Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1964, p. 4

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NURSES 'â€" State Farm MUtual RICHMOND HILL Automobile BRAM‘H Insurance Company 3413.381 Six-{idale x - L [filmiluunumuummunuuuuuluInuuuuuufiuuuum. How MUCH YOU MAY SAVE ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE WITH STATE FARMI On the social calendar for next week are two large events. both connected with food. Next Tuesday evening King City Lions‘ Club plays hosts for the annual oyster supper being held in the United Church. Other members from Laskay Women's Inslilute attending the 21-tahle games and sampling the variety of desserts were Mrs. Charles Black. Mrs. Effie Bath, Mrs. Norman MacMurchy. Mrs. Pearson Smcllzor and Mrs. Ar- chie Mt-Dnnald. Community Suppers Mrs. Charles Halely won first prize and Mrs. Fred O'Brien, second, at the district women's institutes‘ dessert luncheon and euchre held in the W.I. board room, Nowmarket. Joining in the service, which begins at two p.m., will be wom- en from Laskay and Teston United Churches. District W.I. Party Mrs. Ross Walker, All Saints' W:A. president for the afternoon branch. will be presiding with Mrs. Howard Clegg. president of‘ St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Women's Missionary Society. and Mrs. Donald M. Findlay. president of King City United Church Women. Day of Prayer In King City the World Day Of Prayer program will be fol- lowed tomorrnw afternoon in All Saints' Anglican Church, South Keele Street. James Gramger 130 Yonge St. 8. Richmond Hill. Ontario TU. 4-1529 Clip this advertisement and return it with your check or money order to: 'ho Chviyrieu Sciqnu Monitor OM Norway Street I Yaor $22 6 Monflu SH 3 Months $5.50 KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items (1 terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges- Wilcox and King City districts Our news correspor in King City is Mrs‘ William .l. Houston, telep TEmple 3-5457. and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Accurate Commem News Coverage Boston, Mass. 02|l5 Community Notes From King City ’anadian Hut! Office, Toronto. Ont. SCH mun THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Feb. 13%. 1964 SHHH IEHBE WWHWIWMWMHWNI Sionar." an‘i malnlenance flllllllllflmmlmlflmmllllll“Hill!II|ilIlllIImm!lllIllllflllllllllllllll‘ -...... muduue or 51.344 was paid by the congregation to re- tire the mortgage on the kit- chen addition. The congregation sent $765 to missionary and maintenance and 820 donatiohs to the Ont- ario Temperance Society and Bible Society. Each organi- zation reported a favorable fin- ancial balance. The SundAQ school to send aid to two < Korea and Grow-0 _._.- . u,- ‘3 and Jack Downing. Mr. Sayewell is church treaâ€" surer; Mr. Cambden, missiona- ry and maintenance treasurer and Orville Diceman. Presbyte- ry United Church Men's rep- resentative. Keith Cambden and Stewart Diceman were elected to the board of stewards, joining Roy Robson. George Sayewell. Miss Joan Pelletier. Frank Piercy and Jack Downina Richmond Hi'l Municipal Hull Teston Pays Off Last Mortgage 0n Kitchen Addition 'l‘eslon United Church con- gregation gathered for a pot luck supper at the beginning of the annual meeting. Lorne Weldrick was elected to the session: other members being Ed Robson, Ed Kyle. Or- ville Diceman. Roy Bowen, Charles Robson and Gordon Murray. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH I After exceeding last year's allocation, an Increased goal ‘for this year has been accepted by Laskay United Church ‘Women. Top prize winners were Mrs. Fred O'Brien. Sara Anne Mc- Donald and Lucy Clubine. with the ladies“ door prize going to Mrs. Louis Marwond. High scoring men were Nor- In circulation also are “Of! Good And Evil”, police work described by Ernest Gann; “The Rocks Remain", by Maxwell, a] continuation of “Ring of Bright Water"; "Ice Station Zebra", another suspense tale by Ali-‘ stair MacLean: “The Mirror Crack‘d", a mystery by Agatha Christie and “The Reason Why", by Cecil Woodham-l Smith. Lashy Euchre Mrs. Harold Docks and Miss Helen Hunter convened the nine-table euphre party held by Laskay Women's Institute in the hall. At Nobieton Arena, King City Lions George Armstrong, Clifford Coutts. Jack Garbutt, Ross Farquhar and Ted Wallas were on duty supervising skat- ing last Saturday. A record ‘turnout of youngsters is mak- ing good use of the arena ice this season. ' Arrival Refreshments were in charge of Mrs. Norman Etheridge, Mrs. Smeltzer and Mrs. Bryson. New Books Mrs. Tom Walker and Mrs. Don Barker gave delegates' re- ports of the recent presbyteria] annual meeting at Stouffville‘ The widely read “The Femin- ine Mystique" by Betty Friedan is among the newer books pur- chased for King Memorial Lib- rary. Members are working toward meeting an allocation of 3235 this year after passing last year‘s $225. At last Wednesday‘s meeting at Laskay Church, Mrs. Pearson Smeitzer illustrated her talk on lndia with pictures. Members had a discussion on the country they are studying this year. Mrs. Scott pFesided ahaâ€" Jesse Bryson led in the worship period. The entire executive, headed by President Mrs. Earle Scott, has been returned to office for another year. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Redman's second son arrived at York Central Hospital. Lnskay U.C.W. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie NObEI‘t‘ of Kingslynn Drive are celebrat-V ing the arrival of their new daughter last week at York; Central Hospital, Richmond} Hill. Fifteen nllons of oyster: will be brewed into an ap- petizln;r stew by the two customary cooks. Mrs. Fred Boys and Mrs. Wilbert Jen- nings. The annual father and son banquet is being planned by Scout and Cub leaders for Feb- ruary 21. in All Saints' Church hall. The ladies‘ auxiliary will be in charge of catering. Supervise Skating '91! and Greece. inal balance of $1.344 chool continued two orphans in May Extend V.O.N. Aid LEEVaughan & King Twps. Jesse Bryson, Glen Books and Clyde Cairns were re- elected to the committee ‘of stewards to serve with Marvin Hunter. Mrs. Pearson Smeltzer. Mrs. Glen Docks and John Guimond, who succeeded Earle Lowe when the latter moved from the district. Jesse Bryson is continuing as church treasurer and Glen Docks is missionary and main- tenance treasurer. ' eluded). I but actual ' V.O.N. ‘ all In 1963 V.O.N‘ services were ‘extended to the Township of Markham (the Villages of Mark- ham and Stouffville not in- That township had provided $5.000 in its budget grant was $2,500 which covered the expense of V providing nursing care. The annual canvass in Richmond Hill realized 53.182.25 with council [ranting 52,000 plus the use of office space in the municipal building. Receipts from patients for nursing care during the year amounted to $2219.45 and total receipts amounted to $10,704i50.‘ Expenditures including re-‘ placement of the car amountedl to $10.464.36. Mrs. Patricia S to c k d a l e, nurse in charge. presenting the sixth annual report said the service is available to ages regardless of creed or financial status. race; '63 Electric Organ Replaced '04 One At Laskay Church Installation of a new electric organ was a major project in 1963 for Laskay United Church. it was noted at the congrega- tional annual meeting. Ross Folliolt was elected to the session. joining Herbert Ross. Glen Dooks. Will Bryson. Earle Scott, Scott Smeltzer and Norman Bryson. The new $1,556 electric organ replaced the reed one used since the church was built in 1904. Home visits totalled 2.002. she reported, with 187 patients receiving care. In Markham 283 visits were made and $499 in fees collected. An active liaison programme with the new York Central Hosâ€" pital has been introduced. The 1964 executive will be: Honorary President J. E. Smith. President J. M. L a n x t o n. Vice-president Mrs. A. Dixon, Secretary Hugh