At Thornhlll United Church, September 19, Rev. A. I. Hig- gins united in marriage Mar- lene June Jamleson. daughter of Mrs. Floyd Blades and the late Mr. J. Jamieson. and Doug- las George Jackson, son of Mr. end Mrs. George Jackson. Thornhlll. The bride was giVen in marriage by her step-father, Mr. Floyd Blades. and wore a floor-length gown of white or- ganza over taffeta with a scoop neckline and long sleeves. The bodice was decorated with em- bossed flowers which continued down the skirt front. Her el- bow-length veil fell from a pill- box headpiece and she carried I bouquet of white shaggy mums and yellow roses. FOHOWLAG the ceremony, a reception was held in the church hall. The bride'r mo- ther received wearing a tur~ quoise brocade sheath dress with matching three quarter length coat, a feather ha" and matching accessories. The groom's mother chose a sheath style dress of beige brocade with a bolero jacket and match- ing accessories. For the honeymoon trip to the Muskoka district. the bride wore a dark blue and black tweed suit with a white blouse. hat and gloves and black pat- ent bag and shoes. Out of town guests included the bride's grandmother, Mrs. R. Jamieson. of Guelph, Mr. iand Mir: .1’ nnuidcnn nt' Nnrth Attending the bride Were the maid of honor, Miss Ellen Jackson. bridesmaids Marilyn Hewitt and Donna Gordon and junior bridesmaid Sharon Bar- nard. The attendants were dres- Ied alike in knee~length dres- ses of gold colored sada peau with round necklines and drap- ed skirts. Their nosetip veils tell from tiny open pill box hats and they carried bouquets of bronze mums. Best man was Bryan Gra- ham. Ushers Were Steven Jackson and Robert Sl'elmack. Early in September, the first dian National Institute for the ken over as ‘eaders for this executive meeting of the Unit- Blind. Tickets will be sold for group. ed Church Women's League $1. The Explorem are looking for was held at Cedar Glen Uni'y‘t' On September 28. a general three leaders for their most en- Church Conference Centre. meeting of the UCWL was held thusiastic group of young girls. Mrs. Nell Gage presided. A in the church parlor. A tour of Anyone interested is asked to most enjoyable lunch was en- the Cheeseborough Pond's of please contact Mrs. Mackay at joyed in the charming surrc'ind- Canada Ltd. was arranged for Baldwin 1-1241. lugs. October 6. J Mrs. Mackay and 1‘"). Mary Main business was planning "The Indian Market, Place" ba- zaar November from 11.30 am. to 3.80 pm. Box lunches will be Thornhill Secondary School Grads Wed At United Church Sept. 19 United Church On Camber 8 in Hsly Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill. Susan April Mott. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mott, became the bride of Leslie Kerry Buck- ingham and the late Leslie Buckingham of Kincardine. On- tario. Rev. H. R. Howden performed the noon ceremony against a background sf ehrysanthemums. Jean Orr. soloist. sang “The Loi‘d‘s Prayer“ and the “T“en- ty-Third Pgalmâ€. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a long gown of white peau de soie fa- Ihioned an princess lines with (coop neckline. long sleeves and u chgpel train. The skirt and bodies were trimmed with ap- pliqued lace and seed pear‘s. Her elbow-length veil fell from a crown of seed pearls and she carried 1 bouquet of red roses and white earnations. Miss Suzanne Ball was maid of honor and the bridesmaid Was Mrs. Vivien White. Laurie Buckingham, niece of the groom acted a; flower girl. They were short (rocks of Jade velvet with fitted bodices designed with smoocd neck- lines and short sleeves. They curled white and bronze Chry- santhemums. Their short veils She arrived September 26 atâ€" the b.rth of their son. ter a most enjoyable trip with * * it * stopovers in Hawaii and the Mr. and Mrs Gavin Warnock Fiji Islands. After the marriage and daughter Mary Jane, form~ the young couple will take 3 er residents of Thornridge Dr., six week motor trip through have returned from England New Zealand. where they have been residing * * * * for the past three years and are Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Windsor,'now living in the Niagara Falls Thornebank Rd.. and their sons, district. Smoky. their much tra- Douglas and Wrny, returned re- velled dog. has returned with Gently from I ï¬ve-day visit to the family. VMarion left by boat for New Zealand where she is in marry Andrew Woodcock thus month. While there, they lunched Mr. and Mrs. G. Juhl have with Rev. Calvin Chambers and left for New Bedford Mass., his family. well known to‘i where they have taken up resi- Thamhill residents as former'dence. M1s.Juh1 was thefnrm- mlnister,at Thornhill Presby- er Elaine Elvidge of Arnold terlnn Church. Ave. They enjoyed their trip through the Rockies. d†a lot of sightseeing as It was their ï¬rst trip out west. and the wea- ther was delighttul for their six days on the coast. Home from Coast [New York. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Robin- They visited Central Park, Ion, Arnold Avenue. returned Rockefeller Centre and took a recently from their trip to the boat cruise out to the World's west coast, where they travel- Fair. enjoyed a tour of the led with their daughter Marion. United Nations and spent an- They enjoyed their trip other full day out at the (air. through the Rockies. diil : lot One of the highlights of their of sightseeing as it was their trip was an invitation to a pri- first trip out west. and the wea- vate showing of the General tim- was delightful for their six Motors Exhibit. Buckingham - Mott October Wedding Churches, School Groups Offer Active Season Community Happenings In Thornhill Thornhill and District News THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 8, 1964 THORNHILI. lIONS CLUB PHONE 285-3190 Farmers’ Market ent bag and shoes. Out of town guests included the bride‘s grandmother, Mrs. R. Jamieson, of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. J. Davidson of North Bay and Mr. and Mrs. P. Prahm and family from Klrk- land Lake. The ride and groom are both graduates of Thnrnhill Secondary School. Mrs. Jackson graduated on September 10 from the Brantford General Hospital School of Nursing. They are residing it: Kitch- ener where Mr. Jackson is com- pleting his course at the Kitch- ener-Waterloo University and Mrs. Jackson is nursing in St. l v Judee Regan of Thornhill has joined Consumers‘ Gas Com- pany as their new “Betty Bright†in the Richmond Hill area. Miss Regan, a recent household science graduate from University of Toronto’s St. Michael's College will he in charge of home service act- ivities tor the company here and in Brampton. Barrie, Oshawa and Peterhoro. She will also be available for school and women's club cooking demon- strations and for any homemak- ers seeking information on their modern gas appliances. This is the ï¬rst. time the service has been offer d on a local basis in -u, .....v. u, u “an... .n- u" er: Mrs. F Gardhouse and Mrs. A. P. Petrie. a kitchen shower; Mrs. J. Hanna, 3 crystal shower, Mrs. A. Chamberlain and Mrs. Lyle Williams of Leaside, a miscellaneous shower; Mrs. A. H. Leckie and Mrs. W. H. Monk. 3 tea and miscellaneous shower held at the University Womens Club; Mrs. T. W. McGinn a dinner party in Burlington: .1“ . D. J. Snell and Mrs. Moote, a supper party and personal shower: and the grade 1 teach- ers of Willimington .‘chool gave a pizza lunch party. Mrs. G. F. Elwood gave the trouSseau tea at the home of Mrs. F. Gardhouse. 595 Broad- They are residing 1?: Kitch- ener where Mr. Jackson is com- pleting his course at the Kitch- ener-Waterloo University and Mrs. Jackson is nursing in St. Mary's Haspital. served. catered by the Cana- Mrs. Marie (.Jgrnock have taâ€" dian National Institute for the ken over as ‘eaders for this Blind. Tickets will be sold for group. $1. The Explored are looking for October 6. Mrs. Mackay and 1"‘3‘ Mary The election of new CGIT of- Davidson attended a wgrkshnp ficers took nlace this week at of Explorer activities for the their meeting and will be an- Central Presbytery held at New- nounced. Mrs. Jean Bryce and tonbrook United Church Oct. The groom's mother was in a rayal blue dress with gold ac- eessories. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held in the church hall. fell from a circular band of seed pearls. Best man was Harvey Ritchie from Kincardine and John Dob- ell of Wiarton, acted as usher. The bride’s mother wore a pink lace dress on sheath lines with a matching pink hat and bone accessories. , For the honeymoon trip to northern Ontario. the bride wore a pale blue wool suit fa- shioned with a loose jacket and straight shirt. 3 matching hat and navy blue accessories. On their return, the young couple wiu reside in Richmond Hill. Out-of-town guests were Pilot Officer E. Jay and Mrs. Jay from Ottawa, Mrs. George Culâ€" pitt, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Culpitt and Mrs. Vera Calvin, the brid- e's godmother, who flew over from England for the wedding. Those who entertained at miscellaneous shewers for the bride were Mrs. A. Anker and her daughters Elsie and Jos- epha, Miss Suzanne Ball and Mrs. E. Jay of Thornhiil and Mrs. H. Adelson of Downsview. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Y. Fairy. Arnold Ave. on the b.rth of their son. €518 YEARS OF SERVICE" "The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by Its readers in the Thornhlll area. Our representative In Thornhill is Mrs. Jo Crulse who may he reached by phoning 285-3190 MISS JUDEE REGAN Thornhill Girl Is "Betty Bright" For Gas Company Mr. and Mrs. K. Walker.lfor miles. Ireland is a charm- Thornrluge Dr., returned lasting place to spend a holiday. last week after spending six they both agreed. weeks in Ireland. * * * * This was the first trip for Willyanne Mote. 41 Idleswift Mr. Walker and a return one Dr.. who recently graduated for Mrs. Walker who came to from the Hamilton General Canada from Cork as a littleEHospital, has joined the staff of girl. [Northwestern Hospital. She enjoyed getting acquaint- * * * * ed with her many relatives. and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Burgesa, the Walkers were most impress- Thornridtze Dr., returned re- ed with the friendly people and‘cently after spending ï¬ve days well mannered children. Jin New Orleans. They flew via Mr. Walker said it was heart?Chicago for a convention. Richmond Hill Mrs. Mackay and P"3‘ Mary Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKech- Bayview G10“ 53500‘3‘105 Davidson attended a wgrkshnp nie were hosts to the couples New executive for the of Explorer activities for the club recently for a most en-iBayview Glen Association 15 as Central Presbytery held at New- joyable corn roast. Next meet- follows: President Rod McAl- tonbrook United Church Oct. ing will be a bowling night Oc- pine. vice president, Terry ober 3. They spent an entire tober 17. Lynd; treasurer Bert Bertram; day there and found it most Holy Trinity Anglican Church secretary, Mrs. sue Colson; di- rewarding. I The parish guild met in the rector of activities, Walter l S“ Luke’s Catholic Church reception room September 15 to; Reber. rewarding. St. Luke’s Catholic Church The Catholic Women's Lea- gue are sponsoring a wig and The parish guild met in the ‘reception room September 15 to complete plans for the fall. The ladies are asked to make hair fashion show October 271a special note to attend the in the St. Luke's auditorium; by the Rialto Beauty Boutique, Yonge St. in Thornhill. A note {or future refer- ence for all who missed “Lilies of the Field". or for those who would enjoy see- ing it again. there will be two showings open to the public on January 8 at st. Luke's auditorium. Presbyterian Church Royal Doulton display of their new patterns rlctober 16 from 9.30 am. continuing through the day. No charge, coffee and a door prize. This is sponsored by the harmony group of the guild. The bazaar scheduled for November 20 from 730â€"930 p.m. and November 21 from 1-4 p.m. is to be called “In Old 'I‘hornhill". Any donations of New leaders of the COC are six Billy Graham films was pre- Mrs. A. Crawford and Mrs. J. sented October 4. the third Sandever. This group is for film of