Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Feb 1964, p. 14

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i“II‘.‘.IiIi‘i‘i‘.iIv‘ : TeleVISIon Repairs l I Also Radio And Appliances The annual vestry meeting of Holy Trinity Church was held January 27. The estimated budget for 1964 is approxima- tely $47,000 and $2,000 for the Anglican World Mission Fund. Holy Trinity News 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmonfi Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. Walla“ h‘r‘i“““““““1 6mcers elected for 1964 EDWARD HARVEY AV. 5-4573 I PERSONAL LOANS. . . available for any good purpose -â€"new furniture, a new or used car. a new TV or as a means of consolidating smalt debts. TRAVEL FUNDS...fhe safest way to carry funds. For all trips, at home or abroad, always carry Travellers' Cheques purchased at any Bank of Commerce branch. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES . . . the safest pla'ce for all your valuablesâ€"for less than 1% a day. You can also eave your bonds or stocks with the Bank of Commerce for safe-keeping. Enquire soonl These are just some of the many services offered by the Bank of Commerce. For full details, visit your nearest branch. Let the Bank that Builds simplify the business of banking for youl AUTOMATIC SAVINGS PLAN ...the easy way to save. All you do is authorize us to transfer an agreed amount to a special Savings Account at regular intervals. Your savings and interest grow automatically! BANKING BY MAIL. ..makes any Commerce branch as close as the nearest man box. A service for cus- tomers who find it difficult to get to the bank. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Thornhill and District News Your local branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce offers a complete range of banking servâ€" lces. Here are a few examples: Women’s World Day of Prayer Friday, February 14, 2 pm. Thornhill Baptist Church 012611260 branches to serve you 1------0‘). v. .4»--- .4 - Are you making the most of all these Banking Services? Community Happenings TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 xuwm-Hu.‘ en R. H. Cox, Head Sidesman C. Tomlin. Lay delegates to synod. Miss J. McLaren, F. Rounthwaite, Mr. D. Hamble- ton; alternates. Dr. L. Saund- ers, R. Byford, Mrs. R. MacLeod. were as follows: Rector’: Ward- en J. Adamson, Peoplei‘s‘Ward- “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhiii area. Our representative in Thornhiil is Mrs. Margaret McLean. who may he reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. In his address to vestry, the Rev. H. R. Howden appealed* for a year of advance in every part of church life, recommend- ing in particular, that there be set up an Anglican world mission programme in line with the request of the prima- te; that there be formed a Christian education committee: that the people be led to un- derstand the needs of the church in the world and work. pray and give to supply the need through the Anglican world mission fund; encourage- ment of daily use of the Angli- can world mission prayer and devotional literature; and em- phasis on the theme of laity in partnership with the clergy Motto for the day was “Good fences make good neighbours". Mrs. Sinclair read a poem “What will we wrap up in a New Year’s package for 1964" and Mrs. Mizen read a poem entitled “Heads Bent Low". Mrs. Empringham, the safety convenor, gave a paper on sa- fety rules, mentioning among other things. the dangers in operating a power lawn mo- wer; safety at the summer cot-i tage, including swimming rules. the dangers in carrying and storing gasoline, etc. ‘ Envelope Secretary Mrs. L. Saunders: honorary auditors, J. Kearns, H. Iddon, R. Atkinson; counting officer, D. C. Hill; chairman of stewardship com- mittee. R. Napier; Anglican world mission representative, F. Rounthwaite. Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Sin- clair gave a report of the first meeting of the Thornhill Senior Citizens Club at Holy Trinity Church on January 15. Advisory board, elected. Dr. L. Saunders, Col. A. J. Eve- rett, H. Iddon, J. Kearns. J. Shaw, R. Byford; appointed, R. Chapman, T. Gough, M. Hunt- er, R. Napier, R. Tyson. Col. R. T. E. Hicks-Lyme. Orders were taken for co- pies of Miss E. Chapman's book “From a Roadside Window”. Miss Chapman is editor of Home and Country. official pu- blication of the W.I. Anyone wishing a copy of her book is asked to get in touch with a member of the executive. The January meeting of the Thornhill Women’s Institute was held on the 16th of the month at the home of Mrs. T. Empringham, 26 Benson Ave- nue, Richmond Hill. Owing to illness among