DAVE SMITH DISTANCE RUNNER Dave Smith is a lanky sixteen year old honour student at Bayview Secondary School. He is usually yto be found well up the class list of standings when examination results are tabulated. Sometime in the future he hopes to attend university but in the meantime there are a couple of other things he’d like to do - and he’s well on his way to doing these lthings ! Until he started to attend high school Dave |had tried hockey but with his build the rough and " ‘ BY ’6'; 1r RON CRAINE 9 §‘-““ AMES MANSBRIDGE IS LOST TO PARKS BD. Last year James Mansbridge of Rockport Cres- cent was a busy man. He was president of the ichmond Hill Minor Ball Association and young softball players have never enjoyed a better season. ‘He was also a member of our local parks board and, ,in short is a very active, dedicated young man. Last year, our town park got a real face lift- mg, a face lifting that was absolutely essential. ‘We aren’t suggesting that all this came about solely lbecause Mr. Mansbridge was on the board but then “things didn’t get done despite his presence either. y, Everyone is entitled to an opinion in any public matter and it is certainly our feeling that our 1964 town council lost the services " of a very fine young man when his reappoint- ment to the parks board was vetoed by council. I, With one year of valuable experience behind him - he would have been of greater assistance to our community in the months ahead. But our council “ for some reason saw fit to replace him on this year’s board. We believe they goofed but then. « as a voter we’re entitled to our own beliefs aren’t we? t]. 86. N0 ONLY THE BEST PASS THE TEST. TEST DRIVE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CARS CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE, F.85 CORVAIR, CHEVELLE, CHEVY II, ENVOY, O.K. USED CARS 355 Yonge St. N. AV. 5-5435 - PA. 7-9453 _Just_ Nolrtl} of‘Richmond Heights Centre n, n The only difl’erence in a New v Car and the One Owner Cars listed below is the price. Power Brakes, Power Steering, Radio, Hardtop Mo- dels, Bucket Seats, Whitewall Tires, Are Some Of The Pleasures And Conveniences Available. New Car Advantages sports V-8 63 Chevrolet 2 door hardtop 63 Chevrolet 2 door Sedan, 6 cyl‘ 63 Old§mohile, 4 door. hardtop. Fully equipped. ' ' 62 Chevrolet 4 door sedan. Belair 62 Oldsmobile 4 door hardtop 62 Pontiac convertible, V-8. bucket seats 62 Oldsmobile 4 door sedan 62 Oldsmobile 4 door 62 Oldsmobile 4 door hardtop 63 Chevrqleï¬ Impalar 4 door. automatic transmission. _washer 63 Chevrolet 4 door sedan, Belair, wash- er, automatic transmission, wheel discs. whltewalls. radio 63 ghevi‘olqt > Statiqn ‘Wagon, Bel-Air. Standard transmission, 'radio 63 Rambler Station Wagon 63 Chevrolet 4 door hardtop 63 Chevrolet 2 door hardtop, super- for Your Convenience the Parts & Service Dept. will be {pen until 4'30 31.11:. Saturday: IN THESE (a Sport Spot: USED CARS Oldsmobiles '62 -'63 MODELS FULLY EQUIPPED One Owner ILSBN - NIBLETT 32 RICHMOND HIiL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1964 HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Mm Emmi “1:; Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity" (Continued On Page 10) MOTORS LTD. WITH 62 Chevrolet 2 door sedan 62 Falcon Sedan 62 62 62 62 61 61 61 61 61 60 60 60 60 60 Oldsmobile 2 door hardtop Chevrolet convertible Oldsmobile, 2 door hardtop. Fully equipped Oldmobile, 4 door hardtop. Fully equipped Oldsmobile 2 door hardtop MGA sport convertible Ford 2 door Pontiac 2 door Oldsmobile, 4 door. hardtop, "88" Valiant sedan Oldsmobile 4 door hardtop, power steering, power brakes, radio. whitewalls Chevrolet 2 door Biscayne. auto- matic transmission, radio, wash- ers Chevrolet. 