this series will be shown bays and girls ages six to eight. October 25 at 7 pm. in the Their first meetintz was held parish hall. October 5. The .J_ pgram ir. Four new leaders under Mrs. eludes singing and crafts andon Whitehead have been add- all boys and girls are urged to ed to the Guide troop to cope attend. with the full enrolment; they Mrs. G. Mowat and Mrs. D. K1 are Mrs. Sheila Rounthewaite. Matheson are the new leaders‘Mrs. EV Goodwin. Mrs. Ella for Explorers group and held‘Beal and Mrs. Dorothy Fisher. t‘helr first meeting October 5 The lst and 2nd Brownie at $.15 packs have joined forces for October '7 “as the opening their meetings held on Tuesdays day for CGIT Miss VI. Vander~:at 4.80 pm in the church hall mey and Mrs. R. Stephany the under Mrs J. Mackenzie. "13‘ it again. there Will he The bazaar scheduled for two showings open to the November 20 from 7.30-9.30 Dublin on January 8 at St. pm. and November 21 from Luke's auditorium 1â€"4 pm. is to be called “In Old Presbyterian Church Thornhill". Any donations of Women‘s Missionary Society knitted articles. sewing. pick- will meet at the home of Mrs. 195. jams or jellies would be W. Harper. 41 Johnston Ave.. gratefully accepted. October 20. l The Alpha Group has a movie On October 1‘. the men's clubmght planned for October 30 to dinner will begin at 6.30; Dr.‘see "Pollyanna" starting time is D. P. Rowland will be guesth pom. sharp and there will be speaker on “The Place of theionly one showing. Church in Political Life". i The second in the series of anen‘s Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Harper. 41 Johnston Ave.. October 20. The Thorn-Willow marathon bridge club commenced October 1. This club consists of ladies from Thornhill and WiHowdale, they play once every three weeks and continue on to the end of March. Six Weeks In Ireland October '7 was UM opening day for CGIT. Miss W. Vanden may and Mrs. R. Stephany, the new leaders. have an interesting program planned for the girls. Many parties have been given in honor of one of this season's brides. Katharine Anne Elwood daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. iElwood of New York, whose marriage to Dennis Ross Robin- son. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Robinson takes place in North- lea Unite!“ Church, Leaside. October 10 n 3.30 pm. 1 Among those who have enterâ€" tained are Mrs. W. Huckvale, who gave a pantry shower; Mrs. P. Ardell, Aurora, 3 linen show- er; Mrs. F. Gardhouse and Mrs. They lunelmd at Brennens,§ dined at Arn...uds, Antoines andl Veaux Carre: at the latter a' delightful Irish waiter, Frank Patrick McHugh, served them banana flamboye with a French flourish. By a stroke of luck. Al Hirt and Pete Fountain weâ€â€˜| both in town and they enjoyed: seeing these two perform ï¬rst rate shows. An evening at the Bunny Club, where Blackstone Jr. per- formed amazing magic feats before their eyes and a walk up and down Bourbon Street com- pleted a full five days away. Scouting activities are in full swing with new leaders, an up- dated program and an active group committee, the enthus- iasm is running high. Scout leaders are Robert 01d and Don Willison and Cub leaders are Norman Terry and Ian In- glis. This was their third trip to New Orleans, a number of fav- orite spots were revisited and some new ones discovered. warming to see little boys jump to their feet on the buses for the lady passengers, something that seems to have gone out of vogue in North America. He was particularly interested in the picturesque 13th century built stone hedges which run for miles. Ireland is a charm- ing place to spend a holiday. they both agreed. dinner party in Burlington; .r . D. J. Snell and Mrs. Moote, a supper party and personal shower: and the grade I teach- ers of Willimington .‘chool gave a pizza lunch party. Mrs. G. F. Elwood gave the trousseau tea at the home of Mrs. F. Gardhouse. 