14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontarin._Thlll‘sda_\'.‘Feb. l3th. 1964 Thornhill and District News Thornhill Area Resident Centrel . _ . Church Hockey Prospers In Olympic Figure Skating Hassle "Growing fast" is a term Thornhill until the two e i me t. ice-time. insur- . H . V high .1 ( interest Dr. Suzanne Morrow .Francis. angry German fans and press you can apply to a hockey Churches joined with the lggepandnom" sundry items. th-Llhf‘l‘al is always pleaSPd ‘0 P" "5 ‘ems " resident of the Thornhill area. of costlng the favoured German league for youngsters in others to form a league of Theleague receivea.‘"nt . V 5 2231 contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. ‘served as a figure-skating Judge skating pair a gold medal by Thornhill which started out their own. 5t. pascalvs from Vaughan Township, to TELEPHONE A ' - I ()lir representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Margaret McLean. who givmg the German 93†mUCh at the 1964 Olympics at lnns- . lbruck. Austria. Hower marks tllan eight other Dr. Francis was accused blefï¬Clals' in small fashion for years and now boasts about 350 . eager boys. '1 "0.59, “"‘° 3"? aware,“ DY; It‘s the Thornhill Church Francis reputalm" for Inlggn'i Hockey League consisting of ty pomt out that her markings Church has combined hocâ€" may he reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. key forces with St Edward} Roman Catholic Church. While completely satisfied with the ice-time allotted to help finance hockey ice-time and is hoping it will receive a similar one from Markham Township. Mr. MacKay pointed out Community Happenings In Thornhill the church on February 24 at;ings l6:45 p.m. This will be an op- l .,,_ ,- ___ A‘l ~ “V9 area representatives them in Bradford. the league that some 0f the boys in the were mos! comment _ and from HOW Trinity' Anglican' feels the Doublerlnk in Con- leaglle “V9 in M'I'kh‘m Slat even n.- She haddplaced,t§l01: St. Edward's Roman Cathol- cord would make it easier while others “ve in V.ug.. "mans m 590°" 9°51 ' . S . Luke's Roman Catholâ€" v han. they would not have won first. lc l to get the youngsters haCK ic. and Thornhill United and Presbyterian Churches. “Our objectives are sim- in Lent the rector has prepared a series of lectures :l\'(‘l’l a warm \\'(‘l(‘()lTl(‘. s a a: t Horticultural Society ‘ The members of the hortlâ€"- gan to flow even more copio- He said he felt it was un-' usly and in spite of drastic fair toward the boys livingt and forth to games and in - l place. She placed the RusSlans. less time- in first place. Canadians Debbi‘ portunity to get acquainted on the theme . - - the Markham side of. ‘ _ ‘ , v. ‘ “Christ Speaks mopping-up operations, it was Wilkes and Guy Revel] of Uni-l n . ~ ._ The “Tammy of youngs' on '. CUltural SOCleiy are. IOOklng united “1"†Pelis'l‘lmrnhill with the other men of thefrom Calvary". The ï¬rst of finally necessary to cart Bren- onville in second and the Ger- SilSémexï¬ï¬wegqiï¬zige Fir; tEI‘S Dial/"18m thaledguebe’ fogfaentstiï¬lte “:th: ‘glehfriy forward to an interesting even} 'GUCSl Oliams 3}; ham-V 2‘church and learn of the many these. on February 16 is en- da off to the local medic for man pair in third place. l strive to provide equal ice long to the Thommll area west Side received one J mg on February 18 Wh-en lllr'ihnlmd Chuwha 03h ‘5 lVTCL important projects which the titled “The Forgiving Christ": more professional attention. And Dr. Francis is well-known in‘ time for every youngster churches but Mr. MacKay The league Wm clos'e out' John F. Clark W111 'glve answas .Mr' {Olin k Hahn}: .133: men of the church can under- on the 23 the subject is “The then. devoted soul that she is. this area for her skating achie-l who plays in the league “.5 explained that when there with a banquet for a“ the illustrated talk on his reccl‘lt‘SOlOISt “as . rs.