Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jan 1964, p. 6

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SPACE saver sleeps 2 people. Colour brown. brand new. Worth $49.50, sell $29.50 cash and carry. North Park Furnit- ure, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. HU 8-7911. tfc17 BABY stroller, large baby crib, ‘high chair. also winter and summer clothes, size 14, 16. 18. Desk, vacuum. combination bureau and clothes closet, girls two wheel bicycle. Nearly new. In good condition. 884-3746, 144 Lucas St. c1w31 METRO WRECKING CEDAR AVENUE RICHMOND HILL New & Used Materials Plumbing - Doors - Pipe Clearing NEW Glazed Sash 50c and Up OPEN DAILY UNTIL 8 1).! SATURDAY UNTIL 5 p.m. % Mile East of Yonge South Of Markham Road AV. 5-3942 FREE DELIVERY MOVED to apartment â€" stove, washer and frig., also 16 cu, ft. chest freezer and 2% HP. lawn mower Reasonable. 884-2936. McCLARYâ€"Easy automatic de~ frost refrigerator, 2 door, 75 lb. Ireezer. Range. clock, timer, meat-minder. warming oven. rotisserie. Both as new. 884- 7948. c1w31 BOY'S racer bicycle with streamers, mud flaps. etc; set body building equipment; base- ball glove. Phone 884-2386. BEAUTYREST. Marshall. Sim- mons, Serta, Heely and other lpring mattresses repaired, re- turned just like new. medium firm, extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Elderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tron} BABY’S stroller. brand new, Gendron worth $20, sell $10, cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St, To- ronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc28 NEW Smith-Corona Sterling Port. Typewriter $100, new Cole Port. Dictating Machine $110, also like new Smith-Cor- ona electr. adding machine‘ $135. AV. 5-4542. c3w31i GOOD used furniture for sale. Cali Frank’s Movers and Stor- Ige. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- 2613. “03 BUGS. 2, broadloom, tone on tone grey. 8'x12' with rubber pads. Reasonable. AV. 5-7063 evenings. c1w31 BOOKCASE, unpainted. brand new, $7 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto, HU. 8-7911. “c9 1113 machine with Vattaéfixwxigrit; Call AL. 7-1323 after 4. _FULLY yptomaflp saw sharpen- RICHMOND Hill Curling Club single man's debenture at a meant. AL. 7-1223. ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514 tfc36 Set of snow tires. new, push button radio, brand new batte- ry. car heater -â€" all for Austin A50. TU.‘4-4017. c1w31 bed. (No spring or mattréssi, 884-5759. c1w31 EREY Chesterfield suite, used, $10. After 6 pm. TU. 4-5739. h 7 dame mahogany WRiINGERW washéifl in good condition, $20. 884-1933. Power mower 2% H.P. $30. 285-4188. c2w30 FIREWOOD For all your needs. Free deli- very. AV. 5-4607. c2w29 VACUUM cleaner G.E. $35 grey. Good condition. Reason- able. 884-5921. c1w31 PHEASAN’I‘S Oven ready, $3.25. Stouffvllle. “$2780. tlclz dltlon. Suifable for coftage, $30. Call 884-3066. c1w31 EENDRON twin carriage, silver G.E. Féfflréerator in good con- GARAGE: to be removed fr0m prcpely. 884-2722. clw31 2 FOLDINGflcamip cots, play- pen. TU. 4-1843. chi/3} 3 PIECE ’chesterfield suite. 773-5278. c1w31 APPLES. Free delivery. AL. 7- 8972. tfc26 gm;an LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, iThursday, Jan. 30th, 1964 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 mm. on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 and you will receive invoice. CASH BATES, lst insertion 5c each word. min. charge .. . . . . . . 