Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Oct 1964, p. 6

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ronto "iawyer Stanton H Preliminary Hearing 0n Rape Adjourned The offence allegedly L place September 25 on Duffs Street near the Kenmore G1 'el Pits. . Winner of an Ontario and a {York University Entrance Schol- hrship, Brian Lennox. will speak for the graduating class as val- fedictorian. '~ Dean George 'l‘atham of ,York University will be guest speaker and music “ill be p10- ‘vided by the school band undei 1he diiection of S w. Atkinson The program will also feature presentation of 011- thrio Scholarships to Brian Lennox. M a r y Farwell. < Jane Clement and Donald . McIntyre and university ' scholarships to Mary Far- " well. Jane Clement, Peter Hiscott and Brian Lennox. Student association. high ,, One bundled and feity- -eighl young people will appear on '_the platform at Richmond Hill High School on the evening of :November 6. Forty of these will be receiving honor gradua- jion certificates for having suc- cessfully completed the giade ‘13 couxse and passed the de- Lpartmental e\aniinations: 92 will receive secondary School 'graduation diplomas in the gen- eral course: and 16 will re- heive secondary school gradua- tion diplomas in the special fcommercial course. Windsor". illusti'aling‘ Shakespeare‘s concern with humanity. Tickets for the November 10 Show in ra ua es 0 the high school auditorium will be available at the door, $2.00 for adults, 75C for students. Receive Diplomas Nov.6 Huifipiuéyi-Hus‘toh wedding-Held H. 5. Teachers Hold Training Seminars‘ A Saturday series of seminars for physics teach. era has also been planned. To be held at Thornhill Secondary, they will In conducted by J. C. Fraser, School board officials are particularly pleased with the response to the academic courses in which 112 stud- ents have been registered. their average age being about 30 according to Mr. Frise. There are two classes of grade 13 English and history and two of grade 12 algebra. chemistry and Eng- lish. The algebra class is full, but the others could accommodate a few more. A unique experiment is being tried this year with a combination of mathematics and English grade 10 course. PreViously. anyone wishing this teaching had to go down to the city. Anyone R. P. McDonald. York Central's master English teacher is co-operating with James Jackson. head of the English department at Richmond Hill High School on a series of Saturday morning seminars for Eng- lish teachers. Object of the course is to assist English teachers to improve and standardize their marking- techniques, something which becomes of increas- ing importance this year when 25% of final grade 13 marks will be from toaehers’ tests. Four history seminars are being held alternate Tuesday evenings at Thorn- hlll Secondary School. Lee» turer is Professor J. C. Cairns. Phd. of the Univer- sity of Toronto. Some senior students as well as teachers have been invited to attend this series. Approval in principle was given at last week‘s meeting of the York Cen~ tral District High School Board to a series of in- service training programs for teachers of various departments. Over 800 people are en- rolled at Bayview and D. K. Frise. co-principal along with J. Munro-Cape. reports 38 classes of night school students, while there are only 36 during the day. To handle the overflow. one class in advanced sewing has had to be opened at Richmond Hill High School. York Central District; High School Board reports an en- couraging increase in inter- est in their night school program this year with regis- tration at both Bayview and Thornhill Secondary schools up almost 50% over last year. Extra Classrooms Opened 'For Night School Overflow THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Oct. 29, 1964 represe citation. high ; According to Vaughan Rec- irealion Committee Chairman - {Dalton McArthur of Maple, Heal’lng ttliere is hockey ice time avail- [able for any boy in the town- ' ship who wants to play. AdIOUTHEd ! Mr. McArthur made the com- ment at Monday's Vaughan r hearing on a‘Council meeting after J. Bate- by Vaughan Po-Aman of Concord requested the aymond Tustin.