“C a p Unm taker lCompassionate Christ". Succes- Mrs. Gordon insisted on com- vements and because in 1959‘ recreation and we wan} to are Openlngs "1 the lme‘ups players and coaches with European garden tour. Mra‘costa who siting1 l'ommcmah D 1 To Remember sive Sunday morning topics will ing back to the meeting she assisted Dr. Allan Ripley. give everv youngster a the league accepts boys not Special avards presented ; Clark is no. stranger to lhellim "013‘ films: 1C1)“; affine. i‘\' 14 â€" World Day be "The Devoted Christ". “The Another highlight of the in his veterinary practice for chance to e‘njoy himsem affiliated “or only slightly As for ‘the immediate 'fut; Thom“ill 50010,†and “‘05“ “'h" 5". Col?â€',."l‘°“°" {m l†i'n the f talc m be celebrated at Forsaken Christ“. “The Suffer- evening was the presentation several weeks. At that time she‘ The league currently plays affiliatEd‘ With churches. we the league expects 16 have heard hm: splf’alii (iiill ngursdlallimcvcning Si‘horlianilol Baptist Church at mg Chris“, and 0" Paim S.""' to M‘ble Cn‘Vfol'd and Maria" was living in Arlington. Vil‘gl- every Saturday in Bradford .noulr alm'" hf sald’ hlasnég keep growing, but with the" {tilletlltlrlfaon iiielcieth. Mr.lFebruary 23 at 7.30 pm. Pro- 2 nm. F b 19 ‘g‘frï¬â€˜vmh 22' The Vlcwmus Erunrcelin rggesgodsgeguirigflllgufd: mijr pram. i. no... a Name l Arena b“ plans are af°°l févglilehiféi'éii’e†a c emphasis always on slvlnitl Clark is a former director of duccd by Berkley Studios. this Wednesday. e ruary - ~â€" ' ‘ ‘ ‘ to secure ice time at the new Doublerink at Concord. “Our big problem.“ said Mr. MacKay. “is a familiar one with every team in the Toronto area . getting enough ice time." The Thornhill league's ice- time problem is expected to grow with its membership. “We’ve added another 50 boys since last season." said Mr. MacKay. “And we expect we‘ll be adding some more teams within a short time.†the Royal Winter Fair and a is a film with an impact and former director of the Horti-jmcmbers of the congregation . . V culture Branch of the Ontario‘and friends are invited to Holy Trnuty pews Department of Agriculture. lsee it. A very full prograln 01f] evfnlf The meeting will be held asl The men of the congregationlhas been arrangedHfolr t grinï¬ily usual in Thornhill United are invited to the ï¬rst meetlligiten season all: S 03/ mom- Church and visitors will beiof the men's club to be held allCllllAlf‘Pquol‘wlnsA un ary senior citizens meeting at Holy Trinity Church at 2 pm. their efforts in making the re- cent theatre night a success. It was also announced at the meeting that both local and district municipal authorities are being contacted with res- pect to the building of a fence and a sidewalk on Arnold Ave- nue adjacent to the school. It was also noted that new doors from the outside directly into the opportunity classroom had been installed at the insistence of the ï¬re marshall‘s ofï¬ce. A week or so following the home 8: school meet- ing veterinarian with offices all 779 St. Clair Avenue West. Toronto. As Suzanne Morrow she won the Canadian and North Ame- rican Pairs Championship. the Canadian Dance Championship and the Canadian Ladies Cham- pionship in the years between 1947 and 1951. Retiring from active compe- tition. Dr. Francis concentrated on judging. Her knowledge of and experience in figure skat-. ing and her reputation for fair- Each Tuesday morning dur- ing Lent Holy Communion will be held at 7 am. for those on their way to work. On Wednes- day mornings, Holy