750. Second and subsequent Insertions ll wording .. . . . . . . unchanged, 5:: per word. min. charge 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word: mln. charge 750 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARBIAGES, BIRTHS, ARTICLES FOR SA LE HONEY WERNER AV. 5-2724 per Insertion CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES tfnc29 c1w31 clw31 c3w29 clw31 c1w31 tfc3l $29 and up. New, $49 and up. Terms as low as $4.50 per month; trade-ins accepted. TO HELP treat Pneumonia Shipping Fever and calf scours use Nixon's Fevrex 25% Triple- Sulfa Solution. Eight ounce bottle only $3. Available at Perry’s Pharmacy. Maple, AL. 7-1164. Satisfactory results or your money back RE-SALE RACK In our reâ€"sale rack you will find almost new clothing for all members of the family at a fraction of their original cost. Come in and Save Dollars. Dis- count Cleaners In the Mall, Richmond Heights Centre. TRADE IN your old furniture for new, with highest allowance â€"- or â€" we will buy your fur- niture for our trade-in depart- ment. Free estimates â€" no obligation. Call Powell Furni- ture, 85 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, TU. 4â€"2922. STACKING chairs, 100 only. Wood seats. metal frames. brand new. Will sacrifice. $3.95 each. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. HU. 8-7911. tfc29 CHEST of drawers, {our draw- er. Unpainted. Brand new. $15. cash and carry. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge St.. Tor- onto. HU. 8-7911. tfc9 SINGER SEWING MACHINES Repossessed, take over pay- ments, $5 per month. Washers, dryers, vacuum cleaners, polish- ers and typewriters. Terms. TU. 4-2931. 18A Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill‘ NIGHT TABLES, unpainted, brand new $5 cash and carry. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. BALL OF FIRE HEATERS Portable (stove oil). no pipes, no smoke, no odour. From 6,000 - 12,000 BTU. See them at Carl Walker Sales. Don Mills Road, Victoria Square. Phone 886-5413. tfcll ‘BUNK BEDS, red maple. Brand new. 36" size. Spring filled mattresses. $49.50, cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. HU. 8- 7911. tan EXCEL TYPEWRITERS 5633 YONGE ST., AT FINCH WILLOWDALE BA. 5-4121 DRY HARDWOOD Dutch elm casualties cut 16" long. Delivered single cord lots. TU. 4-4519. tfc29 GAS furnace, large size, excel- lent condition. quantity of gas pipe and connections; gas water heater, 25 gal. cap., good as new. Phone 884-2386. tfnc29 ELECTRIC range 40", push button, large warming oven, special price for immediate sale. Call TU. 4-4039. 8 DRAWER dresser, brand new, unpainted, sell for $18 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto. HU. 8-7911. ‘ “c9 10 CUBIC ft. refrigerator with matching upright freezer. Nearly new. $375. 884-4586. WARDROBE unpalnted single size sell for $15 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. HU. 8-7911. ’ tfcl? TWO doubleflbeds with head boards complete with mattres- ses. One dresser and mirror, AVenue 5-5053. c1w31 SEWING machine: Singer, con- sole model, excellent condition, $25. Phone AL. 7-2644. ELECTRIC range, 3i);F 4-burner. $35. Electric small. PR. 3-5902. white with gold. $125. 5924. Store open 9 am. to 9 pm button - new condition. $50. 884-1819. tfc31 1’ BEDROOM sulte""’h}itiqfi DRIED shelled corn. AX. 3- 5823. c1w31 GE. 24" range - {Human zpugfi DINETTE buffet, black. Like new, $30. 