Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1964, p. 7

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ttractive three bedroom de-l ached brick bungalow with n open fireplace. This] ome has a nearly finished ecreation room and a newl i1 furnace. For this Valen- ine special. cal! RAY MELW OURNE. or this beautiful split-levell rlck bungalow. 3 large bed- ‘ooms, family size kitchen. inished recreation and laun- ry room. landscaped garden‘ his gem carries for only $99 monthly including taxes. (Eall to~day MRS. MAYN~ lARD. fisso DOWN-FORECLOSURE Newly decorated 6 rooml brick bungalow on 60 ft. ‘ t. Steps to Separate andl ublic schools and all churches. Carries $95 knonthly. Immediate posses- ..kon. Inspect and make am ‘ofter. Call MR. WHITE to- $3,500 DOWN TO ONE Y MORTGAGE Carries $68 monthly, 592%} mortgage. Brick bungalow, J kxcellent buy, aluminum‘ screens and storms. Televi- sion antenna. electric lighq fixtures, fenced. landscaped lot. Direct bus to city. Call‘ BRUCE PRIDHAM. REALTY LTD 1 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL FFRADE ms ACCEPTED ne mortgage only 6 room rick bungalow on large lot.| ltra modern kitchen, 3 rge bedrooms. Completelyl etached. Please can MR. EID. ‘ COUNTRY LIVING ‘ ‘. bedroom bungalow on }ver lxé-acre country lot. Llfse to Yonge St. New fur- ce. Carries only $75 honthly. Owner has bought,l ust vsell. Asking only $9.500l Now IS THE TIME TO I LIST YOUR HOME FOR ISALE. WE ARE BUSIERI NOW THAN WE HAVE BEEN IN 5 YEARS AND I NEED A GOOD VARIETY OF HOMES TO OFFER To: OUR MANY PROSPECTIVE 4 PURCHASERS. IF YOU l HAVE BEEN CONSIDER- ING SELLING. THEN | (EIVE US A CALL T0~DAY. TCLEARANCE ' BUILDERS ‘ 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOWS ATTACHED GARAGEâ€" q TREES ‘ H.900 down for this brand leW brick bungalow. sittin in a nicely treed lot. 3 large redrooms. extra large kid 'hen. Storms and screens, Inly 2 blocks to Yonge onl Vest side of town. Immedi- xte possession. To inspect! :all MRS. MANTHAU. FOR POSITIVE RESULTS‘ CALL av. 5-6241 or TU. 4.2393 LEW NJLA. $1.150 DOWNI Lay 11. Call BERT’ GRAMSCH For Fast ResultsiConsult The Rail Estate Brokers Listed in “The Liberal" ORM BLACK FINAL WINTER CLEARANCE AT REDUCED PRICES WE ACCEPT TRADES 312.900 FULL PRICE 313.900 FIREPLACE Some With Open Stone Fireplaces â€"â€" MOVE IN IMMEDIATELY _â€" Excellent Location On Trayborn Dr. GO DIRECT OR CALL Norm Black Realty Large Hollywood Style Kitchens “THE LIBERAL” REAL ESTATE COLUMN 884-2393 FROM $16,900 we ACCEPT TRADES | All With Single or Double Attached Garages Save Hundreds! Buy Now! Beat The March Sales Tax LIMITED “‘Hunfifron YOUR 5500 WINTER BONUS m AURORA We still have a couple of new 3 bedroom bungalows left. That are now being built under the government winter bonus plan. Down payments are only $550 to one N.H.A. mortgage. Be sure and see these huge brick beau- ties today. This is a limited of- fer! Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and save $500 in cash. OAK RIDGES Owner leaving for U.S.A. and will sacrifice his 2-bedroom bungalow for only $8,000, with $1,800 down and the entire bal- ance on one easy mortgage, pay- able 360 a month. If you are a bargain hunterâ€"call us now! EARL V. STEWART REAL ESTATE BROKER 21 Yonge St. N.. Auron PA. 7-9113 $24,900, Aurora. large exclusive duplex well located on a lovely treed lot on Yonge St. Consists of 2 large executive 2 bedroom apartments. Fully self-contain- ed. also includes broadloom, ap- pliances and other extras. Gen- erous terms. W. R. CASE, REAL ESTATE 96 Yongc St. Aurora PA. 7-4288 WA. 1-1691 RICHMOND HILL [6 room brick bungalow with 4 piece bath and vanity, storms, screens. fenced lot. Panelled rec. room with cupboards and sink. Close to separate and public schools. Private sale, $15,800. 884-7893. clw33l HORNHILL, $79 monthly, bedroom bung 130‘ lot. close full basemen driveway, storms and screens. $1,800 down. Mrs. Edwards, AV. 5-1176. 7608 YONGE 66 YONG-E bedroom bungalow 130‘ lot, close to X ‘full basement. sta screens. $10,900. l isle. AV. 5-1176. $16,900 0R 0! Split level brick on quiet drive. 3 l nicely decorated WEST OF YONGE 1$11,400, 3 bedroom bunga- low. open fireplace. attached garage. treed lot. TU. 4-3805. PLEASANTVILLE BARGAIN $17,900. 3 bedroom ranc bungalow, attached garage. ‘finished rec. room, 2 bath- \rooms. TU. 4-3805. 