Folloiving exercises conduct- ed by Marilyn Letcher, two guests from the Curtain Club, Muriel Gillard and Esther Post- lethwaite. will give a short re- sume of the club's history‘ and discuss - with designs and tab- rics - the costumes to be used In the restoration comedy “The Country Wife†- the Curtain Club‘s April production. ’ A skit on "Visitation" was presented. and refreshments served. The next meeting of the Bev- erley Acres Y.W.C.A. Neigh- bours Group will be held this Thursday (February 20) at Beverley Acres School. The general meeting U.C.W. of St. Matthew's Chyrch was on Tuesday church. Mr: and Mrs. Joseph Rabino- witch, Kerrybrook Drive, spent the weekend in London, visit- ing their sons Roydon and David. who are in residence at Western University. Sales 8. Service LTD. 9M4 Yonge St. Richvale 285-1180-285-1189 '60 FORD Classic 660. 4-door sedan, with automatic and radio. This is a how mileage car and must be seen to be ap- preciatcdt $1995 '6] Pontiac Fairlane 500. with automatic and radio. in ebony black. Deluxe. 4-d00r sedan. This is a low mileage car and ex- ceptionally clean. 2-dnnr Strain Chief, with radio. In beautiful \‘inlago maroon. $1595 Sirsslc' 660. 4-door sedan. ,with automatic and white- wall tires. This car carries a 16.000 mile Factory war- ranty. $2395 '60 Rambler BAKER'S Rambler '62 Rambler Sales 8. Service LTD. BAKER'S Refreshmenis will be served SELECT USED CARS '63 $1295 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL - FOR of the United at the Mrs. Graham was born and raised at Carrville in Vaughan Township, moving to Richmond Hill on her marriage to Char- lie Graham who predeceased her ï¬ve years ago. She was a member of Rich- mond Hill United Church and of the United Church Women, Richmond Hill Women‘s Insti- tute. and the Senior Citizens. Descendant of pioneers who settled in the Carrville area in the early 1800‘s Mrs. Sarah Mercie Cook Graham. of 29 Church Street North. Richmond Hill died suddenly at York Central Hospital on Februa- ry 14. Mrs. Chas. Graham Dies Mrs K. Clendenning read a chapter “Making The Grade" from the book “Lift Up Your Heart." Members were sorry to hear of the serious illness of the father of Mrs. B. Brillert, who left on Monday to visit him at his home in Germany. Mrs. Powell. who lives at Carrville Road. is a charter member of the Richmond Hill Senior Citizens Club. and was its first vice-president. At last Thursday's meeting of the Friendship Circle of the Church of St. Gabriel. orders were taken for copper tooling which will begin in two weeks. Coffee was served by Mrs. DJ. Boyle and Mrs. H. Gidd- ings. A teawagon. relic of earlier Miss Lynn Randle hosted a News has been received from days and graCious “Ving - an riding party on Friday last atiMrs. L. Von Besser. Weldrick appeal for which appeared in the Sunnybrook Riding Club. iRoad - at present residing at this column on February 6 -‘ Guests attending were the her winter home in Orlando. has been generously donated tolMisses Colleen Fraser, Jill Mnr- Florida - that she has recently the York Central Hospital byich. Virginia Sutherland and spent several days with friends Mrs. Gayle Powell, and willJFrances Thornhill. lin Tampa. and paid visits to f0110Wing m'inor repaiI‘S. $0011: Following their ride. they Sarasota, Fort Meyers and Le- bc in use by the flower arrang-;returned to Lynn's Kerrybrook high Acres. ers of the hospital, as a mobile‘Drive home for refreshments. flower-arranging-freshening ca- and listened to their favourite The executive of El Shamaly rt. (Beatle records. {Shrine Club. Rameses Temple, :kwkxtrltr Married at Thornhill Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heydens of Ottawa, and Sieg recently. were Corrie Heydens. daughter of Quickert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Quickert of Belleville. The happy couple are pictured as they left the church following the ceremony. Mrs. Graham is survived by Holidaying in the sunny south? Entertaining? Week- end skiing? These and other news items comprise “Life in the Hill“ - the service is free - call the Social Editor Margot Crack at TU. 4-1105. drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. or call in per- sonally - we‘ll be pleased to hear from you. Pretty Winter Wed-ding Rev. Maurice S. Flint will he the speaker at the seven o'- clock service Sunday evening at the Anglican Church of St. Gabriel. Richmond Hill East. He will be the second speaker in a very interesting and active programme for the Lenten season at this church. Mr. Flint is director of chap- laincy services. Ontario Depart- ment of Reform Institutions and co-ordinator of treatment processes. Ontario Women's Guidance Centre. Brampton. He was