Christmas Cards! First time event: are taking place more rapidly now at Zion Lutheran Church. Luther League has un- dertaken the task of supplying Bible verse Chrlstmas cards. There are a number of variet- .’ les from which to choose and any leaguer would be happy to show them and fill your ro- quests. Halted Church Women III-ll“!- VHIIII-Iu vvv-a-v-n On November 14 at 2 pm. in the Maple United Church, the United, Church Women will be holding their annual preâ€"Christ- mas fair and tea with a bake sale. There will be tables for delicatessen, Christmas tree ornaments, pantry shelf, home made candy, cider booth. Please bring your own containers. There will be a variety of needlework, aprons. quilts, ,etc. Barry Black 0! Richmond St. celebrated his third birthday November 9, while his sister Betty, turned five on Novem- ber 8. Judy Wells celebrated her birthday November 7 Jack Hill of Richmond St. is celebrating his birthday today and Mary Davis of Gosling Rd. Ereeted hers on the 10th. tit-II Home and Echo!!! n... Mmmmhnr 4, this mnnth‘s On November 3 a leader- ship-membership development workshop. the fourth of its kind in our district. was held at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Toronto. The purpose of these workshops is to’ have a better understanding of the Lutheran Church Women. The evening got under way with opening devotions by Mrs. O. Reble. Then a topic “What is Leadership - Membership?" was presented by the Chairman of Central District LCW. Mrs. A. Buchanan of Brampton and was followed by “Testing Our Faith" and Bible study pre- lented by Cherrie Reble. At this point a coffee and a"getting to know you†time‘ was enjoyed by all and after the devotion and benediction the evening came to a close. Those attending from our LCW were Mrs. Verna Ketter, Mrs. Esther Lange, Mrs. Ruth Aug- er. Mrs. Evaline Keffer and Mrs. Helene Winter. Program planning procedur- e: was then given by Mrs. Mark Innes. Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News Mrs. Esther Lange is con- fined to York Central Hospital after undergoing surgery re- cently. Happy birthday wishes from the Sunday school teachers and class to Anne-Marie Med- ensky who was five on Novem- ber 11. Zion Lutheran Church News Christen]!!! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton at- tended the christening of Clare Anne. baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, in St. Stephens' United Church, Nov- ember 1. After the service they attended the chlrstening dln- net at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Davie. Annivernry On November 8 Mr. and Mrs. J. McCormick were entertain- ed at the home of their daugh- ter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Barton on the happy occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Cormick's thirty-second wed- ding anniversary. Others present It the happy occasion were Mr. and Mrs. A. Trach and their son David. and Mrs. J. McIvor. UCW The Carrville UCW meeting was held at the home of Mrs. R. Kirk on November 4. Pre- sent at this meeting was guest speaker Mrs. Ridell. who is one of five vice presidents of the Toronto Centre Presbyterial. Mrs. Ridell gave a very interest- ing talk on how the money in connection with the United Church Women's Allocation is divided up in helping less for- tunate people in all walks of life here in Canada and in missions overseas. Plans were discussed and made for the tall bazaar on November 28. Anyone who has articles to be sold at the bazaar are asked to have them in the hands of either Mrs. A. Read, Mrs. J. Barton or Mrs. )5. Bone on or before the November 22 bazaar. Items are to be priced ready for the ba- saar at the home of Mrs. E. Bone. The Christmas meeting of the UCW will be held at the home of Mrs. J. McEwen on Decem- ber 9. Bases: "The Liberal ls always willing to publish item Maple please phone Linda Graham, 832-1372; Several Carrvllle UCW mem- bers accompanied Mrs. J. Bushell, the president to the Thornhill bazaar and luncheon on November '1. They all re- ported a very enjoyable after- noon out. A bit of misprint last week, I mentioned that we are now en- tering the hockey season (which we are) but it should have read holiday season. I! Maple Notes CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GORDON READ Telephone AV. H001 CARRVILLE NEWS Home and School On November 4, this month’s home and school meeting was held in the Joseph A. Gibson School Auditorium. Miss Flor-w ence Roliffe. math consultant with the Toronto Board of Ed- ucation and coauthor of a new math text, was guest speaker. Miss Rollffe gave a talk on the :methods of teaching the new ' math. The meeting was well at. Blrthdayu tended