884-5186. c1w31 FOR. FAST RESULTS LIBERAL WANT ADS TU. 4-1105 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES SALES AND REPAIRS FOR SALE (Continued) c1w31 clw31 c1w3l tfc23 TU. 4- c2w30 tfc48 Norge, ironer, c1w31 c1w31 tfc48 c1w31 1.00 ttc9 tfc9 WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call TU. 4-2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License No. 204-62. tfc31 12’ FIBREGLASS runabout, windshield, steering gearshift, lights also new '62 Johnson 10 HP" trailer. Complete $500 or nearest offer. Phone 727-5405, Aurora. c1w31 GARAGE for compact Colbourneâ€"Markham Read TU. 4â€"1990. Uo;bourneâ€"Markham Read area. TU. 4â€"1990. c1w31 GOOD used accordion suitable for girl. Private. AV. 5-1960. BOATS & MOTORS FOR SALE MONEYVavailable for EOOI; first and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and Le Claire. TU. 4-4413. tfc2 CLIENTS’ funds to purchasé lst and 2nd mortgages. D. Mc- Lean, AV. 5-1176. David Mc- Lean Ltd. tfc15 TOOLS FOR. RENT Floor sanders, saws and drills. Hand sanders, jigâ€"saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc27 TOOLS T0 RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns. roto- tillers, rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental and Sales, 6026 Yonge St., BA. 1-1711. tfc30 DAY CARE for children in my own home, pre-school. $8 week- ly, lunch provided. 211 Ashlar Road. 884-2366. clw31 DAY CARE, pre-school child, Bathurst south of No. 7 High- way area. AV. 5-2759. Tool & Equipment RENTAL DAY CARE available for child by hour, day or wreeikt G005 home. AV. 5-4184. nc1w31 LOANS $50 - $5.000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. 31 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill 884-4458 - 285-5562 Do you have a drinking prob- lem? If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. tfc45 PSYCHIC tea cup and card reading. Will attend parties. M. Dickson, 773-5491. THREE young men 16-18 re- liable and hardworking seek employment. Willing to learn and accept responsibility. Any reasonable offer considered. For information, contact Mr. Porter, York Central High School Board, AV. 5-4948. DANISH COUPLE Cleaning. industrial office and stores considered. PRACTICAL nurse, with gener- al office experience, desires po- sition in doctor’s or dentist’s of- fice. 884-4607 after 6. RECEPTIONIST-typist desire? part-time employment, prefer- ably mornings. 884-7472. YOUNG MEN, 16-19. looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 285-4869. tfc52 would like partâ€"time office work. TU. 4-1418. c1w31 TYPIST, reliable, experienced, HOUSEWORK, experienced 9 to 4. Call 886-5830 after 6. Richmond Hill TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- ‘cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. l DEAD STOCK MORTGAGES EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAY CARE PERSONAL WANTED TO RENT Mgr. Felix Game FOR SALE CALL 884-5369 (Continued) TU. 4-1745 tfc49 c1w31 d an- WANTED â€" Spanish Guitar 1 TU. Teacher, please write Box No. cense 52 “The Liberal" stating qualifi- tfc31 cations. c1w311 clw31 c1w31 c4w31 *3w31 c2w30 tfc32 c1w3l car ‘ c2w30 UNIVERSITY graduate stud- ent available for tutoring in High School math. and science. 884-5865. c4w29 TRANSPORTATION available from Yonge St., Richmond Hill to College and Spadina district. Leaving 7 am. returning 4 p.111. Call evenings or weekends. 884- 1466. tfnc OIL painting lessons in artist's home, some vacancies Tuesday nights 7:30 pm. TU. 4-5075. WANTED leaving Cartier and Bayview Avenue 6 a.m. for Greenwood and Danforth Ave- nues. 884-7733 after 6 pm. TU. 4.1245 without digging or tearing up pipe! FAST o ECONOMICAL with modern KOLLMANN CLEANERS C. STUNDEN UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- dence, business, AV. 5-5345. FLOOR COVERINGS All types tiles and sheet vinyl for rec. rooms, kitchens, entries, baths, etc. Also ceramic wall tiles. Free estimates. Reid and Sons, Flooring Contractors, AV. 5-1960. tfc32 Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. TU. 4-2838. tfc45 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 tfc8 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith, Upholstery.