born in London. Enz- Reform Department Chaplain Sunday Speaker int w i l l h o Funeral service was held at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge Street North, on Mon~ day with interment in Maple cemetery. Rev. C. G. Higginson a son Merlyn of Roseview Ave- nue and four grandchildren, Steven. Robbie. Jim and Pa- tricia. Her son Donald went to Britain before the outbreak of World War II in 1939 and be: came a tail gunner in the Royal‘ Air Force. He gave his life‘ during the “Battle of Britain". was the ofï¬ciating clergymen and pallbearers were Albert Hill, Dr. W. J. Mason, Charles Hardwick and three nephews. Clifton. Nelson and Harold Graham. The next meeting of the WA will be on March 2. The main item on the agenda was the spring luncheon which will be held on April 1 - the guest speaker being Miss Kin Izumi from Kyoto, a well known Japanese flower arranger, who trained in the Misho Ryu School in Japan. The W.A. executive of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church met at the home of the president, Mrs. G. Carmichael. The set for the play “The Little Hut.†designed by Pete Shore, son of the Maple cor- respondent. Toby Shore, is tru- ly a work of art. The entire stage has been transformed in- to a tropical isle, with palm trees. blue lagoon, rocks, trop- ical-flowers and a sandy beach. Realism? Decidedly - it made me want to dash home and get my bikini! Its the time of year when many of us dream of holiday- ing on a tropical isle - but that's as far as it goes! The next best thing is right here in Richmond Hill - a visit to the C‘rtain Club Theatre (Photo by Lagerq uist) land. and received his early ed- ucation in the public and pri- vate schools in that country. Af- ter graduation from Tyndale Hall. Bristol. he was ordained to the ministry of the Church of England in St. Paul's Cath- edral London in 1936 and pro- ceeded to Canada to undertake missionary work. He served as a missionary to the Eskimos of Baffin Land until 1941. In that year he was commis- sioned as a chaplain in the Royal Air Force and remained In the services until 1945. He Mr. H. Bryan. convenor ofil the Valentine bridge and euchre, party. presented Father Robin-l son with a cheque. Mrs. R. so Baldock urged the members of Fe the C.W.L. to support the work Hi of the Guide leaders. Mrs. V. m Hanna, education convenor‘ re- m ported on the public speaking‘ contest. Mrs. McArthur, welfare (.0 convenor. thanked the mem- so bers who phoned for the Red my Cross blood donors clinic. C. m; W.L. members will canvass for th‘ the Canadian Cancer Society's ï¬v drive for funds. . lnr. President H. O'Toole closed the meeting and coffee was served. On February 15 some of the members of the Richmond Hill branch of the Churcl. of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) met at the home of Bill and Helen Calder, then went to Thornhill community pond for some skating. They then returned to Calder's for refreshments. The conveners of the Rich- mond Hill Chapter of the I.O.D. E. met at the home of Mrs. Stephanie Barnes on Wednes- day evening to discuss plans for their annual Hyacinth Bridge to be held in the Lions Hall on April 1. Mr. Fred Bodin. a social worker with the York Hospital Mental Health Clinic in New- market was guest speaker at the monthly meeting of Our Lady Queen of the World C. W.L. Mr. Bodin was introduced by Father F. Robinson and thanked by Mrs. J. McArthur. munuum“mumnuuumummuumumuununuuumnmumun Thornhaven School on Cen- tre Street is all set for the an- nual clothing and rummage sale to be held on February 29 from 2 â€" 4:30 pm. The Engineers Wives held a Valentine party for residents of York Manor on February 13. A sing song was led by Mrs. Pat King, with Mrs. Pat Spark of Newmarket. at the piano. A cake donated by Margaret Wat- son, served with ice cream was enjoyed by all. The date has been 1 forward a month as the ( itee is aware of the gre mand for heavy clothing For further informatién, call Mrs. J. Arnold Price at 884â€" 3674. A short business meeting followed at the home of Mrs. Spark, Millard Avenue. Mllllllllll\Nlllllllllllll!