the members the turnout was not very large. A; speedy recovery was wished to‘ all absentees â€"- especially one member suffering a belated case of the mumps! Discussion took place in con-i nection with attendance at the} W.I. Convention which will be‘ held this year in June at Wolf- ville, Nova Scotia. Reduced rates are available and anyone interested in attending is ask- ed to get in touch with Mrs. C. Thompson as soon as possi- ble. Mrs. Thompson reported on her attendance at a meet- ing for the preparation of radio broadcasts for the next six months. Vestry clerk Mrs. H.T. Girard; vestry representatives to paro- chial tribunal. Roger Priestman and A.R. Funnel]. Clear your clasets out MW of your family’s outgrown clothing for the Parish Guild’s Opportunity Sale, February 29. Call Mrs. Cox. 285-4359 and Mrs. Hudema. 285-3194 if you have any clothing to contribute. On Sunday, members of the Trinity Teens and Twenties will be addressed by Dr. Gordon Bell, Director of the Bell Cli- nic, following the evening ser- vice. The traditional Pancake Sup- per will again be served at Holy Trinity on Shrove Tues- day, from 6 to 7:30 pm. Young people of the A.Y.P.A. will plan and serve the Pancake Supper and it is hoped that all members of the parish will be present. Adults 75c, children 25c. 1n 7the whole work church. Womens‘ Institute New: The ladies were reminded of the dessert luncheon md euch- re being arranged by Mrs. Ja- mieson and her committee for January 23rd. The next meeting will be! party was Held atrifiive home of held at the home of Mrs. T,‘ Miss Cathy and Stuart Christian Findlay. 78 Centre St.. ThornJ in honour 0f Miss Catherine hill. February 20. [Riden _--_ xluul lunt All those in Thornhlll who] Stanieyâ€"P'age ishln Branson Hos. are interested in the work ofi Pital and Wish him I Speedy re- the Y.W.C.A. are invited tolcoverm the annual member's night and’ilARKHAlsz‘clfib demén's‘frai official opening of the new . , h.b. . Y.W.C.A. Willowdale Centre mm ex 1 “5 and 51““ bwught I . Ito the fore some originali of whlch w111 take place at 5582ianS when members of “gong Yonge Street February 11.| - h k' lb f Guest speaker will be hirs.l4H omema mg cu s 0 York rtl' td ~ Phillip Chadsey. chairman orC°unty pa “p” m the . _ chievement day ro am t the public affalrs commltteela p gr 3 D". G. w. Willi H‘ h of the Y.W.C.A. The meeting‘the " an“ 'g S hool. will start at 8 pm. ~£â€"_.~__~_a The Canadian Red Cross Society of Richmond Hill and district wishes to extend thanks to this community for support given to the Red Cross through- out the past year. A cordial invitation was tended to all to attend annual branch meeting, in of the E§§Vaughan Officer git‘g‘P’leads His Case A egGEtS light Term Ran into Barbara Townshend- Carter last week and thought you might like to know that all the Townshend-Carters, for- merly of Brooke St. Thornhill, are thriving â€" and busy as ever. And remember too, the cele- bration of the World Day of Prayer at Thornhill Baptist Church. February 14 at 2 pm. This is a joint effort of all Thornhill denominations. Mrs. Galther Zinkan is the‘ guest of her son-in-law and K The next meeting of the Thornhill Senior Citizens orga- nization is to be held on the third Wednesday in February. Lions Hall. Richmond Hill on February 5. Following A .short business session, a film was shown on water safety, entitled “Drownproofing”. Refreshments were served, courtesy of the Women’s Institute. at Holy Trinitir Church Haii at 2 pm. Mrs. Symes of Winnipeg was a recent visitor at the church. She is the mother of Mrs. Luc- ille Gracey, who is at present a missionary in Malaya. Mark-Vaun WJ. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Anne Mairer. No. 7 Highway East on February 6. (Note change of place). The roll call is “an art- icle for the history book.” Lun- ch will be served by Mrs. E. Sheppard. Mrs. E. Thompson, Miss E. Hamblyn. Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake told the youth Constable David Nixon of the township consta- bulary had put in a good word for him. Langstaff Baptist Church re- cently held their annual busin- ess meeting. Average Sunday school attendance was 147. Av- erage morning service attend- ance was 125 and average even- ing attendance 90. Financial receipts for 1963 were $16,179.35. Amount given to various mission societies was $3,500. The Women's Missionary Fel- lowship under the leadership of Mrs. F. Carter gave a total of $770; 88 per cent of this was given to missions. The coming of the present pastor, Rev. T. Watson. will en- able the church to press further in the work of the Lord. George David Hunter, 20, Fairvicw