‘ phone AV. 5-1682. tfc431 CALL us for your sand, gravel. fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrarl, Maple, ALgine 7-8876. tfc7 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192, King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 CARPENTRY Any type â€" rec. rooms, cabinet for garbage cans, cupboards, shelves, garages, etc. 884-2588. tfc22 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 renovations. garages, recreation rooms. tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 CARPENTRY WORK. additions, MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 8.. Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc3l CONCRETE and carpentry work, recreation rooms, floors and walls tiled, at reasonable prices. TU. 4-5482. tfc33i PAINTINGS; PAPER HANGING J. Christensen TU. 4-5764. PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. ‘SEPTIC tTnks pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. MISCELLANEOle Transportation HARRISONS . CUSTOM CARPENTRY PLUMBING ~ HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 tf‘ SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 TUITION FIREPLACES’ GORDON JUBB BA. 1-6688 E. w.’ PAYNE Richmond Hill ncw31 c1w30 tfc44 tfc43 tfc22 ttc3l tfc4 BED and breakféEt cbhfortabl; home in Thornhill, one or two men. Call 884-1019. . c2w30 EXPERT sewing on ladies and childrens wear. Alterations and invisible mending. Reason- able. Will pick-up and deliver. TU. 4â€"5517. c1w31 Prices start at $12. Supply own pattern and materials. 884-1400. *2w30 ROOM and BOARD DRESSMAKINE’hna altera- tions by professional dressmak- er. 884-2639. c4w31 RESEARCH FARM SECRETARY REQUIRED This position is open to ladies in the 25 to 50 age bracket with experience in bookkeeping, typ- ing, dictaphone and general of- fice procedure. Applications in writing to J. M. Smithyes. Shur- Gain Research Farm, Maple. BOOKKEEPER MALE Required for the municipal of- fice of the Township of Whit- church, five days per week and benefits. Applications stating age, experience, etc., to be dir- ected to the undersigned by 12 noon, February 3, 1964. Thomas Kerr, Clerk. c3w29 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Opening for one energetic man of neat appearance in busy well- located Thornhill office-An ex- cellent opportunity for profit- able permanent position. Apply S. J. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176; Res. AV. 5-2742. David McLean Ltd. DRESS FINISHER For air conditioned dry clean- ing plant, steady year round employment. good wages. Will teach willing applicant who may not have any experience. Apply in person to Barths Cleaners, 198 Yonge St. N. MACHINE operators wanted. Mechanical aptitude and pre- vious factory experience an as- set. Apply between 8:30 am. and 12 noon to Seneca Wire of Canada Limited, 254 Centre Street East, Richmond Hill. WOMAN wanted for woman’s business. Make money while you learn. Sell Spirella and Spencer Suports. Contact Pearl Lehmann, 18 Homewood, Wil- lowdale. *1w31 SALESMAN â€" Pottery, china and glass. Established accounts. City and Part Ontario. Commis- sion basis. Must have car. Our employees aware of this ad.‘ Write Box 49, “The Liberal". c2w30 DRIVER with own car for drug store delivery. 6-9 Monday to Saturday, 2-6 Sunday every other week. 9014 Yonge Street. c1w31 SALESLADY â€" SALESMAN Richmond Hill real estate of- fice has opening for one sales- man or saleslady. Apply K. H. Shields, TU. 4-3805, David Mc- Lean Ltd., 68 Yonge St. South.