593% NJLA. MORTGAGE $13,500. brick ranch bunga- ‘low, 3 bedrooms, open fire place, carport. treed and fenced lot. TU. 4-3805. RICHMOND HILL, $14.25 Move in and enjoy this spot- less 3 bedroom brick bunga- low, landscaped lot, rec. room. storms and Screens. Mrs. Brown, AV. 5-1176. DAVID McLEAN LTD‘ 285 -624l REALTORS 31,500 DOWN comfortable 2- )w on '50‘ » Yonge : storms a Mr. C: OFFER k bungalow 3 bedrooms, ed. p a v e d TU 5-1173 4-380 c1w33 clw33 St.. and tarl- OLDERâ€"RENOVATED Attractiver remodelled older 6 room brick home. close to Yonge Street. Separate dining room. cut stone fireplace, huge modern kitchen, modern tiled bath, recreation room. oil heat- ing, nice garden with numerous trees. Mrs. D. Carter. AV. 5- 1905. J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. REALTORS PRIVATE. Large lot and 6- room bungalow near Dominion. Landscaped, garage and breeze- way. Rec. room, bedroom, drains for extra bathroom in base- ment. Spotless, 1 mortgage. First time offered. 884-5887. FLECK & KEFFER REALTOR c1w33 READY FOR SPRING 80' x 90' ft. building lot, one block off Yonge. All servicesâ€" area of older restored homes. Thornhill Village. $1,500 down. Mr. Vincent. AV. 5-3816. LEEIE O’HAGAN Realtor 7771 Yonge SI. AV. 5-1166 EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS JBST A MINUTE To Yonge SL, Willowdale Brand new custom built 6- room bungaIOWS with double garage. Farm-size mahogany trimmed kitchen. Extra r. W1 cm 3-BEDROOM detached bunga- low close to separate and pub- lic schools. 5% N.H.A. mort- gage. Reasonable down pay- ment. owner. 884-3666. GRETS â€" Mr. and Mrs. Steve Grets are happy to announce the birth of the latest addi- tion t_o fiheir family an 8 lb. SUNDQUIST -â€" Mr. and Mrs. Rolf Sundquist (nee Noreen Cree) of Aurora are happy to announce the birth of a baby boy on January 28, 1964, at Newmarket Hospital. PPRIVATE SALE l FEATURES 1 3 blocks west of Yonge 1 block from school 7 rooms inc. playroom attached garage complete with aluminum storms and screens. broad- loom, large living room with} fireplace and all landscaping down payment flexible reduced much below market value at $16,850 CALL TU. 4-7484 FOR APPOINTMENT 2 oz. baby girl. Born Februa- ry 9th at York Central Hospi- tal. This will make the Grets family gifted with five girls w h i c h a r e alphabetically named, starting from B, the A was left open for a boy. Which may be filled yet? Both mother and daughter are doing well. Thanks to the wonderful care of Dr. Sokol and help. c1w33 MAPLE â€" RICHMOND HILL CARS 8. TRUCKS FOR RENT REXDALE CAR 8. TRUCK RENTALS LTD. RR. 1 MAPLE (Lippay Motors Limited) ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS {Births c1w33 c4w31 c1w33 nc33 Two RepresenttLounty rlnals flex: Local lions Club\Karen Geiger Is The Best Orator \Speaking FinalsIVaughan Twp. Public épgaking of Leaside. Timekeepers were Deputy District Governor Reg: ion 18, Ernest Crossland of New- market and tallying were Den- nis Featherstonhaugh, Rich- mond Hill and Walter Pipher of Stouffvllle. Chairman for the evening was Roy Bick of Thorn- hill. Chosen at last Thursday’s weekly Lions Club dinner were John Seddon. 131 Driscoll Road.: Richmond Hill and Marilee Park, 260 Weldrick Road, Rich- vale who competed with their oratorical talents against Lynda Holdsworth, 8 Idleswlft Dr., Thornhill and Brenda Fix-man. 389 Browndale Crescent, Rich- mond Hill. About 60 Liam were present. Judges included Dr. Ross Dean and SA. Goff of Willowâ€" dale and Region 7 Deputy District Governor Jack Weller Finalists will enter Toronto sub-district finals in March. No Markham Meeting A boy and girl will represent this area when the Lions Club regional finals in public speak- ing are held February 20 at Unionville. Although listings continue to come in regularly we are in im- mediate need of Thornhill and Richmond Hill area homes for waiting buyers. For free apprai- sal. without obligation please call Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176. Evenings AV. 5-2742. David Mc- Lean Ltd.. Realtors. Markham Township Council-I lors missed their regular meet ing' last Monday as they attend- ed the annual meeting of the Association of Rural Municipal- ities at the King Edward Hotel in Toronto. Bungalows, 2 storeys semi, 11/2 