Richmond Hill TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in cluding new and rebuilt stand ard portable and electric mod els. Special rental rates avail able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Spys. Delicious. Greenings; other winter apples and pears. Free delivery. Manning and Sons Orchards. Duffei‘in SL. RE. 2. Maple. One mile south Maple Sideroad. half mile north of Can-ville Road. Phone 257- 1274. tcfl? BALL OF FIRE. Beautiful. pipeless. portable stOVe oil heater‘ no smoke. no odour. heat capacity 10.000 B.T.U. Safe and trouble flee. See them at Cail Walker Sales. Don Mills Road. Victoria Square. Goxmley. Phone 886-5413. tfclï¬ APPLES ANITPEA'ES V “'"UT LADIES WEAR [6 WIDTHS lined coveis 12 ft. BAYVIEW PLAZA across. 95" long. $39. 88. Excep- Richmond Hill 884- 2214 tionai value ‘77“ _cl\V_IZ WYN-DOT LADIES WE AR BEAUTYREST Marshall Sim- BAYVIEW PLAZA mons. Serta. Seeiy and other Richmond Hill 884- 2214 spring mattresses repaired, 112- MW]? turned just like new medium firm. extra firm Tw0«da_v set-j ESTATE SALE â€" PRIVATE vice.Eiderd0\\ns1ecovered.0n- COLLECTOR‘S antiques. 4 tario Bedding Co. AV. 5- 1591. Dostei hpd Chinnpnriain nhnirc SIZE 9% girl' 5 tap shoes $2. 50. Junior bed and mattress, $12; Hohner Verdi accordian, 884- 5266. c1w17 GIRL'S orlon pile snow jack- et, red and one corduroy jack- et. beige. size 12: 2 plaid coats. 12-14. 884-1209. *1w17 NEW HONEY In the comb. available now. Ex- tracted available Friday night. WERNER 285-2724 LADIES‘ CARDIGANS Reg $10.98 now $7.98: also Bulkies from $2.98. WYNâ€"DOT LADIES WEAR BAYVIEW PLAZA 4 BURNER electric stove, au- tomatic timer. clock. window oven. Baby carriage. Holly- wood couch. 884-3881. CANADIAN silver dollars for private collection; also by ac- cumulations. Call 884-1547 or write J. Kony. 318 Cells Road. c3w17 GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. Mel; LARGE crib and 4- drawer chest by Harlis; also mattress. Ex- cellent condition. 833-5002. HONEY No. 1 white from 1 to 30 1b. containers. B. Kays, RRJ, Gormley. Phone Gormley 888- 1770 after 6 pm. *8w10 WRECKING '195Tc'hev. 111W battery. All glass intact. Tele- phone after 5 pm. 884-4192. A DOUBLE garage with over- head doors: also double red maple bed. spring and mattress. 884-1204. c1wl7 BOY‘S winter jacket and sports jacket. size 12-14. Girl's fall coat. size 6-7. Reasonable. 285- 2987. ‘ c1w1'7 ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 BAYVIEW Secondary School sweater. black with red and white. size medium. Like new. 887-5208. c1w17 OVEN READY. fresh frozen, $3.25. The Goodwood Club. Ph. 640-2780. c13w15 SPACE heater. drop leafwtable. seats 12. Excellent condition. 285- 5233. clw17 2 SNOW tires. almost new. for Austin Cambridge. 2 for $15. Phone 285- 5604. c1w17 STOVE. “30". window oven, push button control, good condi- tion. 285- 2645. c1w17 RASPBERRY canes for fall planting. Best varieties. 884- 4386.c1wl7 BABY carriage. Travel Lloyd deluxe . Excellent condition. 285-1702. clw17 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 22, 1964 PHOTOGRAPHS of your family or children in your home No CHARGE PASSPORT-PICTURES 3 for $1.50 â€" 6 for $2.00 24 hour-service WILLOW PHOTO insertion $1.00 Classified advertisements should be In as early in the week as possible but not later than 10:30 on Wednesdays. Send ads by mall and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 285-3316 and you will receive an invoice for CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion So each word, minimum charge 75c. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 5c per word, min. charge 6542 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE, 5c per word; min. charge 750 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS, per ARTICLES FOR SALE 6851. open evenings sitting and proofs PHEASANTS 884-17 ay ser- ESTATE SALE â€" PRIVATE ed. On- COLLECTOR'S antiques. 4. 5-1591. poster bed, Chippendale chairs tfc44 handsome sofa. Objet d‘art‘ Ifloor lamps. etc. WA.1~5080. c1w17 4745‘ tfc‘w‘ *1w17 c1w17 tsc7 ‘ c1w17 EX' SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY ght. Nordmenie Isabella FM stereo including one Loewe Opta. 404 four track tape recorded. 24 th3 months. no finance charges, â€"-_ Herridge Electric, 884-3211. do repairs alterations and quality cleaning for all vour clothes at Discount prices. See our Resale rack of better gar- ments up to size 20, at a frac- tion of their,cost. In the Mall. Richmond Heights Centre. tfc48 SMALL 2 bedroom apartment or house wanted. $65 or $75 monthly. 884-2664. clwl’? 3-BEDROOM home. MacKillop School area. Urgent. 884-3469. TYPEWRITER, Remington .â€" noiseless, reasonable. 285-6738. c1w17 FOR SALE good used clothing, reasonable Misses dresses. siz- es 10 and 14. 'sports jackets. children's wear. etc.. Penny Wise, 208 Yonge St. S. (across from Woolworth‘s. rear of At- lantic Loans) Thursday and Friday. 5-9 pm. clwl? V7067). dry hard maple and‘ dry cedar for fireplace Deliv- ered. CALL C. L. KNAPPETT 884-3089 also cedar rails for fencing. AT DISCOUNT CLEANERS we DRY hariï¬i'mod, Dutch elm cas- ualties. cut 16 inches long for fireplace. 884-4519. tfc17 GIRLS’ figure skates, size 6, $5; white tapx shoes. size 6. $4; boy's tap shoes, size 4, $5; boy’s skates. size 4, $2. Complete cub uniform, $5. 884-7434. STRAW Good clean straw, delivered from the farm in 10~bale lots or more. 884-7900. c3wl7 DESK. antique, lift up hinged lid. with pigeon holes and 2 small drawers, plus 1- full length drawer. Reasonable. 285-1349. c1w17 with pump and timer. Excellent condition. Brand new motor. 2 Firestone tubeless tires, 5.90 x 13. 884- 2219. clw17 ONE boy's light grey sport coat. size 12. 884- 1010 c1w17 HUDSON seal coat hat black 18 $45. Green broadcloth coat, lamb trim, $20. 285-2178. Well rotted shredded cow ma- D49 STUDEBAKER 1/5 ton PiCk‘ nure for garden or flower beds. Delivered. 884-7900. c3w17 HAND knit dolls‘ clothes for Christmas and children‘s cardâ€" igans. Also cub uniform. 884- 3007. c1w17 RICHMOND HILL Curling Club $150 debenture for sale. Phone 241-0976. clwl7 BOY’S bicycle. racer, 26" extras, good condition. 4184. minor repairs. Best offer. 884â€" 2835. c1wl7 COMPLETELY overhauled 3- speed sports bicycle with ac- cessories. Lionel train complete layout with table. Reasonable. 884- 7496. . c1w17 AUTOMATIC Ironer (Gladiron) completely reconditioned, rea- sonable. 884-4634. c1w17 ACCORDIAN. 120 bass. white pearl. $100 cash. 773-5668. STOVE. 23“ electric '7 SPACE heaters, one like new. 773-5023. clw17 FREEZER. General, '177 cuï¬fc ft $145. 884- 7255 clw17 ï¬ï¬EwobD f6r'sa12a‘7Cï¬l'23’5i 2416. clw16 USED'Kd'miI-él 217W, 5‘33 884-5575. c1wl7 TWO continental beds. Phone 884- 4918. c1w17 SMALL electric refrigerator and plumbing fixtures. 