Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Feb 1964, p. 16

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‘f Baptist Church ? Annual Meeting 80 ladies Attend; Day Of Prayer, J. C. Gall and Mrs John Shaw, Trinity Anglican: Mrs. G. I. Stephenson and Mrs. T. C. Har- rington. United: Mrs. Alex Mc- Clumpha, Presbyterian: and Mrs. P. C. Jordon, Langstaff Baptists. In a brief meditation on pray- er, Mrs. Johnston said that prayer helps in chronic and sudden difficulties. and it some- times needs the united effort of friends to bring someone to the plac of help and healing. Those present asked to pray, not only for those in far-off places, but also for our neigh- hours. Following the service there was a “get aquainted" session at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Johnston, next door; tea was served by the ladies of Thom- hill Baptist Church. ggzallenge The women's association had raised $1000 towards purchase of a new organ. soon to be in- stalled. The extra cost was ap- proved In an increased budget of $18,000. Looking towards the future, the purchase of a new ute is under consideration. Special tributes were paid to Mrs. Minton Johnston for her Work as chairman of the Christ- fan education department and to Dr. Johnston for his inspir- ing leadership. Thornhill Bap- tists go forward with confidence with the motto "Give more in '64" (time, talents, and money). Mrs. Betty Slinn sang with feeling, “0 brother man. fold to thy heart thy brother." ably assisted by Mrs. H. Hewlett at the piano. THE Ross Knight called the meet- ing to order and welcomed those present. Dr. Minton John- ston conducted a brief devotion- al period: Ken Hall then took the chair to conduct the busin- ess session. Following an excellent dinn- er, prepared by the ladies of the church, a large number of members assembled for the an- nual meeting of Thornhlll Bap- tist Church on February 11. Encouraging reports were heard from all departments, the youth work being favoured with some specially fine lead- ers. "Let us pray" was in the hearts and minds of some 80 women from the various Pro- testant churches in Thornhill as they gathered in the Bapt- ist church for the Women's World Day of Prayer services. Written this year by Dr. Mad- eleine Barot of Geneva. Switz- erland. the programme was ar- ranged so that someone from each church could take part. Mrs. Arthur Lennie led the worship: others taking part were. Mrs. W. Smook and Mrs. M. C. Johnston, Baptist: Mrs. 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Onjario, ThuI‘SdaY. Feb. 20th, 1964 'ancer NATIONAL DEATH RATE . . . There has been a slight but steady rise in the nation~ 31 cancer death rate, In 1940, the number of cancer deaths per 100,000 population was 122; in 1950 it was 128; by 1961 it had risen to 130. Much of the increase in men was due to lung cancer. Thornhill and District News Pictured above are members of the newly elected executive of Richvale Lions Club taken following their installation at a recent meeting held at Bayview Plaza Restaurant. Back row (left to right): Cec. Turnbull, director; Norm Lenton, director; Dick Green- field, Lion tamer; Brian Bailey, director, and William Jordan, greeter. Front row (same order): George Bowden, 3rd vice-president; Bruce Wark, 1st vice- president; John Bailey, president; Ted Bailey, secretary, and George Woods, treasurer. Absent when picture was taken are Karl Van der Sluis, director; L_o_rne Boswell, 2nd vice-president, and Norm Alexander, tail twist er. TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 Richvale Lions Executive Mark-Vaun Women’s Institute entertained the teachers and children at Thornhaven School on February 14. A luncheon was served by seven members and the children enjoyed hot dogs, cookies and ice cream. Each child took home a bag of candy and a valentine. The teachers were served sandwiéhes cup cakes and cookies. The children presented each member with a pair of hand woven pot-holders which they make at the school. Socials The annual board meetingwill be held at the Y.W.C.A. in‘ Toronto on March 2. Mrs. N.