storeys in Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Richvale urgently required. We have buyers who need immediate or Spring pos- session. All cash can be arranged if desired. Mrs. Knox, AV. 543045. Tops Real Estate Ltd. Realtor. LOT WANTED All cash for l/z-acre lot or larg~ er. In or around Richmond Hill. Phone BA. 1-1705. tfc31 ! HOUSES! !WANTED! The next regular meeting is slated for February 17. SALE REGISTERS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 â€"Extensive clearance auction sale of new general hardware, paints. handyman’s and garden tools, mowers, plumber's sup- plies, cash register, etc., being the property of George Vigus,: known as Vigus Hardware Store ‘in Maple Shopping Plaza, Maple‘ Road. l/4-mile East off Highway 400, Maple Village. Sale at 12:30 pm. Terms cash. No reserves. Proprietor quitting business. See posters for full listings. C. P r e n t i c eâ€"Auctioneer, Mark- ham, Ont., phone 294-3161 or 640-3686. c2w33 CARD OF’TH’ANKS HANSON. Earl A. â€"â€"â€" Suddenly in London, England, on Sat- urday, Feb. 8. 1964. Earl A. Hanson, beloved husband of Ivy Swanson of Willowdale and Maple. Burial in London. nc33 Margaret and Carol Burr, wish to express their apprecia- tion and gratitude to everyone for all the help we received. both at the time of our recent fire and for the generosity of all concerned. c1w33 REAL ESTATE WANTED HOMES WANTED £tatbs ALpine 7-1461 AVenue 5-5501 CHerry 1-2811 c1w33 '[County Finals Next Karen Geiger was judged the best public speaker in the primary schools of Vaughan Township Monday evening. She will go on to compete at the county level on February 20.. An area contest will follow‘ and the provincial champion~ ship will be heard in Toronto at Easter. One of seven finalists Karen spoke on “Fire â€"- Friend or Foe". and made a convincing plea for fire as a friend if it is treated with respect, understood thoroughly and never tak- en for granted. She is a grade 8 pupil at Charles Howitt School. The public speaking finals were held in the new Roselawn School, Carrville Road West and Inspector R. Macdonald was chairman. All seven finalists Eave evid- ence of long hours spent in re- search and preparation of mat- erial and delivery. Every one gave a most polished presenta- tion of well-thoughtâ€"out materi- al. Two preliminary contests had been held in Vaughan Township from which the seven finalists were chosen. They were: Jean Reaman, grade 8 Concord, who spoke on “Travel Is Interesting”; Debbie Corkin. grade 8 Jefferson, whose sub- ject was “Madame Marie Curie â€"an Outstanding Scientist"; Mary Anne Miller, grade 7 Judges were Mrs. Floyd Perkins of Richmond Hill, L. Thompson, head of the English department at Bay- view Secondary School and George H. Barr, head of the English department of Thornhill Secondary School. Rules drawn up for the pro- vincial finals were usedâ€"sub- jects were chosen from a list of ten suggested. speeches were at least five minutes and not more than seven minutes long with a penalty imposed if the time limit was not observed. $27,000. Outstanding 2-storey brick ivy-clad home on 4% acre of beautifully landscaped, treed grounds. Center hall plan with attractive reception room. Open fireplace in 19‘ living room and full-suite separate dining room. The 18’ kitchen with ample cupboards has good break- fast area. Den and bathroom complete the main floor. A gracious stairway leads to 4 spacious bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Master bedroom is 16’ with bathroom en suite. Pastoral view of countryside. Secluded patio overlooking garden. Economical oil heating. Recreation room area. This prestige area home has everything for comfortable living. Photo in our office. Please call Norm Black Realty Ltd, AV 5-6241 and ask for Mrs. Horsley. North York Memorial Community Tuesday, Feb. 18 â€" Sunday Feb. 23 A FAMILY HOME President of Toronto Vegetarian Association (Recipes and samples of meatless dishes) CRUSADE for CHRIST at NATURAL LIVING 0R VEGETARIANISM H all 5090 YONGE s'r. - ROOM 1 Friday February 21st - 8 pm. ALL WELCOME GO’RMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH ET Ken Campbell. Evangelist HOUSES WANTED Confidential 0 Inquiries 0 No obligation Mr. NYGARD or Mr. HAGA AV. 5-6361 N. S. SMITH REAL ESTATE LTD. Week-Nights, including