884-1297 clwl7 FOR SALE MANURE WANTED TO RENT DRAPERY‘ SALE FOR SALE (Continued) $1.00 clw c1w17 c1w17 clw1'7 clw17 Needs clw17 wheel 285- r17§TRUCK wrecking. used parts, flires and accessories; also used Jeo trucks for sale. Moore Truck 04 Parts & Sales, Holland Land- 24 ing, 895â€"4666. Aurora lot, 200 n Yonge N. 727-6432. tfc15 WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash price paid. Call Frank's Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc'l AuLthulc. bdbll pllCE ydlu. balliNEED extra monev _ For $311126}??? saggiOIStorafg; Christmas? Our Representatixes ' earn $500 to 51.000 00 du1ing the Christmas selling season inow in full swing. We can help POULTRY ,you earn this kind of money '\\ith Avon. Good rural openings FOR â€"__S:&I~JE :in Markham and Vaughan 50 DEKALB vear old hens $1: Toxxnships Write Miss Ziegler. each. 773-5842. c1\\17lBox 141, Guelph c1w17 Private ,party requires good quality piano. 285-6738. DOLL carriage. approximately 2.8" 884-3513.c1w17 GOALIE glove for left hand Suitable for lZ-year-old boy 884-3938. c1wl7 BOYS complete Cub suit, size 10 or 12. Please call 884-7510. clwlT 1959 1958 These cars will be sold with low experience - call Mr- down payment. Full price and 832-1451 - AV- 5'55“ monthly payments as shown. Watch “The Liberal" for ,our MAN or womain to sex weekly wholesale â€as is" spec- tomers with Watkins ials. 1:“ H... mmâ€. Ar Dink" springs. V ery rename. sou 1u11 price. Phone 884-7629. c1w17 '60 CHRYSLER Saratoga, hard- top, power equipped. Phone 884â€"5168 after 5 pm. clwl7â€" 1956 MONARCIâ€"l convertible, power equipped. $200 cash. 884- 7307 after 7 pm. clwl7 1959 Volvo PV544 sports, black with red interior. Private. Must sell. Cash preferred. 832-2510.. clw17 1958 OLDSMOBILE. 4-door automatic. power, custom rad- io, whitewalls. Very good con- dition. Must sell. 225-1843. c1w17 1958 PLYMOUTH. 4 door V8, automatic, power brakes, radio. washers. white walls, extra wheel and 2 snow tires. -One owner. Excellent condition. 285- 2570. c1w17. WILL trade 52 Buick in run- ning order for best gun offer- ed or sell for $125 cash. Call Mr. Ian, 285-1504. c1w17 TRUCK wrecking. used parts. tires and accessories; also used trucks for sale. Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Holland Land- ing, 895â€"4666. Aurora lot, 200 Yonge N. 727-6432. tfc15 WHOLESALE CARS TO BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC These cars will be sold with low ‘ experience MALE â€" required for office Work. Typing experience requir- ed. Contact Mr. Ingram or Mr. Kennedy, Superior Propane Ltd. Maple, for interview. c1w17 DEPENDABLE men _for local plastic fabricating shop. mach- ine shop or woodworking ex- perience beneficial. Steady em- ployment. Write Box 104, The Liberal. c1w17 NOW hiring students and men for part time work in the even- ing. Apply in person to the manager of the Odeon. Dufferin Drive-In Theatre. c1w17 SANTA CLAUS: Applications now being received f01 Santa Claus to be at shopping centre for three weeks in December. Write Box 103, “The Liberal". tfc17 RELTKBLE man {01 light than- ufacturing plant, per.manent Apply Filtration Products of Canada. 65 Duncan Road, Rich- vale. 285- 4474. c1w17 YOUNG lady iequired in of- fice of Richmond Hill manu- facturing plant for invoice typ- ing. telephone answering and general office duties. Some of- fice experience preferred. 5 day week. 285- 6211. c2wl7 YOUNG MAN for stockkeeper' 5 position at Volkswagen dealer- ship in Maple. Experience pre- iferred but not necessary. Steady work. Salary commensurate to .Call Mr. Lippay. 1956 1957 1957 1957 1957 1958 OLDSMOBILE. 4-door automatic, power, custom rad- io, whitewalls. Very good con- dition. Must sell. 225-1843. WOMAN wants housework and baby sitting. 