‘township to supply boards for Le truck drivenlan outdoor rink in the ElmWood to November 5:Acres subdivision. witness Helen The cost of supplying the ' boards would be about $1000. . S. Hollinrake Council refused the request )K According realion CO‘ Dalton Mel there is hm able for an: ship who w; Prior to the commencement promptly at 8:15 p.m., the 40 honor graduates will enjoy a banquet in the school cafeteria. This happy event is scheduled for 6:30 pm. The faculty of Richmond Hill High School is headed this year by Principal L. B. Morrison. BA. and includes 31 teachers and three secretaries. Hockey Ice Time Available For All Says Chairman At an afternoon assembly student association prizes for grades 9. 10 and 11. public speaking awards and special prizes in the same grades will be presented to the winning exercises, which will start students. Dr. Lorne Downey», head of the secondary education branch of the Faculty of Education at the Univer- sity of Alberta will spend two days at York Central schools and will lecture on school administration to principals. vice-princi- pals. master teachers and administration staff. The heads of the modern languages departments at each of the York‘ Cen- tral schools will each be responsible for one mod- ern la n g u a g e seminar. These will include a series of classroom technique demonstrations, lectures on professional topics and lec- tures on the culture of the subject area. Among the lecturers will be Professor W. S. Rogers of Trinity College and Professm S. Rate of Queen's Univer- slty. Biology teachers will at- tend 12 half-day sessions on the new course in bio- logy. These will be con- ducted by Dr. C. M. Sulli- van of the. University of Toronto in co-operation with Donglas Booth of the Richmond Hill High School staff. Dr. Sullivan and Mr. Booth are also collaborating on a new biology textbook. of Toronto M school board and special prizes will also be pre- sented. ln'lhe technical courses. there is an overflow in the electricity-electronics class ,and in beginning welding. Auto mechanics, mechanical drafting and machine shop classes are not so well fill- Home economics. 3 peren nially popular course. has at tracted 150 students in begin ners and advanced dressmak ing and millinery. Commercial classes in Bay- view are also very popular and the classes in bookkeep- lng and business machines are both full, There are also large classes in typing and shorthand at both ‘be- glnners and advanced levels. Altogether. 150 people are enrolled in the commercial school. who hasn‘t completed grade 10 can enter the course. and maturei'studcnts without grade 9 will he admitted. It is planned to give those students desirous of com- pleting high school special attention all the way through to help them achieve this ambition. A few more people could alsd be accommodated in this class. .All the six teachers who are giving the academic courses are fully-qualified. practising teachers and three are department heads in the York Central systeml )f at Doub same Jghar requc Given in marriage by Russell Seymour Watson, the bride looked lovely in a {1001' length gown of all white brocaded roses on peau de soie with chapel train and pointed wrist- length sleeves. Her hair was caught up in a matching peau de soie coronet which held in place an elbow length veil. She carried a cascade of red roses and fern. Miss Kyra Howarth. 