595 Broad- way. Leaside on October 3. The second in the series of six Billy Graham films was pre- sented October 4, the third film of this series will be shown October 25 at 7 pm. in the ridge. Tawny Owl under Mrs. J. Mackenzie, Brown Owl, and Mrs. J. Bur- The lst Thornhill Brownie member this Pack went to Camp Samac in Oshawa recently. Brown Owl and Tawny 0w], with Susan Burridge and Kathy Stewart as . their very capable assistants, took 16 Brownies for a most enjoyable weekend. High School. I Mr. Del Grande collaborated Ion the math textbooks being used for the new course. All Parents are urged to attend this interesting meeting. Dr. Murn Walker, president, will preside.‘ New members added to the executive are: secretary. Mrs. Roberts; equipment. Mrs. Shir- ley Bamhridge; parent educaâ€" tion cnnvenor, Mrs. Nancy An- tenacci; publicity, Mrs. F. Mi~ eueci; ï¬eld trip convenar. Mrs. Margaret Corse. Bayview Glen Ausoclation Langstaf! Home Ind School The first general meeting will be held October 13 at 8.15 pm. Speakar for the evening will be John Del Grande. B.A.M.A., head of the mathematic‘depart- ment of Newmarket District Thnrnhill Co-np Nursery Schnol The first field trip will take the children to visit thp Mas- ter Feed Farm on Highway 7 on October 7. First executive meeting of the nursery fchool was held in September at the home ef Mrs. C. Meier. president. Don Gibson, .llm Kellam and John Rumble all star- red on the Thornhlll Sec- ondary School football team for their ï¬ve years at high school Ind are now talking I bit plrt in Varsity foot- blll. Kellam showed up well in the game with Western and played for most of the game. “He’s six feet of solid mus- cle“ said Mr. Seath “and he will have a good six years ahead of him of Varsity football." Kellam, now enrolled in the gener- al science course, intends to go into medicine. Whether or not they get flour with the beautiful girls, three Thornhlll young men Ire well on their way to being football heroes. Gibson and Keliam were among the Varsity squad selected by Coach Dalton White to make the flyinx ml) to Edmonton and they played in the games against the University of Alberta and the Univerâ€" sity of Manitoba. Kellnm, who stands six foot one and weighs in at close to 230 lbs. play- ed tackle lor Thornhill and is doing the same Job for Varsity. “I have no doubt that in I few years he will he an all-star ln intercollegiate football" sta- ted Charles Seath. head of the physical education de- mrtment at Thornhill. Mr. Seath also reported that while at the exhibition game w lth Western, in which all three boys played. Dalton White referred to Kellam as “the best high school linesman I have ever seen." Don Gibson also plays on the line and has been on both the junior and in- termediate teams at War sity. After leaving Thorn- hlll Secondary. he took the physical and health edu- cat‘on course at the U. of ’l'., graduating from this in 1963. Last year he spent a year at Victoria College, majoring in psy- chology. and received his BA. in June. He is now en- rolled in the law school. John Rumble is on the Varsity team for the sec~ and year and plays full~ back. He is in his second year in the physical and health education course. While it is a bit early to say, Mr. Seath thinks Thornhill has a pretty fair team this year. They de- feated Kitchener in a night game two weeks ago and also won a game against Richmond Hill last week. “We certainly miss Kel- lam though." said Mr. Seath. .“You don’t replace a player like thnt in a year.†On October 30, the sec- ond umual conference of the co-op nursery school education workshop will he llLu’. In the Oak Room at Union Station. Member: from all over Canada will he in attendance to ex- change ldea of nursery school programs. Varsity Football WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 Starling Time 8:00 P.M. l Thornhill Mixed nowiim Leagueâ€"Their six teams hld ‘all their lanes humming this week but they are still not pleased and would like to do better. Don Bradley had the men's high triple, with 583 and’ CV Ball had the high single. Other scores were Reg. Sparkes 225, Ken Poole 437 (231, 206), Peter Leahy 201. and Charlie ‘( MacDonald 207. 