Wight. Treasurer H. i Victorian Order of Nurses :services may be extended to Vaughan and King Townships in 1964 the annual meeting of Richmond Hill branch was told Wednesday evening of last week. Because of requests from these townships the local branch has offered to provide service to these communities if they contribute to the cost of opera~ tion. V.O.N. representatives will meet King Township Coun- cil February 17 to give them more information. Annual Meeting Temperance and Bible Refreshments ended the enm- munity social evening. Next euchre was announced for to- man MacMurchy, K e n n e t h Fawns, and Tom Walker. Har- old Dooks received a door gift. Associulion Can’t Afford Pk. Changes “The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston, telephone TEmple 3-5457. and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox, Mrs. Lillian Atcheson. Wildwood Ave., PR. 3â€"5479. Members are currently maintaining the park rink. with the assistance of a few interested teen-aged boys. The outdoor ice is be- ing used {or pleasure skat- ing. hockey practises and supervised school games. Members are awaiting a decision by King City Vil- lage Trustees who were, of- fered the park in exchange for improvements to the grounds. It was noted the financi- ll balance is not enough for the club to carry out any of its aims for improv- ing King Memorial Park. This winter the associa» lion is («D-sponsoring with A slim treasury after all debts are met. was report- ed at the annual meeting of Lake Marie and King Athletic Association. Eighteen of the 32 mem- bers attended the dinner meeting at the Ridge Inn. The changes in our llfe. he claimed, have created a great need for vocation- al guidance. StronLr par- ents can still do a good job in bringing up child- ren. he maintained but most aren't that strong, most need help and the schools are giving that help. Psychological testing is car- ried out at regular intervals in a child‘s’school life and every effort is made to give the indivi- dual child the help he needs. Mental health clinics and speech clinics on the public school lev~ el “ere cited as part of the service given and on the high school level a full time guid- ance staff is available for coun- sellinq service The speaker noted that most delinquency among our younq people starts with frustrations. explain- ingr that evory effort it be- in;' made to channel each child into a high school course where he has the opnnrtunilv tn fulfill his D a v i d Porter, attendance counsellor for the Richmond Hill Public School and York Central District High School Boards, was guest speaker. He said a half century ago life was comfortable and manage- able. black was black, white was white, men were men, women were women. and kids were kids, and nobody got mixed up. Dad was the authority in the family and the home controlâ€" led what the community thought instead of the community con- trolling the home. Father was by his son's side guiding him in most cases. Community life centered aroun-d the: church, home and school. the of tomorrow marrow evening. February 14 King City U.C.W. King City United Church Women will be resuming monthly general meetings Febâ€" ruary 25. New executive includes 'l‘ed Munroe.. first, vice- president: Ray Rumney. second vice-president; Josâ€" eph Durkin. secretary: War- ren McKPndry. treasurer. During s u m m er Lake MarkI Association sponsors the King City men‘s senior and junior softball teams. Exrcutive dirpctm‘s are Kenth C h e s n e y. Ken neth Branston. Kennflh KPatns and Ted Dizel. Elwood Hart was elected president to succeed Ken- neth (‘hesneyx the Lions‘ (TIuh the King City team in King Town- ship Intermediate Hockey League, which plays Thursday nights in Schom- berg Arena. Lake Marie members of the hockey team are coach Kenneth Keates, Elwood Hart. Ted Digel. Ed Bern- and, Bill Pollock and Bill Clubine. Ludlow. Members of the board are Mrs. W. Mait- land. Mrs. D. Beaumont, Mrs. J. A. Coughlin, R. D. Little, Mrs. Lois