66 Dris- coll Road. Richmond Hill. was maid of honor. and Miss Marsha Elizabeth Watson of Richvale. the bride‘s sister. and Miss Dorise Nelson of Toronto were the bridesmaids. All were dressed alike in floor length gowns of emerald green bro- cade with matching headdress- es. They carried cascade-2‘s of yellow roses and fern. Best man was the groom's friend. Joseph Kramer of Rich- vale and ushers were David Weir of Maple and Michael The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. J. O’Neill assisted by Rev. F. C. Jackson. St. Marys Anglican Chur,ch Richmond Hill was the scene of a pretty wedding at 8 pm. on October 9. The church was decorated with red Carnations and white Chrysanthemums for the candlelight ceremony in which Marilyn Ilene Huston was united in marriage with David Blake Humphrey. The bride is the daughter of Mrs» Hilda Watson, 53 Can-ville Road and the gloom is the sonl of Mr. and Mls. E. Blake Hum- I phl ey ll Pearson Avenue Richvale. l Weir of Maple I‘albot of Tom! Over 100 gue reception in U At St. Mary's Anglican Church At King City Composite 'earir )I Rehearsing for the Canadian Players Found- ation production of “Passion and Destiny" are Max Helpmann (top), Amelia Hall and Paul Harding. Sponsored by King City Composite School. the pro- duction is a light-hearted look at Shakespeare and includes extracts from “Henry V”. “Julius Ceasar”, “Richard III”, “Hamlet” and “Merry Wives of Windsor”, illustrating Shakespeare’s concern with humanity. Tickets for the November 10 show in the high school auditorium will be available at the door, $2.00 for adults, 75c for students. Percy Sheardown, whom Charles Goren calls the world‘s number five bridge player, is taking care of the bridge enthusiasts. Such has been the response to this course that a second expert The course in the new mathematics is being offered so that mothers and fathers will be able to follow the timeâ€"honoured custom of helping Junior with his homework. Many parents are confused with the new mathematical concepts and vocabulary which their clnl~ dren are bringing home from school and this class will help them maintain their self-respect and understand what the youngsters are talking about. More people could be accommodated in this class too. Course director is Denis Middleton. principal of Pleasantville Public School. Under the heading “special courses" some 350 people are enrolled enjoying such diverse arts as bridge. conâ€" versational French, interior decorating. oil painting. English and citizenship and the new mathematics. ed and one or more may be closed if no additional regis- trations are received. A to- tal of 85 people are enrolled in the technical courses an ie ling and he it HE ended th DE ngth m-oâ€" Gormley Man Jailed Since He Was Small, 7‘5;- Admits He Has Stolen told he 1 Before her marriage the bride was honored at five miscellan- eous shower. Miss Kyra Ho- warth entertained at her Richmond Hill home, another friend at her home on Bay- view Avenue. relatives at. Leg- ion Court. Richmond Hill, and her fellow workers at the Ontario Hydro, University Ave- nue and the Richvale Ang- lican Church group also honor- ed her. Out of town guests were pre- sent fi'om Calgary, Ottawa. Burks Falls. Hamilton. Little Britain. Rexdale. Toronto and Willowdale. Among them was Marilyn's grandmother. Mrs. Elizabeth Watson of Little Brit- am. wore a black shantung suit and hat with black leather accesâ€" sories. Her corsage was of red carnations and fern. On their return Mr. and Mrs. David Humphrey will re- side at Downsview. northern Ontario the bride heft. Ronald Blair Pine. 21, con- !icted of stealing two sanders CORRESPONDENT: MRS. LOREN GUILD [ML 2. Gormley Phone 884-3040 e‘ighborhood Notes - fancy ‘speeching.’ i.i:_L ___,,i_ :A 11__.u__i_n A ‘n_ _:A I ,, 1n , n a Markhan A similar course is being offered at Thornhill on Mon- day and Wednesday nights and will feature a series of specialists, Mrs. Elaine Brown of Simpson's interior decorating staff, Missy-G. Bitterworth, consultant for Verdin Industries. Alan Cam- paign. the home planning editor of Chatelaine and several others. Oil painting both for be- ginners and advanced stud~ ents is a popular subject at both high schools and clas- ses are being conducted by Jack Siegel. Mr. Siegel is a graduate of the University of Toronto and won a schol- arship in New York where he studied under the Sayer bro- L RR 2. Gormley man who court Tuesday ever since ad been small, he had been ing things. was sentenced hree months in jail for The interior decorating class is also a big one and is being taken care of by Bill Thoms of the Bayview staff. He will bring in var- ious consultants during the year. A husband and wife team. M12 and Mrs. Mark Everard. are conducting the conver- sational French class with Mrs. Everard taking care of the fundamentals and Mr. Everard filling in with the idiomatic parts. teacher has been hired who will conduct a class for be- ginners. Applications are in- vited for this class. A husband and wife team. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Everard. Markham Township firm ’ke into earlier this fall, anded the jail term by rate 0. Sr Hollinrake in 3nd Hill Court. ma trate also sentenc- an 18 months‘ in- : to be served out- under supervision eviously been con- for the same of- ‘Toronta Art Gallery on Satur- SChoo day. Rosemary Leek is an in~ !terested member of the club. Mr. Tyson was involved in an accident north of Thornhill on October 18 when another driv- er, Norman Savoy, 36. of Wood Lane. Richmond Hill was in- Church wardens C. R. Reeds and H. G. Miller made the re- quest to council‘ “The Liberal" regrets any embarrassment or inconven- ience caused to John Tyson of 61 Clarkhaven Street. Thorn- hill, who was erroneously re- ported to be charged with care- less driving iu the October 22 issue of this newspaper. uerman episcopauan unurcm Vaughan also has a planning on Lot 10, Concession 3 becomeiand building committee made a winter works program for SLlup of all councillors who in the Stephen's Anglican Church in’normal procedure take the ofâ€" Maple‘ |‘ficiail board’s recommendations The township must have De- and turn them into appropriate partment of Municipal Affairsilegislation. permission before the cemetery; Mr. Bailey indicated he was‘ is restored. ‘ jgravely concerned. Another abandoned cemeteryl Mr. Bailey said he had made will be restored as a historical{inquiries and found no records project in Vaughan Township. {had apparently been kept by Council Monday night i'ec- John Hall, the secretary to the ommended the pioneer ceme- board and township planning tery on the site of the old department employee German Episcopalian Church Vaughan also has a planning on Lot 10. Concession 3 becomeland building committee made a winter works program for SUup of all councillors who in the Stephen's Anglican Church in'normal procedure take the of» Maple ‘ficial board’s recommendatinn: One of the most notable res Lorations is the Hope cemetery Restore Cemetery The children report with ex? ‘citement that a flock of geese flew over going south but ducks are still lingering on the ponds reluctant to admit the approach of winter. In Northern Sas- katchewan the ducks could not go too soon for the farmers this year. The weeks of rain delayed harvest and with the grain swathes carpeting the fields the ducks were not only eating but shaking the grain to the earth and on many farms 3 fresh green crop was sprouting. The art club, co posed of stu~ dents attending hornhill Sec- ondary School enjoyed a tour of Headford was well repre- sented at Victoria Square anâ€" niversary service Sunday morn- ing and in the evening Heath ford Hi-C group accompanied by their leader Mrs. E. Leek attended as a body. Mr. and Mrs. R. Clarkson, Unionville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Clarkson. A group of Headford young people, attending Thornhill Secondary reported a very hapâ€" py time at the Sadie Hawkins dance. Following the dance they were entertained at the home of M1: and Mrs. H. Har- ley, Thornhill. A quiet Week in Headford. AiHospital Auxiliary number of heavy colds cur~ Go1mley, Headfo1d Victo1ia tailed activity for several fam-1Squaxe branch of Y01k Central ilies. Gordie Lee was homeiHospital Auxiliary held the OC- f1om school for some time try- tober meeting in the home of mg to shake ‘flu‘ but has now Mrs. Norman Bell. The pres-‘ returned. Brenda Lee, also ident, Mrs. R, Britnell pre- has been confined to the house sided. with a cold. 1 Under new business Mrs. R We Apologize With the sound and fury of the