Skate Exchange "Own, Novemï¬er 17 at Gibson School. a skate exchange will be held from 3:30 to 4:30. Film Night Result November 8 proved to be-the night for success for the home and school association as their showing of Walt Disney's “In- credible Journey" was to a full house at first showing at 6.30 and also the 8:30 presentation All are thanked for their sup- ‘port and contribution of help towards making this effort a big success. The Anglican rare-Christmas sale and bazaar was held Nov~ ember 7 from 2-5 pm. Featured Were tables including junior auxiliary candy, women’s aux- iliary Christmas decorations, white elephants. tea room, pat- terns and material, jams and preserves, bake 3319,, nursery, hat sale and a car wash out- side. A very good attendance resulted trom month; of hard work in preparation for this event, and all are thanked for their help. Anglican Blunt Sick List On November 17 at 8 pm. the last euchre game of the season will be held in the Maple Mas- Recuperating from an oper- ation in York Central Hospital is Mrs. E. Lange of Gram St. onlc Hall Euchre Anniversary Mr. and, Mrs. Norman Rut- tle of Lancer Drive celebrated their anniversary, November 7. any of our young readers are very active in the hockey, I would just love to hear how you are getting along as well as about the social events in Can-ville this season. Birthday greetings to Ray Hill on November 13 and to Robin Mackie November 16. to publish items regarding maple and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord mum 332.1372; 111 Edzeley and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart, 285-1934; and in Concord, 1 "the company that shows 100% interest in you! HEAD OFFICE: STRATFORD, ONTARIO M. N. FOYLE, MANAGER 121 Yonge Street North, Richmond 3111 Telephone: 884-1107 before E On November 8, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keffer attended the‘ weddinz of Miss Rosaline Trot- sky to Chaim Steinfield, held at the new Murray House. Steele's Ave. W. Wedding of Interest ,,_-, to he designed specifically for this type of occasion; the quad- rangle was wider at the rear,‘ narrowing at the front where‘ a raised platform held the can- opied-type altar which we had seen in synagogues. The ceremony itself took place in a room which seemed The dinner following was held upstairs in one of the four dining rooms; these rooms are divided by enormous folding doors no that the four rooms may be made into one. In comparison with the He- brew ceremony, our Christian one seems almost too solemn, although I suppose there are some who would find the He- brew ceremony at little casual. An interesting ritual. thousn ands of years old, is the drink- ‘ing of wine by the bride and groom from a common cup, af- ter which the groom crushes this cup heneath'his heel. Al- though we had seen this done before, its significance was not known until this particular wedding. Sin" I877 BRITISH Slight Increase In Bell Rates The rabbi explained‘ that this represented the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in Old Testament times, and ever af- ter the temple is in the home. Another part of the cere- mony which to me seems very warm and symbolic at the same time occurs when the bride and ‘groom are presented at the altar, each by his or her par- ents. This says to me that each family, having raised its offspring to maturity. is giving up its hold on that child and is presenting it to God and to a new life. How did We get to the wed- ding in the ï¬rst place? well, Roz, the bride, is the secretary in Doug's office, and along with half the office staff we were fortunate enough to be included {among the guests. In conformity with the regulations of the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada, the Bell Telephone Company of Canada has re- ported to the board that the number of telephones in the Maple local calling area now exceeds the present rate group. Social Notes If the board directs the company to re-classlfy the Maple exchange into the next higher rate group, telephone rates would be increased slightly to make them the name as those paid in other exchanges with a similar number of telephones in their local calling areas, R. Birthday greetings this week to Anne-Marie Medensky who celebrated her fifth birthday November 11, and to David ‘D'eath who was seven on the same day. Although David, his sister Elizabeth, and his par- Concord News in your savings account ents Helen and 13111 D’eath are now living in Downsvlew we still remember David’s Arm- istice Day arrival. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Buffet whoi used to live on King Highi Drive, came down from Barrie a few weeks ago and spent Sun- day afternoon visiting their for- mer “neighbours. Since it was ‘over a year ago that the Buf- fets moved. the Concord folks noticed quite a change in their young children. This type of visit always re- minds me of the times we used to visit New Brunswick when I was younger. comments on what a big I had become since the last‘ visit. I used to say to my mm ther afterwards “What do they expect, they should be surprised if I didn’t grow?†Now, having‘ grown old and stodgy, I say the same thing to any children whom I haven’t seen for some time. Happy Birthdays Many happy returns to Dar- lene Williamson whose birth- day was October 21 and to Brian Williamson who cele- brated his birthday October 27. J. MacDonald, Bell mana- ger for this area, explained. For example. the monthly charge for two-party resi- dence service would be in- creased by 20 cents and individual residence service by 25 cents. Telephone rates for local service in any exchange are governed by the number of telephones in the local call- ing areas; recognizing the principle that the vallie of service to each customer increases as the number of telephones increases. Telephone customers ser- ved by the Maple exchange now have 21,662 telephones On each visit there would be Sherwood News Place drained pear halves in a baking dish with 1A; cup {of their juice. Mix sugar and cinnamon to- gether and sprinkle over Earn 4% interest on the minimum half- yearly balance in 8. Savings Account. Money deposited before November 14 earns interest from November 1. A Savings Account is an “active†ac- count - deposit as often as you wish; and it is a “chequing†account â€" make withdrawals by cheque or in person at any time. ' Earn 4% interat in a Savings Account at any of our 15 ofï¬cw in Ontario. A FACT ABOUT MONEY-On all Canadian currency there are two signatures and the number is repeated twice. If you should tear or burn a bill, you will receive full value for it, provided that the remaining piece contains two signatures and one number â€" or one signature and two numbers. Howm, if you have only one number and one signature, you’ll receive only half the value of the bill. . . . earn interest from November 1. , Concord and Edgeley districts. In Concord, Mrs. Ruth Keffer, 285-6805. girl last Dr. G. E. Reaman‘ Speaks To Aurora Historical Society A native of Concord and former resident of Richmond Hill. Dr. G. Elmore Reaman addressed the ï¬rst meeting of the Aurora and District Historâ€" ical Society recently. . A noted historian and auth- or of “The Trail of the Black Walnut" and “The Trail of the Huguenots". Dr. Reaman stressed that the Huguenots, Palatinate Germans. the Pen- nsylvania Dutch and the Quak- ers should be awarded an equal position with the Loyalist: in Canadian history books. All these people, he said, played an important. part in the de- velopment of southern Ont- ario and York County., An international lecturer. Dr. Reaman called the histori- cal societies the “unsung her- oes of researchâ€. He paid tribute also to the women's institutes for the work of their branches particularly in the compiling of the Tweedsmulr Community Histories. Formerly a professor of Eng- lish at the Ontario Agriculturr 31 College, Dr. Reaman is new director of adult education at the University of Waterloo. tn the local calling area The following table pro-1 vides examples of the new monthly rates for typical classes of service in the pre- sent and new rate groups for the area: . Residence Present New Service No.6 No.7 Individual $4.40 $4.65 Two-Party .... 3.45 3.65 Mum-Party .... 3.15 3.25 Extension ..... 1.25 1.25 Business Service Individual ..... 9.10 10.50 Two-Party .... 7.05 N01 Mum-Party Extension Present New1 No.6 No.7 $4.40 $4.65 , 3.45 3.65 .. 3.15 3.25 1.25 1.25 9.10 10.501 7.05 Not Applicable 4.80 5.10 1.85 1.85 Atoms D. H. & A. 8. three goals scor- ed by Dlgby Bourke and three by Roger Duckworth. Parker Spray Paint, 1. scor- ed by Paul Ellis. Maple Contractors, 2, I shut out for Vernon Bone, both goals by Peter Hoogenboom. Maple Merchants, 5, two Roals scored by Peter Adams,‘ one by Chucky Fraser, one by Jim Hill and one by Graham Cameron. Maple Lions, 2, goals by Bruce Graham and B. Purvls. Transport Refrigeration, 0‘ Peewee Superior Propane, 3, goals scored by Greg McMillan, P. Adams. Charles Shaw. Connor Transport 1. goal scored by Kim Higginson. Bantam County Forests Produce Revenue Allied Paint, 2, goals by Dale Bone and Rod Shields. About 29,400 trees have been planted this year In York Coun- ty reforested areas. 