Is THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, Feb. on. 1954 ‘ l 34 P.S. Teachers - _. . . .. 3 . _ . Take ln-Service Science Course ’l‘hirty-four teachers are spen-. ding two hours every Mondayi night for 20 weeks in an in-sel‘v- ice training course in science iat Beverley Acres Public School.‘ Twenty-seven of these teachers come from the Richmond llilli public school system. the other} ‘seven from Markham and King‘ ‘Townships. Ron Sproule, chairman of the committees which has arranged the course. told “The Liberal", that lectures are being given to the clasâ€" ses by teacher college staff members. authors of science texts. and others who have experience in courses of study and curriculum in science. . . -‘ I, ‘piw H x» \‘The work is not all done by the lectures. he explained. \ but group discussion puts every > it NIGHT NEWEST SAFETY ACCESSORY â€" VISIBLE 2:0“ CARS one into the picture. A certain‘ amount of homework is entailed ‘ I ention “PM†- ' ' a and occrden :szmflimuy “9h†when REDUCES ACCIDENTS and it is hoped that each part- icipating teacher will construe. a project which will serve as a teaching aid in the classroom. i The field of study is thel grade one to six programme; since it is still in a state of flux and is going to be changed, al- Endorsed by traffic I . safety device that cant forget, you turn on the ignition. Handsome self-contain- ed chrome lamp With 2.1 c.p. bulb, mounts in centre of grille. Light intensifying lens. attract: attention of approaching traf- fic; helps to banish ’ highway hypnotism.†. TROUBLE? ‘ CALL BAA-0485 ; “ AN REE-A- MEMBER 2 I , . , , ‘ iii.£2333?Ziiiiii‘lfiiiiié' ~ SERVICE SPECIAL BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE ‘ To Hillbillies BEAR ELECTRONIC ON-THE CAR DYNAMIC LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-GetResults-TU.4-II05 mm WHEEL BALANCE $1.39 While parents and teachers at MacKiIlop School may never make MARKHAM : Alarge delegation. the Ed Sullivan show, they had a. lot of fun recently poking fun ‘at te- Whmh ï¬lled the comm†Chamb‘ though no definite decision has| \ comphm __ for quick and easy installailm‘ W n as yet been reached. The grader \ \ W\ ‘ ..= . 7 and 8 course in science has, )5»: ~ already been changed. ‘ Teachers in the course are L212?ti."f§:e;:$e::.‘:;£tii:iI As O‘uir Contribution To Motoring Safety it is expected will help develop . . first sass"; praishiwe are offering Free Installation ex. Saturdays The course is sanctioned by UNEUP with EAR ,4. _ iigsï¬nl’:icj‘Country Hoe-down" with their version of variety numbers E§iupo§§:%:§:€tlifr: i¥§§§::£i§§ gr I J w & A capacity crowd at the school watched (left) former MacKillop féfggriï¬gfavgï¬g:siip' comm“ student Sally Kaye and Gilda Lo Russo in a Hungarian dance. ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS I (Centre) Teachers Nick Mandryk and Susan Moad string along AURORA 1 Arrangements for the Newmarket Lions Music I in a number that included square dancing and the Hayseed Sisters and Festival are progressing very & i (right) Alan McKim entertains “Granny Filbert†A. Hiscoke. Mr. McKim [WWWPIY- _A Wide scope in the i ' . o . . musw field is being offered With ALpine 7_1461 ‘ is presrdent of the MacKillop Home and School Assoaatlon. Among more a total 0f159 classes and opp“- RR. 1 MAPLE AVenue 5.5501 “professional†entertainers were guitarists Louis and Doug Moore and tunities for young musicians to . . . . . . - e r bf bl' ‘ - (Lippay Motors Limited) CI-Ierry 1-2811 Violinist Paul Gonzo. Master of ceremonies was Ken Foss. is: :re pge‘s’ggtegV ’c “Idleâ€. To “Heal Mon"! iAccident Victim ' ‘Has Leg Broken Gordon McWhirter, R.R. 2, Gormley was taken to York Central Hospital February 1 .suffering a broken leg and con- icussion following an accident Ion 17th Avenue and the Third . Concession. I Announcing The Opening 01‘ CARL'S TEXACO STATION YONGE STREET & HARDING BLVD. RICHMOND HILL COME IN FOR A FREE INTRODUCTORY GIFT ' “We Will Look After Your Complete Car Needs†PHONE 884-I67I PROP. CARL F. HALL Bad road conditions were }blamed for the accident invol- iving only the McWhirter car. ‘ Hospital staff report his con- dition