American elections reaching us one thinks of issues and tactics and I think you will enjoy this story. In Northern Saskâ€" atchewan we had A mem< her for many years. He was good and fought for the north‘s needs. He was a Metis (half French. half ludian) and he knew his constituents well. He would stride on to the platform. lift his fist and say. “1 son- na be elected.” He would Icowl and say “And w’en I elected I remember my frens.” His white teeth would show in a smile ag- ainst his dark face and at the edge of the platform he would pause and scowl agâ€" ain and add impressively. “and I don‘ forget my en- emies.” The same speech was all he said everYWhere. He had aides who did the And at Thornhill. Al Smith the golf pro at Vic- toria Square Golf Club and former assistant pro at Up- lands is conducting a course in golf for beginners. An- other 10 could be accommo- dated in this class and Mr. Smith promises to arrange a tournament with a similar class he is conducting in Leaside. Public speaking is also being taught at both schools. at Bayview by James Jack- son of Richmond Hill, who has just had a novel pub- lishcd and is attached to the RCAF staff college in Toronto. At Thornhill, the course will be given by a pro- fessional firm. C. W. Wright & Associates. The Thornhill course. which started Oct- ober 21 will consist of a series of 12 lectures and there is room for more students at both schools. thei‘s. He has also studied un- der John Alpen and Charles Comfort, head of the Nat- ional Gallery in Ottawa. He has exhibited in leading galleries of the US. and Canada. His Tuesday and Thursday classes at Bay~ View are pretty 'well filled. but there is still room in the Monday or Wednesday classes at Thornhill. The conversational French HEADFORD NEWS Under new business Mrs. F. exâ€" Dullege as project convenor eese presented her committee‘s sugâ€" ucks gestion for a bazaar. The motif ands to be that of the Dickens period oachlin the eighteen hundreds. The 8215- date December 5 in Victoria notISquare Hall. ners The bake table will offer rain plum puddings, fruit cakes and the the bazaar table will feature the Christmas decorations as well as onlylgift articles Maple ratepayer Dalton Mc- Arthur suggested to Acting Reeve Jesse Bryson that the township employ a professional stenog‘rapher to record next week’s board minutes until some system of keeping the record is established. This. plus the adminis- tration of the township dump on North Keele Street. and the centennial library project were all slated for Wednesday’s all- day committee meetings. AURORA: Dr. J. 8. Hill. com- manding officer of the newly formed Aurora sea cadet corps and George Burtâ€"Gerrans. president of the local branch of the Navy League of Canada both look forward to a bright Richvale ralepayer Brian Bailey dropped a small bomb in the laps of Vaughan Council Monday night when he asked, after the regular council meet- ing where minutes from the last five months‘ planning board meetings were. Ratepayer Asks Where Planning Bd. Minutes Kept Ideas for Christmas decoraâ€" tions and for articles for sale were displayed by the mem- bers. The variety promises sale tables that will attract buyers. Mrs. Britnell asked that al- tention be given to the follow- ing dates: November 3 gift shop sale at The Barn, Mrs. Findlay’s home. King Sideroad; November 12 an open meeting of the general auxiliary in the cafeteria at the hospital at 8 (Continued from Page 1‘ VI I 0f c d. ter some discussion, it was JTel on ltlon decided to take no action on the matter. An Oak Ridges man. convic- Attending the meeting. Whlch‘ted of impaired driving at Rich~ “’35 held at Thornhill Baptistgmond Hill Magistrate’s Court Church were the association’siTuesday‘ was remanded to next president, Rev. James Burn ofi'l‘uesdav while Crown Counsel G.H.V.S. members please note change of date for the No- vember meeting November 16 at the home of Mrs‘ E Baker. Classes at Thornhill Secâ€" ondary School. Dudley Av- enue‘ Thornhill are on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Call 285-5453 for further information. n u..