Commu- nion services will be held at 10:30 in the morning. These services will all be held in the chapel. In their efforts to be fair to every young boy. the league does not allow any of the teams to compete out- side the league during the season. “We don't have all-star teams because that would mean some players would be getting a chance to particip- ate more than others. All of our teams finish in the playâ€" offs. This way we avqid the tendency to play the better players in order to make the everyone a fair opportunity? to play hockey. ‘l The league is presently broken down into four divi- sions - tykes pee wee. atom; and bantams with plans to? extend into the midget age- group. Mr. MacKay. who is serva ing as president of the league on a one-year basis. is a trustee on Markham Township School Area I board. He lives at 167 John Street in Thornhill. ' A series of stimulating and inspirational addresses has also been arranged for the Sunday, . evenings in Lent. On February 16. the rector will preach on " the subject “Do You Want In~ . .. - - . n SCARBDRO Council iii"- ness and honesty in arrlvmg The league had lï¬s.begln play offs. ' ward Power... On February 23 ing, [ .m told tint these at he,- decisions have made her ning when Holy Trinity An- Mr. MacKay said the agreed to 00-096mm With the " basement classrooms were Rev. EC. Jackson will preach a very popular judge at skating glican Church of Thornhill league employs the honour Boys' Clubs of Canada in estabé - entered and the schools com emions throughout North and St. Pascal’s Roman Cath- system which sees every boy lishlng a 5400.000 boys' club on ngadéhgiecflg slim: 33:32: record player. projector and Amegica during the past 10 olic Church on Steeles Ave- on the ice only three minut- a Six-acre site adjoining they and Brownies. “Is there a Cure film library were all stolen. years, nue sponsored'churcb teams es. The line changes then and Massey Creek Park at :St. Clair for Fear" will be the rectorvs along with several other _ ._ -7 _ - _ that were affiliated With the someone else gets a chance. and Pharmacy Avenues. The topic on March 1 and on the items. Most of these things MARKETPLACE OF THE Toronto Hockey League sys- Every church in the league club will contain gymnasium. 3' Rev, F. c_ Jackson will dis. were provided for the DISTRICT tem. _ . . pays its own way on contri- recreation rooms and possibly . cuss "15 the Christian Faith school by the home & "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS From this beginning the butlons from the youngsters asmmmmg poolâ€. * Re1evam?" On March 15, the school in years past. Phone TU. 4-1105 hockey picture expanded in with the money going toward * rector‘s topic will be “Why Did . ‘ I Jesus Die†and on Palm Sun- day. March 22, the preacher will be Mr. John Blair. i A series of evenings of wor" ship, study and discussion have been arranged for each Wed- nesday evening in Lent. The congregation will meet in the church at 7:45 pm. for the worship service and then pro« ceed to the parish hall for the presentation of the topic of discussion for the evening. Special announcement for Mutual Life policyholders aura» The congratulations and best ~ wishes of the community are . 'l- extended this week to Mr. 1963 ANNUAL REPORT ‘ ‘ highlights increased in“do.S“$i..i§"i§i2n3§â€r§3°ii birthday. Mr. White has made . 