\lIllIlllllulllllluulllllllll|lllllll\|llllllllllllllh Teachers Go To School Shrine Club, Rameses Temple, accompanied by their wives. were visitors on Sunday last at the Thornhaven School and the Thornhaven A d n It Training Centre on Centre Street East. Vice President John Cuth- bertson and Past President Jack Harrop, along with others in the party, expressed great in- terest in the many facilities of- fered by this local school. News has been received fromiRJ-l. Senior Citizens Mrs. L. Von Besser, weldrick Attention Senior Citizens! A Road - at present residing at “members only" euchre will be her winter home in OrlandO, held in the day centre, 12 Cen- Florida - that she has recently tre Street East. on February 26 spent several days with friends at 1330 DJ“- in Tampa, and paid visits to Th report of the last meet- Sarasota, Fort Meyers and Le- ing will be in next weeks issue hiuh Anna: Of “The Liberal." Topic for the day was “the new mathematics" and the theme speaker was Professor W. B. MacLean. professor of methods in mathematics at the Ontario College of Education. I All present participated In discussion groups and watched demonstration les- sons being taught. Lunch was served by the WA. of St. Gabriel Angli- can Church. All members of staff of the six public schools in Richmond Hill and visitors from surrounding areas and secondary schools were present. “Professional Develop- ment Day†was held Febâ€" ruary 14 at Crosby Heights Public School. been moved as the comm- the great de- later graduated from l'niversity College, Toronto. with a B..â€"\. degree; from Wycliffe College with a Licentiate in Theology and proceeded to Boston Uni- versity. Massachusetts. to com- plete a master‘s degree in Sac- red Theology. In 1963 he com- pleted the requirements of a Doctor of Philosophy degree in psychology and pastoral care. Mr. Flint has had many years of experience as a parish priest and has done considerable work as a pastoral and marriage counsellor. He is also experienc- ed as a group therapist. He is York Choraliers are spon- soring a concert Wednesday, February 26, at Richmond Hill High School auditorium at 8.15 pm. in aid of York Central Hospital. Members of this choral group come from Maple.' Toronto, Scarboro, Markham and Auro- ra. with representatives from many places in between, hence the name "York". Organized ï¬ve years ago the group has presented parts 1 and 2 of Handel's Messiah. the Christ- mas Cantata “Bethlehemâ€, taken part in music day at the ONE every year, assisted at innu- merable concerts and has pro- vided the musical part of church anniversary services in more than 20 churches. All of this for no remuneration â€"â€" just 'for the love of singing and helping other people. Once again they wish to help â€" this time the York Central Hospital â€" and they will be i Guest Speaker Mr. Helmsley was born in Toronto and attended Model School and the University of Toronto. receiving his degree in geography. He was a squad- ron-leader with the RCAF dur- ing World War 2 both in Eng- land and North Africa. T.V. Highlights Parks in Kenya and East Af- rica will be A. F. Helmsley’s subject at the Friday, February 21, meeting of Richmond Hill Naturalists. His talk will be il- lustrated by coloured slides. Deborah Stoness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Stoness, Mc- Convey Drive will be guest on “Tiny Talent Timeâ€, televised over Channél 11. next Sunday at 4:30 pm Deborah is a pupil of ballet teacher, Audrey Parker, Palm- er Avenue. Singers, Musicians, Bells Feature Feb. 26 Concert Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redel- meier entertained prior to at- tending the Hootenany held at Wrixon Hall on February 11. Rev. F. James Burn minister of St. Matthew's United Church began a series on Sunday of Lenten sermons on “Prayer with the basis of Prayer." Other subjects will be “The Guests included Judge Geor- ge Sweeny and Mrs. Sweeny, Mr. and Mrs. D. Douglas Cram- pton and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ber- esford Anderson. This' popular Gilbert and Sullivan light opera opened in London on Wednesday of this week, and will run till Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Purvis, Bridgeport Street. will be at- tending the Western Universi- ty‘s produotion of “The Pirates of Penzance†on Saturday - their son Peter. playing the comedy lead. Major General Stanley. Other subjects will be “The Habit of Prayer. The Elements of Prayer, The Power of Prayer. and the Master's Prayer." Members of the Delta Lam- bda Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi visited the Picasso and Man art exhibit at the Toronto Art Gallery on February 4. There were varied opinions about Pablo Picasso‘s work. but it was agreed it was a stimulat- ing eveningr Before returning to the Hill, members gathered at a restaur- ant for refreshments. A. F. HELMSLEY author of a number of books. both in English and the Eski- mo language. For the past 10 years he has been a part-time chaplain at Mercer Reforma- tory and has been largely res- ponsible for the development of the treatment process amongst the addict population there. Recently he was appomted director of Chaplaincy services for the Department of Reform Institutions of Ontario and is responsible {or the co-ordina- tion