- .- Classes at Bayview Sec- ondary. Bayview Avenue and THE C] Markham Rd.. Richmond Crosby Hill are held Tuesdays and: R Thursdays. Enquiries mayf‘ 4. be made at 884-4453 during the day or on Tuesday or‘ C Thursday evenings. ISUNDA An extremely popular course at Thornhill is the new “HosteSS Hints" series being given by a former “Betty Bright” for the Con- sumers Gas Co. Mr. A. Duniochelle of the Toronto School of Floral Design will be one of the lecturers in this series. Only one academic course is in operation at Thornhill. grade 13 French which is be- ing instructed by J. A. Turko, head of the French depart- ment. This class is quite small and could accommo- date a number of additional students. class at 'l‘hornhill is enthus- iastic but small and is being; conducted by Madame K; Neely. Madame Neely has been teaching oral French to the children at Thornhill Public School in after school classes for the past year. ‘ ____. _ _.. “u, gular council meet- Vaughan Const. James Nug-!9'45 minutes from the ent said he had seen Bums on 11 iths’ planning hoard‘Steeles Avenue “wheie he was11a a re. staggering on and off the mad said he had made shouldei. I asked him if he i found no recordslhad been in the accident up the Pl itly been kept by 'road and he said he had." E he seeietary to the A companion of Bums. Glenn township planningiBestien who gave his address; appropriate relying 1amrelying on the officers‘ exper- ience and that Burns’ behavior Wasfivasn‘t consistent with only two ‘ THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF 39‘“ CANADA and‘ THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIEL 0nd Crosby and Bayview Avenues and. Rev. R. E. McLennan may; 407 Lynett Crescent Mia Armstrong at first asked Burns be treated as a first of-l U N fender but admitted that Const. , Nugent had served him with a‘CAR'W'LLE UNITED CHURCH notice of previous conviction oni9145 a.m_ â€" Worship Sen/ice October 4. and Sunday School beers as the Glen Shields Golf Course said he and the accused man had only had two beers at a Willowdale hotel before the accident. The magistrate said he was “He was combative and cocky’ PRESBYTERIAN in his attitude.“ the constable) said. He admitted Burns' nor-é RICHMOND HILL mal ruddy face color and slightJ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCIJ 1y bloodshot eyes had also beenIRev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister symptoms when he was brought} Mrs. Vera Diamond 10 the station but to a greater Organist and Choir Leader degree. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1964 ‘Oci ~ nun Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrakel itev. I heard testimony from Metro SUNDAY Traffic Officer Bruce Stx‘ough- 9:45 am. ton who said when he saw BLu'ns at No. 3 Station. he 11 “m _ smelled alcohol, was unsteady N1 on his feet and almost fell off' a chair during questioning. ‘ ___‘ Oak Ridges Man Convicted, Police Tell 0f Condition School 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Prayer 11 a.m.â€"â€"Junior Sunday School 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Confirmation Class 7 p.m. â€" Evensong ' Monday, November 2 All Souls Day 10 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion Mackay Drive - Richvale Rev. K. A. Thatcher AV. 5-6789 Richard Leach. A.R.C.T., Organist TRINITY XXIII SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1964 ALL SAINTS DAY 8 am. -â€" Holy Commumon 9.30 a.m‘ w Senior Sunday 9.45 am. â€"â€" Senior Church School Classes A 11 am. â€" Church School E 11 am. -â€" Holy Communion 7 pm. â€"- Evening Prayer Am Young Peoples’ Programme in 11?] Parish Hall , w1t Preacher for the day A V The Rector Wednesday 10.30 arrn. â€" Holy Communion.) 51: ‘7 to 13 years inclusive; ‘11 am. â€" Holy Communion ‘7 pm. â€"â€" Confirmation Class for young people 8 pm. â€"â€" Adult Confirmation class and study group “‘HOLY TRINITY CHURCHâ€" THORNHILL Brooke & Jane Streets Rector Rev. H. Reginald Howden. 