‘ CLERK-Stenographer required immediately in Richmond Hill branch office. Apply in writing to office Supervisor York County Health Unit, Newmarket. c2w31 TEENAGE BOYS Earn extra money working ev- enings and Saturdays. Call TU. 4-4977 between 4 and 6. Supply Studio Girl Cosmetics in your neighbourhood. Top pay. PR. 3-5333, 6-7 pm. CLEANING woman, every Monday and Tuesday. Must be thoroughly experienced and reliable. Call Thursday after- noon. AV. 5-5342. c1w31 ARE you looking for a good- paying part-time job? Avon of- fers a marvelous opportunity. Write ‘Miss Ziegler, Box 141. Guelph, Ont. c1w31 GIRL required for general office work, must be experienc- ed typist and accurate on figu- res. 884-4574. clw31 DRESSMAKING ANYBODY interested in work- ing fairly small items in wood for a profit. Please write Box 53 “The Liberal”. c1w31 CLEANING woman, general housework 1 day weekly â€" Thursday or Friday. .285-5974. clw31 CLEANING woman wanted half or full day weekly or other- wise. East of Yonge, 884-5083. c1w31 WE are interested in purchas- ing home crafted items. Please write giving details. Box 53 “The Liberal". clw31 wanted for local machine shop. 884-3101. c1w31 EXPERIENCED m a c h i n i s t HELP WANTED, NEED EXTRA MONEY? DRESSMAKING DESIGNING ALTERATIONS TU. 4-4670. DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS c2w31 clw28 c1w31 tfc35 clw30 c1w30 c3w31 c3w30 WPLHN LDFIN Full Price 1957 DKW Station Wagon 5165 Full Price 1956 Buick 2-door h.t. $424 $23 per month 1956 Ford Coach $224 $13 per month 1956 Olds. Coupe $440 $25 per month 1956 Ford $263 $17 per month 1955 Chev. Bel Air $395 ‘ $21 per month R. D. Little 8: Son 285-1105 1957 Buick 2-door 1m. WHOLESALE CARS TO BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC These cars will be sold with low down payment. Full price and monthly payments as shown. Watch “The Liberal" for our weekly wholesale “as Is" specials. 1958 Consul Sedan $195 1958 Triumph 1957 Dodge Sedan 1956 DODGE Custom Royal with red ram 313 engine. Make an offer. 7545 Yonge St., Thorn- hill, 285-7481. c1w31 1958 Vauxhall For immediate sale this com- pact car with only 10.000 miles. Will pay for 1964 plates. This is a one owner car. For further information, phone TU.4â€"5727. *1w31 1957 FORD Fairlane, 2-door, hardtop, automatic V-8. Excel- lent shape. Best offer. Private. 884-3577 after 7 pm. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, Deluxe. Mechanically perfect, Must sell $875 full price. 7545 Yonge St., Thornhill, 285-7481. c1w31 1953 PONTIAC, good running condition, block heater. $65. AV. 5-4338. c1w31 1958 FORD automatic, in good condition. Must sell. TU. 4- 2358. c1w31 sedan, private. Well taken care of. $750. AV. 5-4312. 1958 SUPER 88 Oldsmobile 1955 CHEV. Bel Air. Automa- tic, 6 cyl. Spotless condition. $450 full price. 7545 Yonge St., Thornhill, 285-7481. c1w31 hardtop. Custom radio, reason- able. 884-3931. c1w31 1958 BUICK, 4-door sedan Fully equipped. Perfect condi. tion. 1 owner. AV. 5-4503. 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, Deluxe. Spotless condition. Will accept best offer. 7545 Yonge St., Thornhill, 285-7481. c1w31 1960 VOLKSWAGON, Deluxe. Excellent condition, $550 full price. 7545 Yonge St., Thorn- hill, 285-7481. c1w31 1954 CHEV. Bel Air. Two door 1961 CONSUL, 4-door sedan. 1 owner, no lien, radio, extras good condition. 884-5260. \ MOTHER’S HELPER SERVICE EXPERIENCED baby - sitters, homemaker’s service and day work. Call day or night, TU. 4-7253. tfcl5 VOLKSWAGEN Van. $175. 884; 3211. , *1w31 1955 PONTIAC, V-8 automatic will sell or trade. AL. 7-1434. c1w31 V-8, standard transmission. TU. 4-5168. c1w31 1955 METEOR, 4-door sedan BABY sitter required, evenings. Reliable. 773-5126. clw31 USED FURNITURE WANTED -- pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid Call Frank's Movers and Storage. TU. 4â€"2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc7 KEYED UP TO BUY A NEW CAR? REGISTERED Beagles, hips and dogs. Reasonable. 