Hancey (representative of Rich- mond Hill Council), Willi- am Ellis. Ql‘ant Farwell, Francis Redelmeier, Mrs. Jean Thomson, all of Rich- mond Hill; Mrs. G. Mayn- ard of Markham Township and Stewart Rumble (re- presenting Markham Town- ship Council). Hug‘h Wight will head the nominating committee, and Mrs. Jean Thomson will act as gov- ernor on the Dominion V.O.N. with the world him Mrs. Fred Boys. Mrs. A. An- nand, and Mrs. George Pierce attended the Presbytery United Church Women annual meet- ing held at Stouffville. The afternoon unit will meet at the home of Mrs. Wilbert Jennings on February 20. Mrs. Cunningham will have charge of the program. Several members of the women's Institute spent a very enjoyable afternoon when they attended the dessert luncheon held in the agricultural offices in Newmarket recently. January 29 saw the begin- ning of a series of Bible study meetings in Temperanceville United Church. They will be‘ held every Wednesday evening until Easter and will be based on the second segment of “The Word and the Way“. The evening of the U.C.W. held their meeting on February 4 in the school house. U.C.W. President Mrs. Boys, was pre- sent and conducted the instal- lation of officers. Mrs. G. Hol- lett had charge of the program, which included a play "Bow Before the Wind". Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Lockhart who wel- comed a baby boy recently and to Mr. and Mrs. Hearsome who are the proud parents of a baby girl. Team siandings for Lake Wilcox Bowling League are Bill's Buzzards and Tom Cats tied with 23 points: Guys and ‘Dolls and Stanleys Steamers ‘both with 18 points; Roughrid- jers l7; Bai‘i‘ys Flyers and Uncle Jerrys Club both with 14 and the Gutierdusters with 13. High bowlers were Eve Creor with 689 triple, 266 single; iFrank Munro with 665-246: 'Stan Forster 663-239: Dave Neil 624-223: Audrey Middle- ton 620-260; Ed Muelstadt 617- ‘256; [‘om Biso 603-211;.Brenda 1Gibbs 599-233: Eileen Newstead 563-226. Gerald Gets Hat Trick Lake Wilcox Regents are still on their winning streak taking their game last week with a score of 8-4 against the Barry‘s Ten tables of players enjoy- ed a euchre held in the school. Prizes were won by JA Beach, W. Fuller, L. Embrey, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. W. Fuller and Mrs. W. Gimber. Another euchre was held February 11. Afternoon unit: Mrs. Fred Hare. leader; Mrs. George Pier- ce, assistant leader; Mrs. Clay- ton Jennings, secretary; Mrs. Wilbert Jennings, treasurer; Mrs. Lorne Cunningham, prog- ram convenor. Evening unit Mrs. A. An- nand, leader; Mrs. Guy Hollett. assistant leader: Mrs. Gordon Fawcett, secretary; Mrs. G. Hearsome, treasurer; Mrs. Ew- art Jennings. program convenor. Socials Installation of officers of Temperanceville United Church Women was held at a recent morning church service. The following officers were instal- led: President Mrs. Fred Boys, Viceâ€"president Mrs. Clayton Beynon, Secretary Mrs. Wilfred James, Treasurer Mrs. Ewart‘ Jennings. Convenors: Mrs. Lor- ne Cunningham, social; Mrs.‘ George Pierce, program; Mrsi Stewart Paxton, flower and vis-‘ iting; Mrs. James Gillham, sup-i ply; Mrs. Wilbert Jennings,‘ press and publicity. ‘ The cancer campaign is for the full month of April. but many of the ladies will be starting on April 4. so please answer your door and try to give u little. Sports in April the March meeti-ngvis used to distribute kits for can- vassers. Cancer Society Executive of Oak Ridgesâ€" Lake Wilcox branch of the cancer society met at the home of Mrs. Doris Smith, South Road. who has been vice-pres- ident and acting president for several months, due to poor health of the president. Mrs. Flora Bunn. Mrs. Bunn has now formally resigned as president and Mrs. Smith was asked to continue as president at least until elections which take place in June. and Mrs. Smith was asked to continue as president at least until elections which take place in June. Drugs have been provided for one patient and 1.500 bags and squares and neck bands provided for other patients. All patients were visited at Christ- mas. with cards, fruit baskets. and gifts being distributed. A dressing meeting will be held February 17 at the Ridge Inn, and extra help is needed to make dressings as there is no dressing meeting in March: because of the cancer campaign ‘ High bowler was Charlotte Brockton with 604 triple. 