Mr. and Mrs. William Lacey, someone is away. Rather, we Lawrie Rd., celebrated their Wait until they return- ZIst wedding anniversary Janu- Apparently burglars just 11'? 21. Mr. and Mrs. John Cole love to read social items. Joined Mrs. Cole's parents for Well, fellows. you won't profit dinner to celebrate. . by this column. Birthday greetings to Leslie 30W"!!! Knight who was nine January I can't speak for the Thurs- 13. day afternoon group but the More Burglars! Tuesday morning Spotlight Another Concord home was Club is thriving with an in- broken into recently, with some “ease of two teams Since very valuable items being tak- Christmas holidays. Social Notes On January 18. Brian Baille took some friends bowling at the Albion Bowling Alley. Rob- ble Yateff. Gordon Hay. Larry Bridges, Gary McKay and Ran- dy Bailie all had a good time helping Brian to celebrate his eighth birthday January 17. Another Concord home was broken into recently, with some very valuable items beinz tak- en. A recent article in one of the Toronto papers (written by ATOM LEAGUE 1).“. & A. Engineers 1 Parkers’ Spray Painting 0 Maklng his scoring debut for D.H. 8: A. last Saturday, Char- lie Shaw Jr. tamed a goal un- assisted. “éb’a’ï¬e Ronnie Crook: held Parkers' Spray Painting to a Icoreless game shut-out. For the past while I have been much too busy taking in the sights and sounds (not to mention equipment) in and around our new York Central Hospital to get much of the local new: dowa on paper. How- ever we hope to be back in harness before long. With Phyl McMillan Nether- ford Rd. as my room-mate for three days and then on a “hot line†up to fourth floor, after her transfer. the days were Delay In News Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cober of Fordwich spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winger. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger entertained their family for dinner. Sunday in honour of three recent birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. V. McIlroy and (amin of Gowanstown and Mrs. Paul Helse of Palmerston spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank. A number of neighbours were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bell at a buffet supper on Wednesday in honour of Victor Britnell and his bride-toâ€"be. Miss Joanne Thompson. During the evenlng, the happy couple were presentâ€" ed with a lovely floor lamp. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Britnell entertained friends from Toron- to and Scarborough at a buf- fet supper, Sunday in honour of their son, Victor and his bride-to-be. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George French were Mrs. Frank Bennett on Monday af- ternoon; Mrs. Walter H111 and Mrs. Lewl§ Heise on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Vera Burnett of Stouffville on Friday afternoon. and Mr. and Mrs. Murrw Wide- man of Richmond Hill Sunday “tel-noon. Rev. and Mrs. L. K. Sider had dinner, Tuesday with Miss Ruth Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Haroldï¬eesor Ind family of Joliet, Quebec. visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reesor. They have gone to Indiana for three months where Harold will at- tend school. A local resident saw a ground hog peeping out of ‘ its hole in the mild weath- er last week. ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith moved into their new homewhich they have built on I lot on their former farm. Ralph Baker of Gowanstown [is spending some time with his daughters, Mrs. Frank Bennett and Mrs. Harold Wideman. For years, the Bakers lived at Gormley. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon from Helse Hill Church. She is survivep by her husband, four daughters, Marlon (Mrs. Vernon McIlroy), Gowanstown, Grace (Mrs. Frank Bennett), Unlonvllle; A n n a (Mrs. Paul Heme) of Palmers- ton; Dorothy (Mrs. Harold Wideman), Gormley; foster d a u g h t e r s, Beverley (Mrs. Floyd Housser), Stouffville;‘ Doris (Mrs. Keith Winger), Oak Ridges; and one son, Clinton of Kitchener. Social Notes Sympathy ls expressed to Ralph Baker and family in the passing of Mljs. Ealph Baker. KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News “The Libenl" is alwryl willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its renders in Maple. Concord and Edgeley districts. Our representative in Maple in Mrs. Len Shore ALpine 7-1150; in deeley I all Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond Stun-t, AV. 5-1934; and in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Keiter, 285-6805. Concord Socials CORRESPONDENT: 1‘ is expressed to , . Maple Minor Hockey 9 ., GORMLEY NEWS Telephone 886-5201 The Week ’8 Happenings In Maple MRS. cms. MILSTED Anyone wishing to substitute‘ at any time Is invited to get in. touch with any bowler she knows and offer her services on a team. It's a good. relaxing way to spend a morning, visiting with Your neighbours and getting a little exercise in the bargain Oh 313s. free coffee is an added bonus. and it's usually needed a: well as appreciated] One hint, which I try always to employ, was not to mention in the social columns when someone is away. Rather. we Wait until they return. an ext-burglar) points out many things we do to almost encour- age burglars. He also very gen- emusly gave householders sev- eral tips on burglar-proofing their homes. Mlple Contractors 2 Transport Refrigeration 1 League scoring champ Chuc- kle Fraser boosted his lead with two goals for Maple Con- tractors, one unassisted and the second doubly assisted by George Elliot and Doug Irvine. Grég McMillan got a nice soul, unassisted to put Trans~ Volunteors Galoro shortened greatly. Phyl was the transferred from 209 to 414 and cen there joined Ellen Blakelock, the} Railway St. Along the hall, in colt 411, is Larry Stevenson of Mal- deli aren Drive. Phyl went home lve last Saturday and Ellen ls tak- lng a rest at Pine Grove Nurs- Tel lng Home. So Larry and I still It keep our phone extensions hop- fun plng. ‘ » bur NEWMARKET : Newmarket Mayor W. A. Kent has resigned as chairman of the planning and industrial committee Council reverted to committee of the whole to deal with the matter and on the motion of Councillor George Knapton, the resignation was accepted. We found there were several would-beâ€"volunteers to flood A number from our commun-‘ ity attended the Markham Township Sunday School Con- ventlon on Saturday in three of the churches at Markham. Joseph Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Jones and Janey had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Hickman of Bradford. Miss Ella Cuber had dinner on Sunday with her great niece, Mrs. Roy Winger of Maple. We wish a speedy recovery for S. J. Gadsby who under- went surgery at the Western Hospital, Toronto. last week. A miscellaneous shower was held on Saturday night in Mt. Plsgah United Church basement in honour of Miss JooAnne Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Bennett spent Sunday at Stouffville Murray spoke at the United Missionary Church on Home Missions. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Empring- ham visited Henry Popert in the Lindsay Hospital on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Elliott spent Sunday in Kitchener. Ron spoke at the Bethany Un- ited Missionary Church there in the Interest of home mis- slons. Mn. Willis Hunking and family had dinner Saturday with Miss Ruth Hoover. A number of Gormley people attended the funeral of Miss Elizabeth Wideman at Dickson Hill United Missionary Church on Sunday afternoon. The United Missionary Lad- ies' Sewing Circle met on Wed- nesday alternoon at the home or Mrs. Alvin Farmer. Mrs. Beulah Jones visited her aon-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones and family of Windsor for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. David Reed and family have returned from a holiday In Florida. “Thé'Brethren in Christ Sew- ing Circle met all day Tuesday at the home of Miss Vera Hilts. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mayer and girls of Stouffville had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Siefort and four children of Fordwlch spent the Weekend with her grandparents. Bishop and Mrs. Alvin Winger. Unfortunately two Maple players had to be disciplined for usurping the authority of the official. Surely it these boys are old enough and inter- ested enough to play on a team. they know what ‘sports- manship‘ is and if caught in an infraction, they should take port Refrigeration on the scorelthelr medicine like a man -- or Superior Propane 4 Connor Transport 1 Connor Transport goalie Cal- vln Yake didn’t have a chance against top league scorer George Sayweu of Superior Propane, as he breezed in un- checked for four unassisted goals. John Weir of Connor Trans- port scored I beautiful goal for his team -â€" unassisted. Maple Lions 1 Wholesale Radio 0 Another shut-out was regist- ered for Mike Moscrop, goalie for the league-leading Maple Lions but this time it was only a richochet shot scored of! David Birch that made it pos- sible. sheet With Brian James newly in the nets for Radio the whole team has uken on spirit. They missed a couple of scoring chances but couldn’t quite make it â€"- otherwise it would have