8A.. L. Th. Rev. Fred C. Jackson, Assistant: Estelle Markham. ARCT..RMT. Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 1 1964 ALL SAINTS DAY 8 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 am. Senior Church School Classes Old Message 884- 3091 LANGSTAFFâ€" BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street Thornhill Pastor: Rev. Thomas M. Watson 9 Benson St., Thornhill 9.50 am .~ Sunday School 11 â€"â€" Morning Service Subject: “The Gospel in Action" 7' pm. â€" Evening Service Subject: “The Prophet with an eye to the future" Supervised nursen/ at all Lord's day activities MID-WEEK HOUR‘. WED.. TU. 4-4236 Church. TU. 4-7083 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1964 9.30 S'l‘. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil Assistant Curate: Rev. Donald Bone SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1964 ALL SAINTS’ DAY TRINITY XXII] 8.00 a.m.â€"-Holy Communion 10.30 a.m.â€"â€"Parish Communion Church School for all ages and Infant Care 4.00 pm. â€"â€" Holy Baptism 9.45 am. â€"â€" Festal Evensong Confirmation Class and Youth Forum following Wednesdays â€"- 10 am. Holy Communion Q COME 0 TO 0 WORSHIP 0 AND O REJOICE ANGLICAN EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH IVA: ulnoa auu lULllU ‘orum following sdays â€" 10 run. [oly Communion ; RICHMOND HILL ' BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street _V_ “Em“, Classes for all ] LégQIXDCEURCH OF} (Opposite the High School) RCH of ST GABRIEL PaStOI' 1d Bayview Avenues Rev. A B. Al'llOl DD R E McLennan lSUNDAY NOVEMBER 1 1964 Lynett Crescent 11 a m. â€" Subject: The M01 n-l TU. 4-4236 lng Watch" ,i rch. TU. 4 7083 17 pm. ~~ Radiant Life Service} NOVEMBER 1 1954! A Friendly Welcome ls Holy Communion l Extended to ALL at __ ChUICh Schoolt The Young Church with the [ :1 Rev E Lange, B..,A 3.1). ‘ CALVARY CHURCH DSUNDAY OCTOBER 25 1964} RICHMOND HILL 9:45 a..m â€" Sunday School and 96 Hunt Ave, Richmond Hill V Bible Class Affiliated with the Pentecostal 9 11 mm. â€" The Service Assemblies of Canada 9" Nursery provided 7 TU' 1443,87 ,7 iPRESBYTERIAN 1:? 21:: 10 am. â€"- St. Andrew’s Sunday School and Church 10.20 am. â€" St. Paul's Sunday School 11 a.m4â€"-St. Andrew’s Bible Class 11.15 am. ~â€" St. Paul's Church "no. 'Llfl u-a muuu ‘ __ - H U Organist and Choir Leader 17 p' .m“ - _Cnllgr_en s 0 r SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 1964|RICHVALE GOSPEL .CHAPEL 945 am â€" Sunday School ’ 24 Oak Avenue and Bible Class ‘ Sunday - Services 11 a. m â€"~ Moming Worship ‘9: 30 am. â€" Remembrance Ser- .. use 11 am ST N:;S;Â¥E%e§a_rtmenl‘ll am. â€" Bible Hour & Sun- 1 day School PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ‘7 pm. 5 Gospel Service Maple. Ont. ”l’uesday 8 pm. Prayer meet- , “I'd, ? ing and Bible Study. SF. PAULS CHURCH Women‘s and Young Peoples “h Con. Vaughan Meetings as Announced Rev. B. F. Andrew. Minister "Faith Of our Fathers [1“an SUNDAY. NOVENIBER ]. 1964? cull" SUNDAY, NOVEMBER I. 1964 884-5264 Ralph Markham, Organist and Choirmastel‘ u-.. -“n. . .. Lllllll Speaker A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU as uucac ST JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. and Que.) Minister: Rev. F. F. Bennett Meeting in the Public Library Auditorium 9:45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service; Junior Church & Nursery For small children A Cordial Welcome to All “THORNHILL ' RICHMOND HILL iFREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Buggies ‘ Rev. A. J. Slater. Minister lSUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, I964 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School for all ages "Vote Sunday School" Drive 11:30 a.m. â€" Morning Worship 7 p.m.â€"~Evening Service Wed. 8.m. â€"â€" W.M.S. Church of the Light and Life Hour CKFH. 5 pm. Sunday For further information call 884-7097 BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ont. & Que.) 1 Stop 17. Yonge Street Rev. Minton Johnston. D.D.. Minister Mrs. Cameron Andrew. Organist 10 am. â€"- Senior and [ntermedâ€"i late School 11 am. ~ Junior School and jTe]; BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. Vanderbent. Pastor Richmond Hill, TU. 4â€"3155 Heise Hill (Gormley) 10‘ am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 37:30 pm. Wed. 7:45 p.m.