‘ Hicks acted as secretary in the! absence of Mrs. A. Page. Mrs. V. Drew, convenor of the Twe~ edsmulr history, gave an inter- esting talk on the past history of Langstaff, Members are SET: ving a St. Patrick’s tea for the‘ senior citizens on March 18 at‘ Thornhill. Valentine Party Mr. and Mrs. George Bradley visited with Mrs. Thompson in Tweed on Sunday. Miss Carole Rider was sight- seeing at Niagara Falls on Sun- day. Mark-Vaun WJ. The February meeting was held Thursday at the home of Mrs. Anne Maier. Seven mem- bers and one guest were pres- ent. Correspondent: Mrs. Aleta Campbell 122 Garden Ave. Phone AV. 5-4704 LANGSTAFF NEWS "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thomhill is Mrs. Margaret McLean. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. :Mar. 12-13 Da‘te‘ ?Of Science Fair; nummmnmmul\\mnmuummumlmumuummuuuuuummu Robert Herman The second annual science fair for the Township School Area of Vaughan will be held at Roselawn Public School Mar- ch 12 and 13. The fair this year will take the form of a display rather than a competition. No judging will be done at either the Vau- ghan Township fair or at the York County fair, which will be held in Aurora on April 16,17 and 18. In multi-roomed schools one exhibit will be permitted from each classroom - - - in smaller schools three exhibits will be al- lowed from grades 1, 2 and 3; grades 4, 5 and 6; and grades 7 and 8. Individual entries are being encouraged as well as class projects. Malcolm McRoberts, of Pow- ell Road School. and his comm- ittee hope that the response will be even better than last year and that all exhibits will be taken to the county fair. The finals of the public speaking contest held in the five schools of Town- ship School Area No. 1 Markham were held at Woodland Public School on February 12. First prize winner was Robert Herman of Hender- son Avenue Public School. Beverley Wybrow of Bay- vlew Glens School took second place and third spot. went to llze Petersen of Henderson Avenue School. Winner Area Public Speaking Mr. and Mrs. Longstaff and Irving Longstaff, Duncan Road, left Friday morning to visit relatives in Connecticut, arriv- ing home Monday night. A. Murch, principal of the new secondary school which will be open at Langstaff in the fall was guest speaker Feb- ruary 10 at Charles Howitt School. Mr. Murch told of the courses which will be available at the new school. Socials Birthday greetings are exten- ded to Mrs. E. Graine, 16th Ave. who will celebrate her birthday On February 22. Team standings in the East Richvale mixed league as of February 11 are: Rumrunners 25, Jetstones and Wellwishers 24, Gones 22, Petticoats 21, Sluggers 18, Nonames 17. Silver dollars were won by Mary Col- vin 737 and Hedley Tripp 682. Other three highs were Norma Brettell 710 and June Philips 755 for the ladies, and for the men, John Hills 711 and Jack Chianetti Jr. 740. On February 10 at Roselawn School, Sharon Geiger of Char- les Howitt School won the pub- lic speaking contest for Vaughan Township. Congratulations to Sharon and all the other con- testants. Bowling News Mrs. Pat Mahew won the door prize at the dance Febru- ary 15. School News (Photo by Barbour) Richvale News Correspondent: Mrs. Anne Hewitt, 78 16th Avenue TU. 4-7645 L“ The Thornhill branch of the 'Canadian Cancer Society met ‘on February 10 at the home of 'Mrs. M. Walker and the 1964 ffecutive was installed in of- me. Darlene Haley of Clarke Ave- nue celebrated her 7th birth- day on February 9. Although her birthday falls on February 10 the party was held a day early as that was her grandmother's birthday and they celebrated together. Socials Mrs. Mowat passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs. William Chard in Inglewood on February 1. Mr. Mowat is temâ€" porarily residing in Inglewood. Doncaster Community Ladies Club euchre and bridge mara- thon in aid of Thornhill and district hockey got under way with 68 players The February meeting of the club was held at the home of Mrs. C. Jordan. Morgan Avenue. Plans were made to celebrate the 17th anniversary of the club with a party in March. The community was sadden- ed on hearing of the passing of one of their senior citizens and long time resident, Mrs. Anâ€" gus Mowat, 88 Morgan Avenue. Ladies Club No School Site Needed The Red Knights clobbered the hapless Red Wings to