of the treatment proces- ses at the Ontario Women's Treatment Centre. Brampton. An interesting variety con- cert is promised including such artists as the Diamond Bellâ€" ringers; Patricia Coulter, a contralto rose bowl winner and ï¬nalist at the ONE; Nickolaus Kalthler, bass baritone from Kitchener, ï¬nalist and senior scholarship winner at the Ex in 1962 and 1963. Headliner will be the 1963 winner of the Eastern Canada Accordion Championship, Joe Macerollo, who competed for the Coupe Mondiale at Baden Baden, West Germany, last fall. able to help. with your assisâ€" tance by attending Wednesday night's programme. The choraliers will present a ladies‘ chorus, a trio. and will sing nine numbers as a choral group. Many of these have never been sung before in pu- blic by the group. Allvin all it should be a most enjoyable evening for everyone. Mrs. Heather Harris, radio and television convenor. report- ed that she and Mrs. Rita Szel- er attended a conference on communication on February 8 at the Catholic information centre. Congratulations were extended to Mrs. L. Evans who at the annual meeting on Feb- ruary 7, was presented with a scroll in recognition of her work for the Red Cross. The regular monthly meeting of the C.W.L. of St. Mary Imâ€" maculate Church was held on February 17 with the President Mrs. C. Battles presiding. Father F. McGinn spoke to the members "regarding the building program for the new church, and also explained fur- ther changes to come in the liturgy. The C.W.L. regional orator- ical contest will take place on February 23 at St. Mary Imm- aculate School. Members were urged to attend the regional meeting in Thornhill on Feb- ruary 27. are privileged to have as Channel 6 programme “Flash- guest speaker, MiSs Muriel back" on Sunday last. Jackson, deaconeSS to the Dow-l * * Ir 1: ntown Church Workers. She More volunteer drivers will be giVing an “IUStrated ad" are needed to drive patients dress on the work of this or- from the Richmond Hill ganization in the downtown area to the mental health DariSheS 0f T0F0m0- 7 clinic at Newmarket. If you A Spiritual bouquet will be uwu‘ pu-ice 1n graces one an( presented to Father J. Markle‘seven w111 be demonstrated. in appreciation of his worki * * * * done in this parish prior to his‘“ Mr- and Mrs. Frank Waarl “AAI. 0...! 1|)!â€" _.....I In“- 1-1.- departure this week to Ajax All ladies are invited to at- tend this meeting. Pictured above are (left to right) Dennis Thatcher (Phillip), Jerry Diakiw (Henry), John Diakiw (native) and Elisabeth Jackson (Susan). The play which opened on Wednesday, can be seen at the Curtain Club Theatre on February 20, 22, 25-29. Tickets may be obtained by calling Louise Queen at TU. 4-3595. An interesting triangle plus a native on a romantic isle â€" all add up to a comedy situation that Richmond Hill audiences will enjoy when they attend the Curtain Club production of “The Little Hutâ€. was appomted The Little Hut Of special importance and [interest to the parents of child- ren in grades one, six and sev- en will be the next meeting of Pleasantville Home and School Association on February 24 at 8:15 pm. H.E. Totton, master teacher of mathematics for the York Central District High' School Board, will speak to the group about “New Mathemat- ics." l The young people of St. Mary's Anglican Church will .feature a film and discussion on Alcoholism after Evensong next Sunday night. A film â€"â€" “Here‘s To Your Health" will be shown. Secondary Teachers Conference Feb. 21 Mr. and Mrs. Waarbroek will return to Richmond Hill after a four week stay in Los Angel- es. Mr. and Mrs. Wintjes how- ever extend their trip and go from California to Mexico. From there they fly to Columbia S.A. where a two week visit with Mr. and Mrs. Berkenfeld is planned. From there they go for an eight day visit to Curacao which is one of the A.B.C. islands and part of the Dutch West Indies. The final goal for the trip is Holland where Mr. and Mrs. Wintjes will stay for five weeks before coming back to Canada. The trip will take about a week which includes time for the Grand Canyon and a short stay in Las Vegas. Secondary School students from Richmond Hill. Thornhill and Woodbridge will be excus- ed from attending classes Feb- ruary 21 while their teachers attend an annual professional development conference at Huron Heights Secondary School in Newmarket. Arrange- ments have been made for in- terested students to visit local schools for first hand experien- ce in teaching at the element- ary school level. 'Others will visit the University of Toronto and similar institutions of high- er learning. The purpose of the conferen- ce is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas on teaching methods and curriculum de- velopment. 