Avenue, pleaded guilty in Richmond Hill Mag- istrate’s Court last week to a charge of possession of stolen goods; he had a previous record of convictions. In addition to the 30 days. the magistrate put Hunter on a $200 bond for one year to be- have himself. A Langstaff youth was sent to jail for 30 days rather than for a longer term at the re- formatory after a Vaughan con- stable went to bat for him. February 8 there will be a euchre at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Glassey, Garden Ave- nue. Socials Correspondent: Mrs. Aleta Campbell 122 Garden Ave. Phone AV. 5-4704 Baptist Church A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Anne Sherman, attended by 15 school girl friends, for Elaine Wilkins (Manley). Mrs. Beryl Abbey, Mrs. Anne McMurray, Misses Carol and Catherine Rider. Miss Cathy Christian and Stuart Christian had dinner at the “Coach and Four" restaurant Saturday ev- ening and attended the theatre. , V- - -6-.. to the fore some originality of ideas when members of various 4-H homemaking clubs of York County participated in the achievement day program at the Di'. G. W. Williams High School. We are sorry to hear that Stanley Page is in Branson Hos- pital and wish him a speedy re- covery‘ On Sunday a family, p_a_rty_w§ held at the home of In Thornhill Advertise in the Want Ad! PHONE TU. 4-1105 LANGSTAFF NEWS To Sell Antiqnel. Furniture. Pianos. For Fast Action Every Thursday MARKHAM : "Many person! will swallow a drug for every- :thing and reach a condition where they tranquilize them- selves into tomorrow," said C01. Fred A. Tilston, president of Sterling Drug Company in Aurora and a guest speaker at ‘the recent Past President's: Banquet of Markham \‘eterans' Association. daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bobchuk in Regina, and is taking a proud look at their second child a baby girl born on January 23. Mrs. Bobchuk was former Sunny Zinkan. “Skate Along With Me” is the theme of the open house plan- ned by the adult group of the Unionville Skating Club. They extend an invitation to all adult skaters in the area to join them at the arena, Main Street. Unio- nville, on February 12 from 9 to 10.30 pm. Activities will be under the direction of Bruce Hyland who will be returning from the Olympics where his pair. Debbi Wilkes and Guy Revell won a bronze medal. And I am still waiting to hear from someone who would like to help out with the Thornhill news. Due to other committments. I am unable to continue this work. It's not hard and lots of fun. so if you'd like to give it a try, call me some evening ‘at 285-2331. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE VIVA SEDAN Economy without compromise...from General Motors Here are looks, performance, and comfort that make Viva different from any car you've ever seen! Beauty that at last gives thrift motoring a Canadian styling accent. A husky 50 hp that gets you to 50 mph in seconds! A revolutionary "rollâ€"control" suspension that gives sports car cornering. Elbow room for 4 adults to relax with plenty of stretch- out room, too. 10% cubic feet of usable trunk space. Economy that gives you up to 45 mpg, 30,000-mile lubrication intervals for even more savings. Viva...the all-new General Motors car that sets a new standard ~of small car excellence. See and drive it soon! ON DISPLAY, SOLD AND SERVICED AT YOUR PONTIAC AND VAUXHALL DEALER'S NOW AUTHORIZED VIVA DEALER IN RICHMOND HILL SKYLINE PONTIAC-BUICK LTD. 9612 YONGE 51'. 285â€"5445 â€" 727-9381 For the third successive year under the coaching of the same teacher, Miss C. Ropac, Woodland School girls won the volleyball championship of Markham Township School Area No. 1. The champions are shown above with the Henderson Home and School Trophy. emble- matic of the championship, which iS held by Jane Woodrufl‘. captain of‘ the teanm in the fort:- v-..“. V“? u u A l . u A u n n \. LMIIJII, In L] ground. Front row, (left 'to right) 'Lorrainé Colé; Sharonwfiiddell, Janet MacKay, Ruth Margar_et Gillies, Befity Bierrma and Betty Lou Lockhart. Back row (left' to right) Miss C.VRopac,icio‘ai-chnw;wG01 nemnre, Carol Riddelvl, Bonnie Nicholl, Olive Krause, Jane administrator. Teams from Henderson Avenue. Bayview Glens Schools competed for the trophy. Girls' Volleyball Champions Ropac: coach;_ Gordpn Learn, principal; Sharon Phin- Woodrufl‘, captain of the team, Vilrrii'thewfglzé- Thornlea, 16th Avenue and Woodland (Photo by Barbour) Garnet andfiE. Sénd, area business ‘Suzfesled mnmwvmflmwhdlflm $17863“ mm hmmnmmmu‘mmm mm Mlnor 1...; m: flnlIh. an m m RICHMOND HILL MORE PACKS ON VIVA Evans,

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