Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1964, p. 5

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W :mmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmummumuunummmn Scout entries will be grouped into First. second and third ann gouu t, 27 classifications covering a Wide range efl'ort ribbons will be awarded for each ‘53 "m- - H " " ' of“ subjects including such hobbies as claSSification and in addition, one point Interest has been increasing each 11:13:11in 62:22:: Edi/19511232 electronics, woodwork, art, scoutcraft, is awar ded for each entry and 25-20-15 year among the Cubs and Scouts in TU. 4-4982. ’mlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“W\llllll“llllllllllllllllllll‘lllllll“llllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllll““ll“llllll“lllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllfll FOR YOUR VALENTINE PARTY . . One Very Special Sweetheart Centre Bricks! and RUM & RAISIN ICE CREAM Rib End 2V2 Lb. Av. Loin End 21/2 Lb. Av. C213” C Cryovac Halves ICE CREAM .. . . FOR FEBRUARY The hobby show committee of the York Summit Boy Scout and Cub exe- cutive has completed arrangements for the fifth annual York Summit District Hobby Show (from 2 pm. to 9 pm.) on February 22 at the Bayview Secondary School. York Summit District includes all Rover Crews, Scout Troops and (“uh Packs within the area Steeles Avenue on the south, C.F.R.B. Sideroad on the north, Highway 400 on the west and Highway 48 on the east. FISH AND CHIPS 55¢ SALMON 1~/2’s m SAVE 2 WAYS Lower Prices FROZEN FRASERV ALE RED SEAL ('OHOE Delightfully Different . . . Delightfully New . . . ICE CREAM EvLoin Roast Pork L539! RiLoin Roast Pork L849;! Chops 0R Roast Pork LB- 69 Cottage Rolls L349 TR V At The “IF IT’S QUALITYâ€" IT’S COUSINS” photography and several types of col- lections. One of the newer classifica- tions for Scouts is scale model rail- roading which will be divided into sub- classifications cmering‘ structures. lo- comotives, rolling stock and displays. Train sets such as are sold in depart- ment and other stores are not eligible. (‘uh entries will be judged in '25 classifications and include such hobbies as toy making, nature, stamp and coin collections, puppet show equipment, bird house making and baking. First, second and third and good efl'ort ribbons will be awarded for each classification and in addition, one point is awarded for each entry and 25-20-15 ALLENCOU RT IGA ayview and Markham Rod! Richmgnd Hill ICE CREAM CO. 24 OZ. PKG. PLUS Community Service A year of rapid growth which saw a leap of from five to 12 committees was one of the high- lights at the second annual meeting of the Richmond Hill and District branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society held Wednesday of last week in the Lions hall. "he-elected president for 1964 was William Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton paid tribute to the “many volunteers who have given of their time in helping with our various commitments" and looked to 1964 as an even more successful year. Dr. J. Wachna. chairman of the blood donor committee reâ€" lated the past year's success stating the number of clinics in Richmond Hill Increased to three per year. “The space for these clinics," School Board Will Join 5 Ontario‘ Education Grovups Richmond Hill Public Board will pay $807 to to Ontario education this year. Trustees last Thursday ag- reed to renew memberships or take them out in five organiza-‘ tions including Ontario Educa- tional Research Council ($50); Ontario Curriculum Institute at 10 cents a pupil which would cost Richmond Hill $385; Ont- ario Urban and Rural School Trustees ($100!. Ontario School Trustees’ Council I$157l and Public School Trustees Associa- tion of Ontario ($115). ’ They passed up membership in the Ontario School Trustees’ and Ratepayers’ Association ($169) which some felt might be a dpplication of information offered by other groups. Red Cross Continues Its Rapid Expansionxfiigélj Spaghetti or Macaroni 2 FOR 69¢ LANCIA OR ROM] BRA V0 Free Gifts For IGA Tapes Spaghetti Sage: or 10 points are awarded for winning entries. The pack or troop earning the most points will be awarded a pack and troop award respectively and the GeOrge Harvey Memorial Trophy is awarded to the group receiving the most points for the Cub pack and Scout troop combined. Judges are secured from various clubs in the area, school teachers. local businessmen whose business would give him the qualifications to judge a speci- fic classification, and area hobbyists who are experts on a given classifi- cation. School belong groups he said. "is given free in the de Cmss. Each donnr gives his time and his blood free. and each volunteer worker gives her time when called up." Dr. Wachna noted the society was “just one bottle short of our assigned blood quota at our last clinic which was very gratifying." 