been a different story as they played gamer and well against the top team. . MIDGET LEAGUE Woodbrldge 2 (Maple) Mona Electronics 0 That ‘Woodbridge terror on the ice’ Dave Saba, was back again to score two goals. unas- sisted while Maple failed to re. gister. Tnke Note the school rink during that re- cent mild spell. We appreciate their thought but now that it‘s cold again, the small fry would delight in your support - act! ive that is. If you want on evening of fun and good Showmanship, hurry right now to snare a ticket for the repeat perfor- mance of the Avantâ€"Garde Players presenting "A Night of Farce". February 7 and 8 at The Iii-C group completed a three year course of study and several of the members accep- ted positions in the Sunday school. The remaining members are sitting in with the adult class. Hi-C will be resumed in September. This class met for 23 Sunday mornings and joined with the general school for sev- eral missionary programs. Re- ceipts from offerings, sale of cards and collection from carol Mrs. B. Terry, secretary for missionary and maintenance re- ported that 14 families use the M and M envelopes accounting for $257.08. Other offerings from special services, Hi-C. CGIT and the Sunday school bring a total to $431.74. This amount is sent to the United Church of Canada. Hi-C Group Each year show: an advance in building care and Cummer Lee, secretary of stewards re- ported the laying and waxing of a concrete floor in the base- ment (Sunday school room and kitchen) and the redecorating; of the west wall of the sanctu- ary and the stairwall. M&M Fund Dr. Binnington extended his thanks to all the faithful work ers in the church and voiced‘ the hope that in the coming‘ year Christians might offer a deeper devotion and more loyal service. With apt metaphor he described that need as, “more salty Christians-preserving the best and adding to life." The reports showed that Headford is progressing. Twelve children were baptized and nine members were received into the church. The total member- ship stands at 63 resident and 10 non resident. ‘ New Floor The annual meeting provides an opportunity for the congre- gation to assess the work of the past year and to “widen the place of their tents and drive in their tent pegs." Mrs. C. Lee and Mrs. H. Bur- ton presented a film strip ex- plaining the new curriculum and showing the text books to he used in all departments, be- ginning September, 1964. The annual meeting of Head- ford United Church was held January it). Following dessert and coffee, Dr. Blnnlngton cal- led the meeting to order and conducted a brief devotional service using Isaiah 54-2. “Wid- en the place for your tent. spare not your canvas, stretch it out. Lengthen your ropes, drive in your tent pegs." This challeng-‘ lng call was sent out by the old‘ prophet and stands toâ€"day a challenge to any progressive} church. ‘ New Curriculum 1 Encouraging Reports Heard At Headford Church Annual Meeting PEE WEE LEAGUE memmmmmmm ‘ New Principal ‘ Junior High get out of the game. ATOM STANDINGS Chuckie Fraser Tom Edmanson Greg McMillan PEE WEE STANDINGS George Saywell Dale Bone John Weir 01' Things To Come! The Ail-Stars have completed iheir schedule waiting their play downs in the "D" series finals. Notice of playing dates will be listed. The MMHA executive, through President Dalt Mc- Arthur, announce an exciting future date for all Maple hoc- key players â€"- a Sunday after- noon game at Maple Leaf Gard- ens comlnq up soon. the Thornth United Church, Dudley Avenue, Thornhlll. Phone “+5246 after 8 pm. for tickets. Some of our local gals have inquired about filling their leisure hours via knitting for the Red Cross. Remember this weekend is still a part of "Minor Hockey Week†so come with your son to Schomberg Arena {or the league games, Atoms, Pee Wee and Midget. The lat and 2nd Thornhlll Boy Scouts are sponsoring this fun bill and you'll enjoy It and support Scouting In this area. Nimble Pincers Needed Before sojourning Dr. Binn- ington extended special appreci-i ation to Mrs. Terry for her work in compiling the report and tot Mr. Calder and his staff for preparing it. He also brought attention to the long service the Brodie family had given in pre- paring the communion service and expressed the gratitude oi seSSion and congregation for this service. In response to Mrs. Wellman’s motion of ap- preciation to Dr. Binnington he replied that he and Mrs. Binn- ington very much enjoyed being associated with Headford. Exp- ressions of gratitude too were offered for the warm felloww ship that had been enjoyed with the student ministers in the past year, Mr. K. Deer, Mr. Flt- zpatrick, now in India and Mr. ldris Hamid who will be with us until the spring. The stewards due to retire, Mrs. M. vanTol, Douglas Calder, Harry Burton, Ben Terry were re-elected {or three years. All other officers retained position. Douglas Young was added to the committee on religious edu- cation and David Terry and Robert Lee were appointed as additional ushers with Charles Barker as chairman. The treasurer, Don Brodie explained that he had placed the cemetery fund of $1000.00 In a separate account. The con- gregational account read receiâ€" pts $2391.80, expenditures $2111. 