257-8967. c1w3l Higgs. 484 Steeles Ave. W. AV. 5-4194. *2w31 WANTED domestic rabifits. H‘ STEREO Hi-Fi. AV. 5-3959 PETS FOR SALE THE BANK OF NOVA scom BUY ONE WITH A LOW-COST LIFEJNSURED BABY SITTING USED CARS 1962 ANGLIA WANTED $20 per month $495 $27 per month 31' [LL $492 $27 per month an $197 $195 Full Price $318 c1w31 c1w31 c1w31 c1w31 c1w31 c1w31 Admission $1.00 per person PUBLIC DANCING FRIDAY & SAT. NITES “FEATURING” THE ALL STARS THORN CREST RES TA URAN T 3-YEAR-0LD" beagle, male, black collar. Gamble and Brook- side area. Reward. TU. 4-2484. WENMAR APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL COLBOURNE AVE. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments â€" pool elevators, FM music. large balconies, intercom. parking, TV outlet. AV. 5-2303. tfc3 PHONE 285-5998 BANQUETS ARRANGE SINGLE room to rent in mo- dern adult home. $10 weekly. 211 Ashlar Rd. Near Newkirk Rd. 884â€"2366. c1w31 BEDROOM, furnished. 285- 2248. c1w31 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Heated and furnished. Large room $9 weekly, smaller $8. Ladies preferred. 884-2196. SMALL furnished apartment, separate entrance, close to church and shopping. Parking. Senior adults. 884-1204. CENTRAL â€" desirable large house close to schools and shopping. Nice condition, two baths, garage. HOward 6-9230. c2w31 MONTH'S FREE RENT 1 BEDROOM apartment in mo- dern new building. 180 Bay‘ view Ave. TU. 4-5917 or HO. 5« 2706. tfc2£ BED sitting room, kitchen, parking. 16 Lorne, lst house east Clarke's Drug Store at Yonge. *2w31 50-ACRE farm, 8 room frame house, barn and accessory buildings, 6th Concession and Maple Sideroad, phone New- market 895-5417. c2w31 SUBLET March 15, attractive 2 bedroom apartment, wall to wall broadloom, shopping and schools close. Phone 884-4902; 02w311 MODERN "1-bedroom apart- ment, self-contained. Centrally located. Phone TU. 4-2721. OFFICE space for rent? 0th AV. 5-2951, T. Murphy, Broker. c1w30 APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, frig., and stove included. Near Yonge Street“, churches, schools, bus, plaza. TU. 4-4883. c1w31 ment, suit one or two business people. AV. 5-3993 or after 5 AV. 5-4373. tfc30 conveniences, $60. PA. 7-9488, or PA. 7-5046. tfc18 NICELY fuhfshed bed sitting room, parking. Close to Yonge St. Bus stop. AV. 5-6456. FARM house, 6 roonis, all con- veniences, oil heat, garage, 3% miles from Maple. 257-1573. SEVEN rooms, split level bun- galow. Pleasantville. V a c a n t January 3lst. TU. 4-2735. COUPLE to share household expenses in exchange for light housekeeping. TU. 4-5471. Af- ter 5. c1w3l LARGE room and kitchenette on second floor. Parking. Busin- ess person. Langstaff, near Yonge. AV. 5-4190. c2w30 FURNISHED bachelor apart- AURORA, 3 room apartment, yet or accountant. TU. 4-3982 or BA. 5-6429. c2w30 OFFICE, suitable doctor, law- APARTMENT, suitable for ad- FURNISHED room, parking, FURNISHED basement apart- ment lst February. 884-1709 af- ter six. *1w31 MAISONETTE 1,200 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, finished rec. room. 884-5778. clw31 ults, central Thornhill. AV. 5- 3236 after 6. c1w31 FURNISHED room. 16 Lorne. house east Clark's Drug Store at Yonge. *2w31 centrally located. Call 'after ’5 p.m. TU. 44768. c1w28 ROOM to rent suit one gentle- man. TU. 4â€"1629. tfc30 2 BEDROOM apartment. TU. 4- 5482. tfc29 No. 7 Highway West of Bathurst Street T0 RENT LOST c1w31 c1w31 tfc30 c1w29 c1w31 tfc29 tfc30 tfc31 BRITISH MORTGAGE 8 TRUST FLYNN, Jack â€" At his home, 60 Oak Ave., Richvale, Sun- day, Jan. 26, 1964. Jack Flynn, beloved husband of Florence Vitty. Service was held at the Pipher Funeral Home, Rich- mond