11F. Lynn. chairman of the newly formed disaster commit- tee, reported it was called upon to “assisl seven families left destitute by fire in 1963. “In each instance the com- mittee arranged for either food, clothing or shelter in he made available to the victims. Total expense amounted tn $1,891.82 with the largest expenditures on clothing. “My observations lead me to believe the disaster fund is proâ€" viding a badly needed emerg- ency service in the interval be- tween the occurrence of a dis- aster and such time when pther agencies can assume resp‘onsi- bility for the needs of the fam- ilies affected." he said. One of the most active of the‘ local Red Cross work in 1963 revolved around the water saf- ety committee. Chairman Mrs. Lois Hancey reported “a successful program in initiating swimming lessons for 303 Richmond Hill children conducted at Thornhill Swimâ€" ming Pool. “As a result of the inves- tigations . throughout . the summer and fall.” Mrs. Hancey continued, “and keeping the issue alive. the Lion's Club of Richmond Hill came forward to spon- sor a canvass of Richmond Hill and surrounding areas for a pool and the Rich- mond Hill Council agreed to donate the land as their contribution." Mrs. Hancey also stated that further investigation by the GRAPEFRUIT 1O B. C. DELICIOUS FANCY FLORIDA WHITE APPLES U.S. NO. I committee revealed that the 46‘paign; disaster. Doug Lynn; and Eligible Children mm" the Lo“an. Lois Hancey. water safety. True Blue Orange Hm" 1'" A film dealing with the saf- Chlldren have 110 sw1mm1ng orgMy of the swimmer was shown water safety program. 1 . .. . .. "It. is the intention of the ammo“ Drown Pmnfmg‘ __.__.- ____-_~___= committee to try and include‘ them in the swimming program‘ for 1964 if the “branch” agrees“ ’ ( this program is to continue." A The women's work program saw the initiating of knitting and sewing in October with an order placed for wool to knit 20 children's sweaters. 20 pairs of children's socks. 10 pairs of men’s socks and material for sewing 10 tropical layettes. A display of some of the var- ious activities of the society'sl committees was placed throughâ€"j out the Lion's hall fnr the. ben- efit, of those attending the an-l nual meeting. ‘ Financial statement for l the year showed a bllance on hand of 5375. Expenses included $878.79 for disas- ter service. $1,543.29 for water safety services. President Hamil-ton chaired the meeting. Other members of the execu-‘ tive elected at the meeting in- clude: ‘ Dr. Lillian Langstaff. Mrs.‘ P.C. Hill, honorary presidents; Mayor Thomas Broadhurst. Mar- kham Township Reeve Charles Hooper and Vaughan Township Reeve Alfred Rutherford. hon- orary vice-presidents; Hugh Wight, 1st vice«presidenl; Dave Glass. s e c o n d vice-president,- Joe McBratney, treasurer; Mrs. Mabel Oakes, secretary; Mrs.R. Committee Chairmen: Dr. John Wachna. blood donor; Dep- utyâ€"reeve Stanley Tinker. cam- secretary Trotman, correspondence? WANT ADS PHONE TU. 4-1105 TRY "THE LIBERAL" York Summit District and entries have improved in both quality and quantity each year the hobby show has been held. Last year a total of 893 entries were received and all indications are that this will be substantially increased this year. Mvorviiés on nature and scouting will be .shown throughout the day and a re- freshment booth will be available. 7 A wide range of Scout activities will be demonstrated in an adjacent outdoor area, as well as in the building itself throughout the day. [1" further information is required, kindly contact Mr. D. J. Boyle. 299 Palmer Avenue, Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4-4982. 2 LB. BA G 15 OZ. TIN PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. 12, I3, 14, IS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hinwopfiariq, Thursday, Feb. 13th. 1964 TOMATOES IGA CHOICE NYLONS MIDI SEAMLESS "'gCounty Psychiatric Unit SiPaves Way For Plans y An example of the start of ‘such a plan is the psychiatric unit. nearing completion at New- market County Hospital offering both impatient and out-patiem service. MMMMIWIW Ontario mental hospitals may some day be moved away from their isolated locations and a more integrated community mental health program institu- ted. Both changes were revealed at last Wednesday's sixth annual York County Branch. Canadian Mental Health Association meet- ing at Bayview Secondary Schoo by Dr. H.W. Henderson. psychi- atrist and director of Ontario's Community Mental Health Ser- vices. He was speaking to about 175 branch members. "Major disadvantages of men- tnl hospitals are both in size and location but when they were first built, this Is the way people wanted them to be,“ he said. Next step initiated. he said. was the clinic which brought the services closer to the com- munity and where early diag-l nosis and treatment of mental illness could be obtained. Third and latest step is the psychiat- ric unit in the hospital which offers a wider range of help. i “There is a fundamental fac- tor that mental illness produces! EFL-7M 5611MB! MHSiG PAIRS FOR FOR 29¢ a great deal of other illness.‘ he said. The doctor could foreset where Ontario Hospitals ma) someday become the psychiatrll centre for inâ€"and-out service. He also emphasized the im: portance of linking the new Newmarkel clinic with the schools and the courts. and sug- gested one way the branch could maintain its interest was to become members of an ad- visnry committee. Dr. Henderson commended the branch for its active parti- cipaHnn in obtaining the new psychiatric unit for York Coun~ ty but warned members not to rest on their laurels. He told the branch their role was to gain the interest, and support of the community and channel the support into worth while efforts. "The new York County unit is only the beginning and something to build on. Already I have heard people say it will he too small when it opens." The county is only the second in Ontario to undertake such a psychiatric service. he said. “Education is the keya note. There is still a lot of ignorance. suspicion and» distrust about mental ill- ness." he said. $1.99 28 OZ. TIN A LL SIZES

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