Saturday, at 8 Sunday at 1] am. and 7.30 p.111. TALK: MRS. E. W. JACKSON iudged Kleinburg. “Why I Like to m the Read"; Helen Payne, grader 6 Silver collection Two young girls from Con- cord School and two from Geor- ge Bailey School, Maple, enter- tained the good-sized audience with musical numbers. Gloria Bowes and Ruth Ann Snider of Concord each played two piano solos; Linda Reid of Maple sang about “The Magic Dragon" and Sheena McDonald, who was her accompanist also played a piano solo. This entertainment was under the direction of Rob- ert Richardson, assistant super- visor of music. Langstaff. “What Electricity Has Done for Farming"; David Martin, grade 8 Roselawn, “A1- exander Graham Bell ~ An Out- standing Scientist“; and Janet Storer. grade 8 St. Margaret Mary, New Pine Grove. “Why I Like Reading”. Superintendent J. A. Gibson presented crests to all finalists. These crests were designed last year by a grade 8 pupil in the township and bear the words Public Speaking 1964. In flatmuriam Mrs. Dorothy Robertson vice- chairman of Vaughan Township School Area Board presented (he cup to the champion and Mr. Brock presented his award. Last year Larry Leduc of St. Mary Margaret Separate School. who won the township champi- onship. went on to take county area, and provincial honours. SWINDELLS â€" In memory of Lori Lynn Swindells who passed away on February 17, 1963. “Sweet little flower of heaven-‘ ly birth ‘ She was too fair to bloom on‘ earth 1 And oh the wrench, an angel‘ came , ‘ And took our darling Lori home." â€"â€" Lovineg remembered by Mummy, Daddy and Debbie. WITH THE CAMPBELL - R E E SE EVANGELISTIC Rev. L. K. Sider. Pastor TEAM S'l. MARY‘S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil Assistnnt Cunte: Rev. Donald Bone SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1964 LENT I 8 mm. â€"- Holy Communion 9:30 am. â€" Choral Communion 1! am. â€" Morning Prayer Church School and Infant Cars at Both Services '1 pm. -â€" Evensong Lenten Series of Sermons on CANADA THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIEL Crosby and Bayview Avenues Rev. B. E. McLennan 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 44236 Church. TU. 4-7083 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1964 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€"â€" Senior Church School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer Nursery and Junior Church School 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Prayer Special Preacher: Rev. M. P. Wilkinson, M.A., L.Th. Ten Commandments a.m.-â€"I - NO OTHER NAME p.m.â€"VI - PEOPLE MATTER WEDNESDAY: 10 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion (Nursery Provided) Tm. ANGLICAN cfl’fincn or 8 pm. â€" LENTEN SERVICE Brooke 3; Jane Streets Rector Rev. H.-Reginald Howden. BA. L. Th. Rev. Fred C. Jackson. Assiltant Estelle Markham, A.R.C.T.. R.M.T. Organist and Choir Director Tuesdays in Lent: 7 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion Wednesday: 10:30 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1964 The First Sunday In Lent 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9:45 am. â€" Bible Classes 11 mm. â€" Church School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Preacher The Rector (1) “The Forgiving Christ" 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Preacher The Rector Subject: “Do You Want Inward Power OAK RIDGES ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1964 ST. MARK'S Yonge at Elmgron 9.45 am. â€"- Family service and Morning Prayer ST. JOHN'S Yonge at Jefferson 10 am. â€" Sr. Sunday School and Bible Class 11:10 am. «â€" Jr. Sunday School (under 9) Morning Prayer 7:30 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Rector: - The Rev. Torn Robin- son RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street Classes for all I (Opposite the High School) : Preacher: ‘ Pastor Fernand Petit-Clerc. 