234 and 195 singles: Pat Wright 584-253, 210; Bev Beard 553- ‘237; Fran Newman 530-248: Emily Lloyd 529-228; Doris Smith had a single of 222 and Hilda LaRiviere 205. Tomorrow Is World Day 0! ‘Prayer ; Brethren in Christ Church, Aubrey Ave. will be host for this area February 14 for the 1964 World Day of Prayer and ladies from all churches in the area will be welcomed to attend the service which commences Tempearanceville News Correspondent: Mrs. W.G. Jennings Phone PR. 3-5892 ,Church was completion of the‘were elected new elders , new ‘during reports at the annual The outstanding event of thelRalph Loney, Kenneth Brans-, ‘past year for King City Unitedlton and Dr. J. A. Saunders§ to: serve with Laurence Scott“ George Brown Jr., Adam Da- ;vidson. Howard Hayward. Allan lSneath, Mervyn Dunlop. Art Rossiter, E. J. Munroe, Alex Knight, Archie MacTaggart and. building,. it was noted} congregational meeting. “ Treasurer Gordon Orr reported finances were sa- tisfactory after all commit- ments had been met. From John Kerr. ‘ the balance, $9,000 was Ronald Wood. George Mc- voted to the building fund. Donald, Douglas Renninson, bringing .the bank loan Greg Paul, Jack Hamilton. down to $95,000. George Harrison, Bert Lutes, Missionary and maintenance‘Harold Gilbert, Mrs. Mabel fund was sent $5,731 and the‘Hall and Mrs. Leonard Apple- customary donations made to yard were elected to the board the Bible Society, Ontariq'of stewards to work with Dou- Temperance Society. Fred Vic-jglas C. Henderson. Dr. Quentin tor Mission, Victor Home ForlHardy, Pete Robertson. Gordon Girls. camps and overseas re-'Orr. Ross Farquhar. Ray Love lief. William M" r...1. Honelin lll“MMt“IlMNMWMWWlIIlIMI‘IM“ltllIN lIllllllll United Church Women also bought new stacking chairs tables. hymn books, a new kitchen stove and a piano. From the building campaign in September. 1962, three-year pledges are continuing. NEW OFFICERS Jack Parsons, Gage Love John Kell. Alan Henderson Vice during the year. The Anglican Congress was Prepared accaunts of the ac-idiscussed as an outstanding tivities of all organizations inlgathering of the past year. the chumh were reviewed. One:Slides were shown by Col. J. G. of the highlights of the comingiStrathy, general chairman of year will be the combined the congress and a member of Sunday anniversary service‘All Saints’ Parish. early in June. which will he‘ Mrs. Frank Armstrong acted among the observances of the‘as Vestry clerk for the meet-l church's 107th year and, ihé King United Works On Reducing Building Debt. t'Ul gt' pr; ' I tugmhllntfdrd' w More Attend All Saints 9:223. Crag};~ In '63 Than Ever Before 3 O / 3/ Mr. Costigan reported 22 baptisms, three weddings, four burials and one memorial ser- vice during the year. More parishioners attended All Saints‘ Anglican Church during the past year than any previous year, Rev. E. T. Cos- tigan told the annual Vestry meeting. Presiding over the gathering of 50 church members, the mi- nister noted 1963 had been “a good year" with all commitâ€" ments met. The author of this year's ser- vice is Dr. Madeleine Barrot, executive secretary of the World Council of Churches, for the department of co-operation of men and women in the church. family and society: who has a great interest in all aspects of religious learning‘ and training of women. of the service agd will-lie ‘a-isis-igtv- ed by ladies of all churches in the community. Sports at Bradford. Gerald Sweeney had four goals to his credit. with two for Glen Wright and one each