2 Say! Did you know this cut game of bowling has been around since 5000 B.C. That's what I heard. It‘s never gone out of style especially with the ‘Germans and the Dutch. Dutch settlers brought the game to New York. It was originally played with nine pins but some naughty gamblers tried to take it over during the 19th century. So the law stepped in and that was the end of that. A tenth pin was added and the game of bowling goes on. I think it will be around for a long time yet. The Thornhill Sport. Scene naturally slows down just be- fore Thanksgiving, How can people think of anything but turkey, pumpkin pies. autumn leaves and the necessity of clos- ing their summer cottages as the great holiday approaches. After Thul’mgiving is over, watch their smoke though as they swing back into the rou~ tine of their favorite sport. Thornhill Ladies Afternoon Group â€"- June Faliis was the high shooter for the afternoon with 503. Fran Clark was the high single, 227. Marg. F1em~ ing piled up a score of 440 for three games and Jean Smith had 482 for three games. Joy Pritchard had 432 for three games. High shooter for "1e ladies wds Diane Leahy with 515, and Jean Smith, the high single with 209. Other scorers in the. singles were Jane Ball 205 and Eva Hingley. Team standing as of Om. l: Gord Sweezy 9 and John Mac- Donald 9. HOCKEY The Thornhill Church r')c- key League is getting ready to round up their players for the coming season. I think they are all thanking their stars for the Vaughan Doublerink this year. Think of all those trips to Bradford last year. Provis- ion is made for boys who do not attend church but live in the Thornhill area to be mem- bers of these teams provided there are vacancies in the ap- popriate section and after all boys from the participating churches are placed. There will be three pre-l season tryouts on the following dates. October 17, 24 and 31. The first League game will be} held November 7. The church-‘ es who will form this inter- church‘ league will be Thorn- hill United, Holy Trinity Angli- can. Thornhill Presbyterian. St. Luke’s and St. Edwards. Roman Catholic. For the games on October 1'7 and 24. it is not n9cessary that all boys be reg- istered but have is ,_.4~.dline on the Slst. 40 come I.†boys. don’t keep th' weretary of the league waitinr' no long. Mr. Crawford would “Re you to re- . DYSON, Manager 1964 An investment that won’t let you down. Available at any branch of TORONTO-DOMINION E Where Eggple make Lhe diflerence The Thornhill Sports Scene BOWLING VAUGHAN RECREATION COMMISSION Dalton McArthur. 1 Malarin lSt., in Maple ls chairman of ,the Vaughan Recreation Com- Imission. He had been resident in Maple for five years. He has a good record of amateur baseball and hockey with teams around Toronto. We is a for- mer N.H.L. referee. As chairman he is responsible for the coâ€"ordination of all rec- reational activities in Vaughan Township If you re wondering why the Commission has sud- denly become interested in the people of Vaughan. it could be that there's new blood in it. i The council has recently ap-l pointed Ty Sowdon and Ed.1 1Windsor of Thornhill and Fran Purvis of Richvale to the com: mission. These men and others headed by Dalton McArthur are pushing for more and better 12, in New York City. The Tobeys are looking for- ward to meeting fellow dealers from more than 120 “Intries, with whom they will exchange information. The meeting will open with a stage presentation at Radio City Music Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Tobey later will visit the Ford pavilion at the New York World‘s Fair. where Ford is the only manufacturer with a trac- tor display. After the official opening on October l7 skating will be available to the public. Keep these dates in mind. Wednes- day from 8 to 10 pm. Satur- day. 8 to 10.30 pm. and Sun- day afternoons from 2 in arm Keep in mind the exhibition games o! the midgets, bantams and peewees who will play against the Bradford teams. October 17, between the hours of 5 and 8 pm. these dates in mind. Wednes- There‘s talk of an adult educa- day from 8 to 10 pm. Satur- lion programme offering such day. 8 to 10.30 pm. and Sun- things as arts and crafts and day afternoons from 2 to 4.30 perhaps folk dancing if there‘s p.m. Vaughan Doublerink is sufficient demand. The com- located at Edgeley. Jane and miSsion will also promote the N0. '7 Highway, summer sports. baseball, soft-l“; [ball and 'perhaps others. In" Am lhas jomi [Dio e s xv.