3,500 by students during the annual school tour. The forests now have a total acreage of more than 4,000 with the purchase this year of 212 acres in Georgina Town- ship. Lands and Forests Zone For- ester J. D. Grifflths told York County Council, the forests are In good use as a tourist attrac- tion for people who like a walk through the woods. There is no car traffic through the Vivian Forest and problems such as ï¬re hazard, litter, garbage dumping, van- dalism and ruttlng of roads In wet weather has been eliminat- ed. Only two ï¬res were reported. in the forest this year, one started when a neighboring barn was burned and another believed caused by a careless smoker. Pulpwood cutting amounted to 330 cords delivered to On- tario Paper Company and Ike Asphalt Roofing at Brampton. Total revenue to date is $6,570.- 86. Mr. Griffiths said. Maple Minor Hockey Results Del Brocco Construction, 2. HOCKEY SCORES “aï¬xï¬Ã©ï¬un 10:62:59? Loin Roast 0' Pork Produce of U.S.A. -- Canada No. l [ettuce 2for29¢ Cucumbers 2for29¢ Ont. Fancy Grade McIntosh Apples 3 lb. bag 35¢ Green Giant â€" 15 on. tins Green Giant. â€" 15 um. tins I.G.A. â€" 1 In. In! Cream Style Corn 4for59¢ Sunny Morn Coffee Aylmer I'mâ€"2001“ McC'lnl From â€"â€"2]b.l!bl Boston Brown Beans 3for55¢ Mixed Vegetables SEE THE ALL NEW CHRISTMAS IOY SUPPLEMENT Cheerios - C‘ with all the Children’s Favourite! Big "G" Cereals pkqs- 3for89¢ Raisin Pies MAPLE IGA EOODLIHER I! MAPLE ‘oco Puffs - Trix - Wheaties Arthur: Jones, 4. goals by Wayne Roworth, John Weir. Jim McNeil and David Birch. goals by George Saywell and Vernon Walters. Apparently. many of these have already been lost and the league cannot continue sup-i plying them free. From this ’ date on, a charge of $1 will be demanded for a second admis- sion card if the first is lost or destroyed. Maple Merchants. 3, two goals by Gord Free and one by Brian Walters. Mldlets Fred Shell, 4. two goals scor- ed by Craig Shields .and two by Larry LeCastro. Clément Radiators, 2, goals by Claude Holmes and Ken Rumble. Bantlm All-Stars Bolton 4, Maple 1, the game played on Bolton ice. Admission Card: At the beginning of the hock- ey season. admission cards were issued for $5 to each player. Start Replacement Calves Right... Compare the cost of 250 pounds of your milk with one bag of SHUR-GAIN Milk Replacer and see how you can save with SHUR-GAIN. One 25 pound bag of SHUR~GAIN Milk Replace:- will replace 250 pounds of whole milk and will feed a cal! to ï¬ve weeks. Calf Scouts are controlled with the special medica- tion in SHUR-GAIN Milk Replacer. For healthy, strong Replacement Calves be sure to feed SHUR-GAIN Milk Replacer. Rib Portion 3 lb. avg. feed servics THE LIBERAI}, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 12, 1964 FRESH PORK lO'IN SALE! 7 Prices enecuve Nov. 11, 12, 13 and 14 We reserve the ï¬ght to limit quantities. BEEF OR IRISH STEWS Pram LUNCHEON MEAT Cutrite WAX PAPER & REFILL Swift's Beaver MIXED NUTS Facelle ROYALE TISSUE Produce of U.S.A. â€" Can. No. â€b? in your pocket today MAPLE FEED MILL 832-1241 \ CASH Tenderloin Portion 3 lb. avg. let Beneï¬cial put Get set lo onloy the holidays! Get the cash you want now for shop- ping, for paying bills, for any good reason. Just phone Beneï¬cial â€" where (he money is ready and waitingâ€" and ï¬nd out what mi holiday service is! Why not call Beneï¬cial for your call today? Two million families do each year. I.G.A. â€" 1 II). but Hospitality BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE, RICHMOND HILL 250 Yonge St.. North c Phone: 85844417 LB. Loans up to $5000 - Your loan can be "fa-Insured 42 month contracts on loans over $1500 open EVEriiria's' BY APPOINTMENT-PHONE FOR HOUR: pkgs of 2 for 52 14 oz. st 24 on. tin 39c 12 oz. tin 39c Both for 49¢ (Tomrï¬o area residents Phone: 2857-76811) 53c 89c OF CANADA Bonus Ta" ‘ Tea Bags Instant Coffee 1., "ff: Modess Regular 3}"; ' Scott Towels 21 Cheer Detergent Reclaim an ExtFa $4.00 In Bonus Tapes with Dr. Ballard’s 3-15 Dog FOOd Chumpï¬on_ ‘05: king ydfldzfldy 11E. Caination Milk “gig- Bee Hive Syrup Z-Mn Uncle Ben’s Rice â€3"†Pkg. Detergent M3513 Sole Fillets “IF-them m. Centre cut Chops or Roast Loin m. Steakettes â€egiérflgmg Meat Pies â€03:23; Cooking Onions 3'31: : P.E.I. Potatoes cli'ifï¬ï¬ PLAY SUPER TV BINGO Granulated Sugar Margarine 2613‘: Kraft Cheez Whiz Celery Hearts C“ Receive an Extra $10.00 In Bonus Tapes with Receive an Extra $6.00 In Bonus Tapes with Receive an Extra $2.00 In Bonus Tapes with DAILY ON 4 TV STATIONS milk erlacer FOR. VALUABLE PRIZES each ‘ 3 tall tins 111k Evm â€up z-lb. an - 28 on. s Rlce m. Maple Lea! 24 on. flu ; 40 Fathom pix. Centre en. 0351; Loin 13kt. Beef - Alpine or Primrose. Pk!- McQualde’I pkg. of 2 .:,...,. In. No l Tendon-leaf Pkl. of 80 2 roll puck 5 lb. gar but Good Luck 2 Mb. pkn. Can. No. 1 Stllk Glut. 18 on. in