to Dick Sweeney and Eldon Rawding. The Thursday a f t e r n 0 o n ladies team standings are Daf- fydils 26 points. Roses 1]; Pan- sies 12 and Sweet Peas have 7 points. Brethren in Christ Church, Aubrey Ave. will be host for this area February 14 for the 1964 World Day of Prayer and ladies from all churches in the area will be welcomed to attend the service which commences at 2 pm. ers. Roy Nigh is in charge the ONE place to call for? the minute you want it MONEY RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE, RICHMOND HILL FINANCE CO. OF CANADA Loans “9 to $5000 -â€"Your loan can be hie-insured. 36 month contracts on loans over $1500 ENEFICIAL 250 Yonge St, North 0 Phone: 884-4417 (Toronto area resudents Phone: 285-6811) Friday In 7.30 p.m‘ m Saturday to Manager; D. E. HARRISON Here's a golden opportunity to get cash double- last during Beneficial's Golden Anniversary Celehmtion. Call up or come in for the cash you want now . . . to clean up leftover bills or for any good reason. We mm to Say "Yes!" in charge Jack Hamilton and Jack Gar- butt were named auditors for 1964, and Ted Wallis, United Church Observer representa- tive. Alfred McBride and Allan Gellatly were named new church trustees, joining John Dew and Irving L. Scott. Ronald Wood. George Mc-1 Donald, Douglas Renninsnn, Greg Paul. Jack Hamilton.l George Harrison, Bert Lutes.} Harold Gilbert, Mrs. Mabel Hall and Mrs. Leonard Apple- yard were elected to the board of stewards to work with Dou- glas C. Henderson. Dr. Quentin Hardy, Pete Robertson. Gordon Orr. Ross Farquhar. Ray Love. William Heaslip. Mrs. Jackl Clift and Robert Innes. WWW“! ing Ian Baxter was chosen lay delegate to Synod, with Frank Baker as alternate delegate. Al Rollinson accepted the duties of warden of the sidesman. Kenneth Atkinson was named treasurer and J. K. Crawford and Robert Rowland, auditors. Harold Clapp was namedi. rector's warden; Robert Sillcox, Q people's warden; Robert Walk- er and Phillip Sherwood, de-‘ puty wardens. M 75th birthday of the WA We were sorry to hear that the Cub-mistress for the Lake Wilcox Cub pack has been con- fined to bed on a fracture board Birthday wishes to Chris King, Fergus Ave., who celeb- rated his 13th on February 1; Jeffrey Lavigne, 14 on Februa‘ ry 3: Mary Elgin. 16 on Februa- ry 3: Stephen MacNeill. 6 on February 4; Bill Orton Februa-‘ ry 9: Carol Walker 16 on Feb-1 ruary 10; Neal Bynkoski. 11 on‘ February 10. ‘ An emergency appendectomy had to be performed at the York Central Hospital last week. when Denise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Wiche. Fer- gus Ave.. was rushed there. Her mother‘ Mrs. Ruth Wiche had been released from the same hospital only a few days before after surgery. We do hope Mrs. Néllie Mc- Cachen is now feeling better and recuperating after surgery at York County Hospital last week. A shower of lovely gifts was received by Miss Barbara Sang- ster, Bond Ave.. when she was the honored guest at the home of Mrs. Mary Warburton, Bond Ave. recently. Other guests were Mrs. Wardrop and Edith, Mrs. Hammond and Joyce. Mrs. Sangster. Mrs. Lavigne, Mrs. Bynkoski and Barbara's sister Margaret. Miss Sangster will be married March 14. to F. Cole, Rexdale. Shower For The Bride 30 Kw. ' TIE L ' “PM Allh nnnurn ('r'nuu-I- ’“W --‘mmunnnununuumuumnuummmmnfiniunhMiinmiumunumuiummhiimmmmmmmumumnuuunmummuumumu! LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS Taking advantage of the nice weather we had recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Cragg motor- ed to Brantfod where they visited Mr. Cra‘g's brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack g AND BURNER SERVICE § ,1: Tull-436] RICHMOND HILL; innu1mnuummuuuunnunmumuunumu}!1mm“Im1mlImmum“Imunmunmumm“mumImmuumumluuummmmulu? 'momnnmu. . v. i. .5 nu- -0...