-vn.-.-. ____, Thornhill Couple To Visit New York City Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tobey, proprietors of D.E.M.S. Diesel Electric Maintenance and Sup- ply Limited, Yonge Street, Thornhill will attend the largest world-wide tractor dealer con- ference ever held. October 10- 12, in New York City. The meeting has been called by the tractor division of the Ford Motor Company to famil- iliarize dealers with its world- wide organization, policies and growth plans. We thank you for your pat- ronage in the mat. u we en- joyed doing business with the people of Thornhill. R. T. Elgie, Village Hardware, Thornhill. CARD 0]“ THANKS APPRECIATION TO OUR CUSTOMERS Mr. Wib Smith of Newmn- brook Hardware who was assoc- iated with us for many years purchased the remainder of our stock. We appreciated this be‘ car» it relieved us of the tedi- ous zask of selling odds and ends Richmond Hill Branch PUBLIC SKATING *1w15 recreational facilities through: out the Township. So far, Thornhill, Maple and Richvale have indicated they will be playing all their home games in the Vaughan Doublerink and possibly Concord. The future holds some interesting promises too. Something will be done for those girls who would like to take up figure skating. ‘MllllflllllllllllIlllllllllllflllmlllï¬Illlllllllllli“ll“!lNlllllllllllfllluW Please Note: When playing restricted films, the On- tario Censor Board permits no one under the an of 18 to be admitted to the theatre. mï¬ï¬‚NE‘V/WNAHYORK/HUGH SMFFflH/EDHH aims/m mum/alm- ME mom’m[ammmmmmmmmeza := WWI/A mum AINSTS‘lOPm mus: The, Thornhill telephone exchange numbers will have their ï¬rst three digits changed to “899" instead a! “285" as of June. 1.965. At the same time. the free calling area will be extended to include New Toronto, lslington and Scar- boro. :Namoeï¬ Changes will be made to coincide with the issuance of the new 1965 telephone directories. A n y o n e contemplating having signs or stationery printed should keep this in mind. KEELE STREET CONCORD, ONTARIO PHONE AV, 5-1145 31 2 a month, plus the cost of propane used, delivers this modern, fast heating nutomagio Water Heater to your home, with Superior Propane’s amazing WATER HEATER RENTAL PLAN. Check these advanced features below... then see or call your Superior man. 0 Automagic Temperature Control 0 Deliver: over 25 gallons of hot water per hour 0 Clean, fast, low cost 0 Free installation 0 Free automatic fuel delivery 0 Free service . w- Phone Change PROPANE LTD. Notice is hereby given of a hearing to be held by the Township of Markham Commit- tee of Adjustment at the Mun- icipal Offices. Buttonville. on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1964. AT 7.30 RM. ‘ Application CA/64/17 The application to be heard ihas been submitted by Coe- 3omile 81 Feldman on behalf 0! iDiodora 8: Emilio Cocoa, own- Lers of the E. 54‘ of the N. 200' inf Lot 15. Plan 4211. and Locky iGragtman owner of the W. 55' :of the N. 200‘ of Lot 15. Plln 4211. The owners request I variance from the provisions of 1By-law 1442 as amended in or- der to legalize e dwellinr! mun-- [ed 434‘ from the lot line on the E. 54' of Lot 15. Plan Hit and a dwelling erected 4'21/4" from the lot line on the W. 55’ of Lot 15, Plan 4211, notwith- standing the provisions of the By-law which require a max- onry dwelling to be 5 ft. from the side lot line. Signed written submissions on this application will be received by me at this office prior to the hearing. \‘llï¬lllflï¬llflfllflï¬l“Hull““l\llml\llllll\lll\llll\l\“\\l\\\llll!llllWW TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Committee Of Adjustment Notice 0f Hearing Secretary, Township of Markham Committee of Adjustment M. A. N. SHENFIELD