5 involved in the interior design I : his home for the past ï¬ve years of the buildings, having pre- I I I I I l I lived in the Thornhill andl , Langstaff area for 25 years. c a It itr with his daughter-in-law. Mrs. H. B. White. Mrs. White has His many friends in Thorn- hill and Thornhill Secondary‘ School will be surprised to. learn that Bob Horn, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Horn of 56 Clarkehaven Road is pre- sently working in the Virgin Islands. For the past three weeks Bob has been stationed at Christianstead, on the Island of St. Croix, said to be where Columbus ï¬rst landed in the new world. Bob is employedl by the Tropical islands Deve-l lopment Enterprises. an orga- nization that is building homes viously done this work here for Mof‘fatts Associates, interior de- signers. Bob developed an in- terest in this type of work through his study of art at Home Rink Takes The Cake Thornhill’s own curling rink stole the thunder from neighboring Thornhill and at Northview rinks on their own home ice last Saturday when a team made up of Heigehtsï¬ng‘s’n‘fglealfh the Vir in . Mrs. Harry Bowes (vice-skip) and Mrs. Dorothy Anderson (lead) seated Islands quite to his taste, ea left and right and standing (left and right) Skip Harry Bowes and demiy, and has sent home Clare Anderson (second) won the J. A. and.W. S. Smith Trophy_at Thornhill Golf and Country Club. The trophy is for annual competition in the mixed invitation bonspiel‘s championship event. glowing accounts of 80 degree? water and air temperatures. with soft trade winds, beautifull sand beaches, etc, etc. He is. also happy to be able to pursue his hobby of scuba diving and ï¬nds the underwater trails- fascinating. He also ï¬nds the‘ old ruins on the island of great. interest. Meanwhile. unable to bask in these balmy climes Mother‘ and Dad are making do with the winter sports hereabouts. It’s been an outstanding year for the Mutual Life family of policyholders. All areas of the Company’s service have expanded over the previous year. More Canadians than _ ‘ ever before are Mutual Life policyholders. New life insurance sales of $459 Million exceeded all previous records. The total insurance in force is now more than S4 Billion. Last year Mutual Life paid out more money than ever before to living policyholders . . . in matured policies and other beneï¬ts. Dividends to policyholders increased and another substantial increase has been announced for 1964. Below are the highlights » MARKHAM : Council passed a resolution that future subdivi- sion agreements will provide for the planting of a tree on each lot â€" size not specified. RICHVALE NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Anne Hewitt. 78 16th Avenue TU. 4-7645 .7“ l LANGSTAFF Guides 8.: Brownies lvcr dollars were won by Louise and recently spent an enjoy-l ' ' rs 0f the Mutual can be pI'OUd. - ‘- The 2nd and 4th Richvale Anderson 757 and Max Hinton ‘able long week_end at Kissing} of an annual report of which all membe Guides and Brownie Parents854. Other three highs lverc ;Bridge in New York State; Committee recently met at thelNorma Brettcll 756. Dorothy Correspondent: ‘where skiing is available not‘ . home of Mrs. Jean Simpson, Brettell 640. Charlie Jones 705 .only during the dav but also ' - Mrs. Aleta Campbell . . . _ Bryson Drive. A fashion show and Bob Jordon 690. A ‘on flood-lit slopes at night. and tea will be held March 14 Church News 122 Garden ve' . with Brownies, Guides and A business meeting for all Phone AV. 5-4704 mothers taking part. Mrs. K. departments in 7 mot-c the Richvale Mark.\'aun WJ. Thornhill Home 3‘ 5‘:le Hall. convenor. reported Patti- Chapel was held recently. Films; Due to the storm on Thurs- ASSMlatlon _ Lu and the Children's Shop. \vere shown for both adults and‘day the meeting was cancelled The January 21 "leemlg 01' 1963 1932 Richmond Hill. will provide children and a buffet lunch and will be held February 13 at “‘9 Thornhill Publlc School outfits for all models. iwas served. Guest speaker for the home of Mrs. Anne Mairer Home & SChOOl ASSOClation “’35 93 000 432 044 000 ’ Mrs. E. Lunall will be in botll services for the month of at 197 No. 7 Highway East. t'meresung m ("0"? ways than New llfe lnsurance ............ 