425 teachers are ex- pected to attend from the twelve secondary schools in district 3’1. Co-author of some of the new mathematics texts, Mr. Totton will show the significance of the new mathematics and its place in the elementary school. Some of the new concepts and their place in grades one and seven will be demonstrated. District'sl of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation will have Dr. Marcus broek and Mr. and Mrs. John Wintjes left Richmond Hill on Saturday for a trip to Califor~ nia, Long as their guest speaker at the conference. Dr. Long is head of the philosophy depart- ment at the University of To- ronto. All young people of the par- ish are invited. More volunteer drivers are needed to drive patients from the Richmond Hill area to the mental health clinic at Newmarket. If you can assist in this much needed service, please pho- ne Mrs. l-l.G. Lumsden, 884- 3924. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 20th, 1964 11 The remainder of the even- ing was planned as a “fun night†with games being played and refreshments served. The Allenbrae Branch of the Yor“ Central Hospital Auxiliary he] Ieir annual general meet- ingr a: the home of Mrs. A.M. Campbell. Thirty-seven mem- bers were present. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. D.S. Bruce, {103 Allencourt Ave.. on March There was a short business meeting at which it was deci- ded, Mrs. May Maitland will remain chairman for another year. Mrs. Elva Geldart, secre- tary, Mrs. Evelyn Lazenb‘y, treasurer and Mrs. Mary Camp- bell the new co-chairman re- placing Mrs. Shirley Bruce. SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘Wight’s Pharmacy, All opular makes on hand Day or Evenings. TU. 4-1745 Special Students’ Rates Mod eatina s: *gA-r sAvmesl Pork Shoulders lb. 39¢ SIDE BACON Ib. 59¢ Beef Hinds Brisket Plate lb. 19¢ BAYVIEW PLAZA WING and SIRLOIN LEAN FRESH SLICED RINDLESS LEAN. BONE IN FOR YOUR FREEZER m RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 26th. 1964 8:15 pm. Tickets $1.00 ' Proceeds In aid of York Central Hospital L. H. SIMS Patricia Coulter . Nickolaus Kaithler . NELS GAGE THE YORK CHORALIERS present a STEAKS lb. 59¢ Diamond Bell Ringers VARIETY CONCERT Weekend guests at the home fof Mr. and Mrs. D. Featherst- onhaugh, Arnold Crescent, were Mr. and Mrs. Yvon Tasse from Montreal. (‘UT & WRAPPED Mr. “.11. Dymond, 267 Had- ale Road. was inducted Into the session of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church last Sun- day at the morning service. in that presbytery, conducting preaching services where there was no ministerial supply. He is also executive secretary of the Children‘s Aid Societies of On- tario. Mrs. 11.“. MacKay entertain- ed at a luncheon on Tuesday last for Mrs. Stan Pipher, who has recently taken up residence on Arnold Crescent. Mr. Dymond was ordained to the eldership in the presbytery of Lanark and Renfrew where he did extensive mission work in many of the vacant churches His valued experience will be a considerable asset to the ses- sion of the local church. Two events at St. Matthew's United Church on March 1 will he a display and programme on India. given by the C.G.l.T. and Explorer Mission from 2-4 pm. and at 7 pm. a missionary movie “Two Brothers Have I". will be presented by the Hi-C. Everyone cordially invited to attend. The new long playing recor- ding nf “Kicking My Dawg†by the Lowlanders. has just been released. and is now av- ailable in local stores. - are graduates of Richmond Hill High School, now attend- ing Western University. St. Mary's Anglican Church Couples Club will meet for their usual monthly meeting on February 22 at 8:30 pm. in Wrixon Hall. This is a box lunch and cards night. Two of the Lowlanders - Peter Purvis and Bruce Wilson On a business trip to Rich- mond Hill on' Wednesday of last week. was Mr. Charles Heise of Welland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardin- er have returned to Sturgeon Lake to begin preparation of their property there for the summer season. The sidesmen of St. Mary's Anglican Church will hold their Lenton Corporate Communion and Breakfast next Sunday at Mrs. Dennis Thatcher. Jacey Anne Blvd. left on Friday for an extended stay with her sis- ter in San Francisco. February 21 is Professional Development Day for York Central High School Board. Teachers and the students have been given the day off. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Kenneth Crosby. Yonge Street South. in the death of her mother Mrs. Robert H. Attrell of Scarboro. Open house will be held May at Bayview Secondary School contralto bass baritone TU. 4-7691 lb. 45¢