- ary. He also had his souvenirs on display. Mrs. Derrick presented Mrs. Dunlap with her gold past pre- sidents pin. . Refreshments were served while the ladies opened their gifts. Next meeting will be January 21. at Beverley Acres Schoo‘ in the form of a penny auction in aid of the Scouts going to Hali- burton camp next summer. Everyone is welcome and bring a friend! Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill See Portable Models It ‘wi‘ht" murmur All popular makes on hand Day or Evenings, TU. 4-1745 Special Students’ Rites SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Pork Chaps lb. 59¢ Minced Beef 3 lbs. 95¢ Wieners 3 lbs. 89¢ ifigGOM WM veaA'I' SAVINGS Margarine 4 lbs. 89¢ RIB LOIN 'I‘I’LIP BAYVIEW PLAZA )ur prescription will be called for, filled, Ind returned to you without delay and AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. DURING THE DAY (9 a.m.-9 pm.) Call TU. 4-4461 for the same quick service. C. NELS GAGE L H. SIMS Annual Service For Councillors At St. Gabriel For the evening service on January 12 at the Anglican Church of St. Gabriel. Rich- mond Hill East, the councils of the Town of Richmond Hill and Markham Township are Invited to be present. This has become an annual feature of the year at St. Gabriel‘ Guest speaker will he Rev. Arthur A. Chote, former rector of St. Mary's Anglican Church. Richmond Hill. and presently rector of lhe Church nf the Mes-, siah in Toronto. Mr. Chole mada many friends while he was in town who will welcome this op“ portunity of hearing him again. TH E Challenge OF ancer . . . THE CANADIAN CAN- CER SOCIETY is the only national voluntary health agency fighting cancer through RESEARCH. EDU- CATION and SERVICE. ll! sole source of funds 15 vol- untary gifts from the public. collected during the annual April campaign. . - -~..-r-1-- ma Rev. Arthur A. Chou! TU. 4-7691

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