the tune of 11-1, while the cham- pion Golden Hawks noundod out a 10-2 victory over third place Calypsos. Calypso Kings meet the Hawks again this week at 6:30 and at 7:30 the Red Wings and Red Knights go at it. After these contests the pol- ished-up Thornhill Juvenile “Calypso Kings" will battle to even up the 4-0 score they were tagged with Monday night when they played the Stayner juven- ile club in an O.M.H.A. play- down game. The proposed subdivision will contain only six lots, and is located in Thornhill south of No. 7 Highway, east of the Pres- byterian Church, it was explain- ed at Thursday night’s board meeting. The ladies enjoyed a film from the “Heart Fund." Several members volunteered to can- vass in the heart fund campaign. It is presumed that “The Beatles" were responsible for a lot of player juggling in the Thornhill and District Hockey Club house league Sunday ev- ening. The Red Wings. Golden Hawks and Calypso Kings each had only eight of their 11 play- ers present. In the house league standings the undefeated Golden Hawks hold first place with 22 points, Red Knights are second with 10 and in third position with seven are the Calypso Kings. Red Wings are in the cellar with three points. No school site will be requizfl ed in the draft plan of propos- ed subdivision of part of lot 30, concession 1, Vaughan Township School Area Board has notified the Department of Education. Cancer Society Furniture, Pianos, Pet Stock â€" Anything! Advertise in the Want Ads For Fast Action Every Thursday TU. 4-1105 DONCASTER Correspondent David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 Community Happenings In Thornhill The members of the Parish Guild of Holy Trinity invite you to attend their opportunity sale of good used clothing and other useful items to be held in the old parish hall on Saturday af- ternoon, February 29 starting at 1:30 pm. The newly elected offic- ers are, President J. B. Maver, Vice President Mrs. J. Robinson, Treasurer A. Muir, Secretary Mrs. G. Toms, Campaign Manager Mrs. M. Walker, Education Convener Mrs. M. C. John- ston. Women’s Service Convener Mrs. J. J. Mar, Kay. Plans for the forthcoming financial campaign were dis- cussed and a new type of enve- lope was submitted for consid- eration. A Unit meeting has been called for February 24 at the home of President Maver to organize the campaign. St. Luke's News At the February meeting of the St. Luke's C.W.L., Presid- ent Mrs. V. V. Demarco remind- ed the members that St Luke’s will be hostess for the York County Regional C.W.L. meet- ing on February 27. Social Convener Mrs. M. Mar- tyniuk advised the members that coffee would be collected this month for the Good Shep- herd Refuge for men on Queen Street East, Toronto. Mrs. D. Cheseldine announc- ed that the winners of the ora- torical contest, Susan Mallon and Francis Oster will take part in the regional contest on Feb- ruary. 23 at St. Mary Immacul- ate School, in Richmond Hill. Members were also reminded of the conference on communi- cations at the Catholic Informa- tion Centre on February 8. Guest speaker for the day was Mrs. Bonnie Brennan of the National Catholic Communi- cation Centre, who was intro- duced by Mrs. D. Cheseidine. She outlined the work of the newlyâ€"formed communications centre which serves the whole of Canada. She also stressed the importance of studying and evaluating films and T.V. prog-‘ rams in order to guide the‘ family’s selection intelligently: After a lively question period} Mrs. J. Loughran thanked Mrs. Brennan for her talk. Refresh-i ments were served by Mrs. R.‘ Brunott. The C.W.L.’s annual spring card party will be held on Ap- rll 15. Plans for it will be dis- cussed at the next meeting on March 2. Thornhill United Church News Holy Trinity News Wherever Canadians live and work, a local chartered bank is nearby-a familiar, friendly source of financial services. Banking in Canada has been brought to people as in few other countriesâ€"the proportion of banking centres to population is among the highest in the world. Every day more customers become aware that a chartered bank can not only guard their savings, cash their cheques and' make loans, but help in many “I’m going across to the bank for a minute” THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY through full-range banking responsive to growing, changing needs The Sacrament of Baptism Thomas. Ontario and was intro- was administered on February duced by Mrs. W. McGowan1 9 to Janet Mary Dowdall. daugh- who has known her family for‘ tier of Mr. and Nflrs. J. E. Dow- many years_ all; Kimberley ohn Marshall, The c_(;__ _ ,- daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. IT g1 15 gave the Marshall; Michael James Port- er. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Porter; and John Robert Scott. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Scott. Wearing a beautiful blue silk‘ sari, Miss Rosser demonstrated; the many uses to which it could‘ be put -â€"- from making a cradle‘ for the baby to a pair of Ber- muda shorts; from costumes for nativity plays to a backdrop for scenery. The members of the congrega- tion are invited to see the col- our motion picture entitled “The Visitor" on Sunday even- ing, February 23 at 7:30 pm. Men of the congregation are reminded of the first meeting of the new men’s club which will take place on Monday Feb- ruary 24 at 6:45 pm. The members of the C.G.I.T. joined with the Anna Buck Mis- sion Circle of Thornhill Baptist Church on February 5. to wel- come Miss Jessie Rosser. mis- sionary home on furlough from India. Baptist Church News Miss Rosser teaches at al school of about 800 pupils ini India and Showed interesting pictures of the school and its pupils, explaining the difficult- ies many of the Hindu girls face if they want to become Christians. CARL E. HILL. M.D., M.0.H STOUFFVILLE : Peach’s Uni- ted Church will be closed at the end of June, it was decided by a vote of the congregation. The church is located on con- cession 7, Markham Township, and was erected in 1890. AURORA : Hydro workers have erected cross-walk signs in town. Aurora Jaycees initiated the 'campaign to have these signs put up. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK Tuberculln Positive Epidemiologists reckon that of 100 persons positive to tuberculin 5 will break down â€" law of averages. In adolescents the rate is 10 per 100 which should cause a special alert but no panic. Have a chest x-ray taken after a positive tub- erculin test and follow your Doctor’s instructions re care, sleep, nutrition, etc. Miss Rosser is a native of St‘ SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA m msmumcn o Anton-m1 i new ml 8 mm mu: 3 axon: mom A copy a] the Annual Report [or 196.! I: being sent to policyhon Copies may also bu obtained from any ol 3M Company'l 150 branch ofllm coal: to coast Fluciuation ingecurity Values. . And: at December 315:. . . . . . . .. Beneficiariésunu......... New LAY: Inwranu. ..... . .. Total Life Insurance in Force. Income..................... Sure/us, infillding Rama/Dr Paid M_Pgliqybolders and The amount of individual insurance sold increased by 8.3% over the previous year. Increases in the dividend scale and growth of business in force result in dividends to participating policyholders in 1964 totalling $50.9 million, the largest amount in the Company’s 93 year history, Sun Life representatives sold $1.18 billion of life insurance in 1963. Group life insurance amounted to $333 million and individual life insurance to $850 million. other ways too. They find new banking services being introduced, others being changed, improved or enlarged. For example: personal money orders, life-insured loans, company payroll plans, night de- positories, banking by mail, safety deposit boxesâ€"tho list could go on and on. The local branch of the bank is the one place where you’ll find complete banking facilitiesâ€"all under one roof. Mr. L. G. Sowten, C.L.U., Branch Manager, Eglinton Branch, 191 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto 12, Ontario. Wampum/within Poflcythationgblfir YOU devotional and sang "Come (" to my heart, Lord Jesus"? English and Telugu. Mrs. Goadsby was in charge of U! refreshments. .. S 217,088,000 1,183,726,000 “512,419,000 436,971,000 171 £13,000 2.698.465.000 I963 481-5296 s 199,884,000 1,128,440,000 10,840,722,000 412,745,000 252,107,000 2,583,033,000 I962

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