2 door. hardtop Studebaker Coupe TEST DRIVE THESE LIKE-NEW AUTOMOBILES I 9 63 IMPALA HARD'I'OPS In a fast, wide open type of game that saw the play sweep from end to end. the CFGM team outscored Goulding Park for a 4-2 win. John Barnett scored two for CFGM with John Stokes and Steve Brown scoring singles. John Gropp had two assists while Bob Gil- pin and Steve Brown were credited with one each. Georgetown came to Rich- mond Hill Arena last Friday night and left bearing the stripes of a 10-1 defeat. The CFGM team were just too much for the visitors. Two minutes after the opening face off John Bar- nett scored for CFGM to get the scoring soiree off to a quick start. John Gropp and Steve Brown assisted on the play. Then it was Val Steffan’s turn to light the lamp assisted by Bill Gurney and Bob Gil- pin. Barnett then added a third counter with Brown and Gropp again in on the play. A long shot that slid along the ice and caught the corner gave George- town their only goal of the game. The second period was rather quiet with CFGM netting one} goal. John Stokes was the marksman assisted by Chris Andrews. The third period was a de- bacle from the Georgetown Sunday of last week saw the CFGM Radio Kids in Aurora for an exhibition game with Goulding Park from Willowdalo. Minor Teams Continue Winning Hornets In Quebec SQUIRT A hip-hip hooray goes out to the Richmond Hill Curling Club rink skipped by Bill MacLeod which advanced a trifle further into the hinterlands of the British Consuls last week by ‘ defeating Newmarket and some ‘20-other rinks in the area. point of view as no less than six CFGM shots found the target. John Gropp scored twice as did Ron McBrien with John Ranieri and Val Steffan pot- ting singles. Dennis Acomb and Bob Gilpin each had two as- sists in the big period with Steve Cronkwright. Steve Brown and John Barnett being credited with one each. PEE WEE In the final league game of the season the Lions Club Hor- nets fashioned a 5-1 win over Newmarket. Daryl Rice set the pace with three goals with Ger- ald Methe and Bob Wil- kinson each scoring one goal. The Hornets were given a bye in the first round of the North York League play offs and left last Monday night to compete in the Quebec Hockey Tournament. Just prior to leaving Rich- mond Hill the Hornets played an exhibition game with George- town and dropped a 4-3 decision to the visitoYS. Gerald Methe scored two and Allan Brooks one to take care of the Hornet scoring. MIDGET The Blueliners drew New- market as opponents in the first round of the North York League play offs. This is to be a best three out of five series. Having won two and tied one game the Blueliners need only a win or a tie to clinch the series. mm Q7 A“‘i Coach Gord Pipher and a large contingent of parents are along to chaperone and to cheer the kids to victory. Phil Dobbs and Gord Sale scored the Richmond Hill goals with Doug Acomb being given an assist on Dobb’s goal. On Wednesday of last week the series opened at Richmond Hill. The Blue- liners won the opener by a 4-3 score to get the series of! on the right foot as far as they were concerned. Doug Aeomb scored two goals and assisted on one other to lead the Blueliner attack. Phil Dobbs and John Bookalam scored one each as ‘ Gary Charity, Bruce Schilton and Jim Zubek were credited with assists. Friday saw the two teams back at Newmarket and the game ended in a 2-2 stand off. On Sunday the two teams re- turned to Richmond Hill. Doug Acomb proved to be too hard to handle as far as Newmarket was concerned. The starry young forward scored both goals as the Blueliners defeat- ed Newmarket 2-0. Gary Chari- ty was given an assist on the first of Acomb’s goals. Bruce Schilton and Jim Zub- ek were effective on the penal- >‘I“i““““‘i‘ii The win meant victory in the 88 section of District 8 which also mea‘ns they advanced Wed- nesday (that's yesterday) ag- ainst Guelph who won the 8A section. By now the MacLeod rink will have been embattled with Guelph and here’s hoping they won that one too to advance a little further in the Consuls. But in any case. congrats go out to Bill and his rink com- prising Clem Reeds. Gerry Morlock, and Bill Mabbett. _.......â€" ....=, .u The ladies 315° tripped °m° curling club impressario Bruce the local scene last week in Butterworth_ was a hard one to their All-Women's bonspiel at take. the 10031 CIUb. “They were four up coming After all the brooms had home," says Bruce. "when the been stacked the winner in the opposition cracked a six-ender 9 am. draw was the rink sklp- on them.