Hill, Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1964. Cremation. c1w3l TOWNSEND, Douglas George â€" At Richmond Hill on Jan- uary 23, 1964, Douglas George Townsend, of Hamilton, hus- band of the late Olive Alice Swayze; father of Alice D. Janes of Barrie,and Peter S. of Richmond Hill; brother of Mrs. J. C. Nash of Burling- ton, Miss Francis G. Town- send of Toronto, and C. E. Wade Townsend of Guelph. Rested at the Dodsworth & Brown Funeral Home, Hamil- ton. Interment Grove Ceme- tery, Dundas. nclw3l TEMPLETON â€"- Ray and Pat (nee Tomlin) are happy to announce the birth of twins at the Toronto General Hos- pital, January 23. A broth- er and sister for Rhonda, Scott and Sheryn. many friends and neighbours for kindness in calling and sending flowers in their recent bereavement, also Mr. Pipher and staff of the Pipher Funeral Home. c1w31 The husband and family of the late Agnes M. Fish wish to thank Rev. O'Neil and their SUNDQUIST â€"- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sundquist (nee Noreen Cree) of Aurora are happy to announce the birth of baby boy on January 28, 1963 at Newmarket Hospital. CARD 0F THANKS Hours of Business Mon. to Thurs. 9 - 4:30 Friday 9 â€" 8:30 CIA Co-operators Insurance Association (1 1 CIA LIFE Coâ€"operatglps Life Insurance Association Since 1877 ZBtatbfi iBirtbs Invest now to earn this high interest. Just mail your cheque or come to the office. We will handle all details. Interest begins the day you invest Approved for trust funds $100 or more 1 to 5 years Guaranteed Investment Certificate at British Mortgage If it takes 47 feet to bring your car to a stop when you're travel. ling at 20 miles an hour on dry concrete (average reaction fime included) how many feet would it lake on glare ice: (I) 70 feet? (2) 94 feel? (3) 210 feel? c1w31 Telephone: 884-1107 8: 285-1308 -auo pent» up "u (2) I?va 199; a mu sown mo; Jer exp; plnom u onbna1 Magus oymuo sq; o; Bugpmoov 53 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill R. A. Holmes, Manager day Remembrances keep them near. â€" Sadly missed by the family. *lw3l WEST -â€" In loving memory of our dear parents Mrs. Mary Anne West who passed away January 17th, 1952, and Mr. Joseph Edgar West who pal- sed away January 29, 1963. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every ways near, Loved and missed. and forever Dear. â€" Always remembered by wile Margaret and family. ROSS â€" In ever loving memo- ry of my dear husband Fin. lay Ross who passed away on February lst, 1962. The memories we have from day to day _ No length of time can take away For in our hearts you are al- COOPER â€" In loving memory of my dear husband Fred Cooper who passed away February 3, 1960. I often think of bygone days When we were all together The family chain is broken now But memories will live forever. â€" Deeply missed by wife Annie and family. c1w31 ise". â€" Sadly missed by Dad. Mum and brother Pat. clwal In memoriam CAIN â€"- In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Hat. old Cain. It is just a year ago, January 28, Our loved one went away He will always be in our minds, ,4 The kind things he did and said He is resting with a hope, We will be with him some day. As Jesus promised the thief, “You will be with me in pal-ad RUMBLE EQUIPMENT MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES. PARTS. SERVICE Gormley at the railway cross. mg. Phone 8866851. tic“ No. 7 H1 Bathurst. lishment. Banquet available Farm Implements THORNCREST DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT ). 7 nghway. L2 mile west of CATERING Large modern estab- Delivery service. reception facilities AV. 5-5998. tic“ *1w3l

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