-Prayer Meeting â€"~~ Evening Service Nursery 11 a.m. -â€" Morning Service ‘ Vaughan (31d Con., 2 mile: ...... .n. -n n _____ 7.30 pm. Prayer Praise Bible Study Anniversary Services will be held on Sunday. November 8th with Rev. Wm. Hiltz as Guest Speaker sz LUTHERANâ€"611mm (2 miles south of Maple) , Rev. E. Lange, B.A.. B.D. Maple ‘ g; The Anglican Church of Canada: 11 an Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage,‘ M.A., DD. 7 pm 8 am. â€" Holy Communion a p_m 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Prayer ‘,_.‘ Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at H ST. JOHN‘S Rh PARISH OF KING UN (Anglican) Rev. C. ( HOURS OF SERVICE SUNDAY All Saints’ Church - King City 9.45 am 10:30 am. â€" Morning Prayer { Inter 11:10 am. â€" Sunday School ‘ c ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayview Avenue 8., Near Centre St. Albert E. Myers. BA. B.D.. S.T.M.. Pastor LUTHERAN ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Old Message 884-3091 ‘ ”HANGSTAFFâ€" BAPTIST CHURCH n. -â€" Sunday School and Bible Class â€" Worship Service Nursery Provided â€" Young people. BAPTIST Radio broadcast Rev. L. K. Sider. Pastor SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1964 CONCORD SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2 10 am â€"â€" Bible School Classes for All Classes for All 11 a.m.â€"~Ministx‘y of the Word 7 pm. â€" Worship and Com- TUESDAY 8:30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting FRIDAY THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. l. Higgins. BA" B.D., Rev. Veals. Assistant Minister SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1964 9:45 am. v Senior Sunday rd of Tuesday 8 pm. - Prayer 1 ing and Bible Study Women‘s and Young Pea 10:30 am Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. 10:30 am. â€" Sunday School 11:30 am. â€" Worship Service 7 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Service Wed. 8.m. â€"~ W.M.S. Church of the Light and Life Hour CKFH. 5 pm. Sunday For further information call 884-7097 BRETHREN‘mâ€"cnmsr CHURCH 7:30 pm. â€" Evening Service Tues. 8 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Ave. and King High Drive Sunday School ...... 9:45 am. Worship Service 11 am. Juniox Congxegation Kindergalten and Nu1se1v A welcome is extended to all 10.30 am. ‘ Worshifi éErâ€"vvi‘é; (Baby Care} 9.05 am. -â€"â€" Sunday School Primary and Junior 10.30 am. ._ Nursery Kinder- garten 11.45 am. â€"â€" Senior 1 pm. â€"- Intermediate 8 pm. â€"- UCW Thankofferinz Service UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE CHARGE Minister Rev. Ralph C. Williams. BA. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1964 Other Denominations School 11 am. Nursery and Junior Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship For further information call AV. 5-2131 ST. MATTHEW'S UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avcmw Rev. F. James Burn. BA ’I‘U. +5526 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 1 Vaughan (3rd 0011., 2 mile! north of Concord) 1:15 am. â€" Worship Service 3.4:) a..m â€" P1ima1y Junior. Inteimediale & Seniol Sunday School 11 am _ Nu1seiy 81 Kinder» galten Sunday School. 11 am. ~ Moming Seivice “What A16 These?" 7 pm. â€" Chapel Service ‘ 8 pm. â€" Hl-C Group TU. 4-4387 Pastor: Rev. P. A. ALL WELCOME AV. 5-3364 â€" AV. 5.5057 GORMLEY-UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH C. R. Neill. Minister Meeting every Saturday Elgin Mills West mile west of Yonge Street I am. _. Worship Service :0 a.m. â€" Sabbath School RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH lev. P. A. Sorenson SUNDAY Sunday School Worship Service Evangelistic Service W Higginson. BA NOVEMBER 1 l. 1964 Service 1964 1964

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