773- 5142. *1w17 HANDY_ man with truck will clean cellars & yards. Grass & weed cutting. BA. 5-7558 or 884- 7469. tfc50 YOUNG MEN. 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 285- 4869. tfc52 ENERGETIC young man _wit11 chauffeurs license seeks perm- anent employment. Willing worker. Phone 884-2698. 1959 Volvo PV544 sports, black with red interior. Private. Must sell. Cash preferred. 832-2510.' c1w17 1953 CHEV.. good condition. Evenings or weekends. 884- 1466 no. 1954 SEDAN good motor. needs body work. Very cheap. Call 884-1671. c1w17 1953 PONTIAC, good running condition. $100; 1954 Ford for parts. $35. 285-1825. c1w17 1956 PLQMOUTH s‘édan, A 1 shape. good second car. Call 884-1671. ‘ c1w17 up. 6 ply tires, heavy duty springs. Very reliable. $50 full price. Phone 884-7629. c1w17 two owners. full history, radio. Best offer. 285-2219. clw17 1957 FORD sedan. good running condition. with radio. Call 884â€" 1671. c1w17 AUSTIN, A40 1954, low mileage 1963 CHEVY. II. 300 like new. $1595, cash or Consider trade. 285-3184 condition. 70 John Street. Thomhill. 285-6740. clw17 watcn "The Liberal" for ,our weekly wholesale “as is" spec- als. L956 Meteor $115 ' Full price L957 Ford 5286 . $15 a month [957 Dodge Hardtop $546 $26 a month L957 Olds. 88 Sedan $287 $15 a month 1957 Ford Country Sedan 5210 :$11 a month 958 Olds 88 Sedan $498 $24 a month 959 Ford Ranch Wagon. 5629 $29 a month R. D. LITTLE FORD SALES LTD. clw16 W tNTED )OLL carriage. approximately 8' 884- 3513. c1\\17 .cal MAN or woman to service cus- tomers with Watkins Products in the Town of Richmond Hill. No investment necessary. Earn $75.00 per week and up. Full or partâ€"time. Write to J. Gau- thier. 350 St. Roch, Montreal 1.5. Quebec. c5\\14 Câ€"ANADIAN Imperial Bank â€"of Commerce. Unionville Branch has opening for female clerk to assume Teller duties. Banking experience preferable but not essential. Telephone 297-1515 between 9 and 5 to arrange for intervieu. tfc17 MAN for small mfg. plant. near Vandorf. Trainee to learn spot welding and maintenance of spot welding machine. Techni- nr high school education; required. Heavy work. Electri-i cal. mechanical or welding ex- perience helpful. W. E. Nixon. and Co.. R.R. 1. Gormley, 727- 9211 or 923-3746 any time. 1955 PONTIAC station wagon $165. Good condition 884â€" 1958. clwl7 1949 DODGE. Bés't’df’fér. 36?- 1668.c1w17 1956 DODGE.â€" 6 cylinder stan- da1d A1 condition wintelized snow tires. 884-7781. c1wl7 1957 FORT). 6 cyfina'ér. Good condition. Reasonable. 884-6904. *1w17 1959 CHEV. station wagon EMPLOYMENT ' Hm WANTED [CI EANINGT/omzhâ€"wanitedf on ['SED FURNITURE USED CARS PIANO clwl n03w16 series terms clw17 1wl7 good '.eet 1w17 ition. 884- nc. 1eeds Call 1w17 ming l for 1w17 A 1 *1w17 REGISTERED nursing assist~ ants and practical nurses. Nur- sing home, part time available Phone 285- 7072 tfc16 CLERKâ€" TYPIST small office on Enford Road. Some experi- ence, no shorthand. Required immediately. 884-4574. c1w17 FULLY experienced 2nd cook also bus boy and waitress. Ap- ply Mr. McGrath. Richmond Inn, Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. c1w17 For Greenacres home for the aged, Newmarket. salary range $327 - 5363. Graduate nurses also required. Apply Greenacres Home for the Aged. 194 Eagle Street. Neu'market or 387 Bloor Street East. Toronto. c2wl7 SALES secretary required for Richmond Hill engineering of- ï¬ce. Must have shorthand. De Laval Turbine Canada Ltd.. Phone 285- 5491 c1w17 FEMALE â€"factoiyâ€" help. Light press work. Experienced. Day shift. 