†What? 9 am. draw was the rink skip- on them.†What? ped by Nona Bedwell and in- Coming up on the curling eluding Edna McLeod. Mildred front is the local Women’s Open Chassie. Chris Hopper. bonspiel on February 19. LTD. _ , f. ï¬-‘nuIï¬â€˜I‘uy ONLY a pound >\ SEE PAGE IS Last Thursday the Cleaners opened a two out of three play off series with Aurora. The Clenners gave an early indication of their in- tention as they won the op- ener 5-0. Wayne O’Brien, Wayne Har- rington, Don Harrower, Jim Wilson and Dave Broderick were the goal scorers with Har- vey Gordon, Doug Brooks, Dave Broderick and Wayne Harring- ton getting the rod on assists. The series ended abrupt- ly on Friday night as the Cleaners doubled the score on Aurora to win by a 4-2 count. Dave Broderick and Jim Wil- son each scored twice as Gary Methe. and Wayne Harrington were given assists. Now the Cleaners face New- market in a two out of three series to advance further along the OMHA play off trail. JUVENILES The Town and Country squad got a bye in the opening round of the North York League play offs. They will stand by to await the winner of the Aurora-New- market series. In the meantime coach Bill Paints and manager Marsh Amos are trying to keep the team sharp with exhibition games. ty killing chore while Bob Saf- ruk was as steady as a rock in the net. Gord Sale and John Ross made a stalwart defence combination while Phil Dobbs played an all round good game. BANTAM On January 26 the North End Cleaners finished off the last scheduled game of the North York League bantam series by carving out a 2-1 win over Newmarket. Rick Doucet- te and Jim Wilson scored the goals as Dave Broderick, Wayne O’Brien. Harvey Gordon and Wayne Harrington were all credited with assists. On Sunday of last week they played Wallard's Catering. one of the top THL entries in To- ronto. In the first period the Town and Country team were overawed and somewhat in- clined to let Wallard’s have the better of the play. At the end of the first period the score was 3-0 in favour of Wallard’s. The second period saw the T 8: C kids come alive and pound three goals into the Wallard net. In the third period the teams were unable to score as the game ended in a 3-3 tie. Jack Dubkowski, Bruce Sim and Paul Jackson scored for the local team with Frank Pirri and Craig Dunnett getting credit for assists. TIGERS : Some sort of condolences go out to the rink skipped by Lloyd Schenoffer which jour- neyed to Barrie over the week- end and made a fine showing despite losing out. Placing second was the Jean Butler-skipped crew of Marg. Beresford, Kay Smith, and Olive Harrower. The 11 am. draw winner was a rink skipped by Peg Austin and comprising Marnie Moore, Ruth Perkins. and Nan Cor- mack. Second prize was grabbed off by the Doris Vance rink of Pat Robinson, Esther Sheppard, and Audrey Graham. The Schenoffer rink, consist- ing of Kay Harding, Ron Tay- lor and Ruth Taylor, won two games and lost one. That one lost, according to curling club impressario Bruce Butterworth. was a hard one to take. More Sports On Section Second Page IO PLYMOUTH Gormley Sand and Gravel 2 Marley’s Foodland 2 Billy Cox paced Morley’s at- tack with a two-goal effort. As sists went to Chris Wilson and Larry Rice. John Caven and Garth Thompson did the hon- ours for Gormley Sand with Thompson also picking up an assist along with Glen McMast- er. Skyline Pontiac 3 Consumer’s Gas 1 Scoring for Skyline was Doug Nichols. Bob Wallace. and Rick Boling. Assists went to Mike Graydon, Wayne Setter and Jim Mitchell. Bob Hargreaves potted the laser’s sole tally. Sunnybrook Riding 2 Rumble Transport 1 Glen Spearing came through with two goals for the winners with Brian Simpson scoring from Dan Goldering for the losers. Charlton Hardware 2 Wilson Nihlett 1 Rick Major and Brian Palmer‘ handled the scoring for the' winners. Assists went to Brian Dunlop, Brian Smith. Rick Maj- or and Ray Palmer. Bill Martin tallied Wilson’s lone goal from Steve Porter and Don Frier. Allencourt Pharmacy '1 Bob’s Boys 3 Ian Corkin came up with a three-goal winning effort with‘ Bob Crowther matching a couple of scores. Singles went to Doug Brown and Rob. Moorley. Pick- ing up assists were Royce King, two, Norm Orr, Rod Urquhart, Corkin and Brown. Craig Bink- ley did his part for the laser's coming up with two goals and‘ an assist. The other goal went to Ted Redelmeier who also picked up an assist. Other as- sists went to Michael Hall with1 two and one by Don McKenna. Dan’s Esso 2 Markham Paving 0 Doug Lounsbury and Tom‘ Sanlon supplied the scoring punch for the winners. 