is satisfactory. He is the father of a Mark- iham police constable. A. FRONT AND REAR FRAMES Simple yet attractive sleek design. Easy to 1 install. Brightly chromed. Pair ...................... NEWMARKET : Because of in- icreasing work in the assess- lment department, George D. {Hyde has been named assess- ment commissioner and John A. Cain assessor. Arjis Kalnins was appointed building inspec- tor. B. DELUXE LICENSE MOUNTING FRAME ' High-lustre chrome with clear plastic lens to keep plate clean. Solid metal back. Anti- 2 .49 rattle spring clips. Each C. LUXURY LICENSE PLATE FRAME Attractive “diamond†pattern. Zinc die-cast 2 i. ,.: front with heavy chrome finish, steel back ’I and quality plastic window. Each . . ........... :0. D. SUPER-DELUXE FRAME L Luxury-car styling, Flexible, high-tenSIle ' > Zincâ€"aluminum alloy casting with extra- heavy copper-nickel chrome plate. Steel ' I: back and plastic window. Ea. in» i LICENSE PLATE TRIM â€" T0ugh flexrble fluores- :. ~ cent red Vinyl stripping. Protects hands ‘1; A , X \ \\\\ \ '- ; when you're cleaning cor. Pr. ................ I g» Elgin Park Ratepayers Get Views On Education Â¥ 1' The air of hostility which Mr. Stephenson reported on children show in their relation- the duties of a school board Ship with schools and teachers‘and the financial problems in- ‘ , , x . .. , can often be traced back to the volved in making a board iunc- 1" r 3 ‘ -v ‘ 7M ii -- A \ f parents. tion in a relatively smooth This was the feeling of BBVBF' “Shims Iey Acres School Principal He also commented briefly on Grant Nighswander at a discus- the possibility of instituting FRONT LICENSE PLATE mom SRACKET “aâ€! ti (X 8% 2rm 0):: >i'r'i <0) Z-â€"t (DC) (/32 \I. , “1' 4'4; -â€" UTILITY OR CHROME LICENSE CARD HOLD- sion on education held January Oral' French classes in local EQSC'O‘ETmeg’rS Egg: Mounts the license plain gAISTfEtjERS ER Faster†onto new 27 before a slim turnâ€"out of public schools saying be per- Steel 77' on pp of and 'ughuy o o .27 in: no“ Leatheb eight Elgin Park Ratepayers sonally. "would like to see it Each - Sand bumper. .84 JEWELLED FASTENER one Each .33 Association members at the happen," UNIVERSAL F R ONT ' " ' â€"r Red. 2mm or amhrir. . “A . . LICENSE PLATE LAMP Each .09 LICENSE CARD CASE- school. "I would like my children to bumgeKrfTo; 31100:? 2.395 BRACKET F D Holds driver‘s license, j Also participating in the dis- speak t\\'0 languages." he said. Steel. " 49' ' ‘ °' 9 REA-UoéngéiTEjyfg :1 miserrlzsnfcrnuc Leather- cussion was Trustee DaVld Both Mr. Nighswander and Each v --------------------- ° ’9“an """"""" '5 Polished frame- Pair ‘39 Each - '24 Mr. Nigh5\\and€l‘ urged par- price which “Quid amount to ents “not to criticize the school an added 315.000 to be absorbed Stephenson. Ward I member of Mr. Stephenson agreed there 7. , ,v 7. , _ We ‘ . .1 the Richmond Hill Public “as a problem in getting the CASH and I School Board. teachers as “'9†as Paying the 0/0 CARRY B i r l N0 TUSSi r10 bother . . . simply mail your National Trust savings account depositâ€"and relax. National Trust or teachers in front of your by local ratepayers. _ ‘ . . . . child because this feeling of Ivan Mansbn‘dge_ pres- pays postageforyou BOTH WAYS.You lI getallthe advantages ota National Trust savmgs account. . . opposition affects him and his idem of the Elgin Park 4% Interest on your minimum half-yearly balance. . . write any reasonable number of cheques free of “mum‘s 1° a certain “tem- Ratepayers Association. ex- ‘ ,. v ,, ~ . ~ . Parents. he said. who pressed his disappointment charge. Call National Trust today about a Save-By-Mai accoiintâ€"it s the modern, relaxrng wa, to save. might not be aware of this at the p00, “1mmâ€, have no idea how such an -‘ “It's by far the worst NORTHTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE attitude can affect a child's ‘ show we‘ve put on." he “c5.†progress in school. “You commented. "You would i can’t imagine the progress get the impression people _' , l of children in school after aren't interested in educa- _ _ ' such hostility has been re~ tit‘" as it affect: their I 5 moved from their thoughts.†I children."