285-4377, Diomatic Metal Products. Ohio Road. Richmond Hill YOUNG man wanted. full-time employment. Experience not necessary. Kent Clothes. Rich- mond Heights Centre. 884 1370. ‘ *1w17 MARRIED Woman for general office duties. typing, telephone etc. 285-1753, ask for Mrs. Lagutin. 1 c1w17 MATURE sitter to look after one preschool child. afte1 noons only. 1-4.30 p.m. 884-5525. CLEANING '7w6m5nâ€"ire'i1'diieâ€"d Thursday or Friday. Vicinity Thornhill. 285- 6445 c1w17 DISH washing machine oper- ator to work weekends {10m 12 noon. Summitview Restaurant. EXPERIENCED waitress for night work and weekends. 285- 5790 or 29'7- 1280. c2w16 FULL time housekeeper. Close to bus stop. Thornhill 285- 2283. c2w17 REGISTERED nurse. nï¬rsing home. part time. Phone 285- 7072. tfcls WOMAN ’for cleaning. 2 after- noons weekly. 884-7216. CLEANING woman wanted. one day weekly. 285- 4618. clw17 GARDENING help wanted 884- 4307. c1w17 PERMANENT TEMPORARY 0R PART TIME REGISTERED NURSES cl\vl7 c1w17 c1w17 clw17 c1w17 TOOLS T0 RENT Cement mixers. floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns, roto- tillers. rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental and Sales, 6026 Yonge St., BA. 11-1711. tfc30 BALLET slipper, pink, lost in Richmond Hill High School area. 884-1473. c1w17 LOST. one blue budgie. vicin- ity Crestwood Road. answers to Mickey. Call 285-5155 even - ings. c1w17 LUDI. one blue Duugxe. v1c1n-; LOANSBEO- $5,000 ity Crestwood Road. answers to: FAST SERVICE Mickey. Call 285-5155 even -‘ ATLANTIC FINANCE "155- ,_,,A._.. “WI“ Corporation Ltd. LADY S gold “risl watch {20 Yonge St S. Richmond Hill Richmond Heights Centre.‘ 884-4458- 285- 5562 Tamblyn‘s or Loblaws. 285-_ Mgr. Felix Game 2424. c1w17l Uc32 DAY CARE for children. 884- 1044. clw16 CHILD care. in my home, fail: ced yard. west of Yonge, near high school. 884-1473. clw17 Gormley. east of Don Mills Rd. Phone 886-5851. tic!) 884-7456 Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc27 Raising Chinchillas. Contact Stonehouse Chinchilla Ranch. R.R. 1 UXBRIDGE Tool & Equipment RUMBLE EQUIPMENT MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES, PARTS, SERVICE WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call TU. 4-2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License No. 204-62. tchl MANU“ E loam and topsoil for your garden. Call 884- 2538 MONEY available for good first and second mortgages. reason- able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and Le Claire. TU. 4-4413. tfc2 FOTOVATING, aerating and grass cutting. Tom. Mashinter. 884-7573. tfc43 CUSTOM plowing and discing. 884- 5121. c4w14 LANDSCAPING Cedar trees. fencing, trees planted or removed. gardening, slab patios installed. Free esti- mates. Phone 884-4340. REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY David McLean Limited have openings for two real estate salesmen or salesladies in their busy long'established Richmond Hill office. Complete training assistance and continuing man- ager help provided. Please call our personnel department at HU. 9-2151. c1w17‘ DEER hunting accommodation for 10. Guide. dogs and meals provided. S. Watson, Dorset, Ontario. 766-2397. c2w16 FEMALE help required by Ox- ford-Phillips, 278 Newkirk Road. clwl7 WAITRESSES wanted. Full or part time. Maple Centre Rest- aurant. 285-1723. c1wl7 EXPERIENCED woman to clean one day weekly. Thornhill. near Bayview. 