9.45 am. â€"â€" Bible School 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"â€" Evangelistic Service Wed. 8 pm. ~â€" Prayer Meeting A Friendly Welcome 1: Extended -to ALL It The Young Church with the Old Message F UNITED Uuunbu L Condt Widem: Service 7:30 pm. E “Victc COMING The ( Ev: I “The W Industrial - Commercial ! Residential - Additions Mini§t¢r I Alterations - Repairs Rev. A. I. Higgins. B.A.. B.D., b Plans and permits supplied Rev. Veals. Assistant Minister \vork guaranteed Ca“ 9.45 am. â€"â€" Intermediate and . . Senior Sunday School .311). Warrmgton 285-5488 11 mm. __ school and Dwisxon of the John C. Love Nursery Lumber CO. Thomhlll ."HL __ Fomerly LLL Construction For mm!” momflion “n AM AV. 5-2131 ‘ ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canaan Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage. 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sun- day ot month at 11 5 EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Maokay Drive - Richvale ‘ Rev. K. A. Thatcher AV. 5-6789 Mrs. Jas. E. Howard. Organist SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1964 lst SUNDAY IN LENT 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 9:30 am. ~â€" Senior Sunday School 11 am. -â€"â€" Morning Prayer 11 a.m.â€"â€"Junior Sunday School 2:30 pm. â€" Confirmation Class '7 pm. â€" Evensong Wednesday, February 19 EMBER DAY 8 pm. â€" Evensong HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints’ Church - King City 10.30 am. -â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 am. â€" Sunday School HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL ANGLICAN BAYVIEW CONTRACTING "General" BAPTIST “Ye Are The Temple of God, The Spirit of God Dwelleth In You” PAnrsfor KING (Anglican) Thornhlll, Ontario THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hil-l, Ontaljio,ri'l'hursday, Feb.» 13th, 1964 7‘ Announcing SERVIG 9:) (Fellovuhip of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) Church Street Langstafl‘ Pastor: Rev. Thomas M. Watson Benson Ave., Langstafl 9.50 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"MORNING SERVICE 6 pm. -â€" Young People's Meet- mg 7 pm. â€"- EVENING SERVICE Supervised nursery at all Lord's day activities MID-WEEK HOUR, Wed. 8pm. Prayer, Praise, Bible Study Christian Service Brigade Friday 7 pm. (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Stop 17. Yonge Street Rev. Minton Johnston. D.D.. Minister Mrs. Cameron Andrew, Organist 10 am. â€"- Senior and Intezmed~ late School 11 am. â€" Junior School and Nursery 11 am. â€" Morning Service ST. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. and Que.) Minister: Rev. Percy Buck Meetings in Richmond Hill Public Library SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1964 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service The Church Of The Living God Guest Soloist Mrs. Wilma Lortie, Ferndale Baptist Church. Scarborough Everyone welcome A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Walter Scott School. Markham Road at Sussex Street Rev. Albert E. Myers, B.A.. B.D., S.T.M.. Pastor SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1964 9.45 am. â€"â€" Church School and Bible Class 11 am. â€" Worship Service and nursery 7 pm. â€" Young People THURSDAY: 7:30 pm. â€"- Lenten Service at Zion Lutheran Church (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. E. Lange, B.A.. B.D. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1964 945 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. -â€" The Service Nursery provided RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1964 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School and INDUCTION OF ELDER 11 am. â€"â€" Nursery Department THORNIIILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hwy. 7, 1/2 mi. west of rYonge Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Dillwyn T. Evans, Minister SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1964 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"- Evening Worship Christian Education Classes 9:45 am. â€" Grades 4 to 9 and Adults 9.45 am. -â€"Grades 4 to 9 and adults 10 am. â€" Senior Young Peoples 11 am. â€"- Nursery. Kindergar- ten and Grades 1 to 3 12.30 pm. â€"Grades 10 to 13 ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 7th Con.. Vaughan Rev. B. F. Andrew, Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1964 11:15 am. â€" St. Paul's Church 10 am. â€" St. Andrew’s Church And Sunday School 10:20 am. â€"â€" St, Paul‘s Sunday RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev C. G. Higginson. B.A..B.D. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1964 9.45 am. 7â€"- Primary, Junior, Intermediate 8: Senior Sunday ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN School 11 am. â€" Nursery & Kinder- garten Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"- Morning Service The Minister 7 pm. â€" Evening Service In the Chapel lUTHERAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple, Ont. LANGSTAFP BAPTIST CHURCH THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH UNITED ST. ANDREW’S School and Friday, February 14, - 2 1mm. World Day Of Prayer Service ’ ' Pray‘er and Bible Study L In St. Mary’s Anglican Church 1A B” For further information call [6"19'54“ 854-7097 _ JuniorJ GORMLEY UNITED Sunday‘ MISSIONARY CHURCH 9.45 ST. MATTHEWS UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. James Burn, B.A., 3.1). TU. 4-5526 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1964 10.30 am. â€"â€" Worship Servico Sunday Church School â€" 9.15 am. -â€" Primary. Junior Intermediate (Crosby School) 10:30 a.m. - Nursery Kindergarten (Crosby School) 11:35 am. â€" Senior BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. Vanderbent. Pastor Tel.: Richmond Hill. TU. 4.3153 Heise Hm (Gormley) 10 am. â€" Sunday School ‘11 am. â€" Worship Service ‘730 pm. -â€"- Evening Service ‘Wed. 7.45 p.m.-Prayer Meeting Hope â€" 9:45 :3 Mapleâ€" Sunday School . . . . . . 9.45 8 Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11: Kindergarten. Nursery and Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . 11: Minister Rev. Ralph C. Williams, B.A. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1964 Concord at Public School Rev. A. W. Helse. Pastor Tel. 285-5002 ‘10 am. â€"- Sunday School ‘11 am. â€"â€" Worship Service Tues.. 8 pm. â€" PrLyar Meeting Vaughan (3rd Can}, 2 miles nérth of Concord) 11.15 am. â€" Wors} Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh, Pastor Tel.: Gonnley 5544 10.30 am. â€"- Sunday School _ 11.30 am. â€"â€" Worship Servic. 7.30 pnm. â€"â€" Evening Service Tues.. 8 p.m. ‘â€" Prayer Meetinfl Other Denominations RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL 24 Oak Avenue Services CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL 96 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada TU. 4-4387 Pastor: Rev. P. A. Sorenson SUNDAY 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Worship Service 7 pm. â€"â€" Evangelistic Service Sunday â€" 9.30 am. â€"â€" Remembrance Selj- vice 11 a.m.â€"Bib1e Hour 3: Sunday School 7 pm. â€"â€" Gospel Meeting Tues.. 8 pm. â€" Prayer and TUESDAY 8.30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting FRIDAY 7 pm. â€"â€" Children’s Hour Bible Reading Young people's and ladies' Wed.. 7 pm. â€" Pioneer girl! meetings as announced “Jesus saves and there is no other way" SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH C. R. Neill. Minister Meeting every Saturday Elgin Mills West 14 mile west of Yonge Street' Worship Service 9.20 mm; Sabbath School 10.30 am. A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Rd. & King High Dr. Concord RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood andergglel SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 19“ 10 a.m.â€"Bib1e School 11 am. â€"-Mini5try of the Word Speaker: A. E. Atkinson 7 p.m.â€"Worship and Comv munion. Speaker: A. E. Atkinson All Welcome Sec. AV. 5-5057; Ev. AV. 5-3364 "Rev: A. J. Slater, Minister Church of the Light and Lilo Hour CKFH. 5 pm. Sunday SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1964 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11:30 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship Layman â€" Stanley Campbell Preaching 7 pm. â€"- Evening Worship Minister Preaching Wed. 8 pm ,Rev. L. K. Sider, Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1965 945 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Emmanuel Bible College Service, Conducted by President _ Wideman and Students.â€"â€"A _ Service of Special Interest! 7:30 pm. â€" Evening Service ' Pastor‘s Theme “Victory In _Temptation" Evangelistic Team. February 18-23 “The Word For The World‘ The CAMPBELL-REESE CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH um. â€"â€" Worship Service and Sunday School UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE CHARGE â€" Worship Service 9:45 am. 113m.

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