1 $ ’ ’ ' ehal‘ve of the bake sale. \Irs. February is Ed Parker of Trcn- ‘ one" The fascmatmg .speaker - Pat Derry will convene theA tealton. Eucme lwas Mr“ F‘ L“ Barre“ Vice-pr†insurance In force .............. 4,024,532! 3’754’260’ mom \jh“ “u . l u m Th _ U l r I The fourth euchre of the sea-{sidem and head of the publish l t. l. I‘le . at e. P young Donnie (1 lie son was held Saturday at the in: division of the Copp Clark - 0m pumï¬lts {arid t‘Ck‘ft C°""en°r- Chm?“ and nearby areas are home of \Ir and Mrs. Herb Conn,“v With agroup of some Total Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ - i l repo e iC'ets wil be $1.25 a holding a conference Fehrllarv mags?“ ism-.26 winners were. " - .- » , . . _- ‘ ' ~ » - ‘ t 20 rade 7 students. Mr. Barrettt EfssoGnu‘znd “illlee gin-en l0 el' 12.ald4i30 and wpper “Ill be M†N‘ HleS' M“ G- Bradleyi illugstrated the mechanics of TOtal payments to palICyhOlders m (In turn nine agive ilir‘e‘n'imui‘lliieli Sslciil' ll“ “" ’1“)? 0"? TBf°d‘e' H reading and hm" ‘“ understand and beneficiaries ....................................... . 70,495. i v ‘ on . . lzen am . rs. - lOITlPSOD-‘what you are reading. paiiitia‘slliinnowand i... will Bi-Eill“§°§.n‘33:L?‘$§I.‘.T3Sisl§ 3‘“ F" “‘9 “wk†T“ “he†“meme†0‘ the Surplus earnings for the year -------------- 20725 19'938' ~ I v _. ~- _ raw prize. evenincI was the dramatic en- i girrli'illl: stiffen. s°“°°" 3:153:23.°11..§llï¬..liiԤl} $59?ng SW“ “Web†Wm“ “M†“M Dividends to policyholders ........... ........ .. 16,887,000 16,033,000 ' “ ‘ ' ‘ g ' T __> g, ' 1' 311K S.\'l\'la and Miss LindaIher head swathed in bandages. Gun“ & scouts 1.1025" alum \ml‘ Comm] lilo†Ilamblyn attended the Richvalelon her \vav down to call for in lgreiyatiganksé golf? C(\1’(‘l'_\‘oi:(\ gllatlt. Richmond Hill ‘.lell‘C}' Scrum and Cubs bazaar on Sat. Kav Burges‘s to accompanv her . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . l _ a “'10 19 pc ma'e (‘0 ‘. [.1‘ .. ‘ 3 t ' . . e 0 . Rhe lst Richvale Cub and Scout Birthday :rcciincs are (‘\'.(‘ll- “RSI-:0. Beth and Anne Abbey gofallllleonmsleetligé ail-(:nsï¬ittï¬zt Net rate Of Interest earned . . . . . . . . ..... ° Fleogll‘llfgv AQUXIIEHIT Palaal‘ on if? 10"5‘3115'.5l“l)l<‘.“~ '14 “3C: attended Thornhill Baptistihead open. Temporary repairs. . a success. ‘ _a.\ DlIW- “llO C(‘lomau‘d l1“ Chill-ch sleigh ride on Satur-iwere effected at the Burgess? The annual meeting at 1st Slell blrthdnyon February 8. dav ‘ kitchen sink and undaumed Elcgvagie Cubs and Scouts “ill Miss Shirley Dilbkov'ski, ltith '“39 aâ€. (om. m mar that Mime two went‘ off to the meet. stefgwnl‘egzzig‘]: 13191†g‘flllu'cllgl“ Dom“ M‘é‘ll'il“; E. Lenka is in Sllnm'brook ing. However. while sitting in 0 el. D 09 \ MU“ Mid M1 L01 Hospital the warm room the blood be- and mothers are welcome. Re-‘Loughbridgc of Richmond Hill ' ' " e u e gesl’liments will be served. 1ch February 8 for Kingston I'"-‘..".'“. ll owing News where they attended flilecn‘s : ' ' ,7 v ll RA mmAN I A 'lI‘eam standings in East Rich- L'lllversiiv onrn house,x 'l‘hev Omen S Orld Day of Prayer ASSU NOE va e mixed bowling league Feb- were overnl-zhi guests of Miss . I 3 v ‘ 9 # EAD OFFICE: WATERLDO. ONTARIO/EST y ruary 4 were: Jetstones 24. Penny Parmcntrr \iho attends I I llda)’ February 14’ '- p'm. ' B it Genes and Rumrunners 20, Queens They visited frlcnds ai ‘ ' ' e Petticoats 18. \Vellwishers 17. the Royal Military Collezr and : Thornhlll BaptlSt ChurCh Hillbillies and Sluggers 14. 811- returned home Sunday nisht. . .. sq