285-5814. BABY sitter for working moth- er. live in; evenings and week- ends free. Good wages, 884- 5954. c2w16 ELK’ S MEN’ S BOY’S WEAR Are opening a new shop in the Richmond Heights Centre. Salesmen wanted. experienced preferred or will train. phone 884-1839. clw17 HUNTING ACCOMODATION MAN for service station and garage work. 884-1773. c1w17 Farm Implements DRESSMAKING RENT A TELEVISION 19" portable. day, week or month RICHMOND HILL TV HELP WANTED I 7 T0 RENT jMISCELLANEOUS DEAD STOCK GARDENING YOU TOO CAN MAKE MONEY! MORTGAGES Business Opportunities DAY CARE TOOLS FOR. RENT DRESSMAKING DESIGNING ALTERATIONS TU. 4-4670. RENTAL LOST (Continued) 285-3756 tfc33 c4w15 clw17 tfc41 tfc52 tfc45 BAYVIEW Plaza, Richmond Hill, store to let, 1,400 square feet. full basement, 22 store plaza, good opportunity for hardware. bakery, sporting goods, dresses. and full base- ment for pool room. etc. Rent reasonable. EM. 4-1964 or TU. 4-5669. clw17 Do you ihave a drinking prob- lem? If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. tfc45 Seating capacity 250 for ban- quets. weddings. etc. Bar and kitchen facilities available. Phone Mr. W. Hunt, 285- 1600. tic37 6 ROOM unfurnished brick house Richmond Hill Good clean home with private drive. aluminum storms etc. 5100 a month. Available Oct. 22nd. Call RU. 3-6067. c1w17 THORNHILL apartments one ground floor bachelor, one sec- ond floor; 1 bedroom, self-con- tained, unfurnished. Available November 1. 285-3512. HOUSE'with‘ all modern con- veniences; on ‘Bathurst St., 3/4 mile north of No. 7 Highway. reasonable.i 285-4530. 1 BEDROOM apartment, self- contained, heated, hydro and water. Suit couple or 2 adults. 1 block to Yonge. $90 monthly. 884-5464. c1w16 BACHELOR apartment, new building. Year round swimming. To sublet in Richmond Hill. Days 285-4953. Nights , 884- 7935. tfc17 parking and kitchen privileges Call after 4. 884-1768. 4 ROOMED apartment, furnish- ished, optional. all convenienc- es, parking. adults. 285-3333. c1w17 2 ROOM apartment, fully fur- nished, four piece bathroom, own phone. private entrance, free parking, TV outlet, modern up to date kitchen. Suit busi- ness couple. 884-7671 after 6 pm. v clw17 FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment, fireplace. separate en- trances. $65 month. Phone 297- 1190. c1w17 ATTRACTIVE apartment, self- contained. suitable for business couple. Abstainers only. 884- 3218. c1wl7 BACHELOR, 1, 2 and 3 bed- room suites. modern, near ev- erything. from $92.50. Av. 5- 2303. TU. 4-6262. tfc17 2 BEDROOM apartment 139 Centre Street West, apartment 3. Quiet. responsible adults only. c1w17 only‘ FURNISHED room to rent. FURNISHED room, cooking facilities. 16 Lorne, In house east of Clarke’s Drug Store at Yonge. A NICE 3-bedroom winterized cottage, schools, large play area, Lake Wilcox, $68 monthly. 285- 5162. c1w17 3-BEDROOM semi - detached house. Richmond Hill. New condition. $115 monthly. 884- 7690. c1w17 apartment, heat and hydro, $95 monthly. 884-3544. clw17 2 BEDROOM apartment, lower duplex. November lst posses- sion. 884-1739. c1w17 BEAUTIFUL, 2 bedroom apart~ ment with balcony, .in new building. $120M 884-4072. and cold water, central. bath. parking. 832-1478. c1w17 APARTMENT in Maple, hot 3 BEDROOM. 