.omomoooâ€. PINDER BROS. lTD‘ He said there were two people in the car and if he‘d known the case was open. there would have been two bevrs missing. not one. ulllmn\\u\uumumummunutmmummmummnumnuum‘ AURORA: The bugle present- ed by the people of Aurora to the Aurora Volunteers :1 cen- tury ago in appreciation of their services in the Fenian raids in 1866 is featured in ad- vertising being distributed by the American Anaconda Brass Limited. Toronto. The volun- teers are shown in a painting as they guarded the frontier at Niagara as bugle is n1 Fort York “lll\ll\lllilliili\lllllll\llllllmullillmllll\lll\lll\\lllllll\lll\lll\||ll\lll(li STEEL LINTELS | BEAMS Six area boys are off this Friday for a big weekend in NewAYork at the World's Fair. The boys. carrier contest winners of a special Toronto Telegram promotion, will join with boys from all over On- tario on the special trip spon- sored by the newspaper, and will return home Sunday night. From Richmond Hill are Guy Deslauriers, 80 Beaverton Road: Randy Barker, 247 Beechy Drive: Terry Edwards, 409 Bal- kan Road; Lionel Hineman, 246 South Taylor Mills. John Ma- gee. 9 Railway Street in Maple and Bradley Price. 41 King High Drive, Concord. Six Newsboys Off To N.Y. Fair At his recommendation, coun- cil passed a resolution request- ing the Attorney General's De- partment to investigate security measures at, the school. ‘ Stouffville Police Department Chief Orland Keating reported at a recent meeting of â€18 Stouffville Village Council that juvenile escapees from the St. John‘s Training School near Uxbridge have been giving the department a real problem. Crimes of inmates of the in stitution range from jncorrigi bility to armed robbery. During the past year. {our car thefts in the town had been traced to escapees from the school. In a personal visit, he had seen little sign of control and was of the opinion that the boys could leave at any time. Training School Boys Pose Police Problem hmll“HWHHHIWWl|\llllllllll‘llll‘ll“ll““llmlmllllll|ll|\ll|\ll\ll 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Oct. 15 1964 m\mnmmuummmmummmmmmunumunmmmuumuuu'1| STEEL FABRICATING To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 A Toronto man who claimed he was using a case of beer as a foot rest on a trip home from Que- bec August 23 had a liquor charge dismissed against him Tuesday. Magistrate 0. S. Hollinâ€" rake in Richmond Hill Court asked John Power. about. 45, of Eglinton Ave- nue,to explain why Mark- ham Police had charged him with having an open case in his truck. Only one bottle was mis sing. court was told. Power said he was asleep during part of the trip and didn't know the one beer was missing. Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service Mr. Davis is a graduate in geography from the Uni- versity of Toronto and has completed a year of post- graduate study at the On- tario Agricultural College. Guelph. He worked for the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests at Ron- dcau Park last summer prior to registering for Kraduate work this past week at the University of Waterloo. The fellowship. valued at $1,000. is awarded by the Canadian Sportsman‘s Show to a graduate student in geography and regional planning at the University of Waterloo. The student's major interest is to be in the area of conservation. Ralph Davis of King City, a graduate