3 ATOM LEAGUE ‘ Young’s BA 2 Pinewood Aggregates 1 Jim McArthur and Stewart Brown flashed the red light for: the winners with James Fitz-‘ patrick doing the honours for Pinewood. Assists went to A1- lan Lewis and Brian Madeley. Deciantis and Rice 5 Sheppard and Gill 2 Gary Oliver came through with two goals and Michael Card. John Bromley. and Craig Buzzing In Quebec! CLOTHES CLEANED HERE Are Set For Fun! MINOR ancxzy RESULTS _. «dam/7m; orb/,2 SQUIRT LEAGUE sists went to Mike Card. two, Gary Oliver. Glen Sharp and Greg Greenham, Scoring for the losers were Scott Taylor Goodman with one apiece. As-[and Stevg Ground. Assist went AV.5-5445 9612 Yonge Street TU. 4-2864 G.M.'S NEWEST ENTRY IN THE LOW PRICED FIELD. COME IN AND TEST DRIVE ONE YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AT THE AMAZING PERFORMANCE AND COMFORT- ABLE RIDE. rquiquTISSea s1786 BY BOB ROSS Jr. VIVA IS HERE Just about now the above youthful stalwarts of the Richmond Hill Lions Club Pee Wee Hornets are embroiled in a “do or die" scramble for honours in the Quebec Pee Wee Hockey Tournament which gets underway today (Thursday) at Quebec City. Pictured along with parents and officials are members of the Hornet squad. Front row (left to right) Bobby Wilkinson. Allan Brooks. Ritchie Chapman, Paul Brown. John Dunkley, Chris Amos, Steve Ground. Daryl Rice. Silver blue with matching interior, _automatic, radio. wheel disc, low mile- age, 1 owner trade. $2295 Centre: Jim Dunkley. manager. Mrs. Earl Methe. Mrs. Brooks. Mrs. Ground. Laurentian 4 door We, automatic. radio, power steering. power brakes, honduras maroon with white top. - A-l condition. 2 door hardtop, V-B. dual range auto- matic. Custom radio, power steering. Raven black with red interior. Silver gray with red interior. AutomaticI radio. power steering, power brakes. 37.000 actual miles. ’57 Olds “88†4 Door Skyline Select Used Cars ’60 Pontiac Safari ’62 Pontiac Safari ’60 Ford Starliner MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM SKYLINE PONTIAC - BUICK I.'I'D. (Opposite Dunlap Observatory) to Leytori Morris. Gunnars Tailoring 1 Hills Dale Heating 3 Paul Raneiri, Andrew Peden 1595 4 door sedan, beautiful almond fawn, with complimenting interior, automatic, radio. powér steering, power brakes. power windows. whitewalls. disc. and seat belts. Cleanest one in Metro. Ebony black with blue interior. auto- matic, radio, wheel disc and washers. Hurry for this one. Immaculate throughout. Deluxe V-8 automatic. Radio. Adobe beige with gold interior. Spotless. Terri- fic value only. $895. Two tone green deluxe model. Custom radio, economical 6 cyl. motor, standard transmission. $645 Back row: Doug Meyers. Gary Hall. Larry Young, Gerald Methe, Jim Hamilton, Phil Clarke, and Ricky Thompson. The Hornets will be one of about 60 teams from across Eastern Canada and the United States vying for honours in the tournament. The Hornets first game is to- day against Lake Megantlc. The members of the team helped finance their own trip by selling light bulbs. Additional financial help was provided by the local Lions Club. (Photo By Barbour) Mrs. Rice. and Gord Pipher. coach. ’58 Pontiac 4 Door ’57 Pontiac 4 Door ’60 Pontiac Safari ‘60 Olds Super “88†and Lawrence Mansbridge scor- ed for Hills Dale with Cliff Lyn- ham and Lawrence Mansbrldgo also picking up assists. Stacey Richard scored Gunner's lone goal with Steven Addley and Jim Campbell picking up as- sists. “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 (Continued On Page 10) (Photo by Barbour) $1795