2 bathroom pent- house apartment. Call BA. 5- 6429 or 884-3982. tfc15 NEAR Yonge, main floor. large 1 BE Placing a WANT AD is a PLEASANT EXPERIENCE SOMETHING TO RENT To Sell Antiques. Furniture. Pianos. Advertise in the Want Ads PHONE 884-1105 For Fast Action Every Thursday WANT ADS Phone "THE LIBERAL" WANT ADS PHONE 884-"05-6 - 884-1105-6 or 285-3316 BY USING. LIBERAL WANT ADS PERSONAL INTO SPARE CASH HALL FOR RENT The classified ad takers at “The Liberal" are In their jobs. with a full realization of the everyone who calls to place a Want Ad. SPARE ROOM We hope you will call to place a Want Ad soon. When you do, it will be a pleasant experience TURN c1w17 Uc32 *lw17 *2w17 c1w17 c1w16 2 FIRST Mortgagesion local property. State amount avail- able and interest expected. Write Box 105, The Liberal. 884-1 Chesterï¬eld sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith. Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 PLASTER and tile repairs ex-l pertly done. No job too small. Give us a call. Free estimates. 884- 7045. Ask for Geo.‘ HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renovaâ€" tions, additions, and repairs Kitchens 3 specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- dence. business, AV. 5~5345. CALL us for flu sand, gravel. ï¬ll, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable} rates. J. B DeFen-arl, Maple.‘ ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and' serviced. George Adams, Box 192. King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 CARPENTRY Any type â€" rec. rooms, cabinet for garbage cans, cupboards. shelves, garages, etc. 884-2588. tfc22 Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 renovations. garages. recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price AV. 5-3653. tfc28 Alterations. Repairs. Contract- ing. Estimates. EDD BLIGHT. 884-7996 Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating, roof flashing. etc. Free estimates. Work guaran- teed. TU. 4-1006. tfc5l MASONRY CONRACTOR i Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V.‘ Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 5., Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, FALL PLOWING GARDENS any size. 884-2337. Prepare for spring cultivation. c5w14 REFRIGERATOR REPAIRS Herridge Electric TV and Ap- pliances Sales. Rep'airs, Parts, 42 Levendale Road. 884-3211. CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building‘ alterations 3; repairs, prompt service CUSTOM gardening, plough- ing. cultivating, weed cutting and post hole digging. 773-5912. Don Catton. tfc43 E. W. PAYNE Drains septic tanks. All types of conc1ete work 285- 5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 PAINTING & PAPER. HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates Work guaranteed. 884-7902. CARPENTRY 8; CONCRETE Custom building additions. re- pairs. renovations. J. W. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. tfc43 KENNEDY'S Home and Com- mercial Cleaners. Floors, ceil- ings, walls. rugs. broadloom. windows, chesterfields. Phone 884-7866. tfc16 MO RTGAG SHEET METAL WORK WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 tf 245 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 UPHOLSTERY C. STUNDEN PLASTERING PLUMWING CHIMNEYS SPECIAL Richmond Hi1 are friendly. helpful people. trained the importance of being helpful to ,GES 884-7996 tfc51 c5w14 tfc44 tfc 31 tfc12 tfc8 tfc43 tfc MOTHERS HELPER SERVICE EXPERIENCED baby - sitters. homemaker's servnce and day world. Call day or night, TU. 4-7253. tfclï¬ Eï¬â€˜ER‘I’ENCED‘b‘a 'b'y’si'tt’é‘r available. Phone 884-7720. DOG GROOMING Jill Goddard for professional poodle clipping. 7783 Yonge Street, Thornhill. 285-3606. POODLE puppies. black minia- ture. four months old. regis- tered. inoculated, reasonable. 