98, balance $279.82. Cemetery Committee Services in August will be held the 16th and 30th with the pulpit vacant for three Sun- days. Melvln Wellman and George Barker were appolnted a committee for vacation pulpit supply. Memorial service will be held June 7 and anniversary service September 27. Stewards Under new business a cemet- ery committee was formed. with Melvin Weilman, W. Clark. Elmer Leek, and Don Brodie as appointees. Mrs. H. Burton reported 15 subscribers to "The Observer" and Mrs. RA. Binnington re- ported 11 memberships to the Victor Home. Treasurer’s Report Activities of the UCW and the Sunday school were reported in “The Liberal" following their annual meetings but their fin- ancial statements read, UCW receipts $258.63, expenditures $198.01, balance $68.12. The Sunday school receipts. $245.40. expenditures $214.35, balance $31.05. singers amounted to $52.25. ex- pendltures $26.50. Susan Terry, secretary, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leek, directors. Workers are still needed to A resident of Sonthvlew Drlve. Concord. Edward S. Hay. vice-principal at Wil- lowdale Junior High School. will become princi- pal of Don Mills Junior High School this fall, North York Board of Edn- cation announced this week. Mr. Bay was proposed as a candidate for Vaughan Township S c h 0 0] Area Board in the initial elec- tion for that bond. Guests were members of council, municipal staff and friends. make children's socks. meat- ers and babies' layettes. The materials will be supplied, de- llvered and picked up when completed. In the evening following the ceremony at York County Coun- cil, Newmarket when Vaughan Reeve. “Ab†Rutherford was sworn in as the 104th warden of York County, his wife Velma, hosted a surprise party at their home. Mrs. John Harris Sr., of Eng- land had an extended stay with her son and daughter-in-law, John and Heather Harris, 23 Weller Cres. She endeared her- self to everyone while here and the welcome mat is out at all tlmes for her. She sailed on New Year's Day, aboard the “Le France" for home. Just call Mrs. Dorothy Poore, 884-1824 if you find time on your hands. In so doing your help to the local Red Cross will be much appreciated. Surprise! Welcome Visitor It’s always nice to have con- genial company -- that’s what I've had with Dorothy, Mrs. John Quinn. 244 Ashlar Road Richmond Hill, as room-mate March of Dimes Maple will be swinging into its campaign for the March of Dimes Mothers‘ Blitz, on behalf of the Rehabilitation Founda- tion, in February. S.O.S. Nice Compmy The day of prayer to be held in Victoria Square February 14 will meet at 2 o'clock rather than the usual 2:30. 1 Although not completely fln- ished. the new Maple Scout and Guide Hall was used for the “B†Cub pack. last Mon- day evening, Scouzs, Tuesday and “A†pack Cubs tonight. MRS. LOREN’ GUILD MI. 2, GORMLEY PHONE TU. 4-3040 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Barker who cel- ebrated their twenty-ninth wed- ding anniversary January 23. Roderick Calder reached his eighth birthday January 22 and had twelve young friends in to help him celebrate the occasion. Mrs. George Barker and Mrs. W. Wellman attended the anâ€" nual meeting of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society held in the lecture room of the lib- rary. Annual prize awards were presented and Mrs. Barker‘ was the recipient of several of them. They enjoyed seeing thel beautiful colored slides shown by Mr. R. D. Little of views from Honolulu, England, Ire- land and Sweden. I New Hall In Use The story of the planning and building efforts of our local group will follow in an- other issue. Mrs. P. Rumney has been appointed division commission- er for the new York East division which includes Germ- ley, Unionville, Markham, Stouffviile, Baiiantrae with Le- monville just organizing. Mrs. _. ., Prize winners were Mrs. Kay Nourish, Mrs. Elmo Snider, Miss Olive Glover, Mrs. Mild- red Ash, Harry Barber, Alvin Caseley, Harry Forster, Bert Nichols. Another euchre party will be held in the Victoria Square Community Hall January 31 at 8:15 pm. Cooking School. Victoria Square Women‘s Ins- titute and Ontario Hydro pre- sent “Hydro Quick Tricks" at the community hall February 11 at 8 pm. Tickets may be secured from any institute member. Girl Guides of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bell for a buffet supper in honour of Victor Britnell and Miss Joanne Thompson who are beâ€" ing married in Fepmary. “no «.