student at the University of Waterloo, has been named as the first winner of the new Frank H. Kortright Fellowship in Conservation. The an- nouncement of the fellow- ship was made last week by Professor R. R. Krueger, chairman of the university‘s geography department. Ralph Davis Wins Waterloo Scholarship Used Beer To Rest Feet Not Drink in appreciation of ices in the Fenian 366 is featured in ad- being distributed by lean Anaconda Brass Toronto. The volunâ€" shown in a painting arded the frontier at :ainst invasion. The aw in safe-keeping at l\l|\l\lll|lll\ll\ll\l Assorted pea- nuts, pecans or walnuts all in one 9m. 74 cz. tin. 14 02. Box Delicious Chocolate D r o p s with tempting centres. Regal Crown lmported'c our Lemon Rolls of Candy lmported from England. 25¢ L35 FOR --------â€"-------------u---_-4 BEAVER VAC PACKED MIXED NUTS Old Fashioned Chocolate Drops BRD' '- , % $18: . . ; . »- 1M * ‘ \ .- a» ‘ v .' ' T‘Y WILLARD’S CHUEBLATE BUDS AND CHOCOLATE MABARUUNS McCORMlCK'S OLD FASHIONED PEANUT BRITTlE pegnuf bmfle NATIUNAllY ADVERTISED 10¢ CHUCfllATE BARS 3ng mm 3 ran 25¢ 0R 6 FOR 49¢ mam: 10¢ 43†FOR Candy ‘ Coated Chocolate Smarties. RflWNTREE’S 59¢ v 0.. 1-19 Hb Assorted Fruit Drops, Crystal Mints, Butter Minfs and Assorted Ecloirs. BALMER'S FUDGE lb. 11; lb. withllb. 3lbs. g: 59¢ lflWNEY’S PlEKâ€"A-MIX Burht Almond :olate fed Jersey Royal D SMARTIES )o rk gimo, “d2m29¢ NEILSON'S BUICK BARS l iwmsu i NURSE & DUETUR SET SIZE 8x312x4‘v4'f Sets contom m~5< ceHoneous eQan- menL Red colon! for Nurse and Black for Di"- tor. SPECIAL npwere w 1 Y n Bearer, My- Piosm base wn'n Bowl, Rchg spnng ocncn that Cake Pan, flies caps. kie Sheet etc. SPECIAL SPEClAL SPECIAL DART GAMES p-------â€"-- 1-----â€"â€"---ï¬ top complevte wit? chaik and eraser MONKEY DIVISION FIGHTER SET s PPPPPP 77¢ TflUl SET , :Gret ¢ I SPECIAL ' SPECIAL SLATE SET 77¢ 77¢ SPECIAL I - -- h--â€"--â€"---q _--------_‘ LAND, SEA & AIR SET SPECIAL l l --------- 54 pre-cut pieces and Magic Wand -------â€"â€"-l Complete with two head phones and plastic tubing. SPECIAL -------_-- Any little girl will love this; She can make her own bracelets, brooches AROUND THE WORLD ACTIVITY GAME This baEkmBBE ates with cents. WAlKlE-TALKIES \ach BHlBlET GUM BANK PAPER BULLS W :fhuN-A-v JEWELLERY SET Mlkierféiikféé SPECIAL Dis r 1265‘; SPECIAL SPECIAL SE! 77¢ 77¢ 77¢ TAKE-APART TOYS Set consists of 21 pmces. This is excellent w for children to play with. ¢ SPECIAL I l SPECIAL. " --------- ------â€"-â€"- EI---------‘ SPECIAL l l ---â€"---â€"-- Grenade f cops. Complete wnh Monarch Coke MIXES, Rollmq Pm, Measuring Spoon. bmaH Spoon and Coke Knife SPECIAL READY MIX BAKE SET Game Consusfs of; Washc Boosd snze 20X7Cu<4V/2†M110 3" balls. SPECIAL “WW-me wur 50m bra! and “HM cord. A5- sorted pastel co- Iours. SPECIAL gqmpletg MONKEY DIVISION HAND BRENADE PRINCESS TELEPHONE a me: nan-umsm Sno-Ball Target Game MOTOR TRANSPORT BATTAlIflN RM. fires SPECIAL BSCRM SPECIAL {ii SEWER ROADSCRAPER BULLDOZER wiH‘ - 801.106 h----â€"â€"--- ‘--------I SPECIAL â€"-------- PLASTIB ARMY TOYS. I (.hnmc hrm vhevnlnwmq sets Ant-Awrroh Ta'w Ravm‘rmn Ommonrg Runo- hon wnh vehicles I and 5"“:thK SPECIAL- TO GRANDMOTHER’S I HOUSE GAME I Game ccnSIsls of: Metal Board and magnetic playing nieces. 71¢ rose BAGATELLE GAMES BLOW ACCORDIUN -------â€"‘ who cardboard urumoru â€1 clear I p, sprm Slze 1 ¢ ' SPECIAL ! 191535