“ How was your steak, girls? Mrs. Dawn Willls. and daughter Lori, Mrs. Bet Neil. Mrs. Lor- raine Forster. and daughter. Heather enjoyed a lunch of steak and trimmings at the home of Mrs. Audrey Middle- ton, last Thursday. after whiclh they enjoyed several games of 500. Heather. who is just four months old. also enjoyed her‘ lunch. ‘ We wonder if the three leach- ers received a late slip last week when they were late for school. Lorne Eckler, G. 1. Thomas, and Miss J. Downs were late arrivals at the Oak Ridges Public School when their car was involved in a minor collision with another car. No one was seriously hurt and they were able to take over their classes shortly after their arrival. for a week. We hope you are up and around azai‘n rinw and feeling better. accepted Material may be inspected and Tender Sets obtained by contacting: W. Cooper, District Supply Supervisor, Department of Highways, Downsview. Ontario. Telephone: 248-3383. The Department of Highways offers for sale by Sealed Tender a quantity of Timber Piling Cut-Off‘s (156 pieces) ranging in lengths from 8’ to 18' located at the Department of Highways Patrol Yard, on the South side of Sheppard Ave- nue, Toronto, 1,13 mile west of Highway No. 2. Sealed Tenders on forms supplied by the Department will be received by the Manager, Tenders Section, Department of Highways, Down- view, Ontario, until 12:30 p.m., E.S.T. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, '1964 Terms: Cash or (‘ertified Cheque (cheque to be made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario). Material to be sold ‘AS IS WHERE 18' as a lot on a lump sum basis, subject to O.R.S.T. of 35'}. Salary Range â€" Chief $6000.00 â€" $7000.00 Sergeants $5000.00 â€" $5500.00 Constables $4000.00 â€"â€" $4500.00 Required by the Corporation of the Township of Whitchurch. Chief to commence duties approxi- mately April lst and Sergeants and Constables to commence duties approximately May lst, 1964. Applications to be received by the undersigned stating age, education. experience, references not later than 12.00 o’clock nonn, March 3rd, 1964. Canvassers are needed {or the forthcoming can- cer campaign to he held (or the month of April. If You could give a few hours of your time for this worth- while cause. It would be much appreciated. Please call me, Mrs. Atcheson. 773-5479. or Mrs. Doris Smith. president of the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox branch. 773-5371. How was your steake girl DEPARTMENT. OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO AUCTION SALE OF TIMBER PILING CUT-OFF’S 0R Material Control Unit. Department of Highways, Downsview, Ontario. Telephone: 248-3315. The highest or any tender not neceSSarily CHIEF OF POLICE SALE N0. SI) 63-243 DEPA RTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS ONTARIO 8 Constables 2 Sergeants ONYAIIG Thomas Kerr, Clerk-Treasurer, RR. 1, Gnrmley, Ontario Challenge 01“ TH E Olhpr children m the fumin are Steve. Andrew. and twin: Rosalind and Caroline. (-95 Smith. and family. and we thought that neighbours and friends would like to know they are now living at St. Alban's. The family are fine. and Sheila is now married and has a baby girl. born December 17 and will move to Calgary in April. where her husband has accept- ed a new position. Gary is in the army and has a commission. and recently has become 9n- gaged to he married. Mrs. Peggy Cragg received a letter recently from former re- sidents of Lakeland. Mrs. Fran- Mr. and Mrs. Andy Cossaboon and family have moved from their home on Moray Ave.. and will reside in London. after be- ing transferred from Toronto to the new Massey-Ferguson plant there. . . . There will be about 45.- 000 new cancer cases (diag- nosed for the first timm in Canada this year. HOW MANY DIE? . . . In 196] about 23.600 Can- adians died of cancer; 385 were under 10 years of age. 0! every six deaths from all causes in Canada one Is cau- sed by cancer. More men than women are affected. The ratio is about 56 men to 44 women. an 66" HOW MANY NEW CASES ARE DISCOVERED ANNU- ALLY?

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