â€"_.7, Following the address to the couple by Lloyd Canning. Mrs. Bell on behalf of everyone presented them with a floor lamp. Euchre 5-1: _the second game bf the present series in the commu- nity hall Friday eveniflg. Buflet Supper & Presephtloq â€" On Wednesday evening of last week. neighbours and friends gathexjed g; the hgmf _"l“l:éx:e were ï¬fteen and a half tables of euchre playgrs Headford News Please! Any bowllng types who would like to join the Maple Ladies' 3 o w l l n 3 League, elther as a sub. or I regular player contact Aileen Birch, sub-captain at 257-1449. They need more bowlers and bowl every Monday night at 7-9 and 9-11. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE ML 2. Gormley â€" Telephone 886-5421 It was Youth Sunday at Brown’s Corners United Church‘ last week and members of the; various youth groups assistedi Dr. A. F. Binnington in the service. Debbie Hood. repre- senting CGIT, read the scrip- ture; the junior choir under; the direction of Mrs. George Hooper with Mrs. Donald Reeq sor at the organ sang two se- lections and members of TYRO, Sigma-C, HI-C and YPU took the offering. The senior choir under the direction of Mrs. S. J. English also sang. ‘ There are Interesting vi- ‘ sitors in the neighbourhood ' at present - Mr. and Mrs. D. E. MoAllister of White- ’ horse, Yukon. Mr. McAl- lister is publicizing the i ' north country and has had ‘ several speaking engage- ] merits in Toronto and the i ‘ outLyiug districts. 0n Fe- I bruary 26 he will give a i travelogue at Brown’s Cor- ‘ ners United Church. Happy Timers Meet. 1 The Happy Timers, Unit 1 ‘of Brown's Corners United Church met last week at the home of Mrs. Rae Donaldson. Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, the’ new group leader, occupied the] chair and with Mrs. Charles‘ Turner took the devotional" service -â€" a study of the Bea-l tltudes. During business it wasl‘ agreed to send a $5 birthday gift to the blind Korean orphan which the unit is sponsoring in a school for blind children. Another community member, Ken Stats, is recuperating from a long illness and has been‘ conï¬ned to his home for weeks now. ‘ Mrs. George Clarke, another‘ Toronto General patient, re- turned home earller in the week and is keeping very quiet for the present. Euchre players will remem- ber the Buttonville WI. spon- sored series at Buttonville WJ. Hall January 31. They will also be interested to know that the Doncaster Ladies Club is spon- soring another travelling euch- re to commence early in Fe- bruary. Mrs. Barbour is taking names now and would like to‘ hear from groups who will. join. Proceeds are for the Thornhill and District Junior Bocke Association. E more Hill and Dick Jones went to Gull Lake last weekend to fish and found themselves chasing a ï¬shing but. Mrs. Richard Pralet was in the Toronto General Hospital last week for removal of a cataract. She returned home‘ Sunday and is making good progress we are happy to 3337.] It is nearly two months until spring and Sandy Bobbett says members of his family have seen two robin: in their Arn- leigh Heights garden. We wish every success to Karen Chadwick, Anita Orr. Cathy Sanderson and Bruce Cowie who tried their music examinations at the Toronto Conservatory of Music last Wednesday. Mrs. H. English is their teacher. A speedy recovery is wished for Joe Stephenson following his recent operation and to Lloyd Beatty who has a broken foot. He is now wearing a walking cast. Cmenponden: Mn. F. E. Leaf B. B. 2 Gormley Phone AXmlnster 3-618! Neighbourth Notes Birthday greetings to Mrs. Heber McCague for Februa- ry 5. ‘ Mrs. Gordon Draper was able to return home from the hos. pital, Saturday following her recent operation last week. Miss, Mabel Hord is In the Toronto General Hospital with a broken ankle. Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Kydd of King, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Picker- ing of Willowdale had Sunday evening dinner with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ba_r_ker 'and family. World Day Of Prayer The annual World Day of Prayer service for the women of the three churches on the Victoria Square charge will he held in the Victoria Square United Church February 14 at 2 pm. Visitors will be wel- come. Neighbourhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and boys of Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham and girls had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Empflng- ham. Rumney attended the area council meeting at Guide House. Oshawa, on Thursday of last week. World Day 01’ Prayer Mr. and Mrs. A. Bader wel- comed thflr Ehird sop recently. Mrs. H. Bray (if, Kesï¬Ã©'lé spent Wednesday of last week wig}; Mrs. Percy Bennett. Last week’s thaw follow- ed by high winds played havoc with huts, 1nd Mr. Hill’s was blown I mile from Its moorings. BUTTONVILLE Committee of Adjustment NOTKCE OF HEARING CA/64/4 Notice is hereby given of a hearing to he held by the Town- ‘ship of Markham Committee of Adjustment at the Municipal Offices, Buttonvllie. R. R. No. 2, Gormley, Ontario, on Tuesâ€" day, February 11th, 1984 at 7:30 pm. NATURE OF APPLICATION The application to be heard has been submitted by Douglas H. Storms, owner of part of Township Lot 30, Concession 1, known locally as 166 John Street in The Township of Markham. The owner requests release from the provisions oi By-law 1442, paragraph 10, in order to permit a frame addi- tion to an existing dwelling to be located 5’0" from the side lot line rather than 10'0" as re- quired by the by-law. Signed written submissions on this application will be re- ceived by me at this office prior to the hearing. M. A. N. Shentield. Secretary, Township of Markham Committee of Adjustment. Draw winners at the Febru- ary 22 card party sponsored by St. Paschal Baylon C. W. L. were: Mrs. J. Sawyer, mystery prize and it's still a mystery; Mrs. V. DeMarco, sun glasses; Vivian Parker, permanent wave; Joan Butler, oil painting; Billie‘ Churley, $10 voucher; and Murs iel Somerville, $10 portrait. As} usual a full house was recorded: for the event. - I Costumes or regular informal dancing dress are welcome. Prizes and refreshments will be featured, and a checkroom will be provided. Tickets at $1.50 each may be obtained from C.W.L. members and also from Mrs. A. I. Dunne at BA. 1-3349 and Mrs. J. E. Huffman, 221- 7794. St. Paschal Baylon parish is planning a Mardj Gras on Feb- mary7inthepaflshhalL92 Steeles Avenue West. There'll be dancing from 9 pm. to 1 am. to music by “The Nova- tonesâ€. NOTICE OF HEARING CA/64/3 Notice is hereby given of a hearing to be held by the Town- ship of Markham Committee of Adjustment at the Municipal Offices, Buttonvilie, R. R. No 2, Gormley, Ontario, on Tues- day, February 11th, 1964 at 7:30 pm. NATURE OF APPLICATION Crestwood Rd. THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Committee of Adjustment Correspondent Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Bold Willowdnle Telephone AV. 5-3443 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ogtagiot'rhursday, Jan News v0.0.0.0..- :Another go'tid r‘é’éson fa buy NATURE OF APPLICATION The application to be heard has been submitted by Donald G. Plaxton on behalf of Jerry Krause, owner of Lot 26. R. P. 3512 in the Township of Mark; ham. The owners desire to con. vey the ’most southerly 66’ to the Township of Markham for highway purposes and divide the remaining part of said lot into two parcels so that each parcel shall contain an area of over 10,000 sq. ft.. notwith- standing the provisions of By- law 1442 which requires that a parcel of land not served by‘ municipal water supply or a municipal sanitary sewerage system shall have a frontage on a highway of at least 100 (L. and an area of at least 15,000 sq ft. Signed written submissions on this application will be re- ceived by me at this office prior to the hearing. M. A. N. Shenfield. Secretary, Township of Markham ¢ Committee of Adjustment. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-ll05 Notice is hereby given of a hearing to be held by the Town- ship of Markham Committee of Adjustment at the Municipal Offices, Buttonville, R. R. No. 2, Gormley, Ontario. on Tues. dw. February 11th, 1964 at 7:30 pm. 'I’V'l' no II B I. I? CALL BA. I - 0485 AN R.E.T.A_ MEMBER BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE NOTICE OF HEARING CA/64/2 ï¬rm: TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Committee of Adjustment 16B Yongo St. N, Richmond Hill â€" 285-4811 CRAFTS - HOBBIES @omumers’flas 72 Yonge St», South You are welcome to come in and browse GAS HEATING I Year $22 6 Month: S" 3 Month! $5.50 Clip this advarflumm m Mum It with your «hack a money order in: Thu Chrml-n Scion“ Mull“! Ono Norway 5mm lomm. Moss. 01"! Accurate ComMem News Coverage BHRISIIHH SCIENCE [HUHITUR . 30th, 19“ 11 TU. 4-3980