884-3763. c1w17 LOVELY black miniature pood- le pap. Male‘ Registered Pedi- greed. 3 months. 859-0416. Nob- leton. c2w16 TRIMMING. bathing and grooming. Specializing in Ker- ry Blues, terriers. and poodles. 257-2671. tfc50 TUTORING for all subjects. grades 4 to 8; plus French grades 9. 10, 11. Phone 884- 5079. c1w19 CHIHUAHUA puppy. 6 weeks old female $25. 834- 7411. DACHSHUND puppies. 3 mon- ths old reasonable 832- 1323 PART German shephe_rd pups. 5 weeks old 285 2551. c1wl7 GERMAN Shepherd pups reg- istered. Phone 832- 1051. BOARDING Cats. dogs â€"- all breeds. Honey pot Kennels, Ltd. 257-2671. SIMPSUN’SDRYGWDS MISCELLANEOUS IConlinuedi GARDâ€"EN supplies, loam and rpanure. Also sand and graVel. 12 Yonge St. S. BABY SITTING PETS FOR SALE 25 acres, good workable land with comfortable home, gar- age. plus 2 other buildings. suitable for dog fancier or horseman. Ring Jack Wil- liams, 285-5451 $20,900. A long attractive solid brick, ranch bungalow, with attached garage. 3 bed- rooms, bath ensuite, log burning fireplace in the com- fortable living room. door from dining room to garden. modern kitchen, immaculate condition. Ring Jack Wil- liams, 285-5451. $18,900. Perfect location for schools. shopping and trans- portation. large living room overlooking secluded garden. 3 spacious bedrooms. 2 baths panelled lounge. attached garage. Ring Jack Williams, 285-5451. RICHMOND HILL HARRYGAN CR. TUITION THORNHILL SUPERB LIVING MAPLE MEMBER PHOTO M.L.S 285 - 5451 c2w17 c2w17 c4w15 tfc17 tchO New Stretch Jersey Knit Slims Nylon Blend 3 to 6 yrs. Girls Lined Plaid Flannel Slims 7 to 14 yrs. Ski Jackets 100% Dupon Nylon Up to 6x AURORA $14,200 -â€" 3-bedroom brick detached bungalow. Large living room, oversize eating area in kitchen, all double ‘glazed windows, NHA mort- lgage, close to schools. pav- Ied drive. Jack Williams. 285-5451. $13,600 â€"â€" Immaculate 4-bed- room brick family home, large living room. 2-piece ensuite, private drive. Handy ‘to schools and shopping. 4 years old, Call Mr. Jaques, 487-3603 or 285-5451. VILLAGE OF SHARON $14.300â€"Spotlessly clean 3- bedroom clay brick bungalow. A delight to view. Many ex- tras. 6% NBA financing. 314.000 â€" 3-bedroom bunga- low with attached garage. ROOM avaTlable with boafd. AV. 5-3270. C1W17 gentleman. 884-6085. value. $500 down; building lot in the village of Sharon. full price. 51, 700 $12 000 â€" Located south of Keswick on lacre lot. cor- ner property on highway. 8 rooms, $2,000 down will han- dle. Mrs. Grenier, Keswick, 476-5194 or Toronto office 487-3603. *lwl'l‘ ROOM and board for gentle: man. 884-4007. c1wl7' TwtOOM and BOARD 7 t0‘14 yrs. LEN PUGH REAL ESTATE 311.900. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED {or 3 bedroom semi-detached h o m e. Aluminum storms and screens. A clean well kept home. Call Mrs. Joyce. 884-3607. SACRIFICE! ! Beautiful 9 room home on west side of Richmond Hill. Almost new! Finished rec- reation room with fireplace. fully stormed and screened. Call and make an'appoint- mcnt. Mrs. Joyce. 884-3607. $2.98 On west side of Yongeq $2500.00 down payment fire- place in finished recreationi room Steps to shopping and transportation. Many- extras. Call Mrs. Wright.‘ 884-7915. . DRASTICALLY REDUCED! West side of Richmond Hill. Close to Yonge. 3-bedroom home. Call Mrs. Wright. 884- 7915. ‘ $2.98 RICHMOND HILL'S BEST BUYS $7.95 L E N P U G H REAL ESTATE $5.95 "Gums Haus" “Dobry Dom." Let Us Help YOU find YOURS NHA resale. See this for Dream Home Richmond Hill EXECUTIVE HOME 285-5056 884-3624 CALL